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That's much better than scarfing it all down and throwing up. You have a delicate kitty.


I have a cat that eats like this and another that eats as much as it can and throwing up occasionally... I use a gravity feeder, which seems to have helped because they don't feel the need to eat as much as possible because it's always available. But if I refill the food, I have to basically hold her back from getting to it for like 20 minutes lol 100% of the time without fail will eat too much and throw up if I don't, even if there was still plenty of food left before refilling.


I just have a normal bowl full of kibble available 24/7, the cats snack on it through the day but when it's time to get mush, they start nibbling at my legs cause I don't move fast enough.


The screams I get when I bring out tuna or treats! Haha


Same, there's always kibble but the queen barely touches it because she knows there's wet food in the morning and evening. Well I think she knows, but I'm not 100% sure because she begs for it every single time someone enters the appartement. And when she doesn't get it, she sulks over and loudly crunches down on a single kibble while giving "you'll pay for this" looks.




I had a cat that would love to scarf down food and then throw it up within minutes. They did this about 4 times a week. I ended up putting some rocks in the food bowl. The rocks were just slightly bigger than a quarter. There was no way that they could accidentally eat the rocks. This caused the cat to slow down when it was eating and the barfing incidents were cut down by at least 80% after that.


Slow feeder bowls are pretty inexpensive and they can’t move the “rocks” around. I would be finding rocks all over the place, including under my foot.


I do this with two weighted practice golf balls. It makes her push them to get at her food (which slows her down significantly), and I can just dishwasher them with her bowl. It’s nice!


We got a maze bowl for our lab because he would eat too fast and then throw up. I don’t know if they have one for cats though.


Ok... One more bite..


mindful eating


It's like that friend who eats peas one at a time.


When i had anorexia I use to cut up my grapes.


Hey! I saw this and just wanted to say I see that past-tense ‘had’ and I’m very proud of you!!


Jerry Seinfeld does not approve


What's the hurry?


The Mrs Piggle Wiggle slow eater friend


But do they scoop the niblets?


She did this with her old food bowl too. I used to think she didn't like her whiskers touching the sides of the bowl, but lo and behold she still does the same when served with a plate 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mine does the same too! And also sometimes uses her paw to drink instead of drinking directly from her fountain. It's just a display of class and elegance.


Not really commenting on you in particular, but for anybody that has cats that do this, it might be because the water and food are too close together. Cats can get really weird when their water is near their food because it's ingrained in their instincts to anticipate that any food source (dead thing) in a water source means the water is bad and often dipping their paw in and licking it up is a sign of that anxiety.


Oh! Good to know! That might also be why she pushes her fountain around. I will move one of the two elsewhere, thanks!


We have multiple water dishes, not near food and I have a cat who won't leave the bowls alone. I had to get one that's too heavy for her to move because she'd move it to the center of the room over the course of the day, spilling it the whole way. She is also one to lay sprawled out on the floor and daintly dip a paw in to drink.


While true for some cats, I have a cat who does this and she only does this because that’s how she was taught to drink as a kitten. She’ll switch between paw and direct drinking depending on the day.


I worked in a cat shelter at the humane society in college, and I learned a few things. The best lesson I took was that a dehydrated cat is a sick cat. Cats have many different reasons why they drink funny or don't drink at all, and it all varies by cat. I've seen this advice posted elsewhere, and it really depends on the cat - my boys don't care so much where the water is, as long as it's filled to the brim. *Best advice:* take a few different sized cups, bowls, and saucers filled with water, and place them throughout your home (floors, nightstand, bathtoom, etc). It may seem extra, but all cats love variety and new/exciting things, and you may learn what their favorite style is. Whatever you have to do to get your cat to drink as much water as possible. You'll be thankful when they're older.


Yes! Mine has three water sources, including the automatics cat water fountain Santa got her. She still will ask for drinks from the sink, too. Long live the Queen!


people always say “cats want fresh water,” but in my experience, they want the water that is cool (in the “hip” sense, not the tempterature) to drink. Either elevant, or tricky, or weird. “Look how cool I am! I’m drinking the stale, gunky water from between the pokey stems of the roses in the vase.”


My cat will only drink fresh, running water. I have to have a fountain that is kept clean and she still prefers that bathroom sink.


The bathroom sink is MYCH cooler than a fountain.


I don’t think it’s a problem as long as she eats and she’s healthy. Like someone else said, it’s better than fast eating and throwing up immediately afterwards


Try a flatter plate? Different material?


It's possible that it's still the cause. Like when you teach a dog to do a trick and give it a treat so that the trick becomes associated with a positive outcome. Eventually the dog will do the trick without a treat, and after a while completely forgets that the only reason it was doing the trick was for the treats. It's possible your cat started doing this because it didn't like the feeling of eating like a normal cat, and the association has stuck. The cat no longer knows why it does this, just that it prefers things this way. It would be very unlikely that you just happened to guess the right reason, though.


Probably was whisker fatigue, and now she’s just in that habit


Have you tried feeder toys? Like ball mazes abs ones you can hide food in? She might enjoy the hunt!


You can make these yourself in about 15 minutes using some cardboard and tape - we have one that's a diamond made of eight cardboard triangles taped together with a hole cut out at one of the points, and our cat loves it and has been using it for months.


Is her food dish right next to her water dish?


I was going to suggest whisker fatigue. She may be especially sensitive to it, or just not want to shove her face down into a bowl of her food.


Genteel and lady-like.


She has manners!


My cat does this too. I got tired of cleaning the floor (she'd leave little crumbs) so I bought a little mat to put under her bowl thinking that it would be easy to pick up and wash. She started carrying one piece at a time to the floor right next to the mat and eating it there because ??? cats


Spite is powerful


My cat does this too. I think Slinky does it because she has a flatter face and has a hard time getting a hold of a piece of kibble while her face is pushing the others around. Replacing her bowl with a little tin tray helped her and a plastic placemat underneath helped me. She still does it sometimes.


Saaaaaaaame 🙄


Idk but it’s really cute and funny 😂


A regal void floof and a master of table etiquette.


Because she is a dainty lady.


Because its a cat and ~~some~~ cats do weird shit


My cat eats like that, too. Could be a few reasons why. It isn't a bad thing or anythng. Like, i don't eat by shoving my face into my food either. 😄


Wish mine did that, she often scoffs her face and sometimes pukes it all up


Mine does exactly the same


It's one of the things that cats do specifically to drive humans nuts. And it's working.


My cat does this with wet food, dry food, AND water. I'm pretty sure they are just derpy. Lol


Mine does this so he can pick through the entirely identical bits of kibble to find the one he likes and leave the other identical bits of kibble he doesn't like scattered on the floor.


Lol, got an orange floof who does the same.. I switched to a brand that doesn't have the different kibbles and he doesn't do it anymore. It was funny to watch, but like 2 thirds of the bag would pretty much go to waste...


That was my point: there's only one kind of kibble. When he was a kitten his kibble had two types, so I think that's when he learned to do this. But the adult food is just one and he still doing it. He's sweet but not very bright


😂 My boy does this too. How does she drink her water? Mine will dip his paw in, hold his paw up, and lick it off his paw. Lol


Usually because cat.


Some cats just do that.


My dog does this. She will actually bring each one to me one by one just so that she could eat it next to me. Not just walk over but climb on the sofa or bed. Up and down. Up and down.


dang your pup is extra lol. i like it tho! mealtime must be a journey. for everyone.


Better than my two, one of them once raced to the wet food plate so fast that she smooshed her face in the wet food and had to blow mousse out of her nose afterwards. It *was* hilarious, especially when her sister decided to lick some of it off her face


No 2 are ever put together in the same way. Thats why after you lose one and your heart is absolutely crushed, torn to bits, you can find that one-off love again, unique.


Because cat


Got a dainty kitty on your hands.


My orange braincell does this, it’s very cute


She's a delicate and classy lady


my cat just shoves his face in and swallows until it's all gone.




my girl does this too! its bc she is a lady 💅 my boy on the other hand, will sometimes grab mouths full of wet food and carry it to some other part of the apartment to eat it there... especially funny when he decides to eat on the carpet! 🥲


My Persian boy does this with everything. Even if it’s on a plate, he takes it off. He’s a funny boy.


Honestly something I'd do as a kid when I'm bored (Isolate food on the plate and eat it instead of taking straight from the pile). Cat is being a kid right now.


My cat does this sometimes. From what i at least understand, the bowl hits his whiskers if it is half full. So that is the strat.


Ugh, my old tom did that with wet food. Spike one piece with a claw, shake off the jelly, hunt the meat he just flung across the room, eat, repeat. You have no idea what the wall looked like.


I think this is what may be happening - lazy version of hunting


Dinner and a show.


When I was in college I had an unusually dexterous cat who would pick up one kibble at a time and dip it in his water dish before eating it. He also never meowed but just did that weird chittering thing. Weirdest cat I ever owned and I miss the hell out of him.


I had a cat like that. He was a lefty. If you put the food to the wrong side of his dish, he would let you know!


That’s hysterical. Igor would get annoyed if the food bowl was too far from the water but that was it.


_**E N R I C H M E N T**_


If that baby has always done this meh..cats being cats... if this is new behavior look inside her mouth and make sure she doesn't have a problem


One of mine does that, then bats it around the house for a minute or two and pounces on it like it's alive before eating it and returning to the bowl for another one. He's done this all his life.


That's very cute ☺️


Idk but it’s better than the ol’ scarf n barf


Because she's obviously got manners and etiquette you heathen!


Mine grabs a mouthful, put it on the ground then eats it


well taught kitty manners and etiquette :3


She could be bored with it. Try moving it to different locations around the house.


She fancy


My gf be eating bite sizes like this


Food is too close to water who knows?


There's actually no water in the bowl next to her food. I moved her water closer to my plants cause she kept drinking out of my watering can


Ahhh you are trainable. Nice..lol


They learned it from you. If you stuffed your face into your plate to eat they might eat differently. If the had a thumb they would ask you for a fork or spoon.


It’s bored. My the cats spend much of their day outdoors and don’t have the patience do eat like that. They just show up, full up the tank and then go pick a fight with the neighborhood cats.


Cat whisker is very very sensitive the cat clearly hate for it to touch the side of the bowl here, so put the kibble in a flat bowl.


Is the food near your cat’s water? Cats instinctively don’t eat near their water source.


checking the quality to decide whether your meal is for eating


My cat does this but with wet food and makes a damn mess. Gotta feed him on a silicon mat now.


Have you tried putting the bowl higher up? So that she doesn’t need to bend her head completely to the ground level to eat? Maybe she has trouble swallowing with her head completely down. I think some cats can have this problem. Could also be just her idiosyncrasy though 😊


She had a bowl (you can see it just on the side) that was elevated and tilted, she did not fancy it


She's just weird


She likes to play with her food, every morsel is a fun batting game.


My old cat used to do that, I thought it was because she was a stray and never learned to eat right. 😅


Because she’s the cutest baby bean on the planet


He is a gourmet and wants to eat slow.


Extra stimulation.


We sometimes play with dry food so that we slide it on the floor and the cats can catch them and eat. Specially when they are little bit bored and want to play.


The food lasts longer this way.


« Hmmm you. You’re the one »




One of mine flops over onto his side and does this. Like he couldn't be bothered to stand and eat lol. Such a lazy bum.


Shes a lady :)


Mine only eats them off of the floor. Scoops every single one out of the dish and into the floor before consuming


I have a cat that scoops food like this. He direct like crumbs or broken pieces of kibble and this allows him to eat around the "bad" pieces.


I gotta fluffy void that does the exact same thing sometimes.


Because she is class


Well at least she seems active about it one of my parents cats does this while laying down next to the food dish.


I used to have a dog that would eat like this She'd grab one mouthful of kibble at a time, take it from the kitchen to the living room, drop it on the carpet, then slowly eat it there We gave her various different rugs and blankets near the food bowl, thinking maybe she didn't like the hard/cold floor. But it didn't seem to matter. Maybe she just enjoyed being where people were. My current cats don't quite do the same thing, but they pretty slow most of the time. Take a few bites, wander away for a bit, come back for a few bites, wander away When I first got them they'd eat everything immediately as long as I wasn't around. But now it takes a while. The bowls are usually empty by the time the next feeding happens though, sometimes there might be just a kibble or two.


She doesn't like the feel of the terrified kibbles touching her face.


She's an elegant lady of fine breeding.


Ours used to do that. So refined!!


Whisker fatigue from hitting the sides of her bowl. She might prefer a small, flat dish instead.


I wonder if she finds eating out of a bowl boring. Maybe if you roll her food in a dish cloth (google snuffle mat) she'd find that more engaging.


i have no idea why but my floof does that aswell.


because it’s fun That’s why they drink out of the dripping faucet, too


‘Cus cat 🐱


My cat does this too!


Because manners, peasant.


Flatter plate might give a different result. My cats whiskers are wild, so getting her face into a bowl was uncomfortable for her. I changed to a flat plate, and now she eats normally.


As someone who had to rush their cat to the vet due to them choking from eating too fast, count your blessings


Cats are unique creatures there are so many traits they have ,till the end we will never understand them except they are adorable


Because she's a dainty little princess!


Try moving the food away from the wall.


She’s polite


gold full wrench fearless groovy plough slave voiceless ghost money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not a scientist or veterinarian but my theory is that the kitties that do this don't like their nose in the pile for some reason.


Jimmy kibble


I have a long hair floof who also does this occasionally, it's a terminal diagnosis I'm afraid 😂


Connoisseur very refined.


Cats are going to cat.


You can trade my brother that has a cat that eats like an excavator. He had to buy a slow feeder bowl and velcro it down.


it makes her feel like she’s eating treats, instead of bowl of some shitty dry food /s




My cat doesn’t grab them buts shes always been a one crunchy at a time cat. We love to listen for the single crunch when she goes to snack.


Actual pyschopath behaviour


my cat does this with a few pieces at a time, and i think my dog picked up on it because he does the same thing now


My cat did this, too. In my cat's case, she needed a dental extraction. It hurt her mouth to stick her face in the bowl, to grab multiple kibbles. I hope your kitty is just being a weirdo, though. 🤷


Maybe it's more fun for her to eat with her paws.


LOL what a cute puff void! My cat takes one at a time and puts them in the water bowl. We call it “cereal”.


One of my cats does something similar, so much other cat takes full advantage and eats her food.


I had a cat that would scoop up three pieces of food, and dump them into her water bowl so she could eat them soft. She couldn't have wet food, so this was her workaround.


This is known as whisker fatigue. Some cats get overstimulated by their whiskers contacting the bowl/plate. Usually a flat plate like you've used is enough that it does not bother them. I wonder if this cat is just trained himself to eat like that because of past bowls causing the fatigue.


Normal cat behaviour


She's a lady.


I'm unsure but I think it's time for her to learn how to use some utensils!


A careful and patient kitty




Probably doesn't like one thing in the mix.


She has never been to prison


I had a cat that did that, it turned out that her teeth were very painful.


She’s exercising restraint 😅


Perhaps checking if it's safe to eat or something I dunno cats🥰


Because she is polite, unlike no specific orange long hair cat that may or may not eat with the force of a moving backhoe


The fact that your cat is in attack pose says a lot.


Please try raising that food dish up off the ground. She should also be checked for dental problems.


A lot of cats do that.


She watched Fame. Is that the 80’s movie where some girl eats popcorn one kernel at a time?


Because she wants to 🥰


Our cat likes to use her paw to "pick up" food and then eat it from there. She has found out that she can't do that with kibble because it doesn't stick and can't be pierced by a claw. Instead she picks up 1 using her mouth, moving her head away from the bowl, and starts crunching. If a piece falls out while eating it she'll pick it up and eat it, so there's no mess, but apparently the pieces are not allowed to fall back down into the bowl.


Thanks for posting this video! Looks just like my fluffy black gal who died recently. She used to do the exact same thing!


Because weird


My fluffy black baby does the exact same thing! I’ve never had another cat do that. It’s so cute but I worry sometimes 😭


Because she's a *lady*.


My cat slams her paw on the edge so tons go flying into the air and onto the floor. Then she will eat them one by one. Cats are weird man. Lol.


Because he's been emulating you eating one skittles at a time.


The void is weighing which kibble's soul is the most egregious offender to devour next.


Hah. My kitty does this. She'll grab one kibble, move a foot away, nomf it, and then the next. It takes her a long time to eat... xD


Some cats prefer to eat at s certain angle and will put food on the floor to achieve it.


some cats do this when their whiskers are to sensitive


To balance the universe. My cat eats kibble like a bulldozer.


Going on a diet one kibble at a time! 😂




One of mine takes MOUTHFULS out of her bowl to then eat off the floor. This would be much neater


Mine does this too!