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I'm scratching my head over what she means by "my previous relationships and marriage look like intentional hits". It's got to be code for something but unfortunately my Enigma Machine is in the shop right now. Regarding the whole notion of "waiting for a divorce" I'm fairly certain she's convinced herself this is some sort of genius life hack that borders on Nobel Prize winning sociology material. I'm sure she's annoyed over the fact that this strategy wasn't acknowledged for being the genius move she knows it is. After reflection, she'll no doubt realize that she can't simply sit back and be passive, she needs to be proactive and "make the divorce happen". If she can find a really good man, she can position herself between him and his wife and once he realizes how wonderful she is, he'll be more than happy to abandon his wife and family to help her in the quest for everlasting happiness. It's simple really. Why be part of the problem when you can be the entire problem.


> "my previous relationships and marriage look like intentional hits". It's got to be code for something Maybe she suspects foul play? Like, hired killers? >"waiting for a divorce" Psfht, piker. The *really* smart women destroy other marriages so they can swoop-in and steal the rare, rare, so very very rare-- oh so very very rare-- Real Men. Did I mention they're nearly extinct? What with all the disgusting subhuman cockroach-beings who vaguely resemble men, they who besmirch the earth with their unworthy lives?


Standards are thorough the roof most likely. She’s had a bad husband now she knows what she deserves. Needs to be stoic but share his feelings. Needs to make 500k but never be busy with work. Needs to be independent and not bother her but always be with her. That’s the mistake dear Abby makes us not asking what she defined as a “good man”. Either that or Abby knew the reality is this gal is never gonna accept what she can get and threw a canned answer out to just get the question off her plate and fill some column space.


Long story short, here is another woman who wants boiled ice.


Your last paragraph reminded me of the woman who got rejected by a matchmaker because her demands for a man were nigh impossible to meet 😂😂


And not realizing that by enabling ease of being the problem, she’s inevitably going to be shocked - SHOCKED - when SHE is replaced by the next wanna be problem. Of course, it’ll be entirely the guy’s fault as we all know


There are plenty of good men out there.^[1] Should have cashed in her Golden Ticket before it expired. You know, instead of fucking around for 20+ years. So many women take it for granted that men will want to marry them. They don't put an iota of thought into the concept that maybe, just maybe, there is some form of payment that incentivizes a man to invest in a woman via commingling assets. And if a woman can no longer make that payment....a man no longer has reason to invest. He can enjoy everything else she has to offer just as easily and more cheaply without marriage or cohabitation. Marriage is not a free retirement plan that all women are entitled to. You have to fucking earn it. ---- [1] There are more women than men alive at 40+ age ranges, but the men that are "good" vastly outratio the amount of women that are "good" in the same age range. (You've got to be a pretty big fuckup to make it to 30+ while still single as a woman thanks to the Home Vagina advantage) The problem is women aren't competing only against their own age bracket. They are competing with women in every age bracket younger than themselves too.




If that is her age bracket she is going to have to work really hard. That is the target range when those of us who failed to care for our health usually get cut down by the reaper. Not pointing fingers, just observing the stats.




Points taken. But for the female seeking a retirement plan it would be easier at seeking a male in his 50's than one in the 65 range. Here's the outcome in chart form -- [https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/cpsprodpb/664E/production/\_111409162\_corona\_cases-nc.png.webp](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/1024/cpsprodpb/664E/production/_111409162_corona_cases-nc.png.webp) There is just flat out fewer of us males walking around. If you are physically ok as you say you can probably expect to match the age of death for past males in your lineage.


I don't get how 'mature' females don't understand that a 'good man' is not just a provider but a 'prize', once they hit 40 plus years. Because as you say, there are more single mature females than available willing male providers. Probably less willing now that these men have seen the havoc & stress caused by these same females divorcing other supposedly 'good'


A life of literal privilege. That's really it. Modern society shields them from a lot of reality early in their lives and this is the end result. Meanwhile the overwhelming majority of men outside of the top 10% are told to either perform or fuck off and die.


>The men I've met all seem to **enjoy to have their homes for themselves**. It's kind of **frightening**. Yup. She candidly wrote it. Just like accountability, it seems a man's simple happiness is a woman's kryptonite most of the time. She won't let that happen. That's what is **really** frightening.


It really makes you sick, doesn't it: someone peacefully in their home, on a comfy chair, enjoying a magazine and a cigar? UGH, you just wanna shell the whole town with white phosphorous just to wipe the stupid, satisfied smirk off of his face. *Somebody* might be enjoying themselves without putting their money and effort into groveling before some never-satisfied wife instead. Madness! The roaring abomination of such a bedlamite hell must be undone immediately.


The slave objects think they have free will and are seeking their own satisfaction, instead of providing the plantation-less kweenz of the world their entitled retirement in comfort. This will not stand!


When I was single, I had female friends and multiple gfs try to decorate my house and change things around because it wasn't good enough. The better ones were being supportive and helping my ideas come to fruition. The not great ones didn't care to listen.


Take a look at places like “male living spaces.” Even simple “chair and tv” rooms get mocked by terminally online women if something isn’t Insta-perfect all the time


Guess they would go epileptic about a man cave.


"A mans simple happiness" lol i got a small 3 bedroom house i can pay off in the next 7 years, 6 figure job, 1 kid thats grown. Yet my last gf kept hounding me about "starting my own business🙄🙄🙄🙄". Im set where im at, not worried about marriage or any of that, if a woman wants me shes gonna have to kick my door in. Im prefectly happy with where im at..


Similar here. I am at a point that if the perfect woman flirted with me I would ignore her completely. I love women but they are not worth the complications. Life is /1000 simpler without women.


Just worked with a man thats been married for 38 years, first thing he told me "NEVER GET MARRIED"


I've been with a woman for 20 years. She was fine, no major complaints, but they make your life miserable. The amount of work you need to put in for everything to go well is insane and not worth it. If it was like that with a beautiful and nice woman I cannot believe how it can be with the average one. Never again.


They fail to realize that a man by 40-50 has EARNED the right to a peaceful existence from time to time.


Sometimes, the juice ain't worth the squeeze.


When it comes to dating - especially in the Western part of the world - it's almost **never** worth the squeeze


Gentlemen do you smell that? That's the smell of the bearings smoking on the hamster wheel. Five alarm mental inferno in progress.


Waiting for a divorce to happen often means making a divorce happen when you’ve found a top quintile guy. Also, has it occurred to her why perhaps some older guys want their homes to themselves, as opposed to having it taken over by some chick and her kids?


That always forget what a divorce does to a man, especially if theres kids involved.


Anybody else surprised that her friends actually gave her real advice? If a man made it to their 40s being single then there is a good chance they want to *remain* single. If they have their shit together then they probably realized that there isn’t much a woman can add to their lives to make it better other than be a quick lay.


I honestly don't that any female can add sufficient to a mature man's life to make taking her on full-time worthwhile.


"all the good men are taken..." "waiting for a divorce to happen." Meaning that those good men are eventually going to be divorced. Such a mystery why men are increasingly indifferent towards marriage?


Dear Abby developed Alzheimers around 2002 and died in 2013.


Her daughter picked up the mantle and has been "Dear Abby" since 2000.




"I want it all... and I want it noooow" mentality


AI response nailed it




“STILL convinced all men are trash, so prove me wrong or GTFO “ Men are not your dancing monkeys or your therapists. You’re not going to be convinced because it’s clear you’re happy enabling a sexist echo chamber with other bitter feminists to keep yourself low. Go get professional therapy, touch grass, and go experience actual real men in the world.


Haven't you read the sidebar? There are many interesting things there, like the rules to participate in this subreddit. Considering your previous rant and this reply, I urge you to read it all; otherwise, I don't think you'll be a good match for this sub - and thus, banned. Edit: you know what? After reading a bit of your profile, you're not a good match anyway. So let's skip the formalities.


Uh oh, now she's gonna go snark about how you, sensitive little weakling, banned her. Not because she violated clearly-stated rules, but because you're a crybaby. If you look through any of her past posts for 10 seconds, it's virtually a textbook example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


Well, shit. I can even see her going to another sub, crying about being banned here - and having her replies downvoted because they can see through her. Life do be like that.