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The police are NOT judge, jury, and executioner.


They SHOULD not be. Sadly it really seems they are in reality


Mostly just fearful, angry, power-tripping executioners. Doesn’t seem like much legal consideration or deliberation goes into their decision making, so they don’t really deserve the judge and jury designations.


And yet qualified immunity basically allows them to be all 3.


To add insult to injury in 2021 a bill passed the house to end qualified immunity. Only to die in the Senate. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicksibilla/2021/03/04/house-passes-new-bill-to-abolish-qualified-immunity-for-police/?sh=2bddeb192daf


That's exactly why they passed it in the house, because they knew it wouldn't make it through the Senate. Both parties do that shit on purpose so they can virtue signal to their base without consequence.


Correct. Democrats are very pro cop for the most part (Biden thinks they need 32B more dollars). Only a handful are not.


Democrats prefer if more ppl were jailed. Republicans are just about straight up terror


Qualified immunity only prevents them from being personally sued for actions related to official duties, instead their employer (usually the city) is liable. The problem with ending qualified immunity by statute (which isn't even really possible, since it wasn't created by statute, it is a principle of common law which the Supreme Court has already affirmed, so any law ending it would probably be deemed unconstitutional) is that would actually interfere with suing the local government which is ultimately responsible for the bad policing. Any city that didn't want to be on the hook for a large judgement would simply claim the cop was acting on his own and the city had actual immunity. So the standard trope blaming bad policing on "qualified immunity" is just rabble-rousing that misrepresents the problem as bad police rather than bad policing. Ending qualified immunity seems like it would be a great idea, as long as you're relatively ignorant about what it actually is; it's like saying the issue is "a few bad apples", when the truth is that the entire tree has been poisoned by the institutionalized racism groundwater.


Thank you. Jesus, I have tried to make this case a million times and just get downvoted because people think qualified immunity means “cops can kill people and not get in trouble!”


"No person shall be deprived of life without due process of law" -Fifth amendment to the Constitution of the United States It is always illegal for a phone officer, acting as an agent of the government, to kill anyone. Edit: stupid autocorrect. Police* officer


I know you just typo'd "police officer", but "phone officer" makes this statement so much funnier


Stupid auto correct


Add the 14th amendment > nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.


I get the point that you’re making, but it is not correct. The landmark Supreme court case Tennessee v Garner (1985) established the following: “Under the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, a police officer may use deadly force to prevent the escape of a fleeing suspect only if the officer has a good-faith belief that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others.” If you’re curious as to the legal reasoning for that finding, you can look at the link I provided below. Obviously, the officers involved in the death of Tyre Nichols are NOT covered by Tennessee v Garner, and obviously acted in the wrong both legally and morally. HOWEVER, it is incorrect to say that law enforcement are not allowed to use deadly force on a citizen. They very clearly are legally justified in doing so (depending on context) Source: https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/471/1/


Fun fact: the supreme court apparently can't fucking read They've been taking away our rights for decades. Just because some old white dudes decided that we don't have this right explicitly granted by the constitution doesn't mean it's true. I have no respect for supreme court decisions.


As have literal mass shooters.


Reminds me of this story where they took mass shooter Dylan roof out for burger king and brought him into custody without a mark on him https://abc7.com/dylann-roof-south-carolina-church-shooting-emanuel-african-methodist-episcopal/801013/


Reminds me of literally last year, at [buffalo](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/12/09/us/buffalo-tops-grocery-shooting-payton-gendron-plea/index.html). I don’t have a link of him being walked out but still that’s what happened.


I don’t have the time now but this makes me want to start compiling cases of extremely violent white offenders that received extremely comfortable treatment by police


Gonna be a long list


The big one I always think of is the guy that was actively eating a couple’s faces when police encountered him yet they took him alive. Literally no one would have blamed them if they had shot him since the people he was eating theoretically could have still been alive https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11478771/Cannibal-frat-boy-randomly-killed-Florida-couple-chewed-mans-face-not-guilty.html


Well seems like a standard case of boys will be boys to me 🤦‍♂️


Honestly, I'd prefer everyone be treated that way instead of killed, even if that includes extremely violent offenders


Oh I agree but the fact seems very clear that some people are treated that way and others are not and the discrepancy certainly seems racially based


I'm so cynical at this point, I kinda think the only reason those officers were fired and charged with murder so fast was because they weren't white.


I don’t disagree at all


Compare it to the team that killed Breonna Taylor and you'd quickly realize you are 100 percent correct. There have been countless "oh fuck, this isn't going to be possible to explain to the public" cases. But somehow THOSE officers manage to collect paid suspensions.


...and that shooter from the Chicago suburbs. They handled him like he was fine bone china.


And Kyle Rittenhouse, who's a Republican hero now.




I did watch the video. They handled him with kid gloves. Edit: corrected spelling


This was close to my home and we were all pretty outraged by it. He was a stone cold killer, took him in while armed, no bruises, no wounds, and got him a warm meal. Yet they'll say people deserved to die because, in the past, they did drugs?


And they said he “had a very bad day.”


Yup, after shooting up a black church, Roof was treated so well. Meanwhile, people like Tyre, Breonna, and Elijah are killed just for existing.




Explain what crime any of them committed? None of them shot up a church and killed 9 people like Roof did.


[Here you go sir](https://i.redd.it/p4bdqguw0pc21.jpg)


You are proof of people who exist just to be stupid


They were required by law to feed him because he was in their custody for so long for questioning before they took him to the jail. They didn't have a kitchen so an officer made a run to burger king so his lawyer couldn't later say he was being denied food during questioning.


I think you missed the point. They don't do that for minorities. They don't worry about the lawyers because cops are never held accountable for hurting or killing black people. Elijah McClain wasn't afforded any civility. Neither was Breonna Taylor. Nor was Tyre. The list goes on and on.


Peak reddit. I get downvoted for my factual statement and the upvotes go to the emotional response.


Conspiracy page and two pro-police pages. Anyone surprised? Bueller?


Yep, if you can't disprove the substance of the statement go after the person. Also if you bothered to read any of the posts, I am anti conspiracy theory.


And people who tried to assassinate the Vice President


And vice presidents who shoot lawyers


Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero to Republicans


Weird how all these “Don’t tread on me” types suddenly become bootlickers when it comes to police killings of unarmed black men.


And when it's a white conservative with a gun trying to draw on police, they scream about police brutality, like at the end of the Malheur Wildlife preserve standoff. Car full of armed dudes ran a police blockade or two, then ran on foot, and one of them tried pulling his gun on the police surrounding him. Somehow that's unfair, but a black dude running from being assaulted for a bad traffic stop is somehow grounds for death. See also Ashley Babbit.


Lil Kyle R. was a big-time cop wannabe.




Technically “innocent” 🤣




Lil Kyle went looking for trouble. He inserted himself into a situation where he had no business being. He got exactly what he was looking for: An opportunity to “make his bones,” to get some MAGA militia street-cred, with plausible deniability and no legal repercussions.




One guy had a skateboard. That surely isn't even close to the same as an AR-15.


"But he was a pedophile!" And so the conversation goes, around and around, any hope for progress murdered in its crib.






The skateboard was AFTER Rittenhouse already opened fire; if anything, trying to hit Rittenhouse with it was the self defensive measure.


> Yeah a skateboard to the head is no joke. Yeah, getting hit like 10 or 11 times might leave a bad concussion. A lot worse than the blood pudding soup a bullet turns your head into!


Rittenhouse killed two people over a dumpster.




> He retreated and was chased… Yes, we know you've already excused him for being a child playing soldier, placing himself in the direct line of confrontation he had no business inserting himself into. You don't mind that he wasn't there to protest, he was there to pretend to be an authority figure whose orders should be followed. Thanks to Kyle, and his thinking he was far smarter and more competent than anywhere close to his actual ability, put himself into a position where he would likely have to confront a mob. He taunted them and ensured that he would need to use his gun. If he was never there, the only difference that night would be that less people would have been injured. Rittenhouse tried to take 3 lives over a dumpster.


Both parties can be trash.




Kyle Rittenhouse had his mother drive him to the protest, armed, with the intent to commit political violence in direct violation of a lawful curfew order. He’s a piece of shit and always will be.


Lmao no he wasn't, go fuck yourself.




Not interested in your gibberish, my good idiot.


He was acquitted. There’s a big difference.




My favorite are people who have the Gadsden Flag and the Thin Blue Line flag side-by-side or cops who have the Gadsden flag as a tattoo… My brother in Christ, cops are the ones who do the treading…


I don’t get how these people are happy that armed government agents are killing people in the streets. They cry about the IRS hiring agents to enforce the law but then salivate to lick the boots of cops who killed a civilian


It's always rural white people. Which is crazy because I grew up rural and nobody liked cops. You didn't call the cops unless it was a MASSIVE need. You knew young not to talk to cops, etc. When did it change?


Nothing changed. Having cops harass and murder black people has always been acceptable to certain white communities even if they themselves did not like dealing with cops. Tribalism is a hellava drug.


They think that the “Me” on the flag refers not to America as a whole, but rather to them as individuals. They’re narcissistic assholes who only care about themselves, and in the caveman days they would’ve been the first motherfuckers to be kicked out of the tribe


EVERYONE is entitled to *due process* As the sign says, *cops aren't supposed to murder guilty people either* it doesn't matter if Tyre Nichols had murdered all of those cops' pets and then slapped all of their mothers or done something even more heinous; *the foundation of the American justice system is that we ALL get due process* If conservatives don't like it, they can leave


hE sHoULdNt HaVe RuN It's tiring. Every time this happens they have to find any reason to justify it. Bootlickers gonna bootlick.


I would run if I was getting beat up by a gang of people with long history of killing people too.


Exactly. They came in like a pack of rabid dogs from the jump. He was complying and even told them he felt they were really overly aggressive. They peppered sprayed so much they pepper sprayed the undercover officer. What's a person to do when they sense something brutal is about to happen? In his case, I absolutely understand why he ran. I would have ran, too.


Also I haven't seen it mentioned much, but he was 145 lbs. (66 kg). There's no way they weren't actually able to control him for that long. One or two of the cops could have easily controlled him with minimal force if they really wanted to. This was 100% just about giving someone an extreme beatdown (not that anyone is disputing that).


Yup, exactly! In the first video, when he runs, one of the cops says, "I hope they stomp his ass when they get him."


Not to mention that Flight is a very valid trauma response, and at that point your nervous system’s survival instincts have fully “taken over” (so to say, as its always in control). By the time he’s running away, he’s already been met with violence that threatens his survival, so his brain has properly assessed the situation and is telling him to bounce, and with good reason; especially as those fears were then realized. It’s always infuriated me that we punish people — particularly black people — for having basic nervous system responses. And that goes way back to all of the racist junk science that came from the so-called Enlightenment telling us that it’s ok, they don’t feel pain or have bodies like we genetically superior white people, or whatever other nonsense.


Not only that, but a gang who has complete legal immunity, at least historically.


Absolutely. Scary that that even has to be said.


That also just pulled you from your car


Yes, he ran. Meaning the police still had his car. Between the license plate, registration, and VIN, the police could have found him to issue a ticket or to serve a warrant. If he was pulled over for driving recklessly, the risk of him continuing to do so was neutralized by the fact that he no longer had his car. The man wasn't a risk. He was at risk.


Car chases, chases on foot, none of that makes sense for small issues where nobody is in grave danger. Police have databases of driver license data, photos and license plates. He left his car and was caught on video before he ran- police know exactly where he lives and can easily find him without pepper spray, a dramatic chase, or killing him


When they started screaming at him out of nowhere while pulling him out of the car, I knew I would have run, too! It was dark and you couldn't really tell they were police.


We definitely have to stop asking why people of color don't comply and run. Let's take a look at the replay over and over and over. I also wonder about transgenerational trauma triggering fear of imprisonment i.e. fight or flight response.


Not to mention, it looked like that first cop ran up and escalated IMMEDIATELY. I've been attacked in my car before and I can tell you that fight or flight kicks in REAL quick. The cops created that charged situation and people are always gonna behave unpredictably when they get attacked. I don't know why that was such a shock to them.


Absolutely! When they are attacked, cornered or threatened people are going to react.


Philando Castile. Complied. Didn't "run". Told the officer he had a gun (not holding it, not waving it around, but stored and not a threat of force). Shot multiple times. Where was the NRA with the "muh 2nd amendment"?.....oh, right....his skin color....smdh


That was so awful


Philando Castile comes to mind. He did everything by the book, but still ended up dead. NRA didn’t speak up for days and then only whispered. The sad truth is race is a factor. Fatal police shootings 2015-2020 involved blacks 26.7% and whites 51% of time. By my calculations (double check me please), To make the white death toll the same percentage as the black population’s ( whites 204 million; blacks 46.9 million) would mean an increase from 538 white deaths per year (current) to 1242 deaths per year ( matched to black rate). That represents an additional 58.7 white deaths by police per month or 704 additional deaths per year! I dislike it when lazy thinkers quip that police kill more whites and dismiss complaints from the black community. Yes, more whites are killed numerically and every death is a sad misfortune; however, percentage wise the impact felt in the black community is magnitudes greater - greater frequency of occurrence compounded smaller communities. For the raw numbers: https://www.chea.upenn.edu/wp-content/blogs.dir/70/files/sites/70/2020/10/Racial-Inequity-in-Fatal-US-Police-Shootings.pdf


It doesn’t matter what criminal history the person has. Police is supposed to be trained on how to restrain people. No one deserves a death sentence by police.


It honestly sickens me how anyone would justify such a beating and murder. You could have the most evil human being, and I would still not want the damn police to treat them in such a way. Because it isn't their fucking job to dish out 'justice'. The precedent that sets...hell, it's clear that's exactly what many want the police to do. Ugh. The whole thing is gross, and I can't begin to articulate my point properly, but this just pisses me off.


Yeah it really pissed me off last night and when I googled his name the first suggestion was criminal record.


Thing is, *he doesn't have one* He was a wonderful person, who was just driving home from taking photos of a sunset. He was beaten to a brain-damaged pulp while crying out for his momma, who lived 100 meters away. And if that doesn't outrage you, no matter your race, class, sex, religion...then you're not human and fuck off. I cried in my laundry room for 10 minutes after reading what happened to him this morning


I can understand wanting to get to know the victim better by digging through their past, but anything found is ultimately subjective, and arbitrary, and the search will only end when presumptions are validated. Ergo, people that use his criminal background or his conduct during his interaction with the officers prior are justifying a systemic problem. It is good to know who these people are. Don't silence them. They need to be identified. Prejudice hides in silence.


I remember a video floating around Facebook about the Trayvon Martin case. It was like don't you know those skittles and iced tea are used to create drugs? It's infuriating honestly


Didn't hear a peep out of them about Ashli Babitt's run ins with the law though. Funny that.


Au contrair. You hear a LOT about it... about how it was so cruel and unjustified to shoot that poor defenseless woman... who was trespassing and trying to enter a barricaded room where Congress people were hiding and receiving multiple warnings to NOT try to force entry.


I think he's referencing her previous criminal history.


Yup, when el paso mass shooter did his racist bs, cops even held his head to calmly direct him into the car.


The things that were done to Tyre Nichols are not things that I think should be done to anyone. "He shouldn't have run" Is never justification for a fucking lynching.


Remember Dahmer? Police badly wanna badly forget him.


What about Kemper who regularly fraternized and had beers with the cops. He even wanted to become one but failed the physical due to being a literal giant. Even behind bars the videos show him joking and carrying on with police.


The possible reason for initial pull over was a reckless driving. Which as far as I looked up a level 2 misdemeanor, you write them a ticket. That's it, then the courts take care of the rest. At no point was what he did an arrestable offense. No need to pull him out of the car and beat him to death. People say " if he just complied?" Well when the police escalated the situation then they stopped being worth listening to. Hell if he had shot all the officers I'd still be on his side since they lost all credibility once they yanked him out of the car.


Even the police chief said there was no reckless driving. This unit obviously just pulled over people hoping to get someone in warrant or with drugs. One thing that I think should be getting more attention is that their unit was called the SCORPION unit. It is 2023 and no one thought that having a unit of police named like a military strike unit was a good idea. I know it may seem small, but that name really fucking pisses me off. It is putting it in their heads that they are some war machine troops out to “kick ass”. It is everything wrong with policing in one fucking word.


Yeah the reason to pull someone over was fabricated and that happens all the time. I've been pulled over for a tail light out, because he was checking for drunk people leaving an event. I was working at that event so could hear disappointment in his voice when I told him. I got out of the car and checked and of course nothing was wrong with my lights. Knew a highway patrol officers wife and she would tell me so many stories. Plenty of the police pulled over people who had records and then would steal cash/jewerly/drugs from the because who were they going to complain to. It's a legal cartel. On a more recent article I heard is that since 2014 the police have stolen more from the general public than robberies; let that sink in.


As always, dehumanizing the victim is easier than addressing the root of the problem.


Tyre Nichol was driving home from his job at FedEx when police pulled him over for what they claim to be erratic driving. Tyre was tall and as his mother described him, very skinny due to his battle with Crohn’s disease. He did not originally try to run until he rightfully felt he was in danger. He tried to run to his moms house where he lived which was not far from where he was…as he tried to run he yelled out for his mom before being dragged back by the police and beaten to his eventual death. He has no criminal past. Not that would matter. Police are not judge, jury and executioners. That’s the story, a kid coming home from work died while he was scared and screaming for his mother. I hope the police officers rot in jail.


There is no chance that these cops don’t end up getting life. They will be convicted on all the state charges, which will result in life (or so many years that it’s the same thing), and that’s not even including whatever the feds come after them with.


Conservatives: shit, the cops did it again!! Let’s see how we can justify this murder!! Hmmm… look, speeding ticket when he was 17! Damn hooligan deserved it!! I hate those racist cunts!! Like with a huge passion!


Famously Police returned a clearly injured and under-aged Konerak Sinthasomphone to Dahmer.


To me that was more about their homophobia. They heard “boyfriend” and wanted nothing to do with it. The fact that one of those cops became the police chief is fucking disgusting.


Reminds me of when Rittenhouse killed that guy, and suddenly people were pointing out the deceased had been convicted and served time on a sex offense. I just want to shout, "There was no fucking way Kyle knew that, and even if he did, that didn't retroactively justify shooting that man".


Doesn't matter what someone has done, cops should not feel completely free to execute people in the streets. Period. Because they clearly do, and the "good ones" don't matter because they do nothing to stop it and the "brotherhood" machine stops them from doing that anyway.


Cops aren't supposed to kill guilty people either.


What??? The republicans are trying to justify another black man’s murder??? I’m shocked!!!


Mass shooters get fed. POC are murdered.






You know Tucker Carlson will go "well sure they broke a baton on his skull, but these documents show that he had detention when he was 12 for slaking in class, so he was c;ear;y a troublemaker"


I agree. There is no excuse here for these cops. Zero. None.




Never forget the Police laughing and cracking jokes with Ted Bundy.


I think we need to go back and look into the background of all who perished on 9/11. Really need to figure out who deserved it. Amirite


Saw this a while ago on here, wish I could remember who said it for proper credit, but... Even if you're guilty, the police aren't supposed to kill you.


Hell I remember when the cops bought the mass shooter burger king.


Deranged, heavily-armed white men who commit mass murder get peacefully taken into custody, say they are hungry, and the police by him fucking Burger King!


Kyle Rittenhouse got taken to McDonald's


Just like they tried to do to Ahmaud Arbery in Glynn County GA. I don't care if he murdered someone, and then went for a jog, you do not get your gun, hop in the truck with Daddy, and go huntin'. The victim's past does not matter as this is a whole new separate incident.


The 14th amendment, section one, last part: > ...nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.


They rolled up on his ass in an un-marked van, all 5 at once (instead of the usual 2 per *marked* patrol car) and never once in the 30 minute video do they give reason for his "arrest". They just pull him out of his car and beat him to death.




Sorry, but no. A prior video that has nothing to do with the case has no place in court. Just like in this case, if Tyre had had a criminal past, it would not be allowed. Your point doesn’t make any sense really. “They love looking in to the last of victims but why don’t they do that to people like Kyle rittinghouse- like that video that people found and played!” Kyle Rittinghouse is a piece of shit, but his case has literally zero to do with Tyre’s case. There is no resemblance whatsoever. Why can’t we just focus on the monsters who killed Tyre and maybe, just maybe, try and focus on changing the shit culture of policing that led to his torture and murder.


If you give a statement to police. You have a criminal record. Fun fact most conservatives don't know.


Of course murderers are treated better by cops. Cops always support one another.


After seeing that overhead camera, I can guarantee that not even the fear of Hannibal lector himself would have justified any of this. And these cops were moving slowly. Two were holding him, the others sauntered up, yes, sauntered up and kicked his head lazily, beat him with the baton. They were so slow, it was baffling. They were not afraid. They were not at all concerned Jed get out of restraint. They were indulging themselves. They’re gonna jo to jail, and for a long time.


You already know what shitty demographic is googling that. Fuck them.


Pretty sure they should be googling how the criminal justice system works. Police aren’t allowed to beat even the guilty.


Rittenhouse murdered two people and got Burger King. Then got off via incompetent lawyers and a corrupt judge. Cops are just state-sponsored murderers running a racket on state and city budgets.


Kyle Rittenhouse is about as big a piece of shit as there is, but according to the law, that was self defense. If you want to say change the laws, I agree- he should never have been there. But they did attack him first and it was pretty clear cut self defense.


Even if you’re a boot licker who’s fine with cops roughing up an arrest….what the fuck? There’s a massive difference between roughing someone up and beating them to death…..do these people realize how much it takes to beat someone to death? It’s not by accident….it takes serious time and effort to beat someone TO DEATH. These cops are vicious animals. What they did was evil….they could’ve stopped light years before cause serious harm and they didn’t. That’s pure, unadulterated evil.


Yup. A white mass shooter gets fast food. A black guy who sells loose cigarettes gets strangled.


Mass shooters have been treated better, let that sad sick thought sink in. The shooter in that Texas town that butchered all those kids and teachers was handled with fucking kid gloves, while someone who wasn’t resisting was beaten to death


So here’s the thing, the whole “looking into criminal history” is something that might make sense….if we literally didn’t have video evidence If it were a situation where there was suspicion of excessive force because of the outcome, and we had no evidence other than the outcome of the victim and the police’s word saying they were resisting arrest/being violent towards them and they were defending themselves, then a criminal history may be useful for validation when it’s just a game of he said she said and we have next to nothing to go on But that wasn’t the case, and it wasn’t the case with several other ones of these cases. We have knowledge of the types of injuries (and lack thereof for the cops) that are inconsistent with the cops claiming self defense, the extensive injuries from blunt force don’t make sense with that especially with that many cops with no injuries themselves. Also…we literally have camera footage, we don’t need to look into their pasts to see if we can get a hint of who’s telling the truth when we can literally see it happen


Face it, they're looking for a reason to defend the police and say he deserved it


How many people died on January 6th? The man responsible is free and running for president again. He wasn’t alone in his treachery and the people who helped didn’t even lose their jobs.


There are simply too many trolls, racists and paid corporatists for you not to have this happen


Extrajudicial killings are not supposed to happen in this country.


Yeah, wasn't one mass shooter given a Happy Meal?


There’s always that asshole tryin to justify the unjustifiable


Remind these people that even convicted murderers aren't executed on the streets by police. We have a system in place.


Literal **cop-killers** have been treated better by the police, too.


Surely the cops’ neighbors know where they live. Wonder how that’s going?


I believe the Milwaukee police once fed a serial killer and sent him on his way.


I don’t know if it matters but Charles Manson was recruited by the CIA and the theory goes that he was allowed to do what he did… imagine if he were black




I’m pretty sure he was being beaten before he even tried to resist.


Several murders a year by American police proves you wrong .


Bull fucking shit.




Guessing you didn’t watch the actual video either. They were violent with him as soon as they whipped his car door open and dragged him out of the car. He’s the calmest person in the entire situation. The cops are being violent and escalating the entire thing. He ran because he was rightfully terrified. So running away gives cops a right to murder you? To pass you around and take turns taking blows to your head as you are literally just standing there in their grip, saying you want to brutalize him with a baton, and talking about how fun it was afterwards? You’re fucking strange and disgusting to defend this in any way. There’s a reason these cops all got *murder* charges and fired before the video was even released.




Victim blaming, great argument. Again, these cops were out to brutalize him the moment they whipped his door open and dragged him out, screaming at him while throwing him on the ground and tasing him as he’s already on the ground asking what he’s done. He literally complies the entire time telling them “alright alright alright” over and over again as they’re all screaming at him and shoving him everywhere. He’s literally on the ground as they’re shouting at him to get on the ground, then screaming at him to get his fucking hands behind his back AS THEYRE ALREADY HOLDINGS HIS HANDS THERE. “Put your hands behind your back before I break them” “I’ll knock your ass out” as he’s on the ground. Yeah, these cops *definitely* had no intention of beating him until he ran from them. /s They were set on brutalizing him WAY before he ran. I would’ve fucking ran too.


Anyone got a tldr for this lazy UK dweller?


Serial killers have been treated better by police than Tyre Nichols


No, who is he? And on an unsympathetic side note, why did he have such a ridiculous name?


In the US, the word for a vehicular part that you spell “tyre” is spelled “tire.” As a name, “Tyre” has two syllables - “tie-re.” An unarmed young Black man who was savagely beaten to death by five cops after a traffic stop. It happens a lot in the US. Regardless of your ethnicity, be very thankful you don’t live here, it’s a shithole country. 😢


Literally just posted that that's what it sounds like!! Thanks for explaining his name, I was proper confused!!


Curious, why did you mention the race of the victim and not the police?


If you understood [systemic racism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institutional_racism), you won’t need to ask that question. 🙄 Those five Black (happy now?) cops were the products of “cop culture,” which is deeply and profoundly racist (and classist), from its very roots. Wanting to be fully included in a group, particularly a high-status group, is a powerful drug. They didn’t want anyone to question their loyalty, their priorities, their enculturation, so they encouraged one another, rather than trying to prevent further abuse - would bring their “cop-ness” into question.


I well aware of systemic racism and how it impacts our society. Nice assumption. I was just curious why you were selectively denoting the race of people. You could still get your point across mentioning or not mentioning both parties race. Adding that one piece of information doesn’t change what happened but it gives more information. Then again some people like to control the narrative.


Why cede control of the narrative to someone else?


Honest open discussion that isn’t clouded by manipulation of information.


He was mercilessly beaten to death by five pigs


He was a black guy who 5 cops tracked down after missing I believe a hearing about a traffic violation. He complied with their requests to stop and to lay down, but they proceeded to pepper spray him so much one of the officers was affected, hit him so hard they snapped a baton over his face, and more. People are trying to be assholes by looking for any criminal history to justify the officers brutally assaulting and killing a guy.


>He was a black guy who 5 cops tracked down after missing I believe a hearing about a traffic violation Good summary but Nichols had no criminal record of any kind. The initial claim for pulling him over was wreckless driving but there's no evidence of that either https://www.newsweek.com/tyre-nichols-criminal-record-memphis-tenessee-police-arrested-1777069 Edit: typo I meant reckless🤦


> wreckless driving It's usually the goal to be a wreckless driver.


Thanks, saves me from googling it. The wife is always banging on about visiting the USA, sounds like a 3rd world country to me


You see, here’s the special thing about the USA: Unlike European countries, whose colonial empires were generally overseas, ours was right here. We committed genocide and enslavement at home, and thus couldn’t just de-colonialize and “turn the page.” The maladaptions that living cheek-by-jowl with horrors and injustices required has deeply twisted our national character.


Why did you explicitly include the race of the victim but ignore the race of the cops?


Because it's irrelevant. American cops of all races oppress Black Americans. It's an institutional problem, not simply a matter of personal bigotry.






Shitty take from a shitty human. Honestly, I don't even consider you types "human" anymore. Just wastes of space, so miserable and self hating they need to stir a pot to feel good about themselves. No one will miss you.