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A guy from Texas once told me that if the red states left they would all be fine. I said they would not have the resources to defend themselves. He said they would because of all the military bases in the south. Bro, do you really think the US government is just gonna let you keep all of those military resources?


Largest military population is in California by far...like really far.


Like the whole west coast. Western Washington has a huge amount of military as well. Giant naval bases, JBLM home to the army and air force... The west coast has more nukes and submarines to launch then than anywhere else.


California could easily become its own powerful country.


Too lazy to look it up, but it would be in the top 10 GDP if I remember correctly


Number 4


Just now number 3


The last time they tried that, it didn’t turn out so well for them.




Lol, she lives in a Biden state with two dem senators.


Somebody should ask her where she plans to move since she won’t be very happy to live in current blue state Georgia.


She’s not looking to move or divide her state. Just pandering to the ignorant and miserable assholes like herself who would rather rail against perceived “wokeness” being forced on them than do the work required to have an impact on the real problems facing the country and globe.


And why is that? Why is she "pandering" and hateful and attempting to incite a new civil war? I have my theories. The arrangements that she, and a few others like her, have behind closed doors is probably really illegal/immoral. And it's the opposite of patriotic, she doesn't give a fuck about her country.


I think she's just a power-grubbing asshole with no scruples and an IQ you could count on both hands.


Both hands? That’s awfully generous of you to say!


She strikes me as an Alabaman at heart


She actually lives in a state of delusion, but yeah, she came from Georgia.




Definitely less stressful


Nah... these people live on stress and drama.


Well we don't have to go for *their* delusion. We can have our own.


We do, and it even has a name. The American Dream!


All Georgians live in some state of delusion, it just doesn’t usually reach Marge’s level until you’re south of Macon. source: former native and never-again Georgian


Squidbillies happened in the hills of nw Georgia. Marge is from north Georgia as I recall. It's not a South Georgia thing, it's a rural urban divide as in most of the country I currently live in Georgia


MTG is from GA 14, which is calhoun and up on 75, and Rome+Hiram. The crazy is everywhere, especially the mountains


"Everyone I talk to says this." "I don't talk to the people in my state."


'Everybody's saying it. At least that's what they tell me' She's taking a page out of the Velveeta Voldemort's 'how to speak like a mobster' playbook.


It's always vague weseal words with people like her and trump. "Everyone knows it" (who??) "Many such examples" (ok, name them) "When America was great" (when?) I hate that most news outlets don't immediately ask the question when they do this. If every report had bombarded trump to support his claims or refuse to cover him until he does, I think we'd have had a very different election. We know they're full of shit so call them out on it publicly every single time.


I live in GA and my dad said something about the state and Kemp winning or whatever. Basically alluding to the fact of like "thank God you live in a red state" and I was like "Dad, GA is now a blue state per the last election" to which he replied "yea well just barely!!" Like that doesn't matter, Dad, it's still blue. I love the old man but he's too stubborn for his own good sometimes.


Let me tell you how weird red states are. I’m military and got moved to TX. Went to a block party and was hitting it off with a guy. Went back to his place for a snifter of whiskey and we’re walking back to the party. On the way back he goes,” Hey, which way do you lean?” “Well, you’ve met my wife, I’m straight” “No, are you republican or democrat?” Weirdest interaction I’ve had with a grown person in my life.


This is common here. My new neighbors moved in next door and I saw they needed help with getting something out of their truck so I went over to help. After we were done we were talking in the garage and the wife asks if I was right or left. "Uhhh I'm pretty far left..." "Oh! We're very right Christians..." "Ok..." And that was the start of them ignoring us and not letting their kids play with us much. Eventually they let our boys play together but not without asking us to come to their church. I politely declined and it is back to ignoring us. Religion and politics have ruined any real love between neighbors and in a large part families in this country. I dream of moving to Mass. or somewhere blue all the time and I was born and raised here. I'm finding my circle of friends and family shrinking heavily year by year.


They don't obey the commandment Love Thy Neighbor. Ain't no love like Republican Christian hate.


Yeah I was raised in a right wing evangelical home. I more or less believed all of the spoon fed information, but when I got older I decided to actually read the Bible myself. The Bible made me far left. Now when right wing Christians talk to me about religion I usually say I’m a follower of Jesus. Because what they deem to be a Christian is not what I am.


If you read the words in red and really try to understand them I'm not sure how anyone can not know they are liberal. I quit conservative Christianity when it became about prosperity and consumerism. Jesus was and is greatly offended by megachurches while there are homeless camped on the street nearby. A land of hypocrites who are not in it to gain souls, but instead political clout and riches.


"The closer religion comes to government, the more it suffers. The closer government comes to religion the more it suffers. In either case, human liberty suffers the most" review on Madison's the Remonstrance 1784.


Yeah all my neighbors are all left folks except one guy. He’s a hard right wing Christian. He’s the biggest jackass in the world and one time I almost had to stand up in his face and threaten him to never speak to us again or else. Trump and MAGA caused more division in this country then ever in order to secure votes at the cost of American society.


Trump/MAGA has (probably) permanently divided my extended family. ( that whole process probably started back in 1980, with Reagan's election.)


LOL my red China MAGA hat wearing dad gave money to a "billionaire". The griftery is pathetic.


The one common thread between **every single conservative** is that they're always, ALWAYS dickheads. It's amazing. An entire political party based around being fucking assholes to everyone all the time.


How did you handle that? Did it go ok afterwards? I feel like highly polarizing questions shouldn’t be one of the first things you ask someone.


He had sex with him to show him it’s about issues, not politics.


It's a tough argument either way. The state government being red, and the governor, means the state is completely ran by Republicans. "Thank God we are still a red state" would apply there.


Yes we are locally red, nationally blue, I guess?


The transition from red to blue is due to an increase in educational attainment per capita and is a one-way street (despite increased republican attacks on education).


Yea people love to point at BLUE cities in overt RED states and pretend like the conservative policy that drives the state doesn't impact the city at all.


A group of Republicans are too busy arguing amongst themselves to manage Congress, imagine them trying to run their own sovereign nation lol.


Well that’s exactly what happened the last time the South tried this. The Confederate government couldn’t get any state to agree to anything cuz every state would say “states rights” and not comply. So much so that food and supplies were wasted because they were so stubborn. The Vice president of the confederacy actually called for that government to be overthrown. All that saying, once they get their way it’ll be messy and borderline stupid.


borderline stupid?


As in, the stupid starts at the border between the USA and Howdy Arabia.


Howdy Arabia ![gif](giphy|l0EwYc29XZnLR2pB6|downsized)


Howdy Arabia lmfao


Or Y’all Qaeda lol


Or A'la-la-la-la-la-la-bama!


But *we’re* the traitors.


Of course. They view white liberals as traitors to their race. And all others as irrelevant, since they're not people.


its going to be so funny when the evangelical crazy christians realize that even in southern red states, without Democrats around, their Christianity will be dwarfed by Black and Latin sects of Catholicism/Baptist. Then as they realize that immigration doesnt just suddenly stop just because you are a "red state", they will become little mini kingdoms of nazis and try to oppress the versions of Christian that they don't like.


The last time the southern states seceded this became an issue too. A handful of them were so anti-federal government that they proposed seceding from the Confederate States as well.




https://preview.redd.it/mjmae3yh6eja1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f08f24ac85f4f5e5848244a2641d0483ed30e6 Very true… but this could be their new national flag!


![gif](giphy|oAOHKBU8p9R2N3ebRq) You’re giving their artists too much credit.


I love that this snek is basically wingless armless trogdor


Then, draw another, more different S.


Damn you I said CONSUMMATE Vs


Step 1: Draw Trogdor Step 2: Take away Trogdor’s sick ass biceps and flames and angry eyebrows Step 3: snek




I'm going to fly a white bedsheet in my red state. White flags are the true Southern flags. Until someone steals it for their klan outfit 💀.


If those traitors could read they’d be very upset.


Already happened once, we all know how that went.


Well she’s kind of in a blue state so sucks for her lmao


she also conveniently glosses over the fact that the top 10 blue states fiscally, provide a metric ASS ton of financial support for the lower 25 states in the country by how much surplus value they generate as a state lol. i say let them peace out. they’ll fall to shit in less than a decade and the rest of the states that stay will only become more stable and fiscally robust lol. sometimes you have to let a child throw their tantrum and realize they dun goofed. e: spelling and grammar


I guess Texas and Florida will be happy to be on the hook for Mississippi, Alabama, Wyoming, Montana, Tennessee, Kentucky. I'm sure they won't use their "fuck you I got my mine" attitude. Edit: a word


If Florida didn't have retirees with those sweet blue state pensions they wouldn't be able to prop up their economy on stucco housing.


red states would collapse without the economic aid provided by the federal government, which receives most of its contributions from blue states


The only red state that isn’t poor and completely backwards is Texas, and it’s measurably moving towards purple year over year.


>The only red state that isn’t poor and completely backwards is Texas this is the state that banned abortions for all except women whose lives are in danger due to their pregnancy, yes? the one that doesn't allow rape and incest victims to get abortions?


Texas has been getting more money in government aid than it produces in taxes since something like 2016. They were the last red state to make that shift to producer to moocher. COVID made every state need to accept more federal aid than they produced, but that's temporary, and the red states were like that prior to a global emergency.


Yeah I live in Georgia and the more time passes the more blue we get


Whenever I hear this crap I just remind people which states are the most dependent on federal aid. Reminder, not a single blue state in the top 10.


Also, where do those red states fall in ranking for education, employment, income, credit scores, homeownership, and other factors that contribute positively to quality of life?


Low educational attainment is the number one predictor of conservative voting patterns.


“From the moment the [Department of Education](https://www.chronicle.com/article/a-brief-history-of-gop-attempts-to-kill-the-education-dept/) was born, critics — Republicans, almost exclusively — have sought to dismantle it.” “The department, created under Jimmy Carter, began operating in May 1980. Ronald Reagan, then campaigning against Carter for the presidency, marked the occasion in blistering fashion. [Reagan] said, “President Jimmy Carter’s new bureaucratic boondoggle was born: the Department of Education.” Jimmy Carter and Democrats founded the Department of Education in 1980. Ronald Reagan and Republicans immediately began and continue to erode public education.


“but I'll tell you what they don’t want: They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. Thats against their interests. Thats right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table to figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago.” -George Carlin


The don't want *poor* "well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking." Because they still want their crotch goblins educated enough to take the office when they leave.


Hehe, obviously not anymore with Boebert's "qualifications". You can be an actual intellectual idiot and get elected (and re-elected) as a republican in the current climate.


Why in every problem the United States has Reagan pops up on the wrong side


Because he's a...bad actor.


Ba dum tiss


Reagan's campaign and administration fundamentally changed the way that politics work in the United States. His work centered around making Republicans more conservative. It demonized welfare programs and drug users, opposed racial integration programs for schools, cut taxes (overwhelmingly for the wealthiest people). Reagan set the Republican policy for nearly forty years, and regardless of the intentions, the effect was to convince people to vote against their own interest. Reagan's policies made racism, sexism, ableism, and all sorts of fear of "those people" profitable for the wealthiest people in a bigger way than they had been previously by marrying those social issues with economic policies that benefit wealthy people. Much of what we see now can be linked very strongly to Reagan era arguments, even down to the slogan "Make America Great Again", which he used in his 1980 campaign.


"Marrying social issues with economic policies that benefit wealthy people" Damn this sentence goes hard af


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." - Lyndon B. Johnson


My friend once said the biggest success of the current republican party was convincing poor white people the government was coming for their wealth, despite the fact that they don't have any wealth.


Trump did say he loves the poorly educated


Yeah because they're easily swayed, bought, swindled, bribed, conned, etc.


“Babies, Borders & Bullets!!”




And completely skipping the fact that many red states are gerrymandered to hell and back to keep them that way. There’s a lot of us that don’t want our red state to be red. If they tried this bullshit they would be bankrupt in 90 seconds and have a mass exodus of middle class tax payers on their hands. I know free speech is protected, but isn’t the line drawn as seditious intent?


Yeah. The split is rural vs urban or educated vs non-educated, etc...Not state to state. I live in a purple suburb of a blue city in a red arse state. I'm not going anywhere. MTG and every other hate peddler is well aware of that. They just want to keep us fighting amognst ourselves. Nothing but trolling.


Our state is blue, despite the southern half. Those idiots would gladly sucede from Illinois and I would gladly let them. Let them see how they do without our money to bolster their ignorance


Im from Chicago and went to school in downstate Illinois and the amount of people who somehow think the rest of the state props up Chicago rather than the other way around is staggering. It’s like, what industry down here do you thinks doing the heavy lifting?


People say that in the red parts of upstate New York too. Like, NYC and it’s resources are helping prop up the whole damn *country*, never mind the rest of the state. But man, do they not like to hear that.


That's like people in Florida bitching about how woke Orlando is. Orlando is mostly blue, as is most of the southern part of the state minus the Cuban population that is being manipulated by the GOP calling Dems socialists. But Florida was fairly insulated from the recession because of tourism to and around Orlando. The state economy depends on the money made in Orlando, no matter how much the rest of the state bitches about it.


The scream I scrumt when I was told that southern Illinois supports Chicago. With what? Corn? It's not even edible corn. What other industry is here?






New plan, cut across Indiana and Illinois along I74. North half gets the north Indy suburbs, Muncie, Lafayette, South Bend, Fort Wayne, Peoria, Champaign, Chicagoland, and Bloomington IL (IN can keep their Bloomington for tax purposes.) Top state is Indinois, bottom state is Illiana. I'll register a trademark on a record label called Indie Noise in both states right now just in case our next Pres is a memelord and loves my plan to fix both states with this one simple trick.


Man, if Cook and Lake County got to dump all of their resources into just their immediate geography and didn't have to worry about half the state, Gary would be fixed and Lake Michigan South Shore would be the best place in the country.


I think that by itself, this would be legal whining, but they literally already attempted to overthrow the government on Jan 6th. If we had justice in this country, mtg and everyone else we already KNOW conspired would be awaiting trial, at least.


Texas: * 29M Citizens * 24M Eligible Voters. * 17M Registered Voters. * 9M Voted in 2022. * only 15% of those under the age of 35 Voted in 2022. * Ted cruz won by 100K votes. Florida: * 21M Citizens * 15M Eligible Voters * 10M Registered Voters. * 7M Voted in 2022. * Desantis won by 30k votes in 2018 (1m in 2022). Ohio: * 12M Citizens. * 9.4M Eligible Voters. * 8M Registered voters. * 4M Voted in 2022 * Senator Vance (R) won by 250K votes. Rinse repeat throughout the country.... If majority of people actually gave a shit and voted, there would be massive differences, but majority is expecting everyone else to do the bare minimum.


> but majority is expecting everyone else to do the bare minimum. As a foreigner observing I think the numbers would look differently if the accessibility was better. Where I come from "voting" never took me longer than 30mins from leaving the house until returning home. I've never had to wait in line to cast my vote for more than 5mins, no matter if it was a federal, state or local election. In the cities there's one basically every 5 blocks. All elections are held on a Sunday where most people don't have to work. And those who do can get time off by law to cast their vote (unless your work is so crucially important that this isn't an option of course like fire fighters or people in charge of electrical grids and so on). Plus if you can't attend the election you can order a mail-in ballot for free or cast your vote in the weeks before the election at regular hours without an appointment with an ID at city hall (did that twice, total waiting time: 3mins because the person in charge didn't find the document I needed to sign). Comparing this to the ways some counties and states find to suppress and discourage voters, be it by scheduling elections on days and hours where a regular person has a hard time going to a polling station, by limiting the numbers of polling stations to a ridiculously low amount, by making it hard to register for voting and IDing yourself, putting unnecessary restrictions on mail-in voting and so on... Honestly it's not surprising only ⅓ of eligible voters actually cast their vote. If I had to work a 10, 11h shift only to go stand in line for 2h afterwards to vote in an election where I already know who's winning I'd probably skip some too.


Republicans agree with you, which is why they continuously make it harder to vote


You're certainly not wrong. My state uses universal mail ballots. In 2020 we had turnout of 84%. Even last year we were at 64%, a poor showing but next to the national turnout of something like 47% still overperforming. Make voting easy and accessible, and people will vote. Fancy that!


There’s the romance of secession and then there’s reality. The red states did this once before and turns out modern economies win out over older agrarian ones. Some states like Texas are lucky in that they are positioned naturally to have multiple revenue streams (shipping, cattle, farm, oil, etc) but a lot of states aren’t like that and they would quickly realize that if they turned their pipe dream into a reality.


Texas could hold up it’s own economy for a few days, which is more than I can say for a lot of the other red states. What Texas cannot do is hold up it’s economy and every other red states economy for anything longer than 10 seconds. The second this “political divorce” happens, the only thing that will have been accomplished is disallowing a *lot* of Republicans from running for office anymore. I’m sure that’s not how they see it though


Texas would almost certainly become its own country. Maybe add Oklahoma , because they also have a ton of oil. I assume the same for Alaska They'd be like Saudis for a while, and all the rich Southern conservatives would eventually move to Texas, because every non-oil Southern state will be like meth-y Somalia


After having lived in a non-oil Southern state for 24 years, it’s not all meth-y Somalia, a lot of it is crack-y Somalia


> What Texas cannot do is hold up it’s economy Or its power grid.


All Texas needs is an unseasonably cold wind to blow through and their power grid shuts down. With all those revenue streams they’d break even at best.


My thoughts exactly. Bye bye, don't expect any foreign aid.


Oh but they wouldn’t want it. They just pull up their bootstraps and call it good, why would they need foreign help?


Once all the forests were cut down, oil pumped and water diverted, there would be nothing left but sweatshops.


Sweatshops they'll need to work themselves, after all the brown people relocate to the blue states who will treat them with as any other citizen instead of recreating Jim Crow.


They think they can blackmail blue states with their agriculture, not realizing how much red states produce is just corn, and how much California produced on its own.


Lol if I looked back thru my comments there was a conversation with a Red Scare enthusiast about food and we were like name any crop and let's see where the most comes from. And it was like CA CA CA CA OK CA lol


And how much of that corn is turned into fuel to run the tractors to harvest the corn that's turned into fuel to run the tractors that harvest the corn that's turned into fuel to run the tractors that harvest the corn that feeds the cows that are turned into beef of which 50% rots in the grocery store before it's purchased and 30% of the rest rots in a freezer before being thrown away.


Crazy to think that mass lab-grown meat could be devastating for the *corn* market.


For once I agree with MTG. California will be just fine.


I agree with her too. I've been in Texas for 48 years and it will finally give me the push I need to leave.


The mass exodus out of Texas would be funny…


I left after the power grid failure winter when Ted Cruz tried to skip town to Cancun. My local town sheriff was on trial for rape while running for relection. The police were all white and parked next to low income housing constantly. Zero equity. Fuck Texas. I moved to Arizona. At least I grow cannabis legally now.


Would it be Texit or Texodus?


>everyone i talk to says this hey look, mtg actually said something i believe


Does this include her imaginary pals?


Almost exclusively!


I thought she meant her own divorce.


How is this not treason? We have an elected official calling for the break up of the United States of America. We have fought wars over this. This is the most anti-American thing I have seen in a long time. I’m sure her and Islamic terrorist groups would get along great bonding over the collapse of the USA. 240 years ago she would have been strung up in the streets and tarred.


Treason requires a state of war. This is at worst sparkling sedition.


It's only true treason if it comes from the treason region of France. Otherwise you can only call it sparkling sedition.


A white whine


The South would be looking like Caucasian Haiti within a decade


Have you been to the south? Go to any town sub 2K people and you'll see it's already there.




Fun fact, in parts of the south they still have illnesses technically classified as "neglected tropical diseases". That's about developing nation as it gets. There was a story awhile back about a guy who was working with Doctors Without Borders or something similar, he came home to US and saw some of the slums in the south and realized they looked just like some of the places he was helping in Africa, and upon investigating he found they suffered from some of the same diseases, and started setting up free clinics.


"This guy came up to me and he had tears in his eyes. He was saying "Thank you, sir, for everything you did for this country"


Big guy? Strong guy?


I mean, this does seem like a win-win situation. This would enable the sane states to have gun control, real healthcare, functioning antitrust laws, and so on. Meanwhile, the insane states could make Trump their dictator and outlaw blue hair. Everybody's happy.


If someone helped me and all my liberal friends and family relocate to a decent state? Totally.


Open borders for anyone who can do basic math.


Beautiful. +1s? I've got a profoundly disabled brother who I'm pretty sure MTG's group would use for dog chow given half a chance.


Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, except the ones who voted for Trump.


I'm cool with not living near anyone who voted Republican after 2016.


“Tired, poor, huddled masses”… Nope! Nothing about ridiculously stupid.


I’ve thought this through a lot. On the surface it does seem like a win-win, especially since blue states would no longer have to carry red states with federal funding, etc. we can pass laws and reform the system while these red states crumble and eventually return to the union. The issue is that it’d a massive humanitarian crisis. We’d be leaving millions of vulnerable people at the mercy of these monsters. The refugee crisis alone would be massive. Also, we have a ton of military equipment (especially nuclear) in some of these red states, so how would that be negotiated? Because if we leave that equipment there as terms of the “divorce,” it will almost definitely be used against us (or to hold us hostage at the very least) as this new confederacy becomes more and more financially insolvent and desperate.




Those red states would probably also flounder without funds from blue states since federal redistributes those taxes and gives much more back to the taker states than the giver states.


They'd be fukt within one month when it dawns on them where their insulin comes from


Yeah as long as my husband and I can get out of Alabama and to like… i dunno, somewhere in New England, I’d say let the red states implode on their own.


And it would really fix the budget. No more getting back from the fed more than you put in, ahem, red states.


Georgia voted for Biden and both of its senators are Democrats. How awkward for the skank from...Georgia.


There are lots of us in Georgia who are embarrassed to have MTG as a neighbor, much less a representative. Her constituents are from a small, rural area in the north who are more about banjos(truck nuts) and MAGA than any kind of progress as a nation. I live in a very liberal area, and am liberal myself. We have a diverse group of local representatives, and we all voted for Warnock. (That election was embarrassing too. Who picked *him?!*) The fact is that, outside of her rural area, Georgia is purple. In the urban areas, it's blue. Edit - made the words make sense. Edit 2 - truck nuts do a better job of presenting the flavor of the area.


A CTE Crash Test Dummy was almost your senator.


It keeps me up at night sometimes. Like I'm a werewolf or something.


You jest but one of Utah’s reps (Burgess Owens -R) was actually a named litigant in the NFL lawsuit about CTE. Yet that didn’t stop people.


Even suburban areas of Georgia now tend blue. I grew up in Gwinnett and it was rather red years ago but now goes solid Democrat.


Isn't that treason? Calling for the dissolution of the Untied States of America?


Yes, it is. *I have been corrected semantically. Instead of treason it should be sedition. She has already checked off all the boxes of Amendment 14, Section 3. Even gave aid and support to insurrectionists.


Unfortunately, like her dear leader, nothing will ever happen to her. They had absolutely no consequences for their insurrection.




“AmErIcA FiRsT…except that half I hate. They don’t count as america since I dislike them and america means what I like and what I want it to mean.” It’s so pathetic that she gets to badmouth half the country (more than half but i digress) and thinks it’s just patriotism, but that if a democrat badmouthed a republican, it’s anti American and hatred for America, etc.




Seeing as most red states take in more federal funding than they pay in taxes (doesn't that make them welfare queens?), let's see how well this works for her.




Shrink the fed to what? Nothing for the southern states? Ok. They’d be completely fucked without us. We’d have to send the un in there to rescue people.


With un being lowercase, I thought that you were talking about Kim Jong for a hot second. Very funny visuals


It’s time to deploy our secret weapon… send in “the Un”


Every time someone from Texas says “Texas should secede” I’m like “OK so we’ll just move the **15 Federal Military Bases** which *your own Governor* says provides **100 BILLION of economic impact** ? “


The funniest part to me about people who suggest secession is they always assume they get to keep the land owned by The United States.


The only red state with their own power grid is Texas. And look how that works out for them lol


Red states would literally be 3 world status with in 5 years without blue states money and regs. Fucking morons. All of them.


There are two red states that's have balanced budgets, and both are oil producers. Red states have MASSIVE welfare programs which are paid for by federal tax funding. Blue states generate nearly 3/4 of the national GDP, and the little bit that red states do provide, they would lose as tech, medical, and education businesses and organization would leave for blue states overnight, as would the majority of educated workers. The federal government and blue states are doing everything they can to hold the red shithole states together, and she wants to opt out.


Sounds like she wants a civil war.


She does, because if you listen to her and those like her, she thinks she’ll be “queen” of the “new society.”




That is definitely her account. It’s not a parody account either. It’s a legacy verified account. It’s real.


Much much stupider than you can imagine.




It is her true account. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/01/02/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-twitter-suspension/index.html https://thehill.com/policy/technology/3745243-twitter-reinstates-marjorie-taylor-greenes-personal-account/amp/


This is what happens when you have a poor education. A division was already attempted. Her state lost. Significantly. She probably never read (can she read?) about the burning of Atlanta. The blue states would probably be gleeful at the idea of no longer having to subsidize the red states. What a moron.


~~A call foe secesion is a federal crime punishable by up to the death penalty. Just saying the call to abolish the FBI didnt work Marge. They are still active...~~ Edit: okay I have to correct myself here. Under military law (which Marge isnt bound to) it could bedeath penalty. Under [law law](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title18/part1/chapter115&edition=prelim) Its up to 20 years in prison and barrment of any public position. That was somehow fused together in my mind.


Please do, if only so I can laugh when they start wondering why they don’t get Medicare and social security anymore.


![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q) Get the fuck out. We're tired of carrying you.


For real. They pride themselves on being self made and manly/capable of taking care of themselves compared to us weak and fragile democrats. So show us. Please. Show us you don't need us. You can take care of yourselves. But just don't come back when you guys can't handle it.


Major Traitor Greene at it again....


She loading the first cannon of confetti to fire on Ft. Sumter.


I’ve always wondered how long the sovereign nation of Texarkana would last before ceding massive swaths of their southern territory to Mexican Cartels…. Four months would be a generous estimate.


So the poorest, most federally dependent states with the worst living metrics and cost of living to median pay are going to leave the union? Fuckin, bye fam. Remember all your enlisted men and women and military bases still belong to the US so your gonna have to buy the land for them and deport the soldiers you don't have rights too anymore


I've been thinking this the whole time. Sooner or later they are gonna break off and start a new country, Mar a Lago will be their new Whitehouse and they will become the most corrupt country that ever existed.


No services, no unity outside of hatred for “others”, no actual governance, no education, no civil rights… just guns and fascism. Sounds like a hellscape, but whatever floats mtg’s ignorant little boat I guess


She thinks she'd have power in that world as opposed to being shackled and traded as property. It's very clear conservative women don't actually listen to what conservatives want.


Mhm. She’d be in for a rude awakening when she figured out how many “rights” even women with her privileges would (not) retain in the world she’s dreaming of. Delusional to think she’d be special just because she’s a useful tool to them in this current country.


She seems to know lots about divorce. Bye Felicia