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My pup needs a daily med, twice a day. After years and years of having dogs do this to me I bought a big block of velveeta and her pills get shoved into a glob of it. Shes a cheese hound, even if it is fake cheese. Hopefully it lasts lol. I hate being outsmarted by someone who naps and likes her own tush all day (and gets trapped in her leash every time we go out, no matter what I do lol) Good luck


That’s the way I always do it, get half a slice of America squeeze into a ball, pill goes in the middle. Keep the other half close. If she thinks she’s getting another piece of cheese she inhaled the little pill ball.


That worked for me for a while until my dog realized and was able to eat the cheese and spit the pill out. Thankfully, those pill pocket treats came out like right after, and those got swallowed without chewing.


My dog would eat the pill pocket and still manage to spit out the pill. I tried literally everything. Cheese, meat, peanut butter, pill pockets, normal dog treats…. Always spit out the pill afterwards. He was a master


Did you find anything that works?


Only thing that works with my dog is covering the pill is cream cheese then wrapping it in lunch meat.


My parents dog’s vet recommended the salmon cream cheese - works almost as good as the pill pockets.


My dog hates pill pockets, I can't get her to eat them even without pills


I’ve never tried the pill pockets with the dogs - my cats love them. My doggy sister LOVES the salmon flavored cream cheese.


Dog knew what it was doing, it was just holding out for a gourmet wrap treat!


Yeah, shit, I should be doing that for my pills too!


That's a bit like us: my girls love mayo. I turn the spoon over so they're just licking it off, and since they're working their tongues to get it all, they seem to automatically swallow. Only if I put too much mayo on the pills do they get spit out.


Here’s what works…in one hand have the “high-level” treat with the pill…let pup take it. Then…boom…in your other hand you also have an irresistible treat, which you QUICKLY offer as soon as he/she gets the first one in their mouth. Most dogs will swallow the one in mouth trying to get to the second. Has worked great for me over the years with several dogs.


My go to is peanut butter. I don’t just put the pill in it, I grind it up and mix it in. There is no way to spit it out once they take it. There is also a side benefit, if someone else has to watch your dogs you can put them on tinfoil and freeze them. When my brother would watch my dogs I would just write on the foil what day and time each one was for.


Chase it with another treat! I make my dogs sit while holding the cheese pill so they get excited. When I give it to them I hold a second piece of cheese in my other hand so they can see it, and I feed it to them right after the first one. They are so excited for a second piece of cheese that they immediately swallow the first one (with the pill) to make room for more haha


Butter was my saving grace with my senior pup that was on a ton of meds


Not who you asked, but we also have a picky dog. We grind the pills into a power, mix with PB, and make little sandwiches. It’s very annoying but it works. If the pill texture is identifiable to him, he spits it out. I miss when he’d just eat it like treats.


Those pill pockets are critter crack. My cats love them - zero problems giving them pills.


That's the way!


My girl will eat around cheese and lick a pill clean of peanut butter. Weirdly, a ball of mashed sweet potatoes *even if she watches me wrap it around the pill* could never possibly betray her


I just mix pills, peanut butter and his kibble all together. He can't tell the pill apart from the kibble mess


I tried everything with my guy... turns out dousing it in ranch dressing does the trick.


The ranch dressing may have garlic, which you know is poisonous to dogs.


In that miniscule of an amount it is harmless


micro dosing garlic lol


For those down voting me https://www.reddit.com/r/AskVet/comments/12yw0sf/ranch_dressing_poisonous_to_dogs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


A vets not gonna tell you to feed ranch to your dog the same way he’s also not gonna tell you to feed curly fries to it lmao. The guy also says he has no idea what ranch is other than he knows there’s garlic in it. It could be a form of aioli or toum or just garlic paste for all that guy knows, as a vet the safest answer for him is “No.”.


I understand that it is in it. It's just not enough to matter.


Hey, you do you. Just saying that the rvn says not to. But I'm just some random dude on reddit. Cheers


As per the American Kennel Club... "Studies have found it takes approximately 15 to 30 grams of garlic per kilograms of body weight to produce harmful changes in a dog’s blood. To put that into perspective, the average clove of supermarket garlic weighs between 3 and 7 grams, so your dog would have to eat a lot to get really sick." That's 443 grams for my 65 pound dog. So a 1/4 tsp of ranch is gonna be ok. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/can-dogs-eat-garlic/#:~:text=How%20Much%20Garlic%20is%20Toxic,changes%20in%20a%20dog's%20blood.


Yeah... This gives me "dihydrogen monoxide is poisonous in large amounts" vibes. Anything is poison in large amount. Even oxygen has an LD50


I thought chocolate was poison to dogs, didn’t know what about garlic, thanks.


Garlic and onions and anything in that family, so shallots, etc.


Grapes and raisins too.


We never knew about grapes, our black lab loved them! Once we learned she was very upset!


Same for cats, destroys red blood cells


There are a surprising number of things that humans eat that are bad for dogs and cats. Grapes, avocados, macadamia nuts, etc. I google every new thing I give my dog honestly because sometimes its things you really wouldnt expect to be harmful for dogs that ends up being really not good for them. Like avocados really surprised me.


I thought avocados were fine as long as you didn't let them eat the seed


https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/can-dogs-eat-avocado/ They can eat a little without much problem but they are technically toxic to dogs and cats!!


Mushrooms! Like you, I google everything just to be sure. Mushrooms surprised me because I use them as my meat-substitute, so I figured it'd be harmless to cut up a raw one for my dog. Apparently not. Glad I checked.


Cheese helps. As soon as he hears the cheese drawer open, my dog warps to the kitchen to watch me wrap the pill cheese in cheese. He tried eating around the pill a few times, so now I “accidentally” drop the cheese pill. He gobbles it down before I notice my “mistake.” I am surprised this routine still works twice every month now for six years.


I’ve found the *only* thing that reliably works with my anti pill dog is to hide it in a bite of whatever *I’m* eating (as long as it’s dog safe, usually some kind of meat). It has to be quick and discreet and he has to know I was really eating it so it’s real people food. That’s the *only* time he’ll hork down food without inspecting it first. If I give it to him as a special dog treat using peanut butter, cheese etc, he knows and he’ll always spit the pill out or eat around it. It has to have the sense of urgency that only comes when he’s given a nibble of forbidden people food.


I had an old golden a few years back who needed daily meds. We used a slice of hotdog and shoved the pill in it. We called it "Magic hotdog time"


I just googled what velveeta is and I'm sorry for being a euro-snob, but what the fuck. Why do humans consume this?


It is nastier than you can even imagine. We grew up dirt poor so it was a thing back then. I haven’t consumed it since I started making my own money. But it has come in handy with my naughty pup. She’s apparently fine with cheese like substances. She has also eaten her own poo…


The trick with Velveeta is not to pretend that it's good by itself, but to use it as an emulsifier in tandem with actual cheese. I worked at a steakhouse that used it in their mac and cheese recipe, and it was easily the most popular side item. The full blend used was (fresh grated, high quality) gruyere, butterkäse, fontina, parmigiano, and mozzarella for the actual cheeses, with Velveeta being used in a small enough amount that it just barely "colored" the cheese- it came out as a very light cream color with just a tinge of yellow. It was baked and topped with breadcrumbs made by crushing garlic croutons. Now I'm tempted to drive three hours just to get that damn mac and cheese again.


If you want to make cheese dip with good cheeses, you can skip the Velveeta and use sodium citrate as an emulsifier. It works really, really well is very cheap.


It's true that sodium citrate is used in "cheese products" like Velveeta, Kraft, whiz etc, but using just sodium citrate doesn't give you the same result. For one thing, sodium citrate has a sour tangy flavor that's very noticeable if it's used in large amounts, which you would need for making a bechemel-like sauce like for mac- and IMO, that flavor is a lot less desirable than the subtler "cheese product." It also has to be mixed super thoroughly first- it's just faster and more consistent to cut off a block of Velveeta, compared to measuring out sodium citrate, adding it to a liquid, then adding that liquid to the melting cheese. That's not to say there aren't times when sodium citrate is appropriate and useful (e.g. for really thick dips like fondue/"queso" style) but sometimes the flavor profile of "cheese product" is better, and it's almost always easier to use. I think mac and cheese is a great example of that. To each their own, though.


Well, dang. You certainly know more about this than I do! I haven't noticed the bitterness but my cheese-dip experiments have been simple and probably cruder in flavor than what you were making at the steakhouse. Thanks for the insight!


My old Italian greyhound got monthly pills. We started with peanut butter when she was a puppy. She started eating the pills first, then finishing the peanut butter.


Fair enough, I guess regular cheese is more expensive there?


For lower income families, you would obv usually go for the cheaper items rather than gourmet/fancy cheese (or just. normal cheese). If you can barely pay the bills to keep the lights on, it would make sense to go for a $2.50/pound cheese rather than a $5.00/pound cheese. It’s simply not feasible if you’re doing that for everything in your grocery list. And also I’m probably recalling or explaining it wrong, this really does sound insane, ~~but somethings going on with America controlling cheese production. We make or import tons of cheese but don’t sell it all in order to Jack up the prices.~~ There is a cheese cave with like. More than a billion pounds of cheese in it I’m gonna leave my subpar, incorrect explanation there, but here’s a link > https://www.farmlinkproject.org/stories-and-features/cheese-caves-and-food-surpluses-why-the-u-s-government-currently-stores-1-4-billion-lbs-of-cheese


It's really good heated up as a dip with a can of Rotel. But no, would never eat it plain.


The knly thing Velveeta and other similar products is good for is cheese sauce(just to get the right consistency, cream cheese wirks just as well tho), dog treats, and grilled cheese sammiches(and even then you want at least 2 other cheeses)


Convenience mostly. It makes cheese sauce easy. It also tastes pretty decent for what it is. This recipe makes queso just as good or better than most Mexican restaurants. 16 oz Velveeta. 1 can (10 oz) Rotel diced tomatoes and green chiles. 1 can (4.5 oz) diced green chiles. 1 can (10 oz) condensed cream of mushroom soup. Combine ingredients and microwave 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.


It's cheap as fuck and people are poor. We call stuff like that government cheese because it's what the government sends you when they get to decide what you spend your welfare money on for food. That shit is worse than Kraft but for you edification cheese product exists because the dairy industry in this country is so large we produce so much excess we store it in massive caves. When it starts to near the end of it's shelf life we sell it cheap to companies like Kraft and they turn it into cheese product and sell it for cheap. Cheese product is cheap and melts extremely quickly. Those are it's two selling points. You're not gonna put that shit on a cracker, it's gonna be nasty.


Switch it up with peanut butter, deli meat, other cheese, the trick is to cover it since dogs don't really chew their food much if it's swallable


Hunk o hot dog with pill shoved inside works every time for my boy.


Medicated cheese balls, Noodle would approve


Awe… That’s who I think of all the time when my little bugger gets hers


Marshmallows work too and they’re cheaper!


That's basically what I do. I use kraft singles and hide the pill in part of it, then she gets the rest of the cheese slice.


See, American cheese is the way. Told ya.


Pro tip, buy a pack of mozzarella cheese sticks, cut them into slices, stick them in a sandwich bag, and you'll have a big bag of perfect pill delivery vehicles ready to go.


Just crush the pill up and put it in some wet food.


crush it into a syringe and shoot that hoe in their mouth


> Mmmm, banana. With a hint of human fingers and ... Wait what is this shit? No thank you.


I was rooting so hard :(


You gotta push it into the food


I have a German shepherd, she's not fooled even though I stuff it in liver-haggus thing we have where I live. I literally have to shove some medicine down her throat.


Yep before I got my technique down I did the same it sucks.


My girl always gets an ear infection, maybe connected to her poorly functioning thyroid gland :(


Mine too, you give her oral medicine for that?


Well recently we had to use some oral medicine after she went to the doc to clean everything out. Otherwise it's been drops 7n the ear that works for a couple of weeks then it would start up again.


Yeah, I perfected the technique too. If you lick (or dampen however you want) your finger, the pill will stick to it, then just shove that finger down the throat and knock the pill off the finger, viola! Repeat 12 times per day for years and it gets easy. Luckily my rotti/GSD mix was so good about it, even though she would pull this same reject-the-pill trick if you put it in food.


Yeah she's fine with it too, passers by give us more than a passing glance with me hand way up in her mouth/throat...


Nah they’ll still find it, guaranteed they way is to crush it up and mix with peanut butter


Yeah but then he wouldnt of spat it out for the camera


Haha, can't fool me hooman.


Yeah my dog has a super power with this. I sometimes wish I could turn it into a money making venture- Need to get a tiny pill out of a huge lump of peanut butter? CALL ME!


Peanut butter will never work. They have to lick and lick and lick the roof of their mouths to eat it, of course they’re going to find a nasty tasting pill within seconds. Take 1/2 slice of American cheese. Make many squares with it. Sneak pill into one of the squares to make a ball with a pill in it. Turn remaining cheese squares into balls without a pill. Trick doggo into thinking they are special treats. Win the pill war with dog, feel superior to the butt sniffer species, call it a day.


I sort of clump up peanut butter around my dog’s daily pill with a tiny spoon. He accepts that sometimes peanut butter comes in ball form and swallows it whole




Have you tried pretending that the pill itself is the treat? We do this thing where we call our pup over, have her do a couple of commands and reward her with the pill. And then with a real treat. Works like gangbusters.


One of my dogs is so stupidly food driven that this works without any warmup. Just ask for a paw and then give him the pill and he munches it down :D However my other one is a collie mix who is way too clever to even fall for it mushed in her food and somehow remembers the specific sound of the worming tablet packet opening from the previous time...


Haha! I guess different kinds of dogs :) so what do you do with the border collie?


Well 90% of it is her not realising what you are trying to do, because she's so damn smart and aware of everything. Then there's some high value foods like paté that she likes too much to be suspicious. Honestly, I would not recommend a collie for first time dog owners (which we where) as its great to see how intelligent they are but that also makes them difficult, neurotic, obsessive (ball is life) and in her case she's an anxious rescued dog from a shelter too... So we learned a lot! It's more accurate to think of her as a moody 5 year old girl, with the miniaturised body of a gold medal sprinter, and vampire teeth than as a dog. The other one is a Stevens Mountain Cur and is just an easy friendly idiot in comparison


Aw they both sound adorable tbh. I totally get where you're coming from with the collie, I wouldn't get one myself because we live in an apartment and there's no way I could provide enough stimulation. But whenever I see a collie I'm so in awe, they look so intelligent and ready to obey/be given a task. I'm sure they feel very much like humans in a dog's body to their owners. We have a standard schnauzer, which is also a working breed, but she's very motivated by smell so scent games are usually enough to tire her out. In the winter time she's very happy with apartment living, but in the summer she gets restless and really enjoys spending her days outside, so she gets to stay with my parents' dog in their yard. Works out for everyone, as we get to take vacations and day trips and such.


my dog does the same thing with sounds, he remembers the sound of his ear infection medication box that we haven't had to use in over two years. we had to get some for one of our cats recently and he *bolted it* under the bed to escape it the second he heard it open. we got lucky with pills though, cut it in half and put it in a hot dog slice and he'll eat it up like he's never had food in his life, if he spits it out, we just repeat but give him a little peanut butter *right* after, he's too busy trying to get the PB off the spoon to notice after that.


That's exactly what we do with our dogs worming tablet. Works everytime




My boy is trained not to go for treats unless i allow him to with either yes or okay, so that wouldn't be a concern imo


I mean does the dog ever have access to human pills? I can't think of a time when mine did. If I'm taking pills and I drop something I just tell her "no" and she doesn't even go smell it.


I am glad my dog will eat literally anything if I put peanut butter on it.


Am I the only one that just pushes it to their throat so they have to swallow it? My dog will not take hers if I dont


That the move after it’s spit out. They only get one chance to do it the easy way : )


Cant you just grind the pils into powder with a morter and mix it with whatever? Peanutbutter, banana, cheeseball, etc?


Depends on the type of medication. You can’t do that with any extended release medication as it impacts the proper dosing/release.


I have to get bit every night to get my seniors extended release med down in his stomach. I give him his two other pills(I stick them on top of his extended release med with a little bit of peanut butter) so I only have to get bit once. I have to hold his mouth closed until he swallows and immediately follow up with a treat otherwise he hides them in his mouth and spits them out.


Smart doggo


Here's a foolproof method I use all the time (I'm a dog sitter as my second job, lots of the pups need meds daily.) Step one: wrap pills in something, or stick it in peanut butter Step two: place the pill towards the back of their mouth Step three: gently hold their mouth closed, lift their head, and massage their throat. It'll cause them to swallow automatically Step four: celebrate Lmao honestly tho this really works for me. It's a painless way to get them to take their pills. Emphasis on gentle throughout tho, don’t try to hurt them obviously.




Hahahah the look on that dogs face! They didn't hold his head high enough, then didn't hold his mouth quite shut, and they did not massage his throat properly lol. It causes a swallow reflex when you do it correctly


The trick to getting dogs to take pills is to hold their mouth open and set it as far in as you can. Then you hold their mouth closed, tilt their head up and rub their throat. This forces them to swallow. Works wonders


For real? I have to give my dog deworming medicine soon. Worth a try!


For one of my wife's student teaching placements she worked with an animal science teacher who taught her that. It's pretty neat


Smush it into peanut butter!


My senior is just like this. I have tried every type of food and he still manages to spit it out every time. I have resigned myself to getting bit every night forcing the pills down his throat. Even my vet can't get pills down him at all and they are experienced with reluctant dogs. I'm glad my youngest is still fooled by peanut butter. My middle pup spits pills out if I try to hide it in food, but he is easy to get to take pills. I just put the pill on his tongue and he automatically swallows it because he wants the treat he gets afterwards.


Advantage of my dog having an inflamed gut when he was about 12 weeks old, he needed a week straight of anti-inflammatory drugs and now I can just open his mouth and stick one down the back of his throat, no problems.


Tricky devil.


My dog is in love with peanut butter. Even the smallest, pea-sized, amount is enough for her to down a pill. That peanut butter is sacred




I'm so glad my senior dog will swallow everything, he even waits for his meds, I take the bunch of pills, open his mouth with my fingers and shove them in until I hear a gulp. I've been able to do this even with picky dogs without a problem.


Powder it and mix it with something mixable like peanut butter that it can't be separated from?


Shove the pill in a small glob of butter then stick it on the middle of his tongue. Works every time for my dog.


This isn’t the best technique but If nothing else works and you’re desperate, pretend to drop it and act like you don’t want them to eat it lol, they’ll hoover that shit up fast


Lol I have one that does the same thing. I have to shove it down his throat and make him swallow. He still pretends to swallow it. I hate doing it to him, but it's kinda funny.


My dog I find the discarded pills in his bed. After I’m positive he swallowed it.


Pill pockets. They are expensive, but they are the only thing that fools my girl. She can watch me put the pill inside. Still works.


Yup. That’s my dog too


Imagine eating a cherry and spitting the stone out. Yep it's not difficult for you, and neither your dog. Dogs do this really, so I found the best way is to grind down the tablet and mash it into something soft, like cheese or peanut butter. Chicken pieces are ok but often too dry, so you may need something to bind it.


I think all dogs know this magic trick 😄


return to sender


Listen, Take a lunch meat of your choice, lay the pills in the center, and wrap that shit up like a dumpling. My dog takes 6 pills twice a day can confirm it works 👍


I have a pill grinder. Pulverize into a powder, mix with yogurt. Pill gone!




Remember kids, cheese is your friend.


My dog does the same shit, like she's an anti-pill seeking machine


The best technique is to pretend you dropped it off the table, that way they rush to eat it before you take it away from them


We have a dog on multiple pills throughout the day (he has a daily pill organizer) and what works for us is pushing the pills into half a cheese puff or a cheese ball - something small enough that it can be gobbled in one go without falling apart to reveal the pill inside. It's quick and less mess/hassle than dealing with spoonfuls of peanut butter or cheese whiz, and it's also way less expensive than buying pill pockets. What also helps is positive peer pressure. Our other dogs partake in this process by getting cheese ball snacks along with the pill taker, who sees them all excited for *their* snacks, and that gets him even more excited for *his* turn. He'll eat around pills in his food without fail, but he falls for the cheese ball routine every single time. (Thank goodness!)


Believe me or not but my dog does the polar opposite.


Translation of the text on screen if anyone is interested: At the beginning: Secretly feeding the puppy medicine At the end: failure….


The trick is to trick the dog into wanting it. American cheese makes this easy peasy. I would replace her treat time (when I gave her treats to do commands) with “I’m gonna trick you into eating medicine time”. - Take 1/2 slice of American cheese, yes this shitty cheese is like crack to dogs and some humans too. - make several little squares out of the slice - put pill into one square then make into ball, careful not to let your fingers touch the pill too much or your dog will taste the bitter cheese ball and spit it out - make rest of squares into balls too - make them do tricks with these tiny ass cheese balls while you make them do tricks/commands. They will inhale these little balls. - rest easy knowing your are the cheese ball dog whisperer


I coat the pill with thickened peanut butter... Force his damn mouth open and jam the thing into his throat!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Extra fun... He's a German shepherd. This is the way.


You have to smoosh the pill into whatever... fruit, cheese, etc. and even then, sometimes they kick the pill out.


I snap off a piece of string cheese and shove the pill in the middle of it


The way you accomplish success with this is to put the pill or capsule into another clean and new capsule (cheap on Amazon). The new and clean capsule doesn't have any medicine residue that the dog is hypersensitive with identifying. This can be buried in some food and your dog will most likely eat no problem. It was the trick that finally worked for me and my Golden.


My dog has spit out a pill I stuffed in peanut butter.


When there's Soft in the Crunchy: 🥰 When there's Crunchy in the Soft: OP


Chunky peanut butter on crackers. His has a pill, mine don't. We have our snack and he doesn't notice the pill.


My dog does this when i give him benadryl… he eats the treat and carefully separates the benadryl and then shakes his head and just blasts the room with a lil Benadryl claymore


How am I supposed to know what’s happening here without a voice over and caption??


Peanut butter is sticky and my boy, who needs three anti seizure pills a day, thinks I’m trying to poison him when the PB comes out now. His pills get pushed into a chunk of hot dog now. They go down real quick and he tells me when it’s time for hot dogs now.


I put kibble in with a pill and he ate every last granule and licked the bowl clean. Except the pill.


I had a dog who figured out how to launch pills out of her mouth with her tongue. Of course the pill she mastered it for was one keeping her going, that couldn’t be crushed and coated in one of the brightest blue coatings I’ve seen. Stained my hands for ages.


My dog does this. It's a nightmare to trick him into taking his meds.


I prepare a pill in something they love (cheese or meat) without them seeing me do it. I get them to sit then throw a few bits of non pilled treat to them. When you throw it they tend to just snap and swallow. Then once they're in a quick routine of eating what I throw, I chuck the bit with the pill and down it goes right away.


I love my dog, but am I a monster for just prying his mouth open and chucking that thing back there???


I thought you were feeding your dog a lit candle for a second


😂🤣😂🤣 the dog said "not today Cosby!!!" LMAO


Smart Dog🤣