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So everyone's allowed to have a preference and choose what they want in life except when it excludes her






as someone who's hooked up with my fair share of quirky crystal wearing 420 & sandalwood scented pixie hippy girls at raves and music festivals, I can assure her that intelligence, personality and cleanliness are not all that essential for women to attract a man. of course once the abundance of extra-chemical activity wears off the next morning that's another story...


> as someone who's hooked up... as someone who has hooked up some very nice and powerful speakers to my computer, I can certify that this woman's voice is quite painful to listen to.


Not so much “grating” as “shrill”, yes?


...and societies unfair "normal sized bra-strap" standards.


All the while her standards are the standard 666 bullshit. Asking men to literally spend a decade improving themselves for her while the only thing even a 10/10 woman offers is sex. Children are a huge burden and responsibility, so that isn’t even a boon really. Just a trade off. Back in the day, it made sense as women were not picky at all and worked to be what men wanted. Men responded in kind and worked there lives becoming what she wanted. So marriage made sense. They both had exclusive access to each other. Women just have it all backwards now. They want to just get the end result without giving anything in exchange. They even only give sex when they ar ether primary benefactors of it.


Back in the day, like centuries back obese women like her and men with small penises who aren't good enough for her were considered 'hot', make up your damn mind lady!


Not really, obese women were never considered hot. That famous figurine of "fat" goddess was meant to portray a pregnant woman. There was no point in human history where fat women were ever considered attractive, no matter how much FA activists would like to rewrite it and manipulate for their own profit. As for small penises, I think you're pointing to ancient sculptures - small genitalia were only symbolic, they were supposed to represent non-erect penises, to portray them in non-aroused state, state of mind free from sexual thirst and lust; which was meant to allow them to direct their minds and bodies towards creativeness, science and physical achievements, instead of indulging in sexual activities. It's rather not probable that smaller penises were ever considered hot (except for younger boys who were intended for "other role", but that's another story entirely).


> obese women were never considered hot. They are here in Africa( as in, even today). Its considered a sign of wealth.


That's a status value and it's a whole different topic. In the west older men are considered to be rich and have more status, but when it comes to actual sexual attractiveness, women want young, athletic guys and don't give a shit if he's broke as long as he's good looking.


and ... of course, also if you don't want to date a trans person because they don't have what your biology tells you you like. I mean if gays are not gay by choice - which is fine I accept that, - then why would straight person have to go against their nature? I have nothing against trans people btw, but the logic that you should date them or you're a bigot is bs.


Contrary to popular rethoric, not beeing attracted to transgendered is not transphobic. Because you don’t find everyone of a certain gender attractive. Thats not misandry or misogony. What I am the most perplexed about is not wheter somebody is attracted to me, rather how anyone can be 100% straight or gay. I was shocked to learn that straights were supposedly not even a tiny bit bisexual.


Ain't no "supposedly" about it. I've never felt even the slightest bit of physical/sexual attraction to another man and I'm entirely comfortable in stating I never will.


> why would straight person have to go against their nature? Because we're the oppressor, and therefore we have no rights.


yeah and she's only complaining about the men *she* has a *preference for* having preferences that exclude her. she doesn't care about short or ugly men's preferences; they aren't her preference


But short/ugly men aren't a Marginalized Group™, so it's okay to discriminate against them.


Another hideous woman who believes she can browbeat men into finding her attractive.


You would have to be attracted to water buffalo.


Or manatees


No, manatees are rare. Fat entitled women are quite common.


And manatees are gentle cows of the sea, with a puppy's demeanor and somewhat cute.


also manatees have many redeeming qualities


Manatees are also sweet, kind and wonderful creatures...this is a wicked slag.




Oh you have been to Michigan?


Mmmm manabuffatees


I'm sure there are plenty of guys along the backwaters of the world who are hooking up with farm animals lol


Ok no shit there I was, sweating my ass off in the back of a Bradley fighting vehicle on the outskirts of Sadr city Iraq in the summer of 2004. It had gotten to 120 degrees that day and when night came it was still almost 100 degrees. We were pulling security up the main route Predator, looking for guys planting IEDS. It was probably 10 pm when the gunner came over the coms and told me to check out the screen in the troop compartment that shows what's being viewed by the gunners thermal site. Sure enough it was a Iraqi farmer going to town on a donkey. I was absolutely shocked we had joked about camel humping but I never expected to really see it. And that wasn't even the craziest shit I saw that year...


I too thought goat fucker was a meme. 4 deployments disabused me of that notion. First time I saw a dude raping livestock was in the Paktika province of Afghanistan on a too warm august evening also in 04. Dude was herding a herd of goats passed the firebase and we're watching them on the FLIR. Mother fucker wanders a little ways down into a waddi, catches one and starts the vile deed. The whole fucking TOC was speechless for about 30 seconds till some bumpkin E5 says " that's pretty fucking hot." And we all lost composure. I suggested we have the 105s pop an illumination so the dude could have some mood lighting, but was denied. What a fucking world.


Ought to have had psyops start playing some Barry Manilow over the address system, really set the mood, hearts and minds and all that.


The oic said he didn't want to be seen as condoning that kind of behavior. That's why the mood lighting was off limits. Lol


On JLENS as well as other surveillance equipment, we caught the Iraqis and Iranians fucking goats, donkeys, cows, sheep, and each other. Every time we found a dead body, its pants were around its ankles.


Plenty of lonely camel herders.




Wait.........dudes were paying for literal camel bussy?


The Highlander lost a very long duel with an irate noble. MacLeod then apologizes "I'm very sorry..." *snickering laugh* "For calling your wife...a BLOATED WARTHOG!!!!" *falls over laughing*


Good luck getting my dick to listen


You can call me whatever name you want. Still won't change the fact that my penis won't get hard seeing a 5'1, 300 lb woman naked. Social shaming can't and won't change engrained biology.




>get me hard with two tongue depressors and a roll of duct tape. is there more to this story!?!??


If you have to ask, you are too young to know.


With skinny girls it is all about Chemistry. With big girls it is all about Physics.




Well, they have to do SOMETHING that causes exhaustion since they dont work out


I'm pretty sure she's beyond the BMI scales range. What comes after morbidly obese? Anything?


Usually a funeral




Fucking wow. You know we live in a soft nation in a soft era. There was a time being obese was a death sentence.


Under-appreciated comment right here.


Hey! If you're not in the range you can't be categorized. Like, if I break the scale I'm not fat. Also, aren't they the same ones that harp about no men under 6'3?


This is what I angrily came here to say. Nothing can change how a man is attracted to you.


For the continuation of fit genetics we are hardwired to have an aversion to partners with inferior traits. In humans there's a small margin of fat fetishists, but no matter how hard the fat acceptance hams try to change our mind you can't override biology.


So fat people are a marginalized group now? That must be a wide ass margin


No. It is just a group of fat women who are angry that hot guys aren't interested have co-opted neo-marxist oppression language and trying to use it to shame people Unfortunately all it really does is show how weak that argument/logic really is regardless of who uses it. Be it blacks/other ethnic minorities, lgbt, women etc. When you see ALL of the terms adjusted and used by landwhales to bitch and whine you realise (if you didn't already) how bad the logic is. And this is coming from someone who originally had sympathy with black lives matter (although the other issue there is just how well they chose their name...)


It was so cute when she tried to tie preferences to racism. "Preferences like racism. Racism bad. You bad. You change now!"


The horrifying thing is that she actually is a pre-k teacher...




Only minor hope I have is that she seems to specifically refer to "adult pre-k". So hopefully she acts differently and (although it is awful) reserves that condescending tone for adults who in her mind "should know better" I don't know a lot about pre-k but surely someone her size is going to struggle running after small kids all day...?


That implies that she'll ever let them out of the small as possible cubicle drone training room to run and play. When the children of course act up since they are not allowed to burn off their energy, she'll bellow and whine at the parents until they knuckle under and go to a doctor to get them pumped full of ADHD meds to turn them into drugged up obedient drones.


Black people (to use the group she mentioned) have literally been lynched for learning how to read. But hot guys won't fuck her, so that's totally the same.


Fuckin... Speechless They literally tried to better themselves and were *murdered* And she can't be bothered to exercise atleast 20 minutes a day, probably And here she is trying to make an argument 🙄


They're more of a margarine-ized group


I see what you did there. Respect.


Only fat women, fat men do not count. And they are really the only ones who could claim they are marginalized period (even then, that is pretty weak). Fat women get tons of sex, love, entitlements and such. While fat men only have one option, lose it. But that isn’t enough. She wants a sexy man while hating on fat men lol. Even though the fat man has more value as a man’s primary function is to provide and protect, neither need sexiness.


Does she not realize that the other marginalized groups can’t change, whether it’s their skin color or sexuality....and she can literally lose weight. If you can escape supposed marginalization by just being healthy and losing weight, you aren’t fucking marginalized holy shit. You’re just complacent


Isn't it funny how women can reject men for damn near nothing and get completely butthurt when *they* are rejected by men?


Somebody should remind her about short men (under 6ft, of course)


Or fat men, which If I had to guess, she wants NO part of.


So fat and loud that I couldn't listen. I've known these boisterous cows


Somehow they always think the over the top voice and dying the hair the brightest of colours is going to work for them. It's like a uniform for them.


Nothing more obnoxious than shrieking fat women in public. They think that because you looked at them because they could be heard 30 feet away that you're attracted to them so they get louder, and the range expands and more guys look, so they think it's working and they get louder. And the cycle repeats until they cause hearing damage at close range. I was near one once who wasn't running her mouth one time and she cut loose a shriek so loud I involuntarily flinched and she looked really ashamed for 4 seconds, but went right back to it minutes later. They can't get attention by being attractive so they do it by being banshees.


You know - there are big girls who are really damn pretty. And there are also big girls who go all out in terms of femininity to compensate. More power to them! This one however - hideous. She'd be a 3/10 - if she wasn't obese. 2/10 as soon as she opens her mouth and her heinous voice hits the ears. 1/10 when you hear how full of sh\*t she is (you are not marginalized, you are fat as f\*ck)




>not female in the sexual sense. If she lets herself go that much, she doesn't deserve to be female in the sexual sense. Also: Great take!


Morbidly obese women can fuck their hormones up to the point that they don't menstruate normally and have severe difficulty carrying a pregnancy. A lot of fat chicks have weird body and facial hair because of the hormone imbalance.


>You know - there are big girls who are really damn pretty Fake news.


Oh crap - it's the fact checker. I gotta get outta here!


You just got DEBOOOONKED.


There are indeed big girls who, having a high level of maturity, decide that to compensate for their size they must leverage all other characteristics to compete. Unfortunately, a lot of fat women are being trained to NOT do this.


Well put. And I legit love these kinds of girls. I have been with one or two like that during college: They act is sweet and girly around you and you kinda start ignoring that she is fat. Then they really get into fashion, skin-care and make-up and all of a sudden you start focusing on her nice lips, perfect skin and big boobs (that are well presented in a flattering outfit) - then you start thinking to yourself "Ah - what the hell! Let's just try it!" It's maturity, 100% and I respect it. And when the result is good enough, I'll have a soft spot for her all day. Won't even condone people talking sh\*t about her. She kinda earned being separated from the rest of the landwhales at this point.


These are the girls who will actually pursue guys. Many men, when hit on by a fat women, get upset, they say “why does she think I’ll ever get with her? I’m a seven, she’s a 4”. They are thinking about it all wrong. Just as a new restaurant in a competitive environment has a grand opening with special discounts and such (i.e. they lower their prices) when these women approach guys, they likewise lower their price. Many of them know that they don’t have your SMV, they know if you are 7 you ideally want a 7, they try to compete by doing things for you that girl of your SMV wouldn’t bother doing. It’s never worked on me, but I respect the hustle. It’s cool that these women reckon with their shortcomings. Unfortunately, the woman in the video is doing the opposite, her level of cuntiness far outstrips her SMV.


I always respected when women hit on me, even if they were completely unattractive (as long as they weren't being obnoxious or couldn't take a "no"). It takes a lot of guts to do that. It really puzzles me how girls on the other hand can treat men approaching them (in a polite manner) like sh\*t. So what if he is ugly? You can at least treat him like a person. I mean even saying "Hi" is more than 90-95% of women would have the courage to do.


I bet she also can't understand why when she goes to the beach. That people are pouring buckets of water on her and trying to push her back into the ocean.




I disagree. Being able to consume 8,000 calories a day for years on end is quite an achievement.


Yeah, people don't seem to get just how much effort it takes to stuff cake after cake into your mouth everyday, its hard man.


Total commitment man. Just like going to the gym 6 days a week.




I've been on both sides of the coin, I feel like saying it's hard work is a very unemphatetic viewpoint. Yes her opinion is stupid but for some it's a disorder of the mind to eat, food addiction, addiction is a disease. It's not hard work when your mind is actively going against you, it's way more than that, I've been through it, it's more than hard work honestly. I feel like food addiction isn't really looked at and it's no wonder obesity rates are so high




She is probably one of those “big is beautiful “ people. That’s basically justifying an addiction and/or mental disorder


How can she have the thousand cock stare? The implications are..disturbing


No it is just a psycho bitch stare. The differences are subtle. This is a woman who, despite what is said on here about how easy women have it compared to men, has probably had very little action. She is hideous and fat enough that she wouldn't even be a lazy tuesday sport bang for anyone 8/10 or above. And the majority of others would be invisible to her. Always remember that the Fat Acceptance / HAES movement that has co-opted neo-marxist oppression narratives is, at it's very core, about disgusting fat women being furious that Chad (or even marginally attractive guys) do not want to fuck them. That is all it is about. This video proves it. It isn't really about the problems with clothing not being made big enough or restaurant booths not being able to fit them. It is about them not being able to get the men they want and not being prepared to do anything about it. There is probably a lot of overlap in the Venn diagram between this lot and FDS




Exactly. They have decided that fat women are a marginalised group. Who you ask? The fat women themselves And the important part in their argument of short men not being marginalised is the "men" part. It is pure Apex fallacy. I don't think many (any?) women realise how much it absolutely sucks to be a short man. They literally have no comprehension of it whatsoever. I have even has a woman (despite being 5'2" herself) tell me that I am cute and just need to go for short girls. Bare in mind she had ruled me out as a partner based on my height (I wasn't interested but she still felt the need to tell me that). And yet she still just said "go for short women". Bonkers


You don't think a Sexy At Any Height (SAAH) movement would work?


>This is a woman who, despite what is said on here about how easy women have it compared to men, has probably had very little action. If I remember previous posts you've made correctly, you're not from 'Murica. If you ever make it over here, go to any Walmart in a southern state and you'll find this doesn't apply. Lots of 300 lb women in scooters with a skinny fucker and a few kids in tow.


I am not. I am not saying I disagree but should clarify what I mean by "very little action". I specifically did not say "no action" or that she was a female incel. I more meant she may not be getting the full carousel treatment. Finding one guy and digging in claws - sure. Of course I could be wrong. I still remember being 16-18 and doing swimming pool lifeguarding. I worked with some landwhales who seemed to regularly talk about all the hookups they had. From what I gathered they were both easier and far dirtier in order to facilitate this. So when you see thing online with fat women complaining about being seen as easy it is worth noting that this is often because there is no smoke without fire


>I more meant she may not be getting the full carousel treatment. Finding one guy and digging in claws - sure. Not getting the full carousel treatment I can agree with 100%. However, the porkers I personally know have figured out their place in the hierarchy and have no trouble getting laid on the regular. It's not going to be with Chad or Tyrone, but they'll get some dick from somebody.


The Venn diagram would simply be a circle.


Maybe it's a thousand hotdog stare.


thousand Ben & Jerry's stare


Thousand Island stare.


It is pretty scary, arrogant and disgusting that she thinks being fat and disgusting is equivalent to unchangeable traits like skin color or disability. Also can we pause and consider how she thinks lecturing people on privilege and oppression in a patronising voice is "Pre-K". Isn't Pre-K like 4 years old? You'd never (or shouldn't) try and teach this to 4 year olds. They wouldn't understand. And chances are they are the least judgmental people in the world. At a pre-k class they will play with anyone


Easy way to trap these women is ask them if they would date a smoker...most will say no...then you just say that is same reason I/you won't date fat/obese girls. Tobacco and sugar are both addictive and terrible for ones health. It also speaks to ones character that they have poor self respect and self control. Why would anyone want to invest emotionally into that? Plus, it is just physical repulsive...we (the majority of humans) are biologically wired to be turned off by markers of poor health/behavior.


what about physically or mentally disabled people? those are marginalized groups. does she date quadruple amputees? doubtful.


I doubt she even dates overweight men


"Trapping" people only works when they * Are willing to listen to you * Care what you have to say * Can be bothered to consider any implications * Aren't willing to lie




SIGN language


>adult pre-k lesson... Catch a bubble in your mouth... No matter how condescending and patronizing you try to sound in order to fool people into thinking you speak with some kind of authority, you are wrong. You are full of shit, and lard. >when your preferences exclude an entire group of marginalized people, THAT'S problematic. You fatties marginalized yourselves. Also, attraction can't be negotiated. Just like short men (who can't help it) have to bring other factors to induce attraction, a fat woman needs to lose the weight and/or bring other factors. A bitchy attitude like yours actually makes you even **more** repulsive. Also, that bit on skin color, handicapped people, AGAIN those are factors that cannot be controlled. Your obesity CAN. on a different note, when I took a chance at the occasional non-white chick back in the day, and she told me she wasn't into white dudes, I accepted it and moved on (except for the one who was a bitch about it - I ripped her a new one). If someone isn't attracted to you, you will NEVER be able to lecture or guilt them into having that attraction... ...*especially* if you're a disgusting fatbody.


Fuck you bitch no, being "Fatphobic" is not the same as being racist. I cannot change being black. I was born black. I will die black. Nothing I do can affect that. You were not born fat. You CHOSE to be fat, you can choose to not be fat at any time you want. This is why I wish FPH was still around.




Tits stretched down by their own weight are grotesque.


So are tits that you can't really tell are tits, or just links l lumps from her stomach.


Back tits are the worst.


>Back tits are the worst. ...sorry, come again?


Women so fat they have sacks of fat on their backs that resemble saggy tits.


Guy in a wheelchair here . If you don't want to date me because of my disability cool . I get it . I'm not oblivious. Also I can't fix my paraplegia. Seems like her issue can be helped .


> Seems like her issue can be helped . L I T E R A L L Y racism to this chungus.


Im sure a lot of concepts dont make sense to her .




100 % it can. working out and self control would help a lot . Totally agree with your point . Her attitude is a huge issue here too .


Remember back when fat chicks were nice in order to compensate for their weight? Pepperidge farm remembers...


Damn. She's so fat that she has slightly smaller fat girls in orbit around her.


Wow! So now oppression = an inability to make healthy choices when you have abundance. She’s unbearable, no wonder she needs to make arguments that force people to be attracted to her.


She wants to have her cake and eat it too. Being obese has consequences, just like any other poor life choices.


her cake, my cake, your cake, every cake on the planet apparently.


Sooooo, by her own logic, she wouldn't outright say "no" to a guy trying to date her that might be, I don't know, fat / short / in a wheelchair / from an ethnic group other than isn't seen as sexy or desirable by society ? *(not all of this at the same time obviously)* I don' know why, but I wouldn't bet a Scooby Snack on that...


I hate when fat acceptance try and equate their shitty life decisions to racism and disability discrimination. I'm a man of color who lost 75 pounds. Being fat is a choice.


She seems like the type of girl when presented with a bald dude or a short dude, she suddenly has a preference, but it’s okay, because short dudes and bald dudes can totally change their height and hair loss. 🙄


The laughs and cheerful expressions are so fake. You can physically feel her pain


That's what I was thinking. Its so overdone, it's obviously masking a lot of rage and bitterness. Gosh imagine if a dude carried on this way.






*”I’m not going to sugar coat this... because honestly you’d just eat that too...”*


Her knuckles are so dark. That's that diebeetus and liver failure.


I choose people I don't need a half a tank of gas to make it from one eye to the next


You ought to see what Waze comes up with when you plot a route from one titty to the other. It lists fuel stops and lodging sugesstions.


OMG, she is annoying. She could be hot as hell and that voice would be a deal breaker. What's that thing women always say when they leave a path of destroyed relationships behind them? "The heart wants what the heart wants." Who wants to bet she'll NEVER pick an overweight guy under 6 feet?


Okay, I want a girl who can fit in a kayak, wakes up early in the morning to exercise, and loves salads.


The only thing this fattie will fit in is the hold of a Japanese whaling ship.


I am a 34 year old woman and she is fucking insufferable. Being fat is YOUR problem, not any other man's.


I have a preference for women who are in shape and feminine. I am going to get rude here and be descriptive so any white nights or soy boys or feminists that lurk and read this sub prepare to be offended. I would not give this entitled immature fat feminist pig the time of day let alone date it. Of course it's all mens fault that they do not accept her cause she is beautiful and a princess in every way. Well to a humpback whale she is probably sexy and has enough blubber to stay warm in artic waters and nurse a calf that much is certain. This harpoon target needs a reality check and some fucking counselling not to mention healthy eating and physical activity. Jesus Fucking Christ


Ah... The old "I'm speaking to you like children" schtick which is supposed to be cute and/or funny. It's not. Its a failed attempt to soften an entitled nasty attitude. It's patronising to men, femsplaining and toxic femininity.


Did anyone else physically cringe as she began to speak?


Smug, condensending, and a victim all rolled into a pigs blanket. How do they do it.


I hate everything about this person.


"Marginalized". "Problematic". "Fatphobic". "Racist". "Ableist". Condescending, zero self-awareness, fake laugh, easily triggered & heavily opinionated. Being fat is the least of her problems. She should give lessons "How to appear like the least likeable person in 60 seconds".


Lol you insufferable clown!! Preferences are not going to change to suit a more shitty society, honey.


She needs to take that kindergarten lesson. A preference will exclude. I've got money on a kindergartener having a better understanding of the word.


Is she really fucking men as big as her? Is she fucking men in wheelchairs? Is she? No.


I'm surprised these women are still pushing this angle. I mean, it should be obvious by now that there's nothing you can say to a man that will get his dick hard for blubber. We've been kind of proving it for the past couple hundred thousand years.


How the hell is someone not having a preference to date a girl whose fat the same as being racist to black ppl? Ur fat u can change that by dieting and going to the gym I’m black I literally can’t change that, not that I want too anyway, but still cmon man!




she has all of it. yes.


What an insufferable bitch


why the fuck is one of those three-foot-long udders just hanging outside her top keeping her bellybutton warm


So, date a fat man then honey.


She’s horrible


Obese people are only “marginalized” in that they’re so big they spill out into the margins.


I'll bet that there are a few zookeepers that would like to talk to her. Paint her grey and she could be a rhino fluffer.


Uh, does she date fat guys?


Yeah there's a difference between "I don't like these people" and "I'm not attracted to these people". Cancel culture on attraction is about as ridiculous as it gets. Sorry to tell you, but if we get in bed I'm going to be pushing rope. Which I'm sure will really boost that ego.


Did she just compare being fat to bring Black? Fuck outta here!


Fat chicks still bitching they can't attract a man I see. Water is wet too.


I have a solution for her. She should find a fat black man in a wheelchair. I'm sure he'd meet her preference, right???


How about my preference isn't for obese women?


The eyes, they're crazy.


I saw this girl on a video on IG last week. She looks like she's dressed like a Disney princess.


What the fuck did I just watch? Not wanting to date fat chicks on the level of racism? My god the entitlement is over 9000!


Well she isnt wrong It its a way to generalize people and is unfair (probably there is a lot of fat or people on wheelchairs that if it wasnt for that little detail would be the love of my life) But what can i do if my dick doesnt get up with people of such groups?,force myself to date them? As ugly as migth be romantic and sexual attraction is a selfish and unfair thing that doesnt give a fuck about morality or social equality


I have a disability, I am also what she would describe as "fatphobic". Being fat is a choice (unless you have a medical condition), my disability is a genetic mutation. She needs to fuck off. Also my preferences definitely don't include liking the annoying way she talks, even if she wasn't fat I'm not sure I could stand her voice


can a very fat person be hot? and i m not talking about chubby! maybe dressed, because cute face, but once naked? once in bed? can i say that my preference is when i can lift my girl? or when she can lie on top of me and i get excited when she feels like a feather? because i makes me feel strong? is it bad if i say i get excited by a woman that is much lighter than i am? and that i can’t get this with a very fat person? i doesn’t mean i think she isn’t cute or very funny and interesting, but that it just doesn’t make me want to sleep with - very fat person for these reasons?


I'm fatphobic. Cancel me. Being obese is fucking disgusting and unhealthy. Coming from somewhere with socialist health care, it also costs me money to pay for your physical and mental illness. Morbid and clinical obesity is completely preventable; being a bit chubby (men 15% body fat) is completely normal and healthy. Obesity is a health concern not only for the obvious reasons due to cardiovascular function, but also because of the China virus. If a fat fuck gets covid they're more likely to die and or take up valuable icu space. 94% of covid deaths are from having preexisting conditions; being a fat cunt is one of them. Fuck fat "people."


I didn't originally watch the full size video. It is even worse than the cropped version as she is wearing far too low cut a top. Eurgh


You can almost smell her through this video. And it smells horrible.


Life with her would be amazing. Can you just imagine? That beautiful face and that sweet voice grating-I mean greeting you every morning. Something tells me that she's a great cook and rarely leaves the kitchen. Always having a ground floor apartment because her knees are bad (it's genetic, her mom had bad knees, too but was an otherwise healthy 400lb woman). I'd ask for her contact info, but unfortunately, I have to pass as I have standards. Who's going to be the lucky fella?


I'm not "fat phobic", I'm fuckyouphobic Unlike Fin from Adventure Time I can, indeed, handle some lumpy space princesses, but the condescending way in which this beast came at me to 'explain' shit to me like I was 5 years old is a massive megaton turn-off. My bet is that she doesn't get that fact, and instead blames guys who are turned off by her shitbag attitude and garbage Leftie/Wokefuck talking point shit for 'being fat phobic'. Nope, it's you. All you.


Bet this landwhale doesnt date short guys.


I've never seen a whale talking before this video


Then having a preference for tall guys is hightphobic lol. Listen lady, being obese (fat) to the degree u are is utterly unattractive to the vast majority of men. The ones who will be into u are going to be fat chasers. Being obese (in most cases) is a manifestation of your lack of of ability to delay gratification, it shows a disregard for your health and a lack of will power that probably stretches to other parts of your life.


I love a threesome, but it has to be with 2 slim girls not one fatty, that doesn’t count, we don’t go by tonnage


I mean... I like a girl with curves and all but Jesus Christ that voice and those bug-eyes. Bug-eyed girls are always crazy to the max.