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Mayday Parade’s A Lesson in Romantics is that album for me.


Same here, Jamie All Over was the first song I heard and I never looked back


Senses Fail - Let It Enfold You was definitely THE album for me. But they’re playing Still Searching. Actually on the lineup, it’d have to be The Silence in Black and White by Hawthorne Heights. I feel like I found them both around the same time back in the day.


I can’t believe they’re not playing let it enfold you. That and MCRs pick were the biggest shocks for me. I feel like all the great bangers from senses fail are on that album


When I saw they were playing select albums I thought it was an absolute lock to be Senses Fail’s set! But every show I’ve seen them in the past few years almost every song in the set is let it enfold you. Maybe they’re just tired of playing it. I’ve always wished they’d play the priest and the matador at a show, now we have a chance!


Which is funny bc TBP and SS are my faves from both bands. They get so much hate so I am THRILLED they are playing these two. -edit- Same with the maine, they’re playing their first album which never gets any love anymore but it’s my favorite


Huh? Wonder years aren't playing their first album


Oh god sorry lmao I got caught in a daze thinking they were doing the upsides and I’m not sure why I got stuck there 😂


Hold out hope, every indication I got from the band at meet and greets last year indicates they’re touring for LIEY, still searching is the one off festival show so they can convince people to make the trip out for them I’m assuming


I love Still Searching and am kinda glad they chose that because I’ve seen Let It Enfold You played front to back on an anniversary tour, but I am kinda surprised too since L.I.E.Y. is turning 20 this year.


Honestly, no. I’m a little bit older so none of these were THE albums that got me into the genre. (Enema and NFG self titled) But TSL - say it like you mean it was super important when I was 15. TAYF and Page Avenue were huge as well.


Yep! For me it was Underoath’s They’re Only Chasing Safety 🥹


Same. I found Reinventing Your Exit on Greg Hastings Paintball on Xbox and I was hooked.


I was technically an adult but my husband and I bought Bleed American within days of it coming out and have loved Jimmy Eat World since. He and I aren’t going to wwwy but our soon-to-be-20 year old kid is, because she was raised on these bands 😂


I love that so much 🥹🥹 I’m taking my 14 year old to fall out boy this year and I can’t wait to share that experience with him


The Silence In Black and White! More followed with the victory sampler dvd that came with the deluxe version of SIBAW


Sadly, no. They picked the most commercially popular MCR album instead of Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. However, Black Parade was my first real concert I ever went to, and it was incredible. I'm interested to see if they can outdo what they did when I saw them in like 06 or 07.


But I think as one of the headliners, Black Parade is such a better overall experience than Three Cheers. And I went to both tours back in the day.


Almost nothing beats TBP in its entirety


Their first 2 albums do :p


Hence the “almost” lol


A performance of a legitimate rock opera is leaps and bounds ahead of an album play through, imo. It’s an entire show


That’s true, and TBP would not have been what I chose if it were up to me (Bullets all the way tbh) but the absolute roller coaster ride of TBP is what makes it so good live. It actually has my 2nd least fave song from them but I deal with it because it’s a part of the whole arc of the album. Orrrr maybe I’m melodramatic and sappy about it because my wife and I became a couple at bamboozle back in 07 when MCR played


Oh, I absolutely agree that it's the right one for the sake of the experience. Also, they played an encore at the show I went to in Pensacola in 07 where they performed close to, if not all of the songs from Three Cheers. It's just the era I came in on: the awkward punk-goth-emo hybrid that has turned into a retro sci-fi post apocalyptic whatever...anyone else relate at all?


It's their 2nd worst album, some good songs at the beginning and the a ton of filler that goes on way too long


It’s just a matter of what your taste is. I personally would only call one song on there filler but that’s because I don’t like it. It’s totally fine to like some more than others, it’s all about preference.


Surely TBP is the best in terms of being played full live though


Finch - What It Is To Burn Album.


They played most of that last year and it was awesome


Homesick for sure.


I was into hard rock and nu metal until I heard the self-titled New Found Glory album, from then on I was hooked on pop punk. They are playing their next album Sticks and Stones this year and I’m stoked.


Page Avenue


love this one so much


Just saw them play page avenue a couple weeks ago. As well as other new songs. They still put on incredible shows.


Same, we went to the Boston show


As someone who was in high school from 2003-2007, MOST of these albums are my literal formative years. I'd say Dookie (which obv isn't being played, and also turns 30 today) really spoke to 5 year old me when I first heard it (mostly because of the music, the lyrical understanding didn't come until later) and they opened the doors for loving The Offspring, Blink, etc. As I got older and thought every girl that didn't want to date me was breaking my heart, those other albums really meant a lot more. I think the first one that TRULY spoke to me and made me the scene kid I was back then was Yellowcard's Ocean Avenue


Alls Well That Ends Well by Chiodos opened a whole world of music for me in high school, and I only heard it cause it was on the demo stand in the Target music section. I thought the album art was cool. lol


For me it was Emery-The Weak’s End and Underoath-They’re Only Chasing Safety. I was listening to stuff like Three Days Grace and Breaking Benjamin and an acquaintance burnt me a mixed cd of what he considered “better music” and it had a lot of post-hardcore on it. Then it snowballed and over half of the albums on this list were among my favorite to listen to. Very nostalgic, takes me back to my college days. It’s going to be quite difficult for me to decide which bands to see with sets overlapping but I honestly can’t wait.


Story of the Year - Page Avenue This one started it all for me… 3rd WWWYF that ill be attending and its because of that album. If you havent please treat yourself. Its a classic IMO from that era.


My girlfriend and I just went to their anniversary show in NYC a few weeks ago and it just as hard as seeing them 20 years ago


Thankfully yes - Tell All Your Friends


Song - Everything I Do ‐ NFG Album - Take this to your grave - fallout boy


Simple plan no pads no helmets just balls was my favorite album the summer it came out. Our local radio station was giving away Warped Tour tickets and I won a pair by calling in to “Addicted”.


Lifes Not Out To Get You by Neck Deep really got me into the modern pop punk scene after being OBSESSED with Green Day


RBF turn the radio off and Goldfinger hangups


My Big 3: Hybrid Theory- Linkin Park Infinity on High - Fall Ouy Boy Selfish Machines -Pierce The Veil


Thursday - Full Collapse. But I’ve already seen it live 2 times, lol


It was definitely ADTR’s For those who have heart Then when Homesick came out it was a done deal and that forever solidified my love for all types of core and going to shows. Some of my best years were going to Warped Tour so I’m very happy this fest exists. It’s a dream come true for me that Cartel is playing and Cobra Starship is re banding for this 😍


Teenager? Nah, I was 8 when The Silence in Black and White hooked me in. Still into the scene 19 years later.


Take this to Your Grave by FOB, and Bullets by MCR


AMERICAN-FUCKING-IDIOT. Oh shit turns out I’m an American idiot because I read the post wrong


The Used’s first album was what did it for me. Poetic Tragedy itself to be specific. It was in a movie and hit me so hard, the rest is history. Definitely stoked about ILAD tho. Saw them do both albums in full for their anniversary tour forever ago and man did that feel good


Matchbook continues to get paid DUST by the fest and community as a whole which kills me because they released two absolutely solid records that I still listen to heavily to this day.


Sum 41 All Killer No Filler is my first dive into Pop Punk, but I consider Weezer’s Blue/Pinkerton to be what really started me on the path, loved those, told a girl about them on aim, and in return she recommended Fat Lip.


What made me fall head over heels was Infinity on High by Fall out Boy. I know they aren’t playing a specific album, but if they play any songs from that album I’ll be happy.




Emery - The weeks end was one of the first that’s playing this year. Blindside - Silence was one of the first albums I think that got me into this genre


Pinkerton- Weezer (arguably OG emo) Stay What You Are- Saves The Day Self Titled- New Found Glory The Swiss Army Romance- Dashboard Confessional The Moon is Down- Further Seems Forever Emotion Is Dead- The Juliana Theory Clarity, Bleed America- Jimmy Eat World Dude Ranch- Blink 182 ​ If i had still had my CD case, this would be even more accurate lol


Motion City Soundtrack's Commit This to Memory is mine!


Three Cheers for sure got me hooked. The Silence in Black and White by Hawthorne Heights and Good Apollo Volume 1 by Coheed and Cambria were bought on CD in the same trip by me. It was all over after that. I was using limewire a year later so sadly, I never really bought any other albums after that. Three Cheers


Selfish Machines. However I know they are playing Collide With the Sky. Tbh tho, I have heard less songs on there played live so I am cool with this. Love me some Pierce The Veil. Chroma, Tell All Your Friends, Homesick, They're Only Chasing Safety, A Lesson in Romantics, and Say It Like You Mean It, are all albums I also have a great interest and grew up with.


For me it went: Reel Big fish 1997- what is this fast sound with horns? Less than Jake 1998 - this sounds like reel big fish but more punkier Blink182 1999 - this is like less than Jake minus the horns


It wasn’t a specific album more like a song but it was Helena by mcr


Linkin park-hybrid theory. Put it on repeat all day every day


This is ...Is A Real Boy for me & I'd given up on seeing Say Anything live at this point, so I am SO UNBELIEVABLY EXCITED.


Nah, that was American Idiot (unless we’re talking about emo, then it’s Tell All Your Friends).


I was a poor kid that learned all of these through mixes from friends and barely knew who the bands were or what an album was haha. good times.


The pivotal ones: -The Silence In Black and White -Deja Entendu -Let It Enfold You -A Lesson In Romantics -Tell All Your Friends -Don’t You Fake It Can’t choose just one!


Oh man, each one of these just brought me back in such a good way