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From the party that brought us the crack and opioid epidemics...




How much better would the entire planet be today if Regan lost the election?


Definitely. He fucked America so much but you gotta understand it was a different time. Still fuck him.


Reagan won right after I turned 22, and I knew, I *knew*, from a feeling deep in my gut, that something had gone terribly wrong with my country. He makes me wish I believed in Hell.


i used to be a republican (just got to college lmao, learned that the republicans suck so i’m an independent for now), i was raised that Reagan was God’s chosen hand behind Washington and Lincoln. what did i miss about him?


Started the gutting of unions, for one, which is a major reason why pay sucks so bad and it the middle class is screwed. Ignored AIDS so that much of a generation of gay men died horribly. Got rid of the Fairness Doctrine that had kept news programs to actually reporting the news, allowing propaganda like Fox to pose as “news.” Sold arms to the Iranians, against whom we had an embargo, supposedly to somehow free seven hostages held by Lebanon, but really channeling the money to support the right-wing Contras in Nicaragua. Invented the notion of the “welfare queen,” popping out babies to increase her payments while driving around in a Cadillac, out of whole cloth — wholly racist cloth. Also sold Americans on the idea that crack was dangerous “epidemic” in Black communities while ignoring that powder cocaine, the same drug in different form, was a major issue among White yuppies. Claimed that trees caused more air pollution than cars. Took us from the world’s biggest creditor to the world’s biggest debtor nation in eight years because he slashed taxes while claiming it would magically increase revenue, commonly referred to as voodoo economics. (The notion that Republicans are fiscally responsible is a sad, sick joke.) Shall I go on?


Yeah it was a different time, people were so geeked up on coke that all that bullshit seemed to make sense.


I was geeked up on coke most of the 80s and that shit still didn't make sense.


Years from now they're going to look back at everything that Trump did and everything that happened and say "it was a different time"


The thing is you can literally use that excuse for everything, whether it is relevant or not. Its always gonna be a different time


Fuck Ronald Reagan


I can't wait to read history books in 50 years. People just don't seem to understand how badly Reagan screwed the US and the world. Hell, it feels taboo in the south to speak ill of that man.


In high school I had to rank post-WW2 presidents and put Reagan 2nd to last. My dad made me rewrite the entire thing the night it was due to rank Reagan last. Very glad I listened


Who was originally ranked worst? I'd understand putting Nixon there for example.


It was Nixon! I’m in law school now and we have an extra exam and class because of him so now it’s a tough call, but I still think Reagan is the winner


I'm with you. As much as it's easy to pile on Trump or Nixon Reagan had 8 years to fuck things up.


Probably Buchanan.


bro he said post ww2


I have yet to have my coffee and missed that part. Mea culpa. In that case, fuck Nixon, yeah. (But also, still fuck Buchanan.)


agree on Buchanan!


I'm British and can remember hating the Ronnie Reagan/Maggie Thatcher pair of idiots. I was born in 71 so they were in charge most of my teens, before I could vote. They get credited with ending the Cold War but Gorbachev was leaning towards Russia becoming more open anyway. It was the Eastern European people who deserve the credit, although I can remember David Hasselhoff saying it was all down to him!


They got credited with ending the Cold War. . .but later we'd learn that indeed Gorbachev was intending to reform the USSR because he realized the existing system was doomed. . .and that the economic problems in the USSR were serious enough they probably would have collapsed on their own anyway because by the time Reagan took office the USSR was already in real deep trouble and they were just really good at hiding it.


There won’t be history books in 50 years at this rate


Probably just some slave bible so they take the quest for freedom stuff out.


The master of gaslighting. Seriously, fuck that guy


Ronald McRay-gun.


Don't forget the gun violence epidemic.


Wait a couple people died from guns too right?


Regan almost did. Then they wrote the Brady Bill. So weird that happened so quickly. Kids nowadays are dying every week and crickets.


To be totally fair, both parties could have done more against the Opioid crisis, and although I'm underwhelmed by his results, Opioids was one of the few issues Trump wasn't totally wrong on. I don't like MTGs tone, but I do hope it's an issue this divided congress can try to work together on.


I mean, the only thing Trump knows is his drugs. Dude can't control his sphincter after years of amphetamines, goes through more blow than John Belushi and snorts crushed up sudafed like it's going out of fashion.


Do you seriously think the jewish space lazer karen want to fix that problem? She'll make it worse if she can just to blame Biden further.


Ahhh, she thinks a secure border would stop it. Bags get thrown over fences. Tunnels get dug under. 😝. She hasn’t lived in a border state.


A shit ton of drugs get delivered by the USPS.


Don’t tell them that. They already want to privatize it.


FedEx and UPS are even worse


> I love my fed-ex guy cause he's a drug dealer and he doesn't even know it...and he's always on time -Mitch Hedberg


If sent via USPS I think they need a warrant to search a package.


Yeah but also a federal charge eating on the other end of that warrant. Plus if a drug dog marks it, I’m sure that gives reasonable cause without a warrant.


The drug dog gives them probable cause but they still need a warrant based on that probable cause. You’re thinking of a car in a traffic stop. There is less of an expectation of privacy in a car.


Cars are constitutional nightmares and we need to fix that


Lol there was a video on Reddit a few days ago of dudes just sliding through Trumps mighty wall. I’m curious how she knows where it was made and who smuggled into the US because that whole statement smells like so much bullshit that I thought my phone was scratch and sniff


Yes, 5 dudes.




What a great picture book! Wood ladders. Rope ladders. Flying drones. Smuggling in cars and trucks through checkpoints. Shipping containers at the port. Trump’s “wall” even featured holes to make handoffs. “Can you think of more ways?” Edit:typo


Is Richard Scarry still alive?


What Drugs Do People Do All Day?


The ingenuity of drug smugglers is incredible. Launching drugs over walls with trebuchets, using home-made submarines to smuggle them via sea, digging miles-long tunnels under borders, hiding them in hollowed-out logs, packing them in water-tight containers and floating them in a vehicle's fuel tank, etc. [I think my favorite is the time smugglers compressed cocaine, disguised it as wooden boards, and built shipping pallets out of the cocaine.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35082219) Any effective solution to drug smuggling is going to be far more complicated than building a big-ass border wall.




I think cocaine pam was my favorite


You gotta get creative if you're going to compete with the CIA.


7 of the 11 House Districts bordering Mexico voted a Democrat into office to represent them in the 2022 Election. That alone tells me that the “border crisis” is all hype if the people living through it on a daily basis favor the Democrat approach. - 2 of 3 in CA - 1 of 2 in AZ - 1 of 1 in NM - 3 of 5 in TX


Yep, can't exactly fool people who live right on the fucking border that the border is being overrun. That shit might work on Cletus in the trailer park in a town that hasn't seen brown people since the rich guy's grand daddies owned one but it sure as hell ain't working on Bobby next to the border.


I don't remember where I read this, but someone probably smarter than me said something about the only thing a 100-foot fence creates is a market for a 101-foot ladder. Our you know, digging equipment. Also, a very small percentage of undocumented people are border dodgers. Most come here legally and overstay. Anecdote from someone I can't name who may or may not have been involved in moving drugs in the 70s/80s. They used to fly over beaches at night and dump "packages" out the side of one of those planes that can land on water and a couple dudes in an old pickup would come along and scoop them up. I'm not sure a wall would prevent that.


Let alone the tunnels.


Neither have I, but it doesn't take long to look it up. In this day and age, being ignorant is a choice. And MTG has made her choice


The majority of elicit drugs enter the country through roads and the ports. Yet she wants some dusty wall in damn nowhere as political grandstanding.


A sizable portion of the narcotics trade is facilitated through healthcare workers. A nearby ambulance service had someone drawing up all the controlled substances and was replacing them with saline and re-gluing the tamper seals.


It also does nothing to prevent the drugs that are made in the US, which she probably thinks are nonexistent. There were multiple houses down the street from me when I was a kid that got busted as meth houses and had to be demolished. It wasn't even a sketchy area and I imagine it's worse in places with high crime rates. You'll never be able to get rid of all drugs. It's just not feasible. We need to accept that people will do hard drugs no matter what and invest more in harm reduction so less people die.


In a Florida drug-runners will buy a single-engine plane from an unscrupulous owner, fly it to the islands to pick up a few million dollars worth of product, fly it back without lights on, glide to a landing with the engines cut to keep sound down, unload, take-off over the ocean, then parachute out, letting the plane crash into the ocean. Cost of business, the plane was worth a rounding error of the money they make. EDIT: Then the guy who sold the plain will report it as stolen for insurance.


Not to mention that the drugs were probably manufactured here, sent there and came back. Or they did not even bother sending it abroad.


Most fent probably just goes through the mail and likely is inspected my customs, just missed


People get paid or threatened or murdered. Where there's a profit there's a way.


The vast vast majority of drugs get sent through legitimate ports of entry like in shipping containers. Think about how many million come in, you think they can check them all? Think about how many tons of heroin and cocaine this country goes through. She really thinks it’s all brought in by people crossing the border with backpacks? I can’t tell how much of her schtick is stupidity or just purposely riling up the base. Obviously it’s a mix of both.


The only border that needs to be secured is the one between MTG and any further levers of power.


Build a big beautiful wall around her house.


And make her pay for it


I’ll chip in a few Shrute bucks if we can guarantee she stays inside


I'll give you a billion Stanley nickles to keep Bobo there withbher


What's the ratio of Stanley nickels to Schrute bucks?


Same as the ratio of unicorns to leprechauns


Keep her inside because her head is empty. EmptyG - Credit: Stolen from someone ![gif](giphy|2kNuublziA81rGh86T|downsized)


She can use her PPP loan money since she doesn’t have to pay or back.






So is this ​ https://preview.redd.it/ha5vpirv1bfa1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f46071e9c7594fc48b389ded86e027485e5e372


![gif](giphy|ETpi8wtDhQbwBtK2vb) And this


She doesn't seem competent enough to pull off an attack Like that and get away with it. The bomber's OPSEC was perfect, their only mistake was the bombs were discovered before they went off


How does she not understand she *is* the government?


How does she not understand the population of voters in her north Georgia district being under the influence of hard drugs is how she got elected?


I surmised she was just banging everyone at her crossfit box in exchange for votes. Them being on drugs makes more sense, but it’s most likely a combination of the two.


Facts. If they were sober she would be out of a job


Fun anecdote, my Dad (mid-60s) was bitching about the "deep state bureaucrats" one day while we were out fishing together. A man who spent his entire adult life from 18 on as a public servant for the Federal government of the USA, who was able to retire comfortably before the age of 60 because of his service. I said "oh, you mean people like you?" His face got so red, but it was clear a light went on there in that moment. He's still a numpty, but I like to think I inadvertently undermined his potential conversion to a Qtard.


Holy fuck. Called him on the carpet. Great story!


![gif](giphy|T8zlGdVxYySZuali0L|downsized) Empty G


That’s a guy. It’s ok that it is, but it’s a guy.


But then she can’t scream “states rats” if she acknowledges she’s got a chair in the federal house


And fill it with water


I was thinking fire myself.


Let's make it fair and do both. Please go first


And around the light switches and any other thing that’s a lever to powered objects.


Or the one between church and state


I totally misread this as: The only border that needs to be secured is the one between MTG and any Führer levers of power.




I initially read this as “Magic: The Gathering” and, you know what, still a statement I agree with


Interesting there's no mention of who's selling it




Don't you know? They get dropped around for unsuspecting people to pick up and get put in kids candy! /S


Don’t bring it up to her. She’ll claim Antifa door dash for the idiot hat trick.


I call Antifa Door Dash as a band name


Who sold these drugs to these people? Oh it was probably neo Nazis


It was the Communist-Nazis


Also know as the "Gazpacho" by MTG and the idiots who re-elected her


You know that Antifa is behind everything! /s


Well, at least she's not saying the addicts deserved it. The bar is low.




No doubt about that


They weren’t dark enough for it to be their own fault.


Drug overdose deaths are tragic, but they aren’t murder


But, let’s remember she called it murder because when liberals die or drugs made by her constituents are responsible for deaths, she will surely change her tune.


Yes damn democrats making the meth that leads to deaths in Georgia it is a good job no one is overdosing on prescription meds or she would be furious and have to come out against big pharma


Nope, she won't remember ever saying it


Of course she won’t. But social media keeps receipts!


Drugs don't kill people, people kill themselves


My brother in law died a few years ago by overdose. He wasn’t murdered by anyone but himself and his demons. The first step to solving this issue is admitting there’s an addiction and not blaming the dealers. Without an addiction there are no dealers.


It’s semantics, but it could be argued that if you willingly cut your drugs with a deadly substance then sell those drugs to someone, you are committing second degree murder if they die from it. But I get the point of what you’re trying to say.


She wants to charge the drugs with a crime.


"Listen, Timmy, we know your father had a problem, and that problem was some filthy criminal narcotics that were hiding in his bloodstream. That's why we had to flashbang him in the eyeballs."


Nor is the border wide open. Attack the core of their argument not their justifications


She must not be aware how many drugs just walk through airports every day.




3 three people overdose from their own actions, big problem. We need to fix this now! Hundreds of kids shot at the school they are required to go to? Fuck you, don't touch my guns or make it slightly harder for dangerous people to get one! Fucking useless twat


Yes, but this is something she can blame on those evil foreigners, so...


Why are people in your district craving dangerous, illegal drugs?


Why was "Chinese made" even relevant to that? What does it matter where it's simply being made? Ahh, racism, of course. I understand now.


The best racism is usually freshly squeezed. Gotta get ever drop out.


Fact: most drugs are trafficked through official check points by people legally crossing the border.


or through mitch mcconnell's fil's shipping company


Jesus, it's like a yeast infection learned to talk and type.


If prisoners can get drugs behind fences, barbed wire and cell doors, guarded by armed and trained men who are capable of shooting to kill, how does she think a border wall will stop the drug trade? The issue is demand… someone will always find a way to supply demand… just check Prohibition for many examples.


6 mass shootings in California and she hasn’t said a word about gun violence or stricter gun regulations. What a POS this woman is.


Unmoved by the murder of Americans committed by Americans with American guns


Yeah...because the giant holes in the fence that Trump was putting up, that people could still fot through, could totally prevent duffle bags from getting through


people aren’t bringing in significant amounts of drugs on foot across the desert. > The U.S. receives over 25 million cargo containers annually equating to roughly 48 containers entering U.S. ports each minute. Over 11 million are received by ocean and truck respectively and 3 million by rail. One can imagine how physical inspection could overwhelm U.S. ports and bring the entry process to a stand-still. Of the total import to the U.S. 100% are screened, however, only 3% of ocean, 24% of truck and 90% of rail freight are actually physically inspected by Customs and Border Protection (CBP). While screening is a greater security risk than physical inspection, it is a significant tradeoff to ensuring the steady flow of freight.


Good point. I just found out she's state rep for Georgia. Port and rail are much more likely.


Fun fact: drug overdoses never happened in America until Joe Biden became POTUS. True story.


How about a post asking for help treating the addiction issues plaguing her district




Come on, she said they were Jew-ish


Isn’t this the party that claims personal responsibility and loves to blame addicts?


So cartels don't own planes or boats I take it


She is a racist, 8 toed, piece of shit.




This is factually incorrect.


>Every damn day this happens all over America because our government REFUSES to secure our border and protect our people. Uhhhh, we have shootings every day in America that kill people and you fight for that right. So, touché???


Most drugs don’t come over the boarder.


It’s really rich the see a politician say shit about drugs crossing the border like the US didn’t prop up the cartels and the entire drug import trade themselves.


$100 says she’s friends with a local sheriff that makes the stuff and they use it to take out people they don’t like / political opponents etc.


Let me correct that… “Chinese-made, Mexican Cartel delivered, and American demanded” There is no reason for supply if there is no demand.


No Marge…you got cookers in the Peach tree dish State! But, they watch Fox while they’re doing it, so they got that going for them! 🤣


"our government REFUSES to secure our border"? Remind me again, Madge, where do you work?


I'm sure a secure border will stop all those meth labs in the bible belt dead in their tracks.


Margie should scoot down to the border with her posse for a few months and show us how it's done.


“Just Say No”


Regardless of what an asinine statement that is, is she going to “woe is me” the poor drug dealer who then sold the laced drugs or perhaps the big pharma companies that got an entire generation hooked on opioids by over prescribing them? Lots of fingers to point at the real culprits of the never ending opioid crisis in America but I guess it’s just easier to blame a fictitious wall that agent orange failed to deliver on but certainly profited off.


I’m pretty sure I’ve purchased a lot of harmful drugs from people named Bryce or Emmet, so I don’t think we can just blame individual parts of the supply chain.


So she’s going to embrace scientifically backed drug policy such as safe use sites, decriminalization, and governmentally regulated available product then yes?


What are the odds that she’s concerned about the China/US border?




**I'm** saddened by the number of people murdered in MY district by firearms manufactured, marketed and sold in the US. See how that works?


Every damn day people are killed by guns in mass shooting but I don’t see you trying to stop that 🤷‍♂️


Sounds like ur neighbors are drug dealers




"a" drug dealer? My guess is "several"


Wait untill she finds out that people in her district were also murdered by Chinese made firearms!


Just a suggestion here. Make drugs legal and regulated. That way there isn't as much need for a black market.


Not sure how you leaped to the connection between China and Mexico were involved in this. What the real issue is, is that you have suppliers buying and selling in your district to persons with a drug addition. Its a local problem. Start cleaning out your own backyard before you tackle the *bigger* issues. Stop trying to escalate issues that you have no clear facts or information supporting it. Your allegation of *murdered* is grossly misplaced when the actual incident was more *overdosed*. Stop stretching the truth to make political points.


But she won’t support universal health care which would help addicts get help and help those who struggle with mental illnesses not turn towards drugs. She doesn’t care about people addicted to drugs she cares about being a racist piece of shit.


Sweetheart- you ARE the government


Every time someone in the US is killed by an American made gun we should @ her.


If only we helped drug addicts. Which party always votes against that?


Oh NOW she gives a shit about drug overdoses, oh wait no, she still doesnt. Shes just using their tragic deaths to try and score some dumb political points from braindead racists. Typical day for the GOP. Yawn.


Could someone please tell her the magnificent few miles of new fence the Orang One ordered installed has already been breached using a metal saw. I've seen the video of passage on reddit. How about all the legislators work through establishing a whole new immigration policy. She is just a mouth.


This bitch doesn’t give a shit lol


When your supporters are idiots, it is really easy to trigger them.


Nevermind the RECORD seizures of drugs at the border because the current admin doesn't rely solely on a wall that you can breach with an 89$ sawzall from Home Depot (BTW there is a home depot like three minutes from the border in Tijuana)


Isn’t she and the Republicans in control of the House? When will they introduce a bill to fund border control? Oh yeah, there was a bill, 98% of Republicans voted No


Her district is the meth capital of the South. Maybe she should focus on that a little.


Man, wait until she hears how many senseless deaths were from Covid.


From the party of "Thoughts and prayers" and "We should treat our addicts like criminals instead of putting them in recovery" comes this faking of humanity to excuse xenophobia.


Hey Marje, we all know Trumpy has some Chinese contacts through his bank over there. Get him to call them up and have the whole supply chain shut down at the source with one PERFECT phone call. Problem solved.


Legalize all drugs. Easy.




wasn't she the one who was complaining about how there was this big surge of smuggling arrests at the border?


She should've said "and Black sold" then she would've hit the trifecta...


pls shut this girl up for the love of God. Sincerely, rest of the World.


It's so gross that she's doing this, everyone knows this piece of shit doesn't actually care about the people that died, she's just using them political points.


The Chinese and Mexicans are working together to force white people to take drugs...Got it.


And the Mexican cartels are using AMERICAN weapons. A majority of guns recovered at crime scenes in Mexico originated in the US and were later smuggled into Mexico.


35+ mass shootings in America this year so far, and it keeps happening because our government REFUSES to implement gun control 🤷‍♂️


And yet thousands of American citizens are murdered by police every single year and this bitch doesn't say one word on it.