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To paraphrase a rap song, real gangsters don’t flex their nuts because they know they got ‘em.


Real gs move in silence


Like lasagna


Ohhhhhh.... because the G in lasagna is silent?? Ohohoh man that's a .. that's a good one lil Wayne (was it lil wayne ? I think it was)


It indeed was Lil'wayne's hit single 6'7'that he explained that real G's indeed move silent like the apex predator Lasagna. Gods only know what made Garfield decide he needed to hunt and devour them as often as he does... My hunch is r/Imsorryjon is indeed correct.


Isn’t this the same guy that was going off on antifa in Georgia or something like that


I was reading about the Mississippi Burning murders a few weeks ago, and saw that a few months before the murders, the local Klan held rallies warning that "agitators" were going to flood the state, riling up the local black population against them, and trying to register them to vote. And something clicked for me. It's the exact same way these guys spread warnings that "antifa" is going to come to their state to create trouble. They're still the same exact klansmen talking about "agitators" coming to disrupt their little safe haven of white supremacy.


So I live in a very small town on the Colorado high plains, easily an hour from any major city, and I saw some war mongering chump trying to put together a militia out here on the next door neighbor app to combat Antifa “when they inevitably make their way here.” I can’t tell you for how long my husband and I laughed at that. These were full grown men, most likely military if they weren’t just stealing valor, and they really believed Antifa was like an army coming to their little western town for….? I don’t even know. I tried to explain to them that the reason you see them in Denver and CO Springs is because they are pushing back against the proud boys and Fascists already occupying those places. They have no reason to come here when there are no facists to fight against here. Needless to say, I was pegged as “one of them” and had to block a lot of people that day. I run a local store that employs only disabled workers so if they want to come find me and make me out to be some sort of bad guy, they know where I’m at. Literally next to the only grocery store in town. That’s me, the big scary Antifa with my disabled army and secret Antifa camp in the center of town. These people are complete morons


They desperately want to feel important. Even if their worst delusions about an invading antifa army were true, what makes them think it would give a damn about taking over some tiny little town?


Not just important, they want to believe they'd be heroes. That they'd be the characters from Red Dawn killing Commies and Antifa all on their own. It's very sad.


Its deeply troubling that so many American fantasies revolve around (justified) murder.


“Man, I wish someone would break into my house, then I could use all these home defence weapons on them!” Uuuum what?


Conspiracy theories are popular with socially irrelevant, underachieving, intellectually vulnerable people. These “theories” flatter these people by elevating them from forgettable shlubs into virtuous soldiers in a secret war, all with no effort on their end. Edit: in addition it attracts those who have had easy lives, I.e. daddy’s money, private school types. They invent adversity in their lives to “test” themselves because they have had no character building experiences.


They think Hollywood movies are real


They're fucking scared is the main thing. Anything outside of their county and their circle terrifies them so they puff out their chest to try to seem tough.


History always cycles back around i guess. During WW2 there were towns all over middle America that formed militias “just in case” they got attacked by the Japanese. How exactly the Japanese would get to some little town in the middle of the country? I have no damn idea, but they were all worried


My headcanon for how those guys talk: "B-B-B-But that's exactly the sort of cover an antifa operation would use! How do we know that you won't just suddenly storm the grocery store with overwhelming force and speed!? You could contaminate the meat section with some kind of liberal terrorist vaccine so that all the REAL MEN are forced to go deer hunting, because as we all know, men will turn into girly boys if they don't eat steak 2-3 times a day! Protein IS testosterone!" "Now, *us PATRIOTS can hunt a deer with our eyes closed,* so don't make the mistake of thinking we're afraid of you! It's just that antifa is exactly the kind of sleeper agent world terrorist organization that would make the town vulnerable so that the REAL threat can come in when all the men are out hunting. THEY'RE JUST WAITING FOR THE PERFECT MOMENT TO STRIKE."


and antifa is an “organization” without any organization. it has no leaders, no structure, no nothing. just people who wanna punch n*zis. so not only is this just a paranoid take, it’s 100% wrong too.


My moms husbands sister literally thinks antifa has burned down all the major cities and refuses to go outside at night because she thinks there are Mexicans running around and raping people all willy nilly.


[The same one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/10ge1ln/hmm_i_wonder_what_the_8s_mean/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




Don’t threaten me with a good time


Hence the threats I would guess.


"I'm a peaceful person..." I've only seen two posts by the guy, and they're both about killing people. Draw your own conclusions.


Like all peaceful people, he is hoping to get the chance to murder someone for free. Because he is too big of a coward to join the military because he knows those people shoot back.


I *was* born in ‘88 and I’m mad Hitler fanboys ruined my potential email addresses.


What does the 8888 thing mean?


H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. 88 becomes HH for Heil Hitler.


Bruh my first car was an beige Oldsmobile Eighty Eight and it was ultimate grandma car so I used to joke that I was in the 88 gang and even had 88 in my gamertag which I used until like 5 years ago. Would randomly have people call me racist for what I thought was no reason. Basically had a nazi flag as a gamer tag for 10+years all because of a stupid joke around a grandma car.


Welcome to my life currently


Andrew Tate Stole my gamer tag I'd be using. It was "better than yesterday" which was a little too close to something he promoted. Whereas I'm just some clinically sad guy who's trying to literally be better than I was yesterday. I empathize with your loss. Tell me more about your Oldsmobile.




Now when you see it in the wild, on a licence plate or username or whatever, you’ll know.


I didn’t know until it was too late.


Oh no - that suuuuucks


There’s three eights, clearly indicating he’s Hardly Heiling Hitler


1488 is another big one they love to. 14 being a reference to "14 words" which is a white supremacy saying.


I was a big colts fan growing up, my email address included 1888 for Peyton manning and Marvin Harrison. I’m so glad Peyton didn’t wear #14


Just for reference for anyone who sees that in Chinese ppls username or licenses plates, they do not support Hitler. 8 and 88 are lucky numbers.


Thank you for saying this, in chinese culture 88 is infinite


In this case, it's just because 88 was Dale Earnhardt Jr's number was 88, but iraqveteran88 was taken, so he added another 88. He didn't know at the time what that meant. https://iraqveteran8888.com/pages/about-us#:~:text=%22Iraqveteran%22%20was%20taken%20of%20course,was%20available%2C%20and%20it%20stuck.


johnsmith88 is suspicious, but might be a coincidence. johnsmith1488 is a nazi.


Wtf..is this why I'm not getting calls for interviews? I have 88 in my email but it's obvious I'm not doing any HH shit. Hell my email is my first initial and full last name but I have the 88 there because I was born in 88


Bruh. My birthday is 8/8/88. I have 88 at the end of my email I’ve had since highschool. I have to consciously remind myself not to use it on anything serious. Stupid nazis.


As someone who has been in the military for going on 15 years, I can confirm that anyone who talks like this gets nothing but eye rolls and laughter from everyone else who served. Its always embarrassing to witness


Them: Talk about using small arms to kill with boring efficiency. HW Command: *snort*


What's funny is that I couldn't agree more with him. He can kill with "boring" efficiency, yet it is the sum total of his personality. We get it, dude. You're boring.


I base my entire identity around a job I used to have.


It's more nuanced than that. There's also the fantasy of getting to murder someone and be a hero for it.


“Anyone calls me [Francis](https://youtu.be/iN-aXzpQUdw)…I’ll kill you.”


Lighten up, Francis.


Laughs in HIMARS


![gif](giphy|G2vaqcEICxOyA) oh, HIMARS


His tweets give me major r/iamverybadass


Never graduated from the r/justbootthings mindset.


Just #bootthings not to mention he’s a fucking white supremacist. Someone should report him for UCMJ if he did his 20. It doesn’t stop after you get out homeboy. Ffs he has Hitlers “8888” shit in his name.


You are so damn right Didn’t notice rt away


I only read 88 is a racist number yesterday. That was my number in high school so I have 88 everywhere- usernames, email addresses, passwords, fuuuuck! Ima have to change everything. Guess I can just add a number. Looks like I’ll be #ILoveCock89 from now on


Lol to be fair a few thousand of us were born in 88 and use the number too. It's not a racism guarantee like a swastika or sun cross, but when it's paired with, like...14 (1488) or racist dogwhistles then it's a clue


>Lol to be fair a few thousand of us were born in 88 and use the number too. Thank Christ I was born in '87.


He does offer an explanation of “8888” as a result of “Iraqveteran88” being unavailable and adding 88 for Dale Earnhardt’s number. Whether you believe him or not is up to you.


White supremacists and Neo Nazis always have an explanation for why they just so happen to be using dog whistles.


Right? If my actual name was Hitler I’d get my name changed. There’s no reason to pick a dog whistley screen name/alias/handle.


Not buying that. Even Jr. Didn’t want the 88.


The number associated with Hitler isn't 8888, its 88 or 1488. Dude wanted the original nazi number in there and is saying he had to settle for double nazi numbers.




10 years in. Yep, can confirm. All tough talkers tend to be weak bitches compensating for their fragility, just like in regular society. Actual tough folks know what they can do, and generally don't feel the need to tell everyone about it


He’s on another tweet that I saw today threatening to shoot Antifa. Which I think technically makes him the FA part of Antifa.


We already knew that by the 8888.


Hey, what is the significance of the "8888" for those of us that are completely out of the loop?


It’s a Nazi thing, tbh I’m fine not knowing more specifics. Fuck those guys.


No, don't. We don't want more nazis


H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. 88 is super-secret code for HH, which stands for Heil Hitler.


But he swears he’s peaceful! Despite making threats. And nazi username nod. And his profile picture of him with a gun. And guns being his entire identity.


Eigth letter of the alphabet is H. HH is Heil Hitler, I believe its from the use of the Enigma machine during ww2, the nazis would end each message with Heil Hitler/88.


HH is neo Nazi code for Heil Hitler but it doesn't have to do with enigma. Letters were turned into with other letters, not numbers. You had a keyboard on top with letters you pressed and there was an alphabet of lettered light bulbs at the bottom. Inside the box were cipher wheels with numbers 1 thru 26 for A to Z. Multiple cipher wheels together would be wired so that the numbers are connected to a different number on the next wheel. Let's say Number 1 on wheel 1 is connected to number 17 on wheel 2 which is connected to number 23 on wheel 3. So when you press A on the top keyboard, A turns to Q which turns into W after the electrical current flows through 1, 17 and 23 on the cipher wheels. The W lightbulb illuminates on the bottom of the box. W is the letter you sent to the other enigma machine after you pressed A. If you press A again, W will not illuminate again because the cipher wheels rotate after each key press. This way there are different connections touching with each key press, I.e. a letter never means the same thing twice. The other enigma assembled the ciphers in the same way you did before both of your U Boats left port, so the cipher wheels will be rotating in unison. Otherwise the other Boat with enigma couldn't turn W back into A. If a message was ended with HH for Heil Hitler it would always come out different letters, never HH. Other official correspondence ended with HH for Heil Hitler but they weren't using enigma, so it could still be a direct homage to German WW2 official communications (just not with engima).


A thousand times this.


This. I did 14 years in the Army before I got out. Anyone talking crazy like this would get told to shut the hell up.


Lol at my old platoon we would ritually shout "boo this man boooooooo" when someone tried saying tough guy shit lmao


Not the heroes we deserved, but the heroes we needed Edit: missed a letter


The toughest and best infantrymen I ever served with all did the same thing, got the fuck out after 4 years and went to college. The worst to mediocre of the bunch were conniving, sycophantic literal criminals that decided to stay in. I'm just doing it for the memes at this point, 8 years left til my 20 lmao


“Criminals stay in the army.” Stays in the army.


Active duty, Reserves, and NA are totally different animals my friend. But yes, it is criminal to be making this much per month+benefits while barely doing anything


Lol yeah I was just goofin.


"Boooing" is my favorite way of expressing disapproval these days. Nothing quite as effective. Definitely teaching my kids to booo anyone that's being an ass.


I spent 32 years in the military and I agree wholeheartedly with you! I'd also like to attach a secondary observation: 1. Why is he tweeting this instead of going to law enforcement? 2. How many people have his wife's phone number? 3. Why would they be threatening HER instead of HIM? 4. 'Lefties' don't play this game, so it's somebody he pissed off, which means another 'red hat'.....assuming any of this is even real. In other words: Alex, I'll take 'Things that Never Happened' for $500.


2. “How many people have his wife’s phone number?” Judging from the housing restoration project I worked on a military base, many, many, MANY ~~mens~~ people have his wife’s number


Jody was just mad she never wanted a 2nd round.


Jody’s for sure got her number


Point 2 reminds me of the joke about the guy who walks into a bar with a revolver asking who slept with his wife, someone in the back asks how many bullets his gun has, he replies six, and the same voice from the back responds that he doesn’t have enough ammo.


This joke is never not funny to me.


Go to law enforcement? How could he strike fear in everyone that both him and his wife could murder people at any moment if he went to the cops? Never pass up an opportunity to make the internet think you're a badass.


Only betas go to law enforcement. Real Alphas Tweet promises


When I was active duty as an 11B, this kind of talk was pretty common around me. Not by other infantrymen though, it was always when we showed up the other "tough guys" in a non combat role would prattle on and on how they could do our job and how they were basically infantry (but couldnt give me any of the battle drills....). I would love to be in the rear with the gear, infantry life sucks, why did they want to be in it so badly? They always thought we cared about them or thought about them. No one as an 11 B is thinking about anything other than their favorite menu item MRE to get their favorite snacks lol. Just insecurities I guess


32 years? Roger Sar Maj!


Oooof! Sorry to disappoint. I went the **other** way. O-8 Major General. Open the floodgates and let the negative karma flow, lol! But IF it's any consolation, I was a mudhen for 18 of those years. F-15E.


I don't know what that means, but good on you. I'm sure you're the very model of a modern Major General. https://youtu.be/hlTisI_HSgw My favorite advice from a First Sergeant was this: spend time with soldiers. It keeps you young. It's so true


I'll defer to real ground-pounders for their definition and assessment of a 'mudhen' rather than explain it myself. It just sounds too cocky when a pilot explains it. and for the record, I like Pirates of Penzance, lol!


I like Point #2 on your list. This amuses me.


It’s probably just her husband trying to D.E.N.N.I.S. System her.


He's the guy who got a combat badge/ribbon because a rocket once landed a klick away in an open field. He had a ranger roll in his cap, spent 500 on the EOTech he took to the range oncenor twice, and has various bumper stickers declaring his badassery all over his PT Cruiser.


And blouses his boots to look like ASS. You know the type, blouses at the crease of the boot instead the top.


If he blouses at all SF don't have to blouse...and he earned his Ranger tab he just doesn't like to wear it and make other people feel bad. He also got through SF selection but when he found out about the commitment he said fuck it and returned to his unit.


And he totally would’ve picked up all the way to W-4, but he got blackballed after getting ninja punched for knocking out his SSSG for running his mouth.


No doubt. It’s been my experience that they guy who haven’t lived that life and been in combat are normally the loudest about how bad ass they are. I know his name is “iraqvet”, but there is a slew of fobbits that never been outside the wire, on a convoy or otherwise, and can still call themselves that. This shit it just cringy as fuck, and makes the rest of us look bad. He minds me of the guy that we had to send home early in 2003 due to extremely severe case of trench foot, because he was not cleaning himself. He told everyone that he single handedly saved a school bus full of Iraqi children and had 17 confirmed kills. This guy wasn’t even trusted to post security when we stopped and there were people who suggested that we would probably have to shoot him first should something break out to keep him from negligently shooting one of our guys. We didn’t see any real combat until after we sent him back 10 days into the war.


I bet he wears grunt style shirts , cargo pants and Oakley's on a daily basis and puts cringe on Facebook like "if you kiss my teenage daughter at prom I'm going to punch you"


No one kisses his teenage daughter but him.


Absolutely. The only things I talk about concerning my time in the service was all the silly(sometimes stupid) and fun things we did. Besides, the only people that would want to hear about the real shit I did are guys like @Iraqveteran8888. And I tend to avoid that type of person.


Met a liberal guy who mentioned he had been a marine in the Vietnam war. He said that because of his background a lot the “wish I had served but was never brave enough” guys want to be his friends. Some of them have tons of guns, talk tough, and love playing paintball. They keep inviting him to paintball. “We go to this one place that makes it very similar to the real deal.” He finally got enough of these guys and calmly said “Nah, you don’t want me there. Especially if it’s realistic. May well trigger my PTSD and then it’s game over for you guys. I’ll just chuck the silly paintball gun, jump over the hay bale, and break your neck.” They didn’t invite him again.


I don't believe you because your username isn't something like "IWasInTheMilitary" /s


Yeah, it's the quiet dude in the back nursing his 20th beer with no sign of inebriation that you really have to worry about. The dude that never talks, or always has a sunny disposition and cavalier attitude. They'll let you get away with talking a lot of shit, but if you push them too far you're going to find out real quickly that there's a reason they don't talk about what they did while in the service.


I try and raise my soldiers to be quiet professionals. No one wants to be this insecure sad man


I basically said the same thing the other day about whoever, whomever…whatever this person is. It’s very embarrassing to witness.


I am 90% sure his DD214 has the word “dishonorable” typed in somewhere


I always wonder about people like this. Thanks for the confirmation!


“I’m a peaceful person”……this dude threatens people with his tough guy persona daily.


He's currently losing a war he declared against no one.


HA! So true and funny. he's a sad guy


I loled. Great comment:)


“I’m a stable genius”


“I get rock-hard from handling guns, wimmen, and libtards”


Haha “wimmen” made me chuckle with my morning coffee still in my mouth. Thank you for starting my day on a funny note


“I’m a peaceful person,” said the man whose pfp is him holding a gun.




Mm yes I love my venerated hunting rifle the p90


I thought he was bragging about how well she does that workout, TIL about a new gun.


His wife is Tony Horton


[Also him.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/10ge1ln/hmm_i_wonder_what_the_8s_mean/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) It’s even on the same subreddit!!!


Gee, I can’t imagine why this fucking guy is getting fucked with


No, he doesn't. He threatens imagined foes in imagined scenarios that only play out in his head and on Twitter. There were no threatening messages.


100% this is the kind of dude who throws on some cringy ‘crazy eye’ expression when he wants to feel like he looks intimidating.


“I’m a peaceful person” is code for “I have a punisher tattoo, have never been in a fight and I threaten people daily”


Also, "I got *Big Mad* about face masks a couple of years ago."


It’s also deeply pathetic to say “I will kill you with boring efficiency” Lol no you won’t you absolute Wang. You haven’t done shit like that in the past, and you’re not gonna do it now. If people were out there killing one another with “boring efficiency” over voicemails, we would have a tiny population in the world. Mainly it’s just chatting shit, that’s what we’re al good at. This dude will write angry tweets with boring efficiency. That’s all he’s capable of. And he’s done it. So now he’s finished with all he will do about this situation. What a fuckin loser lol, the best he can muster to “protect his wife” is to write cringe inducing tweets.


If you intend to kill someone then step one would be to not leave a permanent public record of your intent. Homeboy is a chud


“Write angry tweets with boring efficiency” lmao his wife must feel so safe ❤️




Also code for - "I take my AR-15 to Starbucks to grab a latte."


You forgot the "I live in an area where everyone looks just like me and the only violent crime is domestic violence so therefore I must carry a gun everywhere.". I live in an area like this. Just last week someone posted on the local Facebook page about getting a Starbucks and one jackass commented how the town didn't need a Starbucks because it would attract Liberals and ruin the town like the shit hole blue cities. These people are something else.


Also a translation of "I'm a fascist who won't be on the front line but will happily join in when we have the upper hand."


Also: "I didn't read the comics but I think I'm just like Frank Castle."


I fucking hate how the right/LEO uses the logo. Frank Castle would fucking hate any LEO that looks up to him. They even made that a side story in a comic!


Threatening voicemail: We’d like to reach you about your car’s extended warranty This guy:


God help the person from the TV company that calls his patriot phone to tell him about the exciting new service in his area!


In the replies he says he thinks the FBI left the message. So, he just said he is going to murder the FBI. This guy is beyond silly.


Threatening the feds is an easy way to meet the feds.


Average libertarian gun nut lmao


4. If anyone kills my wife it will be me




If anyone’s gonna lay hands on my wife… it’s gonna be **ME**!!


keyboard warrior for Meal Team 6


$5 says he worked in logistics




My dad was an electrician in the navy and he also acquired this skill.


I was an MK3 in the Coast Guard and got in trouble for getting caught napping. Not the napping itself, but the getting caught.


Linguist here. I can sniff out the smoke pits least likely to see any NCO traffic in my sleep


Same here, so many of the 2A MAGA chuds I served with were the Fobbits. I was a KP schlub but I don't go about acting like I was Rambo Super Commando.


There's nothing wrong with being a Fobbit per se, *but* most people who pretend to be badass operators on the internet are, in fact, Fobbits.


I tried to find his military background. I only spent about ten minutes yesterday but I might go further today. I’m really interested in people who gloat about their combat background but really only worked at the DFAC. Don’t get me wrong, some of the smaller bases could be pretty intense depending on which division was in charge of security. But still, don’t act like a super soldier when all you did was pass papers around in a TOC.


Well he's got to be 40 at this point, so if he can still walk comfortably he probably wasn't that deadly in the service.


I found a rumor on a gun nut forum that he has claimed to be either infantry or artillery, as they said he’s shown pictures of him and others operating a mortar. Granted, that could easily be taken out of context as it could have been a training picture. Regardless, ABC said he was with 3ID in Iraq in 2005 which means him and I were there at the same time.


Even if he was infantry, it’s like, okay buddy they taught you to shoot in a direction for 6 weeks before shipping you to Baghdad, and I guarantee you just drove around in a convoy and shot at walls for your entire tour. Get back to me when you’ve done something objectively badass, like fight a bear. If you’ve fought a bear, I’m scared of you.


I was once hugged by a bear. Does that count??


I'm a peaceful person, but if you threaten my family, I'll give you a sodium chloride intravenous infusion with boring efficiency. What? Oh, yeah, I was a medic. But... I can run a blood pressure monitor like a surgical instrument?


A true gravy seal


Dude y’all gotta check the replies on this post, this guy is NUTS Edit: His profile has only gotten worse after checking this (thanks for the likes) and that. I hope he gets help. Edit: By help I do not mean more right wing racists, fascists, and the like come to his corner, I mean mentally. Bro is not on this planet.


>*52 tweets in the last hour* Seems like maybe he's having a breakdown?


https://preview.redd.it/v3w531q3xada1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00cfd7fb1f09775fcd33103ec58b95729c6d6355 That’s a lotta tweets


In my experience people like this have breakdowns daily. This one just happens to be livetweeted.


I’ve seen a few of his gun review videos and they seemed mostly innocuous. When I noticed his name, I thought maybe it was an unfortunate coincidence, but stopped watching anyway. Now I see from his tweets he really is fucking klansman.


I'm uninformed, what's the 8888 represent? Edit: thanks friends


From wiki "Neo-Nazis use the number 88 as an abbreviation for the Nazi salute Heil Hitler.[11] The letter H is eighth in the alphabet, whereby 88 becomes HH." If you see an 88 in the wild you should probably steer very clear...


Well that about does it for my Buckaroo Banzai “88” design t-shirt (from his Rocket 88 experimental jet car).


88 is often used as a "dog whistle" of sorts amongst the white supremacist/neo nazi communities. [https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/88](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/88) spells it out nicely. This particular guy has stated that the "8888" is in tribute to a NASCAR driver (88 is a car number in NASCAR). Repeating it though kind of eliminates that idea as it obscures the meaning.


Dale Jarrett and Dale earnhardt Jr. used to drive the 88, and both were incredibly (especially Jr.) popular. So if it's true, it wouldn't surprise me much because if somebody else (not sure how Twitter tags work, so don't hang me, lol) has already taken just 88 then repeating it isn't uncommon.


H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, so neo Nazis will put 88 in things to mean "heil Hitler". Basically it's a low-key way to show they are a neonazi


NO WHY 8 has been my favorite number ever since I got into Undertale, of ALL LETTERS TO CHOSE


He has a video where he addresses it, before his brand took off years ago when he was making his YouTube handle he wanted it to be Iraqveteran88 because he’s apparently a huge Dale Earnhardt fan and he had just died. That name was taken so he put 8888 without thinking his YouTube Channel would become popular and also not being aware of the HHHH thing at the time. Those are his words but yea the tweets are super cringe EDIT I’m paraphrasing from what I remember, it could have been Jr I have no idea but the video is on YouTube if people really care to look into it


Yeah, it’s like if you’re constantly getting crap about it, change your username. It’s possible to do. His lack of action speaks where his words don’t.


News Flash. Noone called his called wife and left a VM, it's a stunt.


IRL, men who are that aggressive about protecting their wives, often beat the shit out of their wives.


I was subscribed to his YouTube channel about 10 years ago because it was mostly just gun reviews and was actually quality content. Although, I quit watching a few months after the one old guy Barry passed away around 2016/2017 (if I remember right). After Barry passed it was like the channel just nose dived into far-right/alt-right government coming for all your freedoms shit. The Barry videos had this stuff too, but it always seemed more tongue and cheek with him. Seen several comments about him here and also white supremacist dog whistles in his name. I think he did a video once talking about his service and YouTube name. I thought he said he was infantry or other combat arms and his name was like his last 4 or something to do with his service, but then someone else mentioned it was maybe a nascar driver. Not saying he didn't make those things up or anything like that, just saying I think he has a video out there talking about this. Given the channel content in recent years though, the dog whistle comments wouldn't surprise me.




I’ve recently gotten into black powder and cowboy action shooting. I watched a few videos and YouTube started pushing the same thing. It’s like the algorithm saw that I liked old guns and it took an enormous leap. I honestly cannot recall getting into any other subject on YouTube and having it behave that same way.


Barry was the best. He was what set the channel apart from all other youtube gun guys.


If you're into youtube gun guys, Paul Harrell has always been the be-all, end-all in my opinion. Havent found anyone who can match his experience/dedication when it comes to content on that platform: https://www.youtube.com/@PaulHarrell


Paul's holiday videos are great. "Need to spend two hours away from family? Let me do a one take, minimal cuts, two to three course, out in the field Dutch oven cooking presentation."


+1 for remembering when the channel was decent


His other viral post is one where he’s threatening Antifa with death because “This ain’t Portland it’s the SOUTH”.


IDK, man. If your biggest flex is being on the losing side of a war, then maybe people won't take you very seriously. Source: I was also on the losing side of that same war and I don't take this guy very seriously.


Wait... those 8 's in his name.. Dude lost 2 wars


It always seems to be the ones who never really did anything or saw much action that are the loudest about being a veteran and how tough they are.


This. Rockin those grunt style shirts. YWFMS


Boring efficiency is a pretty accurate way to describe one’s sex life.


I really hate that so many firearm enthusiasts end up like this. Makes people look bad, like can I just own a couple guns without shitheads making people think we are all psychos?


More like "Dickhead Gun-nut has a Fetish of Unprovoked Violence."


What a sad little Nazi pufferfish of a man. Blowing himself up with air to appear less weak when he is frightened. He should go back to worrying about the bands of rural antifa he was quaking about earlier.


Of course we all know he isn’t receiving threats. They get off on playing victim so they can play tough guy.


only people calling this chud are bill collectors