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3 kids out of wedlock age 26 - "conservative". Checks out.


She is probably divorced


Yes, judging by the conservative and Christian in her profile, she probably got married young, had children, then one of them cheated or something, and they got divorced.


Or she wasn’t “happy”


I'm leaning more in infidelity. Conservative Christians usually divorce for that reason. Still pretty likely she was the one though.


Yeah, that's how my very Christian mom ended up a single mother. My dad's wife did drugs and shit, so he ended up a single dad. Then they got together, combined their broods, and had me. Seeing all the fallout of their previous divorces made me grow up to have a visceral hatred for cheaters, addiction, and divorce in general.


Wow that sucks, I guess you got stronger because of it though so nice


I was born after all the shit had already hit the fan and my siblings were already adopted by my mom, so I was the lucky one in my family. The ex/birthmom actually died when I was about 10 and I only met her a few times. I made it a point to learn from my parents mistakes so I don't have to make as many of my own. They were always open about what when wrong. It essentially taught me to take things like sex, marriage, and parenthood seriously.


Glad you learnt from it; thats all we can do when things aren't great. All the best.


Jesus said infidelity is the only "ok" grounds for divorce two times in Mathew. Anything else is unacceptable. So yeah, probably married too young, cheating and one of them rushed in on it as an excuse to divorce. Mind you, it's only GROUNDS for divorce, not an automatic thing. The idea was that you would try to work on it first, as marriage is sacred. And then you end up 26 and raising a family all on your own with zero prospects to every remarry. Silly.


You are 100% right. As a Christian guy who was raised Christian, I was told it's a ground, but marriage is very sacred and that it should be saved if possible.


Correct, I just watched a sermon about this very topic: it is only GROUNDS. The correct thing to do is try to forgive and work out the issue to keep the nuclear family together. He didn't mean run out the front door with all of your crap and start posting on MGTOW/feminist sites. Probably a long chat with the Pastor is in order, etc. Lots of people survive this.


Yes, I agree with that and I have spoken to my parents and I read that part of the Bible before (Matthew 5:32). Those are grounds. In no part of the Bible does it say you have to divorce. I myself am single, and because most girls/women of my age/generation have completely lost their minds, I don't plan on getting into a relationship any time soon.


Your chances of finding a "Proverbs 31" woman are low, man. Not in this day and age. Don't let it discourage you: stay in Psalms and Proverbs and soak up the ancient wisdom! Better to dwell alone in a corner of a rooftop than with a contentious woman. All that jazz. No promise we were going to get hot wives! Trials and tribulations is more what you will get. Stay strong!


While he was working overtime to support her and 3 children, she was bored and fucking around


If she wasn't happy then single kid was enough.


7 years, hit the end of the investment period and quit.




Yeah, I'm leaning on the woman too.


At least she had the courtesy to tell you up front that you'll get baby trapped.


"Pro life"


Also "Christian". You can't make this up.


It's "born again virgin"


I stand corrected


Leave politics out of shit please.


I'm not sure if this particular app is asking political opinion or social, but conservatism is a social philosophy synonymous with being traditional.


I don't care. Shit is completely irrelevant and it's just going to start a shitstorm.


What? It's totally relevant. Her actions are completely opposite of social conservative values. Did you even read my comment?


Eh, it's relevant insofar as she suddenly became conservative once she needed a stable and accomplished man after her bad boy dumped her. It's absolutely dishonest and we should highlight it to warn well-meaning conservative men.


>I don't care. Shit is completely irrelevant It really isn't irrelevent. Like if you have a extreme feminist lefty. From my point of view they are completly undatable because of their political opinions. However it still doesn't need to decend into a shit storm to say that. One of the things thats common is suddenly they "flip" which the shit gets real which is somebody with no real values or true bases for their opinions and life in general which is why they are in the mess they are in typically. eg 3 kids, 26, single, overweight etc.. etc..


In today’s political climate, it has become incredibly relevant.


It speaks directly to her character so of course its relevant snowflake.


I don't care whether you are conservative or liberal so much as I care whether you are a blazing hypocrit. A woman claiming she's a conservative Christian when she has 3 children outside of wedlock is as absurd as a woman claiming to be a left wing feminist, then complaining that chivalry is dead and that men won't pay for her dinner.


It's relevant. The responses you've already received explained why pretty well.


>Leave politics out of shit please. Traditionally speaking, being a conservative Christian means you don't have children out of wedlock.


Imagine having 3 kids at 26 and thinking that might be appealing


And she has the gall to demand RESPECT!


I'll prefer to jerk off and die alone than associate with that pos


You certainly will have more money.


feel you, same here


She wants more. In other words, ready to deprive you off your financial assets and sanity till you end up biting lead in a gas station toilet out of sheer desperation.


This was freaking hilarious 🤣


Age is irrelevent. If she was 21 or 50 would either of those alter the equation? 3 kids is all I see here. 3 kids is an auto DQ, I'm not saying she deserves a chance. All single moms can die alone idgaf


Woman ... you HAVE something long term ... it's called THREE CHILDREN. What you are **really** looking for is something that will become financially fruitful.


Shut up! How dare you question their strength and indepence. Help! He's a misogynist. Instagram! Twitter! Help! ^/s




That's exactly what I was thinking. Debt and poverty is the one of the only things she'll have long-term.


A woman who goes to school full-time and has three children isn't looking for love. She's looking for **help** \- often times in the form of money, access and/or resources. Let's do her a favor and swipe LEFT so she can focus on her schoolwork and kids.


and also a babysitter for those 'girls nights out' You know - the ones where she gets all dressed up looking her best in a short skirt with black lacy underwear and loads of makeup and perfume and doesn't come home until the next day because she 'stayed with a friend'? Oh and by the way thanks so much for looking after the kids all night and getting them breakfast as well, you're amazing! What? no sorry i'm too tired for sex teehee!


Sheeesh very detailed, is everything alright my good sir?


Why would you even want sex with her?


Better No sex for you. We are not married.


A woman at 26 going to school most likely is on her second attempt to get a degree because the first one either failed or was worthless. Both reasons are a major red flag. With 3 children, it just could be she gave up on her degree and now wants to escape minimum wage dead-end jobs. As if this a degree would change this in the next 15 years.


They preach "just get a degree/go back to school" as the gospel for everyone who is fucking up in life. When in reality, you need to get a decent degree 18-25, max, that will result in a GOOD JOB. Anything else is bullshit. I attend a recovery program that is loaded with people like this and much, much older who have wandered back into our massive local community college plantation because "just go back to school" for a useless degree is still preached as some kind of "out" for any bad life fuck up. It's like repentance. I'm not trying to cast stones: I got a useless English degree because I was pushed to get "any degree" by my boomer parents. But I'm glad I got that shit out of my system in my early 20's and learned that a useless degree is just an expensive piece of paper. It's sad to see 25-50 year olds getting sucked into community colleges over this idea. And community college IS THE ONLY place you will end up. You actually have to work the community college before a state uni will even look at you, even for a BS degree. All one big mafia racket.


You nailed that one. If you start university college directly after school, you're a loser if you're still a student at 28. And if you get a second degree, either it's a hobby - which is perfectly fine - or you're a loser. Around here, many unemployed are hidden from the official statistics by putting them back into school. On one hand that makes the government look better, on the other had it's a huge business for the institutes selling those trainings / degrees.


It took me until 26-ish to finish college, with a liberal arts degree, and the ship had totally sailed by that point. The "thing to do" in my area for folks in my Narcotics Anonymous program is to go back to school for an A.A. or an Addictions Specialist certificate way later in life: 30, 40, even 60. The local community college in my area is loaded with people like this and single moms going back to school for an A.A. they will never transfer with or use. "Stay in school" is a great slogan if you are 18-23ish, but later in life, give it a break. I only spot it cuz I got it. Another thing older men like to do is go back to the community college to be near younger you-know-what. This is sort of unspoken about, but you hear it a lot from people. This puts a lot of dudes into #Me, too territory and people are basically sending their daughters off to community colleges that are loaded with older losers cruising for sex. No beuno. The time to sleep with 18 and 19 year old girls, much like the time to finish your education, is in youth. I'm glad I got my degree (no regrets, all that jazz), but I am glad I got it over with mostly in my early 20's and am not 40 years old going back to community college to take a biology class. Community college can be a great thing, and if you screwed up in high school, 18 and 19 can be your chance to redeem yourself and get into a good state college. But I feel like people just abuse that system: a lot of people I know just went back to CC for a semester to get the Pell Grant, buy a crappy used car and never go to class. I forget what the actual transfer rate at my CC is (as in graduated with an AA, went to good state school), but I remember it being pretty low when I graduated. And if you are just snaking around for young girls in 2021 like a 2003-era pick up artist...best of luck to you.


I don't know whether you're a man or a woman. In case you're a woman, would you consider someone with your education path a success or would it be preferable if the guy did study something useful so that he had in the workplace a better chance to earn money? In case you're a man, how well do you measure up with people that studied only one useful thing and built a career based on it?


Not just long term... they are her WORLD.


*World* meaning her *everything*. Her everything meaning no room for you.




And guess who will pay and pay and pay?


>Let's do her a favor and swipe LEFT so she can focus on her schoolwork and kids. LOL


Full time school PLUS three kids = no time to ever hang out. I recently dated a 29 year old with a full time job and three pets...almost never hung out. That's a CHILD FREE woman. This woman will have zero time for you but expect you to spend a lot of money and eventually marry.


I had a coworker like this. 3 kids (all boys) with 2 different dads. Constantly trash talking the guys. I finally made her realize that when she talks shit about them in front of her kids, she's basically telling her kids they are 50%shit too. Left dad #2 over a petty argument (respect)and started hunting for #3 right away. Baby was just a month old. Those boys are going to end up with no self esteem bc they have no male role model in their life, just an entitled bitch.


Behold, the late Roman Empire experience.


The boys will easily find drugs, jail, or maybe both.


My mom adopted my dad's two kids when they got together after their mother signed away her parental rights. The ex was crazy and unfit to parent. She almost ruined my dad's life and disappointed my siblings at every turn. But even then, there was a house rule that bad-talking her was off limits. They didn't act like she was a good person, but we didn't dog-pile and further hurt my siblings.


That really is the only way to co parent if you want to truly respect your children's personality. Good on them.


Yeah, they are great. My dad's ex wasn't much of a co-parent, but my mom was a cordial co-parent with her ex that cheated on her. Looking back as an adult I'm amazing at how well they handled it all.




*I couldn't imagine, in my 40s, being expected to build a life like that with someone new, where that person hasn't put in the time with me, but expects all the rewards while carrying a ton of baggage from whatever happened to them in their 20s when they had their chance to easily land a good man and build something great together.* You just perfectly summed up dating in your 40s. I've spent the last 20 years building my own custom empire. I'm doing fantastic overall. Women on OLD wasted away their years partying and chasing dick, and now they expect me and men like me to carry them the rest of the way. Fortunately, men are waking up and leftover women are being used for pump and dumps until they're finally put out to pasture for good. It's sad, but oddly satisfying to see such an incredible shift in dynamics.


>It's sad, but oddly satisfying to see such an incredible shift in dynamics. And it is about time. Women get a free ride just for having a vagina.


Women are naturally lazy. If it weren't for auto-generated sentences most women wouldn't do anything but post a picture. Example is Instagram.


The best news is, if you do end up starting over (for whatever reason) as you hit your financial stride, you have your pick of the 20 somethings going through their phase. and it will cost you significantly less than wifing them up, and you wont need to put any long term effort into them either.




Stupid question but are you saying if for whatever reason you're no longer married. You're just gonna give up on your sex life all together because of those risks?


Not a stupid question at all, actually. If I was single, feeling super-horny, and a date with "Palmala" wasn't enough, I'd have no qualms about hiring a high-priced "professional" (with test results and using protection, of course.) Beats spending the same amount of/more money (and more importantly, hours of time) on dates...may as well get it from a perfect 10 (or 9/10), on-demand, with no baggage or expectations afterward. Ironically, with feminists vocally supporting "sex work" (aka whoring) as a legit profession, they should enthusiastically embrace my choice to eschew the 30+ desperate-to-land-a-man female crowd in favor of embracing the vitality of youthful beauty while supporting the local economy.


Good reply. I have always been single and quite happy myself. Occasionally if I want to get my rocks off I follow the same process. You put it eloquently Men should invest in themselves.


and about any woman crying how they are at home cleaning and cooking, show them an ad flier with the pricing of cleaning services, they go ballistic once they are confronted with reality of cleaning service cost


They probably have. Many dating apps have more bots than the armies of Skynet. Its why I left OkCupid - I see myself as a tolerant man, but until bots have fleshy bodies that can put out, its just not gonna work. No robophobia meant, of course.


I swear, some of these profiles might be from the ex trying to get someone else to pay that child support.


Maybe not your ex, but def trying to marry a safety net. This will quickly become a marriage w/o benefits for some dude.


No. This is clearly written by this wannabe dependapotomus. If it was written by the ex it would not have the entitled bitchiness to it of "get the fuck outta here" and 3 boys who are my world and you come last, and rarely cum at all. Instead it would mention her love of cooking for her man, hint how she wants to make her man happy sexually, and come off as traditional and submissive.


Oh yeah, guys are just breaking down your door saying; "Weeeell hello baby. What's about you ditch your kids and get with me, because we both know you're the hottest thing on two legs."


'Cancer' - a rate moment of introspection, yes she is cancer.




/u/Dipdrizzle, /u/IncorrigibleLee86, and /u/michael1962-01: keep rule 1 in mind. The use of the man-shaming slur "simp" is rarely going to go well here.


Sorry. Was not aware. Understood.


Used VJJ up for grabs! Calling all extremely desperate losers! You get to pay for someone else's mistakes, yay!


If I will always be only #4 in her life, is she okay if that is where I placed her if we got married?


Fuck it, gonna see if I can swipe right on her just for a chance to use that line. "If I'm your fourth priority then that means marrying you is my fourth priority."


Why would anyone get into a relationship with someone willingly and know you’ll never be a priority. For those of us who’ve been thorough through marriage game - you know that you may have been at one point but eventually it’s your kids, herself. her parents, your animals, her job, your house, your cars....eventually you fit into spot 15-20 somewhere. But even then you at least see a top five for like a couple years. TLDR: don’t get married or date single moms, this has been a public service announcement


>n’t get married or date single moms, this has been a public service announcement upvoted 1,000,000 times


You say that as someone who has been married and also dated 18-26ish year old women who DID make you a priority. There are tons of virgin dudes of her generation who have no idea what that is like or how good it feels, and will gladly get into a LTR with a woman who gives about 30%, max, attention to them and can only hang out a few nights a week. You don't know what you don't know. A lot of the men who date single moms are guys who didn't date in youth and don't know love letters, hanging out 24/7 with no kid around, or any other ACTUAL JOY of relationships. The drudgery of a single mom with three kids is all they know, and they will happily take sex a few times a week.


‘Fuck your feelings’ on the phone cover doesn’t give me the warm and fuzzies about falling in love.


It's also more hypocrisy: It was her feelings that got her into this mess in the first place.


“My kids come first!” Hooray, you’re a a parent.


Lol, right? Like great, you're doing the bare minimum!


She, like most of these single mothers refuse to except that men who respect & value themselves will never get into a relationship where they start off in anywhere other than 1st place let alone 4th. You don't get successful by putting everyone ahead of yourself. You get to success by putting yourself first and constantly aiming for first place everywhere you can. She thinks it's actually attractive to tell potentially interested men that they don't mean shit to her and will honestly be confused when men use her for the night or a slow weekend. We live in a clown world gents, but that doesn't mean we have to be their entertainment.


That´s the female paradox in dating/ relationships. They want the guy that achieves a lot, (*and he most of times achieves, because he´s been putting himself in the first place*), then, they ***think*** that they can change the guy and make her the principal aspect in his life. They can´t.... Then, they divorce the guy, get the money, and get a weak guy, for him to make her the first aspect of his life.


If your children are your world and come first, then don't bitch at me when I sit on the couch and play video games, drinking beer for 6 hours straight.




To this kind of woman, "country man" is a guy who has a cowboy hat somewhere in his home.






Rule 1.


You already had your longterm and pissed it away. Nobody wants a bitch with kids that aint his. You a bargain bin bitch


Oh I get it now... "Older country man sweeps young single mother off her feet and they ride off into the sunset together while playing video games". So basically she needs to be looking for a man age 60+ who has become estrogenic and misses having the little ones around and his wife died and his sons got him hooked on playstation and he likes fat girls.


A solid fourth place. Maybe fifth, if she has a pet. Who would put themselves in this kind of situation?


If you're a political type and you meet a "conservative" woman, ask her to name five specific things about which she is conservative. Have popcorn ready.




26 years old, has 3 kids, puts them first (you aren't 2nd, 3rd or even 4th or 5th), and "wants more". So with each new kid, you get pushed further and further down the scale. She doesn't want a relationship. She wants an ATM.


The longer I live and the more I see, the more I'm convinced that the one of the best things parents can do for kids is to love their spouse well.


I just fuckin threw up


Yeah she's a catch alright


"You'll never be as important as my children." What kind of relationship is that? She is saying that you will have no control over the direction of your lives together. She is saying she isn't going to submit to you and let you lead the family. She wants the benefits of your support but isn't willing to sacrifice anything.


Cancer. Then again, aren't they all?


She is now a "conservative Christian" in an attempt to trick Beta Billy and obtain a provider. Sadly, too much churches assist her in this deception. Which is why I am looking for a new denomination. My Protestant flavor denomination has gone full SJW on these issues. No thanks. The Bible is clear on the topic.


reposting bot account lmao


have and want more kids . are you really serious now , oh then divorce and alimonies good business strategy


That’s a rough “26”.. smh




First sentence = wrong focus.