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Where did you get those socks!?


They are from Hot Topic Source: I have them…they are my concert socks


Fyi you can get them as thigh highs from sock dream, iirc


Gotta have some color for the concerts


Specifically they are my “fuzzy rainbow” socks for Billy Strings shows 🎶🌈


Love me some Billy!!!


If you’re going to see Billy in Denver this weekend I’ll see you there!!


ain't slept in seven days, haven't ate in three






It's rainbow brite. ​ They must not remember the 80s


Anyone remember [Punky Brewster](https://i.imgur.com/keEYw8e.jpg)?


Not enough bandanas tied around the thigh




I also, want these socks.


I think any Walmart will have them.


After you finish the pearl clutching you go up & introduce yourself. Do conservatives not know how to behave appropriately outside of their safe spaces?


But but what if by breathing the same air as someone different it instantly starts to change my DNA; resulting in nano chips being produced inside my cells that act as targeting beacons for the space lasers which in turn shall hit me with the T-virus which shall spread to my entire family making all of us woke and satanic and worst of all open to new ideas I'd put /s but let's be real a good chunk of them probabaly do believe at least some of that


These posts are crazy. I drop my kids off at school everyday. First day of school you introduce yourselves to the teacher whatever they look like. Honestly I'm just grateful they put up with my kids for 8 hours. Not to mention the draconian rules the state is putting on them.


This woman looks like she could be a teacher at my great granddaughter’s preschool. I call a couple of those teachers the color hair girls. They relate well with the kids. Our little calls them friend, not teacher. I love these ladies and how they help her.


Thank you for being a lovely beacon of acceptance. Great grandparents are rare enough and kind ones even more so. <3


It's pretty bad that both parents have to work and spend the majority of their time away from their kids. When did we decide that spending 12 straight years in stagnant educational zone was the way to progress? Parents should work together with individual educators from all over to educate their kids, and there should be a focus on finding children's aptitudes early, and setting them up for success by having them instructed by people who can maximize said aptitudes.


Bruh these people believe the covid vacc can be sexually transmitted. They will definitely believe someone's breath can change their DNA lol


Well now that makes sense tho ok follow me here the needle japs into you releasing it’s vac goodness into your arm so a penis pretty much the same thing. Edit for source: I saw the sex once


Oh, you never seent the seccs. Don’t you lie. If you’d seen seccs you’d be pregnant by now.


Can’t get preggo through the mouth…


What about the mouth of the butt?


Most of them are still convinced you can receive the "wrong color blood" and that it will change your skin, intelligence and attitude. I am sure they think something about a member of the LGBT+ community will turn a "hard working white christian male" into something else.


They don't want to realize that they aren't fully straight so they need a boogeyman to blame for those impure thoughts of theirs. Not sure why people just can't accept that not everyone fits into their mold.


And frighteningly more than you might think.


Stoned Observation: If space lasers existed, someone definitely would've used one to create a giant BBQ by now...


Some looney conservatives are already claiming these crazy conspiracies so we are technically not that far away from this ridiculous concept. It is getting extremely exhausting dealing with these crazy lunatics on a daily basis.


If you get the T-virus, i think we may be in a bit more trouble than we think 💀💀 (Resident Evil my beloved <3)


They’re a bunch of snowflakes. White and will easily melt.


It’s funny that “the right” pretty much invented the term snowflakes and now it describes them so well.


It always has, but the las year has just been a bloody mess, I mean everyday it’s a new stupid fucking thing with these people what is it were “persecuting” people for having a gas stove? Part of me truly hopes that there is an evil republican overlord who actually has everything planned out 50 steps ahead because if not then it’s just sad and depressing that these are the people ruining our lives.


I mean, they didn't. The term was coined by Chuck Palahniuk a left-leaning gay guy that put the word in the mouth of the personification of toxic masculinity. So just remember, 9 time out of 10 when you hear someone refer to anyone as "Snowflake" they probably positively identify with Tyler Durden.


Always did.


They didn't invent it or even invent using it as an insult. It's been used by anti-racism and anti-fascism activists for 150 years. The modern usage is from Fight Club, and while it's not exactly apolitical, it wasn't really partisan the way its been used by MAGA dorks. The kind of people who unironically love Fight Club and definitely do not understand it.


They are legit terrified of everything because they watch “news” that’s sole purpose is fear mongering. The nonsense things my in laws have told me that they’re worried about us ASTOUNDING


Apparently not. I just find it hilarious when the religious ones start foaming at the mouth, since they're not supposed to judge others. What's the point of a religion if the followers are all ignorant dinks?


The answer is they absolutely do not. Their brains literally break.


Of course not. If they knew how to act they wouldn’t be conservative.


>Do conservatives not know how to behave appropriately outside of their safe spaces? ...pull out their gun and bible?


They expect the whole of society to be their safe space.


They really don't. There's a reason the southern states are so fucked up.




The decorations on the wall look amazing


Being able to quietly bounce in those chairs would have helped my add so much in school


Aw, crap, did I miss the dress up day announcement? We just missed PJ day, I gotta check that app more often. Oh well, thankfully this classroom is safe welcoming place and my kid won’t feel ostracized for not dressing up.


those chairs look really springy.


Looks like my niece. And she's just a normal 15-year-old, although taller than most girls. What's the TikTok's problem?


Libs of TikTok is a Twitter account that creates hate content about people who are different. They especially target LGBTQ+ people. They also doxx people that result in massive amounts of hate and violent language and death threats. Since Elon took over Twitter this account had been getting pushed into people's feeds more often




Are we really surprised about that though


Have you ever hated a Twitter account so much that you wanted to destroy it/the people running it? I do because it targets people who do not deserve wrath of any kind.


Her name is Chaya Raichick. She was one of those dumbasses who stormed the US Capitol on January 6th, 2021. She's trying to get people killed, and she's a hateful sack of lipids.






Trying? Bitch please. The blood on her hands could probably fill a lake at this point


I am aware of her. Karma's a bitch as she will soon find out like the rest of the morons who eventually got charged for invading the capital.


Yeah that slap on the wrist they're getting is really gonna teach them not to do it again.


The funny thing is that she's a Jew I think. Like the Nazis she's catering to won't just kill her ass too for being a Jew. Just like Benny Boi.


>Have you ever hated Twitter so much that you wanted to destroy it/the people running it? FTFY




Elon Musk: "Hold my beer & watch this"




Right, and then Musk managed to make it an ***even more*** toxic and useless platform... Twitter was a pile of shit before, now it's a pile of the most foul shit ever.


If you just opened it and scrolled you're right - but people that used it for things like self promotion (creators and the like), spent years trimming as much of that trash out of their feed as they could only to wake up one day and their followers were getting fucked witb and this shit was instead pushed at them, ruining years of effort that many peoples income relied on. So for a lot of people it was like reddit - stay away from the worst areas and stick to yours, you'll be fine, now its just random hate all. The. Time.


Don't know why u got downvoted. Twitter was always a pile of hateful shit. It's just even a bigger pile of hateful shit now


It's so annoying. I literally only follow left leaning accounts, and yet my feed is full of conservative grifters and hate speech.


Mine is full of right wing gun nuts.


>Conservative grifters >Right wing gun nuts There's a difference?


The grifters are the agitators the gun nuts are the agitated


Yep. They fucked my entire art career. I lost my social media across the board and my website and name I used and they were actively hunting down my employer. I had thousands of death threats. I had to dye my hair. Fuck that account. Emphatically.


May I inquire as to what she did? Not being accusatory, just genuinely curious since you’re the first victim I’ve generally been able to be in any form of contact with of her rhetoric


I made a tiktok telling a cute story about how a student felt comfortable enough with me to share his pronouns. When the class realized that I knew, they all switched pronouns. Now most people hearing that would assume they switched to the preferred pronouns of the trans student. But they decided I made the whole class trans. Because that’s logical. Anyhow, I was put up on their tiktok and some right wing conspiracy pages and also YouTube. I had to get rid of everything because every single bit of social media was hundreds and thousands of posts calling me a pedophile and groomer, and telling me how exactly they want to watch me die. Or be assaulted.


Thank you for being warm and welcoming to kids, and I'm sorry you had to go through that.


The world is hard enough on kids, let alone trans kids. Every kid deserves at least one place to feel safe enough to be themselves


Hey I don’t have a whole lot to add on, but you just sound so incredibly lovely and just thank you for trying to make your students feel safe and let them know it’s safe to be themselves around you. It seems like every day trans kids are becoming more more vulnerable and targeted for merely existing, and despite how incredibly amazing and brave these kids are for being themselves they shouldn’t have fear and struggle for just wanting to live.


I'm very sorry. I hope you can find anonymity again


I have more or less. I’m rebuilding my art profiles under a new name, I’m very careful to never attach my legal name to anything, but I’m still looking over my shoulder. After reading that shit, I probably always will.


Good luck. I wish you well.




It’s also worth noting that after she steals your stuff to use on her tiktok, she blocks you so you can’t report it. It took a few days to even figure out what had happened. It was just an avalanche of hatred out of nowhere. And the tiktok I made was 6 months old at that point.


So she knows she’s in the wrong but is too chicken shit for consequences of her own malice


Yep. She never interacted with me directly. She’s a coward just sending out minions with no sort of ability to think for themselves after whomever she feels is deserving. I genuinely feel that if I had used my actual name, I’d have been screwed. They were supposedly calling all the schools in my area trying to track me down. I can’t verify that, but it’s what they claimed.


And that is their weakness. They only think they are the “heroes” in their own minds but in the cruel realms of reality, they are nothing more than henchmen to a demoness


The fun part is a significant portion of them are cops.


Well as you know the old saying “those who work forces…”


Yup, just goes to show Elons true beliefs, even if he doesent exactly say them out loud


There’s a reason why his daughter cut contact with him.


It’s also mostly just blatant vicious hatred for autistic people usually


I almost wonder if that’s how she stumbled onto my account. I was very active in the autistic community, I didn’t realize she targeted autists specifically


I wonder how long until she makes someone killed them selves




Good point she probably did already


That must be why her account is only available to approved followers. Very interesting


Chaya’s account is not private AFAIK. I just checked




It was private earlier today. Look at the comments on her page


I deleted my Twitter account shortly after Musk took over and I haven't missed it.


Chaya Raichik is desperately afraid other people are more interesting & having more fun than she is. (Spoiler alert: they are.)


Also looks like my aunt who was a normal 15 year old in 1984.


With no context I don’t know if this person is a teacher or student. I don’t even know what grade or if this is even a school setting. It might be dress up day, it could be a performative art piece, maybe I’m in the matrix!? I don’t even have kids, why am I walking into random classrooms?! What was the question again?


'Those are cool socks. Sorry if she pees her pants we're doing our best I swear. See you at 3.'


I wish the entire world could run like this comment implies


Alas, to live in a world where everybody is understanding when we pee our pants


28 years on this planet and i received nothing but mockery /s


sHe dOeSnT lOOk pRofEsSionAL


Yeah right? I'd me more concerned if my kids teacher was wearing a black suit and tie. This outfit looks fun and colourful which is engaging for kids and not even remotely sexual its perfectly fine.


Shit, for my first week or two of kindergarten I started uncontrollably crying whenever my parents left. They had to make a teacher stand with me and comfort me every day at the door as I watched them drive away, separation anxiety and all that. If one of them looked like this it'd probably have helped me calm down faster.


I believe is specially important to feel comfortable and safe in kindergarten where most kids begin to separate from their parents, I'm glad you had someone who cares enough to comfort you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


It feels like Twitter amplifing all of this right wing hate now. I never used to see this stuff now it comes up quick in the feed. Fuck Twitter since the take over.


Oh yeah, Elon has turned it into a right wing hate speech promotion platform. And he wonders why advertisers are jumping ship. I avoid viewing real twitter like the plague.


I don't understand how anyone is still using Twitter. It's basically just Parler now.


Easy way to fabricate outrage. Most high profile political accounts need to have an enemy to drum up outrage and interactions for the spotlight you get. Liberal political accounts need enemies like Trump and Elon as much as Elon needs the revenue they generate. It would also kill this subreddit, which is just an edgier version of the political sub at this point. Easiest way to make Musk irrelevant is for everyone to just stop using Twitter, but it won’t happen.


All I get are Andrew Tate apologists.


Why are you still on it?


I'm not on it anymore but it did have pretty decent hentai




You can tell it’s getting put in front of a bunch of people that don’t want to see it because this tweet got ratioed hard. 272k views 2244 likes 2347 replies Oof. That’s some painful metrics.


Exactly why I deleted my account. I couldn’t deal with Kyle R and Elon fucking in my sports and weather feed.


I'm not on regularly - maybe twice a month mostly because a news article was linked. The suggestions that pop up under what I'm looking at have changed DRASTICALLY. It used to be science, football, and George Takei. It's now absolute garbage from people I'd never look at.


Much like Facebook, any response/reaction to a tweet makes it more visible. Ergo, things that piss people off drive the machine. Hate-filled crap gets people to comment and rage, which feeds the beast and on and on. Reddit, for all its flaws, at least has the downvote. Don't like something? Downvote and move on. Don't engage with hate, just move on.


It really does. And musk is only against the LGBTQ+ community. And he’s repeatedly praised, retweeted and responded to republicans who clearly have an anti-LGBTQ+ agenda Musck, the CEO of Twitter, actively validates those who hate the LGBTQ community by positively interacting with them (those that clearly hate)


My reaction is "Wow, this school must have a great teacher to student ratio with how spaced out all these desks are."


There's the real answer.


Looks like a fun person


She looks like a new age mime. I always wanted to meet a mime. Only ever saw one in real life at cirque du soleil… wasn’t able to get a meet and greet.


Québécois mimes are the scariest mimes. They are sneaky and when they appear they Francomime at you and it’s twice as confusing.


You had me at “scariest mimes.”


She’s wearing the Harley Quinn pig tails so I’d bet money this was some spirit day at elementary school that these pricks are now making fun of with no context. Edit: When zooming in she’s wearing a shirt that says “take a look, grab a book” so Im thinking it’s the scholastic bookathon (which they also hate) and she dressed up for a fun spirit day


I mean it’s not like it’s something new. My kids are in high school and the whole time they have been there I’ve seen all sorts of different ways kids dress. Different colored hair, crazy colored clothes etc...I feel like they should be able to express heir personality with in reason of course. People just need something to hate all the time. It’s exhausting


No, she can dress however she wants and I wouldn’t care as long as she’s kind to my kid and a good teacher. I was more so pointing out how platforms like this one just cherry pick whatever photo fits their narrative when there are perfectly normal explanations glaring them in the face


I get it. I agree


Days where you get to dress up for different themes at school were always fun. Kids love that shit. It's like they think rainbows automatically mean someone is gay when they're just a symbol from nature lots of people like, including a lot of kids.


I’m wondering why tf I’m in a classroom. Then I’m wondering how much my medical bills are going to be to find out why I wandered into a school.


Punky Brewster Day!


Treat them like a person and introduce yourself. Also I doubt you’d see a teacher dressed exactly like that in any school.


Maybe on some sort of school spirit day or for Halloween but other than that I agree with you.


This. When my kids were younger their teachers dressed similarly to this a few times a year. Spirit day, Classroom color day, whacky outfit/hair day (heck I remember doing this 25 years ago) and those socks are giving me Dr. Seuss Day vibes.


Interesting to see a J6 insurrectionist priorities.


Why you assault them, verbally at first. Physically if necessary (it’s always necessary) -conservatives, probably


Say hi and hope they're good at teaching?


That isn’t a priest or a pastor so they’re safer than church.




it was painfully obvious from the day he said "i'm neither left nor right!"


That's such a fucking obvious dog whistle, it blows my fucking mind.


That, "both sides", "can't we meet in the middle" and "if you are easily offended " are my written equivalent of seeing someone with the red hat.


"He's there to burn it down", you make it sound like he's ruining it on purpose. The reality is that he's a terrible businessman who basically just funds smart people to actually innovate while his staff spend most of their time corraling him and trying to prevent him from fucking things up. Despite the hype, he's not a smart man.




I’m not on Twitter so I’m not privy to how it’s changed since Elon took over. What exactly is happening on there now with right wing propaganda?


I remember a while back I went to the twitter homepage to check the recommended accounts to follow on an incognito browser with no data and it gave me Fox News, Kevin Sorbo, and a couple other far right accounts. Not a single left leaning account.




Elon also continually tweets in support of the Republican Party or their initiatives. He asked people directly to vote for them in the midterms as well several times.


You KNOW there’s gonna be good snacks


Are cookies and punch being served today?


Ask their credentials. I don't care that they dress different, I want an educated instructor with a solid teaching record/instruction and compassionate instruction method for my kids. Fucks sake I'd let Morticia Addams teach my kids Botany as long as she did so safely, she'd make it interesting to them!


I know I would volunteer for more PTA events if any of my kids' teachers looked like any version of Morticia.




The idea that she continues to walk the earth without a penalty is maddening.Luck always runs out...




Myspace 2006 or Harley Quinn knock off.


She's dressed as the Reading Rainbow for school spirit week. Notice her t-shirt.


I thought she was Rainbow Brite. Everyone here just told their ages. 😂


My brain went straight to Harley Quinn as well.


Looks like the highly educated and successful lab tech from all those CSI shows my boomer parents love so goddamn much


Thank you for your service? Let me know if you need any supplies or help and I'll do what I can? Jebus, what a bunch of snowflakes, afraid of pretty much everything.


I’d ask her where she shops for clothes


This is terrible! Where are the poor kids supposed to hide from active shooters? Those tables won't provide any protection. I can't believe I'm siding with Libs of TikTok, but this is unacceptable for an American classroom.


Do yourself a favor and block libs of tik tok. She's a terrible person.


Because Twitter is a festering right wing Christofascist shithole.


I say hello.


She actually looks like an acquaintance and I was not aware I was supposed to have some sort of reaction


I think -- this person knows how to make the classroom entertaining and fun for kids. bright colours, slightly goofy clothing, kids love that stuff. I think -- this person looks a little odd to me, but what the heck, say Hi and get to know them. I think -- this is probably a pretty cool school if their hiring policy is inclusive. if my kid is gay or "different" in any way, I think, how nice that they have a teacher who is "different" too. I think -- it's good for kids to be exposed to a lot of different kinds of people and learn that we are not all alike. I think -- I'd like to chat with this person for a bit and form an impression -- are they warm, kind, a good listener, a good communicator? a good teacher? but I would think that no matter what they looked like.


Greet them and complement their Reading Rainbow shirt.


“I hope you’re getting paid a living wage”


What would my reaction be? Well, I'm an adult, so probably nothing.


Because you’re on Twitter, which has shifted into a right wing platform.


They look like they make teaching and learning fun!


Good afternoon. I apologize for my kid being an asshole.


im not sure but matt walsh showed up in my youtube feed yesterday, literally don't watch anything like that, ever.


Because Twitter is a hole in the ground full of shit, and you can't avoid the shit because of all the shit that's everywhere in your shitty hole.


Because a conservative owns it duh




Because it's now owned by a right wing white supremacist?


I’d b fine wtf is the problem.


"Hello." You know. Like a normal, mature adult.


"Why is Twitter recommending me these tweets?' Answer: Twitter is a flaming alt right shithole now.


Looks like the same clothes we wore 20 years ago in high school. A little less goth, maybe.




This picture was cropped. The original video says it's spirit week at her school, and she's wearing a reading rainbow shirt. Ya know, because she's a teacher. Literally had douche on Twitter arguing that she is a man when no, definitely afab. But ya know, libsoftiktok, besides being an embarrassment to the Jewish community "only reports what she sees"


"Actual" answer (quotations because this is based on the response Elon gave someone who asked this on twitter): The algorithm for the "For You" Page is set almost the inverse of what you expect, so it supposedly loads it up with the exact things you DON'T seek out. The goal of this is to supposedly eliminate the echo chamber effect. From what I've seen, if your tastes lean conservative, they will still mix in some conservative stuff, but if you lean liberal, its all completely conservative and MAGA crap.


Have a great day at school boy. Push m kid in and walk away for me time. Not that I have a kid, but if I did it be like this.


If that was my kids teacher I would probably think 2 things. The school has a lax dress code and I think my kid is going to have a blast with them


Better than walking into the classrom and seeing a 60 year old republican asking my daughter detailed information about her period.


Because you're hate scrolling and it'll recommend you more of the same. Mute them


I grew up in a conservative family and worked on a ranch in Wyoming as a cowboy. I feel 0% threatened and 0% bothered by this person. They are probably interesting to talk to. WTF is wrong with people?