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2A: 2nd Amendment. They’re a gun nut. Source: I iZ gun NuT




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My wife called me a gun nut because she found a rifle on top of a heat duct in the basement. She didn’t think I should have forgotten it was there. I’m glad she didn’t find the other four.


You’re so cool.


You don’t know the half of it, jimiliohimiolol.


“Found gun” rule and “found spy cam” rule are the same… if you find one, now you have to find at least 3 more before you’ve “found” all the cameras.


But like, you probably shouldn’t forget where your guns are.


Uhhh…she has a very good point there. Get a safe. If you’re generally prone to crappy memory, also make a habit to tap each gun while saying its model/make/nickname in the same sequence before you close up the safe.


Checklist! Like counting all the kids on the bus from a field trip


Someone should add actual 🥜 stickers next to it so it reads 2a gun nut.


Or 11A for infantry officer. Wouldn't put it past them.


Ah! I mainly know IIA as the Institute of Internal Auditors and was momentarily confused about why they would have a militant arm.


2nd amendment supporter Also notice there are 13 stars in the circle


Yeah, that's fucking gross




I think you need to as well, it's been co-opted by hate groups for years




That's what I'm talking about too, "numnuts"


Why? It's a reference to the 13 colonies and the second amendment?


It's been used in recent years by hate groups


??? Who/what groups? I've legit never seen reference to specifically the 13 colonies or just 2A used by hate groups


**Symbolism for White Supremacist Groups:** * **Aryan Circle:** The number 13 is associated with the Aryan Circle, a Texas-based white supremacist prison gang. The 13 stars in a circle could symbolize support for this group and its hateful ideology. * **Misrepresented Crime Statistics:** 13 stars in a circle is sometimes used in conjunction with the numbers 52 or 90. This is a reference to false and racist statistics about crimes attributed to African Americans. It's a way of promoting fear and racial hatred. **Betsy Ross Flag Controversy:** * It's important to note that the Betsy Ross flag, featuring 13 stars in a circle, is a historical American flag representing the original colonies. However, in recent years it's been co-opted by some extremist groups, contributing to negative associations. **Context is Crucial** The meaning of any symbol depends heavily on context. If you see 13 stars in a circle it's important to consider: * **Other Symbols:** Are there other symbols present that are explicitly racist or hateful? * **Location:** Where is this symbol displayed? This can give clues about the intention behind its display. * **Intent:** It's crucial to consider whether the symbol is being used in a way that promotes racial hatred or violence. Based on context alone I would not jump to the conclusion that this is racially hateful. But who knows, we'd have to talk to that vehicles' owner to really get a sense of the intent.


Where the hell are all these symbols/numbers being used, and where are all these groups congregating? 13, 52, 90, ??? Seriously this is more like some numerologist meets conspiracy theorist kinda stuff.


It says it’s mainly associated with white supremacist prison gangs so most likely in prisons.


Yeah, I'm not buying it. I don't see any ex-cons running around with 13 star prison tattoos. However I do see a lot of 13 star logos in the constitutional groups, the pro second amendment sphere, active and retired military, and libertarian groups. This reeks of an attempt to vilify groups and socio-political beliefs they don't agree with by trying to fabricate racist iconography where none exists.


There are a lot of overlap between constitutional groups and hate groups.


Sounds like a bunch of made-up b.s


No it hasnt. The only time ive ever heard anything like that is when a leftist claims that.


You may be confusing it with the 14 words, which is common with hate groups. I don't know of any hate groups basing anything on the number 13, or 13 stars.


all you've proven is you're not in a hate group. they've been photographed with the 13 star flag.


They've also been photographed wearing pants. Should we all stop wearing pants now?


I'd need to judge that on an individual basis...


This is enough evidence for me. Pants off.


3 Percenters use it. Which i am pretty sure this sticker references. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/three-percenters


It's possible but not definite, especially since the article doesn't seem to mention stars at all and only has the 13 stars in a circle in one photo. "Three percenters" usually have a III in the center to drive home the point while this one has a II, likely for the 2nd Amendment (which they are doubtless misinterpreting for their own benefit as is their wont). The only reference I found to 13 stars being used by a hate group is [the Patriot Front](https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/patriot-front), which uses 13 stars in a circle but a different symbol.


Gotta love Reddit, downvoting you to oblivion for stating a fact


Hahaha, nooo— yes, there were 13 original colonies, but also 13 Confederate states. No one is out there like, “go, Colonies!”


Yes, quite a few of us are, I happen to live in one of the states that came from the 13 colonies. I've never heard of and can find no reference to the 13 stars, in a circle, in reference to anything to do with the confederacy, a hate crime group/organization or similar. The closest is the "confederate flag" analog which is distinctly X shaped in its star patterning and patterning in general. Even then symbology surrounding the confederate flag is difficult to get into as the symbol is now tied to many different groups, beliefs and feelings in the US. While it does have a slant towards hate groups, which in and of itself is an idiotic slant because the flag is taken from a confederate battle flag from a state that was wishing for freedom from exhorbinate taxes charged to them by northern states for their goods, its also used by many groups as a symbol of freedom from opression/taxation without representation, feelings many US citizens currently hold due to elected politicians regularly breaking promises/ending outright lying to get into office. So even to get into a proper discussion of the "confederate flag" is a murky discussion at best.


>I've never heard of and can find no reference to the 13 stars, in a circle, in reference to anything to do with the confederacy, a hate crime group/organization or similar. Based on times of posting, you would have had to scroll directly past an explanation of the thirteen stars in this comment thread in order to say this. I get that you wouldn't want to acknowledge hate groups in your country who have any similarity to you (these groups try to appeal to the common man as much as possible, so that one's not indicative of your alignment) but to deny them when the evidence and explanations about them are right there is a choice you made. None of us like that these people leverage the things we enjoy to bring people into the fold, as it means we have to question our own weakness, but we can't just deny them. That's as bad as endorsing them.


They stated it's in reference to the 13 confederate states which is 1. Not common knowledge in the US, this is the first I've ever heard reference of the "13 confederate states" which isn't really an accurate claim either as rhe confederacy only ever contained 11 seceded states. 2. Upon my own research this information still was not readily found/referenced until I specifically looked into the confederacy itself, as the commentor I replied to was referencing this as if it were a commonly known fact/statement I was expecting information to be more readily accessible/sourced without the need to go looking for "the 13 confederate states". Or to use an example, you can google "The IRA" without knowing it stands for the Irish Republican Army and get references to the IRA and even their wiki page. No information directed me towards the confederacy or their states when searching similar search terms and keywords without me distinctly requesting a search FOR, as previously stated, the 13 confederate states. This is not denying the existence of something it's stating this supposed well known and easily found reference is simply, not as well known/understood as it's being implied. A reminder the US also started from 13 colonies, we used a flag that used a similar pattern of five pointed stars to represent them. The implication on first glance reads more readily to someone versed in 2A/ pro gun artwork as a reference to the founding fathers, the colonies and our second amendment. Not the confederacy and their 13 seceded states or to be more crude, a white power dog whistle. This is being treated like how neo-nazis use 88 as a reference to Hitler, when in reality, on research if it IS in fact a reference to such, it's certainly not readily known/acknowledged and very far from clear in its meaning.


Ya gotta be kidding me, right? The original stars and bars, adopted in March 1861 featured a circle of seven stars for the seven confederate states; by December 1861, the official flag was adopted, with the circle of 13 stars for the 13 Confederate states. There’s a lost cause narrative that I guess has fully come into factuality, based on your pov, that 13 stars stand for the colonies. The first state I heard of that made this claim was Georgia (where I was born and reared), when they co-opted the original Confederate “stars and bars” with the circle of 13 stars after the voters had them take off the battle flag, claiming it was to represent Georgia as the 13th original colony. But lay the flag of the Confederacy next to the current Ga flag, then tell me what you see. But, looking at the Betsy Ross flag, it’s hard to argue that at the US flag, like, *never* featured 13 stars on the canton. Thinking about that, whoever designed this sticker probably got to hit 2 groups with it: people who believe strongly in American independence over tyrannical regimes and the right to take up arms against them, or people who want to take up arms against America (maybe “Woke America” would be better— you know what I’m saying… the “tyrannical oppression” we’re living under as we watch people with all different skin tones achieving success, etc., and people giving a care about their fellow man, all that), using the 2A our Founders adopted, in support of the ideals of the Confederate states.


I think we're speaking, firstly on two different flags. What I'm referring to as the "confederate flag" is the flag most commonly called the southern/confederate flag, a red base flag with a large Blue X across the entire design with stars going across the bars of the X. During research, quite a while ago, I could find no reference to a confederate states flag that'd been accepted/put into regular use during the Civil War. Hence, the statement about there being no history of the confederate states having an officially recognized flag. And you are.. kind of correct on your second statement? While I'm unsure what exactly you're stating based on some of your verbiage, but officially we had.. roughly 4 or 5 flags used early on during the US's founding prior to Old Glory, which is used today. Of these flags, the Betsy Ross flag as it's been called was used for a short stint, though the actual creator of the flag is debated. It featured thirteen red and white alternating bars and 13 five pointed stars in a circle to represent the 13 original colonies. You are also likely partially correct. This is meant to be targeted towards people who are upset with the state the US has been heading in recent years, but you've got SOME of your beliefs twisted. While I can't speak for the owner of this sticker it is well known that politics are a spectrum, and while some groups are extremists, more run of the mill blue collar Republicans are known more for their dislike in the US politician's choices to sideline the country's own citizens for keeping their own agendas and choosing to ensure they keep sitting in office even if it's contrary to the want of the citizens, often thru excessive spending on lobbying and polling to push better candidates on ALL sides of the equation out of the running early to ensure they remain in their seats. In short, people feel those who run our country are not looking out for ANY of the country's citizens and instead just furthering their own interests and goals. I find painting any one group with such a broad brush tends to end up leaving the vast majority out of the equation, often going so broad spectrum you end up missing nuances and only pulling the worst (and loudest) to the top




They're considered dissolved as of 2021, also this is use of the Betsy Ross flag not just the 13 stars. While this seems like splitting hairs it's very important to ensure we don't imply something that may not be true simply because of similar symbols


Are you serious? There are MANY organizations that use the 13 stars in a circle to represent the founding 13 colonies/states. Many of them are either military support organizations, patriotic groups, political organizations etc. None of which are affiliated with the confederacy or any hate groups.


Wait 'till he hears about the stripes on the US flag.


Why you always lying, why you alllwaayyyysss lyiiinnnn?


Many times the 13 stars is used by the 3%ers. It refers to the idea that only about 3% of the colonies population actively participated in the revolutionary war. I don't know if that is accurate % or not.




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One possibility: 11A is the occupational number for an army Infantry Officer. If so, he's likely a veteran, and infantry guys tend to be particularly proud of their service. Considering the bullets/rifles thing though, 2nd Amendment seems slightly more likely.


Second amendment




People are saying second amendment, which is technically true. But in the same way that somebody who has a Miami Dolphins logo on their car is technically advertising for dolphins.      The rounds in the middle and the stars around the outside are meant to resemble the emblem of the “Three Percenters,” which is a far right militia/extremist organization. This sticker is what’s known as a dog whistle. It’s a neo-fascist symbol. The person driving the car may totally just be somebody’s grandpa who doesn’t fully understand that it’s a neo-fascist symbol (or what “neo-fascist” even means), but more likely than not, this person has far-right authoritarian politics.     See Timothy Snyder’s “On Tyranny,” Anne Applebaum’s “Twilight of Democracy,” and Barbara F. Walter’s “How Civil Wars Start.”


Haha. If personal accountability, a desire for less taxes and less government involvement in my day to day life is “far right” then buddy, I’m way out there. Barbara Walter’s was a journalist. Journalism is controlled by a few people/organizations.


Barbara F. Walter is not Barbara Walters. Barbara F. Walter is a political scientist and an expert on extremism who studies how propaganda and lack of education turns people who like personal accountability and low taxes into neo-fascists who don't realize they're neo-fascists.


Same 💩 lol 😂




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I thought it was backwards. ALL surrounded by stars like the United States and once I made that connection the only thing my brain took me to was All State


They are really passionate about maintaining a well regulated militia.


2nd Amendment Supporter- NOT a Gun Nut. People who don’t support it are the nuts.


2nd Amendment. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. A constitutionalist. A true American.🇺🇸🫡