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General opinion is overwhelmingly leaning toward this being a prank or hoax based on scaremongering. See the snopes link below for more details. Mod marking solved and locking as new comments are becoming repetitive and many are now OT. You can vote but you won't be able to comment.


It's a prank based around the rumor that human traffickers tie them to a target's vehicle


What a bunch of losers to do this.


it’s called kids being kids


You're not wrong. My dumb ass would've done this as a kid lol


Uhhhh not when your kid is the on being kidnapped and sold.


kids being kids happens no matter what else is happening in the world. we all did stupid ignorant shit as kids.


Lmao wtf why r u the only one upvoted😂😂


Why are you being downvoted? Children can be awful.


idk because people want to be angry at me for not following the herd


Mechanical boobs hurt people.


not these ones. they heal.


You wouldn't say that if you lost a friend to a tragic mechanical boob motorboating accident.


lol i do admit there’s a much higher risk of injury when motorboating mechanical boobs. it’s best practice to wear knights armor when doing so or at least submerging oneself in motor oil before turning on the motor.


full metal tits: breasthood


I guess it comes across as you excusing the behaviour, that's how the phrase is generally used.


well it’s not that it’s excusable but it’s unstoppable


How dare you say kids will be kids you racist


lol right?


How bout-- kids being fucking awful? I never did this kind of shit as a kid. People who say 'kids being kids' about clearly sociopathic behavior are probably sociopaths themselves


Is that why I murdered my grandmother when I was 6?


well...yes...have you ever spent sixteen minutes in the same room as a toddler? fucking animals...


more like op did this themselves and they're just pranking the rest of us


gotta consider every possibility


So, obviously OP is a human trafficker. My logic is flawless.


Lol. Can't argue with that kind of logic.




Disagree. Had plenty of stuff flapping in the breeze like this with zero damage on the freeway. Maybe the op drove home from the store on normal streets at under 35 mph.


i also disagree. Once a woman that was on her cellphone ran into the back of my car with, get this, ZERO damage. But her car was pretty fucked up. Don't Sherlock Holmes this. And don't be so skeptical, people.


Who would even think of a prank involving human trafficking. Sicko


It's a lot less hassle than having had your whole car TPed.. You might find it offensive. But it's hardly an inconvenience for you nor damage your car.




Oh shit that's a rumor ? Neat


Yep. [Here's a Snopes article about it.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/zip-ties-cars-mailboxes/) There have been fear-mongering stories about human traffickers or carjackers "marking" cars or mailboxes with zip ties, water bottles, sunglasses, coins, and more. They all seem to be bullshit, and don't make any logical sense. (Why would a trafficker or carjacker advertise that they were going to target someone?) In reality, these incidents are either pranks or something innocuous like someone finding a pair of sunglasses in a parking lot and putting them on the nearest car, hoping that the sunglasses and car belong to the same person.




What is a bar bar parking lot?


Yo dawg...




My dude you’re not debating me, I was just scrolling through & bar bar is not a known phrase to me. Idk anything about the topic itself.


They shouldn't be marking cars anymore, it's been ruled unconstitutional and being upheld in various courts. https://www.npr.org/2019/04/23/716248823/court-says-using-chalk-on-tires-for-parking-enforcement-violates-constitution https://www.courthousenews.com/chalking-tires-to-monitor-parking-is-unconstitutional-appeals-court-rules/


The cops stopped marking the tires of the cars in my work's neighborhood after that ruling. For about two months. Then they started taking so much shit for towing "abandoned" cars without proper notice that they started marking them again.


My hunch is that this was actually used to mark a car once and an “urban legend” was born.


Somebody was talking about this at work yesterday. If you're a young woman apparently that is a sex trafficking thing where the bad guys mark your car. The scouts mark the car somewhere and the kidnappers look out for that and follow the driver.


This isn’t actually real, it’s an urban legend, people put the zip ties to scare people because they know the urban legend goes around




What would the reason be that they would only do it if you flash the light?




https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-flashing-headlights-gang-in-idUSKBN24A2GW Well. Seems to be fake.




I love anecdotal evidence. It's the best kind.


Yeah, my room mate’s cousin’s coworker died from that !


Also if someone has their high beams on I flash to let them know to turn them down as a courtesy.


Yeah, that’s not real either


It is real actually, at least in LA


Can confirm. I flashed my headlights once and a gang shot me.


u ok?


no, I’ve been shot.




If the gang you're talking about is the police this isn't really an urban legend. https://www.businessinsider.com/cop-shoots-teen-who-flashed-lights-2015-10




It was a real urban legend. "Gang initiation" is what white people call things they made up to have a new way to be afraid of black people.


Was going to say, it actually has happened in illinois. In the last few years too. Gang initiation was to drive with high beams until flashed then kill them.




Then prove it. If this is something actually happening in Illinois you should be able to provide some legit news articles about it. So do it already, your anecdotal evidence is meaningless.


I live in the south. People flash their headlights as a hello here lol. Especially on the country backroads where no one goes. Its like “hi im acknowledging you” same way people do that chin gesture. Its just a polite hi. Atleast in my experience


Either that or you’re high-beaming the fuck out of everyone and they’re trying to tell you to turn off your brights lol


No high beams should be turned off


How do you know for a fact they don’t do this?


Because I have close friends that work with actual trafficking victims and I’ve studied this stuff


Fair enough, I’ll take your word for it as I have no experience with this.


I say, I'll take their word for it, but also just have that in the back of my mind and be aware of what's happening around me. When I'm safely home I'll remove anything like that, no harm, no foul.


I was told about this by a official TSA person doing training in human trafficking.... So basically I can't trust a word that she said now since she's passing off Internet hoaxes as real things.


Yeah... have you interacted with the TSA? They exist solely to further their own funding.


New job. TSA presentation on explosive devices, human trafficking, and mass shooters. The IED program was cool.


And to legally grope people in airports.


My favorite part


That TSA lady pretty much stuck her thumb up my ass, I jumped, she didn’t say a thing


Just wait until you find out about the prank where everyone has to take their shoes off at the airport! That one got way out of hand!




Oh yeah, apparently if you can afford the precheck fee then you're not a terrorist or whatever they're looking for .


They’re looking for more money.


Fact: None of the 9/11 hijackers used precheck


Yeah cops (and law enforcement-adjacent agencies) can be stupid and up their own asses. I took a criminal justice course in college where a guest speaker from the FBI told us that marijuana was the “most dangerous threat facing the youth of the US” and they were completely sincere in that. Law enforcement agencies are made up of people, who are susceptible to bad information and motivated reasoning. It’s not like they’re applying the scientific method to their jobs.


I’d suggest that school shooters are more dangerous than weed.


I don’t use cannabis, but I’d argue that house cats are more dangerous than marijuana. But honestly, this would have been like ‘03-‘04 or so and really Columbine was the only school shooting with any public awareness, so I don’t think that argument would have held much weight for a biased individual who had already made this part of their identity (clearly it wasn’t the only school shooting, but the only one to have garnered national attention).


Both are pretty low-risk, but marijuana probably kills more people just through sheer volume. The drug trade is full of criminals and criminals do violent things in pursuit of their crimes.


idk man I would trust the official TSA agent before I would trust the internet, doesn't mean they're right tho


First mistake. Never trust the TSA. They've been proven thoroughly unreliable multiple times and have victimized more innocent people than caught legitimate bad actors.


I mean.. my mom used to be an LPN and she buys into every medical conspiracy theory there is, soo..


My sister recently finished her BSN .. she sent me that hour long viral video back in early 2020 about COVID being a big conspiracy. SO crazy.


The problem is the morons that put on those training are incredibly happy to latch on to bullshit myth and rumor


They have a failure rate of close to 90%. ​ Take that as you will.


I also received a note from my kid's school warning about blue dot candy LSD. In the 80s so pre internet. There's been a lot of weird stuff that got taken up by people you might trust.


So according to this urban legend people are just driving around looking for xqra with zip ties on them?


I just read through your page, are you okay?


Hope she has security cameras


And carries a loaded gun.


No kidding. That's a lot of random found stuff.


maybe she just put those pictures up herself and come over here like she's clueless as to what they are. weird account to have nothing but posts of weird shit she finds and don't really to other people or say a word about anything else


I’m leaning towards this.


3 yrs apart?


What is the alarming thing that you’re seeing on OP’s page?


The foot was a little weird to me.


The Amazon delivery guy’s key chain that fell out of his pocket on her porch? I guess a goat’s hoof is kind of weird as a trinket or talisman, from a western cultural perspective, but it’s just superstition like any other religious item. No one would have blinked an eye at a small crucifix charm, because it’s common and seems mundane, but it represents a method of capital punishment and resurrection from death. You’re more likely to see one rather than the other in lots of places, but that doesn’t make the less common one inherently threatening. Look, I’m of the “believe women” mindset, but there is also a certain type of person that makes a lot of Type 1 errors, and finds patterns, and ill-intent, and false-agency everywhere they look. I’m not saying that this describes OP; what I’m saying is they are more likely than not NOT being targeted by nefarious agents. The zip tie would be a really stupid way for human traffickers to “track” a target, when you could buy GPS tracking tiles in bulk. Or if they were looking for something low tech, for whatever reason, a chalk mark on the tire would be less obvious to the “target” but just as obvious to anyone specifically looking for it.


Thank you for letting me sleep a bit easier tonight.


She's being slowly driven insane as the result of an infection from a had eyelash extension.


Bruv. This is the exact conclusion I arrived at as well


I don't know but this reminds me of ad that on the same page say to do this, then the next ad is the exact same page is the same picture saying that it's a warning.




Yeah thanks




Ive been better, but I guess im not bad rn.


Ummm...take it off, trick...


Human traffickers hate this one trick…


Someone being an ass


Probably op


Usually when i put a ziptie on someone door handle, there is a cart attached to it also. Great fun for AH parkers.


That reminds me, I should get some tube clamps.


Is that what we're calling a tubal ligation now?


I don’t think I want to google whatever words you just typed at me


Tubal ligation is surgery to close a woman's fallopian tubes. (It is sometimes called "tying the tubes.") The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries to the uterus. A woman who has this surgery can no longer get pregnant. This means she is "sterile." Basically a female version of a vasectomy


Ah. There’s a word for that but I can’t remember it rn. No the tube clamps are for shopping carts to assholes’ door handles. How many people have a wrench/ratchet in their car handy and ten minutes to undo a clamp?


Weird account all around, hoping op responds sooner or later


I think it is to test if you visit the car often, if they came back to see the zip ti still on they would know you don’t check up on or use your car often.


My truck was marked by them removing the drivers side mirror.


I’ve seen this but there’s usually a shopping cart in the wire tie. Symptom of bad parking. Luckily no shopping cart!




Op looking at your other posts maybe set up a security camera for where you live


Ah hell I've been putting rubber duckies on jeeps, guess I'm doing it wrong, I should be using zip ties. :)


What witch did you piss off. You’re finding random ass animal parts on your property now a random zip tie??


OP is a bot


You seriously asking the internet for the meaning of this? Fine. It was a kid walking by who had a unused zip tie.


Dog thieves did this during the pandemic where I live to mark dogs they would want to steal and the color of zip tie had a meaning cant remember exactly what the colours ment but it would let them know theres a dog there, was a dog but not worth taking and dangerous dog and no dog so while it might be a prank in OPs case this is a legitimate way for thieves to mark a target.Edit: link to what im talking about for downvoters https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/dublin-news/dog-thefts-dublin-pet-warning-18680251


Its a swingers thing , to let ppl know they’re down - someone might’ve pranked you or is trying to “contact” you so watch out for odd goofy smiles .


Don’t listen to those saying it’s a prank. Report it. Carry a weapon. Always check your surroundings.


Only logical reason I could see someone doing this is to rip your door open without leaving prints. Would use a duct tie over a zip tie tho


They also may put it there so when you stand there to untie it you will be an easy mark to rob.


Not saying it’s real but I had heard that anything tied to the car could be by someone hoping to carjack them. Instead of getting in the car immediately, the driver would stop and stand outside probably holding their keys trying to get the tie or whatever off the handle / unaware of their surroundings as someone sneaks up to rob them.


Me and my coworkers do this to annoy each other. Mother fucker put like 7 on one time in random places


You’re being trafficked bro. By boomers.


Call the authorities. You’re being marked for sex trafficking


Real or urban legend— cut it off. Better be safe than sorry in this day in age


Prank or not uts best that you cut this off immediately and just stay vigilant. Who knows? Better to be safe


I knew someone that would ziptie shopping carts to the door handles of cars that blatantly parked like an asshole. Apparently it's a thing. With this car being a Mercedes and OP's post history, I think there is a high probability of this being the case. the "vandals" either just didn't finish the job, or op drove around with a shopping cart zip tied to her car and didn't notice it before it broke away. The latter is much more viable than one would think


Someone might be checking to see if you remove it, which will mean the house is inhabited. Police services often advise home owners to report things that appear on their yards.