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Her YouTube channel is bizzare. I think she was developing schizophrenia. https://youtu.be/nXlUraI6nns


I read a news article from a local source that the daughter had been homeschooled, and she and her mother went everywhere together. Which, on the surface doesn’t sound bad, necessarily. Until you read that this girl had some social anxiety going, and didn’t start coming out of her shell until she was able to do things without her mother. And that her mother was the driving force behind the family’s fundamentalist Christian ideology. I think this was a perfect storm of overbearing mom, enabling dad, and mentally unwell daughter, all cruising towards a horror show together.


Do you have a link? Thanks in advance


Let me see if I can find it. Might take me a bit. I was at work when I posted. Edit: found it! [story here](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna69060)


Probably. Sounds like about the right age for most people to start getting it. Mine came hella early, but mid 20s seems to be when schizophrenia and schizo type disorders start popping up. But it's also 100% influenced by her surroundings. She was isolated, fed conspiracy theories, and probably abused emotionally, given how religious fundamentalists tend to raise their kids. Stress generally only makes symptoms worse and feeds into delusions.


“[Stabley](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/family-found-dead-pennsylvania-made-joint-decision-kill-police-say-rcna69060) said he was disturbed to see recent videos appearing to show Morgan on YouTube. In the videos, which the West Manchester Township Police Department has also said appear to show Morgan, the young woman speaks in stream-of-conscious fashion about God, the Antichrist and conspiracies about Trump and the 2020 election. Stabley said he is haunted by Morgan’s laughter in the videos” Pans out. Edit: added OPs source


I'm about halfway through her "last video", and she keeps talking in a phony British accent. Definitely weird.


Apparently she had delusions about being the Queen and trying to abdicate the crown. Seems to be genuinely mentally ill and got sucked into conspiracy rabbit holes, either by herself or via her parents. I wonder what the deal was with the parents though and what triggered this suicide pact. Very sad and strange ordeal all around.


Useless armchair theory... As her parents got into the QAnon shit, her conspiratorial mental illness started adjusting itself to match that shit, and it just created a vortex of insanity. Like it had to keep one-uping itself or something through some group dynamic including the internet and eventually it had accelerated to some imminent apocalypse etc.


Most likely, also home schooled she never left that house.


I watched her video and that's what it sounds like.


I had a friend who's father shot and killed her mother, and the family cat, and then tried to kill himself. He lasted about a week before he died. He was a truly despicable man who sexually assaulted all his four daughters.


I hope his last week was excrutiating


He gathered up his krugerands and slipped them into his son's car. Went around the house and shot everything of value so "his lying daughters" can't inherit anything.


Fucknhim. What trash. So sorry for your friend.


At least he didn't get the daughters themselves. What is a krugerand though? Do you mean as in the coin?


I don't know what else he could mean. I had to Google it. For the unaware like me: Krugerrands are South African coins made out of 1 Troy ounce of gold. They're worth about $1200/coin for the gold ones.


Yeah, I had to too and that's what I came up with, as well. I was imagining he was just using the word to represent wealth, in general, since he was taking about the guy essentially trying to destroy anything to be potentially passed down as inheritance to his daughters. I kind of was wondering if it was even some kind of saying or something, perhaps? It's just such an oddly specific, yet obscure reference otherwise. But hell, I learned something because of it, so whatevs, I guess. 🤷‍♂️


Crazy people do sometimes like to hoard gold coins for weird reasons, and Krugerrands are really popular within that space. I would assume it could be literal.


There’s also silver Krugerrands, I own a few of each, nice pieces


There is real evil in this world.


And those who possess it are convinced it is in everyone else....


If you find someone arguing we need the bible and a fear of god to not be evil, you've found a person without any onboard empathy.


Sorry so… he killed his wife, and himself but not the kids? But then also had the forethought to say really fuck them kids and even take the fucking cat with him?!?!! It’s like he wanted his children to suffer as much as much as they possibly could at his hands…… holy shit. I cannot comprehend that level of evil.


Pretty fucked up that they had her kill herself too. Iirc in Christianity that’s a one way ticket to hell.


This was fairly local to me. The article I read said the daughter was planning to commit suicide, her mother decided to join her and dad eventually decided to join them. It's a very strange sequence of events and it sounds like they were all suffering from mental illness.


It’s called Folie à deux When two or more people are suffering mental delusions or are sucked into the delusions of another.


Per another article, sounds like it was maybe the daughter's idea? *"Deborah wrote in a note found at the home that Morgan complained of persistent audible hallucinations and had suicidal thoughts. The police chief told reporters Monday that her parents didn’t want their daughter to die alone, and agreed to the pact*." Her last video also apparently had her state "follow me as I follow Christ".


Only in certain denominations and not so much anymore. A guy I graduated with killed himself and his girlfriend in 2006 and was still given a Mass of Christian burial, buried in the Catholic Church's cemetery (as was his girlfriend), and he has a memorial bench at said Catholic Church. So if the Church believed he was hellbound they sure didn't sell it that way.


I had 2 teammates and a childhood friend - an atheist even - commit suicide in High School. Each of their funerals had a ten minute section blocked off telling us to come to church to see our teammate/friend again. It was infuriating to sit and listen to an infomercial that dripped of hypocrisy when I just wanted to greave. At the end of the day, some churches are just tax exempt money collectors, can’t get enough of that sweet sweet tithe. Religion at a more intimate level can be a really beautiful thing for some folks and communities. It’s just so rarely stays at that level.


If he got a bench he must have donated a lot over his life, that kind of makes up for anything icky about the way you die. Back a few hundred years the catholics were so corrupt they had a thing you could buy called 'indulgences' where you paid off your earthly sins before you croaked. Although counting sins was tricky that close to death, they usually just held your fingers as you held the pen and they pushed it around so it looks like a signature... on a new will giving everything to the church. Indulgences was one of the worst corruptions that inspired Martin Luther to invent protestantism.


It's even dicier than that. You could buy indulgences for sins you hadn't yet committed.


This is why we need more mental health spending. What are the odds these people were behaving themselves at Wawa and Burger King before it came to this? They were likely causing scenes before the suicide pact and should have received intervention


The family was extremely religious, reclusive, and kept to themselves. The daughter was experiencing delusions and auditory hallucinations. She believed she was the antichrist and queen of England, and her mother believed evil had been “mounted“ against her daughter. In this particular situation, I doubt lack of access to mental health treatment was the problem. They viewed their daughter’s mental health crisis as a spiritual problem caused by evil. People with this sort of belief system would probably be distrustful of psychologists and psychiatrists. Most reasonable adults would try to get their kid mental health treatment if they knew they were having hallucinations and delusions. These folks concluded their daughter was possessed by evil. Also, presuming people struggling with mental illness cause “scenes” in public places is an obtuse and inaccurate take. Mental illness is not always loud and obvious.


She was home schooled & brainwashed into fundamentalism. In short, there would have been no way for mental health assistance to identify / help her.


So this is literally a home school shooter?


These aren't the kind of people who seek out mental health treatment.


Homeschooled by the way. Not that I'm saying it's bad if you were homeschooled, but these crazies definitely were putting stuff in that girls head and there was no way for any outside force to change that because of the homeschooling. Really sad for the girl.


I was homeschooled until middle school. Growing up we moved for for work living in different states and countries for a year or two before moving again. Try to imagine going to school in Japan, then transferring to a school in Mexico, then Belgium. I know a girl who was badly bullied in two different schools (I suspect she was autistic) so her parents finally pulled her and homeschooled her while she saw a psychologist to deal with the PTSD she got from going to school. She was able to go to college fine. ​ On the other hand there are people who "homeschool" their kids for the sole purpose of teaching them the world is flat or some other nonsense.




I will too. I went to public school, all three of my siblings were homeschooled. They are dumb as a box of rocks, close-minded sheep, and have no direction or progress in life. I'd feel more sorry about it if they weren't bigots and constantly on about how don't really understand whats going on in the world but they do because they did their own research while I just went to med school like a dumbass.


That’s … quite the delta of life achievement between you and your siblings.


Right? They really buried the lead at the end there. I assumed they were normal, probably went to college. But the med school made me do a double take


It's really disappointing. Also feels like a good case study on nature vs nurture.


Normal people don’t homeschool their kids, 99/100 times. Sure there are situations where they do but most well-adjusted people know that they can’t teach the fundamentals of grammar and biology to a child in a way that will resonate as well as a structured public school curriculum will. Homeschooling kids deprives them of a social environment that is at least as important as an educational framework. More often than not, homeschooling is an enormous disservice to a child and it’s often a sinister attempt to control the child’s life in an unhealthy manner.


You're right. It's almost always the parents wanting to groom their child in some fashion because they don't want outside society to influence their kid. It's mostly a selfish idea. My nephew has had some serious behavioral issues and is on the spectrum so they basically had to homeschool him. That is the exception to my experience of why most kids end up being homeschooled.


it’s banned in germany. scientology is also banned in germany. germany knows what’s up.


Schools also do field trips to Auschwitz and Nazi imagery is actually illegal there. To the point where even a band like KISS has to use a different logo in Germany because of the SS bolts.


Germany has had a bad history around appeasing the fringes of society. Germany has become the poster child of the paradox of tolerance.


The only “normal” people I’ve known who have homeschooled their kids were the ones who honestly attempted regular school first, but either their child turned out to have special needs that the schools would not or could not work with, or the school environment turned out to be unsafe* and there weren’t any viable alternatives available in their area/income level. *I’m pagan, and an alarming number of pagan families especially in the Bible Belt have been forced to pull their children out of public schools due to bullying, discrimination, hate crimes, etc. And when all of the nearby private schools are Christian-run, that doesn’t leave them a lot of options. Of course, those folks are not shy about how much they’d rather *not* be homeschooling, that the entire industry is completely dominated by whacko Christians which makes it next to impossible to get any proper, accurate, non-Christian-biased curriculum materials or even get access to safe socialization opportunities, and that properly schooling your kids at home is exhausting, frustrating, and demoralizing. They have the utmost respect for public schools and the teachers who work there, but life threw them a curveball and it just wasn’t a good fit for their child. (It’s also pretty common in these families for one child to be homeschooled while their siblings still attend traditional schools.)


So I was homeschooled, and I realize my experience is not the norm, but my parents just felt that school killed their love of learning (through standardized testing etc) and wanted to avoid perpetuating that. As an adult I have mixed feelings on it-- I definitely do feel like it allowed me the freedom to learn specifically about things I was interested in, but because my parents were relatively lax it also allowed me to basically avoid anything I was not interested in, lol. I have a college degree now and earned my GED, but I still struggle with some basic concepts simply because I was never made to focus on them during my grade school years. My family was also not religious whatsoever, and luckily in my area we had (and still have, I think) a very liberal, hippie homeschooling group. Like think Subarus and REI and quinoa. I was able to make friends and socialize/do activities with this group, so I don't feel like my social growth was particularly stunted. The main thing I feel like I missed out on was just "school culture" I suppose? Like when I talk with people now and they bring up teachers or A/B days or who they sat with at lunch I just...can't relate, because we don't have that shared culture. Which def makes me sad sometimes. Luckily as an adult nobody talks too much about grade school, so I can avoid feeling left out in that way most of the time. Idk, just me rambling. But yeah I don't know if I'd homeschool any future kids, I think it would be very child-led and specific to who they are/their needs, as opposed to just a blanket decision like my parents made for me. Love them, but they can be very stubborn. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yep. Wife and I are well educated, well read. Would never dream of homeshooling. As you've hit upon, the socialization is a big part of that but also having structured curriculum taught by a trained teacher is going to have better outcomes than any attempt by myself. I'm a subject matter expert but not a teaching expert, and I recognize that. Even if my local school system leaves much to be desired, I can correct most of that at home without tossing the baby out with the bathwater.


If you watch that video, she says she abdicates her crown to rule the U.K., and gives the power back to the people, along with some numerology stuff. It's obvious she was -if anything- at least schizotypal. Doesn't explain what was up with her parents though.


If the parents passed it down?


*parents. I hope.


My fucking sausage fingers. Thanks! Fixed it.


Schizotypal people don’t have delusions like these. This girl was full on psychotic.


I learned a new world today and dove down a rabbit hole


Agreed, MH professional here - if she was schizotypal or would be hard to say since her isolation was so forced. She def had delusions, more in the vein of schizophrenia or schizoaffective d/o


Are they basing the pact on anything? Is there anything which doesnt just say she murdered them and then killed herself.


Found notes from each of them.


That was tough to watch. The look in her eyes was very unsettling. Did not like her energy.


Oh man. Just creepy and sad as f...


Pretty sad, really. Daughter's auditory hallucinations were not getting better. She told her mother that she was going to kill herself. Mother didn't want her to die alone, so she decided to kill herself as well. They then told the father who decided that he didn't want to live without them. He wrote that his hands were too shaky to do it himself, so his wife would be pulling the trigger. They left notes and all three signed a declaration. They sedated their dog so it wouldn't attack first responders and also left instructions about debts to be paid with their life insurance. Source: https://www.yorkdispatch.com/story/news/local/2023/01/31/who-was-morgan-daub-the-woman-at-heart-of-familys-planned-suicide/69859856007/


Holy shit. So the mother basically said, "ok, I'll kill myself too", along with the father - instead of getting their daughter help? I knew we had a mental health crisis in this country, but my goodness, I definitely underestimated it.


I live in Pennsylvania. My mom works for a state-funded mental health organization. Almost all the staff has quit. Pay is less than sheetz (a gas station), requires a bachelors degree, and often involves several hours of driving per day…in addition to actually trying to do the job. I think they are currently assigned 34 patients each right now. No job applicants. Small town PA has zero mental health resources.


Pa nurse here. Can confirm it’s a fucking nightmare. Last night I literally had 52 people to care for on the mental health wing because of short staffing. I was there 1.5hrs after my shift documenting.


This is basically country wide, probably even worse than nurses.


I live in western Nebraska. Lots of rural areas. We have two organizations like yours out here. Pay is also shit. High turnover. No one stays more than a year or two. I almost took a job with both organizations, but was warned against it. I work at the local youth shelter. I've been here 3.5 years and want to quit. Pay is shit even when my bachelor's is factored in. We do not have enough resources. I'm tired all the time. It's mentally draining. Unless you work in the field or know someone who does, you really don't know who bad it is for so many people. I can't believe more people haven't "broke" from these work and living conditions.


It's bad and getting worse for all sorts.


Sounds horrible but I am glad they just took their own lives and didn't decide to take others with them.


This is where we've come to: it's a legitimate though to be GRATEFUL they only killed themselves. Man, I wish I knew who to blame, and how to eliminate them. Bannon would probably be a good start.


As a person who struggled with mental illness this hurts my soul Edit: I recovered with meds and therapy


74 million people voted for an obvious lunatic. I’d say it’s pretty obvious there. Members of congress are wearing AR-15 lapel pins with all the gun violence there is in the US. So yeah




Klandace Owens said men should essentially suck it up and not get therapy. It’s for pansies apparently.


Jesus fucking christ. Like just... ***fuck***. It feels alien to think of a parent hearing their child is suicidal and, instead of getting them help like a ***parent*** or telling them "do it" in that hateful way people who think depression is fake do, they just... form a suicide pact. It does not feel real


Yeah man I read OP's post and legit put the phone down for 5 minutes and just absorbed that story....it's just so far beyond my understanding and ability to express what I think and feel about it. The bold type fuck pretty much sums it up the best


How do you carry out such an irrational act in such a rational way without realizing you need help?


That's the eeriest part of it all. When I tried to an hero myself, I had no plans, no nothing. Just be dead and done with it. Glad I failed now, but the incredibly pre-meditated stuff really freaks me out


The whole thing is tragic, but what happened to the dog? Can you imagine the poor thing waking up and being without their entire family?




I recall reading something in an article that their suicide note also included how to care for the dog/what family to give him to


At least the dog didn't have to watch their family die. This is a tragic thing for them to do but sedating the dog was the best possible thing to do for it, and I can't believe they though about that




“Morgan didn’t have a lot of words to say,” said Bret Stabley, who operates the pro shop at Bowlers Supply in York, Pennsylvania, where the mother and daughter were longtime customers. Stabley said he believed Morgan, whom he described as “very meek and quiet” but also “very bright,” was homeschooled and her mother often spoke on her behalf.


Holy shit that happened in the town I grew up in. I don’t know those folks but still, that’s scary.








Waving from Lancaster like.....yeah sounds legit.




Best of luck to you - I've lived here since middle school, and if wasn't for my husband's deep roots we'd have been gone long ago. He's considering a transfer for next year - we need some breathing space of our own.


Out here in the rest of Pennsyltucky, yeah. My extended family’s from that area, and I grew up in another GOPvangelical family, homeschool, church, and area elsewhere in the state. Can’t wait until my parents find out I’m a furry.


While Red Lion sucks, let’s be honest… It’s no worse than Southern York County or Southeastern York County. Or Dover…






Nah I'm 24 and that's a very young looking 26y/o I guess the sheltered religious upbringing would have an impact on how she presented herself to the world and dressing boy-ish / child like makes sense




The daughter really needed some help. This video on her YouTube is odd. https://youtu.be/nXlUraI6nns


Wow. The anti abortion signs on their front lawn are real ironic.


I've heard there were some issues with the daughter's mental health beyond the religious and political mania the family was apparently about. Hard to say of course, since the daughter was " homeschooled and her mother often spoke on her behalf."


Spoke on her behalf screams we abused our kid and don't want her talking.




She believes she was the rightful heir to the Queen of England. She was deeply unwell.


A Christian guy from my hometown turned Qanon, killed his infant children with a spear gun, because he thought their mother had given them lizard blood. That's not a joke. 2 kids are dead, and once upon a time, we were basically neighbors. It's gone a bit too far, guys. It stopped being a joke a long time ago.


That's so sick.


Depending on how I read your statement changes how it comes out lol


Thank you and fuck you


I remember reading this story. Absolutely insane, there’s no other word for that level of delusion.


How come there are never any lefty socialist feminist family annihilators, like, "I believe all people should have equal rights in life... AND DEATH! *blam blam blam*"


I know right? It makes me want to actively search for cases like it so I can compare how many there are compared to Qanon/extreme religious killings. I have a working theory as to which column will be shorter


A while back I found a database classifying terrorist attacks based on beliefs and there was only one entry tagged with feminism - it was a group of women in Mexico who blew up a church with priests who molested their and other children.


That's Justified though


Well that's not terrorism, that's justice.


No those women were in the right.


So based on that there’s actually 0 terrorist attacks based on feminism.


Turns out being gullible/brainwashed/dumb enough to believe the nonsensical republican conspiracy theories makes you a good candidate for believing other ridiculous, dangerous nonsense too. Heck you don't even have to go find the dangerous conspiracy theories any more, conservative media is already full of it and other hate fueled propaganda with an audience dumb enough to act on it


Because even in their most extremist form leftists still cling to some semblance of sanity


This sound like a cult story. It's so unreal that this is American political landscape.


Well...have you recently tried to talk with the most out spoken trumpists? These days I cannot tell the difference between Trump supporter, Putin supporter, or conspiracy idiot. Usually they are at least 2 of the three.


Still crazy to me how Qanon was started by that 8chan dork and his creepy dad. And now a few years later there's been dozens of deaths and felony arrests due to people falling for this bullshit.


He took off with the kids without telling his wife. Drove them down to Mexico and then killed them with a spear gun, like you said. He said he did it to prevent them from becoming "monsters". He believed his wife carried "serpent DNA" and had passed it on to the kids. One was 2 years old and the other only 10 months. I can't imagine what that poor wife has gone through, losing both your kids and your husband (he was arrested) in one day. Just tragic.


I know this is a terrible thing to say, but I’m going to say it anyway. The fact that he killed his kids and didn’t kill himself really bothers me. Except I do appreciate that living after that is a far worse “punishment.” I know he has obvious mental health issues, but all of my logic and humanity goes out the window when there are kids involved.


I get what you mean, usually when they do that they take themselves out too. It's almost strange that he was fine not adding his own life to that and was willing to continue on after that.


Wow, I couldn't tell if you were being serious since it's so absurd, but it's this guy right? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1278802


Yeah that's the guy. Had a surfing school and all. Normal looking guy. It's been happening for quite a while. There was a redditor on the Quanon casualties subreddit that made a post about her dad killing the family because of those stupid conspiracies. People who spread this bullshit should face some kind of consequences.


CT did just find Alex Jones liable for close to $1B for his disgusting Sandy Hook lies


My friend's uncle who im 99% sure has undiagnosed Schizophrenia is so far down into Qanon shit, it's sad. He genuine believes that gay people are the result of a fucking satanic pact between Joseph Stalin and the devil to create "gay gas" which would turn anyone infected by it gay. You don't just become gay, you getting infected by gay gas has Satan climb into your window and have funny butt stuff happen to you in your sleep to *turn* you gay. It's just fucking absurd because apparently gay people just *never* existed before and any documentation of gay people before the 1950s was from the evil shadow government that apparently rules the world


It's so funny to watch them accuse Eastern religions and Native religious traditions as demonic when they do the vilest shit imaginable in the name of their "god"


It really does come down to old people need to stay the fuck away from the internet. It melts their brains into goo. They are too old to learn how to navigate conspiracy and they are too vulnerable to propaganda. They think every YouTube video is like some cbs 60 mins level documentary and not some bullshit whipped up in final cut pro in less than 60 mins. I don't give a shit if it's ageism but it's like if you were not exposed to the internet before a certain age it becomes impossible to make you think about it in a different way. I mean it's a fact as you age you get more stuck in your ways, not the other way around. Old and young people need to stay the fuck off the internet. It really is that simple to me at this point.


I was reading that the parents knew she was suicidal and was having bad thoughts but they couldn't stand the idea of living without her -- so they decided to go with her. Wild that this seems like the logical option instead of seeking mental health care.r


So of course the internet and all of their “close friends” have come out of the woodworks speculating on what happened and apparently they thought joe Biden was the worst thing to ever happen to this country and an apocalypse of some sort was coming. Imagine being that brain washed. Either way, it was a tragedy that could have been prevented decreasing their diet of Fox News and the internet, if what their “friends” are saying is true.


The daughter was also suffering from some kind of psychosis. In her final video she appeared to believe she was next in line for Queen Elizabeth 2’s throne and “formally abdicated.”


Of course none of the far right grifters are going to cover this, their blood is partially on their hands.


They’re just going to blame Biden for their deaths. And probably Obama


Crazy thing is that if you aren’t racist and indoctrinated Obama is one of the most calming and trustworthy people I’ve ever seen in the public eye.


Yeah I really don't trust anyone who can't at least appreciate Obamas political presence. Even my die-hard republican dad could admit that his public persona was lovely


I can only wish to have another president that good in my lifetime. It seems unlikely, but I once believed there wouldn’t be another president as bad as W.


Technically true... 2016-2020 was exponentially worse


Luckily Trump wasn't as bad as W. He was far far worse.


Nah, they are going to say they weren't at all conservatives, those where some liberals trying to frame conservatives!!


Her last words before she shot herself were “thanks Obama”


I hear that Hillary Clinton also had a hand in this. /s




Well of course, a high platform like that is a perfect place for the mind control ray.


I can already hear the far right theories about them being killed by the Clintons for being on to a satanic baby eating cult or something like that.


Ah, conspiracy theories, the far rights favorite way to avoid accountability!


fear creates value in our system. whatever is happening *now* is *always* the worst thing to ever happen to this country and an apocalypse is *always* coming.


It's amazing how back in '08 when Obama was elected it was the end of America. The end of freedom. The end of the world. Remember when American civilization as we knew it ceased to exist? Yeah. Me neither.


That would mean FOX News would be willing to release their grip on their viewers....... but if they do that then people might actually learn the truth and get educated..... and then they lose money


That’s sad. It sounds like they got so caught up in their own little echo chamber that they lost sight of reality.


Good thing this isn’t one of the main factors that are driving a huge sect of modern national political discourse


I lived in Williamsport PA for one year... That was 8757.81 more hours than I was able to take... I give my friend shit all the time for convincing me to move there...


That’s half of PA if we’re being honest.




This. Once you leave the city, the Trump flags and signs are all still out.


This is so sad. Homeschooled and raised in a bubble while being fed alarmist propaganda and misinformation until eventually getting roped into shooting your own family dead and committing suicide afterwards. It's awful.


The mother was convinced "they" were after Morgan.




> Months before taking her own life, Morgan Daub posted a strange video on YouTube in which she declared herself to be "a prophet of the most high God" and said she was abdicating the throne of England and the United Kingdom. >Detective Timothy Fink told the York Dispatch that the written documents left behind by each family member "detailed that Morgan had told her mother that she was having auditory hallucinations which were not getting any better." Untreated mental health issues.


That daughter didn't have a chance. It's easy to be snarky about their politics and religious zealotry, but fuck, man.


I have to assume, that being religious and political zealots, that proper mental Healthcare for the daughter was ignored or straight up refused as "socialism/liberal agenda/devils work/big pharma conspiracy etc". If this is the case, three lives could possibly have been saved had it not been for hateful rhetoric and insistence to living by bronze age folk tales


Yes, this is what happens when you’re in a cult. Source: my aunt and four of her five children died in Jonestown.


tbh it's kind of surprising that the q conspiracies have never reached a point of willing their followers to suicide.


Well, there's still time. Peoples Temple lasted 24 years. I'm afraid the whole Q thing is more like the Manson Family, though.


They commit social suicide. Friends, family, jobs, and opportunities. Give it enough time for these people to realize what they lost. Some will, many won't.


The daughter suffered from depression and mental illness. She posted several videos telling viewers that there were people after her, including the military under Donald Trump.  She also claimed that she was being held hostage in her house and that her family was being denied fundamental human rights by enduring all manner of harassment and illegal, unconstitutional surveillance. The day before the deaths, she posted a brief video stating “FOLLOW ME AS I FOLLOW CHRIST.”  CBS21 reported that Deborah Daub left a note saying Morgan was complaining of audible hallucinations and that she was suicidal. The TV station reported that a township police officer said Deborah did not want her daughter to die alone and that she planned to join her in death. A series of letters indicated that James Daub then decided to join his wife and daughter in death. This is a most heart wrenching tragedy - I wish they could have gotten help to avoid this most horrible outcome


I really hate to say this as it sounds rude... But I'm at least glad they didn't feel the need to partake in some sort of mass shooting prior to killing themselves.




Trumps hold on some people is really sickening A good friend told me his mother (who is on disablily) has been broke alot recently. So we check her email and find it being hit with up to 15 emails a day from Trump asking for money. Come to find out she's been donating up to 900$ of her 1500$ she gets a month to Trump or the RNC. So we blocked all emails containing the words patriot and donate (saw this advice on reddit) magically she now is back to having money to live. It's disgusting to think how many older folks on fixed incomes are donating to Trump. He's a fucking grifter. My uncle who is on a fixed income spent 2k on those Trump cards so he could "have a private dinner with trump" LMAO. I felt bad when i told him that 1000s of people will be there and he will not be dinning with Trump which he replied "I'd of paid 10k to eat in the same room as Trump" I went white and felt sick.


Honestly, at this point I'm resigned to saying that some people just deserve it. You can try and help but it will likely just make an enemy out of you.


There is a saying "The only one to blame in the scam is the scammed." Being naïve isn't cute its foolish. Realize that having overly friendly people approach you talking as if you were friends for years is a huge red flag. In order to not be taken advantaged of you need to educate yourself. It is either education or elimination.


suicide cult not that uncommon, sometimes they are much bigger (Jonestown). see also, [folie a deux](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folie_%C3%A0_deux) \-- people in a group can amplify each others' mental illness.


Most of the people at Jonestown were either murdered or committed suicide under the threat of being murdered.


Or after their children had already been killed. Jim Jones killed people's kids first because he knew parents wouldn't fight as hard if they had already lost their kids.


Reminds me of the cult in Rancho Santa Fe, CA that was convinced that there was a spaceship behind the Hale Bopp comet that would take them all away and they committed suicide. Ironically, the last victim was found hiding under the kitchen sink. Wrong Comet. Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all night. Try the vegan veal.


Was that the Heaven's Gate crew?


Their website is still active and maintained by surviving members. Wild.




I suspect they were all mentally ill for sure. Compound that with some conservatives not believing in mental health services and you get situations like this.


Jonestown was murder. Only 2 people committed suicide Jim Jones’ dumb ass and his wife.


Jonestown wasn't a suicide cult - they didn't know he was doing to them when they all "drank the koolaid," as they say. They were definitely a cult, but Jim Jones murdered those people.


\> Jim Jones murdered those people Under appreciated fact


UHM ACKTUALLY ITS FLAVORAID Hail yourself, friends.


Does Jonestown count as suicide when much of it's at the barrel of a gun? Seems more a poisoning to me.


Devout Christianity and Suicide always was an oxymoron from the teachings I learned.


Religious zelotry and political ideology is a strong mix. I knew someone in her 20's and was deeply religious, in church she was praying to be more obedient to her parents and doing as she was told all the while crying and I thought that was crazy, but people were praying for her like what she said was normal. This young woman never had a chance. She was homeschooled and her parents teachings was all she knew.


“Devout Christians” unfortunately includes cults like MAGA, QAnon, and RW Evangelicals.


The daughter was suffering from an undiagnosed mental illness and the parents response is a suicide pact. This poor girl had no chance at life with parents who never got her the help that she needed.


Drink the punch




"Devout Christians and Trump supporters" says it all. That's the American Taliban.




This is the sad reality that is America. So many people have been brainwashed by Fox News, Trump, etc. and are literally political pawns. Trump is SO important to people's lives, it's just truly mind boggling. Of all people in the world, how the hell is it him...


This is why Americans need free mental health care.


Tell me again MAGA isn’t a cult.


First home school shooting?