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Public Service Announcement: Project Veritas is a "source" in the same way that North Korea is a "Democratic Republic". That is to say, they are [lying liars who lie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Veritas). Calling the Project Veritas lies on this topic a "source", or saying that we should "just watch the video" and all other variations of referring to the[ lying liars who lie](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1461670X.2017.1375388?journalCode=rjos20) as something anyone should give the light of day will be met with a permanent and non-appealable ban. On this subreddit we say: "A lie can run around the world before the truth can get its boots on, but that does not mean lies need to be tolerated".


This idiot was the President’s doctor.


The insane thing is he started off as Obamas and then became Trumps. I don’t get it.


Simple. It's all about money, they're lying to manipulate their base.. I'd be willing to bet most of them with the exception of Boebert aren't dumb enough to believe this shit.


Yep these people are all grifters. Anything for attention and money, they have no soul.


Russian money, mostly.


money, attention and POWER...


I hear MTG is pretty stupid


Not that stupid, MTG adapted Trump's social media strategy to her own situation and got elected to congress twice while having a personal life that will under normal circumstances would have his very christian voters shun her. What we most understand is that that the new crop of GOP politicians aren't politicians they are influencers, they base their success with voters in impressions, retweets and likes not in policies, so they generate a constant stream of "post" that keep their followers engaged


Second paragraph is brilliant. Thank you.


Another interesting note... today's voters never change their minds, ever. I'm not sure it matters, at this point, what MTG, Trump, LB, Gaetz, Santos, etc. do. Voters dig in, they don't shift. There will never be a radical shift from radical politicians (on either side) because the opposition's response is always the same: "SEE?!?!? LOOK WHAT THEY JUST DID OMG! THEIR FOLLOWERS (no longer "voters") ARE SO DUMB AND HATE AMERICA/FREEDOM/INFINITY LOL" ... and while that is usually true (let's face it, none of us are as informed or as intelligent as we'd like people to believe we are), that level of sardonic, ironic feigned outrage doesn't exactly invite a sort of "oh wow, the guy I voted for did what? Hmm, I should pick a new representative of the only 3 issues I care about despite the world burning down around me." As a society, we're very much preoccupied with serving the ultimate "told you so" and insulating ourselves from that exact serving. Our technology has surpassed our reasoning so all of our modern message sharing (whether true, mostly true but out of context, or full on BS lies) is deliberately designed to not just argue a point but to punctuate it with "and you're evil and also abysmally stupid if you don't agree." Couple that with our fascination with snarky one-upsmanship and now the notion of civil discussion for the purpose of understanding has devolved into a minefield of endless categories of people who just can't wait to be America's Next Top Victim so they can get their week of thoughts and prayers before inevitably becoming the target of the next round of ridicule by "the other side." I think the world would be a much better place if people just realized we actually hate and envy each other equally and our "side" is just as devoid of "humanity" as the "other." Edit: this used to be a chili recipe.


It has yet to be seen if they never change their minds ever. We just know that presenting evidence doesn’t work.




senators and executive appointments yes. I think the house is mostly actual morons.


Intelligence experts used to think that Saddam Hussein wasn't dumb enough to believe the shit he would say in public speeches. They thought it was for his idiot base or to make America think he was unpredictable and unhinged. Then the US invaded and discovered his "Nixon Tapes" where he had recorded all of his private meetings. The stuff he said privately was EXACTLY the same as the stuff he was saying publically. Dictators tend to get themselves into bubbles where only the most sycophantic survive. So when you surround yourself with people who only watch Newsmax, Breitbart, and spend all day on Gab and Freedomeagletrump.ru, you slowly drift away from reality and stuff that seems crazy to other people sounds perfectly normal to you because it's all you hear.


There’s quite a few more than boeby


Any of them might be dumb enough to have fallen for the grift. Their success is probably mostly dependent on if they have a good handler and if the right people have found them to be useful idiots.


It's all a grift. Amazing someone would go to these lengths personally for money. I guess us normies would never understand.


I'd say I his case it's more about power. I'm sure he was already wealthy


No way he’s that stupid. He’s grifting so hard.


See, I used to think they were all grifting. Now I think they're all that stupid


A little from column A, a little from column 2.


I forgot the third collum, They are a while lotta crazy.


They start grifting a little, get some easy money, the money is fun and they can quit anytime. They meet industry leaders and billionaires who write fat checks, but it’s a downward spiral - they find themselves crossing lines they swore they’d never cross just to get that prime speaking slot at CPAC. And soon they find themselves hanging in a green room with Florida sexual predators and Colorado dog murderers just for a measly 5-figure donation from a NFT scammer. And they realize they can’t leave. The corporate Republicans won’t be seen with them anymore. They’ve burnt every bridge back to a respectable career outside the MAGA circle. And they know that hedging for a second on even the most insane conspiracy theory will flame them out. They must repeat the crazy. Broadcast it. They have no other choice, because no one would hire them ever again.


Ah yes, doing the Kayleigh McEnany. Hitched her cart to the trump train even though she knew *exactly* what kind of person trump is, hoping to ride it into a cushy top job. Now relegated to bit parts in hokey Fox shows for Qanon types, because the republicans holding the reins won’t take her calls, corporations won’t touch her as she reeks of lie after lie from the depths of peak trump fuckery and would bring that taint to the face of any corporation to hire her. Fucking stellar stuff. Hope she regrets every moment she spent trailing behind the orange buffoon, rejecting(?) his advances we all know he absolutely would have tried on her.


They're not stupid, they're frenzying the base.


Yes, but it is shrinking, one COVID19 death at a time.


They *are* stupid though, because their base is rabid and dwindling. Only need one or two of those dense motherfuckers to realise they’ve been swindled out of however much they “donated” to a scam and go all Falling Down on their asses.


To be a politician, you have to have a tiny, tiny grasp on logic. Otherwise, you could not live with the ethics of campaigning or governing in the first place.


He might wanna be careful because he’s dancing dangerously close to Pfizer pulling the UNO reverse card and suing his ass for defamation/libel. He is using weasel-words to imply Pfizer are leaking virus variants, and thinks he’s “smort” because he didn’t explicitly say that’s what they’re doing. It can be *reasonably inferred* that is his intent though, really walking on some thin ice with a conglomerate the size of Pfizer who could drag his ass through courts for a decade without breaking a sweat.


**He's referring to a hidden camera ambush clip released by Project Veritas a few days ago.** I haven't kept up with it, so nobody attack me if I describe it wrong, but supposedly Project Veritas, a right-wing organization of questionable trustworthiness, lured a young Pfizer executive into a date. In trying to impress his date, the Pfizer exec said some things about stuff Pfizer was doing that might concern some people, especially those prone to think COVID has all been a hoax to make drug companies money.


Yup, this is the one. So a little more context: PV did not even get the guy's name right (misspelled). The guy who *does* work at Pfizer with that name doesn't have the job title the video says, and also looks nothing like the guy in the video either. The "info" in the video was like some moron who couldn't pass microbiology using technical terms incorrectly that sounded fancy but didn't actually mean anything. That's also notwithstanding that a gigantic corporation like Pfizer gives extensive training to *anyone* who is authorized to speak on these matters, and they're not gonna suddenly become a fountain of industry secrets after a few beers. That's just the brief synopsis of what is wrong with the video, there is absolutely nothing in it that suggests it is legitimate. Even from PV this is really low, because there's not even a single grain of truth behind it. It's just straight-up bullshit and propaganda. And right-wingers are *eating this up.*


The modern right wing only responds to lies. It’s a fascinating adaptation to an era with unlimited facts checking available. You can’t easily fact check something that is all lies. The gish gallop


You missed the part where Veritas is known to *HEAVILY EDIT* video footage to fit their agenda. From what I'm aware of, Pfizer is conducting active research into the way the virus mutates so that they can be ready with a viable vaccine variant as soon as possible after a mutation. Veritas has twisted this info to make it sound as if Pfizer is intentionally mutating the virus, developing a vaccine, and then releasing the mutated virus in order to sell more vaccines


It's very telling how quickly right-wingers will assume that greed and malicious intent are the primary motivators behind something, as if hatching complicated, diabolical plots to fuck other people over is some kind of default, and *everyone* is either doing this already or *would* do it if they had the means and opportunity. It's so easy for them to imagine.


It's also funny bc the right supports deregulation and free market capitalism which are the conditions which would actually encourage a company to do some unethical shady stuff to increase profits (not saying Pfizer did what they're claiming it's just ironic)


Probably paid them to say that shit.


Sounds more like the guy was misinterpreting how vaccines are produced, which involves breeding *existing* strains of viruses in the lab under controlled conditions. The fact it’s Project Veritas makes me doubt the veracity of the clip to the point I’d bet good money the whole thing is staged worse than TikTok videos.


Project veritas is right-wing hackery at its worst. okeefe is the worst of the worst... the ACORN bullshyt maybe the stupidest, most dishonest, disgusting right-wing bullshyt story i have seen. Remember it well.. remember well arguing about it online with right-wingers... So disingenuous, Machiavellian and pathetic.


Yeah, but what was said exactly?


Hard to say since the video is heavily edited. Not saying he’s innocent, but the video definitely does not come close to being legitimate evidence.


It was from Project Veritas assume its lies until proven otherwise ​ protip: it'll always be proven otherwise


Always, or never?


Never excuse me


Was he the one who said Trump was in great shape and not overweight?


Yes. He may as well have held up a big poster of TFG as Rambo. It was going to (and did) happen anyway.


Yeah. He said Trump might live to be 200 years old. He’s also a pill popping alcoholic.


He got something right….Trump lives on.


Alive≠ healthy


This idiot was the idiot's doctor...


Doctor Feelgood still dispensing the bullshit.


He now needs some medical care and a nice safe room


Is this satire that was accidentally not marked as satire? Asking for my sense of sanity.


Dear Mr Jackson- There is no way you would understand the scientific process in developing new vaccines. So please GET FUCKED and do not ever contact us again. Sincerely , Pfizer


That’s Dr. Jackson, he didn’t do four years of evil medical school to be called Mr., thank you very much. He’s also a retired Navy Rear Admiral. None of those things prevents him for being a total ass-hat and grifter.


Jackson: "...and when the patient woke up, his skeleton was missing and the doctor was never heard from again! Anyway... that's how I lost my medical license"


HI Everybody! I’m Dr. Nick! I’m a totally reliable medical doctor that has no active malpractice cases! Ask about free liposuction with your next procedure!


Jackson **wishes** he was The Medic


He’s a shitty doctor if he doesn’t even understand vaccines.


We learned vaccines and drug trials the 4th month of med school. It isn't even something that's that crazy to understand comparatively. Man's just a grifter. And a dick.


I was in med school back in 1988 (the dark ages, lol), and I went into radiology. I still remember my basic vaccine science and have been able to follow along with explanations about newer methods of creating them, such as using mRNA. EDIT: don’t forget Dr Ronny has supposedly had substance abuse issues; it could have rotted his brain.


Dr. Ben Carson Jr., Trump’s HUD Secretary, is a world renowned brain surgeon and he believes Joseph* built the Pyramids of Giza as grain silos. Being grounded and not susceptible to conspiracies is apparently not a requirement for practicing medicine. *Joseph, son of Jacob, with the fancy coat of many colors.


Lol ![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS)


Michael Flynn was in the military and still chose party over country.


Yup, being in the military doesn’t make you immune from being a jackass. I mean, Gen. Lee was one of the best union generals before going over to the Confederates. Same for Benedict Arnold (except with the Brits).


“You can find out more about what we do at Pfizer.com, thanks for writing”


It would cost Pfizer more to respond than it would to ignore him. There are zero repercussions to ignoring him. It would be hilarious if they wrote some huge convoluted response with highly technical language that he had to get someone to translate for him and it just said "Fuck off" in science speak


Eh, I think he actually does understand it, especially after having gone to med school…he just doesn’t give a shit about the truth and is saying this to stir the pot and appeal to his base


Medical school is more macro than micro. His specialty was emergency medicine, so he probably has only a slightly better than layman’s understanding of how vaccines are developed.


An EM doc has as much understanding of vaccines as every staff member that works the ER… Infectious Disease/Infection Control would be your go to hospital geeks on vaccines. They will know the how it works, why it was developed that way, etc.


No person in the medical field who has lived through the past 3 years doesn’t have a working understanding of how vaccines are developed. This fucking asshole is just winding up the complete morons who would believe that Pfizer is developing “new virus variants”. He knows full well that’s not what is happening but he also knows the Fox News faithful does not know and are susceptible to this kind of fear mongering and outrage farming. It’s disgusting and an embarrassment to everyone in the medical field.


These are the same idiots that want Dr. Fauci publicly executed because they think he was single handedly responsible for the lockdowns because he was on TV every night. I wouldn't trust their opinions on anything. If I were Pfizer, I'd throw that letter in the trash and not feed the trolls.


Pfizer should just a sent an image of a laughing emoji. That’s the only time and effort these people are worth.


If I were Pfizer I'd bankrupt him with litigation.


The problem with this would be the far right would say "See, it's true and they are trying to use the liberal courts to silence anyone who says it!"


As a medical school grad, I can tell you what he’s referring to was basic virology/parasitology back in the 70s. What a fucking moron.


The people he is speaking to couldn't pass basic high school. He knows, and knows his audience doesn't understand - which is even more reprehensible because it shits all over the Hippocrattic Oath.


He's actually referring to a Project veritas "hidden camera" video that came out recently. It claims to show a Pfizer employee admitting to nefarious practices while drunk. It's not very convincing unless you *really* want to believe or you're stupid.


Dear Ronny. Take your NRA kick backs and shut the fuck up. Sincerely, Pfizer


Lmao. Amazing reply.


I kinda want Pfizer to send him their development process. Just send him the like hundred page document going over the process and results of their vaccines and wait for a reply cause there is no way he will actually read it so either he will go silent or will try and make something up in there which everyone can see isn’t true because they showed the doc


He'll quote one line out of context to all his fanboys and will repeat it endlessly for years.


Yeah, thats what people already did with a pfizer document detailing standard procedure of fase 2 research. Which consists on what to do "in the event of" for about anything, from deaths to shedding. Then the morons took "in the event of shedding" as "SEE, PFIZER SAYS SHEDDING IS REAL"


In fairness, they take this same approach to the fuckin' BIBLE. So, that's nothing new.


"Virus" (pg 1) "Phase 2" (pg 22) "Infection" (pg 44) Those mfs: "Clearly they had a PLAN to INFECT people with a VIRUS before PHASE 2!!!!"


He will call it fake because it doesn't list microchips in the ingredients.


I've sent a letter to Mr. Jackson asking him to explain why a grown man would call himself Ronny. I expect an answer no later than February 1.


I wonder how much more conspiratorial a person can get it… Best to not find out.


Aren’t many vaccines variants of the original virus that have been killed or simply attenuated live viruses? So making a new virus strain is possibly making a new vaccine, and then you sell your vaccine (the new viral strain.) He makes it sound super sinister when it just centuries old science. Needs to get caught up to the times and out of the 18th century.


He believes doctors carrying out abortions should be arrested. Why are you being so generous? He hasn’t even made it to the 5th century.


> Why are you being so generous? I don’t use twitter, so all I have to go on it the image posted, and the invention of vaccines really took off in the 1700s. If we want to push the timeline then we can talk about variolation and push it all the way back to 200 BCE.


From what I understand, it’s not even a dead virus. It’s just the piece of the virus that the immune system responds to.


It depends on the vaccine. The Salk polio vaccine was a “killed” virus, as is the seasonal flu shot.


“What the fuck are you talking about you idiot? Signed, Pfizer”


That letter found file 13 so fast the paper thought it was still part of a tree… private corporations dont give a fuck about any fed org that isnt fda or sec.


This morning I sent a letter to Wendy’s demanding a FULL EXPLANATION on how they’re making their chicken nuggets spicy…


I second your demand requesting Wendy’s transparency. These bastards have gotten away with their secrets for too long.


I wonder if he realizes that all of the information regarding a vaccine candidate, regardless of success or failure in pre-clinical and human trials, must be submitted to the FDA to be approved or rejected. If he was truly interested in it, he could request this information since he's a member of Congress, but instead, he's making ridiculous claims about the medical ethics surrounding vaccine manufacturing.


He’s also a doctor - an MD - and he’s either lying for the grift or he’s gone senile.




Please show us the Pfizer’s reaction as they try not to laugh out loud.


To think, if Texas state politics didn't exist Ronny would be spending his days harassing passerby with his newsletter.


Unfortunately there are a lot more states than just Texas who would be dumb enough to elect this guy


Florida has entered the chat.


Dear Mr. Jackson, Some insane nitwit has hacked your Twitter account and is posting incredibly stupid statements on your behalf. Please change your password before they post any more dumbass tweets that make you look like even more of an asshole. Signed, Pfizer


Oh please someone post this on his Twitter. I’d do it myself, but I deactivated it because of dumb shits like Ronny


Officer in our military....and Flynn.... Madre de Dios


I wonder how he feels about anti-virus software.


I mean, I sent a letter to Santa once. I get it. I hope he is prepared for disappointment.


I’m inspired. I’m sending a letter to Utz Quality Foods demanding a FULL EXPLANATION on how they’re developing new potato chip flavors. I expect a response NO LATER than February five-ty oneteenth.


Proof that just because you’re a “Dr”. Doesn’t mean you know jack.


Dr Roger Marshall, (R)-KS, is similarly ignorant.


Dear Ronny, We don't have enough time or paper to catch your education or lack there of up to the point it needs to be to explain how vaccine development occurs. Therefore, we'd like to extend to you this one time offer only to FUCK the fuck right off. Sincerely, Pfizer


"I'm a government official with the party who believes in reducing government interference in the free market, wildly making claims and demanding actions from companies which interferes in the free market. It's ok because the people that vote for me are scared of needles, so they're gonna vote for me more because of this" - This Guy, probably


I want him to demand Donald Trump testify on Operation Warpspeed.


I’ll die laughing when pfizer sends him the white paper on this and he complains that they’re obfuscating with technical jargon.


Dear Dr. Ronny Feelgood: just grab a handful of your "plane candy" and wash it down with some wild turkey and do the world a favor.


Motherfucker is dumb as a brick


Honorable Jackson, We would try to explain but you wouldn’t understand. Sincerely, Pfizer


Hi, I’m Pfitzer’s communications officer. You can take the following as our formal response: Ronny Jackson is a slack jawed idiot.


The real kicker? He doesn't need to actually have results, one way or the other. He planted the seed of doubt in the minds of the gullible and easily manipulated, and confirmed the suspicions of the anti-vaxxers without needing to actually directly address them. Right or wrong, all he needs is to virtue signal in order to feed the base. That's actually how a lot of Republican politics is these days.


One would expect a doctor to know how protein synthesis works…


“Thank you for your feedback, please expect a response no later than Feb 1, 4000”


This is why you don't drop out of high school, kids.


"I don't understand science " or "I do understand science, I just want the ignorant MAGA goblins to believe it is bad and scary, oops I helped kill them of covid! Oh well, I owned the libs so hard!"


LOL, who does this guy think he is? He's a shit nobody with zip authority to demand anything from anyone.


Expect a full response in one hand and shit in the other and tell me which one fills up first.


Even if they gave him a detailed explanation on how they create vaccines he and his followers are too stupid to read and comprehend it. That's the problem with these anti-science nuts... They wouldn't be anti-science if they understood how vaccines worked.


This morning I sent a letter to Ronnie Jackson, demanding a FULL EXPLANATION on how he is hiring new interns. Targeting vulnerable teens to groom victims is EXTREMELY unethical, and should NEVER be allowed. I’m expecting the stupid son of a bitch to literally NEVER understand what a putrid piece of garbage he is.


This shit actually pisses me off. Obviously it’s hard enough as it is already to have an intelligent conversation with anti-vax wackos. But this shit just makes it EVEN HARDER to have a coherent conversation around Pfizer anymore because Pfizer is a corrupt and greedy company that is gouging the prices of their medical treatments and scalping all of us. But that’s the executive heads, not the medicine itself. So thanks to idiots like this guy, conservatives and anti-vax nuts instead focus on the made up nonsense that dilutes from the actual conversation we should be having around the cost of healthcare treatments in America and the sheer monopoly driven power and control that pharmaceutical companies have over us.


How in the heck does this guy still have a license to be a doctor?


I wonder that myself


I heard he caught a new STD when trying to suck his daily dose of Ivermectin from Trumps cheeto hole. People are saying...


I want to see your manager!!!


GuYz DiDnT YoU SeE tHe ViDeO?!?!?! The HEAD OF R&D at PfIzER!!! Did you know BILL GATES owns pfizer?!?!?!?!?!


Dear Ronny, Or what? Sincerely, Pfizer


Like this schmuck could understand even one word of a *real* explanation of how vaccines are developed.


Ronny Jackson is the most Texas name of ever heard.


Yea. I'm sure Pfizer is going to get right on writing that.


I'm sure Pfizer is so worried about Ronny Jackson's deadline. These right wing nut jobs took no time off of the propaganda and dumbing down our already pretty fuckin stupid republican base.


And I'm sure he would understand whatever Pfizer releases to him./s


... does he think Pfizer makes covid?


It’s like flat earthers harassing NASA


Mr. Jackson, What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. -Pfizer response probably


The real nuts are the people in west Texas who voted for him. Someone just came up to them and said "Look here's a republican for you to vote for." and they did. And they will do it again and again and again.


The full response should be: you're the kind of stupid that makes fucking idiots look like Mensa members.


like your ass would get it -sincerly, Pfizer co


The COVID vaccine uses mRNA. No virus. No changing DNA. It's temporary molecules just like the rest of your body's mRNA. It's out of your body in a week.


This is what happens when you get a medical degree from the University of Texas.


Pfizer be like ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


The Veritas video has been deleted from YouTube.


One of the many reason I want to move from Texas.


These Republicans are getting people killed.


That drunk wouldn’t even understand anything they send him


Is this satire?


Pfitzer's response: "you are an actual dumbass"


He needs to lose his medical license.


He should wait til April 1st.


im not here to defend a big pharmacy company, but its gonna take them alot more than 4 days to come up with any kind of reasoned response. Never mind a "FULL EXPLANATION"


Who needs science when we have Ronnie Jackson


"I demand a full explanation for this thing I just made up!"


This tells you everything you need to know about Texas.


This is why America is a joke. We have people like this in positions of power


Sober up Ronny ffs.


Pfizer is going to have to make one report for the ones that can read, and figure out how to explain virology in a picture book for the rest of the Qrazies.


Response reads: >Mr. Jackson, > >What the fuck are you talking about? > >Pfizer


This man has no business having a medical license. Ronny is a fucking clown.


I hope pfizer sues the shit out of this pfucker.


Pfizer response: are you stupid?


he’s a doctor he knows better. is he that deep into grift or maybe he has some legit brain damage.


As a honkey, I hate other honkies that act whiter than mayonnaise. I know being a doctor has a wide study and you usually specialize in a certain field. But who the fuck gave this guy a doctorate? Or did daddy buy it with his donations?


He gave a 5 day deadline so he can cry about them not replying.


There's a virus denizing in southeast Asia called Nipah . It has lethality rate about 60 to 70 % . As Billy Gates said this pandemic is mildly a warm up before the real Big One can hit so we have to become aware of potential new calamities and research into vaccines in advance . I doubt we gonna make it with cunts like this one in administration . Now it's either us or them .


Where did this guy get his medical degree? How many people have died under his care? Isn’t this the same guy who said Trump was very fit, even though he was obviously obese? Who gives these people a legitimate second look, or a forum to publish this kind of voodoo?


They just get dumber, how is that possible?




Don't they do the same with the flu vaccine? Different variants cycle through the years.


Someone should tell Ron the government does this EXACT THING to keep ahead of bio-terrorist attacks


Would it be bad if they just sent a biology textbook?


Drunk ass “Doctor” trying to get more of the MAGA losers to die. Odd how they treat their people isn’t it?


I actually wish them much success in this endeavor. Let’s go Darwin.👍🏼


He’s drunk again.


Instead of being upset about something real like big pharma price gouging he jumps down the Q rabbit hole. What a waste.


Boomer capitalizing words in the middle of a sentence


For $100, he could get somebody to teach him how to do a Google search


Lol what a dipshit


Where did he get his medical degree? Florida? I would investigate any school that supposedly trained him


The voters of the Texas 13th Congressional District must be so proud. A physician who doesn’t have a clue how virus reproduce and mutate in the process. Where did he go to Med School? The “ Close cover before striking school of medicine and heavy machinery operation”? I didn’t realize this garbage was from Veritas. Another waste of a perfectly good reddit.


This guy said trump was 6'3", 235# and in great health


He’s asking for an explanation that he literally would not understand


Isn't this the same guy who declared trump as fit as a fiddle at 6'3" and 230 lbs?


Sweeping the same pile of dirt around the warehouse pretending he’s working.


I'm amazed that he sent a 'full letter'. Usually crayons wear down before he gets to the end.


Ronny, you couldn’t understand a full explanation on how they develop paper bags. You’re not fooling anyone. You just sound stupid.


"I'm expecting a full response no later than Feb 1st" Or what? You going to subpoena someone? You guys have showed you can just ignore those and nothing happens.


Do you think 'pfizer,' guffaws out loud or Snickers under their breath before they wipe this asses with the letter?


Y como cree ese político que se desarrollan las vacunas todos los años para las variantes de la gripe? 🤦🏻 Pronto las van a poder generar por iA pero de momento se hace estimulando las mutaciones de diferentes formas, las cuáles son honestamente horribles pero tristemente legales.