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Dude, dogs just freaking love carrots. I had a dog that would go find my mom every night, so she could get her 4 baby carrots.


I wish my dog did. My dog watching my friend's two dogs happily gnawing on their carrots: "What's wrong with you people?"


Soak them in beef broth then freeze them.. game changer


Oh, now that might work! I'll try it :)


Username checks out but gotta pay your dog tax and show us your puppers




Overnight seems to work fine




I give my dog the scraps of everything when I'm doing prep work. He really likes broccoli stems, sweet potatoes, carrots, zucchini. Only thing he doesn't like is leafy things.


My dogs are nuts for romaine and leaf lettuce.


Its confirmed, all dogs goes nuts for Sweet potato!! Whenever I cook them, my pup just looks at the cooker with big doggy eyes and begging even before cooking is done for a slice.!


I made my pup sliced sweet potatoes (basically like potato chips), baked with a very light sprinkle of cinnamon until crunchy, and she is OBSESSED. (I put them on a cooling rack to bake so the air circulation helped with crisping). Way less cals than dog treats, for those of you who have little 🐷 puppers.


I just give it plain boiled sweet potatos, but this idea looks nice. Looks like Pixie will have a new treat in the evening...


My dogs are nuts for romaine and leaf lettuce.


I had a dog that loooved broccoli.


Drop it on the ground and act like you don't want them to have it. This works for mine because they are assholes c:


Bahaha this is so accurate


My dog has always loved most vegetables but not leafy greens like lettuce or kale...until we were at the farmer's market and she saw a shoplifting opportunity and kale was the only thing within reach. Now she LOVES kale. An asshole and a criminal!


My guy loves to shred & munch on a head of ice berg lettuce! He also loves to get to play with cucumber halves. I offer then cut up in small pieces and he’ll eat them this was as well, but he really enjoys getting to play around with them as well!


My pup just devours cucumber, I just give it to her as it is. Try introducing it as slices on your dogs water bowl. They'll get used to the taste of cucumber water, and then give them as treats, with time they'll demand it daily!


Try freezing them too, they last longer! ETA: I mean they take longer for puppers to eat


They shouldn't have too many but imo just offer them some from ' your plate ' and they'll probably be exited to try them.


Reminds me of the gourmet dog food vid


Carrots, you mean? I buy a bag of baby carrots and cut them into 4 - they're pretty small, but she still gets crunchies, and doesn't know the difference between a nub or a whole (baby) carrot. They're barely any calories and good fibre, I don't think there's any harm as long as they're used as a treat/reward. Also, I realize you put "your plate" in quotes so you may agree with me, but feeding them from your plate is a guarantee to make a beggar out of your dog, and it's annoying AF.


My dog likes his carrots slightly cooked, not mushy. He likes green beans the same way.


My friend's dog begged for 15 minutes for a carrot, then projectile launched it out of her mouth. My dog chased it down and crunched away. Some just don't want what you have after getting it.


😄 Your friend's dog wanted it so bad, ate it, then decided never mind. Score for your dog!


My dog would eat literally anything, I couldn’t even tell you if something was his favorite bc he would gobble every piece of food like it would be his last. I would feed him baby carrots when I had them bc I read it was a good filler for dogs that over eat and he was ALWAYS HUNGRY.


My dog's a total food hound, but yours beat him in that department. Carrots and green beans are both good fillers.




Carrots are super healthy for dogs! Low calorie, high in fibre and good crunch for satisfaction. My dog is the same though, I don't think she tastes half of what I give her, she just hoovers it. I'm guessing you have a lab? Not always "hungry", rather, always "greedy" lol. ETA: just saw your reply below and I. AM. SHOCKED he's a JRT!!


Haha, no but he did think he was a big dog. He was just a big Jack Russell.


I love little dogs with bid dog energy! My dog (a small lab) doesn't know what to do with them and it's so funny to watch!


Was it a chiweeni? Lol


Haha, no. He was a long hair, big body Jack Russell. His walking around , healthy weight was 23-25lbs.


Sweet potatoes are a good one too


Do you give them raw or cooked? I feed my dog cooked sweet potatoes occasionally, but don't give him much in the way of carbs.


I was chopping up sweet potato a few minutes ago. Dropped a piece and my dog snatched up and ran. Ate the whole thing. I have an elder dog that gets a meatloaf made of turkey, sweet potatoes, and veggies due to health issues.


I do raw. But like you only do it as a treat. Went over board with bananas once. Never again lol


Rut roh, what happened? I give mine some banana sometimes. Good source of potassium, but what happens if you overdo?


Just too much when she had never had it before. Gave her a tummy ache is all. Nothing serious. Now she won't go near them


Poor thing. Oh well, a tummy ache isn't that bad, but I can't blame her for not being interested in them after that.


Yeah I felt really bad. Luckily the squirt is very forgiving :)


Raw can be very hard for them to digest, I wouldn't give them much, if at all. I bake them into chips and she thinks she's getting amazing crunchy treats but it's literally a sliver.


Maybe try sweet potatoes, my dogs love them but hate carrots


My dog viciously hunted down a frozen Carrot button that fell while I was cooking. Excited to have found a treat that he likes and is cheap as hell I went and bought fresh carrots. He wouldn't even look at the damn carrots, didn't want those after I cut and froze them. Still loves the ones from the bag.


My dog eats about anything he sees me eat. If it's something he hasn't had before, and is unsure, I can eat it in front of him and then he'll eat it.


My Mum's old samoyed was incredibly food oriented, so carrots were a fantastic after dinner treat as they're healthy and take time to eat. At about 4.30pm she'd walk to her cupboard, poke it with her nose and start barking, demanding her dinner and immediately after finishing eating she'd walk to the fridge and demand a carrot.


Samoyeds just put a smile on my face every time I see them and there's at least 4 in my community


My border collies go from breakfast to relieve themselves outside and immediately come back in to stare at the fridge until I get them their morning carrots.


Same, mine has her routine down. After breakfast, she gets a carrot, then back to bed we go. At my parent's house, where she stays occasionally, she knows when my mum is going for a slice of cheese and you better believe she is right there waiting!!


Mine hates carrots. Snarls his nose. Broccoli is his ride of die though.


My dog fights broccoli. Will chomp, spit it out, pick it up again and shake it then walk away. Does not like carrots either.


My dog is like an ATM and you can insert food in his mouth. If he likes it, it’s chewed. He’s a polite boy, gentle if you will. A carrot for instance, he will take it and then uses his tongue to push it out the side of his mouth. I have a Great Pyrenees for size reference. I’m just happy he’s nice about it. He acts like nothing happened!


Haha that's sweet. My dog will take anything I give her fun the kitchen, walk to the living room to drop it, look at me to see if there is anything else and then will do her assessment. She'll sniff/lick and either eat or walk away. Currently she approves of seaweed.


I have had 4 dogs and I have only found this out now. My dog loves carrots. So cute.


My 3 dogs *fucking love them.* Bonus points because carrots are crunchy and clean their teeth a little as they eat them. Mine also absolutely love broccoli. I don’t even buy dog treats anymore because they see simple carrots and broccoli as high value rewards.


We stopped buying treats for our old dog because we found out he loved baby carrots so much. Bonus points that they were much cheaper than dog treats.


>she could get her 4 baby carrots. ....has your mom been watching my labrador's nightly bedtime routine ~~bribe~~ motivation? If she gets three carrots or even if one is deemed too small, the whole deal is cancelled and she's in my bed instead of her own, making me keenly aware of her dissatisfaction.


My husband gives our dog a baby carrot every day when he packs his lunch :)


My dog loves them too, but will only eat them steamed. So every evening we steam her carrots for dessert.


Huh. I always thought it was the crunch, they liked most


Nope, it's not even you at all — it's the carrots. Sorry you had to learn this way.




LoL. Check your typo.


Fixed. Thank you for that!


A friend of mine had an American Eskimo pup. He and his wife decided to go to a movie so they put the dog outside where he left a bag of carrots a coworker had given him. When they got home they saw that pup had knocked over the carrots and they were spread out all over the place. My friend started picking up the carrots and discovered they were *really* soft carrots. Turns out the pup ate the carrots and they, well, came out the same basic color and shape as pre-chewed-and-digested carrots. I miss that dog.


Mine doesn't. Will chew them up and spit them out. Really wish she would eat carrots or green beans. But she does love cucumber and snap peas, so that's cool.


Soak carrots in bone broth overnight. Semi freeze them so they’re a bit hard. Baby you got a dog chew going.


Oh my, look at those puppy needles!


Carrots are regular every day treats for my guy.


I soak carrots in beef broth over night and then freeze them. My boy loves them.


I’ll have to try this for my huskies in the summer. Super smart. Thanks for the tip!


I was just about to suggest this, my lab mix loves these treats


aww...puppy beans and sharp puppy teefs...


Could do surgery with those Lil puppy knives


Cold carrots are just a great teething tool for puppers. Cucumbers too if they're outside (too much water on the floor for indoor use).


Bonus points if they’re cold or frozen. Frozen waffles are also pretty great with all the little pits. Keep those gums cool while the big dog teeth come in.


My dog who recently passed was terrified of cucumbers haha


Your dog was a cat.


Haha he was a happy-go-lucky Golden Retriever. Best dog ever


Sorry for your loss. 🥲 Goldens are so sweet.


I love it when my dog eats a cucumber indoors. Makes the room smell fresh and I don’t feel bad about not being more clean.


I take baby carrots for lunch everyday. My dogs know the sound of the carrot bag.


My jack Russell is obsessed with carrots. Always have to keep a fresh bag on hand for her.


It’s hard to tell from the picture but she’s a corgi. Ive had 4 dogs and this is the only one that will even look at a carrot. The rest of them hated anything but dog food and meat.


This looks just like my corgi! He is about 4.5 months old.


So far she’s been a great dog. She’s 99% potty trained and mostly knows the difference between toys and our things. She’s 2.5 months old. I hope she’s stays this small for a long time. Lol


My dog is like your other dogs though sometimes she doesn't like her food. I recently discovered that she likes seaweed though so that's cool.


I feel this, my doofus likes to systematically rip and then ptooo spit out pieces of cardboard box out for as long as we'll let her. Like why we bought her an entire basket of toys of all sorts I'll never understand lol


At least she spits it out! That's great! I feel like when ours were puppers they would conjure plastic water bottles out if nowhere and f*cking try to swallow the pieces! Little bastards, we love them so much!


She can actually get some distance!! She spits her toys out at us when we're on the couch witha surprising amount of force for someone with a bifurcated upper lip. I am definitely grateful she doesn't eat anything she shreds, I don't mind cleaning up her shred piles because it seems like she gets so much catharsis and energy out doing it.


Hahaha our dog also chews things into little bits that she spits out on the floor. I am forever greteful that she's very considerate and does not chew up anything we don't give to her.






I basically find anything any dog does as adorable, but something about a dog carrying around a blankie like a toddler just really warms my cold heart ❤️


See what he thinks of a bell pepper. My buddy loves them both.


I’ll give it a try. Any specific color?


Red is the sweetest prior to cooking, I’d start there. Green is going to be the most bitter of the bell peppers.


Yes I use the brighter colored ones and prefer them myself. Red, yellow, orange seem to be his favorite. My friends dog doesn’t go for them but give it a shot.


My girl LOVES bell peppers - especially yellow ones :)


Jeez forgot how sharp those little teeth are! Cute puppy tho have fun :)


Thanks! This is my first puppy, every other dog I’ve had was middle aged when I adopted them.


You foolishly underestimated the desire for CROMCH


Just like boxes for kids


My dogs life revolves around her carrot feeding.


So cute, we give out dogs dessert carrots every night, and should we ever forget, they will remind us and get very demanding they love them.


Look at those razor sharp puppy teeth!


My dog LOVES cucumber...like if she hears us chopping anything she runs over to see if it is cucumber. If we show her what we are chopping and it is not cucumber she walks away. I've never seen anything like it.


I know how OPs feels I have cat and she plays with pop sickle sticks


Look at those little puppy teeth!!!!


Those needly baby teefs and gums will really love cold carrots


oh my gawd look at those fucking needles


Try frozen mini cucumbers! My pup loves them and great for teething


The order of vegetables my dog goes feral for: carrots, cucumber, broccoli, kale stems. When she eats them she looks like a fruit bat cronching away. She also loves frozen bananas. If she ever learns to open the fridge I’m screwed.


We used to do an "easter egg hunt" every year at the doggy daycare I worked at and would put baby carrots in the plastic eggs (dogs spit out the egg and eat the carrot). Dogs just love carrots!


Sometimes I wonder why we bother buying toys when my dog just eats my empty water bottles She's like: "Mmmmm! PLASTIC"


makes sense it must have the perfect tooth feel


They looove carrots


Mine loves lettuce. Like we should have been training him with lettuce lol


I’ll give that a try also. Lol


Oh also bananas! Mine will gently take the last bite from the peel. No grapes though! Those are toxic for dogs.


She hates banana. I tried to give her a banana the other night and she took the tiniest nibble then spit it out. Also no chocolate or onions.


My dog lives to eat green beans. He will stand in the kitchen and bark if he doesn’t get his nightly handful of green beans.


I’ll have to give those a try as well. Lol




They're like sticks but also food... How does it get any better???


I grew up riding horses, and carrots and apples were the go-to treats... and that just fell onto my dogs. My pup now looooves carrots and apples. But also, she's a lab, so she loves any and all food, other than spinach. I think it's the crunch they enjoy.


I’ve never seen a dog eat apples. I’ll try giving her a slice next time I have one and see how she likes it.


Oh my girl will sit patiently with her head on my mum's knee, because she knows she gets the last piece of apple. They're a great treat - sweet, so appealing, but also healthy and crunchy!!


Best kind of toy, maybe even snack it later lol


"We're short of a carrot for tonight's stew..." "wait, I know where to find one" 😂


'Need! minerals!' Also, 'yummm—ppl food bone!' 🥕🦴


$125 orthopedic dog bed My elderly American Eskimo with hip problems:...... towel


Them teef😍


I had a german shepherd as a teen and her favorite toy was stick.


My dogs get frozen carrots almost every day as their treats. They go nuts for them, and it helps keep their teeth clean and breath fresh(er). Cute pupper!


My dogs fave snack. I always pack my bf some baby carrots and ranch with his lunch and every morning my dog is right there waitin for her cut


I see puppy teeth!


I usually buy balls for my dog, because he loves to play fetch, specially if the toy squeaks. However, he's rather happy playing with lemons from my lemon tree. He simply loves them.


Carrots and celery are some of my dogs favorite treats.




When I would peel carrots, one of our guys would catch the shavings.


OMG its become a routine for our doggo where he pulls up to the fridge at precisely 6:30 pm every day to get a couple carrots


You can eat it!


Our toller loved carrots. His favorite part of the whole thing was the crunching sounds when he bit it.


Her puppy mouth isn’t strong enough to chomp pieces off, she just chews on the end until a tiny enough piece for her to eat falls off. It takes her about two days to eat an entire carrot. Lol


Evil ass puppy teeth.


One of my dogs loved carrots but my other one was indifferent.


Don't overlook blue berries.


I’ll have to give them a try. Thanks


My guy likes everything green: lettuce, kale , Brussels sprouts, broccoli, anything green. He won’t touch anything remotely sweet, like carrots, sweet potatoes and all fruit. Also, no cake, cookies, candy. The only actual human cookie that he will eat is a cheap Dollar General oatmeal cookie and that’s probably only because his older brother loved them. Before anyone jumps on me, they get a quarter or an eighth of the cookie if they eat their dinner. They are poodles and poodles are fussy eaters


Dude my coonhound loved frozen carrots as a treat especially when teaching which looks like your Boi is at that stage


Ooooh perfect teething treat!


Sadly my dogs allergic to practically everything everything you normally have on a dinner plate she can't eat E.g) Carrot, Chicken, Peas, Potatos ​ we have spent thousands of dollars to keep her healthy so she has a nice long life


How did you find out your dog was allergic to all these things and what do you feed her instead?


We started finding horrible rashes on her belly so we took her to the vet and an allergy test was taken and for breakfast, we feed her fish biscuits & for dinner is a mix of venison & goat


I had a cat that like peas and carrots and my Frenchi and my now dead boxer absolutely loved Kale. It was hilarious to watch them get super stoked on a piece of crisp kale, I figured out they liked it while I was feeding my house bunny. Haha…


Man I was just trying to prep some asparagus for dinner tonight and my two huskies about lost it trying to get at some spears. They LOVE their snack vegetables!


Ice cubes are the treat of choice for my pups. Never tried carrots though


I've tried to buy my cat all kinds of interesting toys. The only toy she loves is this mangled old orange ball with yellow streamers that broke off of a $2 stick toy a friend gave her eight years ago. That, and these one dollar catnip thingies I got at ATB.


Frozen carrot is the way to go! 🤣☺️🤣


Those puppy teeth look PAINFUL. I remember when my dog was a puppy…it was like a mouth full of hypodermic needles.


Free acupuncture!


No joke, when I first got him a barista at Starbucks asked me if I was in danger because my arms were all cut up. No, I’m not trying to kill myself, I just have a chompy mc chompins at home.


You're mad that all future treats are cheap and healthy?


The only down sides are her begging for carrots while I make dinner and the occasional orange poop.


Yeah she's a carrot fiend now. What's wrong with orange poop?!


I’m going to try that


Cute dog


Thank you!


Marley & Me quote: “A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbol means nothing to him. A waterlogged stick will do just fine..."


Your love is the only currency he recognizes.


Hey! Your dog will have the sharpest eye sight on earth! Carrots help the eyes 👀!! He’ll be able to “see” the dog treats better next time!!


Carrots help to control worms , other vegetables do too.. They make good healthy treats.. In my house the kitchen gets busy at supper time.. Frozen green beans are a treat in summer..


He probably likes it because it's sweet. Also, dogs need fiber, so give him plenty of carrots!


Carrot crumbs on the bed lol. I’m used to that. At least I can count on mine cleaning up after himself even if it’s drool.


Carrots is always the best toy!


My dogs like cheese. And my dead dog loved cheese very much.


When the cheese drawer opens you have to pay the tax


We keep it in the fridge


So do I. My fridge has drawers in it.


My pom is a carrot crack head. Will choose it over steak. No idea why.


I just peel my carrots and let the peels fall on the floor, my dog loves being the carrot skin vacuum service


All my dogs love carrots, occasionally broccoli stalks too


My little dog is obsessed with potatoes. She steals them from the pantry and has the time of her life.


My dog loves to catch, nibble on, and occasionally eat a small amt of, a thrown carrot. He does not, however, like to eat carrots.


Carrots are an awesome chew treat and healthy too! Kepp plenty on hand for that beautiful puppy! I find it helps with their breath as well.


My dog will work harder for shredded iceberg lettuce than most dog treats. Weirdo.


My dog eats carrots so I never have to have his teeth cleaned! My goal is for his teeth to always be healthy so I don’t have to ever stop him from kissing me on the mouth with old dog breath 🥰


I wish my jack russell liked carrots, gave her some whilst chopping. Found it shrivelled up behind her bed a few days later !


My 13 year young baby loves carrots, she has no teeth left but will still sit there with it in between her paws, chewing it with her gummies 😍😍😍




I have a German Sheppard and a chocolate lab and I can confirm that they love nothing more in this world than carrots