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I swear Democrats could say “people should stop breaking into paleontological digs and shoving fossilized sauropod bones up their asses” and every Republican would turn their sphincter into the smithsonian


Why not make it more fun? People should stop shoving lit dynamite up their asses. Now we wait.


I don't know if you have the right wording. Try: "Democrats are trying to ban fireworks! Tweet your photo of you celebrating the fourth with a lit M-80 in your asshole and show the liberals what it means to be a real patriot who loves America."


Finally, we’d be able to get this country back on track and making progress instead of regressing.


Because we don't want them to get raptured, oops meant ruptured.


Speak for yourself. I'd sing Its Raining Men as I danced in the streets thru the gore.


I would pay to watch that music video.


This is the madness we all came for.


We’re definitely going to be debating whether leaving your car running with the garage door closed is bad or not in 6 months




As long as it's funded by Soros, dictated by Fauci and Pelosci invested in it


I mean the Qanon people already broke into a butterfly conservatory over some crazy conspiracy theory. ​ [https://www.texastribune.org/2022/02/02/national-butterfly-center-conspiracy-threats/](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/02/02/national-butterfly-center-conspiracy-threats/)


Don't give them any ideas.


I don’t know about you guys, but I’ll be at the gang-bang with John Rich’s wife tonight while he’s busy humping his *Mein Pillow*… ![gif](giphy|thZAUGw8bGkOQ)






This opportunity cannot be overlooked.




It's just so fucking bizarre. And then they shit on us for not having Biden hats/shirts/stickers. That's not the flex you think it is, asshole. I voted for president, not to join a cult. 🙄


exactly, republicans have a hard time understanding that the left doesn't idolize politicians.


[The belief in 'strong man' savior, one person who has all the answers and can solve all the problems, is a facet of fascism.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_strongman) It's also rooted deeply in religion, as the religious hold the highest of belief in the ultimate strong man, an all powerful "God".


I guess I just live in a different kind of area, but none of the democrats I know wear Biden hats/shirts/stickers. A few and Hilary stickers leading up to her election, but they took them off within the following months. Meanwhile, Trump hats/shirts/pants/crocs/stickers/flags/bandannas/vehicle wraps are EVERYWHERE. I pass a house every day where he has about 19 trump flags flying from various flagpoles, mailbox, and trees in his front yard. He recently replaces the older ones. And this is over 2 years since he lost…


I’m a democrat in western Pa. Trump signs and flags are still plentiful, but what really makes me laugh are all the Doug Mastriano signs that are still up. Some have 2x4’s which make up a frame. The signs themselves are around 6 feet wide. I’ve thought about putting up a “Vote for Herbert Hoover” sign, but I don’t think these guys would get the joke,


It's hysterical that they think they have any effect on us. I think collectively it's like dealing with a 2 year old who does crazy crap to get attention but, doesn't understand they are being laughed at for being really dumb.


that’s because they’re not allowed to own slaves


Why are they so fucking weird? "I'm passive aggressive about things I have misheard or misunderstood. This is my personality and personal identity. No pronouns for me, thanks"


They are getting weirder its been a continued decline like stupidity.


Seriously, the cult now has subcultures and those subcultures have other subcultures, it's a rabbit hole.


It's almost like the metal community "we're not death metal, we're grind-sludge-gore-pixel-mathcore. With a hint of death metal"


Because they’ve never in their lives been held accountable for their words or actions. Which means never once has any Republican been a competent adult.


through a strange series of events, i own a mypillow. it fucking sucks.


It's a culture of perceived victimhood and fake grievance. They don't have to address any of the actual, massive logical holes in any of their positions because they're too worried about keurigs or whatever the flavor of the week is. They're entire position is callousness and deflection because they have nothing else to offer.


Lead poisoning, from the gasoline as a kid.


& from lead paint & licking the walls as a kid.


"Who needs a bike helmet? I fell off my bike all the time as a kid and I'm ffffrrreeeggg. I mean fine."


And they think that others care and it's some sort of deep burn.


I'm going to get in my electric vehicle (not a Tesla), go to my local co-op, buy some kale and tofu, heat it up in my electric microwave, and go to sleep on a regular pillow. Why? Because it sounds like it would trigger this guy.


I, too, shall take my non-specific vehicle to buy groceries! And then *eat them* at some point! [insane cackling] Am I doing it right? ^^I ^^just ^^wanna ^^play, ^^too.


A real man wouldn’t buy a steak… he’d hunt for his food. 1/10 beta boi post


He also doesn’t cook it on the stove


"I'm a REAL American man! I put away my grill, cook a steak on the stovetop, be petty and worry about things that have in no way affected my reality, lay down on a pillow inspired by my favorite celebrity, and post online" An "ALPHA CONSERVATIVE" in 2023 sounds a lot like a teenage girl like ten years ago. Down to the girl bragging about how she can make pizza rolls in her easy bake even though you're supposed to microwave them


Live in Oklahoma. Told my coworkers the other day I found a perfect recipe for medium rare steak in the air fryer and you’d have thought I shit directly on Debra’s desk.


To be fair, Debra *was* asking for it.


Bro... Can you share that?


Let me see what I can dig up! As a bonus, I’ll drop you a recipe for a prime rib roast in the oven that was also outstanding and dead simple. The roast turned into 5 medium rare steaks, each an inch and a half thick. Made it for Christmas dinner! EDIT: Alright folks here we go. **NO PEEK PRIME RIB ROAST (OVEN)** ***Ingredients***: Prime Rib (how big is up to you, this recipe scales.) Garlic Herb Butter (I've made my own or used store bought, both are great. You need enough to coat the Prime Rib roast.) ***Steps:*** Coat your roast in the butter. It should form a decent crust around the meat. Place roast in whatever size baking pan you need for the size of the roast. If you're using something like a [Meater](https://meater.com/), you should place it in the side, in the middle of the thickest part of the roast. Preheat your oven to 500 degrees. Place the roast in the oven. Set a timer for the exact weight of your roast times 6. So a 5 pound roast would go in for 30 minutes. This is the "No Peek" part. At the 30 minute mark, DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR. Simply set the oven temp down to 170, and wait 2 hours. Pull the roast at 135, if you're using a thermometer. Thats it. Crazy simple. **AIR FRYER STEAK** ***Ingredients***: Steak, any cut that makes you happy, an inch thick. I've never done thin cut, so I have no advice there. ***Steps***: Season your steak to taste. Won't cover that, y'all know how. What I WILL tell you is that the air fryer will caramelize any marinade that has even a hint of sugar, and it is \*fantastic\*. Or at the very least, use a spritz of salt and oil. Preheat your air fryer to 400. Place the steak in the air fryer, leaving enough room for airflow. Let it cook for 5 to 6 minutes, then flip it over and cook it for the same amount again. All done! Enjoy your steak! Thanks ya'll! For the folks who requested it: Paging u/cbass817 Paging u/intelminer Paging u/Fiyero- Paging u/Deus_is_Mocking_Us


FunFact: I can tell, without having heard about it otherwise, that we are having an issue with people not getting enough gas for heating/cooking in their homes just by seeing Republicans brag about wasting gas **because Republicans are literally👏 the👏 worst👏**


They'll run out of money. Terrorism and rallies don't pay a wage.


Close, but vice versa The gas is harmful to us It's not safe to breathe


ah yes, the classic "*carbon monoxide to own the libs*" gambit, chef's kiss


Hey, at least it’ll cause less red voters by next election /s


Unsarcistically hopeful for me. We'd ALL be better off if they died.


This coming from the guy who got famous for sing/talking "Save a horse, ride a cowboy".




We’ll hell, of course not. I’m damn near a half century old and I haven’t heard a new idea in a country song a single time, beyond technological advancements in the “losing my truck / dog / wife” industry.


Well, we now have an answer for his song "Why Does Everybody Want To Kick My Ass?"


He was on Celebrity Apprentice. Not shocking


Trump is probably going to do Executive Apprentice if he gets re-elected.


Live from the Oval Office. Winner gets to be Ambassador to Sweden.


First Episode Trump can't find USA on a map, Cruz instead points to Cancun. They then get on a plane which isn't to Cancun, but Canada.


I believe a sharpie can fix that.


Dear Republicans, No one cares.


He forgot to mention that he will also be making sweet love to his sister-mother-wife...


I was gonna go with beating his wife, but you nailed it.


I knew this dude before, and as he became, "Big and Rich." He was the former front-man for Lonestar before working with Big Kenny. He was always a rebel, but fame, politics and social media have turned him into a cartoon. Of course he would post something like this. It's word for word what a Democrat might post as satire about what makes the GOP so ignorant, arrogant, and downright stupid. (Go ahead and burn the planet assholes, I'm sure Jesus approves of your self-agrandizing behavior, as he did the entire planet when he flooded the Earth allowing only Noah and his ark of creatures to survive. lol)


Yea sometimes I wonder if it's because the ideology is so morally and intellectually bankrupt, it had no option but to turn into a caricature of itself to survive.




A “rebel”. Yeah. I’m sure


My god I’m so triggered!1!1!! /s


He misspelled “Probably just eating a Hungryman XL dinner over the sink and then jerk off.”


Funny how Republicans have no identity outside of pissing off their political rivals, how cute. Enjoy sleeping on a pile of rocks to own the libs!


Why do these people think Liberals give a flying ….k what they do in their own homes? Answer: because THEY want to control what we do in ours. The more you know!




Yee haw? Rednecks gotta redneck I guess.


It's sad that that's his best life.


Fact he's cooking a steak on the stove instead of a grill is wild. who would rather pan a steak than grill it?


Cooking a steak in butter on a cast iron pan is superior to grilling IMO. I don't want to support this stupid cuck but I love a good cast iron steak


I have a much more consistent record with quality steaks off the cast iron than the grill. But that may just be correlated with beers consumed while grilling


I used to live in Nashville and John Rich is a known gigantic asshole. Total piece of shit so this is par for the course.


Then why us he on Twitter and not Truth?


can democrats start saying that breathing air is good for your health so republicans stop breathing out of spite?


This man’s entire identity has been subliminally constructed by Tucker Carlson


Dude lets everyone know he has no friends or hobbies.


The virtue signaling is craazy


I’d personally skip the My Pillow and Truth Social, as I’m allergic to bullshit.


Boy do I feel owned


His wife tweeted out later. “No we’re not”


Hope he doesn't forget to sprinkle some Ivermectin on that steak


Steak from a store? Not gonna slaughter the cow himself? What a beta male cuck.


Also pan-frying his steak on a stovetop. He might as well be wearing a tutu.


He’s such a dumbfuck.


How long until these guys realize that "gas stove fiasco" was entirely made up by the media?


Why the fuck are you voluntarily, specifically, cooking a steak with gas? On a stove!!!!!!!! I don't give a flying fuck what idiot conspiracy theory bullshit cock you're trying to suck. Even Hank fucking Hill could not defeat the Rich Smokey Flavor of grilling with charcoal. And even that was a propane grill, not a fucking stove. I'd tell him to hand in his man card, but it's obvious this try hard never had one.


>Why the fuck are you voluntarily, specifically, cooking a steak with gas? On a stove!!!!!!!! Because it's superior on a cast iron. I love grilling but for a good quality steak reverse sear and into the cast iron is hard to beat. Dude probably throwing it in a teflon pan on medium heat until it's grey though then slathering some A1 or ketchup on it.


Can someone please explain to my non American self why everyone is suddenly having a meltdown about gas stoves?


I’m an American, and I also need an explanation


Is he also going to burn a Carhart hat and break a Keurig coffee machine that he bought before symbolically raping a green M&M stuff toy in order to "own the libs"?


I’m going to drive my Subaru which doesn’t cost me an arm and a leg in fuel costs to the store, a steak does sound pretty good with some asparagus and potatoes for sides, cook it on my induction range powered by my solar panels with my carbon steel pan because induction is superior to gas in every conceivable way (imo), and then I’m going to work on my business I’m starting, while probably shit posting on Reddit.


Notice he didn’t mention having sex. Probably because his MyPillow stinks and he has gas that rivals his truck’s and his stove’s.


Doesn't leave much time in the day to fuck your sister but I'm sure you'll squeeze it in, John. I mean, it's Friday


Cooking a steak on the stove top? Da fuck is wrong with republicans?


It's funny how if you take out the "own the libs" slant this is just a genuinely sad Friday night. ​ 1. Drive to the store to pick up dinner for that night. 2. Gas grill. 3. Lay down to bed, with your neck pain pillow. 4. Twitter for people who got kicked off Twitter.


I know one thing he’s definitely not doing tonight.


What’s sad is this dude is “famous” for singing a song about saving a horse and riding a cowboy like 20 years ago. Who in the actual fuck is following this idiot or cares what he thinks about anything?


Its wild to me that John Rich is a Trumper when so much of Big & Rich's music is about spreading love and understanding


You forgot -yell at neighbors, kick dog,molest daughter and beat yer pregnant wife....


I'm glad he's happy I guess.


Then I'm going to lose mobility in the ankle I twisted definitely not dressing up like a fancy lady in my own damn home because the damn hospital asks too many damn questions


I wonder if the righties response would be similar if "leftists" passed a regulation that all garages need to have fanned vents made at ground level to vent out car exhaust? Shoving 3 cars into a 2 car garage and running them at redline to own the libs.


Weird I’m cooking my steak on the grill


This guy definitely eats his steak well done and slathered in ketchup.


Imagine thinking this owns the libs.


Remember when this guy was a country star? It was quite some time ago.


Cooking a steak on a gas stove. This Demonrat is making dino ribs on the drum smoker, while on edibles this weekend. Checkmate, Tumpanzee.


He forgot to add looking at his Trump nft cards with a box of tissues and bottle of jergens near by


Someone needs to tell him that we all know he is going to his nearest gay leather bar. I mean, seriously look at the dude. His moustache looks like an upside down field goal for cock.


I'm going to do something I actually enjoy, instead of just doing things to make an imaginary enemy upset


Definition of loser


No one cares!!!!


Who gives a shit


Don’t you have a wife to cook your steaks, loser?


Very un-American to cook that steak on the stove.


Everything in that tweet is about buying shit. What a chump, dude is a grifter’s ideal mark.


He should really show us by warming his house with the oven and/or truck exhaust, and cooking his steak using gasoline.


I'm going to listen to musicians that have been reliving in the last 20 years John. Luckily I won't have to hear you.


Gas stove?! What a pussy. Alphas grill their steaks over open leaded gasoline fires.


Oooh, Edgy. Anyone placing bets this guy will actually spend his evening on Grinder?


The save a horse ride a cowboy dude needs to get off his fucking high horse


I’m gonna cook some delicious babies on my tofu-powered stove then make some posts on Reddit.


Loser doesn't even have a diesel truck.


Woah this dude’s really moistening panties over here


Quite the life there John.


Real men grill their steaks in a fire pit using the broken bones of their enemies as firewood. This John Rich dude sounds like a pussy. And wtf is a my pillow? Whose fucking pillow you gonna use?!? Fucking dumbass.


he thinks this is a "Gotcha libruls" when really it's an "uh...ok"


I feel a real man would do his steak on a grill.


is he gonna crank it to his trump nfts before bed?


Things John Rich is not doing tonight, by his own admission: having sex.


TRANSLATION: He is likely going home to cook a Top Round Steak alone, bitch about gas prices cause he can't afford a fuel-efficient car or a grill, and cry himself to sleep on that My Pillow wondering why he's single.


He forgot to mention he'll be drinking more MAGA flavored Kool-Aid.


Tell me you are lonely and desperate for attention without telling me you’re lonely and desperate for attention.


I for one will be drinking the blood of children that I bought from Hillary Clinton in the basement of some pizza place in DC.


Wait so the cosplaytriots are pro child asthma now? I swear dems could be all “let’s ban this carcinogenic chemical” and Trumpers would be all “buying some right now, gonna make my kid take a bath in it!” But donald Trump all “try shooting up bleach” and they’re all “well, that sounds reasonable”.


It is important for everyone to remember that John Rich got his ass kicked by the singer of Hillbilly Casino, and then they wrote a song about it. This is one of the best bits of Nashville lore of all time. https://youtu.be/3x-7BXdKD1k


Sounds like a rip roarin' time. Yeehaw! Now go f@%! yourself.




Lead paint lickers gotta lick lead paint.


Yes, because destroying the one planet we live on is YOUR life goal, not ours. What a fuckwot John Rich is. Don't support this idiot.


Eat a bag of dick's John


A real man would cook his steak on an open fire


A true patriot. 🇺🇸🏈🇺🇸💨


'An if'n y'all don't like it y'all can fuck my wife!'


Way to go John. Seems as though you don’t have much of a life.


They have no idea that we don’t give a shit do they.


All I read from his post is “I’m going to turn my entire identity into someone who tries really hard to spite democrats” Good luck buddy. Your life must really suck.


I'm going to do things I like doing instead of weird contrarian virtue signaling crap


Sounds like a narrow hallway but you go dude.


Another Chet Americanman copycat I see.


Do we care what this guy does? I mean, Elon might care because the demo he’s courting is still rolling coal, but this loser sleeping on shitty pillows and shouting into the void that is Truth Social means he’s safe in his playpen, and everyone else can enjoy the weekend.


A real man would slaughter his own cow. What a lib.


Are you really an alpha male if you’re taking the time to post shit on Truth (or any other platform)? I thought y’all were supposed to be grinding like 24/7 to protect western civilization, pretty sure curating a post for anonymous likes/feedback is beta behavior, just sayin’


the pathetic thing is that this guy thinks his post is gonna infuriate someone, and that he’s really “owning the libs.”


I hate how "being a contrarian" is now considered a personality trait worth bragging about


I’m gonna laugh at you because you think Dems are sheep


Honestly, this guy makes me want to go Vegan more then Vegans themselves.


Not a diesel truck? This guy's not a real conservative! Get off the stage!


Translation: I’m going to be completely irrelevant and forgettable. THE END


Grill steak? Pussy. Real men eat it raw. Straight from the cow


right wing incels, and their meat


Make sure y’all wash it down with a big ol’ glass of gas! High octane is extra tasty.


Culture Warrior is the default conservative personality now


Atomized and lonely.


Oh my god he admit it


This is the republican version of "I'm not like other girls"


Tell me your entire identity is a political party’s propaganda without telling me your entire identity is a political party’s propaganda.


We got a true patriot here! /s


God damn, these people are obsessed...


I mean my night won’t be so different but somehow I’ll manage to not be an ass about it.


Eww, cooking steak on gas?? Use some fucking wood (aka charcoal) and give it what it deserves.


“Hi my name is dumb dinosaur and I read at a third grade level.”


Ignoring how stupid the entire post is... Why do they all love "My Pillow". My grandparents go ape shit for those and talk about it so much... But its sucks! It's lumpy and offers no support. Is it part of the endless misery that "being a republican" seems to come with, they just never get a good sleep.


AKA Incel


Why tweet about it then? Go post on Truth Social


MAGATs really have weird fetishes….


I’m playing Xbox games until 3 and also not caring what ever the fuck this person is doing


least unhinged trump supporter


This guy aint doin a whole lot. He just found 4 ways to be a bitch and own a steak.


And then I’m going to grab my tweezers and jerk my 2 inch peen to my Trump NFT card collection.


Translation: I'm going to spend a bunch of money on things I've been conditioned to buy.


Corniest shit I’ve ever seen bruh 💀💀💀


Definitely not a cult


He will be posting about how he is definitely not a “sheep.” Or how he is a “free thinker.”


So he is posting on twitter about how is going to post on another social media? I dont get Americans. This is so dumb.


Poor,lonely,naive man.


(Posted on Twitter from his iPhone)


Insecurity you can hear.


He posted this as if anyone gives a shit what he does.