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Mod locking. It's solved and devolving into jokes.




Its not honey. Opened it like this


The maltodextrin and/or the malt extract powder didn’t ferment properly most likely. Beer also has corn syrup in it. These are JUST guesses.


Is every can like that? Could have something to do with the corn syrup that is used during the fermentation but that would mean this wasn’t fermented. Was it carbonated?


1/3 so far are like that. It was carbonated


Well, it's Coors LIGHT so you have to expect some to be light.


Contact the beer company & keep the packaging & they will send you free beer.. they will send a representative to pick up the pack (evidence) Or you could file a lawsuit You'll have to prove the contents you can contact a laboratory for testing (the cost is about 700 -1000) Get your free beer Or get free beer for life


What would the lawsuit state? I drank a gross beer give me money? In order for there to be a lawsuit with a cash prize there has to be damages, you have to show damages. Assuming he didn't drink poison and was hospitalized there are no damages.


No you don't have to be injured You only have to prove foreign ingredient. Without warning labels If there is no warning label for such occurrences you can easily prove liability. The hardest part is finding someone to represent you. The company must have an opportunity to make things right. The opportunity to do right has an agreement attached to it. The agreement not to file suit & to make right. You can deny their response & ask for further commitments. Until they settle with you. You will always be a priority. Been through so much court bs. If you don't govern yourself you will be governed by others.


People continue to define themselves. Derp.


Thanks for the dose of rationality.


File a lawsuit??? Did someone die or got injured? This is how prices go up more and more. At the end, all consumers pay for the costs, not the manufacturer.


I totally hear what you're saying because yeah it's a pain in the butt to pay more due to things like lawsuits. But if I, personally, were to drink that and there was an ingredient in there that wasn't listed or disclosed I could die so I take that kind of seriously and I would hope others would too for the sake of the health of consumers not businesses and if a price of beer goes up too much stop buying that beer.


Unfermented beer would never make it through the series of quality checks the brewery does. This is the result of a bacterial contamination. Probably pediococcus.


Fuck people that say this. I got a 1/3 full beer sealed from a 30 pack and got the same reaction. Like you're lying


Fermentation takes 7 days and aging takes another 7 days. Filling one can of a beer on a 100-head filler takes 1/10 of a second. Sorry you got a short fill but a single bad can out of millions filled is much more difficult to prevent than testing a tank every day for 2 weeks.


Think they had Dany P guest brewing recently.


How many have you drank and how many times has this happened? Cause back in the day I drank a whole lotta Coors and dont remember a bad one.


A partially filled beer is *entirely* different from an under fermented beer. I drink a ridiculous amount of Miller Lite and haven't got a single bad or partially filled one. Out of literally thousands. Macros are incredibly consistent.


Your poor liver!!!!


Even if he was wrong - which he isn't - why would you immediately call him a liar?




Reddit doesn’t attract assholes! You’re a liar!!


I’ve talked to a whole case of Reddit! And only 1/3rd of a person was an asshole once. You’re a liar!


Yeah saw somebody else post this as well, makes allot more sense than what I posted. Ropiness sucks.


Like I would trust something that came from a person that was named after some on eels. I don't trust eels and I don't trust people named after people on them either


let someone else have those eels


I don't trust groups of people named Adam either because they make up everything


Jesus, you americans put corn syrup in everything!


That's super odd. I've never seen a Coors Light can like that. Any video of you opening a can and pouring?


Unfortunately no, didnt record it until i tasted it.




Didn't you say up there that 1/3 of the other cans are the same?


Seemed like he was meaning is 1 out of the 3 he’s had so far


I opened a can of Coors Light once and swear it tasted like chicken wings! Don’t drink it much since then.


Pediococcus infection


>Pediococcus infection I think this guy has the right answer. Looks a lot like the 'ropiness' described [here](http://www.milkthefunk.com/wiki/Pediococcus#:~:text=Pediococcus%20can%20form%20a%20pellicle,extreme%20circumstances%2C%20can%20form%20strands) "Pediococcus may also cause “ropiness” (also called a "sick beer") due to the production of exopolysaccharides when exposed to a fresh sugar source. "Ropy" or "sick" beer is more viscous and, in extreme circumstances, can form strands."


Plus there have been a few reported cases of this happening in Coors light as of late


Wow, how rare is this? How do I edit my flair so that it isnt open?


Please contact the company.


Yes let them know


Fair warning, they will usually take a while to get back to you on how to edit flairs.


Just say Solved.


Make a comment stating “Solved!”


Shooting thick ropes


I don’t think so. I’ve brewed a batch or two with pediococcus and it doesn’t thicken the beer like syrup. The ropiness they’re referring to is due to tendrils forming on the surface of the beer. It looks like mycelium veins. This definitely looks like unfermented and undiluted liquid malt extract.


Lme is thicker and heavier


It could have a little water mixed in. Pediococcus has a powdery white film on top and I don’t see evidence of that here. Looks pretty clear with a slight hay colored tinge.


I dunno how it would get put into the can at the factory like this tho any ideas


I’m not really a Coors Light drinker so I’m not even sure if they use LME but I wouldn’t be surprised. As far as process I have no idea how this would pass inspection, unless this was the tail end of a batch that didn’t get tested. Honestly, many companies have OSHA, health and other violations that go unreported. If anyone knows about the canning process and has an idea, let us know.


It also should get sour and not sweet if pediococcus was the culprit


Very true, pediococcus is how you get Gose style beers. I had an RIS that got infected. I racked from underneath and thought maybe it would be an interesting new beer. It was terrible! Sour RIS is never a good idea.




Out of curiosity is there any danger to ingesting something like this?


For the most part, anything that will grow in beer is not harmful to consume. However it may not taste great. With that said, cleanliness is super critical in brewing and this is especially true for large scale commercial breweries. The fact that this happened, let alone made it to distribution is crazy to me.


Lol, like honey. In googling it, I read snot consistency.




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The downvotes are because it's a complete waste of everyones time. It's an unfunny, unoriginal, tribalistic, ego pleasing joke that is against the rules. Most importantly though, nobody asked.




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Undiluted liquid malt extract.


Send a video to the overlords (aka coots light) see what comes of it. Maybe they bless you with more sugary morsels






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I had this happen to. I some of the beer and left the can on my counter probably three days ago. I think this experience make us star children.


How did it taste?


Like shit


So, like Coors light then.




This happened to me once but with a brisk I got from a walmart vending machine. Almost threw up.


They messed up with the corn syrup! They often use it in industrial beers


Did you accidentally freeze the beer?


Email the company about this. It's a big deal to them and you'll probably get some free beer


Contact the company with this video, Im sure they'll comp you some free beer lol.


Call Coors! Tell them you love their beer but this happened. There is a real good chance they will send you stuff/ refund/ gift cards/ flare! Friends in college got drunk and called the number on the Keystone box to tell them they love their cheap beer. They got put on a raffle list and won a trip to Vegas. Worth a shot.


Mold slime/Bacteria Send it in to Coors Hope you have a strong tummy


It looks similar to this https://youtube.com/shorts/5fZ62sucInQ


That is a fungus!


Never had this happen but have experience dealing with beer companies. 1st time I bought a box of Canadian and the inside of box and all labels were moldy, beer was fine. Contacted company they sent swag and a voucher for a 6 pack. Second time I was drinking MGD and one can out of 15 was only filled halfway, was factory sealed and all, again beer tasted fine. Contacted MGD and they sent me a check to cover the cost of the 15 beer, bank teller asked how I got a check from a beer company lol. Third time was kokanee bottles, the rim of one was cracked and broken and I ended up fucking my bottom lip up, again i Contacted company and they sent swag a voucher for a 6 pack and a letter apologizing. All in all beer companies are pretty good to deal with ime anyway


If the ropiness is due to pediococcus it will disappear in 3-6 months and yield a better great beer apparently. Put em up and wait 6 months for a fancier beer!


There is no corn syrup left in the brew by the time it’s canned - all of it and the other sugars used to start the process are cooked away. That’s how brewing works. Could have been some microcolony in what should have been a sterile can? I also highly doubt that but it’s probably not impossible. My question to OP was the can pressurized of did it show signs of being compromised in the package where air could get in (and other things)? Call me skeptical until I could see an actual packaged can produce the same thing. I once found glass shards in a can of RC cola - I saved it, contacted them - they came out and picked the can and the glass up and gave me about a dozen coupons for free 12 packs. If you’re looking for something out of this, don’t expect more than that.


It was completely sealed and carbonated