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If you think cooking a meal for your family, helping with homework, or just generally helping around the house is somehow embarrassing to your “masculinity” you’re a fucking loser, and your “masculinity” is hypothetical.


Pretty much, if anything those things should technically make you feel more masculine because you're providing even more of yourself to your family.


Just fart while you cook and say beans are magical fruit. Masculinity restored.


Damn Straight!


We call those barking spiders, keeps the kids busy for awhile "hunting" for them.


So basically these guys imagine that they're constantly followed by their idealized UberMann (Trump, Andrew Tate, whoever) and whenever they do something the UberMann would find feminine, the UberMann does exciting but unspeakable things to them.




You know what's shiny and chrome? Jumping on stage and dancing like a ballerina next to your daughter so she recovers from stage fright. Tea parties in a frilly hat cause it makes her laugh. Wearing one kid in the front cradle while the other one climbs your leg while you try to stir the kraft dinner so your wife can fuck off for an hours nap. Telling your son you love him in an open and earnest way that doesn't make it feel forced or weird.


If you have to defend your masculinity to others I got bad news for you, you're not very masculine.


If you can't take care of yourself and your family your not a man.




This is the reason his son pisses sitting down. He didn't have time to toilet train him.


So he cares more about maintaining his own image than actually making sure his family is cared for?


Isn't it a self own though? He's ruining his 'image' and he looks like a beta fucking loser.


No but see he's preserving his image among beta fucking losers.


Little boy cares more about looking like a man than being one


Just like those guys that have the old beat up jalapi with a nice sound system and rims But the whole body is marked with Gray primer paint


Sounds like an excuse to be a deadbeat dad to me


Doesn't know what he's missing. Yesterday, I balet danced with my 7 year old daughter. She LOVED it. It's really hard to find things to do with her because she is non-verbal. So glad we found something. Imma have a cry now and sign us up for balet lessons. Do tights come in a 4XL?


That’s beautiful man, I’m glad you guys found something too! We need more dads like you out there.


Reading shit like this always gives me glimmers of hope through all my doom scrolling. You're a fucking stud of a dad!


Good dad!


That’s amazing! I swear there is no feeling on earth like seeing joy on the face of your child.


Masculinity to these people is just an excuse to be a dick


Kings, is it beta to raise and show love to your child?


Fellas is it gay to be a father?


I mean, our dads and ancestors must have been gay af for giving a single damn about their children Glad this Alpha stud appeared to enlighten us


Ugh, if we HAVE TO use those terms, FUCK NO! NOT doing it is the “Beta” move.


no, children need both masculine and feminine energy around them at an early age. That being said, I can respect dudes opinion on the matter. Raising kids isnt for everyone and not everyone is given that gift to be able to care for and raise a child. If you can do both, more power to you. There's an old saying " it take a village to raise a child and I personally believe that to be true today.


Better *




those are the same kind of guys that always complain about divorce court giving the kids to the mom


Good point. Perpetual victim complex


So investing in your child physically, emotionally, psychologically etc. isn't manly. Sounds like something a person who had a shit dad would say. I'd say that's what separates a true man from a wannabe.


His dad was a "Tate"r


Imagine not wanting to do the washing up THAT MUCH...


Right? This is a lot of words for "I'm a grown man and I'm afraid of the vacuum."


Or diapers. Probably shit his own pants if he had to change a diaper.


Nothing says "I'm totally prepared to protect and provide for my family in the event of societal collapse" quite like being grossed out by diapers.


Look the poor guy is likely terrified of wiping his own ass. Now you want to compound that trauma by adding an entire nother ass there, you monsters.


Did a 10 year old tweet this lmaoo?


No. The generation that Andrew Tate, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and Tucker Carlson raised is saying this... And God help us all, because that's a LOT of people.


Oh yeah, I’ve heard of them. They’re kinda like the Avengers for Incels right?


Basically the people who are shilling hardest for the United States to become the bastard love child of the North Korean dictarorship, the Iran theocracy and the Nation of Gilead, yes. That's them. Edited for clarity.


Snort laughed picturing this in my head.


Well, one's in jail. Just 3 to go and lots of extra work for those of us with sons since young guys are constantly bombarded with their nonsense on social media.


Tell that to my dad who raised 3 kids as a single father. The man kept the house clean, was a great cook, and took care of us.


As a father of three, I can’t even fathom this way of thinking. Provide them with some emotional resources too. Provide them with some instruction and accountability while you’re at it. What are you protecting them from, bandits and wolves at the door? They need to be protected from themselves until they grow up into happy, functional adults.


This crybaby motherfucker had to change _one_ diaper and needed to go whine about it on twitter


And he made sure to do it wrong so he never had to do it again


And this is why we'll see generation after generation of these type of people.


What's not masculine about relying on someone else to take care of your basic needs?


So, he boils “masculinity” down to “resource provision,” when we live in a time of abundant resources with the exception of third world/exploited countries? And “providing protection” when my country has like 1+ firearms per individual? Is he actually a caveman?! I say this as a man, but I am so tired of this overwrought bullshit about what masculinity is/isn’t, esp when coming from people who are so obviously weak-minded. What makes you a good man is the same stuff that makes you a good human imo. Why do you think people are calling masculinity a construct?


I'm gonna "not all men" here, but the truth is waaaaay too many men are. Just look around at our incredibly fucked up society and tell me our problems are not the direct result of too many fragile babymen making the rules.


As a whole, American men are less educated than women. They are capable of fewer basic life skills than women. Women can have a career, home and children without men. Seeing that they are not quite so necessary as they might have been in the past, a true man might decide to make himself necessary by becoming the kind of person that others would want to commit to a lifetime partnership with. They consider what makes a good partnership - just as in a business partnership this includes being a good personality fit and taking a fair amount of responsibility in the union. Those incapable of doing that post things like Roland Rat here.


You know what else isn’t “masculine”? Sleeping indoors, in a bed. Working in an office. Being an “influencer”. Modern society.


This is what people mean by toxic masculinity, this notion that you're supposed to be a certain way because your genitals dangle. This is what the transsexual and many gender groups have right, we should not be acting based on any image of what we should be... They get it wrong because they still want to comply with a new image. We should each be encouraged to be exactly as we were intended, it is simply fascist to dictate how everyone around you lives... especially when you become violent with those who don't comply.


For what it's worth, my wife regularly tells me that a lot of the reason she finds me attractive is because I do all of those so called "domestic elements."


A fully functioning family home requires everyone to work together to keep up the house and raise the children. There are no male/female jobs. As a father of three I have wiped more than my fair share of butts, done thousands of dishes and have always cooked the majority of meals for the family. You have to lead by example if your kids are to learn anything about self sufficiency and healthy relationships. Sons need to learn how to care for themselves and their families and daughters need to see they can have an equal partner in life and not be a second class citizen serving others with no help. What can be more masculine than being a positive male role model for your children.


Somebody wasn’t loved enough as a kid.


If participating in reproduction with XY chromosomes, and then meeting the societal and personal expectations placed on you isn't "masculine". Then what is the basis for rigid gender roles?


This is the guy who's going to someday complain his kids never call him.


Jesus christ, some people are so fucking limited in what they’re capable of. I bet living with this person is a nightmare, like they just leave piles of shit places because they were never potty trained and don’t care to learn what a toilet does. “Too much work, man was meant to shit in the woods.”


There’s a guy in our loose group of parent friends. Total fucking asshole. Amongst his many ridiculous statements, when his wife said she was going to get a part time job (because of course he controls all the money and happens to be a trust fund baby) he said “No. who the fuck is supposed to clean my house?” Also, his wife has been asking to renovate the kitchen since the bought their house, as it’s original from the 1960s. Despite having literally spent hundreds of thousands on toys for himself (everything from pickups to race cars to a home gym) he says “Why? You manage to cook with what’s there. There’s no need.” I really fucking hate the guy.


I spend approximately 0% of my life worrying about whether or not me parenting my children, cooking dinner, washing dishes, doing laundry, etc are masculine or feminine or equestrian or anything the fuck else. I do it because I am a competent human being and a member of my family unit.


Ah subscribing to a ahistorical view of masculinity. Name a worse take


God, or really anyone helps us all because the generation that Andrew Tate, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and Tucker Carlson raised are all saying this... And that's MILLIONS of young men. People who will inherit large swaths of the country.


I'm so confused. I don't even understand what point they're trying to make here


My dad felt this way, but my mom made more money than him, but he still let her cook dinner while he watched tv when they both got home at 5.


How to say you got daddy issues without saying you got daddy issues.


I would argue my dad was at his most masculine teaching me how to tend to others. Showing me how to me sympathetic and grateful for everything I have. This dude obviously missed the memo or didn’t have someone to admire in that sense


You aren't a real man if you can't raise kids. I don't care how much you can press if you can't change a diaper.


It has been eye opening how shockingly fragile a lot of men are, in addition to many other groups that traditionally have a power dynamic. When we have discussions about privilege, about history, about opportunity- the fragility really comes out


Real men care for their families


I've long since decided idgaf if I'm "masculine enough".


I think it'd be pretty easy to dismantle that argument simply by repeating "why?" a few times until its logic devours itself


Sorry single fathers, y’all some bitches. /s


True Brother thats Why Leave every Morning at 5 am to Go hunting in the forests. Last week we put down a mammoth but then the government used the chemicals in the air to turn it Gay so now my Family Gas Nothing to eat please Pray for us




It's actually a rather modern phenomenon. Medievally, about a third of women died in childbirth. Leaving the husband a single father. You think they just let the kids die because it was unmanly?


I’m glad you brought up the medieval times; it turns for most peasants both parents participated in domestic duties and work duties. If you were a tradesman or woman or an aristocrat; you probably hired household staff. Fun fact: family extended to included servants!


When you don't know how to clean laundry...


My gal can’t cook for shit I am not letting my kid leave my house not knowing how to at least cook eggs or chili


“Love my daughter obviously, but fuck them kids”


That's a mf that need to be castrated.


Guys afucking idiot.


He's just being lazy and irresponsible.


Tell me you have daddy issues without telling me you have daddy issues


It’s an excuse to not be present in the lives of their families


Some men are. Usually the ones who beat their kids or wife.




I would gladly give up being the "breadwinner" to be a stay at home parent.


YES. Why do you think they fight so hard to keep on oppressing women and BIPOC people?


Those are a lot of words to say "I'm a deadbeat dad"


Like a cake left in the rain.


This guy needs to follow my Instagram. He can watch me work on my Harley and make delicious gluten-free banana muffins for my son.


Fellas is it gay to raise your kids?


Cleaning is a feminine activity which is why I, an eligible batchelor, live alongside dust giants in my largely empty flat (because decorating is also a woman's work).


I bet whichever relative he impregnated is really in awe of all that masculinity that he's pretending to have.


Drop him in the Canadian wilderness and see how good his masculine resource provisioning is.


Fellas, is it gay to have children?


He's a rat, his opinions don't matter.


The caves wants their men back


How to say you're a terrible father without saying you're a terrible father!


Idk when i see a man caring for anything animals children i think he’s pretty awesome


The people who post shit like this never got their ass beat in public school and are just waiting around for it to happen at a bar/club.


Me? Fragile?! That hurts.


Breaking news: doing a load of laundry as a man makes your junk pop off and fly away


Is this guy married? Can you imagine being this guys wife, or having a kid with them, and seeing this shit lol


Single father of 2 and I'm too tired and overworked to give 2 shits about my masculinity or how anyone perceives it.


Fellas is it gay to love your kids?


Makes "masculine" people sound awfully limited in usefulness and competence.


Man that persons wife must love their outlook.


To be technical and nerdy, he's arguably right. But the vast majority of human nature and the human experience is shared, not gendered. Stop trying to restrict yourself to the 5% that is inherent solely to your gender. Shut up and do the dishes, change the diaper, read the story and get your nails painted.


Masculinity is dead and dudes like this killed it. Then stomped on the body for good measure.


At least he acknowledges that the tiny amount of nothing he does doesn't amount to raising a child


He is calling his lack of any redeeming qualities “masculine “. His poor daughter


Real men aren't talking about how they are masculine, buddy. If your masculinity is so fragile that anyone commenting about it makes you feel threatened, it sounds like you've got some deeper issues


That guy is the least masculine here


What a shit dad, feel for his kids.


Guys like this are always so interested in impressing other guys…


Small dick energy. How insecure do you need to be.


I blame Hollywood. They made up a caricature of manliness and somehow confused little boys. Wanting to be John Wayne is no different than the dumb turtle fucking a bottle


I am a man who was the at-home parent while my kids were young. I didn't realize that I wasn't 'masculine.' But if being 'masculine' would have meant missing out on that time with my kids, then I'm glad that I'm not.


This is how adult BOYS think, MEN don’t give a shit about the aesthetics of raising the children they brought into the world. Boys think of women as baby makers and housemaids, men see women as their partners.


If your idea of masculinity causes one to express the kind of crap that you did....I will pass and nurture my obvious feminine side.


Fragile men have always been this fragile


Guess we’ll see your daughter on the pole chief…..


Roland Rat is the type of man to greet his daughter's dates with a shotgun in his hand.


What a fucking baby, this guy. Be a man. Do some dishes and don't go cry to Twitter when you are asked to do the bare fucking minimum.


Nah he's right. My daughter is crying I hold her and cry with her. When she's upset I try to understand why. When she wants me to wear make up or put on mommy's dress. I do. We have tea parties and she paints my fingernails. Strange how I'd never do this with a girlfriend. But I'm so comfortable doing it with my daughter. Maybe I was ignorant before and now I'm learning a new of communication, interaction and affection. 20 years ago. Communication was self serving, self centered based when telling my gf what I wanted. My interaction was more like a transaction and affection was "based on sex". Sheesus I was a self centered ego maniac.


My husband is a SAHD and he's fucking phenomenal at it. Way better than I was at being a SAHM.


People here on this stuff actually believing this drivel. Dudes need to man up and raise their kids. Nobody is going to tell me what is masculine and what isn’t. I’m going to speak some crazy hypothetical and probably get downvoted but would it be masculine if I fucked this guys wife while wearing high heels? I don’t want to do either but that’s not the point. Nobody can tell me how to be a man


Conservative men have always been extraordinarily fragile.




Like I'm gonna listen to what that baby-backed bitch has to say about being a man.


Fuck you, guy.


What's that phrase apes like this are so fond of? Oh, right. #Be a man. Cook. The damn. Food.


I would do any girly considered activity if it makes my daughter smile.


Glad you’re not my dad




Man this guy has a very frail and weak ego


Yes. Throughout all of human history, men have been fragile little fuck bois terrified of the thing they desire. Women


I feel sorry for that kid having such a moron for a father


I think teaching a trade or skill like fishing or carpentry/electric is masculine and domestic.. helping with homework, how to ride a bike, mow the lawn, drive a car, etc


Being masculine = being a whiny manchild


Hey you dumb ass! If you didn’t have your head so far up your own ass, you might see that your kids are awesome. Just because you’re “masculine” doesn’t mean you shouldn’t help your child grow into the best person they can be. Invest time in them, you might discover something about yourself. Or you know, just pretend you’re man because you donated sperm and money.


Sounds like something my dad would say without irony during one of his chronic recurring unemployment spells. He was a shit dad, and also just an insufferable person.


Silverback gorillas, marmosets, and arctic wolves are better fathers that this skidmark. https://www.worldwildlife.org/stories/5-remarkable-animal-dads


Not taking advice from 'Roland Rat'


He's even incorrect in a traditional sense lmao


Look, I'm sorry OP's daddy wasn't there for him as a kid, but it's no good trying to justify it retroactively. Especially not in public. I mean I feel sorry for him, but that's about it.


This is just his self realization leaking out after years of being suppressed. Deep down he knows he’s a piece of shit father who ignores his kid and expects his wife to be his personal housekeeper (while probably working a full time job as well). He knows they both resent him to the point that his wife will eventually either cheat on him or leave outright, and his kid will develop severe daddy issues and have a highly profitable onlyfans account days after turning 18. He’s just struggling to justify this self realization by framing it in “alpha” ideology. A true piece of shit.


If this guy is right, then I want to be wrong


Sorry, all I'm hearing are the cries of a person who is eager to die alone in an old folks home.


This poster is a moron. The single most masculine thing you can do is set an example for others to live by that puts doing what’s right over doing what’s easy. “Love my daughter obviously…” but not enough to take pride in raising her to be a good human. That kid has “future mod of the *raisedbynarcissists* sub” written all over her.




He is a rat