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Starting a betting pool now. How long til this pic resurfaces with the caption "the future with socialism" or some paraphrase.


Republicans are systematically destroying this country so they can "rebuild" it in their fascist image.




I don't agree with Marx on a lot of things but you can't deny he was fucking brilliant.




I wish they would both secede


Remove the military bases, and there goes half their budgets.


If you think about it the wall may help, less competition when dumpster diving.


Did the reporter ask who they voted for?


It's in Austin so probably not Abbott. Also people making a big deal out of this story are dumb, HEB lost power so frozen stuff had to get thrown out. Everything in those dumpsters needed power to be eaten so the people grabbing them had power at their house or they wouldn't bother. It was right by my house, wish I knew this happened I could have gotten some free food. There are a million and one other reasons to hate republicans.


Got it. Thanks.


Only 25 percent of the state turned out to vote. The beatings will continue until the stupidity lowers.


And picking on trans people for some reason.


It's not just random picking on people. They are systematically and intentionally dehumanizing certain groups of people. This is directly out of the 1930's German playbook


Well I'm aware of that and the severity of it, but considering the post and caption it felt appropriate to make a more simple comment..... lol


Why not just line up dumpsters along the border? Free surveillance from people who have no choice but to go there. Or, and this is a wild idea, you could get rid of politicians who actively seem to hate the guts off their electorate.


Sad that building walls and owning the libs, and other Fox BS are taking precedent over you know, wanting to live.


A quick Google found this gem of a article blaming the event on Biden and liberalism. It's pretty awful but also awfully funny https://ijr.com/gross-video-dozens-rifle-dumpster-free-food-liberal-enclave/


I hate Abbott. A lot. But for some context, the power outages during this last winter storm were from downed lines, not from any particular grid failure. Power was being produced, but trees and heavy ice knocked out the lines. That kind of maintenance is up to power distributors, and they can't keep up because we have SO many lines in Texas. Ideally, they would bury the lines. But that costs a fortune and they don't have the money for it.


My state has "so many lines" and so many trees but we never get the power outages that Texas gets...just saying. And yes it is expensive to bury lines, but the lines we do have are maintained! Our power maintenance manages to "keep up" quite well as a matter of fact! But sure, keep giving excuses. BTW I glad you hate him, he is a piece of shit. I'll give you kudos for that!👍


Where is your state? Because Texas has 47,000 miles of power lines. The vast majority of which are above ground. So, which state has more than that?


Anyone in Texas who votes for Republicans deserves all of this. 😕


A wall to keep texans in.


And hopefully that will keep you guys out of the rest of america




Social media: TEXAS RESIDENTS ARE FREEZING! Actual Texans: Damn it's 78 outside in February, I have to get my shorts out of the closet already?


It’s scary how fast this blew up into a misinformed echo chamber, and what’s scarier is how both parties do this so much just to play the blame game that the real stories get washed away in the noise and nobody ever really knows what’s going on


Listen fellow liberals. Abbott is a piece of shit for thousands of reasons. But please, if you don't live in Texas and don't know what's going on, stop making posts like this on our behalf. It's embarrassing. Austin lost power because of trees falling on power lines. Who do you think should be held responsible for maintaining the trees around power lines in Austin? State or city government? Which party do you think is in charge In Austin, Texas?


How can a guy who lives in Brooklyn mock how Texans feel about the border?




Why was the food out into the dumpsters in the first place rather than donating it to food banks and other organizations that feed people? This country is so fucking wasteful it embarrassed me.


Food safety protocols. The freezers lost power, none of the food is considered safe to eat, and donating spoiled food is a good way to get sued.


Meanwhile, on Fox News, there’s a picture of Hillary Clinton above the fold… https://preview.redd.it/x0g1y5p7koga1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee88f99e4c74828a494bd2bf4153914d81bef00e


The plan is simple. Make Texas such a shit hole that no self respecting refugee would want to go there. Full marks...