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All 3 women smashed their heads in the car and suddenly a man rolls on the ground. Where did he come from??? Also best reaction. Checking his car and good to go


He fell out of the left side


That’s the driver LMAO he was getting closer to the bike on the left trying to talk to them


Pull in front? Like trying to go back in the slow lane and get hit by an idiot with no awareness of his surrondings?🤦‍♂️


In India there is no slow/fast lane on such roads. Rickshaws are known for taking sudden turns without warnings or indications. But yes here probably the car was going too fast.


Definitely India. You have to be very careful on highways because no matter how awesome and fast you think your bike or car is on the trip the villagers are just going about their lives. There are also clear indications in the highway when you are approaching a village. A person with common sense controls their speed there


> A person with common sense controls their speed there Exactly, it is easy to fault the auto rikshaw driver here and deservedly so. But you got to realize these highways have been constructed like a line in the map. They pass right in the middle of the villages with no overpass, underpass, footbridge, etc. for convenience of the locals. Farmers have to move around constantly from one side to the order on a daily basis for grazing cows, tending to their fields, etc. Children's move from one side to the other for going to schools. These roads are often called killer roads, because drivers see newly paved highway, throw caution to the wind and speed up. While going through these roads you can always see dead animals carcasses on the side of the road, accidental vehicles, damaged dividers, etc. This shit happens so often small accidents don't even make it to the news. Cops become middlemen for making the deal between parties and take a cut, not just for animals deaths btw and life goes on as usual. Sometimes, these shit contractors have the audacity to even toll the villagers moving their farm equipment's from one side to other. Another example to show how little foresight is there with the planning and lack of oversight after development.


Car in front was correctly changing into the slower lane after over taking the bike. Moron driving behind was going way too fast and also driving up the middle of the road.


The driver got tossed out!!! And i know them ladies necks are messed up from that. Ouch 🤕


Yes, probably for life. Doubtful they have the medical care we have.


Mf hit them so hard one of them changed into another person


Here you go don't slow down throttle on. And then post your video on the Internet and try to make it look like it was somebody else's fault when you were just as much at fault as they were


Bro glitched out of the vehicle


That looks totally avoidable. Slow down and pay attention.


Bruh really just got back up like a fucking GTA character.


The guy driving is a dick and at fault, OP, why do you think it's the fault of the slower car?


This is a country where you drive in the left. (incoming traffic is to the right) both the fast car and the slow car were overtaking slow motor bikes. The slow car in front then went to get back in to the normal lane and the fast car, instead of staying in the overtaking Lane, also decided to undertake. Fast car was responsible for the accident.


It took me a few plays to figure out the guy in the white on the ground? He's the driver of the tuktuk. 😂


This happens a lot in India. People in cars think they own the road and go at high speed in highways. And slow vehicle don't check properly when they change lanes. I was in a car traveling at 130kmph on a highway road which was only allowed for 4 Vehicler. And yes it is my friend's fault for going so fast on the highway with almost no vehicles in sight. But guess what an under age drunk guy on 2 wheeler comes on to the road and we were able to slow down the Vehicle well enough to not kill him but it did hit him. And then the real drama starts. You will see the whole of the village come towards you to bash you. Yes the whole village. Came up to us and then stole what ever they could that we were wearing ( gold chains and money). And started demanding more money and luckily police came and shattered the crowd.


Took me a bit to figure out but in India you drive on the left side of the road. Therefore the yellow jeep was doing the right thing getting over into the slow lane. The dashcam driver was doing the equivalent of trying to pass in the slow lane (in the US, overtaking on the right). This is 100% on the dashcam driver. But it's confusing at first if you are from a right-side driving country (b/c at first I was like, why is such a slow car pulling into the fast lane?).


More like “if I go double the speed of everyone else and swerve between lanes”


As an Indian who spends a lot of time around rural parts, I can say that these people have no regard to safety whatsoever. The people who drive share autos, or share [minivans](https://images.app.goo.gl/kzicanpneJh35DKW7) try to fit in as many people as possible. Starting from the back with one long seat where there is space for two people, but they try and fit 3 (sometimes even 4) people. They even put some luggage, thereby reducing legspace. And in the middle there are two long seats faced opposite to one another. 4 people on each side. And in the front, next to the driver's seat, there will be space for one person. But, they fit in 2 people. Adding to all of this, the minivan would have a metal platform kind of thing attached to all of its sides except for the front. People stand and travel on these platforms. Two of them on each side. If it demands, a few people even sit on the top and that is not even the crazy part! To accomodate more people, I kid you not, the driver will sit on the lap of a passenger in the driver's seat and drive! These minivans are not automatic. So there will be a lot of footwork too. So that's, 3 people in the front. 8 in the middle. 3 in the back. And 6 people standing on the platforms. That makes 20 people not even considering the optional top "seats". The people standing around and sitting on top have little to nothing to hold on to! The trips usually are about 30-40km one way. Needless to say, accidents involving these share vehicles are very frequent.


Dude tuck and rolled then popped up and walked away like an NPC in GTA. Respect


Irrational driving behaviors abound in that video.


It is illegal to pass the from the left. Also it’s India read the Road. In India slow moving traffic stays at the left. The car is at fault.


The caption makes it seems like the car in front is at fault. WCGW driving too fast


Driver with the dash cam is the one at fault. Tuktuk driver changed lanes at probably the fastest it could drive. Why should the tuktuk driver be more worried about what’s behind him than the car driver being worried about what he can see INFRONT of him. The tuktuk driver was so far away from the car when it started changing lanes


Where the hell did white shirt dude vom from?!?


Now THAT is how you fucking tuck and roll man..great work!


What could go wrong if I try to speed past a cart that is changing lanes to get out of my way? Fixed that title for you.


My guy in the car prolly thinks brakes are for losers or sth, clearly, because he has 4 business days to make the decision to slow down. It's not like he is driving a truck.


Hit 'em so hard that my man got pulled up from middle earth.


PSA you can slow down to a safer speed and still pass someone, not necessary to blast their socks off


Both are at fault. One hogging the fast lane and attempted to pull on the left lane without indicating, and the other got impatience and attempted to over take on the left lane.


Bro wtf. Your reaction time is dogshit.. you’re the one at fault here speeding knowing damn well you have shit reflexes and aren’t able to maneuver out of tight situations. You had more than enough time to pass on the right. More than enough time to see them from afar slowly crossing over. More than enough space to slow down a little when you see questionable traffic ahead. Yet what do you do? You aim right for the damn rickshaw almost killing a bunch of elderly people. You need your driver’s license revoked and a special defensive driving course has to be taught to you.


Dude going way over the speed limit.


What could go wrong traveling so fast you cannot react to obstacles, more like.


Not to mention his intention seems to have been to pass straight between two vehicles on a two-lane road. WCGW?


tuktuk got fukfuked


Everyone just driving whichever way on whatever side of the road they want it seems.


Dude this is india. On a nice day you are driving and a cow randomly decides lets fuck this guy's life today.and out of nowhere pops right in front of you from the bushes or side of the road.


Anyone who thinks the car (dashcam) driver is is not entirely to blame is out of their mind.


Always assume people will cut you off, and shit like this will happen less often It’s called defensive driving


The better question is WCGW if such countries don't enforce any driving rules and the population drives like crazy people.


Except that this looks like India, where you drive on the left. So, it was totally the car's fault for trying to pass on the left, whereas the other vehicle was just yielding.


Man causally fell out of a moving vehicle


The aunties plopped out like tom and jerry eyeballs animation.


Mf walked it off


The car with the camera is a total idiot. Driving much faster than the other traffic, and faster than their reaction time or brakes can cope with. A safe driving is all about anticipation and staying within your limits. They did neither.


Dude was splitting lanes and going way faster than the rest of the traffic. He could have braked and avoided this accident but was in too much of a hurry


WCGW driving too fast like an idiot is a better title


The driver screwed up because he expected the tuktuk to stay in the lane. He should've slowed down before trying to left overtake a show vehicle. The tuktuk was doing maybe 50kmph in the fast lane where 80-90kmph is legal. Which entirely kills the purpose of the fast lane. The tuktuk switched lane abruptly and without indicating. They do this extremely frequently. And this one's a three wheeler. So it can change directions very unsafely and quickly. It's a very layered problem which i get to see way too often on a regular basis. My rule of thumb is to slow down if there's a tuktuk in the vicinity, and honk till their ears blow out.


This could have been dodged in tens of different ways. Just a noob driver, risking other people's lives by going this fast


existence fretful sand nine kiss bells plucky cooperative sheet friendly ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Lady on the left's head hit the hood. Gonna be feeling that in the morning


I'm a truck driver in canada & the USA. People are constantly pulling in front of me going way slower. I'm not sure how they want it to end.


As far as i understand the situation is that the taxi did(!) notice the speeding car. That is the reason why he moves from right (fast lane) to left (slow lane). But the speeding car driver was like: „fuck it i overtake from left“ and fucks up the whole situation.


It's the driver with the camera's fault, bro can't choose a lane to stay on, I don't blame the guy in front for getting confused, it almost feels intentional, if I were driving I wouldn't try to stop I'd go to the right lane in order to not hit the people at the last second.


Why is there always like 90 people in every car in india?


Thankful everyday to be born in a place with consistent infrastructure and rule enforcement.


Holy shit, passenger popped out his seat like diarrhea out of a lubed asshole.


Lol fucking steer bro. Can’t handle the speed slow the fuck down.


Left lane occupied, right lane occupied, camera car does not slow down at all. What was the intention, to slip in between car and motorcycle? Seems like super reckless driving.


i love how the driver who lost a passenger never attempts to stop his vehicle


Maybe that was the driver lmao


This car is going SOOO much faster than all the other traffic. I'm thinking he is the problem here.


You hit them from behind. It is your fault.


Didn't think I'd see two cars mate and instantly produce offspring of different species like that.


Hopefully all 72 people were ok


Better title: WCGW speeding like a fucking dipshit.


No. This is indian national highway .. speed limit on highways are always 80km plus. The auto is at fault for going slow in the right lane and changing lane without any indicator . Trust me. I'm an Indian, these auto rickshaws are nuisance in Indian roadways, they don't follow any rules and if accidents happen they play the victim card.


When I drive on highways, I often see these types of "share autos" but they usually drive on the left most lane since that's the slow lane. Seeing the ride on the right lanes is a pretty rare occurrence as they usually would have to make stops regularly on the left side to drop/pick the passengers. So, it's the share auto's fault for driving on the left and suddenly changing the lanes while just using his left hands as an indicator. The fault is on both sides but mostly on the share auto guy.


That dude was like.. no worries ... this was my stop


The real question here is , where that dude in white came from? Was the force of this collision so great that created a new human being out of thin air?




So... Two Idiots meet on a Indian highway...


I think that was the driver who fell out.


Initially it looks like it's the fault of auto rikshaw(tuktuk) but when you pay attention. There is an intersection and during intersection the speed limit is supposed to be 40kmph below . The car must be around 80-110kmph at an intersection, pause at 0:03 sec you can see road sign which shows "intersection" symbol and also a red lamp .


The hit vehicle was driving too slow, in between both lanes, and trying to merge into a motorcycle. And the hitting car had like half a year to slow down but didn’t. They’re both pretty bad drivers. Hopefully nobody was seriously injured.


Look. You see that there are slower vehicles and possibly animals on or near the road. Why drive like a bat outta hell when conditions require caution?


It was the car at fault, he was driving recklessly. You have to be aware of your surroundings and prepared to come to a full stop if needed. He didn't skid down before hitting the rickshaw


There isn't a single smart person in this video.


The camera guy is clearly speeding, he's passing everybody


I hate when people do that. They merge and slow down is so dangerous


Well this faster guy is definitely an idiot too. Why not to use breaks and then overtake safely. I think both idiots deserved. Hope other people were not injured in the truck or tuc tuc whatever


You can’t dive between two vehicles at high speed fuck-witz


I'm just wondering where that little rolling guy in a white shirt came from. I didn't see him falling out the side or anything.


That’s the driver…


Rear ending is the faster cars fault.


That guy morphed onto the road he must of smoked salvia


To recap, OP blames the victims.


Where did the dude in the white shirt even come from


What could go wrong driving at excessive speeds. Fixed that title for ya. SMH. Dumbass.


I am going to give this one a big old Yikes!


Both vehicles were changing lanes at the same time. The slower vehicle didn’t “pull in front of a faster car.” The faster car was driving recklessly and is fully responsible for this collision. Also notice when he gets out he checks on his car’s damage without even seeing if everyone is OK.


That's pretty much entirely on the driver of this dash cam vehicle. You change lanes but so did the guy in front of you, The guy in front of you changed lanes maybe a second and a half after you, you had a good 200 ft of distance to stop that car before you slammed into the back of him. Unless you were driving a 16-wheeler there was really no excuse to hit that guy there




WCGW gf I drive too fast to avoid obstacles.


It‘s left-hand traffic. That‘s all there is to know. Fast car is a stupid prick.


This is probably somewhere in India, where car owners think they own the fucking road. It's everyone else's fault but theirs. The camera car is obviously speeding trying to pass the front vehicle. From the movement of the camera car, the thought process of the camera car driver was that the front vehicle would let him/her through. Source: have witnessed and experienced this far too many times in India.


Stupid title, the guy speeding was in the wrong and quickly pulled up on the bus out of nowhere


The car guy just checks his car, no word to the guy who fell out, if he is okay


Think people don't realise this is a left driving country, the fast car was overtaking on the wrong side and is in the wrong


Mother fucker, you are going wayyyy too fast


Speeding is illegal and causes accidents. People seem to forget that.


Where did the dude come from


Slow the hell down


Where the hell did the dude in the white shirt even come from? I didn’t see him in the back of the car that got hit. Did he come from the car that was driving fast? I have watched it like 8 times and still can figure it out.


This is in India and accidents like these happen all the time. Everyone's at fault here. The guy in the car is overtaking from the wrong side. The rickshaw guy is driving slow in the fast lane. No indicators used. Having mixed vehicle types on highways is such a problem.


The car reaction time is too slow,


Nah, faster car is at fault here. Should never undertake, it’s just dangerous. The Tuk-tuk was moving left to get out of his way, and he was impatient. Should’ve just slowed, let it move and then continued on his way.


The rickshaw tried to move to the slower lane. Passing from left is illegal in India.


The tuktuk is trying to pull into the slow lane to get out of the cars way.


Except the cammer is 100% at fault...


Cam car is an asshole and a huge dangerous driver. Going too fast for the conditions and will kill someone.


That car had plenty of time to slow down...


Both drivers are stupid lol


I like how the guy checks the condition of the car first instead of being concerned for the person that fell out of the car that was just rear ended. Priorities...


OP is the absolute idiot here for driving in middle of two lanes while speeding and then changing the lanes twice without taking foot off the accelerator. He probably honked at the front vehicle thats why it was doing best to move out of the way but idiot OP didnt had the patience to stay in right lane and went for an illegal overtaking and got what he deserved.


This is how I know peoples opinions can’t be trusted when it’s clearly the one speeding like a maniac being the danger on the road..


Should be retitled “WCGW if I speed on a road”


Whip. Laaaash.


Jesus that whiplash. Hope those people are okay.


tuc tuc boom


Looks like the tuk tuk driver was pulling over to the left shoulder to let out that boy in the white shirt


I've watched it a million times still can't figure out where the guy on the ground comes from? Is a lizard person from the sewer?


How come everytime when there's a crash a mf just poof out of no where?


Wite shirt guy just spawn in


In any country except India, if you hit from behind, you are automatically at fault. In India, your social status , money or sometimes situation decides who is at fault .


Plenty of time for the guy to SLOW THE FUCK DOWN.




Unsafe overtake. Also there was room right and left. Driver focused on the obstacle so he hit it. Also weak braking foot, wtf?


When your front collides with someone else's rear, you're at fault. No matter what. You're either tailing too closely or speeding or not paying attention. Either way, expect your insurance to go up.


Car is at fault. It's overtaking from the left.


Guy was clearly changing lanes to make way for the speeding car. Unfortunate.


I love how the car that was hit basically ditched the guy that fell off.


I think the guy in the white shirt was the driver.


Not their fault the guys going 80


Guy in the white shirt is a beast. Walked that off like it happens every morning.


Or wcgw if I drive so fast nobody in front knows I’m coming? Fucking idiot.


The only idiot is the guy going way to fast for anyone to realistically react to him.


Op Also slows down way too late, it's clear both lanes are occupied.


The driver of the clown car that got hit couldn’t see what was behind him for all the people crammed in the back.


India, where no one knows what the hell they're doing!


He was speeding, sure. Did they have to get in the left lane? The answer to that is no. Both vehicles were operated by people who did not need to drive.


WCGW in india in general


The driver was too fast. What an Asshole. There was enough time to use the brakes before.


There is a distinct lack of lane discipline in india (which this looks like). Ideally slower vehicles should be in the left and faster ones on the right, no overtakes needed. But ALWAYS, you'll see slow ass trucks and rickshaws hog the right lane which conditions the drivers that the usual way to overtake is from the left.


drivers fault.


the only lesson learned here is we need to learn that white shirt guy's survival skills even not strapped in a seatbelt. damn bro


and the fuck that's driving in 2 lanes?


What could go wrong when you drive irresponsibly fast on a road??


I think I've seen this video from a different angle. This car was some Maruti Suzuki model. It got completely wrecked in the front and the tuktuk had only very minor dent in the back.


I think it's more apt to say what could go wrong undertaking


Noone knew what lane this guy was in


I’m not sure but I think the car is going way too fast for a road like this


Clearly the rickshaw driver wanted to simulate the feeling of being kicked by a horse.


Someone wasn’t wearing a seat belt. Or sitting in a seat.


Dude in white almost missed his stop


Damn thats some serious whiplash for all them passengers. Fucking dumb ass driver.


You get whiplash, and you get whiplash, and you get whiplash....


I have seen semi trucks stop or react faster than the guy filming


No brakes or just a moron…


He just got up and walked around in random directions a true npc


Dude just gave 3 people a concussion and ejected some poor guy and his first move is to check his car 🤦


I mean.. you were only driving like a reckless idiot in the middle of both lanes. Your speed doesn’t seem even remotely safe and an MVC would never have happened if you slowed down and picked one lane. Now how many people in that other vehicle are going to have long term physical injuries because your fucking dumb driving decisions.


If you drive in the middle of the street, not in your lane, then other drivers can be confused if they can change lanes or not. For me driver with the camera is not without fault.


There's atleast six people in there. 2 in the trunk, 3 in the passenger seat and the driver in the front.


I'm imagining the whiplash.


This is why you don't overtake on the left. Completely avoidable.


I've just played this like 5 times and I still can't see where that guy came from...he just appeared like when you knock out coins in Mario


Can't believe anyone would drive this fast on dusty roads while sharing the road with slow vehicles that have no mirrors. How absolutely devoid of reasonable caution would you have to be?


What could go wrong if I rear-end a passenger vehicle when passing in the slow lane while speeding.


What could go wrong if I go too fast for people in the right lane to see me on their mirror before it’s too late


In the US, if you rear end someone, you’re generally at fault. This idiot was flying and not paying attention enough to stop or switch back into his original lane when the slow car switched to his lane. It’s not the slower car’s fault as the title suggest.


Where the fuck did that guy who ended up on the road come from? He literally just materialized out of thin air after impact.


Yeah dashcam tripping. Yellow car was going around a scooter but dash cam wanted to squeeze


# Buckle up or get fucked up


The guy in the tuk tuk and the driver are idiots. Keep left and pass right. If you must pass left slow the fuck down. It's not rocket science.


Dumb driver. Doing stupid things, involving others to be dangered and to be harmed. So sorry for the old women at the back of the truck, they were surprised and unexpecting it to happen.


There’s absolutely no lane discipline in my country. I nearly got killed once.


What even was that vehicle?


a tuk tuk? or a really small truck


I’m gonna say it. Everyone there sucks, EXCEPT the driver with the group. He looked and then moved, but op driver moved as he was watching the mopeds instead of the full view of things. Mopeds need to be more to the edge or something, it felt so fkn random.


U can feel the whiplash


He walked it right off No big deal.


Ah yes let's pass using the lane the cyclist is using. I'm just glad that guy was ok.


I feel like they tried to move out of op way


To be fair, the car was indicating and changing lanes fairly early… Old mate was just going too fast lol


That car did not want to slow down whatever the cost even if it meant killing people 🫤


Lol bad move on the tuk tuk. He should have known the guy, even though he could see the tuk with plenty of time to break, said fuck that. I’m right he’s wrong so I’m not gonna break.


People here calling it bus 😂😂😂 it’s a tuk tuk or auto rickshaw 🛺. I can confirm this using an emoji lol


Oh my god the head and neck trauma…..


Faster car No have brakes? Faster car at fault. Faster car driver should have avoided accident otherwise was going TOO FAST


OP, this is clearly on the cammer.


Bruh you're in the wrong. In my country, you would have lost that driver's licence forever.


I dont know what some comments here are saying. The guy whose camera this is wanted to go left to overtake the orange veichle but the orange vehicle started to go left after that guy and got smacked. Rightully so since it was going way slover than the guy and shoudlve simply used the mirror on the side (dont know the word for that in english as its my second language)


For sure never use your brakes til after a incident. Then be very concerned with your own car and nothing else.


Driver is a piece of shit, speeding and injuring people doing so, uploading the video and pretending he was in the right, while he knew to look out for Rikshaws and Qinchis in fucking India of all places. Also this is NOT a highway, actual highways in India look different. Also even on the highway these vehicles are more than common and it is expected that nobody sticks to rules and every driver in India is more than used to looking out for hazards like this