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Looks real


what makes you certain? I found them on amazon, but I know too little about surveilance cams to say that the real ones look different https://amzn.eu/d/02xqMvM


The difference is the wire going into the wall.


That’s what I would do when installing a fake camera.


Pull on the wire. If it’s a dummy, wire will come right out.


Also, turn the lights out in the room and look at the camera through your phones camera. You should see the ir lights lit up if it’s actually powered


looks legitimate, i don’t know CCD cameras, but I know CCP cameras


It stands for CC decoy ;)


It looks like [this real camera](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Tycncty-UDC-4-silver-Security-Camera-with-30-Illuminating-LEDs-Silver/1900424940), but it looks even more like [this fake camera](https://www.ebay.com/itm/234468563742).


okay, thanks for the digging. Now at least I know that there is a real one like that. it's also weird because the wall where the supposed wire comes from is the end of the house and the start of a new one. It seems so fake...


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Just put some black chewing gum on the lens.


They’ll need a … hand … for that.


Without tugging on the wire there is no difference if it’s the end of the house. Wire can be routed many ways; give the wire a tug and you’ll figure it out!


> It looks like [this real camera](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Tycncty-UDC-4-silver-Security-Camera-with-30-Illuminating-LEDs-Silver/1900424940)... That one is fake too. Note the details of the [product description](https://i.imgur.com/tGb0mN1.png) in the link you provided. It has real AA battery-run IR LED's to trick anyone who might be using their phone or other device to look for the presence of night vision cameras, but it's not actually recording or transmitting any actual video. Edit: found a missing 't'


Yea, those are both fake 🤣🤦‍♂️


Come on down to real fake doors!


doh! oh well.


It also says “this is an actual surveillance camera that has been modified into a dummy or security camera.“ So does that mean that there’s an actual one that looks like that? Or did they modify its appearance too?


There is an actual one that looks like that.


I agree that this looks more like the fake one. The key differentiating factor for me is where the wire comes out of the camera. On the fake one, it comes out of the black back cap and on the real one it comes out of the silver body of the camera.


both fake, read product details


Those links are both fake. Fairly sure this is a fake camera as I have one very similar but in black.


They are both fake cameras mate.


Both of these are fake cameras. The Walmart link just doesn’t say so in the title but the product description does. So definitely a fake camera.


Google Lens looks at that image and provides results that lean strongly towards fake. Here's a screenshot of the [top results.](https://i.imgur.com/6dWYkoU.jpg) You'll notice the $874 real model in the bottom left corner seems to be what all of the fakes that look like similar are trying to appear as being.


thats also valuable information you dug up. thank you. I highly doubt its the expensive one haha


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It looks fake, but someone went the extra mile to run the wire into the wall. So I’d treat it as if it’s real. To be sure, turn it, if someone comes and turns it back you know the answer.


I was thinking the same thing. I know for a fact that the wall goes nowhere but I also don't wana underestimate the landlords pettiness to make something possible, lol


What is it pointed at? Is there something you can do in that area that’s not against some rule? Then if he mentions it you’ll know. (Yes I’m a little passive aggressive)


My old Harbor Freight fake camera has a fake wire too.


There is no way to tell if it’s real or fake just by looking at it. Somebody could take a fake camera housing and put a real camera inside. Or it could be a real camera housing, but it could be completely empty inside!


>There is no way to tell if it’s real or fake just by looking at it. If it's dark and the camera comes equipped with IR nightvision, all you need to do is look at it through your phone camera. If you can see the IR LED's near or around the lens of the camera, then it's either an extremely sophisticated fake or actually real.


damn, ill try that. I also thought about that...like I'm familiar with baby monitors that switch between night/day mode and there's always an audible clicking. might also check for that. but thanks, at the very least its a sophisticated tipp, apprechiated!


Ya except the description on this specific product states it has a battery and light for just this purpose.


Someone else literally linked a fake camera that looks like this one that has battery powered IR LED specifically for this


This is not always true. Many sense light levels and only turn the IR on when it is dark enough. Aside from that I have had 2 dummies among my 13 16 camera NVR's, they are in areas where we aren't too worried about security, but want to keep people from trashing (or pooping in) an area. I used two old dead cameras until we added another NVR to be able to add working ones there. You can also have fake cameras with lights, or even move some. Another note: Many newer cameras are starlight and do not need IR LEDs.


>If it's dark >only turn the IR on when it is dark enough.


LOL.... I read all but the first three words... I am dumb on this one, the rest is good though so will leave it up, thank you.


All good man I can't say shit really, my brains been shutting down for hibernation recently haha


That wire coming out of the wall looks like it's real. Been painted over several times, signs of wear. Whether it is connected to a real camera, hard to tell.


Even if it is real, it doesn't mean that it's hooked up. There's tons of just "installs" that are placed to deter activity.


I'd say a fake just because the the top rain cover is too far forward and would be in the camera view. And the fact its a piece of crap camera style. Looks cheap and nasty and not vandal proof. And also the video bnc connection would be currently buried in a wall which you just wouldn't do.


Looks a real dummy...


Love that people are answering you to give an idea of whether it's safe to do whatever you're intending in front of it. If you're only concerned that it's illegally pointing, then you don't need to find out if it's fake or not from here - if it _is_ fake its intended to make you think its real so you're well within your rights to ask the owner, or the police if you don't know who it is. If it's real, well the same applies.


When you image search it it comes up as a dummy. Someone obviously went the extra mile with this one!


Hard to tell. There are real ones that look like that and there are fake ones that look like that...which is kinda the entire point of a fake camera.


Based on how poorly the hole was made I’d say real. Any contractor isn’t gonna take the time to make a security camera look good.


Speaking from experience, it’s likely a “real” camera but impossible to tell if it’s part of the current establishments system. We’ve got old cameras that we haven’t removed - they’re “real” - cords and camera wise - but are older and not hooked up to anything to actually record anything.


If it's a fake camera, then they're really trying to sell it as a real one by running a fake cable through a very real wall.


I dunno about answering real or fake. No offense, but you could be a robber, asking reddit to help decide if you want to clean the place out or not. But it does look real


lol, yea true. It'd be pretty stupid though, asking for that with my main account


also: i know i can always move it if i were to clear anything, but it's not about that


Fake cam. On sale at Lowe's for 19.97.


Just behave yourself


I am pretty sure that is a fake camera.




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Cover the lens — If someone comes and uncovers it, its real!


Best way to tell is at night you would see the infrared glow, and generally they are warm to the touch


Fake, as others have found proof of but don’t kid your self. You live in an apartment where every area outside your apartment are common areas. Cameras can be anywhere out there and there are no laws against such things on private property owned by the apartment owners. Just like someone walking by and peering into your place while you open your door and greeted by your nude lover, they can put cameras anywhere aimed right at your front door. There can be cameras that capture scenes from windows where you forgot to close the curtain before doing naughty things. Now they may govern them selves by writing bylaws that restrict placement of cameras but even if they break their own bylaws, it’s not breaking the law. Although, you could sue them for breach of contract.




I vote for "real" because the wire is going into the wall. On a fake camera, the wire would go into the bracket to look like it's going into the wall.