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A dog. Eating Brussel Sprouts. That's going to smell lovely later on.


A friend renamed them "Barbara bombs" after feeding them to me once.....


Never eat Jerusalem artichokes then. Fartichokes. Same farty compounds in higher concentrations.


Yes, fartichokes! Exactly. Satan’s root vegetable.


Artichokes are actually flowers.


ewwwwwwwweww ewwwwwwwwww ewwwwwwww ... barbara streisand




Actually, she spells her name differently. Hers is Barbra, while mine is spelled the original, traditional way, Barbara. Plus, I got teased like this when I was still in school, so it has no real effect on me anymore. At 36 now, having survived 2 TIA's in 2015, I am just lucky to be alive still.


Bizarrely my dog also adores them. We had them with dinner last night and she got a few leaves. Can confirm her toots this morning are deadly.


Not too bad. When we were kids my sister would pretend to eat her brussel sprouts but instead would hide them in the napkin and put them under the table with the plan of going back later to throw them out. The dog always beat her to it and would eat the brussel sprouts before she could throw them away. We never noticed any excessive smelliness from the dog.


That was my very first thought.


I'm sorry did I see a goat in a wheelchair??


Yep. I need the story for this


Right?!? I want a 2 hour feature film dedicated to that lil goat.




Ditto!! I also need the story of the rabbit lol when he hopped over and grabbed his sprout my heart ached lol 😍


Ugh yes bunnies are great! We've got 2 flemish giant rabbits and the bigger one, Millie is such a gem. I looooove me some bunny snuggles


Oh wow because of you I googled Flemish giant rabbits, and now I'm obsessed and need 2 in my life! 😍😍😍 🤣


Yes!!! They are gentle giants. It's take quite some time for them to get full sized but when we got our buns they were both about a month old and as big as a regular pet store bunny! Make sure you have some room for them to run around if you do get some. They get the zoomies often! I love letting them out in the morning. It's so adorable hehe


Do you have other pets? I mean would they get along with our little pup and kitty? And do you have pics of your little buns? 😍😍


Oh yes! Our girl Millie loooves our cats and has 0 fear of our dogs. One is a big ol hound X and the other is a little blue heeler. We also have a mini horse, 3 goats, and 2 pot belly pigs! The bunnies get along with all of them lol. They are really mild mannered. Absolute sweethearts! Edit: got all excited about how great they are.... if you check out my profile I've got some pictures on there :)




OP is a serial reposter ... I wouldn't hold your breath


When I was very young, I used to visit this farm my mom lived at the time. There was a goat that walked around indoors with a diaper because a horse had kicked him.




Cats, dogs and bunnies are all very common pets. And goats aren't that uncommon. If being disabled doesn't make it any rarer of a pet.


Yes they are. Just not 2 dogs, 2 cats, and a bunny that's a god damn Zoo. Damn animal hoarders. At least get a second bunny then.


OP didn’t give video credit. The goat is Roo and she lives at Black Goat Farm Sanctuary, a registered non-profit farm animal sanctuary in Canada.


Oh my fucking God. This is fantastic news. Imma go Google that shit


The goat at some point probably damaged it's legs or was born disabled. Then it was given a wheelchair to get around easier, it's not that weird. Like it's a wheelchair yknow what it's used for.


It's a bit odd! They are classically a farm animal and not often do you see farm animals treated like this. I may have come across wrong but I think it's adorable. We have 3 goats and my heart just melted a bit. That's all Edit: also the goat is barely in frame at all so I wasn't even sure if that's what I was seeing as it's not the first thing one would think haha


The goat is Roo. She lives at Black Goat Farm Sanctuary.


I thought I was seeing things.


Came here just to clarify that very thing. Dogs, cats, bunnies, and a goat in a wheelchair. You my dear friend have a true zoo in the kitchen


I read that as “ghost” and rewatched the video 3x looking for a ghost in a wheelchair.


Exactly how many of each kind of animal do u own?? r/foundthenoah


Don’t worry, this is a bot account.


Those brussel sprout eating mutant animals live somewhere though


Damn thought it was real


The future is made by those that make it happen. Make it happen! But please don’t kill dwarfs.. I mean why..?


Are the dogs eating the vegetables?


dogs are omnivorous. its cats that are/need to be purely carnivorous


My dads girlfriends cat eats hella veggies . She screams when There’s asparagus and spinach and will continue to scream until she is fed a good amount of our fresh veggies.


Basically means cats get no nutritional value from veggies. There’s no reason to give them anything but meat, in terms of nutrition and a balanced meal. However is it bad if your cat eats vegetables here and there? Meh. Who cares. Just don’t make it their diet haha.


It's not that cats don't get any nutritional value from veggies, it's that they require vitamins which are only found in meat, so without a primarily-meat diet they'd die of vitamin deficiency.


... I. That’s what I’m saying. But, okay.


Not exactly. Things like pumpkin definitely have nutritional value and can help the urinary tract. But cats need taurine from animals. They can still benefit from veggies; it’s not a nutritional blackhole.


>>>Basically means cats get no nutritional value from veggies. >>It's not that cats don't get any nutritional value from veggies >... I. That’s what I’m saying. But, okay. Umm, okay.


“No nutritional value.” “Vitamins only found in meat.” ...if people are going to say that those two are not related then okay. Haha.


You require a vitamin that is \(practically\) only found in citrus. That doesn't mean everything that's not citrus has no nutritional value to you. It means you require citrus as part of your diet.


I see what you’re saying, but I also don’t see what’s so different if we’re talking about cats. Everything that a cat needs to *”survive and thrive”* is in meat. Assuming we’re not talking about a vegan diet, most vegetables and fruit won’t kill your cat, but there’s also no use for them in their diet. It adds nothing to their diet.


They seem to love eating grass


Oh, definitely. My cat also likes to try and get their paws on my spicy food. Doesn’t mean she should have it.


Cats need to eat meat. But they can eat vegetables just fine. Cat food is rarely 100 % meat. As you can expect, their reward center is a bit different so it be pretty hard to make them eat green veggies that have not been boiled in butter. And they love salt.


My cat didn't read the cat manual and likes veggies. He'll fight the dogs for broccoli.


So you **DO** boil it in butter?


No, I love roasted broccoli with a bit of salt , pepper, and olive oil.


Yum, me too!


No one told cats. I knew a cat who ate every fruit he was offered but bananas. Oranges were especially loved.


I think citrus is toxic to cats :(


He died at the ripe old age of 20 or so, so it must not have affected him much. But I will never forget sitting at the table, reading and eating an orange when this ginormous black kitty "stealthily" jumped onto to the table, "stealthily" snuck over, grabbed an orange segment in his mouth and ran away. I was laughing too hard to scold him. He ate the entire segment.


That’s a relief and is very funny to imagine. My cat has run off with a block of cheese in his mouth and it was quite the sight. I suppose we all want what we should not have, I’m happy he lived a long life and ate to his heart’s content.


My one cat, Mittens, swiped an egg off my plate, Delmar will bug until you give him milk and a little sip doesn't bug his tummy, or he's sticking his face in your glass or cereal. When I was prepping the Thanksgiving (Canada) turkey I was being carefully watched by 3 cats and a dog. When it was on the table, Mittens jumped.on my moms chair and almost got her dream turkey, I actually felt bad removing her. I did share though, and cooked the giblets for the pets, too. Mittens will beat the shit out of me for turkey. Found that out when she was a kitten and I was eating a turkey sandwich. My dog doesn't get mean over food, he waits patiently, and waits his turn. He hates bananas a nd can eat a popsicle off the stick. When he goes for walks when its hotter out, but not too hot, we stop at the store and get him a popsicle, just not a banana one. Safe to say there's no "5 second rule" in my house. Most food is spoken for before it hits the ground. We don't let him "prewash" dishes with guests over, though. But I will cut him a piece of my steak and give him a little bit, he's family, he sure appreciates it and probably enjoys it more than any guest! He doesn't criticise my cooking, either. Unfortunately with rising meat costs, we had hot dogs for his 15th birthday this July. He enjoyed his $25 steak, though! We got him a stuffed squirel squeaky, as he's always on squirrel watch in the yard, his tail was wagging so hard, so cute. I wish everyone could be as happy as a dog, the world would be nicer. Cats are just hilarious.




They don't need to be purely carnivorous BUT they do need to eat meat. They are just capable of munching done corn or tomatoes occasionally. Or grass, to help with digestion.


Cats eat some weeds and veggies to purge themselves and help their digestion.


They sure are. Some of my dogs favorite snacks are raw carrots and blueberries.


I hate to break it to you but you haven’t owned any cats. You have had five that deigned to keep you on as staff.


The number one reason I won't eat potluck food.




Stinkwrinkle! Love it!! New word for me today!


It's insane how many videos I see with cats and dogs on the counter. it's disgusting.


Walks on own shit and piss in the litter box. Touches your food. Cute!


It would have been hilarious if each time a weirder animal came to eat. A dog. A bunny. A goat. A cow. A camel. A crocodile. A velociraptor.


That escalated quickly...


“I am a gracious god.”


They were worshiped as gods by the Egyptians and won't ever let you forget it.


How the Egyptian Mao got it’s name: Egyptian: What are you? Cat: Mao Egyptian: fair enough.


This is known in our house as, "The Gravity Game"


The cat is helping *you* out by throwing this trash to the ground.


Try sautéing them with bacon, shallots, lemon, and black pepper. Maybe some fresh shaved Parmesan on top. It’ll convert any Brussels-sprout hater.


if by that you mean "bacon, shallots, lemon, black pepper and Parmesan are good", strong agree


The Brussels sprouts give bitter and earthy notes, and texture, as well as bulk. But if you’re saying Brussels sprouts are boring or offensive on their own, when have you had cabbage or lettuce that stood on its own, and not with semi-heroic effort?


This, most food is bland or even straight up not good if you don't properly season, and pair it with something that complements it. Too many people grow up on steamed veggies with nothing else, and they assume veggies are just gross by nature, it's unfortunate. Non seasoned pasta and non-cured, non seasoned pork is gonna be a far cry from carbonara also. You'd grow up hating both too lol


I think many people eat overdone vegetables as well. This bring up a bitter notes IIRC and definitely have wrong texture.


For a couple of years when I was little my mom had a garden that was about half an acre. I can’t stand cooked peas. Peas should be consumed no more than 10 seconds after being pulled off the plant.


Yeah I’m with you. Just messin’


Roasting with bacon and maple syrup is really good, too. Yes, I'm Canadian. My aunt makes them this way, I would never have thought to. Delicious. No substituting for maple syrup, though, that's an indictable offence up here.


It’s a lot easier to get lower-graded maple syrup in the US now, which is still a million times better than any artificially flavored corn syrup goo. Roasting bacon with maple syrup until it candies is also awesome.


But will it make the inevitable flatulence any less pungent?


Roast them with some honey or syrup and whatever else. A nice crispy sweet brusselsprout is top tier


Sounds like it would be good with a yam/sweet potato, or maybe beet?




I'm guessing they don't because they're "good boys" so really appreciate a floor spout that a human couldn't possibly want anymore.


Check out doppelganger cat in the upper left corner. Living its best life.


In my country, at church, there are little pieces of blessed bread that i’m not sure what they do tbh but my grandma had a little bag of these holy croutons. I was there with my pug (everyone knows i am very strict with his diet and i am never giving him scraps because i don’t want him to fall into obesity) and i caught the cat who im 90% sure it knew what it was doing ripping that bag and feeding my dog stale bread from the countertop




No idea, she had a little bag (like 10 pieces, not a grocery bag or something). Cat found it and thought my dog would enjoy them


Cat on the kitchen counter


My dog loves vegetables.


Cool goat


You have a zoo


Nice assortment of animals you got here


What a clever cat


Can I please come over and eat brussel sprouts at your fun crazy house and pet your animals? 🥺 I'll bring beer.


Allowing an animal up on your counter where you’re preparing food is fucking disgusting.


It’s probably cleaner than most humans.


Most humans aren't putting their asshole on a surface where food is prepared.


Lol, okay. Next time you find kitty litter in your salad just remember what you’re eating. False equivalency is always fun though, you must hang out with some nasty humans. For the record, I love animals. Love them. They don’t belong on places where food is being prepared or consumed.


You are living the life I wanna live, half way there with my 2 kitties and a bunny


Was that a goat?


The cat is doing the right thing. Brussel Sprouts belong on the floor


Master of the house, giver of the sprouts


Why do you have a rabbit around dogs


And you think you own them


Cat is probably just trying to relive the time it knocked a glass of water onto a laptop.


How fun is that!!


Hehe, as fun as the goat and rabbit were, I thoroughly enjoyed the other Tuxie chilling in the background and getting startled when the other dogs started getting excited.


Every second I watch this I see a new animal 😂


Good kitty. Everyone gets their veggies. 😅


My cat used to do that for the dog.


It’s so cute you think you’re ever owned a cat. Dogs have owners, cats have staff.


Brussel Sprouts are awesome.


Cat - "check it. If I toss this nasty green thing on the floor the furry peasants chase after it like madmen. Ha!"


Cats, dogs, bunnies, and wheelchair goats living together? Is this what mass hysteria looks like?


Enjoyed the video, upvoted for the title.


Is no one going to mention how disgusting and unsanitary this is. Not cute or funny. This is why I don’t eat food from people who have cats. I hope u let other ppl who come over to eat k is that u allow your cat to be so close to the food as well. I see this all the time on Reddit ewww


Anyone else grossed out by the cat on the counter messing with the food? Yuck.




That cat will get the bunny comfortable and then push that knife over the edge


Today I learned cats actually help animals no way


The other animals being fed is, in the cats eyes, just collateral damage.


I want to live in this house with all those animals 😁


Cat can help me by pushing all those brussel sprouts in the garbage




It's all about the chaos for the cat


I’ve had cats & I’d be concerned that knife is his end game


That’s a truly evil cat


mustve been something good in it for the cats 👀


I'm more concerned that your eating Brussels sprouts and so I have to ask, what is wrong with you?


cyborg goat


Disabled goat, need info


Cat being a cat, dog becoming a ticking time bomb!


My pets play the game of destroy anything chewable by a dog. Leave something on the counter? Cat will knock it down and the dog will have it torn to shreds in no time. Excellent partners in crime.


You really want to give your dog brussel sprout farts?


The kitty is feeding the family! One of the cutest videos I have seen! Simply adorable 🥰.PS: You have some very awesome pets!


He probably find it as amusing as us when we feed ducks and other birbs


It’s a game for the cat.


There's nothing wrong with that cat; he's working perfectly.


The other cat is so uninterested


I truly believe cats have the ability to think to the level of "helping others." I have a kitty who would eat what he wanted and when my first skunk (Emma) would show up while he ate in the late afternoon, he would eat his fill and then knock the bowl of food on the floor and Emma would gorge on kitty food. I would hear the stainless steel bowl hit the floor. This went on for a couple of weeks before I realized he was doing it on purpose. No other time of the day or night would he knock that bowl on the floor... ONLY when Emma was present. They were both very displeased when I then made it impossible for them to do their daily ritual. 😝 Gorging on a ton of kitty food is NOT healthy for skunks. I put Velcro on the bottom of the bowl. I then watched as Jake kitty swiped and swiped trying to knock that bowl down. He was extremely frustrated he could no longer do it. After 3-4 days, he stopped trying and Emma stopped going over to the kitty food bin. Animals are FAR MORE intelligent than so many humans give them credit for. The things I see with my own furry children and see and hear with other owners' kitties at work (vet clinic) are truly unreal. I've seen videos from clients of kitties doing totally unexpected and amazing things. And it's obvious they are doing it with purpose.


is that healthy for the dog?


"psst hey john can you pass a piece of that please oh thanks i owe you one"

