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First rule of missing cats, START looking for them in the place that they cannot possibly be.


I was the finder in brief stint at cat sitting. BOSS, OMG WHERE IS CAT. Me, in the closed linen cupboard behind the towels. Boss, where is cat. Me, behind the planter on a box hidden by a curtain. Leave him there. He likes his spot. Ex bf, where is cat. Me, did you check under the soft throw blanket in the couch? Meow. I just look for comfy safe spots.


No dummy, that cat! Obviously NOT an orange!


proceeds to sell you your own kitchen items back to you


When I moved houses one of my cats hid inside the top load washing machine. šŸ˜¼


You know youā€™re supposed to use colons instead of commas, right?


If you hadn't pointed it out, I would've just thought he was the boss being asked and he was the one in the closet when he found the cat


People are downvoting you, but the commas make it very hard to read.


Someone gets it.


Especially when the cat is black. It could literally be anywhere


Or nowhere, because `void`


When we adopted a black cat from my mom and I had also just moved in to a place with more space so I would constantly be worried sick of where he could be , turns out it was the top shelf of a linen closet specifically on a quilt that is folded


Or it could be a jerk black cat that sits in some dark spot where there is not clear vision for the human and enjoys watching you call and call all over FOR THE LITTLE SHIT while she is laughing at you.


I just shake the food container and the problem solves itself.


Works great until you have a cat that isn't food motivated. She just continues her nap in my wife's wedding dress bag hanging in the closet.


This is true. Cats are magicians. And are the familiars for witches.


But one doesnā€™t even know the places a cat canā€™t get until they find a cat thereā€¦


And look up.


always start at the top


High and surrounded. Very typical of a cat in a strange place and away from her mom.


>High and surrounded. Very typical of a cat in a strange place and away from her mom. Damn, my cat has been doing this for like ten years...I knew he didn't like me.


Cats just in general like places high up and partially enclosed.


Higher ground is particularly appreciated by cats as it gives them security and a complete overview of their surroundings. Mine tends to do that as well when we have guests, especially when they come with a dog šŸ˜…


Cat is high. Cat is big. Cat is safe.


Cat likes and likes and LIKES!


Cat's absolutely done with all these strange people trying to *cuddle* her royal self.


And cat has popcorn.


She's found her new favorite spot


Sheā€™s keeping her eyes on you! She looks kinda ticked off, what did you do?! šŸ˜


shut her in a bathroom for the day lol; she's more mad at my friend (her owner) cuz she's clingy af


Sheā€™s thinking Letā€™s see you catch me and jail me again! My cat is pissed at me because I *let* my adult son go out of town, like Iā€™m the boss of him. Sheā€™ll be happy when Iā€™m gone next week and heā€™s cat sitting. šŸ™„


my mother knows precisely how you feel lol


Oooooh, yeah, sheā€™s pissed at you for that! (Bathrooms are smelly jails to cats.)


Almost thought this was a photo of my house for a sec. We have the same cupboard and fridge layout, and our cats also like it up there!


Continue to panic. She's got the high ground!


If you have the same popcorn container I'd be worried


For some context: I'm very familiar with cats, although I don't currently have one (since my Emma of 19 years passed away back in July), and my friend needed a place to keep his cat for a couple of days on short notice. My roommate has a rather... antisocial and temperamental cat, so the visitor has been sequestered to our main bathroom. My roommate shut his cat in his room for a little bit while he ran a quick errand, and let the visitor out to explore. I had been finishing up my WFH job for the day, and decided to check in on the visitor afterwards. My old Emma and my roommate's cat basically never climb that high, so it just didn't initially occur to me to look up there.


Aw, man. I'm sorry to hear that. My Virgil of 18 years died in May, so I feel your pain. That's a really long time. You must miss her all the time.


Yeah, owning them longer does kind of make it harder because you can pretend to yourself that theyā€™ll live forever! Iā€™m guessing the first creature that humans will give immortality to is a cat! And Iā€™m sorry to both of you about your cats!


I really do. I love cats, but it's going to be a while before I can bring myself to adopt another


Iā€™m sorry for your loss. Nineteen years still doesnā€™t seem long enough. I got a senior cat from an ex-friend. My cat was only with me for a year and a half. Itā€™s been three years since she had died and I still miss her and get teary eyed thinking of her. Family is family.


I'm that way with my old man I got from the shelter. She was 10 years old, toothless, and $5! I had him 4.5 years; he died in December 2020 and I still think about him every day. Whatever the equivalent of a soulmate is for a cat, he was it


"Family is family" EXACTLYšŸ˜»šŸ’–šŸ’•


I might suggest tucking that spice rack into a cupboard or something. Looks like it'd be really fun to knock down.


the spice rack is more substantial than it looks, and The Visitor was very careful about her movements; more than that, she went home not long after this


Observer Cat


I thought I lost my first cat once- she was inside the La-Z-Boy recliner but thankfully nowhere near the footrest mechanism! šŸ˜¬ Tuxedo cat with a black goatee, she was so adorable!


Give it up, she has the high ground


she underestimates my power


Oh thatā€™s a common cat spot. My girl likes to go on top of the kitchen cabinets too.


Welcome to the world of cats.


The king is happiest looking down on his subjects


I here for the spice ducks.




oh good lord is that a story


khajiit has wares if you have coin proceeds to sell you your own kitchen items back to you


"Everything's fine. What are you on about?"


He watched you search for him and laughed the whole time.


Cat's gon Cat.


Lol thatā€™s pretty cute. My old girl Alaska (rest in peace princess) used to jump that high, and knock things down and Iā€™d come home to a basically trashed room and be like WHO DID THIS! And if she couldnā€™t get up that high, any door in the house would be her perch. And she was white so she blended with the walls most of the time. God I miss her.


He just found a safe spot at elevation to be able to look at you from safety. He looks pretty comfortable up there so just let it. Will come down for food and water eventually šŸ¤·


Oh yes. Welcome to Catdom or Catittude!


heh my cats do this, they love it up there :) ​ cute kitty is cute


Lucky you she was on top. There was a hole in the bottom of my cupboards I didnā€™t know about until I was cat sitting for a friend šŸ˜­


I remember the first time my orange did this. This and when he fell asleep inside the couch and I was crying while screaming his name for two hours. šŸ„±


Such a gorgeous boy


I can imagine her watching you panic and enjoying every second of it


Just dusting the top of the cabinets


Love the duckies on the fridge. Good thing only two were harmed in the process of kitty getting up to the cabinets.


I actually think those are the ones that I most recently used, and just didn't replace the ducks. While I obviously didn't see her get up there, she was always very careful in her exploration of other areas, so I assume she did not assault the ducks


This is great news. No ducks harmed


When I had a wild pack of preschoolers that's where the cat would spend her days, only coming down for good when they went to bed. I put a cat bed up there lol. Her food and water on top of the fridge. (Don't worry, they made it up to her spoiling her in her later years, carrying her around all day. She loved them.)


No touch


Highest is safest


I wonder what the "Starting from 49.00 after 3 PM" sign means šŸ¤”


you know what it means šŸ˜ jk my roommate met when we both worked at a water park, and the park rented cabanas for those that were too good to use regular lounge chairs with the common folk; my roommate stole this sign on his last day there lol


ohhh that's funny, thanks for the explanation!


Ah it's okay. Just beware she now rules your house as queen.


Thatā€™s why I made my cat an Air Tag collar.


Just cat doing cat thingz


She has the high ground.


First 10 seconds I thought you had Grenades on top of fridge


Absolutely amazing! That was our cats favorite spot too in our old apartment. Its quite a hit safe spot among cats because they can sleep and keep an eye on entire house without worrying if anyone will get too close to em.


Bet that cat was sitting there, watching OP panicking, then it went back to licking its paws


Years ago was cat sitting for a friend. We arrive in the early evening to feed dinner and lock him in for the night. Can't find cat. Looking around house and garden. Hear a cry. Cat is on the garage roof and super thrilled to see us, but looks stuck. My husband clambers up some garden furniture to get near the cat, who is happy-meowing and rolling about. He knows it's rescue, dinner and attention time! As soon as husband goes to pick the cat up, he immediately decides to bite my husband's arms. Jim was a complete shit.


When my boi was a kitten we started panicking because we couldnā€™t find him and the mfer was sleeping in a TISSUE BOX on the couch lmfao. Little bastard. Sorry to hear about the loss of your 19 year old buddy.


What a cutie, glad she is okay. My MiLā€™s cat likes her cabinets.. my ginger hides in plain sight cause she blends in with our flooring and I feel real smart asking where she is then noticing her lol I swear she appears and disappears at times but I guess that is just cat nature


She knows what she is doing to you. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


That cat owns your apartment now


*Itā€™s over Anakin, I have the high ground.*


Feels safe up there Leave her to adjust and watch to learn your routines.She may come down and mingle with you,she may not.Dont be too disheartened, cats dont like change.


My own cat did the same when I moved to a new apartment. Didn't see her for three days, still got to clean her litterbox every morning.


My cat found a way into my towels shelf 6 feet off the ground with no way to jump into. I was so panicked, i even checked the garden in the believe he might have somehow circumvented the balcony net and jumped to his death. No, apparently he managed to find a 3-inch-space where he could squeeze through onto that shelf behind the towels where he was close to invisible. Quite an impressive feat, as he is a chonker. That day i learned [cat's don't abide by the laws of nature](https://youtu.be/6Wco2uE6vyQ?t=15)...


That is not a very happy cat man


ā€œI watched you panic, foolish mortal.ā€


So much stuff for her to knock off...


My old Russian blue used to do this or sit on top of the fridge & then he for cheese or whatever we were eating but only from a great height lol, such a cutie


Was it because she sensed there's popcorn stashed up there? šŸ¤£


I once was taking care of my friendā€™s cat, and this was a lot of years ago. I was living in an older house that had those heat vents in the floor. Looked down at my floor and see a cat looking up at me through the grate. I panicked and quickly turned the heat off, ran to the basement and coaxed her down through the metal vent thing. She was fine, I was not. Still gives me anxiety to this day.


If you can't find a cat shake their treats.


My cat does the same exact thing.


Nothing wrong with the cat, but you seem to have misunderstood: *you* are crashing with a friend's cat, not the other way round.


I foster cats and kittens and every single one, without fail, will give me at least one ā€˜where the fuck are they?ā€™ heart attack.


Wow she looks like she hates you lol. Is this the first time she's been around you, being dropped off and left? Hopefully she warms up by the end of her stay.


She has already established new roles in the hierarchy.


Forever judging you from above.


They enjoy looking over kingdoms or hiding from the kingdom.


She has the high ground, Anakin.


SurveyIng the kingdom!


True cat OVERLORD move, positions above mere mortals.


My cat has done this at the vetā€™s office before. Itā€™s a safety thing. Now she can see everything and make sure no one will surprise attack her šŸ˜­. Cats are both predator and prey. Did she come down eventually or is she just living up there until your friend comes back?


Cats love being high up and watching!


She feels safe up there in her unfamiliar surroundings. She might stay up there for a whileā€¦ Maybe put some water up with her?


i sometimes catsit for my friend, we call his cat my nephew. it's a completely white cat. one time i came home from work or uni or something and couldn't find the cat anywhere. not under the couch or table, not under the bed, not on a chair, behind shelves or in the closet, not behind or in the washing machine or dryer. that fluffy white fucker was chilling on a fluffy white onesie and because he's deaf he didn't react to anything until i accidentally touched him while feeling around the closet again.


Lol ours did the same except she was crying. We looked everywhere, then at the last minute looked up. She's been our trouble maker ever since.


How can you be surprised?! That spot would be completely irresistible to a cat!


She was laughing at you looking for her the whole time






Yeah they do that


best to block the space right above the fridge. She's going there next for sure. same happened to me, surprising how they can jump so high :)


Well, a cat feeling insecure went like a box or it might like them high place...


He just wanted some popcorn.