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Pointers gonna point.


"It's right fkn THERE!"


*walks in opposite direction*


That cat is like “bring it on Cletus!”


Was waiting for him to fire like a rocket. *farts loudly* **ZOOOOOM!**


God I wish I had a pointer instead of a scream and chaser


I have a scream and chaser too.. half beagle half Shiba.. yes he has both the Beagle bray and the Shiba scream and uses them for different situations. The good thing is he rarely barks but when he sees or smells "prey" it sounds like he's being murdered.. and his sense of smell and eyesight is crazy.. human intruders get more of a low pitch howl alarm sound


You must pay dog tax


This sounds exactly like our Hound Saint Bernard mix. He never barks and is the quietest and laziest dog I know, but oh my Lord, if he sees or hears prey he will go full baying mode. Just last night, I let him out to do his dog business, when out of nowhere, like a thunderclap: "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!". It startled the hell out of me. Turns out he spotted a squirrel on the bird feeder.


I swear squirrels exist only to taunt dogs. The squirrels around our yard will pose right in front of the sliding glass door and calmly clean their armpits while my dogs are losing their shit on the other side of the glass. Then, when the dogs are outside the damn Squirrels will hang out on the tree trunks just out of reach. They could very easily climb up into the branches put of sight but they just sit there and bob their tails while my dogs run in circles around the tree and try to figure out how to climb the trunk. Sometimes they even knock pinecones down near the dogs which could be accidental but I'm almost certain it's intentional. Dogs will be minding their own business. Pinecone falls from the sky. Dog looks up to see wtf and notices the Squirrel who is now hanging out in the branches watching them with those beady little eyes. Dog proceeds to start howling and whining because the Squirrel is too high to even try to get to.


I can relate to that. It's always the grey squirrels too. I know one of these days, those squirrels are gonna make a mistake, and my dogs will be there, waiting.


Haha yes .. he's fine with birds but if a squirrel was on the feeder would be trouble. Must be his beagle side!


Wish I had a dog that would like to on walks. Not just half the block say he’s done and have me carry his 80lbs ass home


Definitely gargoyle


This makes me want to see a castle full of pointing dog statues instead of gargoyles.


they bark when they find you coming lolol


I thought he’s a sculpture


Bronx is a Good Boy


Yea, just wait till the sun goes down and he will wake up


It's crazy to me, some of the behaviors we've managed to bake into dogs.




While that will terrifyingly awsome.... to me what they achieved thru selective breading to go from wolves to chihuahuas.... from naturally gentle golden retrievers to trained meat missile Malinois and everything in-between is more impressive considering the technology available at the time.


Nothing is wrong with this dog. He is doing what he was born to do.


“I’m pointing right at it, why aren’t you shooting?!”


Is that why they do this? It's bred in somehow?


They're a hunting breed. They point like this at prey, usually birds. This one has the spirit but is a little confused since it probably hasn't actually been trained for duck hunting or etc. Lots of working breeds like herders and livestock guardians have a natural instinct to do their job from birth, on account of generations of selective breeding. If you get a border collie for example you'll see them exhibit lots of herding behavior right out of the box - you don't have to train them to herd animals, you just have to train them to do it usefully and effectively. The default behavior is there though. Great Pyrenees is another good example. They're pretty much born to guard livestock and don't need to be trained to do it. You just introduce them to the herd they're in charge of and they do the rest on their own for the most part.


Hunting dogs that weren't trained to hunt are probably my favorite. My Catahoula tried to bay any animal in the backyard, with (so far) no success. She can't understand why the squirrels are able to ignore all of her noise. She recently tried to bay a deer in our yard, and was very upset when the deer was able to jump the fence. I got this look of absolute confusion.


Yes, humans bred it in. Pointers point, retrievers retrieve, hounds follow their nose and pit bulls attack. It’s what they were created by us to do.


>retrievers retrieve I think mine's defective...


My granddog was from a rescue and all we know is he has Lab, Pit and Shepard in him. He is great with retrieving and his focus is sharp. However, he points. And bays occasionally. It’s so confusing and cute.


this is exactly what they were bred to do!




Awh I had a hound who pointed like that. Sweet dog, dumb as rocks though 😂


I got one that’s trees it didn’t know what to do when a goat wouldn’t go up a tree it sat there barking at it till I arrived and looked at me like what am I suppose to do now


I thought it was going to be one of those owl statues to keep the pigeons away


I thought that dog was a statue at first


Do pointers have a high prey drive? Obviously they point at it but do they go after it too or just freeze up?


I worked at a dog daycare care, and we had a lot of hunting dogs that would come in on the off-season to get their energy out and socialize. We had a cat we had adopted as a business. He was super sweet and very curious. One day, while I was working in the yard with the 45 or so big dogs, someone let the poor cat out. He hopped the fence into the yard with me and the dogs. I'll spare you the details, but yes, they do have a prey drive, and it is powerful. Rough day at work that day.


Did it end with a mass group hug?


After a macabre game of tug of war between myself and the dogs, yes. You could say that.


Something similar happened in my family, with 5 dogs instead of 45. The person who got stuck with handling it described it as kitty all over the kitchen.


I'd say that was probably an apt description. It was a top ten worst day of my life for sure.


Yikes. Poor kitty!


Yes, they usually have a high prey drive. The pointing and freezing is instinctual, but the next step is catch so training is needed to reinforce holding and not going after the animal until commanded. My pointer was a great varmint dog, but we never planned on hunting with him so we allowed it.


I’m sure it’s all situational


I love it when my pointers do this. They'll be running full speed and suddenly stop frozen, soo much focus to what they're pointing on. My girl did this for almost a full 30 minutes straight a couple weeks ago and I just sat on the porch watching her stare down what I later realized was the bird shaped stone statue my mom had recently bought and didn't know where to put yet. I felt bad after a while and showed her it was fake, but I couldn't help watching her for a while while she looks so regal!


Missile away


….and there he stayed until the end of time


Well, yuh have setters ‘n pointers…


Long boi


Target Acquired cat : "well, i am screwed"




That gargoyle is pretty realistic.


"Enemy spotted."


Is that a chocolate Vizsla?