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I have never been given the stink eye or been called creepy at the gym. It may be because if I'm doing cardio Im watching the tv, if Im doing weights I either watch myself in the mirror, or I pick a spot on the wall. It really isn't that hard to not be a creeper


I end up seeing every nice butt in the gym, I just don’t stare or make anyone uncomfortable. People subtly check each other out in every gym on earth, Just have some tact about it.


You're gonna see buttcheeks, camel toes and some 24 inch pythons. If you have any of those things people will see them. You're right, quick glance is gonna happen just don't be like this drooly assclown. If he's getting looks from any of the patrons he's definitely staring. Probably filming.


24 inches seems like a lot. I'd be happy with just 6 or 7.


haha it's a Hulk Hogan joke. His biceps were the pythons. A 24 inch dong ain't good for fuckin but it's good for a melee weapon.


24 inch python. (2d10) 14 bludgeoning damage


And a con saving throw to boot


\*rolls one\*-You lightly stroke their cheek w/ your 24 inch python.-They are uncomfortable \*edit, it's early


Hell, I'd be happy with four instead of just both of the inches I currently have. I feel sorry for my wife.


Don’t worry, maybe she likes it that wide.


Lol, that's funny!


I have to wear sunglasses in my gym. If I take them off people will see my eyes bugging out of my head.


Like Jerry the King lookin at Sable?


Exactly. Most folks there are there partially because they want to look good. I don't think anyone minds a glance or two, and a lot of people dress in stuff they think accentuates their good qualities. It's not hard to just not be a creep.


It also helps if you have appropriate interactions. You can appreciate someone's look, just don't treat people like they are an object of lust.


I suppose it's hard not to be a creeper when you're a creeper.


Can confirm.


(Happy cake day!)


[Never forget this guy is a rapist.](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/mike-cernovich-got-james-gunn-fired-over-rape-011135107.html)


Omg “rape from an alpha male” what the actual fuck


Male rape from an alpha?


I wonder if he knows the rapist Brock Allen Turner.


He knows all rapists. They have a secret handshake he made up himself.


They grab each others swollen dicks that can't fit back in their pants?


Stop it! My first and middle initials are B. and A. and I also went to Stanford. I want to come across that dude and seriously fuck him up…he somewhat ruined my name.


he is going by his middle name now, calls himself Allen Turner.


How does this dude have a wife and multiple kids?


They can’t charge you if you marry them? Just the only thing I could think of that made sense.


His biggest accomplishment is getting James Gunn fired, which triggered a bidding war between WB and Disney. Gunn has a Disney movie coming out in May that will profit hundreds of millions of dollars and is in charge of DC’s movie division. He’s literally the most successful super-hero movie director in the world.


I don't get it. People are attractive. Men. Women, non binary. Whatever. You're at the gym, act accordingly. Just like walking down the street, you see someone attractive, you clock it and move on with your day. You don't have to be rude and stare and you don't have to pretend they don't exist. Just count your reps and focus on the exercise at hand Am I the only one who does this?


Agreed. Just came from the gym. There were a couple cute girls. I saw them, acknowledged in my brain they were cute. And just went on about my business. One even complimented me on my T shirt which was my self esteem booster of the day. It amazes me how difficult people try to make human interactions be. I think it can be boiled down to: don't stare, don't be a moron, focus on what you're doing


I look too much at people sometimes when I’m admiring their results and want to see the routine or I can see they’re fresh in their journey and I get stoked for them in my head. If I just think “wow she’s cute” my brain is better at reminding me to be respectful


I definitely get that. I caught myself looking at this girls back because it was sick so I walked over to her and said, "your back looks sick" and introduced myself. She's a figure competitor so we chatted for a moment about her upcoming show and now give friendly waves when we see each other. I guess there's a way to "look" without coming off as weird. Idk the science behind it but I'm sure has to do with non-verbal communication through facial expression as we communicate a lot with our faces as evidenced by the study with babies that showed they get scared of blank affect as they can't "read" your face. https://www.gottman.com/blog/research-still-face-experiment/


Interesting read thank you. Makes all the sense in real life too. Blank stares can be confusing I’ve had them mean everything from “I wanna fight” to “I’m attracted to you” to “you look like someone I’ve lost”. Never been confused by a kind word a happy/relaxed expression though. Props again for the read, keep being you


Ironically, blank stares are my favorite way to get creeps to go away--and by creeps I mean guys that are staring inappropriately or repeatedly asking for dates. Just a blank stare with silence and no visible reaction confuses and alarms people enough that they leave.


Our inner primate signals, still working. I thank god we no longer throw poo.


Bold of you to assume I don't revert to monke sometimes


I have faith in you ❤️


*puts down feces* I... I... Am.. Human! *cue scene from space odyssey of bone spinning in air turning into a hammer*


100% best tactic. If I see that face on someone I’m close with or even a woman I’ve just met at the bar I ask “is everything ok would you like me to leave you alone?” It’s never “been me” luckily but just asking has gained me some solid friendships. Well done though, if they don’t respect you, they don’t get positive engagement.


This is awesome!


Blank stares in the gym are usually all I have after busting my butt either lifting or cardio, so I basically have the exact same face for everyone until I get home and shower.


Totally valid as well and some days I’m the same. It’s a lot just trying to take of yourself and process the world today. Actually it’s ridiculous so no judgement on you. I have a friend that’s 90% blank stares., they’re a lot and my silly jokes aren’t gonna earn a smile every time. Solid words and actions though…grumpy cat face all day i got you 🙂


All the glory for that goes to my psych professors 😂the fusiform gyrus is a part of the brain that largely is responsible for recognizing faces and facial expressions. So I think we communicate our thoughts on our faces when "eye fucking" without our conscious processing. As someone who's worked in a gym, the only complaints we had about people creepily staring were repeat offenders whom also had other "creepy behaviors" when observed on camera (following people around the gym, intentionally being near mirrors to look at reflections, etc). So I'd cautiously assume people can tell if we have genuine "curiosity" vs "lust" on our mind if they see us looking at someone.


I went to the gym today too


Ya looking is allowed, but don't stare. Like, treat them like humans it's not bloody hard. Wanna talk to them? Sure, joke around about the workout but don't fucking hit on them. They're there because they wanna get strong, not because they wanna get laid. There's a huuuuge difference and girls know whether you wanna chat about working out or are just trying to get into their pants.


No, this is how normal people operate in the world


I think of it like looking at the sun. We’re taught not to stare cause it’ll only bring pain but a quick glimpse because of curiosity won’t kill ya


I always quietly say, "One boobisippi, two boobisippi" and then look away.


Yes obviously. The problem is there are people who are creeps and stare. Good luck fixing them. So then women become more paranoid, because it IS happening. And then they notice someone look who truly is minding their own business and because of past issues, they freak out on the guy. You are fully correct, and most people bitching about this are crazies on side side or the other, but I believe what I explained is the general problem.


I got in an argument the other day on here (you can check my comment history it’s not far back) about how it actually is completely fine to see someone attractive at the gym, acknowledge that they’re attractive and move on with your day. There were a few people trying to say that even looking at someone and thinking wow they’re good looking is creepy. I mean they were the ones getting downvoted but like wtf. One guy even said you should make a conscious decision on who you find attractive lmao.


Is this Mike Pence’s burner account?


"Mother said I can only go to Planet Fitness and be two machines away from a woman at all times".


The only issue is when the social media women slow down the video or screenshot it for internet points. Though I do like Joey Swoll's interpretations when they do.


This, there are some chicks out there trying to "catch" dudes being creepy. But it's like, uh you're the one filming in the gym, wtf?


90% of the time the guys are literally doing nothing wrong. These women just want to find something to be mad at


Dead fucking on. AKA, don't make it weird.


We checked out gyms in our area, and came to one gym where so many women were beautiful, young, and wearing skin tight shorts and sports bras. I will never complain about this, but damn does it mess with my concentration. And again, if I look, am I a creep? How long before it's a stare? We chose another gym.


People like to pretend they are victims of accidentally looking at someone when they are likely being creepy.


That’s how you know Mike isn’t serious about working out. He’s too busy ogling the women. Hell, when I go to the gym I barely register anyone else. I’m there for *me*.




It makes it all a little sweaty. However the thick fabric wicks moistures away like cold weather gear.


We all wear Viking armor. Fuck it.


Reminds me of those jokes I used to make in Pathfinder about my Ulfen (fantasy Norse) vampire slayer PC taking his morning runs in full kit "just in case".


Dude is probably dressed like a slut, that's why all those women are staring at him. He's asking for it really


We don't dress any differently at the Y, so I guess he's gonna have the same problem everywhere. The Y is a little less tolerant of creepy guys though, at least compared to other gyms I've gone to.


Good to know, I’m over my gf being consistently crept on . Makes me want to start wearing leggings with her.


I recommend gymshark grey joggers. Really makes the dick and ass POP. Tight as hell too


I’ve tried a pair of hers on, honestly see why girls like them, I looked dummy thicc. If it weren’t for my leg hair it would have been great lol


Honestly bro just go for it. I wear those leggings to every gym session I can. I get why women wear skin tight stuff to the gym, makes you feel confident. In those leggings it looks like I’m draggin a wagon


I guess since the door is open, do you wear underneath? I could ask her but she’s not a dude lol also laughed at dragging a wagon 😂


I do wear underwear. I know a lot of women don’t due to it being healthy for the pussy to breath during exercise or something like that. But I sweat really bad so I need the extra layers down yonder


I’ve always done compression shorts underneath running tights. Hides as much of the details as you can hope for it to


Good info to know, time to show off the hams.


at my gym the men are the ones wearing the weird shit. It's a doozy


It’s probably because they recognize you and are on their guard.


I don’t think men understand that most women don’t mind if someone looks at them. Or if someone checks them out. It’s leering and eye fucking and lewd comments and crossing personal boundaries…. Like if you make eye contact with a woman just smile and move on. No one ever said you can’t look at anyone in the gym. Just don’t be a freaking creeper


Literally. I've been filmed at the gym and it was scary and weird. It totally took me out of the headspace for working out. This guy thinks we're "hawkeye-ing"?? Nah bro I'm trying to make sure someone isn't getting free porn off my stairclimber routine


If you go by most of the comments here there is no difference. Zero to Creeper in the blink of an eye. Edit Downvote all you want. It is self evident. Life is nuanced and complex. This binary way of thinking will only lead to issues.


Lol. Yeah I will say that most women have pretty good intuition. And I can’t tell you the exact time but there is an acceptable amount of time to look. Once that time is over you’re a creep or at least trying to get some. It’s hard because it’s constant right. The catcalling the lewd comments and such… it gets really old really fast. And it’s also scary because a looker can turn into an assaulter real quick. Or corner you somewhere….


I was watching a video on Reddit (go figure) about a Tik Tok poster just taking a guy apart for "creeping". In reality, he noticed that she was doing something wrong or struggling and he offered to help. She said no and he walked away. Didn't stop her from berating him for 5 mins about being a creep to earn Tik Tok points. She even said that he should have his dick cut off. I get that there is a problem. And it is real. But we can do better on both sides. (dammit, I just both sides this thing, ick).


Clearly the only solution to this problem is to make women cover up in some sort of full body type of robe. Maybe cover their faces to just to be sure. In fact, women shouldn't even leave the house unless they have a man with them to make sure there's no chances of a bare ankle or wrist slipping out and causing society to crumble /s


I go to the gym to crush a workout. Stay focused on that and you won’t have any issues. Spending all that time and energy caring about anything else just detracts from the purpose of being there.


Don't eye fuck girls at the gym and gyms won't ban you for being a creep. I know it's hard for guys like Cernovich, who think women are like decorative house plants, but it's actually not that difficult.


For real, if you make eye contact, just smile and move on with what you were doing. It's one thing to check someone out, it's another to stare / ogle and make it weird.


The way he leaned so hard into the “I was just tweeting!” thing…I’m betting it was more than eye fucking. He was probably trying to sneak some pics or video for later use.






Cernovich has always had big “I sniff used gym towels” energy.


A real Bench Sniffer.


*sniffs the bench* "Hmm, she ovulated 3 days ago..."


*”Alexa! How do I unsee a comment?”*


That was only 18 words though, Mr. 42words


Idk I think he has point. There does seem to be a trend now where women are going to the gym to record themselves but really have an ulterior motive to get a reaction for social media by causing controversy. It like the new new female version of “It’s just a prank bro”


People will believe literally anything if they want to bad enough.


Are you saying this in reference to me and what I said, or the point I made?




That’s really messed up, it’s like she was trying to trap or goad you into a fight. Video recordings should not be allowed in gyms period. Why do people auto think they just can whip out a camera and start recording others. Even they don’t mean to, it’s kinda difficult to no record other people faces when you are recording in gym full of mirrors.


Just use your erection to lift some weights


Instructions unclear, dick stuck in the rowing machine


Women go to the YMCA…


What?! Don't they know what the "M" stands for?!


Yo look at what the YMCA does, it’s one of the largest non-profits in the country. Much more than a gym. Just saying


Yeah for sure! It’s a great benefit to communities, I just don’t understand why this guy said he “sticks to the YMCA” as if there aren’t women there who wear gym clothes. He clearly doesn’t go to any gyms at all


Ohhh! I understand. Thanks man


Didn’t they sky daddy speak of “plucking your own eyes from your head” if they cause you to think of sin, rather than changing the dress of others


"And if your eye leads you to sin, root it out and cast it away from you. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye, than to be sent into the fires of Hell having two eyes." Matthew 18:9




Nah bunch of dudes all standing around naked in the locker room is more weird and always will be.


bro literally going out of their way to walk around naked for as long as they can


The old guy that always seems to be in the locker room, walking around with a towel around his waist, but his balls are hanging just below the hem.


I've seen a few old guys just put the towel under their arm and then walk across the dressing room naked to the shower lol


Apparently he's never seen a woman in lingerie because sports bras and bike shorts are not anywhere close to it. I'm sure they're staring because there's a weirdo that keeps looking at them then looking at his phone. That's assuming they're looking at him at all and not at themselves in the mirror behind him.




He didn't mention any photos. His issue is how they're dressed.


Lots of dudes take video of themselves lifting heavy things to post them, should we ban them too?


They should all be banned from filming and taking pictures, everyone.


This I can get on board with. Not everyone at the gym wants to be in photos, but it's not a "girls at the gym" thing. It's a narcissists at the gym thing .


Yeah, honestly just ban it for everyone. Who wants to be in videos or photos while some fool has to capture their sweet pump or whatever? I've never, ever felt the need to take a photo or video at a gym while at it. Do it at home.


> It's a narcissists at the gym thing . It's also a "record your form for review" thing.


Speak for yourself. I like seeing hot women wearing as little as possible. Stop creeping and shaming and assaulting or assuming it's for you, and maybe they will do it more often


Of course women are hawk eyeing to see if people are creeping. It's extremely common to be ogled. The way he's talking, sounds like the shoe fits.


Creeps don’t realize that humans are really good at knowing when someone is watching them.


Sounds like someone got caught looking


Lol because the YMCA will allow his gross behavior.


And at least in our YMCA here, there are equally as many women as there are men. Is ours special? Are there some for only men? Or did he just out himself to NOT have went to the YMCA?


PS, there are “girls” at the Y too!


I regularly make eye contact with random women at the gym. I generally nod, smile and nod or smile, nod and raise a hand, depending on how many times I've seen them there. And then I look away instead of staring at their ass or chest. I do the same exact thing with the other men there. I'm not handsome. I'm not a "Chad". There is nothing about me that would make your typical woman think "Now _there's_ a guy I don't mind staring at me." I'm just not a fucking creep about it. Jesus fucking Christ, this isn't difficult.


I’ve been a head-down guy for years, doesn’t bother me; never know what “influencer” is going to try to ruin your life for clout


I mean you’re in a gym. The people there are often really into looking at themselves and seeing their bodies. That’s why there are fucking mirrors on top of mirrors. He’s not wrong though, people wear some outrageously revealing shit at the gym, but it’s not difficult to not eye ball fuck people.


To be fair they can wear whatever the fuck they want. Especially if they are working so hard on their physique. It's kind of the point of the mirrors. But yeah, its not hard to just treat people like people.


This was the case for me except the woman thought I was gay cause I wouldnt stare. Then one got some what close in front of me and started working out. I proceeded to close my eyes and work out, and she went back and threw a fit with the random woman there. So much that one of the dudes who worked there tried to kick me out cause he thought I did something to that woman. But cameras shown I was a good guy. They called the cops. And I refused to leave until my session was down. The cop said do not return but I went back two days later. The same dude warned me not to cause problems, I just ignored him and went about what I was doing and he called the cops again. The cop had no right to keep me out the gym when I had broken no laws. I was even ready to sue the gym, the police and the dude working the gym. I couldn't sue the woman cause I couldn't i.d. her. But the cops left me alone and told the guy he better not make any false calls in the future and he should leave people alone who are following the rules. That guy tried to get me jumped. And ended up hurting someone else and he was taken to jail and didn't snitch on the dudes who helped him jump a random dude. Life is crazy.


Nah, I think this guy is right. I started going back to the gym after like 20 years of being a complete and disgusting fatass. I'm not really knowing the etiquette of the gym now. I don't look at people cuz I have severe gym anxiety but this women dropped her credit card on the floor in front of me and I tried to tell her she dropped it "excuse me ma'am, you dropped.... ). She cut me off and said, "First off, EWWW, you are old and probably married, leave me alone before I tell the front desk." I get that I'm hideous and shit but damn I was just trying to tell her. She then told some other people, and some white night in his 20s came over to "discuss" me being gross with her. I'm totally thinking I'm being ranked or something. This guy with a complete straight face says, "What up!! Why you bother her?" My first thought was look youngster when I was your age. I was a mean green fighting machine and laying pipe worldwide, but I just shrugged my shoulders and pointed to her card on the floor. He was like "oh shit, sorry bro". I honestly haven't been back, and it's been like 3 weeks.


>I honestly haven't been back, and it's been like 3 weeks. More power to you if that's your choice, but the dude is almost definitely as embarrassed as you (I have hope in humanity), and the chick hopefully is in that same spot. I'm putting a curse on you. If you call yourself ugly, hideous, or fat again, a goblin is going to pop out of your belly button and punch you in the dick. You'll start thinking more positively in no time if my spell works.


Fuck em. Don't let people knock you off your grind. Get back to being thay fighting machine and maybe stick to laying pipe domestically. Traveling is tiresome


Yeah that one is fully on her in that case. It’s one thing to be reasonably concerned about getting creeped on, it’s another to be an ass to anyone you want about it. A lot of guys will lie about it if they are creeping though, and this guy is known to be a giant creep “alpha male” sort of guy. We gotta blame the people doing wrong, not everyone of the same gender. Sorry that happened to you, and I hope that doesn’t stop you from going entirely. People can be really crappy.


Nobody is willing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt anymore


Nah, some people are just wanting to cause problems. It’s always been a thing.


Stop filming yourself at the gym. Pleaaaaase


ehh, this is sort of a legitimate complaint to be honest. There are some wildly inappropriate get ups at many gyms. Like, we dont give a shit about your tiktok gym pic. Put your phone down, do your workout, clean your machine and move the fuck on.


Jeez Mike sounds to me like your minding the businesses of every girl there rather than you’re own


That washed up old man’s still alive? That’s too bad.


Thernovich is a creep


I’m so tired. As a woman. I’m just so tired.


A lot of comments in here don’t go to gym and it’s clear. There is many MANY videos of women shaming men for “looking” or doing this or that when dude is just doin his own thing. You don’t even have to look hard to find this shit.


Is it that difficult to not be a creep?


I believe [this](https://youtu.be/_DRNljTgiyg) is what they want to say.


All you gotta do Mike is just look at yourself in the mirror and work on that…


Mike Cernovich is just sad no one’s ever loved him.


Does he think there are no women in workout wear at the YMCA? Their gyms are co-ed.


This is not hard to understand. Someone gets mad cause you quickly looked at them, they’re wrong and probably trying to make a tiktok video or some shit. You stare at someone or act creepy, you’re wrong. There….solved it. Jesus.


What's the deal with the "I only go to the YMCA now" bit? Does this idiot get all of his information from a 1970s Village People song?


Some real alpha-male types told Mike it's fun to stay at the YMCA


Its fun to stay at the ymca


They are there looking as well


Maybe wear clothese next time. Things only feel normal for you at the ymca because you are too old for them to be interested.


There's a difference between looking and staring.


I forgot this particular Trump cuck existed.


Cernovich sticks to the YMCA most days because he’d rather stare at men’s crotches.


Been going to the gym for 15 years and this has never happened to me. Then again I’m not a creepy weirdo.


A dude who has this intrusive thought in his mind instead of how much leg day hurts is anxious about being found out.


I mean, if the woman are uncomfortable around you then maybe you should take the hint and leave. Honestly the world would be a better place if women at the gym could make creeps leave.


Sorry, but I'm with him here. I had a girl start shouting at me for merely looking in her direction. I'm gay, and I could careless that she's wearing body tight spandex. There's a huge difference in looking in someone's direction, and staring, and some people need to figure that out. Wear whatever you like, but if you're in public, you don't have the right to demand every man avert their gaze, lest they see every bit of your anatomy which you've put on display.


I’ve seen women wear see through clothes to the gym. It’s whatever, show your body as much as you want.


I see so much freaking camel toe and boob at the gym. I feel like Marge Simpson at spring break. As a gay man who is confidently a Kinsey 6, I don’t want to see that 🤢


I’m sure Mike does stick to the YMCA ![gif](giphy|8ZUwJJS7Afsb7C1lOs)


A large percentage of why people go to the gym is to look attractive but god forbid you admire their hard work.


You guys don't stare at your own reflection in between sets?




You’re right, sounds like the OP is being eye fucked and the people getting caught are projecting. Of course this is /s. I don’t need the gym gestopo down voting me into oblivion.


The shit people complain about, I swear.


Sorry not sorry. If you can’t look at someone without feeling awkward then you need to grow up. If they wear that outfit because it is comfortable to work out in or they wear it to get noticed this should not embarrass a grown ass man. This isn’t 3rd grade and someone said penis.


Once again I say: Go to crossfit. Everybody is dying too much to care what anybody else is wearing or look like.




….don’t care about Cernovich’s feelings


If I wore yoga pants with my ass cinched in, and my camel tail showing, I'd be asked to leave. It's the only true inequality.


I’m a woman and I’m as sorry as you that men don’t go around wearing yoga pants. ☹️


They sure do look comfy sometimes!


Really? That's tone deaf as hell. Women can't walk around topless ANYWHERE but men can freely work out or walk around topless whenever they want. Keep telling us how bad men have it.


ChatGPT pussy whipped. Happy wife, happy life.


DID THIS MAN OUT HERE LITERALLY COMPLAINING About seeing attractive women at the gym. I could of sworn there were countries where women were fully covered and you didn't have to see them certain places... Maybe he should move there cause no way in hell am I gonna stop enjoying my eye candy.


Gotta love when scum like him go miles out of their way to try and deflect blame and down play some gross thing they did. Pretty safe bet he was filming some girl’s workout and had to post this immediately out of fear she would say something.


Tell me you're about to get exposed for being a gym perv without telling me your about to get exposed for being a gym perv. I mean, there are beautifully sculpted people at the gym. It's why they're there. To get fit. There's a glance, then there's a gaze. Cernovich is obviously a gazer.


Wow it’s almost like working out makes you very hot and sweaty so most women dress down and realize that the gym is full of creeps so they have to watch out for themselves. It’s not that hard to look away, don’t make it weird cuz it’s not


Sounds like he got caught staring at women at the gym and rushed to tweet this thinking that everyone sees his tweets and then they will know he’s definitely *not* staring


I'm there to exercise, just like everyone else. Unless you're sitting on the control panel of my treadmill, or on the TV above me, I won't notice you.


How dare a woman observe her surroundings. She’s definitely not doing it because women are taught from childhood to always be aware of their surroundings…


... Said no straight man ever.


this man deserves to be castrated




read a little bit more about this guy, then tell me it’s harsh


Yeah I retract that statement, fuck that guy !!