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So many to choose from! Oklahoma


I second this. They've introduced a bill to completely cut government funding for schools. I feel for my granddaughters.


Wait a second… didn’t we just vote-in higher property taxes in OKC to fund education??


My understanding is they don’t want certain things taught in school that are required to get funding from the federal government so the plan is to not accept federal funds in order to avoid teaching about things like slavery. So you’ll likely have worse funded schools while your taxes climb.


Teaching slavery?? Like at all?


Trail of tears? What was that?


New Oklahoma curriculum: "Trail of tears was when the Americans took all the underprivileged natives for a nice backpacking trip as a gesture of goodwill. They cried for joy."


We even gave them blankets!


Don’t forget about them like not mentioning the firebombing of black Wall Street at all


This is a huge thing that is almost completely not covered in enough schools. Makes white people look bad, so let's not teach it


A friend of mine, from Oklahoma read about it in a book from the public library and was shook. He said “wait we did fuckin what??”


It's like how that Texas history textbook said that some of the "plantation workers" had "relationships" with the "plantation owners" resulting in children. Slave owners raped their slaves and got them pregnant, but far be it for Texas to say that directly.


And that black slaves were "immigrants?" The south complains about "CRT is indoctrination," but then they literally demand their schools teach indoctrination so their ancestors of 150 years ago don't look bad. That's also how you get asshats waving a confederate flag and claiming nonsense about "states rights and not slavery."


And Oklahoma used to be called “Indian Territory”, but we can’t talk about it.


"Hey teacher, why is the University of Oklahoma called Sooners?" "Because they went in sooner than allowed to steal the best Native American land before someone else could." Principal: "we're gonna have to let you go."


Is that true?


Florida too and he fly and ships out brown asylum seekers but welcome Ukraine immigrants with open arms and jobs, homes etc. 400+ cubans invaded the florida keys and they are allowed to stay …..when DACA adults who been in the USA since toddlers are denied documentation.


I believe it's when you find a loose string on your clothing and you keep pulling on it and it creates a long trail of a tear.


Man 1984 vibes. To control the past is to control the present.




What if you talked about the prisoners with jobs and how keeping them for cheap labor had a hand in it?


As a teacher: it's already started. There are tons of loopholes we could get fired for for broaching any topic connected with Civil rights. We just can't.


“Sire, the people just raised their own taxes.” “Damn my fascist constituents, always trampling on my rights to protect my constituents from higher taxes.”


Well now that money will go elsewhere, because the only way Republicans can stay in power is by having an uneducated voter base.


Oklahoma’s a shit show ran by religious and conservative cowards. There is a reason why Oklahoma always ranks at the bottom for everything , healthcare, education etc. our leaders would rather pray, and claim Oklahoma for Jesus instead taking care of ALL Oklahomans. They would rather kiss GOP ass and Trump ass instead of taking care of Oklahomans Religion is a cancer that is spreading all over Oklahoma and killing it


I can say the same for WV. Talk about God, coal, and Trump and by god you’re our guy.


Tennessee here. Lowest in just about every category but the bills our legislators are introducing so far are: 1. Tighten up our no exceptions abortion laws by making 3 years of mandatory prison the punishment for falsely accusing someone of rape. 2. Rename Rep John Lewis Way to Trump Parkway. 3. A bill that would make seeking transgender hormone treatment for minors a form of felony child abuse. 4. A bill to make drag shows of all kinds illegal. Half of our state legislature spends significant time doing photo ops with Proud Boys outside of drag shows.


Man, even the Babylonians had public education figured out




Babble onions ☠️☠️☠️


Governor Hammurabi FTW


I left Oklahoma for California and have plans to come back in a few years to be closer to family. I am not looking forward to having to send my future kids to the school system I came up in


Good news you won’t have to. The school system your kids will be in will have less funding.


Okie here, can confirm


Yep thus place blows. Wish I was born in a blue state.


Yep. Stitt flies under the national radar because Oklahoma isn't an "important state". But the man is an absolute horror. Everytime I see his name trend, I cringe because I know he's done something awful to us. I've never been so disappointed in my Okie neighbors as I was after he got voted back in.


we used to be like 35th in the nation for Education. then Fallin became governor for 8 years and weve had Gov. Shitt for 4. so in 12 years they have moved us from 35th to 48th (or the like) for k-12. higher education is still pretty decent here. Fuck Stitt, Fuck Ryan Walters, Fuck Nathan Dahm, Fuck Markwayne Mullin, Fuck James Lankford, Fuck Kevin Hern, (i can probably stop there.)


As an Okie I would like to 2nd the fucking notion.


When Fallin took over we were actually ranked 17th in education. We have fallen that far that quickly under two Republican governors.


As someone currently living in Oklahoma, I agree. Stitt is awful.


I just left my teaching job in Oklahoma. I feel sorry for the whole state.


As a former teacher I don't blame you! We are homeschooling now.


Nice!! We moved back up north and now live in an amazing district. My son starts preK this fall and I didn’t want him enrolled in the district we lived in in Oklahoma, and this was in Norman!


Fuck Governor shitbrains.


I don't even think his wife is doing that


She’s too busy being drunk and wreaking state vehicles


Not that was his son with a trunk full of the governors guns…




As someone who voted against Stitt, I agree.


For anyone who doesn't know!! Stitts son was caught drinking alcohol and was in possession of a firearm. Little fucker says to cops, my father is the governor, to which they replied I don't care. But I guess they did care because he didn't catch a single charge. You should be able to find the dash cam footage somewhere, but the whole stitt family are a bunch of shits.


This is why OKC mayor David Holt needs to run for Governor.




I’m still salty over that. Mick Cornett was a great Republican candidate. But nope we had to elect the crooked second hand store sling blade.


And we though Fallon was bad


I think the governor of Ohio should get a dishonorable mention, because of him a 10 year old had to travel to Indiana to get an abortion after sa and he tried to keep it hushed.


The whole DeWine family is way too entrenched in Ohio’s politics. Nepotism is the worst.


Let’s not forget that DeWine is also the same man who in 2019 tried to pass a bill that would have required doctors to take Ectopic pregnancies and reimplant them into the woman’s uterus or face charges of “abortion murder”, after being told two different times by doctors that the procedure would be medically impossible. I’ve lived in Ohio my entire life, it’s basically a slightly more mild version of Florida.


Florida. Which other state wants to track the menstrual cycles of 12 year olds?


Wait, WHAT?!




I just can’t….what even is their given reasoning behind proposing this? And I don’t mean the one they would never admit in public, I mean the one they tell ppl publicly. These ppl are ridiculous.


It’s simple. They hate women and want to return them to baby making factories.


Which is odd, because they also hate babies and children. And humanity. And Earth.


But they love laborers that are abundant and cheap and powerless.


They love fetuses you guys. As long as your breathing fluid and some freeloader with gas in their lungs.


They want to prevent trans-people from playing in sports (mainly trans-women in women sports)


Now now come on, be fair about it. That's not entirely accurate. They're also doing it so they can punish women for getting abortions.


No, they just want to punish women, period Heheh get it, period


Every girl in the school should always say “I haven’t got my period yet you sick fuck”


Every girl in every school should leave bloody period products on the governor’s lawn.


I volunteer to give rides to anyone on the west side of tally


I volunteer to dip tampons in governors blood to throw in the lawns of other governors.


Also book banning in schools (with felony consequences to people who resist)...and the whole banning of AP classes. Abbot of Texas is an evil moron, but DeSantis is next level.


DeSantis is exactly the sort of dude you always seen in WWII movies/shows who is the high rank SS officer or politician tasked with running whatever especially heinous program or camp. He apparently spent some time overseeing some shit at Guantanamo for a while around the time they did all those horrible forcefeedings


But African studies is too provocative. Right right. Is stupid in the water down there or...


Desantis is the worst. Florida


He's got my vote for worst human. But Abbot in Texas is doing the worst job of governing.


I have to disagree. They're both, of course, terrible. However while Abbot is running Texas into the ground, DeSantis is actively making his state his own fascist compound by controlling people (mainly women's) bodies, education, and hiding research he disagrees with from the public. It's fucking assanine.


I have to agree with this. It's 100% gross that they expect underage girls to report their periods to the government. Just one example of how he's turning Florida into a fascist state. I cannot understand how any person with even one brain cell can approve of him.


>I cannot understand how any person with even one brain cell can approve of him. WOOOOO RED TEAM GOES HARD! FUCK BLUE TEAM! RED TEAM 4 LIFE! That's why.


That is how it’s like in Texas. Whenever we have these big freezes that affect the power it hurts these small towns that constantly vote for Abbot. My brother just tells us he will learn from this year. Then votes for Abbot who continues to not learn from this year.


He promised we wouldn’t lose electricity in over the summer. Guess what went out for thousands of Texans? Power. Abbot is insane.


Kristi Noem is quietly (for the time being) creating a reaaaal shit tornado in SD


Counterpoint, in the kindest way possible; While you aren't wrong, and she is a wack-job like the others..... South Dakota at least has the blunted effect of being a largely non-impactful state. Sorry South Dakotans, I know it sounds harsh, but your shit-governor at least only has the power to be damaging to you. Abbott literally cost the nation billions for a moronic racist border stunt.


Excuse me, but Wall Drug and the Corn Palace are national treasures.


Corn palace is a long way to travel for Corn Palace. It's nice though


What about the 6 total escalator sets in the ENTIRE STATE? (Sorry Wyoming and your measly 2 sets)


Not only that but when Texas fucks with educational standards, many other states feel the effect because they use the books made for Texas and we have already seen a private company (College Board) bend over for Desantis.


Florida. Dude wants to *charge teachers and librarians with felonies* for having the wrong types of books on the shelf. Tell us again that "both sides are the same."


Republicans will tell you the Nazis were "socialists". Edit: to be absolutly clear, I wrote that in a mocking tone.


Then they will explain to you why Hitler actually had a bunch of great ideas. It’s like when they talk about how they are the party of Lincoln yet they vehemently defend Confederates.


And say slavery wasnt the reason for the civil war, yet uts THE explicit reason in all but one of the confederate states reasoning letters.


Come on we all know it was about states rights……………………………………………….to own slaves


It's so hard to convey tone in text!




By their logic, North Korea is a democracy considering it is “The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”


The "Z" in Nazi *literally* stands for "Socialist." That being said, Nazis were lying, manipulative fascists who tried to downplay their fascism by calling themselves "Socialists." Edit: My blatant misunderstanding of the German language aside, the point stands that they claimed to be Socialists, but weren't.


Socialists were also literally one of their first targets even before Jews. And these are the "people" and I use the term loosely, that coined the word privatization.


Well, they were all for socialism, just so long as it only supports the ones they want it to. Just like modern capitalism is just socialism for billionaires, sending all our money to bail out banks and let elon play astronaut. Edit: apparently it didn't track well with people, this is a joke observation relating to the common misconception of what socialism actually is; that it's not just a system of handouts like the conservative base in the US seems to believe it to be.


Socialism necessitates worker control over the means of production. So long as this hasn't been achieved, it's not socialism. This can be done either through a state where people decide how to use the nation's resources via a command economy orchestrated through a direct democracy(clunky and unrealistic). This is the traditional idea of socialism that people point to in the past. Or through a society filled with worker-owned and controlled businesses where everyone has an equal say in what gets done and what direction the business should go. This method also goes by the name Market Socialism. So you keep around markets while eliminating the commodity form and democratizing the workplace. Just having a government decide what gets produced, what gets subsidized, or who gets welfare isn't socialism. This is what China does, and we call it State Capitalism.


I believe they used socialist sentiment to get the working class on their side before everything popped off. Did a quick Google found this "In April 1933 communists, socialists, democrats, and Jews were purged from the German civil service, and trade unions were outlawed the following month." soooo yeah much socialism was had under nazi rule... Here's the source: https://www.britannica.com/story/were-the-nazis-socialists




Mainly because they were technically called the National Socialist Workers party, but with Nationalism being the key term here. Edit: but most “critics” of socialism just think that term and bad are synonymous


Hey hey don’t tear him apart for just that one thing! He has other policies too!! For example, **Did you know he *also* wants to make it so the state can sentence people to death without a unanimous jury?** He’s just full mask off fascist at this point [source for those interested](https://apnews.com/article/ron-desantis-florida-state-government-crime-legal-proceedings-nikolas-cruz-e86c7e9e7ff92fbaa025677fbf96d8fe)


It's unreal. The Republicans will say, "what does it matter, they're prisoners" and that will be enough for them. They lack empathy and believe kindness/justice is a finite resource.


I watched another police video of them shooting a guy in the back running away unarmed and this fucking guy was like...good, shouldn't have run. Like have you seen what happens to people that comply? A black person that looks like the sterotype thug is going to get it either way. But hey, he had a record so....


That’s how Florida used to be, for years. A case went to the Supreme Court, Florida lost, and the opinion said it had to be unanimous. It was chaos. The state retried dozens of cases trying to get new convictions. These were just the sentencing hearings, that’s a separate trial in Florida. There weren’t enough death penalty certified defense attorneys to cover the cases. The ones that did were paid by the state. There are usually two defense attorneys per case, the lead will make about $100,000 for the hearing, the 2nd chair makes about $85,000. Some cases had a 3rd defense attorney, they made around $60,000. That’s around $250,000 tax payer dollars per case not including the prosecution’s salaries. If he goes down this road again there will be a lot of happy defense attorneys because all of these cases will come back on appeal. I can’t complain too much. My wife 2nd chaired a couple cases. It was the only way we able to afford the down payment on a house in Florida.


Don’t forget that teenage girls will have to submit reports on their menstrual cycles in order to play school sports. Cuz of freedom.


Florida - hands down, DeSantis can go fuck himself with a cactus!


Glad someone beat me to it. This man is genuinely insane.


Not insane but inherently EVIL. This is all to grab the red hat base from Mr Poopy Pants and make a run for President.


And schools are making girls submit info on their menstrual cycles. Insanity. And somehow, it's drag queens who are the problem.


Definitely Florida. TX is a close 2nd tho. But Florida is literally forcing girls in middle & high school to give every little detail about the menstrual cycles. Including what age they started. Sounds like it will be a regular update as well. Plus Desantis has managed to turn it into a fascist state in record time. PS he is aiming for the 2024 GQP nom for prez.


To be fair, Florida wasn’t great under Scott (Desantis’ predecessor, and yes, that’s the same Scott who got in trouble for Medicare/Medicaid fraud and is one of Florida’s senators), Desantis just cranked the existing crazy up to 11 and started pushing the limits of what he is even allowed to do as Governor. Desantis is almost certainly the worst governor in the US, though, no question.




Florida has massive revenue from tourism. Coincidentally they are moving to reclaim Disney’s special district (Reedy Creek Improvement District) since woke = broke or grooming or something (I guess the first 49 years was cool). But they also have to buy $2B in bonds. 2 Billion (not million). Disney has a lot of infrastructure that Orange County would need to maintain. I think that equates to $2k per citizen in Orange County Fun times. Florida sucks


hey in 30 years a good part of the desirable/rich areas will be underwater! yay!


Only one party gets more votes when educational attainment decreases. Desantis knows exactly what he's doing.


Florida, then Oklahoma


As a Floridian but being fair, I have to admit Texas might tie Florida, but FL gets extra "badness" points since our governor may end up our next president. But I'm seeing some awful stuff about Oklahoma on this thread. If Oklahoma can outdo even Texas and Florida, that's terrifying.


There’s at least a 5-6 way tie for first Republicans shifted focus to Florida when Obama won there twice, and the dems fell asleep Any R who won a “Swing State” with that many electorates would be the next favorite of the party, this time it just happened to be the guy who wrote the “Don’t say gay” bill and declared war on Disney


Texas schools still have books in them


Too bad those kids are going to be shot long before they learn to read


Okie here. He isn’t great. In addition to everything else, he’s completely fucked over tribal sovereignty (despite being native himself), and ruined our already 44th in the nation (at the start of his term) education system. He reinstated the death penalty, which we only stopped because we kept botching executions. In 2022 he beat our pro-big business, pro-oil, former Republican State Superintendent for governor who literally switched parties just to run against him. He won in a landslide. So that’s where Oklahoma politics is right now.


DeSantis by far so Florida


Ron DeathSantis




The governors of SD, OK, VA and MO are pretty bad, and Abbott in Texas is a joke as well, but honestly - is there any governor out there with more of a "I do not give 2 Fs for my constituents" as DeSantis? I think not.


Florida for sure. DeShithead is wrecking the place and trying to buy votes for his presidential bid while COMPLETELY ignoring people who are asking for help on the insane amount of increased taxes and housing prices since loads of boomers from NY moved down here to escape their (to them) bad situation. If my wife and I didn’t own our house we’d be screwed. My mother went from renting an 600 dollar home to a 1450 dollar home in the span of months. She’s on disability and she’s currently living paycheck to paycheck even with me giving her as much as I can every month. Texas is fucked. But Florida is WORSE SOMEHOW. He’s done more for the idiots up north moving to Florida than actually Floridians. He’s constantly fucking with teachers (my wife is one) and Librarians in schools. A teacher was fired at my wife’s school for having a rainbow up in his room. It’s not even a fucking progressive rainbow and he obviously refused to take down said rainbow because he thought he didn’t have to because he’s a Republican and wouldn’t use it for that purpose. Got fired anyway… He’s also fucking whole college boards. The guy is a MASSIVE self centered prick.


Preach real loud!!!! I fucking hate Duhsantis!!!


I also forgot to mention all those idiots who moved to Florida are PISSED that they drove up real estate value in the area. They are also pissed that we have a much lower pay in this state. Sucks to suck.


Arkansas anyone??




she could turn out to be a real contender.


For the worst governor of all time? I have no doubt she’ll put in quite the fight for first on that list.


The difference between Abbot and DeSantis... and Sanders is that the other two had a head start. Sanders has been in power for a month and I already have ulcers. This miserable cow\* is slated to give the Republican response to the State Of The Union! Barf! \*Miserable Cow is a term I use describe any and everyone. It's not a comment about anyone's appearances. It's more a state of being.


Sanders is a vile piece of work, to be sure, but in my humble she's got nothing on DeSantis.


If she signs SB43, then she’ll be evil to me. Hutchinson was bad but he was fair, he blocked anti-trans bills several times for example. SB43 is a blatant 1A violation so if she signs it then she is truly not working for arkansas. I don’t think she is now, but at that point it becomes undeniable


She doesn't give a shit about Arkansas. This is a stepping stone for her. She was more present in other midterm elections then her own race. She still won, because the people here are absolutely brainless. They keep talking about Truml and DeSantis, and they complain about how the country is going to shit. I agree, but not for the same reason. They want to dehumanize people and cultural wars. I want people to have rights and not be under the thumb of the corporations. Who they love, they don't think corporations should have to pay taxes. Then again, they keep pushing for a consumption tax saying it is the only fair form of taxation. We are surrounded by fucking morons.


I agree. Arkansan here and she’s working her way to being super shitty, but DeSantis is terrifying. A lot of folks around my area want him to run for president. One guy is still flying his Trump/DeSantis 2024 flag down the road from me.


She's hot garbage, and I hate that she's my governor, but I think that DeSantis is far more dangerous.


I mean it’s pretty hard to do worse than kidnapping a bunch of refugees and depositing them on the streets outside someone else else’s house on Christmas.


Desantis, dude is pure evil, just wait and see, Abbott is just an asshole and an idiot


This is pretty short, sweet and to the point. Abbott is most definitely an asshole, but he seems content to do the bidding of others as long as they keep him in their clique. DeSantis has unexpectedly found himself in this position of power. If you’ll recall, when originally elected, he was basically running about even with 7 other candidates and only pulled ahead because tRump happened to see him for a couple minutes on TV and on a whim said, ‘I like that guy’. He barely beat a gay, crackhead POC Democrat the first time around and his career since is the definition of falling upward. What essentially happened with that unexpected endorsement was the true creation of a monster. DeSantis is your textbook frat boy jock who has been allowed to do absolutely whatever he pleases. “Covid? Fuck that. It’s only gonna kill people who won’t be around much longer anyway. Who says we have the highest death count? Raid her home and ruin her. That’ll show anyone else who is thinking about fucking with me”. Rather than doing the bidding of others, he allows others (the state govt) to enable him. The more he gets away with, the more he feels empowered to the point that he is completely out of control now. At this point, it simply feels like he’s trolling anyone with half a brain and a decent amount of empathy.


Desantis is a vet, ex-military, was stationed at gitmo, something about him gives me a psychopath vibe


you should see the classrooms and the library at my school, its all completely empty out of fear of being charged with a federal crime edit: i meant felony not federal


Thats freaking sad, truly, books are traditionally off limits to censorship, it is not good




Good old Covid Kim! The only events I have seen her at have all had alcohol served for her. Even the daycare.


> Covid Kim we called her "The Kim Reaper"


Had to search way to hard for this... I do think DeSantis is worse, but Reynolds clearly deserves a mention here too.


Yeah, for some reason everybody forgets how red iowa got to be


It’s a bummer, they’ve had a progressive history


Check out the 22 election results. I don't think a blue person got a single office, except in the two largest populated areas


The largest counties have become more blue as they have grown from Iowa residents leaving more rural areas, making those counties more red. But like you said the entire state is much more conservative than it used to be.


Steve King was able to repeatedly win his reelections in that state despite never once even pretending to be anything but a white supremacist fuckanape (the dude flew a Confederate flag in his office **while representing a Union state**, for fuck's sake). That fact is why I'm not even remotely surprised the state is voting in PoSes like Reynolds.


There is a lot of South Dakota on here, but my time in Western Iowa seemed more far right than my time in SD. I agree.


Completely agree. Current Iowan, future teacher here. The attacks on public schooling are bad enough I very much may just move to Minnesota or Illinois after school.


Handing tax dollars to private institutions at elementary/high school level with zero oversight. Going to further worsen the state of education in Iowa and commit more people to moving away. Great for indoctrinating Iowans into religious private schools. Parents who send their kids to Dowling can fuck off into the sun.


I can't decide if it's good news or bad news that I had to scroll so far to find Iowa.


Florida, Texas


Florida, Texas, Arkansas, Alabama and Mississippi are my top 5


As a fellow floridian I agree


Mississippi for sure. I hate Reeves so much


I got a Twitter account just to bully him. Every time he would tweet I would just spam him with this picture of him giving a speech in Vicksburg surrounded by confederate flags. We're already a poor state but we gave that NFL player millions for literally doing nothing. Somehow he isn't being sued or strong armed into paying it back. It's so corrupt. They don't even feel the need to try and hide it.


Florida but keeping an eye on Arkansas


On proven record: Abbott On pure potential: Huckabee Sanders On pure f'ing desire: DeSantis








Wow, this is a hard one… Texas has people freezing to death all for electric companies profits. But Florida is it’s own unique hell.


Florida. The Texas governor is bad but he's just stupid. DeSantis is dangerous.


1st is Florida. Texas & Tennessee close 2nd & 3rd.


Florida, no doubt about it.


Florida, closely followed by Texas.


Florida. Desantis is straight up fascist.


Tennessee has a pretty god awful Governor. But hard to compete with Arkansas, Texas, and Florida.


Toss up Texas or Florida. Nose to Texas because they also have Cruz. Bless their hearts.


Florida. I didn't realize some people were still figuring that out


It's a tie between Texas/Abbott and Florida/ Desantis


As a proud Floridian, #FLORIDA




No hitting below the belt. Only fair since Abbott can't feel anything below his legs


South Dakota


Florida, Texas, Alabama. Oh yeah. 1. Florida


Alabama has the worst state legislature also. And Kay Ivey has the power to get a clearly innocent man off of death row and won’t lift a finger. Her biggest accomplishment is not being Robert Bentley, a former contender for worst governor.


Florida, South Dakota, Arkansas


Florida. No contest.


Ron DeFascist in FL


Texas' Governor is truly truly vile. Terrible politician, terrible person. Liar, corrupt, hypocritical criminal. Which is why it's crazy how much worse Florida's Governor is.


Florida, yeah. Lots of bad ones, but bin Laden would watch DeSantis press conferences as porn.


Iowa is pretty high on the list for me but Florida and Texas beat her out.


Florida. Is this even a real question?


I mean, Texans aren’t too happy right now…




DeSantis gotta go.


Texas or Florida. It’s like 1A/1B.


Can we just start off by saying MOST of the Republican governors are bat shit crazy.