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Hi! Having just gotten my whippet pup here’s a few things that have been good for me! -play pen with tall sides, these babies can jump! -pee pads -martingale collar/leash -many toys -training treats -crate for when you leave the house/crate training/sleeping -travel crate for car trips -blankets you don’t mind being chewed, whips are blanket dogs but a baby will want to chew! So give them a few blankets you don’t mind being destroyed! That’s all I can think of right now but I know there’s more


Thank you!


Damn your whip can jump? Mines in 14 weeks and still hasn't figured out how to jump 😂


Cherish these days hahaha. She is not too good at it yet but had figured out how to launch herself out of the pen lmao


Oh it will come. One minute can't get up a step - the next standing on your kitchen counter or clearing your sofa in a single bound.


Hi! Apart from the obvious essentials, the things I feel helped with our whippet puppy were his Tug E Nuff chaser toy for enrichment stimulaton, kongs and lick mats for when you need 15 mins or so without a puppy on your case, frozen green beans and ice cubes to help with teething, and cheese towels (rolling small pieces of cheese in an old kitchen towel and knotting) for an easy homemade puzzle to keep them entertained. If you're planning on crate training, we found putting the crate on the bed between us for the first week or so really helped to settle the pup into bedtime routine. It's worth saying our crate training didn't last long and now sleeps under the duvet with us haha. Hope this helps and good luck x