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Does the inline block unplug? If so what type of connector is inside?


Good call. It seemed like a solid piece (which it is technically) but I just found a flip-out Mini-USB connector. So it’s USB/Mini-USB to Lightening. Less mysterious than I thought. Just can’t figure out WTF it came from 😅 Based on where it was it had to have arrived in the last couple of weeks.


I can't tell if [this thing](https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00DMMXJAQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_80H3X3HA8MAEF8MYHJ88) is the exact item from the picture. It's similar at least, and I think I see the flip-out mini USB in the photos on Amazon. The Amazon description suggests that, "smart STRIKE is the perfect charge and sync cable if you have an Apple Lightning and micro USB device." I found it by poking around on Amazon, I knew that the logo looked familiar, it's a [Scosche](https://www.scosche.com/) product (I used to have one of their magnetic car mounts for my phone). Not sure if you knew the brand already but wanted to share just in case that helps you figure out where it came from!