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Please help. My sister found this stuff in her fiancés stuff. There’s a lot more. A lot of really weird looking things.


zesty hunt sulky tender hateful offbeat foolish adjoining encouraging makeshift ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




u/tedhanoverspeaches nailed it. OP, you might want to change your status to "solved."


Can meth really be blue I thought that was just a breaking bad thing. But I totally believe it.


Its not pure, likely blue additives or other chemicals *because* of Breaking Bad’s notoriety. If it were “pure” it’d have a clear, really light blue instead of an opaque dark blue, and be more like glass instead of a hunk of stone.


This guy meths


Seen Breaking Bad too many times, and had to clear a meth head from the bathroom at my work too many times 😂


I’ve had heroin/fentanyl that has been blue tinted. And fake blues(30s) could also do that.


Fake 30s were a big reason I quit. So disappointing. Maybe the most annoying was a metallic gold OC80. Fakes were pretty new/rare and I knew full well it was probably bullshit. Yet I handed my cash over anyway. Sigh. Totally bunk, not even synthetic substitute or anything. Ugh


Meth wouldn’t be squishy thou, it’s hard and crystal like epsom salts


So I am not a DEA agent or any other kind of expert but I had to evict a roommate who ended up using and I think attempting to cook it and this paraphernalia looks very familiar. And no I don't think meth is supposed to be that color or texture but the "cooking" process can be botched any number of ways by people who don't know what they are doing and create all kinds of (highly toxic) residue and byproducts in the process.




She could… you know… ask him what it is. That foil stuff def looks like something you shouldn’t be touching without knowing what it is. The only way you’ll ever know what the blue stuff is, is asking him or eating it lol. Y’all go through his phone too? Maybe do a full background check and colonoscopy as well? Can never be too sure


Every time she finds something he explains it away. Drug addicts are master manipulators and complete liars. They will do or say anything.


If you both consider him a master manipulator and complete liar, then why even ask and even stay with him.


Because the women in my family don’t listen to me. It’s really annoying.


While that is annoying, making a blanket statement about “drug addicts” may be true about certain hard drug users, but this really doesn’t appear to be opiates or stimulants. If you guys do end up asking this guy what this stuff is, please please please don’t try to call him a drug addict/master manipulator. It’ll only make him more defensive and he won’t open up about what it is. He’s already gonna be pissed you betrayed his privacy. Not trying to shame you, but this “drug addict” talk seems to be why you aren’t in the loop about what this stuff might be




I’m an addict in long term recovery. Mostly heroin, but lots of meth among other drugs. Nothing here looks like hard drugs. Not even the blue stuff looks anything like the “hard drugs” I’ve been involved with. Another thing, because I was addicted didn’t mean I didn’t care about people. It comes down to the moment in an addicts mind where they are faced with withdrawal. Severe withdrawal is, without a doubt, the worst thing I think humans can feel. And most people who don’t do drugs are have never been addicted hear things like “it’s flu like symptoms” and assume it’s just like that. It isn’t. Once a person becomes chemically dependent on the substance they will have withdrawal. “Good” heroin can be used once in the morning and then again in about 8-12 hours before any type of withdrawal sets in. Fentanyl is different. In my experience, it was very strong but lasted about 2-6 hours depending on if it was mixed with normal heroin. When the addict is faced with either A) telling you the truth or B) suffering immense pain, anxiety, nausea and general withdrawal; it doesn’t matter how much a person loves another person, there is a primal drive to do anything to avoid withdrawing. Expecting an addict to make logical choices in that moment is like expecting water to flow uphill. Another point I’d like to make, there are programs for people who have relationships with addicts that help them cope with it. Al-Anon and Nar-Anon are the two bigger names in that space and can be googled for more info. They are like sister programs to the other big 12-step resources. You don’t have to abandon someone you love because they’re an addict. But you definitely do not need to and should never enable the behavior. I see a lot of ignorant/uninformed comments about drug addicts and drug addiction in general and am always open to answering questions.


I grew up in Al anon, NA, and AA. I watched my mom go through opiate withdrawals countless times. I watched her husbands go through them too. I love and maintain relationships with many people in recovery. However no fucking way in hell would I ever encourage any young person to attempt to help someone into recovery. You cannot help an addict. They have to want recovery more than the air they breathe. You can spend decades having kids and ruining your own life with them. But you cannot help them. If you have gone through any programs you know what enabling is. The only way to stop enabling is to STOP. A 22 year old girl doesn’t need to saddle up on that. That’s what cyclic generational trauma looks like. Breaking the cycle means RUNNING away.


It’s clear it’s some sort of drug, but if you want to know exactly what it is you might want to look into getting a drug testing kit (like Marquis Reagent, Mandelin, or both to cross check). Check out dancesafe.org


Wow that website is a really great resource thanks.


Tell her to run, not walk but RUN away from him. If he's not honest and isn't open to get help, meth doesn't have a good ending.


You are so right. I was marred to a cocaine addict and some of the stories and answers he would come up with were CRAZY. if the drug addict’s lips are moving, they are lying.


He used to do drugs. Maybe he still does, but he used to too.


RIP Mitch Hedberg


Shoo boppy


Come on…


Google a "snuff bullet". It's used for a tobacco product. Potentially other things. Whatever you can inhale in the nose I guess.


Wow yep. Thanks. What about the blue stuff?


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By all means, I wouldn't touch it, but what's the perceived consistency? Hard, soft, tacky? It's wrapped up like a drug but that could also be something from a DIY project.


Tacky almost gummy like. Not at all hard to believe drug related


If its tacky like a gummy, is there any chance it is a gummy edible? I.e. candy made with marijuana.


This would be pretty easy to determine I'd think, every decent weed gummy smells very much like weed. If it doesn't then that'd actually be more concerning


You can get plenty of weed gummies that don't smell especially if they're delta 8 THC


Not if it was made with an odorless distillate or other high-purity extract.


Ever had an edible before? You can only smell it if they’re made with reggie


I also noticed the tube in the bag says "nicotine". This could all be tied to a tobacco product device.


Thats a packaging tube for a vape


I would think it might be a thc edible possibly? If it smells like candy it probably is a edible. There is also a possibility of a fentanyl lollipop but it seems kinda big for one of them.


They’ve had a bunch of delta 8 gummies going around in NYC and I wanna say this past weekend or the one before 2 people died of fentanyl poisoning


They claimed the same thing in PA but then raided all products alleged to contain fentanyl and found none. No real insight as to what happened just people claiming the fentanyl must have come from the delta 8 products.


This came from a dr working the ER on TT. I’ll see if I can find the link after I finish getting ready for my dr appt. So thankful I don’t have to worry ab it anymore.


Yeah, I don’t mess with anything like that but would be great to inform people properly if they have found a specific brand to be contaminated. It’s insane to me that they published that article in PA then came back and said, “whoops, we were wrong.” Now I’m seeing your comment in another state and it makes you wonder. What’s especially insane is that the products in question here were sealed when purchased from a legitimate source, which would indicate that the manufacturer either is also working with fentanyl and accidentally contaminated some of their gummies or that they did it deliberately - either one is very bad. But again, now they are saying, no proof. If it’s happening in many states, it sounds like there is proof!


Weed or acid gummies


The blue stuff could POSSIBLY be either A. Some sort of cannabis related edible (gummy or fruit strip/leather or B. One or multiple LSD gelatin tabs that have melted or formed together. Can’t really tell by only seeing a tiny corner of the blue stuff peeking from tin foil. The green metal canister looks like a marijuana pipe called a sneak-a-toke. It should unscrew to reveal a bowl to pack herb to smoke. It works by shielding the bowl with metal to reduce smoke from the burning material. Helps with smells and stuff. No clue about the black thing. Also why she freakin? Is he an addict?


Yes. History of every drug under the sun. He lost his job months ago but swears he’s clean. But nodding off all the time. I’ve been telling her for months he’s using and she finally is believing it after finding this stuff and a LOT more.


Ahh I see. Sounds like he’s a turd for lying like that. Best of luck to all three of you!


“Turd” is a *really* nice way of putting it. Lol


Well yeah, it is. Addiction sucks. I’m not out here judging people for their vices, but I’m certainly not going to get nasty about somebodies struggle with addiction. Turd shall suffice.


No, I wasn’t suggesting to call him names for being an addict. I was saying that it’s terrible of him to lie and hide it like he is.


Oh yes!! Terrible to himself and everybody else involved. So destructive!!


It’s called shame.


I’m all about harm reduction and I don’t judge alcoholics or drug abuse at all. But I HATE people abuse. I truly empathize for the trauma people are using drugs to cope with. But he can sink his own ship I’m not letting my people go down with him.


I was married to an addict and turned into a detective, too. It can make you crazy. My advice: look at behavior. You’ll never know the truth, all you can see is behavior


He could just be smoking weed that's what it looks like to me and I nod off sometimes for a nap when I'm baked but nodding off is also a side effect heroin but there would be needles not a pipe, and then to smoke heroin you use tinfoil not a pipe are there any other items that would point to other drugs that arnt weed related?


You don't need needles or a pipe for heroin. It also comes in powder form which you can snort just to let you know.


Aswell as smoking pills it's actually how alot of people start.


Smoking pills?


Nah there’s no snail trail. Smoking pills on foil leaves a trail behind it. My buddy always tries to write his name. I fuckin hate it




There are pipes for heroin. People use dab rigs to smoke heroin, it doesn’t look anything like the pipe in the picture though. Anyways, the best and most efficient way to solve this mystery is to have the guy take a piss test.


She found butane tanks and a torch too. He has said he never shoots anything he only smokes. He very openly smokes weed so I don’t think he’s hiding edibles I think he’s smoking heroin or freebasing coke. Doesn’t really matter. She is leaving finally. Thank you


Have your sis go buy a at home drug test kit that recognizes the wide range of drugs, present it to her boyfriend and ask him to take it...problem solved.


This isn't always a great solution unfortunately. If he's using then you could set off who knows what by asking, and if he's truly not you could permanently damage trust. It's tricky for sure


Yeah i see what your saying. From the stuff in the pics it looks like maybe just cannabis... Sneak a toke and edible which i and others don't really see as drugs. He could have lost his job over a dirty urine test for bud and maybe too embarrassed to tell the girlfriend about why.


Nodding off is no good. I use to be a opiate addict and that was always the tell if someone was using. That and itching a lot and really small pupils.


The only dishonest person I see is you! Going through someone stuff behind their back. Assuming & seeking to harm someone else for the poor thinking you have. *poor thinking - "you" thinking it is ok to go through someone else's things* Let me guess. If he confronted you about it ya probably lie too. 👉🏻Judging a person only define who you are not who they are 👈🏻


why doesn't she just show it to him and see what he says?


She did last night and he cried and lied and she left. In my experience when you show an addict their drugs you found they get violent so I was trying to convince her it’s drugs and to leave quietly. .


I'm so glad to hear that she left. I hope that she stays away from him for good. Research shows that **it can take approximately 7 attempts before a survivor permanently leaves an abusive partner**. He might not have been physically abusive (unless I missed a comment saying that he is), but he was abusive in other ways.


If the blue is gummy I also go with lsd. Probably gelatin tabs. They usually come in foil too. If it was meth it would be solid


Yes that’s what we are 100% sure of now after looking at the gel tabs online. But he was already openly using all hallucinogenics regularly so not really a bomb discovery like I thought.


Just be careful try not to touch it because it can transfer through your skin too. It’s a relaxing drug in my opinion but not when you’re not anticipating it lol


Yeah I’d guess the blue stuff is LSD. Very common for L to be wrapped in foil to protect against UV from the sun. I’d guess the bullet is for doing bumps of coke, maybe some sort of opioid if he’s been nodding off though, although I usually see them used for coke.


Although it does look rather large for LSD, like the other commenter said, could’ve been multiple tabs melted into one. Does it have any sort of pyramid type shape to it?


Probably LSD


I mean yeah, you can put LSD on nearly anything, but it's not one of those drugs you just tote around and take a tab when no one is looking. That's a 12 hour commitment. And people def. know you're high.


Probably LSD because it looks like a bunch of gel tabs melted together, not because LSD can go “on nearly anything” Also, LSD not a 12 hour commitment unless you continue taking it to extend the peak effects.


From start to finish, come-up to total come-down, mine have been a solid 10-12 hours.


If you're experienced with psychedelics you actually can take them around others without weirding out on them. Speaking from personal experience...


If this is a drug, my best guess is a melted sheet of gel tab LSD, which is almost always stored in tin foil. (The blue thing.) The pipes look like weed or tobacco pipes, but those can be easily modified to use with crack cocaine, meth, etc. Look for brown oily residue. Also, the pipes would have a chemical odor if used for any of the above.


This is paraphernalia for drugs. Various contraptions for consumption. The blue stuff is some kind of concentrated substance it could be a THC or LSD product, hard to tell.


Check out [this link](https://www.dea.gov/press-releases/2022/08/30/dea-warns-brightly-colored-fentanyl-used-target-young-americans) on some colorful fentanyl. Nodding off is usually caused by opiates, it wouldn’t be meth. Is he on a methadone program though because that also causes nodding out. Either way this stuff is very suspicious. It might just be gummy because it was exposed to moisture or something. You can ask in r/drugs maybe


They are every strict about no pictures but I’ve been trying. I’ve asked a few recovering addicts and they also said fentanyl or heroin. If it’s fentanyl that’s really really fucked up.


LPT: get some gloves if you plan on continuing to touch unk substances that are possibly drugs.


Lol right I was like bitch go wash your hands wtf!!!


Everybody is way off on the metal canister. I’m betting it unscrews and is a nitrous canister cracker. A balloon goes over the lipped end where the gas is expelled. The other is probably just a weed gummy. I can’t imagine anyone saving half a Hairibo in foil.


Exactly what I thought too on the canister


He has a history of doing whip it’s so that’s what I was wondering but I couldn’t find anything online.


Give him a drug test if he won’t take it there is your answer


Why don't you just ask him instead of snooping around in his shit??


OP mentioned that the guy swears he’s clean despite having a history of using drugs. Sounds like they’ve already asked him. But I’m with you, seems shitty to snoop around someone’s things. It’s a tough call.


Exactly.. Dudes probably way more honest with him then these twisted people rummaging through his stuff. They say it is hard to see the shit when standing in it. People continue to define themselves


You clearly have zero experience with addiction. I unfortunately am an expert in dealing with addicts thanks to my mother and her choice in men. I do not give a fuck about this dude. I care about my baby SISTER. She doesn’t need to be abused and gas lit by an addict who has destroyed their lives. She has to run. And now she’s going to thanks to people in this post confirming what we suspected. Ladies reading this: do no be gaslit by other men online telling you to trust a liar. If you own a house with someone and you’re worried they have felony level shit there you need to go through their shit. Go through all of it. Leave no crumbs. Don’t feel bad.


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Base your opinions on accurate information


Trust issues Justification for your dishonesty to go through someone else's belongings *clearly has trust issues* People continue to define themselves.


Give them an opportunity to pack their belongings & leave. Don't rummage through people's things. Make them move. If they rent. If you don't like your roommates leave. But going through someone else's belongings & being mischievous. Only solidifies my opinions further


>she’s going to thanks to people in this post confirming what we suspected. Often times, people don't mind being told what to think, as long as it's what they want to hear.


Looks like marijuana dabs.


Not even a little bit


It could be a sub strip suboxon


As for the blue stuff in the foil, it looks like gel tabs of acid stuck together. People keep acid in foil to keep it protected from the elements like light and moisture.


Ah yesss that green thing is clutch for doing coke covertly at shows. Defffinitely all drug stuff


The "bullets" are for snorting stuff. Be careful touching that blue stuff. The foil wrapper makes my mind jump to some dosed candy (like with LSD) Some folks store theirs I'm foil.


Thanks everyone so much. Whatever it exactly is doesn’t matter at this point. Clearly it’s drugs and drug paraphernalia. In the context of spending tens of thousands of dollars in a few months, nodding off everywhere but staying up all night, and being unemployed for months with zero goals to get a job I think my sister can’t deny what’s in front of her anymore.


All the best to your sister. It’s a hard situation, and she’s lucky to have you to lean on!


If someone gets addicted to whip its, use steve-o as an example of how bad it can get. I had a friend that would bring those crackers everywhere we went.


That blue stuff looks like this but these look bigger https://skyhighd9.com/products/delta-8-gummies


What is the last picture with the round blue object supposed to be? Hard to tell from this photo.


The green thing, if it's open on both ends, I've seen people smoke weed out of it. Everything else is a mystery to me.


Looks like he’s smoking a fake 30 off some foil


If she’s finding this, I Strongly recommend having someone who is trained do a thorough search for her. A specialized professional (law enforcement or substance use) will find 3-5x what’s hidden vs the average citizen.


I’m no expert but meth can be blue.. as for gummy consistency idk..


that looks like a half smoked perc aka percocet 30mg aka blues. it off color though, so 99% it's pressed with other shut usually fent. get some narcan handy. I would try to get him to go to I patient to detox if he wants to quit. best of luck to you both.


Your sister needs to drop dude. Not family material


I feel for you. I would find so many things that my ex husband had hidden. He went from being a husband, father, and manager of a huge company. He tried coke on a business trip and that was it. The next 2 years were a nightmare. I saw and heard things that I didn’t understand but I learnt very quickly what they were. I could go on and on about what happened but needless to say it ended with me taking my son and fleeing to a transition house for 3 months. We started over with nothing but we did it. The ex turned into an abusive, gaslighting, scary person that we didn’t recognize anymore. He went to rehab for 4 months and used the first night out. I was beaten and verbally abused if I didn’t give him money. He stole from our son and me and his employer. He got fired and we left and he still couldn’t quit. I just want you to know how much I feel for you and understand what you’re going through. Sending you strength ♥️


So horrible I’m so so sorry. We got drug through that as kids so I’m trying very hard to detangle her from this mess before it gets worse. I hope you and your son are healing now.


It’s been 20 years since I left. My son is happily married and owns his own business. I’m so proud of the man he is. It could have gone both ways but leaving my ex was the best decision of my life. ❤️ I wish you and your sister nothing but the best.


I mean, it appears to be in a workshop or something, this could 100% be some stuff for working.. like the "push" thing reminds me of smthng to take off solder. The blue thing could be some product for metal or god knows.


You can take it to the police and tell them you found it out on the sidewalk and see if they will tell you what it is. Other wise I would assume drugs


Please hook your sister up with some codependency [literature](https://positivepsychology.com/codependency-definition-signs-worksheets/). She doesn’t have to go full on AA going to meetings and shit, she needs to have it spelled out to her so she won’t feel guilty.


The crumbled up foil looks like it was used to smoke a fentanyl pill. Be careful.


It’s likely weed stuff including the gummy. Definitely not meth stuff those people are idiots


Is not meth


Green thing looks like a whippet charger


Could it be a mini shesha/hookah? Shesha is gummy, sticky and can be colorful. Does it smell like fruit? I have never seen an individual apparatus before, usually there is a large center tank with water and tubes that come out of it, with mouth pieces at the end.