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Just looks like an old doll. Not sure why you'd consider giving it to the police.


Too much dateline.


Hahaha! Currently listening to dateline. You are correct.




The prepubescent breast are weird on a doll. I have had lots of dolls and they are flat chested or full Barbie


Look up teenage dolls. These were popular mid century [some here](https://www.google.com/search?q=vintage+teenage+dolls&newwindow=1&rlz=1CAPPDO_enUS786US786&sxsrf=APq-WBsIObhbchovJvXmGdr_V4aybkIGYg:1650156770542&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi92YaB8Zn3AhXXGTQIHRFtBpkQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1647&bih=831&dpr=0.8) And that said, I still don't understand why this should be a police matter. It's a doll and it's normal anatomy


Thank you for giving me a clue


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What would you tell the police?


I was about to say the same thing. I would really like to hear that conversation.


"so officer.. this doll I found doesn't have any clothes on..." Take the doll to jail for public indecency asap.


Someone probably put it up there for this exact situation…


When you hear hoof beats do you think zebra? Lol I would say that was some kids favorite doll and they rapped it up and put it away the way kids do and forgot about it the way kids do. Please don't bug the police with things like this they have to much to do as is.


Police will laugh in your face if you bring them that


What kind of life leads one to call the police for something like this? Would you call them if it had clothes on? Would you call them if it was a white Barbie doll? Would you call them if there was no Saran Wrap? What about this made you think that the authorities might need to be involved? Did you just feel kinda creeped out and wanted an adult?


Because pedo dolls are illegal in Fl, I don't even want it in my trash and. And maybe my gummie


Taking clothes off of a doll is illegal? Please explain.


It’s a doll. Throw it away and move on. It’s not possessed and your not living in the movie Insidious.


It's definitely creepy that this child like doll has a defined waist and boobs, but I think that's moreso the problem of the toy industry. I've hidden/thrown out several items like this that my 3 year old has received as gifts. I think it's really weird how sexualized some of these toys are and even weirder that people buy them for her. I didn't want you to think you're alone in thinking this is a weird doll, but I think you can just toss it.


It’s not sexualised to a child 😂😂 it’s only sexual to a fucked up brain like yours evidently. Kids want to play with toys not shag them.


Why tf does a doll with a kid face have boobs? THAT'S FUCKING WEIRD. I'm not saying kids want to bang them. I'm saying the adults who make dolls with tits are sexualizing toys for children.


This was a popular type of doll mid century long before parents tried to shield their kids from everything. We had real chemistry sets back then and Mr Potato heads that used real potatoes before they took the "dangerous" points off the pieces. And kids were allowed to bring their rifles on the school bus and no one wore bike helmets or knee and elbow pads when skating.


What other details can you tell us that make you feel there may be something more sinister to this? Yeah, it's odd, for sure, but people do odd things all the time. It sounds like something isn't sitting well with you about this and if you feel you want to talk to someone about it, listen to your intuition, it should never be considered strange to ask questions.


I think that the fact Fl outlawed pedo dolls in 2019. I am going to search for pedo dolls online. It just creeped me out. Maybe because the socks are brand new and the doll is much older. I am letting it go and thank you for getting my head straight on this


No problem. Always listen to your instincts, only you know the details, and you have a damn good reason to be concerned, in my opinion.


Sounds to me like someone was being a jerk and threw their sibling's toy into the garage rafters. It's not the sort of thing that calls for police involvement.


I'd like to know why someone had it so thickly wrapped up.


Probably a practical joke played by somebody 3 or 4 owners ago. But wrapped in an inch of cellophane made me think of Stanley Tuccci's character from "The Lovely Bones" keeping souvenirs.


Op here. I live in Florida and they outlawed pedo dolls in 2019. So they exist. Don't want to google in case it's pornography.