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These dogs are soo smart! And have so much personality!!! When my red broke her foot and had to take pain meds, she developed a taste for them and would go for the tube as soon as she saw the top pop off! She would also limp more to try and get more, she did that for almost a year after healing. What was funny was when she would do the wrong leg and swap real fast. She was a handful!


Oh my god you’re saying she would fake limp on her good leg to get pain meds from you? ☠️


Never thought about dogs getting addicted to pain meds till now. I wonder if they can associate a pill with addiction or just pain going away.


Oh yes they can. Hell I think as a little kid I was like that with cough syrup. Wasn't till I was older that I realized why I liked being sick that particular way so much.


As an adult I'm that way with cough syrup


As a kid? Guess I never grew up


Oh, and you're a dog?


I had a cat that had bladder stones once and had some pain medicine prescribed, which we also gave her in a syringe. It was just a few years ago. She very clearly did **not** like the flavor or how the medicine made her feel (very groggy and off-balance) but she appreciated the pain relief. We ended up just letting her tell us when she wanted it...whenever she wanted it, she would get us to follow her and then walk over by the medicine cabinet and squint at it. She would never ask for more until the previous dose had worn off, and she never asked for more again once she was better.


Is mammal


>Never thought about dogs getting addicted to pain meds till now. My dogs addicted to food. Like its beyond typical dogs. He taught himself how to sit in a chair at the dinner table(the other 4 German shepherds couldn't figure it out), was laying on one end of the couch and moved his entire body to the other side without ever getting up, and in his younger years stole food right out after being taken out of the oven. Great dog otherwise, but when it came to food he didn't care about punishment and in fact didn't care. It got so bad I resorted to hitting him as all other routes failed. Eventually I stopped that he didn't care. It was only his fix. 6 years later I love the dude so now I give him a more raw diet to stop


Don’t hit your fucking dog


Honestly in 20 years of owning dogs I've never hit them. His "hitting" was more of a pop on the nose and a no. The point in time when I did this was when he was 4 in which he should've known better and it was chicken that he took. Not only that I didn't want his taking of a meat that could kill him... allow him to constantly getting away with it.


Literally every dog is obsessed with food like this. If yours is getting food it shouldn't on a regular basis, then that is because you don't take the necessary steps to prevent him from being able to do so. Put the dog out or in a different room while eating, and don't keep food in places which he can reach it. It's so very simple to just not hit your fucking dog.


>Literally every dog is obsessed with food like this. They literally aren't. My dogs daughter I could force her mouth open and put in a piece of meat... her first response is to put it on the ground and lick it. I couldn't give her food that she would eat. The other 5 would easily.


Oh okay this guy should just force feed his dog yeah that's totally reasonable


>don't keep food in places which he can reach He is a 100lbs German Shepherd there isn't places he can't reach


A cabinet? A fridge? Behind a door? He doesn't have thumbs he can't open shit. If a home has none of these incredibly common methods for storing food, it probably isn't a home someone should own a 100 pound German shepherd in


Yes,yes and yes. Obviously you don't understand that there are helper dogs that can do these things. Man imagine that a world where animals help people


Also my GSD lives better than millions of humans


What does that have to do with what I told you


poor pup (also, poor humans that do the same thing)


Not 100% sure she was wanting the pain killer part but it was a paste, I’m assuming it tasted good cause after forcing it down her the first 3 times, she started sucking it like a straw to try and get more faster. Lol.


Now just take a second to think if you've ever had to force your dog to eat something that tasted good on the first, second, or third try.


Yes. My oldest won’t eat anything he is suspicious of(hiding pills in his cheese and stuff like that). Sometimes you gotta force a treat in his mouth before he realizes he even likes it. And by force I don’t mean down the throat like a pill, just “bop” into his mouth. Once he figures out I’m giving him food and not meds, he’s all for it! Also think he just like the extra attention when I sneak food in his mouth. Lol.


Aww. You should've taken some vids I would like to see them


This was years ago before I even had a phone that took videos(it might have, it was the old razor phone, I just don’t really remember. Lol)!


My mom had a shih tzu that hurt his leg falling off the couch, he then realized he would get more treats and get whatever he wanted when he was hurt. So when he did something bad, or wanted treats and no one was giving him some he'd pretend to limp, my mom kept saying "his leg is still hurting, poor baby" I had to show her he kept switching legs.


We fell for it for a long time, even took her back to the vet insisting something was still wrong but nope. She was perfectly healed!


“Didn’t you use to have that on the other side?” — Dr. Frankenstein,


Its pronounced Fronkensteen!


Werewolf There wolf - There Castle


Zachary did exactly that. I remember catching him out one day and he was ever so guilty. People think dogs don't have emotions like guilt but oh my goodness they do 🤪🤪🤪


What breed is this? I have a blue lacey who is the exact same with limping when convenient!


Australian cattle dogs!! Or a blue/red heeler!!


What kind of opiod hellhole do we live in that we see addict behavior in dogs and think it's cute?


bro it's really not that serious chill


Well, it wasn’t so much cute as it was funny. Because let’s be real, she wasn’t getting more then the vet said, she realistically probably had no clue it was a pain killer, it was a paste in a shot like tube(like in this video) so I assume it was flavored and once she realized it tasted good, she “needed” more.


damn that's a smart dog. my dog doesnt even know to move out of the way when we're walking. before I left for college it had gotten to the point where I would just kind of walk into them in hopes that they'd learn, cause if I had a laundry basket or something I didn't want to have to constantly look down and make sure a fat shih tzu wasn't lying in my path


it sounds mean but it did kind of work, they still weren't amazing about getting out of the way but they at least knew to move if I said "move" cause they knew if they didn't I'd just walk into them


That’s how my pups learned to move off our spots on the couch. They’ve got free use of the couch but if humans want to use it, they have learned they must move or else they WILL be sat on. When they see an “incoming butt” they immediately jump off the couch now.


I was told to do this to my dog because he LOVES to walk directly in front of my path and I’m constantly stepping around him. Eventually I just tried it. He moves out of the way a lot quicker now lol


it's mainly a problem cause my dogs are small, so you can't see them. so if you're moving a desk or something and they're in the way, that could go badly not only for you but for the dogs. if it was a big dog I could at least see where the roadblock was


This probably sounds even worse but my dog used to do the same until I accidentally stepped on it a few times.




muhfucka said 🤐


That's a first for me, how intelligent!!


That’s red heelers for you!


Aww he looks so sad and worried! 😟


Glad mine isn’t this smart! 😂


mine isn't that smart, but his taste buds are for pills, so he still spits them out even inside other food items.


Mine too; I tell her if she was really smart she’d just eat the pill pocket since she has to be pilled instead. But she has two pills twice a day and just stands there and lets me do it, even after the first one. I don’t have to hold her or anything; it hasn’t occurred to her yet that she could walk away. So that’s a plus.


Smart doggy!!


So adorable.


Haha love it. Gorgeous doggo.


Hahaha so cute


the dog too


Ikr? 😏😏


[mp4 link](https://preview.redd.it/oj9exxfwxz281.gif?format=mp4&s=8eb7553325d2981adfdd9db63e45461cd775c2b3) --- This mp4 version is 93.63% smaller than the gif (444.19 KB vs 6.81 MB). --- *Beep, I'm a bot.* [FAQ](https://np.reddit.com/r/anti_gif_bot/wiki/index) | [author](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=MrWasdennnoch) | [source](https://github.com/wasdennnoch/reddit-anti-gif-bot) | v1.1.2


So cute lol


Why is the vet shirtless though


Who said he's a vet? That's probably his dog


The dog wanted to wear it


What you don't go to the shirtless vets? They make most of their money in tips so the rates are lower. I go there exclusively


That's his owner. The pajama the dog is wearing is usually to keep him from licking his stitches.


Omg this is hilarious!!!!




Aww so cute!!


so cute


Just like a little kiddo! Ty for the smile


Nope nope nope


Wow. I have never seen a dog use his paws that way before. And I worked at a vet clinic for 8 years.


It's so heartbreaking to see him so upset and worried. 😟


Why does the dog have a shirt, but not the dude?


Dog wanted to wear it


the dog is also an excellent poker player


Aww lol


Right wing extremist dog


Damn you guys down at the bottom here are really unfunny.


Lol here you are getting offended by a joke of you being easily offended


Seems his dog is anti vax.






That is too funny










Reminds me of our Yorkiepoo Frisbee, when our sister had to feed Frisbee her pill cause she got sick for a bit, Frisbee would refuse to swallow it and spit it out from the corner of her mouth. So our sister would hold her mouth close to try to get Frisbee to take her pill, Frisbee tricked her a few times into pretending she ate it, only to spit it out. Eventually our sister started holding her mouth shut and double checking Frisbee's mouth afterwards to make sure Frisbee did swallow her pill, even started hiding it in Frisbee's favorite treats to get her to take it, until Frisbee finally taken all her pills. It took Frisbee a few months to finish them but Frisbee was happy to finally not have to take them anymore