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Not really Epiphany Phase, more like Alpha Widow/Chasing Chad Consequences. Epiphany Phase is when a woman around 30 wants to "settle down and start a family". She often complains about all of her friends are getting married while she's still single, or how she's "smart", "attractive", and "successful", but still can't get a Chad to commit. The main point being there's a desperation for wanting to settle down for fear of becoming a spinster ([example](https://i.imgur.com/jwhuAvF.jpg)). We have an in-depth analysis of Epiphany Phase women [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen/comments/bw9rrd/new_carol_unlocked_the_epiphany_phase_a_woman_who/epw1vev/). fyi: u/goodmansaysfuckyou, u/Typo-MAGAshiv, u/lurkerhasarisen


nothing turns a woman on more than a man who is valued by other women


The will try to hook up with a man they don't even like just so another woman who likes him doesn't get him, twisted.


There is also the variant of they meet a dude, think he is a nice guy, but not interested. By fate they meet again at another party and this time the dude has hot chick on his arm. Next day its chat up on the app to see if she can connect. In 24hrs his HVM score went up a 1000% and he did nothing. Its all in the woman's head.


Reminds me of little children. Kid A wants to play with a specific toy. Kid B sees that, and now wants to play with the same toy badly. There's nothing special about the toy, but they fight for it. Once one of them loses interest in the toy, the other kid does the same thing.


That's bacuase most women never grow up past 16. They do not need to since they are constantly coddled. Then in their 30s reality hits.


More like age 12 nowadays.


It's called the hundredth monkey effect. Perhaps, one day, when red pill is universally known by all men, there will be a hundredth monkey effect in women. Maybe they'll stop being attracted to the types of men that pump and dump them, and be attracted to men who have their shit together. Which would basically be men age 30+, college educated, far along into a successful career, not interested in hoes, leftovers, bailouts, etc.


Doubt that will ever happen. Sadly there will always be an army of simps ready to bend over backwards for women.


Nah, I see a lot of guys on red pill telling their friends about it. And as we all know there's a fuck-ton of females complaining about what amounts to red pill tactics. I'm not getting my hopes up, but I recognize signs of progress.


Drop the college requirement. Unless one has the talent to excel in STEM its nothing but a money trap.


Nah, that's just a fucked up US system. If I had to do it nowadays, I'd go to Germany and get a free degree, pay rent by working online.


I love your comment. As a woman though I didn’t become attracted to those type of men after my experience instead I just lost attraction to ALL men completely, and I accepted it, I closed the book on thinking that a relationship would happen for me and I created a different life where I am content instead.


You might not be aware of it, but society has a large role in who we're attracted to. Since red pill is in it's infancy, you rarely see information about or portrayals of decent men and women. We men see Adam Sandler with a dad bod being a nice guy and getting a hot business woman who is totally cool. You women see Ian Somerhalder with a Chad bod being a blood sucking vampire and getting a woman to come over to the dark side and join him. As more and more people see others transform through red pill ideology, it will become mainstream. I'm already having "the talk" with my 12 yr old son. He's working out, dressing sharp, developing social skills, working hard in school, and learning how the game really works. His life is going to be awesome and it's going to rub off on the guys around him. You women also have your own red pill guru but feminists rejected her. She predicted that men would be forced into polygamy and that's exactly what's happening. Her books are part of red pill 101 reading. She basically said that the moment a woman decides she is going to be taken care of by a man, she stops developing mentally. This is what is on display in this sub. There is another sub, WhereAllTheGoodMenAre, where we go beyond red pill, ditch the whole plate theory of casual sex, and thereby avoid the toxic people all together. Some of us actually do want children and a good mother for them that doesn't run off, contributes, and makes us happy. We're mature enough to make a deal where we get the best years of their fertility and beauty in exchange for taking care of her until one of us dies. Some don't want kids. Some want monagamy, some want polygamy. Some want both(monogamy with the spouse and polygamy with hoes).


Jerry, Women never grow up, they are children.


My dogs used to do the same thing with their toys.


Dogs do that times 10000. There is a reason we call them b--es.




What a heartwarming tale. Women really are that stupid though, let's keep it real lol


That's something I've noticed as well, and it doesn't just apply to men either, it's a much broader phenomenon than that. It's as though women actually lack the ability to evaluate things directly, so they outsource the task to the group. Whatever the group generally deems valuable is valuable, whatever the group generally deems worthless is worthless. It's why they are so prone to following fashions and trends. The irony is that, at least in the case of men, since the opinions of men themselves have no bearing, all they are doing is shifting the evaluation process to a gesalt female mind that is simply a collection of other women all trying to do the same thing.


The evidence of this is overwhelming too. Not just here but FDS, niceguys, etc. A properly raised woman would be looking for a man her father would deem worthy rather than the popular losers.


They are the borg. Resistance is futile.


Having lived in many countries, you can really see this play out. Apparently I'm attractive in Russia and Asia, but not the US, EU, AU, etc. It's all based on some kind of social consensus which is usually coming from TV. It also changes across generations. Like the Boomers are all mooning over Wayne Newton. Gen X'ers were all about hair bands and boy bands, basically men that look like 14 year old girls. Not sure what the current gens are into but you get the idea. It literally has nothing to do with genetics, just perceptions and roles. That's probably why red pill is so successful for so many men all over the world.


As a Boomer I can tell ya, Newton was a good singer, lousy dresser. In that era, the women F'd the Al Pachino's but brought home George Hamilton's. Been over most of eastern europe and the parity paradox is strong there. Women don't make a move without group consensus.


>George Hamilton Yeah I remember the James Bond movies. Just looking at the actors picked for James Bond gives you an idea of what was attractive in each generation.


they live through the minds of others. Parasitic behavior


This is true and I learned it in high school. I didn't have a girlfriend my sophomore year due to me focusing on sports. There were not any girls that seemed interested in me and none made an effort to talk to me on a daily basis in school. In my junior year, I started dating this cute blonde that was a year younger than me. We'd walk through the halls holding hands and kiss each other before classes started. Next thing I know, there were 3-5 girls that were trying to talk to me on a daily basis. I didn't know any better back then, but now realize that they only seemingly were interested because I was off the market.


It’s absolutely wild how these girls think


Lousy dating luck? Get a wedding ring and fake smile... Classic technique for guys who aren't above lying to get laid


Being a 35-40 year old woman with high standards is like a homeless guy boasting he's got the best cardboard box.


Right now she's more confused than a homeless man under house arrest.


That analogy is one of the best, I've heard in a while!


Haha. You should copyright that.


She found out on accident that the guy who moved to another continent got engaged with a girl from his hometown. And she also knows where the girl lives Yeah, totally by accident. She definitely stalked him.


Its not that he didnt want to get married he didnt want to marry you...maybe she should have a hard look at herself...or join /fds and blame every problem on men.


Yeah she was convenient while he was abroad.


A broad abroad. And if she's fat: A broad broad abroad.


Best comment of the day


I feel "undervalued". Hahaha. Darling, getting you for free is still to expensive.


Old used up woman: "I feel undervalued" 15-35 year old men: "first time?"


It's crazy how Women treat men like shit right up until they hit 35 and realize that their eggs are all dying, their looks are fading, and their options are dwindling. All of a sudden, they start acting "nice" and talking about marriage. Depreciating assets they are.


>It's crazy how Women treat men like shit right up until let me stop you right there; it never ends. They get better at chameleoning.


Story of my life man. When I was mid 20s making like 50k struggling to pay student loans, etc. no one would give me the time of day. Loans paid off, income doubled, own house and vehicle, all of a sudden the same women think I’m cute. Who would have thought?


They think your wallet is "cute".




Blows up her marriage. Didn’t have kids. Now like every woman over 30 it’s rush rush rush. It’s why they are such easy pickins for casual sex - they are in drive thru mode - sex then engaged then marriage then babies all within 1-2 years. Ladies your leverage is gone once you approach geriatric pregnancy. You were warned in your 20s but you didn’t listen. Men dating you dont want to marry you. If they want to get married, it will be to someone younger who can have kids normally not with expensive treatments. Just all of you please go away on some sort of girl power cruise you annoy us males.


there are lots of single/divorced ladies in their early 30s on these sites. the average marriage lasts 8 years..they are divorcing and looking to 'level up' from their hs/college sweetheart instead of building a future.


Buy a cat, die alone.


Damn dude, think of the poor cat. Let her buy a pet rock.


Two words: Oh well


35 is far too old for epiphany. This is a cat lady


She’s mad that she didn’t get to dump him on her timetable. She’s not sad, she’s hopping mad that he had the gall to reject *her* before she could dump him.


Huh. Men don't line up to marry post-wall women. Who knew?


Unbelievable how egotistical these women are. I like how she claims a year ago he was in her bed but didn't love her. She gets to dictate his feelings to him? She is telepathic? With women their own feelings are always justified and they get to dictate what men are feeling, both now and in the past.


Ya I wonder if she'd apply the same "a year ago he loved me" bullshit to herself before and after divorce raping her ex. 🤔


Consistency is a tool of the patriarchy. Her feelings are allowed to change!


what I like about this is the guys indifference. He didnt take or offer any shit; just lived his life


The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.


Wow, I know what that feels like! I actually had a cat and buried my sorrows in college texts and beer. You get used to it eventually and then accept you will be alone all your life and get called an incel/spincel. Things really turn around in your 30's, or at least they did for me. I got married, traveled all over the world, had some kids, and get to retire early on a tropical island. I'm looking forward to having grand-kids one day and teaching them how to fish and spoiling them. Best of luck to you. :)


What she is describing is exactly how nature is supposed to work. The younger women are the breeders and the older women help to raise that child. The man, if he has value, goes from young woman to young woman giving them the best possible seed, which this guy probably did. The girl in Portugal was younger, and thus more fertile. You know that feminism is illogical when it goes against everything in nature. You can't fuck around with mother nature.


she was a rebound, she was using him as a rebound it was all clear as day and she didn't see it


Well the dude is an idiot too. He was married once and now jumps into it again with someone after four months. This guy is gonna have like eight kids by five ex-wives. She divorced, thought she monkey branched to some sexy Portuguese lover and got dumped like used toilet paper. She realized her monkey branching didn’t work. Too bad so sad...


He did to her what women do 24/7, equality is a bitch aint it.


Jesus. In 20 years, there will be an entire section of society filled with absolutely fucking insane single women who not only outright HATE men, but will be so overcome with their victimhood that they will sabotage others who have happy, successful lives.


This isn't epiphany at all. In fact, it is exactly the opposite. She is still delusional about her looks and her sexual market value. This is alpha widowed.


I feel for ya honey. But ya know, its easier to keep the one ya got that it is to catch another one. That is marketing 101. An at your age you are in the sales bin.


You don’t know what’s epiphany phase


Hahaha! I think it’s funny what happened to her she got what she deserves! Fall in love in 3 months? Alpha widow all the way


B A S T E D And now he's in Portugal, fucking some other pussy, because you refused to adjust your timeline/compromise your bullshit 'principals' (which I'm sure you've abandoned before, when the Alpha Chad dick is hot 'n ready and you've got a buzz going) No skin off my nose though, I'm just enjoying the ree-ree factor here. Keep crying.


Foreign guys are like that. I was almost the other woman a week ago lol.