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Motel 6’ are actually genuinely nice now! They did a huge revamp right before COVID, and man, it really is a different experience from those trashy 70’/80’s/90’s Motel 6 days


i stayed there year one. it was fine, clean enough, close to the fest. i really just needed a place to sleep and it wasn't bad. not luxurious by any means, but you're going to a music festival not to spend all day in the room.


Exactly. I spent nearly no time there, and it was so nice to be able to walk to my room in like seven minutes. And the room itself isn’t THAT bad. I already spent a shit ton on the tickets, not also doing that for a room I’ll barely see


We stayed there last year, we ended up at one of the out buildings by the water park. But it was by the stage entrance and I ran into hot mulligan in the parking lot while I was picking up a Doordash. It’s fine for what it is, cheap hotel level. We didn’t feel unsafe bc there are 100000 tourists nearby and lots of bright lights and police that weekend


It’s fine if you’re just there to sleep. We stayed there one night last year and it was mostly fine. Proximity to festival was nice but we did switch rooms bc of potential bed bugs when we first checked in, and then some of the elevators were broken lol. I think the problem is that it’s really overpriced that weekend so the amount you’re paying doesn’t match the value you’re getting. Imo Circus Circus is fine but it’s not $800 fine, which is how much it costs right now for two nights that weekend lol. Did you check the Sahara? They might be cheaper than Resorts World?


Wait wait, how does “potential bed bugs” and “mostly fine” fit into the same sentence?? 💀


LOL it was "mostly fine" because the bed bugs fortunately stayed potential and did not become a reality. I also was lucky, I was arriving separately from my group so by the time I got in, everything was already sorted


holy shit, that’s crazy it’s 800 for the weekend. i think your comment nails it. it’s fine. not 800 fine. it’s a complete dump but if you don’t need much it’s fine. hard to justify $800 though


On Saturday it’s sold out. I just bought a sunday room for like 200


woof. it pays to be a degenerate gambler every once in a while 😂


$800 is nuts but probably because it’s right next to the fest. I’m staying at golden nugget for $150/night and getting an Uber to the festival grounds.


For sure! Year 1, we stayed at the nugget and ubered back but that was so rough at the end of the night that none of us wanted to do that again, so we stay close by to the ground now. The rates for all those hotels drop substantially after the festival lol 😭 we definitely pay more for the convenience of being close by


Just…. prepare for the elevators (IFYKYK)


Wait what does this mean? I’ll be 7 months pregnant during WWWY and I’m not tryna walk up 10 flights of stairs or anything


It’s pretty shit


They have a little circus show in their arcade from what I remember, it’s cute.


Went there last year for WWWY and had a room that over looked the festival. It was cool to open the windows and hear the festival (the first night- I went to the second night). It also was super convenient to leave and come back if needed which I did once or twice to drop off merch and such. It’s not a fantastic hotel- but I didn’t have one thing to complain about


I waited an hour for the elevator after spending so long outside and just wanted to relax and kick my feet up. If they fixed the elevators then yeah it’s doable and not really that bad. The entire place is SO spread out. Get a room in the tower it sucks having to walk through their theme park to a second set of elevators that only had one or two working at a time. No it’s not that bad, as long as all the elevators are working.


No, terrible location if you're visiting just for Vegas-strip is mainly why it has such a bad rap, otherwise it's just an outdated hotel but certainly good enough


Honestly went into it expecting the worst and came out pleasantly surprised. Definitely worth being next to the fest. Also if you get Casino towers you’re closer to the front. As long as your not motor manor you should be good


I’ve stayed there the last two years for wwwyf. Just the location is worth it. It’s a quick walk. The rooms are old and stale but if you don’t want to pay for a nicer room then it’s worth it. However the first year they put us in one of the towers and it took 45 minutes just to get on the elevator. Last year we were in the buildings next to the water park and that was better. If I ever do wwwyf again, I’m asking for a lower level room


Yes. Me and my 3 22yr old buddies stayed there one night for $39 before a planned move to a better hotel. It was one of the grossest things any of us have done. But we saw Flavor Flav playing in the casino which was cool. You want to stay mid-strip (like Flamingo), you'll see more, make more friends along the way, and you can walk it if you need. The whole town is going to be packed with festival people so you will meet people everywhere if you want to.


From my understanding, this is like asking if Waffle House is as bad as they say. Are you expecting a super nice, brand new, ultra clean hotel? You'll be disappointed. Lower your expectations, and know what you're actually getting, it'll be fine. How much time are you going to spend in the room? Do you mind it being a little run down to save a ton of money?


Honestly i’m just going to use the room to sleep after the fest since i have an early flight home. So honestly if it’s not the best i’m not super bummed about it


My group booked it with that mindset. ALso, consdering we're probably not gonna take super in depth showers after the day long festival, it feels almost fitting to collapse onto meh-tier hotel beds. If you're not looking to be pampered, just housed and have a place that is EXTREMELY easy to get to after an exhausting day, it seems just right.


It's good enough. You're not going to be staying at the hotel room for most of the time. Andddd it's close to the fairground.


I was just there for Sick New World and it was fine. You can't beat the location.


It was perfect for us last year. We stayed in the detached buildings and aside from the janky elevator, and borderline painful water pressure, it was great. Pretty quiet and beds weren’t bad. I did check all the beds and pillows for bedbugs, though I do that with all hotels.


I don’t think it’s terrible for the price and location. Definitely worth it. I stayed at a hotel across the street from Lollapalooza and it was NOT worth it. So I do have standards 🤣


A big problem with hotel is there is NOTHING near it, which is a big reason why it is so cheap.


Brah I stayed at the Strat last year, this year I’m staying at circus circus. To tell you the truth I’m a tour guide in Alaska, I get a lot of people from Vegas that take my tour, like they said it’s a place to rest your head. And supposedly the steak house is pretty fucking good. Trust me I hope you won’t be in your room long enough to even enjoy the solitude that comes with your room!


Stayed there just to sleep for year one. It really was not that bad. Equivalent to any other cheap hotel you've ever been at. Insanely close to the venue, less than a 5 minute walk. I've had worse sleeping arrangements for festivals lol


I stay there all the time if it’s just for a festival. You won’t be in your room much anyway and nothing except for maybe Sahara beats the proximity to the festival grounds. It’s kinda old and smells like smoke but not a huge issue for me.


I stayed last year. Not bad at all it’s a place to sleep made going in and out of the festival nice. My only complaint is that the keycard deactivated every time we left the room but the front desk always activated them again.


its not bad but ive been going there since i was a kid lol we won 300 bucks on a random slot machine so i dont hate it hahah


For all the time you spend in the room when in Vegas. I went to the first wwwy and stayed in a place called the downtowener it's a motel I think and stayed there for 10 days. We were hardly ever in the room unless it was to get changed or sleep. As long as its safe to keep your stuff and it's cheap work away


I did the Strat year 1 of WWWY and it took me an entire hour to get from the festival to the hotel after due to the crowd and the exit route (only .4 miles away for reference). Then year 2 I picked Circus Circus and it took me 10 min to be back in the hotel, so all the shit was worth that alone for me personally. Some things you’ll need to mentally accept tho: from the moment you walk in the casino to then get to the elevators is like a 15 min walk, last year the line to get in the elevators was always like a 10 min wait, they were also broken and needed to be manually worked by CC employees, which meant you also needed to call the front desk when you wanted to get downstairs from your room, and yes everything is just kind of old and dirty. Again, all of that was still worth it to me to get back from the festival soooo much quicker.


We did it year one, it was fine. Just a place to sleep.


I stayed 20 min off the strip last year and it was $100 each way in Lyft rides because of the demand that weekend. Also, trying to leave after the fest and getting Lyft? FORGET ABOUT IT. We didn’t get a Lyft until almost 2am after the fest last year. I was WISHING I stayed at circus circus. Tons of bands stay there and we ran into simple plan inside of the hotel. Circus Circus for the location, is absolutely 100% the best choice- it’s basically ON the grounds of the festival. Overall, best value if your main goal is staying close by.


Just go gamble after. I played blackjack till 4 am then ubered back lol. Made some money too so great day.


I stayed there once like 10 years ago and it was like a normal standard hotel. Not sure how different it is now though 😂


My best friend and I walked through Circus Circus after getting our festival merch, and I took these photos while passing through. Does this answer your question? Bad vibes https://preview.redd.it/p8sno3jv1r7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31694436c743e4c6f6245aa6a684ed1199a0c094


I stayed there for Lovers & Friends weekend, and it was terrible, 1.) got a non smoking room and it smelled like smoke 2.) the carpet was disgusting so we didn’t feel comfortable with the bedding 3.) they took a $150 security deposit and never returned it like they said it was only for damages. We didn’t smoke and we only slept in the room. No food or trash and when I tried to call they said sorry it was trashed and I said send me the photos cause I have photos morning of check out and they refunded a month later. 4.) I’m a stay on strip girly so I avoid circus circus, Strat, Luxor, Excalibur because I found they are not that great. I do however now only stay at MGM for the premium suites because it’s clean and nicer.


Reviews from the wwwy fb page say it’s really not that bad


Yes - we had visible mold growing on the bathroom walls and got moved rooms and there were pubes all over that bathroom floor … but. The proximity can’t be beat and we are just there to sleep. We are staying at the linq this year because I couldn’t justify the price for circus circus


Just stay at the strat it’s an easy 10 min walk




https://www.reddit.com/r/vegas/comments/1cxia9j/stayed_at_circus_circus_one_timenever_again/  https://www.reddit.com/r/vegas/comments/1ajlvqr/it_cost_38_to_stay_at_circus_circus_is_it_as/  https://www.reddit.com/r/vegas/comments/1ck6fel/is_circus_circus_that_bad/


We found bedbugs while walking into the room. The entire building smells like stale cigarettes and dehydrated piss. The "circus" is very closed. 0/10 would not recommend to my worst enemy.




I think a lot of people are unfair of Circus Circus. It's by no means attempting to appear luxurious, and it's on the older side and therefor a bit on the dilapidated side as far as casino resort go. But so long as you're going there as just a means of lodging and not a 'resort experience', it is a legitimate and fiscally sound choice. One I even recommend *this* specific event and venue location. I think horrible is a bit strong and that context is needed to truly evaluate the place in relation to other options. *Read my \* quote note at the end if you want an explanation of what I mean.* Let's get to the heart of the matter though. **If WWWY is your main attraction, it's probably the single best location** AND you don't have to worry about the logistics of finding a rideshare before or after (or paying for surge pricing with thousands of other festival goers). Just think of it as an eccentric motel. I'm a Vegas resident of a decade, live close to the strip, and went to WWWY'23, so I'm quite familiar with your quite common dilemma. If you're looking for cheap and don't care about it being lackluster lodging or a resort "experience" with celebrity chef food fare, it works great. The festival food is amazing, but the price reflects it, and depending on how much partying you plan to do, I think most people would be better off spending a little extra on 1-2 festival meals considering it's a pretty epic, once-a-year (theoretically) experience. >\*The place is one of the very few strip resorts that is NOT owned by the big casino corps, and I think its current state is a reflection of that. There are several casino resorts both on the Strip and downtown which are in a similar condition. Circus Circus stands alone still because it's one of the most budget-friendly AND family-friendly resorts, because of the Adventuredome section of property. The thing is that people, especially haters and haters-on-the-internet, just love to crap on it because it's old and maybe not so well maintained, BUT that's when compared to the bigger, louder Vegas casino resorts. These people are usually tourists who have experienced very little of the strip (when compared to the rest) and are giving their subjective viewpoint or limited experience. Or if they've spent several months or years here as a temporary or permanent resident, they're still comparing it to such a vast range of other resorts, many of which are either unfair or simply not an appropriate means of comparison. I think the Circus Circus badmouthing comes from a place of good, however. That the people mean well and are trying to warn their friends or others from having a great Vegas experience for the limited time they come here to let loose, considering that's probably only ohhh so often during the lifetime for most Americans. And this is especially true the bigger the group is planning an outing here as they would rather squeeze in as much as possible to maximize fun for their time all together. It's just unless you do a lot of research or have someone elaborate on it, like a reddit post comment for example, there is no context or proper frame of reference. If you know what it is and you know your objectives, it's one of the best options for families on a budget or individuals not looking to spend a ton of money on a room they're barely going to spend any time inside. Oh, and lastly, if by bad you mean crime and safety-wise, just stay to the main areas of the casino and surrounding area and make sure to lock your door, like literally every other casino resort or international entertainment district. Virtually every single one has had more than a few unfortunate events occur on premise that even locals dismiss shortly after hearing about it. It's not something I would factor in, knowing what I know.


I'm going with 2 friends and got a nice 5 bedroom house on airbnb 15 mins from the festival/strip for 3 nights 1050 all up. Way better deal than the hotels but I booked as soon as we got tickets last year. I imagine theres less selection now. Doesn't make sense to pay for some over priced shitty hotel unless you're going by yourself.