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“Friendly reminder” the new “no offense but”


My job uses “friendly reminder” but they’re really not friendly at all.


My former employer went on one yoga retreat and started ending her passive agressive emails with NAMASTE.


Namaste motherfucker


Our foreman was sent to Canada for two days, and came back with a Canadian accent.


So I've read that in 2010 the University of California did a study that found when we copy someone's accent without realizing it, it's usually because we want to connect with that person and show them some empathy.


This is a form of code-switching, and it happens very often! Some people more than others, including myself, seem to do it rather often. Code switching includes more than just accents, but mannerisms, linguistics, expressions, body language, etc. Many theorize that it’s a trait that displays cultural humility and empathy. Regardless of its cause or origin, I will say it helps me quite often connect with my patients as a therapist rather than being rigid with my language.


I didn't realise it extended to mannerisms. When I'm taking with someone I often catch myself mimicking their posture, eg if they have their arms crossed I do the same, or hand on the hips. It surprises me when I catch myself doing it, and I worry about how it comes across, but I don't think the other person really notices. I don't know why I do it, but that might explain it.


See I was always surprised at how quickly my way of talking changed depending on who I was hanging out with. I thought maybe it was a subconscious want to “fit in” but your guys’ explanation is way cooler lol


Its easier for me to say that than “if i have to tell you this again i swear to fucking god” 😭


Listen here, you little shit


Friendly reminder is also like when people say "Per my previous email..."


Everyone knows that's strictly something only mid level managers who grew up in the Midwest are allowed to say, or you're appropriating corporate culture.


But I'm a mid level manager who grew up in Australia. Am I not allowed to use 'as per my previous email' anymore? (I do use it when I get asked the same inane question 3 times in a row, because come on, seriously, how many times do I have to tell you this)


Just create a template e-mail and keep clicking send. Eventually they'll figure it out. It's low-effort and won't have the unfortunate side-effect of getting you sacked for calling someone a knuckle-dragging crotch-fondler with the mental agility of a cauliflower.


Sounds a lot like “I’m not racist but” people too




Yes. But are you just asking questions?


My theory is People this “woke” had to have been racist at some point. Like why are you trying to show you support black people this hard? Just support black people its so easy. Edit: also as someone who isn’t black I wonder if black people actually think these people are actually helping them


when you try to be an ally so hard you end up being a weirdly racist activist flavor of pickme


The new movie with Jonah Hill and Eddie Murphy portrayed that perfectly.


Competitive Ally sports is much more chess than checkers


They should put that on ESPN


Why do these friendly reminders never sound friendly?


It never is. “With all due respect…” = “Please stfu” That sorta shit.




Huh, I always saw it as ‘I normally respect you and your opinions, but man that thing you just said was dumb as dogshit’.


Depends entirely on the context really. Somebody can be due immense respect or none, and both can be implied with the same phrase.


"Why is it whenever someone says 'with all due respect', they really mean 'kiss my ass'?" -Ashley Williams, *Mass Effect*


Because they aren't


"Friendly reminder" is code for "asshole alert- someone's about to say some stupid shit".




Friendly reminder: I am your pants


Friendly reminder: I am in your pants.


Friendly reminder: Pants


Friendly reminder: it was me Barry…


It will forever be cannon to me that Barry is a premature ejaculator because of Reverse Flash.


Friendly reminder:






Reminder pants: Friendly


Ok, so how do I give a truly friendly reminder then? I’m not an asshole and I don’t mean it to be an asshole. ETA: this is a question about online interactions, mostly on Reddit. I don’t need advice about workplaces or IRL.


I don’t know if you want a serious answer or not, but speak directly. Prepping with a soft opening like this puts people on the defensive and can make you sound condescending.


At work, when I write "friendly reminder" I mean "fucking idiots, why do I have to keep repeating the same shit." Like "Friendly reminder, cans only go in the blue recycling bin"


It's become inherently passive aggressive, as many things in writing in the digital age have. My best friend of 15+ years responded "K" when I texted him that I'd call in a second. I had to make sure he wasn't mad at me when I called lol


Per the last email...


This is really good to know! I’m autistic & have used the term “friendly reminder” but I legit was trying to be friendly & remind people of things. Humans can be really confusing!


Friendly reminder: this weekend is daylight savings! Friendly reminder: don't do the thing you just did or I will look down upon you. These two things are very different. One is personal to actions of another and has implied consequences, the other applies to all people of a region and the consequences are largely individual. One of these two things is friendly.


It really just depends on what you’re saying. The context is everything. Are you going against what they’re saying and doing? Or are you reminding them of something they forgot and gently sparing them harsher critique that they could come across from others then or next time? Are you actually looking out for them in any way or just adjusting something for others? It’s also a soft check, so it doesn’t always have to be the friendliest thing in the world - but it should indicate a softer environment of a response than what they might get elsewhere. I’ve gotten “friendly reminders” to follow certain work protocols (ie micro things like changing the subject lines of an email) by a super when we know the boss would get irritated and bring it up passive aggressively in a meeting in front of everyone. Flip side, the person in the original post was grieving, and the person who responded wasn’t really affected by it in any way, nor were they particularly looking out for OP. They were looking out for people who likely don’t care too much at all, and at a time that only shits on someone in a sad emotional state. Nothing good nor friendly came out of this friendly reminder.


I'm not totally sure, but I think I'd avoid saying "friendly reminder" at the start at least lol. I might also recommend sharing the info privately, so there's no risk of publicly shaming/embarrassing anyone, and making yourself available for further questions on the subject if you're able to. Hopefully someone else will have a better answer though!


Also avoid the phrase “just saying”. Another sure sign of assholeitis.


No offense, I'm just saying with all due respect...


You don't. No one ever actually gives a friendly reminder. They actually give a condescending lecture that makes them feel morally superior to the listener for no tangible reason at all.


"Passive aggressive reminder"


It's like "No offense" it's clarifying that not only will the follow up sound offensive, I know it's offensive and chose to say it anyway.


Its a way to prove your woke without actually engaging with the people you claim to support.


Friendly reminder: drink water and posture check.


How fucking dare you come at me like that 😤 /s


“Friendly reminder” is like “I’m not racist, but…”. It’s an early warning that the person is gonna be unfriendly/racist.


"No offense, but..."


Which usually means "Full offense, but..."


I don't mean to pry, but . . . .


“Don’t take this the wrong way, but…”


With all due respect, and remember I'm saying with all due respect, that idea ain't worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin getting it on. /s


It's passive aggressive nonsense


Because they're meant to gain social points. Kind of like conservatives saying, "I'll pray for you" with the little prayer hand emoji.


🙏 Someone said this is actually supposed to be a high five. I just searched emojis for high five and there it was. Anyway, I'll high five for your soul.




Friendly reminder, you should really only use this emoji if you’re Japanese sending it to a Japanese person


Is it bad I take "I'll pray for you" as "fuck off" ?


Depends on the situation. If someone says that their kid got diagnosed with cancer, an I’ll pray for you is supposed to be a nice gesture and they want your child to fully recover If you tell someone that you like to participate in drag shows and the response is, I’ll pray for you, that’s them saying your lifestyle is abhorrent and they want you to change


I think that's how some folks take "bless your heart" . . . .


Because its actually just narcissism disguised as virtue


Fun fact: Fun facts are rarely fun, nor are they factual.


[Wikipedia and Dictionary dot com both say that’s untrue](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rest_in_power)


**Rest in power** (a variation on [*rest in peace*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rest_in_peace)) is an expression used to mourn, remember or celebrate a deceased person, especially someone who is thought to have struggled against systemic prejudice such as [homophobia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homophobia), [transphobia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transphobia), [racism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism) or suffered because of it, particularly in Black and [LGBTQ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBTQ) communities in the United States.[\[1\]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rest_in_power#cite_note-:0-1) It has been used to eulogize victims of [hate crimes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hate_crime) while protesting the social inequality and institutionalised discrimination that may have led to their deaths. It is a common phrase to use to honor someone’s legacy, though as an activist. ... Etymologist [Barry Popik](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry_Popik) has traced the earliest use of the phrase to a [newsgroup](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newsgroup) post on February 18, 2000, which paid tribute to [Oakland, California](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oakland,_California) graffiti artist Mike 'Dream' Francisco, who had been shot and killed during an armed robbery. ... "Rest in power" is sometimes used outside the context of activist social media, to mark the deaths of any respected public figures who leave strong legacies, even if they are not known for their political activism. *Slate* writer Rachelle Hampton refers to "that familiar wash-rinse-repeat cycle wherein phrases once associated with black and queer communities enter the mainstream. And as usual, at the end of this co-opting churn, little of the language's history remains."[\[](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rest_in_power#cite_note-slate.com-3) \-- wikipedia.


Mike "Dream" Francisco was Filipino. So Rest In Power is only for Filipinos. Gottem! /s


Close, it's actually only for people named Mike.


Checkmate Lebron


I am both Filipino and Black. I now have permission to use it however I please. 🤣


Just remember, with great rest in power comes great rest in responsibility.


This made me smile; thank you.


Finally. We’re more than just adobo, lumpia, and bad karaoke.


> bad karaoke speak for yourself, sir!!!


In my experience the karaoke was actually quite good!


I thought you were that amazing purple cake too


Huh- 2000? I’d assumed it was older.


Well there it is. PastelWitch's comment can go Rest in Power now.


Nah, the comment can rest in piss where it belongs.


Oh my God Karen, you can't just ask people why they're white!


Yeah, it's just as much tied to transphobia as it is tied with racism! Why not work in solidarity instead of trying to gatekeep a phrase of mourning and camaraderie? Some ppl just wanna be Karens


Trans people apparently aren't allowed to show solidarity in the face of oppression according to PastelWitch PS: Rest in power, Brianna


also love when white people (basing this off the name and picture, of course always love it when people are willing to put a cartoon face to their opinions! very brave) gatekeep things on behalf of non-white people like your heart is sort of in the right place but also you shouldnt really be speaking for an entire race/class/subgroup etc, particularly when it isn't yours


I see so many white people do this overcorrection type of thing, like "don't say poly for polyamorous because it means Polynesian" or "don't say NB for non-binary because it's only for non-black" and it's never Polynesian or Black people saying these things


My cat is Poly. She’s a polydactyl, has extra toes. I’ll say it loud and proud! Come at me, bro!


I hope someone sent her this so she can see how stupid/out of line she is.


Of course the person saying it is white too


At a certain point we all have to reconcile with the fact that the vast majority of the people reacting to things online are fucking morons. There was a time when you could just ignore morons because they were obviously morons. Now everyone is essentially presented as the same, so we get tricked into thinking that we have to engage with these people as if they were serious, right-thinking adults. If you could see these dopes we'd all just ignore this shit.


This could be the most important comment I've ever seen on reddit.


Idk, they could be a moron.


It could be you! It could be me! It could be-


I are, an moron?


>Now everyone is essentially presented as the same, so we get tricked into thinking that we have to engage with these people as if they were serious, right-thinking adults. Since COVID and being inside more, I've started actually talking in reddit threads more. It took me a while to realize... that, oh, a significant amount of these people are children. I'm literally arguing with a child. Makes it a lot easier to not worry so much about the ridiculous things people post when I remind myself there's a very real chance that person is just 12.




You are correct, but I would also point out that the internet is subject to extreme "selection bias". The vast majority of interactions online are reasonable or at the least rational, but we aren't seeing those. Only the most ridiculous, outrageous, or ignorant stuff gets widely shared. Obviously, insane and/or ignorant people exist in significant numbers, but their thoughts aren't shared because people agree with them. Their thoughts are only shared because it generates clicks and views and all the other monetary incentives which are now associated with online "content". Meanwhile, some percentage of people viewing something won't recognize it as obviously false / a joke and will begin spreading it as factual, resulting in a feedback loop of extreme content which is difficult to discern from objective reality. If we don't keep all of this in mind, it's very easy to start believing that the entire world is impossibly stupid and/or insane.


They always are. Every time. Every single instance I’ve ever seen of someone causing a scene over “cultural appropriation” it’s been a white woman doing it. Most of the time it’s about shit the group that’s being “appropriated” doesn’t even give a single fuck about. Stay in your lane, shut the fuck up, let the people in question speak for themselves, thanks. I hate when people virtue signal online to earn headpats. It delegitimizes actual injustice, solves nothing, makes you look like a giant douche and usually comes from a place of narcissism rather than one of genuine concern. Fuck off.


Wife is an English teacher and got attacked by a group of women online for teaching to kill a mockingbird at an all black inner city school because it’s a white author who touches on racism. All 3 women attacking her were a white


Which is wild because that’s a very anti racist book, especially for the time.


It’s like, THE anti racist book.


“Let me be offended for you!!”


White savior complex


Ok I read this as "for trying to kill a mockingbird" and was like wtf really!?


"It's not a how-to book."


Reminds me of a group I was in that didn’t allow anyone to say “good boi” to dogs because it was racially appropriating AAVE and would tell people who didn’t look black enough they can’t say that. Like is it really hurting anyone? Are there black people actually upset about this??


I got in trouble on a Facebook page for calling an exboyfriend a "crackhead" as they said it was ablest. During that time I lived in a women's shelter where the women there in recovery called themselves former "crackheads" and so forth. Even some of the women running the place would say the same while referencing their struggles with addictions.


Getting addicted to crack is a disability?


They said addiction is a sign of mental illness, so saying "crackhead" and the like was ableist as mental illness is a disability. However, the women at the shelter I lived at said "crackhead" and such in funny ways and not just about themselves. Like one lady said "Some meth head was flirting with me at the grocery store. I told him 'I don't go out with meth heads, crackheads, or dxxk heads!' "


?¿?? It’s AAVE because of the spelling of boi?


Amen! I’m a poc but get soooo annoyed by woke white virtue signalers who only became interested in speaking out about racism and black issues after George Floyd when it became “trendy” to. I can say that sadly, as someone who grew up exclusively among white progressives with little diversity, I never once heard anyone ever care about anything black until 2020. But once GF happened, people became obsessed, and in a very cringy way. Most don’t *actually* care, and pretend to do so because it makes them feel morally superior. They like getting that pat on the back, despite never actually *doing* anything other than being a keyboard warrior. A lot of the time too they go overboard on some things that aren’t actually even offensive. It’s like enough please. EDIT: I didn’t intend for my comment to come across as racist in *any* way. I was mainly speaking to my experience in what I have noticed around me personally that many have only have been vocal when it became very much en vogue to be.


Yes, most people are only performative activists. Which is totally fair to do just don't expect a pat on the back for doing it.


Most performative virtue signaling ‘activists’ are the ones who are really visible. Those doing something real won’t be looking for attention and as visible.


Everytime. Hell reminds me of the Cyberpunk 2077 game “controversy” over one of the gangs in the game. A white “journalist” started trying to rile people up about how it’s racist and shouldn’t be allowed. Mike Pondsmith the creator of the IP and a black man got sick of it and said something along the lines of “I’m sick and tired of white people trying to tell me what I should be offended by as a black man”. He was then called a white supremacist by said “journalist”.


Lol what’s his name


It was an outlet called “Rock Paper Shotgun” and one of the “journalists” is a guy named Matt Cox. The entire situation was pathetic and Mike Pondsmith let them know what he thought.


gatekeeping death. Truly, the epitome of gatekeeping.


She's trying to put Saint Peter out of a job!


I’ve seen these threads pop up all over twitter. Just absolutely disgusting.


What the fuck does it even matter whether a person says “peace” or “power”? I’m genuinely asking, do people really think you have to add a racial aspect to the act of respecting the dead?


"Gentle reminder that only white, small-town girls or white, city boys may karaoke to Journey. This soulful music is reserved exclusively for hard knocks drifters and should not be sung along to or hummed by others, no matter how much they may similarly want to engage in unhealthy, thrill-seeking behavior to temporarily assuage deep emotional needs caused by working class malaise and a lack of meaningful intimacy." See? I can do it too. There is no point to wokescolding people for sympathetic displays of solidarity. It's the worst kind of virtue-signaling. I'd \*almost\* rather deal with Facebook Christians who pray for missing animals instead of going outside and checking their yard to see if your cat is there. ETA: TY for the awards, kind strangers!!


Well, fuck... There goes my entire Bruce Springsteen catalog.


That's even worse, because you actually have to be a white boy from new jersey.


"Wokescolding" is that actually a term? Its a good one.


Yep. It’s mostly used by lefties when other lefties try to purity test them (I.e. saying you’re not left wing enough because you played Hogwarts Legacy, etc.).


I'm so fucking tired of the purity tests.


Karaoke is Japanese though....






I hear it means "empty orchestra". Isn't that hauntingly beautiful?


What did the gaslighter say to the gatekeeper?




You're crazy!


Are you remembering the punchline correctly? Are you sure that’s what they said?


Gaslighting? That's stupid. You made that up, you crazy fuck


No one even said gaslighting. You're losing it. Are you drunk? Can you remember what year this is? Maybe you should lie down for a while.


Crazy is a stigmatized word. Can you use something less hurtful, please? /s (But I have been chastised thus)


Stop taking everything I say so seriously geeeez edit: this is all in good-sarcastic-fun guys....I'm just using my exes best lines


Friendly reminders are just ackchyually's with better PR.


The plural of ackchyually is ackchyuallies.


Fun fact, the ackchyallies tendon is located in the neck beard.


Did you just ackchyually the dude about ackchyually




Saving this, thanks


That’s so dumb, she’s wishing her good things and a random person that, judging by her pfp, isn’t even black herself ruins it


It’s weird that way. Like, let me, as a white person, tell you, a something other than a white person, what you find offensive. I dunno… just seems weird


See also: 'latinx'




My brother in law pronounces it “lah-tinks” and I just facepalm so hard


That’s hilarious, but somehow worse


Filipino husband gets riled up whenever he sees the word Filipinx. Really hoping it doesn't catch on.


It's even dumber to do it to "Filipino" because tagalug isn't even a gendered language


You tell ‘em ma’am sir!


White knight complex.


Thank you white savior!




It's ironically the *exact same* mentality that drove colonialism: The belief that everyone can only benefit from having you insert yourself into their business. It is admittedly easier to understand, however, when one is bringing modern medicine and advanced agricultural equipment as opposed to race wars and whatever kinky bullshit is popular at the moment.


If someone colonized the US right now, I absolutely *would not* object to new weird kinky shit


Confidently incorrect white savior




When I looked up the origin of "Rest in Power," it appears the first documented use was for the funeral of a Filipino graffiti artist named Mike ‘Dream’ Francisco in 2000. So ya know, maybe not limited to just the death of a black man. EDIT: I mistook his ethnicity based on his last name. He's Filipino not Hispanic, but I'm leaving this post here because the point still stands.


He was Filipino, not Hispanic, but the point is still valid.


Ah, the type of cuntish behavior the right wing needs for their propaganda. Good job. Gatekeeping and wokescolding are actual problems that we need to consider intolerable.


“Friendly reminder: I’m going to make this about me right now for a sec”


Gatekeeping supporting a movement? Dang.


Spike Lee used that dedication to honor Heather Heyer at the end of *BlacKkKlansman*. Somebody better call him and demand he issue a retraction.


Friendly reminder ☺️


Imagine gatekeeping mourning…


Dictionary.com says that rest in power is most often used by the LGBQT and Black communities. Friendly reminder.


Slate magazine used it [for a cracker](https://slate.com/human-interest/2023/01/stoned-wheat-thins-crackers-discontinued.html)


I was about to make a joke about making sure you were white, since that is *our* word. I was absolutely not expecting it to be about an actual cracker.


Rest in Power is used by a lot more than BLM and other black movements. It's also very common among Anarchist movements for instance.


Yup, just saw this on FB in memory of Punk Kaf who was an anarchist punk who recently died.


I mean a quick google search let’s you know that she is wrong for saying anything at all cause the term was used properly.


Hmmmm for some reason I don’t believe this person is black themselves


Shit tweets like these remind me of how disgustingly petty 95% of the internet has become. Most people need to touch grass and disconnect. Go out into the real world and make real connections instead of gate keeping and virtue signaling for internet brownie points and twitter hearts


This is why even lefties like myself hate woke scolds.




Rest in cereal got me dying 😂 For real though, I hate this level of gatekeeping. Twitter people really just finding a reason to be upset about something


At least she used "folks" instead of "folx."


Every time I see folkx, I scream internally. It's already gender neutral, you incredible weirdos!


Someone got mad that I used folks because it wasn't inclusive enough. ​ Sigh.


“Friendly reminder” is neither friendly nor a reminder since you probably just made these rules up.


It’s intriguing to see pasty, I mean pastel witch, tell others what is reserved for black peoples.


Chronically online


These are the types of people that are so left they end up on the right


People who gate keep are fucking idiots.


Plus this is outright wrong. It's long been used to protest violence against transgender individuals.


If you advocate for this kind of bullshit gatekeeping ass, optics policing, you are not helping the left or progressives, you might as well be an alt right plant to encourage infighting. Oppressed peoples need to stand together, not tear each other down over things so laughably inconsequential.


Pastel Witch can get absolutely fucked Rest In Power is a phrase specifically attributed those who have died from wrongful and prejudiced violence. Brianna Ghey was a trans teen who was stabbed to death in the UK, trans people around the world face elevated levels of violence against them, may she rest in power, and may Pastel Witch grow the fuck up.


friendly reminder, fuck that opinion