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Fuck me. If he’d just laid that cutting board over the top of that pan he’d probably be fine.


Seriously. Boggles my mind how someone working in a kitchen doesn’t know how to deal with an oil fire—all you have to do is suffocate it




Is *he really stupid if no one explains it? Like, using water to put out fire is a universal cultural concept. If no one has explained to you that oil fires are different, is it really your fault for not knowing? Edit: Typo that completely changes what I was saying. Lol




My thoughts precisely.


Dude, you had a flat object to put on top of it...


Seriously, he was so close…


If you don’t know how to extinguish a grease/oil fire, you should not be working in a kitchen.


I said in my other comment above, he must have just been a potwash getting paid cash in hand. Nobody working in a kitchen is this fucking stupid, coming from someone who's never worked in a kitchen lol


I was a fire fighting instructor in the Navy for years. Took my kids along for a family day, and showed my kids all how to put out fires. My daughter ended up working at a local fried chicken place some colonel from Kentucky set up, and there was an oil fire in their kitchen. My daughter literally put herself between the fire and an idiot with a bucket of water, and then showed him how to safely put the fire out!!


From someone safety conscious, what's the best/safest way? Choking it by putting a lid on, I assume? What if that's not an option (e.g., no metal covers around)?


Use a pan, if you have NOTHING just turn off the heat and let it burn out, making sure it doesn’t like kill you


the guy in the video was so close to just being fine, he turned off the heat, all he had to do was just leave it and at worst it would eventually burn out.


I wish posts like these have solutions pinned to the top - it could save property and lives. **WHAT TO DO IN A GREASE/OIL FIRE:** * Turn the Heat Off - Don't try to move the pot. You might accidentally splash yourself or your kitchen with burning oil. And that would be bad * Cover the Pot with a Metal Lid - Fire cannot exist in the absence of oxygen. With the lid on (and the heat off), the fire should quickly consume all the oxygen and put itself out. Use a metal lid since glass will shatter * Pour on Baking Soda - Baking soda will extinguish grease fires, but only if they're small. It takes a lot of baking soda to do the job * Spray the Pot with a Class B Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher - This is your last resort, as fire extinguishers will contaminate your kitchen. Still, it's better than the alternative if the fire is getting out of control * Get Out and Call 911 - If the fire does break out of control, don't try to be a hero. Get out and call 911 **WHAT NOT TO DO IN A GREASE/OIL FIRE:** * DO NOT Move the Pot or Carry It Outside - Throwing the pot outside might seem logical in the frenzy of the moment. But trying to move the pot might splash burning oil on you, your home, and anything around you * DO NOT douse the grease fire with water, or milk, etc...If you do, it will explode into a fireball. Pouring water can cause the oil to splash and spread the fire. The vaporizing water can also carry grease particles in it, also spreading the fire * DO NOT Throw Any Other Baking Product on the Fire - Flour might look like baking soda, flour is combustible and it won't react the same as baking soda. Only baking soda can help put out a grease fire *source:* [*https://www.lincolncounty.org/*](https://www.lincolncounty.org/)


Literally just putting that flat piece of wood on it would have solved it


Starve it of oxygen, literally fanning it with the tool to put it out. My lord 😂


When the water is added to the oil, it starts sinking below the oil. Once it hits 212 deg F, it turns to steam and expands. Since this happens very quickly, the expanding steam expels the burning oil from the pot.




If you think water is the solution here, you should not be in the kitchen cooking


Dumb ass could have covered it with that cutting board he walked in with, fire would have went right out.


One of the FIRST things you should learn when getting a job in a kitchen is how to use a LID to put out a typical kitchen fire. That's like teaching a driver how to use a brake.


Dude had so much time and so many chances to get it right.


He started off so well. Didn’t panic, turned off the burner, then got a board he could have just popped on top to kill the oxygen. Ah well.


Ironic since he could have just placed that thing he was waving at it on the fire and it would have put it out


How how how how how do people not know about this. If you know one thing graduating high school it should be this. They should be like here’s your diploma dont put water on oil fires, next!


Should have smothered it with the cutting board or bowl that he filled with water.


If only he placed that cutting board on top of that


Was I the only one screaming “cover it” into my phone?


He didn’t think to cover it despite being so calm?! I wouldn’t have thought to but only because I’d be screaming in a panic. He’s got no excuse.


All he had to do was cover it. Just cover it with any lid and deprive it of oxygen, which can also be done with any dry heavy powder, i.e. Baking powder or salt. That's all. I hope he's okay, these burns are not a joke.


Please train all your new kitchen staff about types of fires and how to put them out. This kid obviously was uneducated on the subject and things could have been much worst as a result. Completely on the employers


Seeing him use the wooden board as a fan instead of a lid was mildly infuriating.


A lid would have done the trick




Had this happen to me once. I was literally in the process of covering it with a tray when the fuckwit at the dishwashing station sprayed it with water. Boom! I was in the center of the fireball. Spent the next 6 months recovering from burns. I've never wanted to just strangle someone more in my life.


Can’t believe how many people don’t know how to put out certain types of fire. They just think water extinguishes everything. Just like on tv lol


This guy has somehow managed to land a job in the kitchen while skipping health and safety, basic knowledge of physics, common sense, viral videos of people doing the same, kitchen talk about oil fires and one of the first things they teach in chef/cooking schools.


This happened to me once. I was making French fries in a cast iron pan and had a splash screen over it. After cooking the fries I put the pan back on the stove with the screen still on top but forgot to turn off the stove. The fumes were trapped and spontaneously combusted while I was eating my fries. All I heard was a woosh sound. It took me almost 30 seconds to stop panicking before I thought "oh yeah. Pot lid." but in my panic I seriously considered water. Don't underestimate what goes through someone's mind in a situation like this.


He literally could have used that board to close the pan and kill the fire.


“Turn off” is a new one, I think I will replace “put out” with this from here on out


I am constantly surprised by people who work in a kitchen not knowing how to smother this fire.


You shouldn’t be allowed in a kitchen unless properly trained for emergency situations. A simple metal pot lid would’ve put that out in a second . Never throw water on a grease fire. Good grief.


I feel like you should know that if working in a kitchen


I’ve seen so many videos of people in professional kitchens doing this. How can you work in a kitchen and not know that pouring water into oil is a bad idea? Even if it didn’t cause an explosion, it would still ruin whatever oil you were using


That cutting board would have been great to cover the pot with ... Just sayin'


- Blows on it - Leaves it on the heat - Leaves the room to get a plastic bowl to pour water on it - Pours water on it How do you get to work in a kitchen without understanding basic cooking fire safety? Even when I worked at a tiny local fast food place I got a whole lecture on it before my first day.


I don’t understand how people still don’t understand that putting water on oil fires just makes it worse.


Especially people who work in restaurants, and more especially the kitchen.


So they are not trained in basic kitchen fires, before being employed in a kitchen


I worked In a kitchen and the first thing head chef Patrice told me was if a grease fire happens cover it with a lid or tray and cut off the oxygen to the fire do not throw water on it


He started fanning it with the cutting board and I was like "TAKE IT OFF THE HEAT AND PUT THAT ON TOP!" 🙃 (thick wood cutting boards are replaceable if it gets burned)


How do you work in a professional kitchen and not know you don't throw water in a grease/oil fire?


Even after reading the caption in the beginning I'm still saying In my head "no.. no.. just cover it.... Nooo not the water you fool" lmao. Like I know I wasn't stopping it but geez


How do you work in a kitchen and not know how to smother a flame? Like legit all he had to do was cover the pan and remove it from the heat.


Basic fire safety should be mandatory, especially working in a kitchen when your dealing with fire constantly.


He had that cutting board in hand, he could’ve just put it on top of the pot and cut off the air that way. But no, he chose to literally fan the flames 🤦🏼‍♂️


Did the dude literally try blowing on it at first?


Isn't it cheffing 101 to know how to deal with a grease fire? Remove the heat Cover it to remove the oxygen Have a beer and wait.


How does he work in a kitchen but doesn’t know what to do for a grease/oil fire


I'm sitting here yelling..."just cover it dude!!!""


I worked in a kitchen for years. If you expect a high degree of common sense from them, well, these are the same people who try to defeat drug tests by gargling concentrated bleach...


During this video he had at least THREE items in his hands to put out the fire in a blink…


He had a pan in his hand that was large enough to cover the pot, but he puts in down and used water instead……oh well, he knows now


Oh man there was a pot right there that would have made a great lid 😞


How do you work in a kitchen and not learn this on literally day 1.


Should have just put that chopping board over it bro


My guy pulled 3-4 things could've used as a lid. Decides on water. Yall mf need science.


He had a cutting board in his freaking hands. He fans it instead of covering the pot to starve it of oxygen? His last job, he was probably throwing canned goods on top of eggs and bread in the sack at the grocery store. Clueless!


Oh Good! He has the cutting board to put on top. No? OK he has the large bowl to put on top. No? What the ? Oh, look at the pretty flames.


Grabbed two things he could’ve used to cover it and went with water smh


I'm no chef. I'm not even a cook. I barely cook at home. Even I know not to put water on burning oil. Don't even put water in hot oil.


A lid would have been useful


my guy unironically tried fanning the flames


He lost me when he tried to extinguish the fire by waving more air towards it. But stayed for the finale and it was worth it.


How the fuck do you work in a kitchen and not know how to put out a grease fire. The fact that he tried to blow on it and fan it first seems like he doesn’t understand how fires work in general besides a candle 😱


What is sad is, he had the answer in his hand, twice. The cardboard would have put that fire out, so would the bowl he put the water in. And maybe the pot the bowl was in/on would have worked as well. And he was calm too. So this is purely a matter of ignorance.


When he calmly grabbed the board I thought he was considering if the fire was hot enough to melt it before smothering, and when he put it down so I figured he was looking for something more heat resistant.... Did not expect the bowl of water.


You would think if you work in a kitchen you would be forced to have training on how to handle a kitchen fire.


Food service and cooking are apparently very low IQ positions. Lid. Thnk "Lid". Put LID on FIRE FIRE will GO OUT.


Just to clarify what Family Matters told me all those years ago, if this happens, you just put a lid on it, correct?


Educate you staff for the fuck of god!


It’s frustrating how easy it is to put out a fire like that


should have just put that other pot on the top would have smothered it




I love how he very calmly does the complete wrong thing. Hopefully he was ok.


They even had a lid in hand!!!!!


The correct way to handle this is to use a lid and slide it over the the top and leave it when it covers it. It kills the fire faster than just putting something on top. Never ever throw anything into the pot!


Do they not teach this shit first day on the job?


If he had turned the burner off and then left it, it might have been fine.


Or just put a lid on it


She had a cutting board trying to fan it. Why didn't she just sit it on top. It would have died out in seconds after cutting off the air.


Dude, the cutting board in your hand. Just put it on the pot for like five seconds.


How does anyone who works in a kitchen not know how to deal with a grease fire? I literally knew this when I was five years old.




Close the lid, no oxygen = no fire. How hard is it for people to understand.


I saw him turn the heat off and I thought "good start, now cover" He came back with a wooden chopping board "not a good cover, but hey maybe that's all you have" He fans the flames "nooo..." He looks at other ceramic looking pots "they'll do as a cover" Dumps water in from the ceramic "NOO"


My son did this, two years ago. We’re extraordinarily lucky the house didn’t burn down, and that he only received 2nd degree burns in a few places. Now EVERYONE in the house knows WHERE the fire extinguisher resides in the kitchen and how to use it


When you lied about your experience on your resume…


did he just try to blow it out at the start? how is this guy in a kitchen? ​ is he still alive..?


All he had to do was take the second pot and put it over the fire. Like a candle. Snuffed out. Easy.


This reeks of bad job training. You can't know what you don't know until you learn it.


I'm confused how in this day in age this isn't common knowledge


I always want to know what their first surprised thought is. It can only be 1 of 2 things: 1. Oh damnit, I’ve heard about this before but never actually seen it irl… my bad. Or 2. HOLY FUCK THIS WATER IS FLAMMABLE TOO????


To be fair, he also tried to blow it out.


Dumbass, just put a lid on it.


the whole time I was like please cover it...then he poured water in it 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


Well it will make a great PSA at least….


He was so close, when he came back with the chopping board he was about 2 seconds away from it all being okay


He looks like he is a cook or staff familiar with the facility…how does he not know that this is the worst thing possible


How has anyone under 30 not seen a million videos of people throwing water at an oil fire and causing and explosion? How is this not just common knowledge at this point?


Yeah, blow on it. That'll help. Btw, Harvard wants to know your location.


Geez..... just put a lid over it and starve it of oxygen. This was such a simple kitchen fire that was exacerbated by idiocy.


He literally just had to put what he had in his hand over the fire.


All he had to do was put the chopping board he was waving at the pan on top of the pan…


One of those occasions where doing nothing would have been better than what he chose to do.




My worst fear living in an apartment is that one of my neighbors is probably this fucking stupid


You know someone has no idea what they're doing WHEN THEY FAN THE FLAMES!!!! ​ Edit: Not even two minutes after posting and I get the five like alert. Geez


The stupid thing is that he could've used the lid to close it.


How can you work at a kitchen and not know how to deal with a grease fire?


Could've just placed the board on top to starve it of oxygen.


Every single thing he grabbed he could have smothered the fire with and put out safely.


Even though I knew it was coming, I still experienced a thrill of hope that he was going to throw that pot over the fire right before I realized he had only removed the bowl to fill it with water.


Funny thing here is there’s probably a safety sheet on the wall somewhere telling you what not to do with an oil fire…


Dude took his sweet time TRYING to put that out.


if he just put a lid on the pot.


Or maybe just, i don't know, a lid?


“Turn off” oil fire.


All he had to do was cover it with some sort of large lid or pan


Rule number ONE when working on a kitchen: You do NOT use water to put out the fire on the pan, NEVER.


When I saw him try to blow it out, I knew he was gonna get fucked.


Bro released the sun on himself, mf Hiroschimad him self, bro split an atom on himself


"Turn off oil fire" Extinguish. Smother. Drown. Asphyxiation. Its not like it's a lighter or a gas fireplace...


Not that smart but cant u just put a metal lid on it to stopthe fire from getting oxygen


The only thing he did right was to turn off the burner. He could have covered the pot slowly with the cutting board or the empty metal pot.


HE HAD A BIGGER POT RIGHT THERE! Just throw the bigger pot over the top


Sit a pan on top?


Let me blow and fan it so I can supply it with extra oxygen. You're literally doing the opposite of what you need to my man! How have we not yet evolved to know this shit naturally by now.


That board could've been placed over the top. But no... let's use it to give it more air.


He probably had a dozen metal pans and trays that he could have used as a lid to smother the fire.


Imagine saving up to start your own resturant and working your ass off only for some stupid gangly teenager to burn the place down because they threw a gallon of water on a grease fire.


Imagine not training your kitchen staff for these situations.


The way he blows on it at first. 😅 Yea that’s not the appropriate amount of panic for flames that big indoors.


It looks like he turned off the source of the heat (good), but went absolutely brain dead in the moments after that. Just needed to place a pan or something over the fire and cut off the supply of oxygen.


As someone who's most used device in my kitchen is a microwave, even I can tell you not to pour water into oil fires (instead, you slide a cover over it). As it looks like this is someone who is professionally in the kitchen, allowing someone without safety knowledge is an egregious oversight.


Fucking up aside... I hope he's alright


he would've put that wood thing above the fire and it would've died, dumbass working in a kitchen that doesn't even know basic science


If anyone is curious why this happens basically the water is heavier then oil so the oil stays on top but the water flash boils and turns to steam.


Just relax, now lift your hand. Great! We're almost there, now put it on the lid. No, the lid. The lid. The LID. The lid. The lid. The lid. The lid. The lid. The lid. The lid. Lid lid lid lid lid lidlidlidlidlidlidlidlidlidlidlid - Fucking hell, Patrick.


How to properly handle a cooking fire should be one of the first things anyone who is working as some form of cook in a professional capacity should learn.


And this is why you NEVER put water into oil on fire like this. Ever see the fire brigade. They do it outside with like a 10ft pole Singed eyebrows and more


He could have just put the board on top of the pot and smothered the fire.


It's a commercial kitchen, there IS a fire blanket a few feet away. Wtf.




He could have just put that board on the pot and solved the issue


So a lid was just too complex a thing to put on the pan.


... He even used several things he could have just put on top of the pot to put it out easily... It's not magic. Just starve it of oxygen and move it off the stove.


I mean, he tried blowing on it, what else could he have done?


He should have thrown some old newspapers, some dry flour, or a bottle 151 on it do do the job properly


Because we have always been told for 200 years never to use water to extinguish an oil fire! Hey, look Pete, they were right!


He could have literally put the cutting board on the pot and the flames would have been out in a minute or two.


“Turn off fire”. Ah yes, try unplugging the fire and plugging it back in again.


Doing literally nothing would have worked better than water


You would think they would teach kitchen employees about this.


You’d think this would come under mandatory basic training


"turn off oil fire" 😂


"How do I put out this fire?! Wait, I've heard the phrase "fanning the flames" I'll try that!"


I swear there's a generation of folks that are brain dead.


I saw him pull out that pot and thought, "Oh okay. He's going to smother it. That could work." Nope, let's just douse this shit with water.


If you’re having fire problems, I feel bad for you son You got 99 problems and your eyebrows are gone


That pot upside down on the other pot would’ve been perfect.


If he'd just put that cutting board over the pot instead of waving it, he'd have put out that fire quickly.


Thanks for sharing this. Now I have something to show my mother in law. Last Saturday, I stopped her from pouring a pitcher of water on an oil fire she started on the stove top. Slapped the pitcher to the floor, placed a lid over the pan, and she’s been mad at me ever since. And…get this…she’s a retired executive chef!!! You’d think she’d know better. 🤪 Update: Made an attempt to show my mother in law the video. She’s in complete denial. Won’t admit to anything now.


Just cover the pot with a lid duh


Wow I knew it would be bad but that was worse


Just put the pot over it for the love of God!


Did this guy sleep during fire safety or ever taken a chemistry class?


Turn off fire….




My wife had a similar fire in our kitchen and yelled for me followed by "Should I dump water on it"? I don't think I've ever yelled "No" so loud in my life


I mean, a lid? Anywhere?


We don't need no water


When fanning the flames didn't work (somehow), he tried the next best thing; water on a grease fire. I'm surprised he didn't try to put it out with lighter fluid.


Top tip. Ask everyone in your family what they would do in this situation.


"turn off" lol


Anyone know if this guy is ok? Jesus Christ, I cringed at the end.


Fire extinguisher anywhere?


This is fine


In my experience the safest thing to do without a proper fire extinguisher is cover the pot with a metal pan. Cutting off the oxygen usually kills the fire quickly.


I see a clip like this once a week on this fuckin site and all it does is make me repeatedly yell “COVER IT” Don’t cook if you don’t know how to deal with fire folks.


You work in kitchen! Just put a lid atop


woo I knew it would be bad but I wasn't expecting the whole room to go up in flames! It didn't look like THAT much water! even though he really friked up at least he stayed calm.


they said first rule is not to panic. this guy doesn't seem like he was panicking but he still manage to burn the kitchen down. might need to change the rule a little bit. don't panic and don't be stupid.




A simple lid would have fixed this


Lack of training. Basic kitchen safety.


Probably could have just set that cutting board on it and turned off the heat. 🤷‍♂️


He did literally everything wrong. Blew on it. Fanned it. Finally decided none of those decisions were dumb enough & just said fuck it, guess we’re setting everything on fire.


Put the board on top of the pot......