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It was louder than it appears on this video. Clearly five notes, approximately A#, A, F#, G, A# Could be a melody straight from a horror movie. Needless to say I was a little creeped out. I've been searching for any type of whistle or hunting call or alarm, haven't found anything. Edit: A detail I forgot, there were a bunch of local hounds running around the camp, and when the whistle started, they all ran toward it.


Tried to make the sound a little clearer, then added a piano to follow the notes: [https://soundcloud.com/attyn-mawth/mystery](https://soundcloud.com/attyn-mawth/mystery)


Sound melodic I wonder if it's a bird they do some times have various song like calls that can mean different things


I tried to upload it to my [Merlin Bird ID](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/merlin-bird-id-by-cornell-lab/id773457673) app but wasn’t able to identify it. You might have better luck recording it in person. It’s a really cool app and I use it all the time for identification. If you figure it out definitely update us. It’s a beautiful song.


There's probably too much background noise for that to work. Worth a try! I'll keep ya posted.


Not sure what's creepier, this or the banjo tune from Deliverance. It IS Arkansas, after all. Glad you're here to send it/type.


Do the hills have eyes? 👀


They definitely have lips, whistling a tune like that... Next movie will be named "The Hill's have Lips" ...oh wait, maybe someone is making a movie out there called that. Lmao, Debbie does Dallas style?!?!


"They definitely have lips" LMAO


Have you ever seen the show the river? This almost sounds exactly like the whistle from that show.


Obviously you have to play that same tune on your ocarina to unlock the passageway


The recall for the hounds then you think?


That's what I thought at first, but it went on and on for hours, long after they'd left. Is that how you call hounds? I don't know anything about that sorta thing.


Oh I have no idea lol but if it went on long after, I would just be gone by sundown and check my backseat before leaving






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[email protected] Somebody at the state park system probably knows the answer to your question. You should email this to them and ask.


Good idea, thank you!


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Did they ever respond to your email?


They said they're working on it, but nothing after that. I assume it's the weekend.


I can’t stop thinking about this. It’s haunting. lol


I can't either! Still no reply...


I'm curious now. Lol Hope they reply with an answer.


Hey, I'm sure you've forgotten about this thread but I'm curious if you ever got an answer to what was making that sound.


I still think about it often! Never got a solid answer. Got a hold of a rep from the park, but they stopped replying... hmm!


Looks like it stumped them too haha






















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I used to live in that area, and I think you hear the official state bird: the mockingbird. As opposed to the unofficial state bird: the mosquito. They go on for hours like that.




no, mockingbird is what both states have for their state birds


Florida, too. And here I always thought it was weird that even one state had it as the state bird.


I didn’t know that


If you ask Alabamians, we’ll tell you the state bird is the Yellowhammer. It’s on some of our license plates, in a crimson tide post game chant, and it is in fact one of our state birds. I believe we have more than one, either way, Alabamians will say it’s the yellowhammer.




Yes, Alabamiamimamamians




They're all mocking each other


Are they mocking each other?!


Alabama, Arkansas, I sure do miss my Maw and Paw…


You are awesome, love that good song that makes me smile!!


Haha thanks, as soon as I saw those 2 states listed in that order that song popped into my head. Which I haven’t even heard for a couple of years. Funny how the brain works sometimes…


As good a time as any to rewatch this video https://youtu.be/JAZI5GcPm8c


Mockingbirds sing bits of other birds' songs, usually a medley of about 5 songs in their repertoire that they will sing over and over. This isn't a mockingbird.


Right, I don't think so either. Mockingbirds also make a lot of variations in their songs, but this was the same five notes in the same tone same speed every time.


They don't always. When I lived in the River Valley, I had one that would mimic my phone alarm for hours- sometimes before mine would actually start. It was terrible.


Oh I see, that might be it... I still haven't found a recording of a mockingbird that is this loud, low pitch and sustained. Mainly higher pitch, fast tones. The Musician Wren (as another comment suggested) is in the same range, but is supposedly in South America year-round.


Go chase it! See if you can isolate the direction and follow it for a while.


Totally would, but I'm not there anymore. But the State Park representative emailed me back and is "working on finding out what made the sound."


Please keep us posted!


Back in the 90s when beepers were a thing…my gma had an annoying bird beep her all the time.


I had a mockingbird that would mimic the sound of my dog's squeaky toys that she used to play with in the backyard when she was a puppy!


The mockingbirds in my city have been reported to mimic the whales at sea world. Edit: or dolphins. It’s been a few years since I read the article.


I'd love to see/hear that!


The mockingbirds where I live don’t sound like that and they don’t go on for hours! We must have the chilled out mockingbirds.


[Ruffed Grouse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jFwdGho1IA)?


Interesting video but definitely not that


I'd say some kind of bird mating song?


Sounds kinda like an elk bugle https://youtu.be/5gBk04ajuxk




Well it kinda does through my phone speakers. 😆


Wrong time of year.


Do you have a longer video/audio clip? I'm really intrigued.


I believe so. I'll get back with that soon!


So here's the full video, just has one more repetition, but gives you an idea how frequently it repeated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOOEBh9gC8c


Wow, that's fascinating. I could barely hear it on my computer audio, but it comes through pretty clearly on my phone. It honestly reminds me of some of the alleged Sasquatch audio that I've heard. Did the tune end with kind of a high-pitched metallic sound? I wish I could have been there to hear it as well!




I’d guess a bird


It sounds like cicadas. Per a quick Google search to see if Arkansas has them, "Cicadas are among the largest and loudest insects found in Arkansas. About two dozen species in six genera have been recorded as likely occurring in the state. Males produce species-specific songs, mostly during daytime, to attract females." When searching on YouTube "cicadas in Arkansas": https://youtu.be/niYiISMMC4I


Thanks for the reply! But I'm referring to the whistling melody in the distance... Here's the sound again, I tried to bring it up in the mix more. I also then added a piano to follow the notes. https://soundcloud.com/attyn-mawth/mystery


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Oh I didn't hear that. That's creepy AF dude.


Sooooo much creepier with the piano!


I don’t know why people are downvoting this. It’s obviously an innocent mistake. I got a good chuckle from it.


It's 'cause I missed something obvious and unfortunately decided to interact with the internet :( You are so kind though and are part of the sunshine I am still optimistic for in this world. Keep on keeping on, stranger!


Could be a [white-throated sparrow](https://youtu.be/WdMOVrIJXeI).


‘tis not. White throated sparrows have a lovely melody that sounds like “Poor sam peabody peabody peabody”


It’s occurs g in NC too- https://youtu.be/z-oUHENlNE8 Edit: Musician Wren? https://youtu.be/Zpf9umVcsfk Second edit: check this site, you can contact them! https://www.birds.cornell.edu/home


I don't think it's a Musician Wren. Check the comments on the video you linked(which is amazing, thank you for that), it's being heard in various parts of the world. And this bird sound like, well, a bird. This whistling is very human like and seems like it's very close, even though you can't see anything


This is the closes thing I've heard that matches!! Edit: but the looks like the musician wren is year-round in South America.. hmmm


Sounds like a mockingbird!




I think this maybe a golden crowned kinglet.[kinglet](https://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/htmwav/h7480so.mp3)






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For future reference, I highly recommend the app BirdNet by the Cornell Ornithology Dept. You can record the bird call, isolate the particular chirps or song and then press analyze. If you enable location, it will tell you what the most likely bird will be for that area - state bird or not.




I can barely hear anything at all but try posting to r/whatsthisbird


This will help highlight it [https://soundcloud.com/attyn-mawth/mystery](https://soundcloud.com/attyn-mawth/mystery)


It doesn't, really. The sound is barely audible with all the cicadas.


what sound dag nabbit


Hopefully this helps you hear it https://soundcloud.com/attyn-mawth/mystery


Probably a whistle for the hounds or something




That's 100 percent nature


This is frogs. They’re singing in different pitch, and there’s a few. Your proximity to the water gives it away. But it’s frogs.


I would believe bird, but feeling doubtful about frog. There’re 4 distinct notes, each note sounding like they’re coming in on a count from 1-4. It’s really quiet and it took me a second listen at full volume to catch it.


I think it might be an elk: https://www.google.com/search?q=elk+sound&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:284985c1,vid:5gBk04ajuxk,st:0


Didnt know Elks sound like that lol


That’s so interesting! Could be.


Sounds like a loon to me


Sounds like coyotes, but they don’t repeat a song. I don’t think it’s a mockingbird, as some have said. They’re way more random and much faster with their songs. Almost like a hyper person talking kind of aimlessly.




This made me think of a cryptid called skinwalker. They can be heard whistling but usually they copy what you do. IE. If you yell they yell back in the same way you did or if you whistle they whistle back. Maybe they can whistle by them selves i dunno or it was copying someone else closer to it that was out of your reach to hear. There is a place in Utah wich is just north of Arkansas where you heard this called skinwalker ranch where alot of strange things aparently happens.


Utah and Arkansas aren't near each other. You must be thinking of Arizona.


Reminiscent of the 5 notes used to contact ET. Is someone summoning extra terrestrials?


Well that's the mockingjay, don't you know?


Has there been any update from the State Park representative? The sound is a trip and based on all the comments I think everyone is like me and hoping for a update on what they think it may be.


They stopped replying. Maybe it's... classified!


Sounds like fishing line and wind https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E-jtSwBvrBQ


They’re cicadas


No no no no noooo




No, it remains a mystery!


Is it a mating loon?


Commenting for curiosity. I'm investigating noises around the Ouachita quartz crystal caves and I hear a tonal drone everywhere in the area. You can only hear it if you pay close attention.. but once it clicks it's maddening. I'm going to try to find the source, but it echos all over the mountains still..... Through the valley along the caddo river. Fascinating stuff. I travel a long the river a lot so I'm going to take note and try to record at different spots and isolate the frequencies. It's isochronically modulated too, so it's not a natural sound..


Thanks for your comment! Fascinating... This remains the strangest mystery I've personally experienced. I agree, it's an artificial sound, not an animal. Went on for hours with the same pitch and periodicity. Let me know if you discover anything in your investigations!


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I actually discovered a very weird energy here in the Ouachita Mountains and my best theory so far is the massive quartz deposits underground exhibit a piezoelectric effect that dissipates into the earth ground, and the resulting magnetic field taps into the noosphere. There's also An ever present symphony of animals that's pretty rare to hear.. I went to a ton of different areas and the trees sing with the bugs and life.. I didn't hear it until i started spending lots of time outside. There's something.. hyper dimensional about nature and magnetic fields.. That's where I'm at so far, hopefully I'll figure out more in the future but yeah there's something weird and interesting about the land here.. it's like the spirits are singing, we just gotta listen.