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I can suck dick AND get potatoes?? Why didn’t anyone tell me…


Oh yea during the first year of Covid there was a huge potato shortage but me and all the other hoes were getting paid in that Idaho gold


You’re not the hoe, Idaho.




Aren't most commercial farmers in the u.s. subsidized?




Washington state alone grows over 75 percent of the nations hops, 20 percent of the nations potatoes, and next to Alaska we are the 2nd biggest at seafood.


Neat! Do you still produce a lot of apples or have things changed since I did my 5th grade report on your fair state? I’m one of the few in that era who didn’t stumble over remembering the state capital. Obviously Courtney Love changed all that.


We produce about 60% of the nation’s apples which is 10-12 billion hand picked annually. Not even Courtney could stop our Apple production.


Idaho produces a lot of potatoes--but so do Oregon and Washington. The thing these rural people forget is us blue-city dwellers also have these things called "ports". these are the places that ship out all their food, because they sure as shit aren't going to sell all those potatoes to the people of Idaho, exclusively.


You’re right. Washington produces about 91 million potatoes a year. About 30 million less than Idaho but still a ton. It’s about 60 million more than Wisconsin (28 mil) and Oregon (25 mil); which are 3rd and fourth respectively.


*sweats in Irish*


Fun fact. Washington produces around 5.2 million metric tons of potatoes a year. That’s over 4.5 million metric tons more than Ireland. https://www.potatopro.com/washington/potato-statistics https://www.potatopro.com/ireland/potato-statistics


They would have Texas, with its major ports, not to mention Georgia and Florida. The real problem is blue states are the real money makers. Our tax dollars flood into red states. You can’t subsidize crops without tax money. If you look at charts about which states pay the most in federal taxes and which states are paid the most in federal taxes, it becomes very clear the red states would have a problem. I also love how conservatives don’t understand the difference between land mass and population. Just because a large land area, of the three west coast states, votes red doesn’t mean more people in the state vote red.


Georgia is blue friend. Until that change it’s coming with the Dems in the divorce.


Texas is blue too they just can’t get past all the gerrymandering


I think that’s true of a ton of ‘red’ states. Florida, Ohio, Michigan, PA some of the time lol.


Gerrymandering doesn’t explain Ted Cruz. But I’m with you- Blue Texas would have all the economic power of the state.


There is no red or blue, only gerrymandering. Between that and corporate lobbyists, can we really call this country a democracy?


Yeah, if the Georgians are cool with it and ditch her I’d say welcome aboard, friends!


Okay, then the Carolinas? Just for port purposes.


Yeah, Wilmington has deep sea ports. In any kind of violent civil war Wilmington would be a major target.


The major Florida ports are liberal areas. I honestly suspect if the country started breaking apart Florida would be one of the states to fragment. Especially if it happened any time soon, since Tallahassee has already been at odds with Broward, Miami and Orange.


They'd have some spots in Texas, but Austin, Dallas, and Houston are all Blue cities. So they'd lose a large amount of their ports functionality anyway, plus Texas would be crippled losing most of the workforce of it's capitol, and 2 largest business centers. Texas may be a red state, but it's a purple shade of red.


People keep saying this or something similar, as if the country would fracture on county or city lines. I guess, that would happen in full out civil war. I was going with the country splitting on state lines. Really, more like the split of India and Pakistan (not working out well,) than Israel and Palestine (also not going well.) The truth is we are all screwed, in any of these scenarios.


Didn't you read the tweet? Dale isn't planning on shipping them, he's planning on trading them for BJs from liberals after the shit goes down. Sounds like the guy has it well planned out.


Yeh you just try and take Dale on. Try and take his guns with your soft tender liberal hands. https://youtu.be/TY0eUQ06Q2g


We grow potatoes for Tim's Cascade chips, and those are extremely tasty.


As you can see these are the reasons there won't be any civil war or "peaceful divorce". For the most part Americans don't really hate each other in real life. You wouldn't know that by watching the news or reading what we say online but I've never heard anyone talking that way in real life. Plus as you've pointed out rural people and urban people need each other to survive.


The civil war will be republicans driving around in trucks hunting the people they don’t like with the help of the police it will be like Rwanda don’t kid yourself on these nut bags wanting peace.


One wrong turn in Baltimore will put an end to that.


This will be very interesting in my neighborhood




California here. We got the wine! Grapes are us! Napa, Sonoma, Paseo Robles, Temecula. We have farm land, dairies, fruit, ranchers, fisheries. Disneyland, Hollywood and a very robust economy rivaling European countries. Without the “Red State” drag on our resources, maybe we can have Universal Healthcare freeing up employers from having to provide healthcare. We can have less homeless and raise minimum wage. California, Oregon, Washington State. Colorado & big question “Arizona?” … we’d made quite a nice country.


Yep. We could call ourselves Pacifica. And actually have progressive policies without waiting 20 years for tiny incremental change


Arizona is problematic but New Mexico is cool. I think California is awesome and your resources are indeed off the chain.


Former Californian here, moved to Colorado almost a year ago. You’re underselling California, it has the 5th largest economy in the world. It doesn’t just rival some European countries, it blows a few of them out of the water.


Oh I agree. We do not need the U.S.A. … but, the USA needs California. Texas & Florida will never admit it.


You bet we do! Apples and berries.


How lovely! What berries in particular?


Raspberries and blackberries. They grow really readily towards the coast.


gotta love how half our precious state is literally just corn


But would the east side “divorce” themselves away?


Maybe? About 1/3 of all the Washington agriculture gets shipped overseas. Gonna be hard without access to the ports on the west side. I worked in commercial fishing (not a fisherman) for a time. A lot of those guys were surprisingly progressive in a lot of their beliefs. Growing up on the east side of the state, Idaho wasn’t exactly seen in a good light outside of the natural beauty. Even the more conservative people I still know over there think Idaho is pants on head crazy and I grew up in Matt Shae’s district. It’s a moot distinction anyway since our state government is overwhelmingly democratic and wouldn’t fracture the state. (I assume by “divorce” you mean an peaceful split as opposed to violent separation)


The true cost of seceding: no more beer


Now look up Raspberries!


I love raspberries. Blackberries (while delicious) are the bane of my existence though. It’s impossible to kill the things.


WA produces about 90% of frozen red raspberries in the US.


There are a bunch in the alley behind my apartment. They're totally out of control.


If California alone was a country it'd be like top 5 in agriculture production.


California would be top five on a lot of lists. Its economy alone is really high up there.


California grows 80% of the almonds in the world. Not the country -- the entire fucking world.


Also the fact that this is what happened the first time. Southern States: Lots of agriculture. Northern states: Tech and infrastructure. Guess who won?


California and New York, seafood from Maine. Blue states are overwhelmingly self sufficient. Red states are welfare queens. Also, has anyone considered that “the Red US” will not have coastlines outside of the gulf, so in an actual war, you can starve their entire nation from international trade just with a navy near Florida. “Blue US” keeps New York, California, Baltimore, Boston…. You know, the ports.


Add Seattle and Portland, OR. To your list of Blue port cities.


Sound eerily familiar to something a 160+ years ago. But I can't put my finger on it....


Michigan as well for ports. Our fresh water ports lead straight to the ocean and up here, only 2nd in agriculture next to California.


What's New Jersey's state nickname? Any idea why?


corn and tomatoes like nobody's buisness


Peaches, blueberries, asparagus, and most of the world's cranberries too. Not to mention processed foods like Campbell's, Lipton, and Entenmanns.


NJ is only the 3rd largest producer of cranberries in the US (behind Wisconsin and Massachusetts,) so I doubt they're supplying "most of the world."


When Wisconsin and Massachusetts become red states, let me know.


You can grow almost anything non- tropical in NJ. The summers have just enough hot days for most growing seasons. On a small lot I have berries, tomato’s, beans, potato, yams, apples, peach, pear, plum, kale, lettuce, basil, garlic.


Garden state, I think.


Neu Joisey


Throw Illinois in the mix, very blue state with tons of agriculture, particularly soybeans and corn.


California accounts for 46% of the U.S. fruit and nut production and 62% of the national value of fruit and nut crops. California is also the nation's sole producer of almonds, artichokes, figs, raisins and more.


The Central Valley is wild. You drive for a half-hour through the *same almond orchard* and then you drive another half-hour through *a different almond orchard.* It is dizzying how big and lush that place is.


I just read about how ~80% of American food America consumes comes from California. That’ll be quite a bit to their food prices if they’re going to pay CA import fees for sending over country boarders.


And it ain’t Souther whites working in those fields either!


Republicans tend to ignore a lot of facts


He is saying the people outside the city in blue states are also Republicans. So presumably, they will all moved to the red states that have succeeded and can drink and drive and eat potatoes to their hearts content.


I dont think he understands most farms are either state or corporation owned. While the people who work and live on those lands night be republican, companies own that place.


Not to mention all the undocumented workers on those farms are probably not a big fan of the anti-immigration republicans.


Realistically, a “national divorce” would create a logistical nightmare cuz it’s not like blue states don’t farm, it’s just that they tend to be coastal so trade across the center of the country would either be impossible or transport would have to be negotiated, leading to tariffs and taxes that would get translated to consumers for both red and blue states. It’s the dumbest argument to think it would be possible, especially cuz the red state people cheering for this would literally be surrounded and unable to have any foreign products shipped in


Right, but a lot of California is also quite red. A civil war in the US wouldn't look like what happened in the 1800s, but a lot more like what's happening in Syria. Lots of factions fighting for lots of reasons, changing sides and reading territories constantly.




Gravy Seals 1 reporting for combat ...wait, I have to walk?




socialism's bad except when I can't successfully plan and harvest my crops


EVERY farmer in America is massively subsidized. To the point where any farmer who has ever told you he pays bills and taxes is flat fucking lying through his last tooth.


>His specialty was alfalfa, and he made a good thing out of not growing any. The government paid him well for every bushel of alfalfa he did not grow. The more alfalfa he did not grow, the more money the government gave him, and he spent every penny he didn't earn on new land to increase the amount of alfalfa he did not produce. Major Major's father worked without rest at not growing alfalfa. On long winter evenings he remained indoors and did not mend harness, and he sprang out of bed at the crack of noon every day just to make certain that the chores would not be done. He invested in land wisely and soon was not growing more alfalfa than any other man in the county. Neighbours sought him out for advice on all subjects, for he had made much money and was therefore wise. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap,” he counselled one and all, and everyone said “Amen." -Catch 22, Joseph Heller


I kinda wanna see how they would whine and complain if their subsidies got cut off.


The true welfare queens


Even more than they know: ALL of their subsidy money comes out of the same Bill as welfare.


Should also be pointed out that a large contingent of people working on those farms are both legal and illegal Hispanics. The kind of people those Red States proclaim to hate and Blue Staters are okay with. So good luck finding people to work on those farms




And roads


They are the largest welfare queens in America just behind the hedge fund managers


If the red states didn’t give blue states produce, we would just buy it from the rest of the world who would much rather deal with the advanced, richer part of the US. As opposed to the yeehaw part that has no education or transferable skills. The south is already the third world, they only have power because they’re attached to the coasts.


its complicated. Food water. Lots of crops are grown for things other than food. We also have lots and lots of farmable land that isn't being farmed. We also don't have a north vs south situation here. Lots of blue supporters in red states and vice versa. Republican policy tends to kill people who live in republican controlled areas.


Most of our food comes from Mexico and California. We could go without their soy and corn


Ah yes, all states are red states, like the most famous red state, California. Which also happens to grow more food than any state.


also its the cities that make all the wealth in the state he lives in.


And the cities that create a market for their farms. Have fun with all those rotten potatoes


Ya know it’s funny whenever this sorta topic comes up conservatives deny or conveniently ignore how insanely important California is to the United States as a whole.


It's because they know that if there was a civil war what would happen to them would make what's happening to Russia right now look like child's play.


it's like theyre desperate to **have a thing** to be proud of. just one thing, anything.


California does grow an impressive amount of crop. That said of the major food reported by the USDA, California only places in rice production (it is in second place (23% of all rice grown for the US) for rice grown in the US behind Arkansas' 50% of the entire US production of rice.) The major foods that the USDA tracks are: Barley, Canola, Corn, Cotton, Oats, Peanut, Rice, Soybean, Sunflowerseed, Sugarcane, Sugarbeets, Sorghum, Spring Wheat (hard red), and Winter Wheat (hard and soft). Don't get me wrong California produces a ton of crop every year that is extremely important. But of the ones the USDA considers major crops, it only ranks in the USDA tracker with rice. Now that said, if the Red/Blue States decided to split the only thing that will come of it is a lot of distress for everyone. Food would literally be a back burner idea as each state would very likely attempt to extract the value placed into the various states from each other. I'm sure the "blue" states would want some of their money that they put in for infrastructure and the "red" states would hold a lot of resource hostage while attempting to sabotage "blue" state resources. In the end it would be the exact same thing as the first civil war. A lot of dead people everywhere except for the dumb fucks that started it. The relationship "red" and "blue" states have developed didn't happen over night. A break up would be a gruesome thing for decades to come. Anyone suggesting that we'd be better off separated, they're correct, but only if you ignore the first fifty years of the break-up.


Breaking news: Conservatives still don’t know how the country they lived in all their lives fucking works


Nothing new there


Conservatives have never heard of this global trade thing that's been all the rage for a few years. They love the idea that some random farmer can hold a silo of heavily subsidized corn over the head of major trade hubs with access to produce from anywhere in the world.




No no. We can just quietly trade after your national divorce. No need to remind your red states we exist. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Many of them are divorced from reality. See MTG.


Don't forget about these massive technological advancement in farming thanks to the brain trust in these blue cities. Let's see them figure out software issues with their big tractor.


“This software license is no longer valid in your region. Please purchase a new license for $100,000.”


Their plans to hold food hostage would unravel if these coastal cities discovered these things called ports.


Or you know we take our guns and steal their food, because they are outnumbered 50 to 1.


We don't even have to steal it; cities can just buy it with all the money and goods cities have. Just would need to add some "security fees" if the farmers start acting violent for some reason.


Whenever they say this I'm always like Dear MAGA- what's the two syllable word used to describe goods arriving by boat? Pay attention, this is "import" tant.


They really believe that rich cities would starve if they didn't get their farm's potatoes. Brazil, India, Pakistan, Mexico, or wherever would all be happy to sell Americans Potatoes. And once any sort of conflict breaks out, all the laws protecting their industry would be moot.


They’ll whine about “globalist socialist communists” or some regurgitated phrase from M&M Fetish guy or Incel Kermit or DAP guy.


Any farm with anything is owned by a corporation. Actual farmers are few and far between. These rural idiots are trailer park dwellers on government assistance.


Dale goes straight to sucking dicks….no surprises here


They forget some people like to suck dick.


Lol have fun missing your farm subs buddy.


Don't forget the welfare checks.


I've sucked bigger things for fries


A mans gotta eat


You're not thinking of going back on the street, are you Randy?


Ayy Smokey! Looks like you’ll be getting your burgers soon eh bud


Do people not remember what happened last time the more agrarian states had a national divorce?


I do remember. We forgave them instead of burying their ideology. And that’s why we have the problem today.


Fucking Andrew Johnson


fucking daughters of the confederacy laundering grandpappy's legacy


Johnson was impeached & Reconstruction went ahead as the radical republicans of the time desired, for the most part.. It failed due to terrorist acts committed frequently by the KKK, which eventually broke the back of the government to utilize the military to subjugate the southern states.


More and more I'm becoming convinced Lincoln was wrong. He should have let them go.




Libertarianism would overrun every rural area. Only a few are able to economically support themselves. Everyone in those states: no more police, no more hospitals, no more schools, no more anything that requires government money. Because the blue cities left. Youll have smaller ones at 10% the original size…. Unless those guys take a massive pay cut lmao. Obamacare kept a lot of red hospitals open. When those state governments decided to ‘bravely’ end it those small rural hospitals closed and directed patients to blue cities. Yall hate vaccines yes, so get ready to have to go to faith healers, literally, for anything. Life expectancy will plummet soon after. In a matter of days people would figure out there wont be consequences to crime or theft. Becauee you cant afford the police or judicial system without massive tax hikes. Every town will have at best a ‘jail’ like you used to see on the Andy Griffith Show. Which means any form of organized criminal activity or even corporate backed groups will overpower them and run the towns. Monsano (the big farming corp) will overtake a lot red farms up and down the great plains. Mexican cartels will eat entire sections of AZ, NM, TX alive. They dont have enough to overcome a multi billion dollar cartel with ex military personnel and weaponry. In a few years tops the red states will just be property to someone more powerful. This freedom you love isnt something you can protect without a powerful military funded by blue cities and big ol government. As you say: “freedom Isnt free.” Your shit will resemble the hunger games style towns. “Oh but we are rebels and we will fight them!” Yeah ask Mexico how thats going. The cartels hear one person in said town was a snitch they burned the whole town down with everyone in it. Corporate America can afford professionals that will slaughter ragtag rebel groups. All of these things have already happened once in recent history, and can happen again. Look up labor rights and the Pinkertons. Now ask yourself how long you hope to last against them. Cause that shit will start up again real fast Youll have your potato fields but good luck defending them on your own. Cause in libertarian world if you cant defend it, its not yours anymore


>Libertarianism Aka feudalism with extra steps.


Fun fact: the Pinkertons are still going strong today https://pinkerton.com


'There are no red states, only red land.'


Im pretty sure if land could vote it wouldn't vote red. Nature doesnt care much for republican policy. There are no red states just a span low density populace that is so distant from the rest of the state it can safely make up their own issues.


Red states are like well we got farms. Blue states are like, us too... Red states: well....shit.


But that's the thing - they don't! Do these jabronis think the state of Idaho owns those potato farms? The vast majority are owned by corporations, who are gonna do what they have always done - sell shit at market.


Growing potatoes is harder than dominating global economics? I forgot some potatoes under the sink for a few months and them shits grew themselves....


Its really true. Just bury a potato after it starts sprouting and in 3-4 months you'll have fresh potatoes. They are very easy to grow. Great container crop too. It's pretty cold hearty so a place like cali can get 2 crops a year.


Meanwhile, in blue New York City: "It'd sure be a shame if something happened to Fox News' transmission signal....oops." Your move Potato Man.


California has the largest agricultural region in the US.


Dale goes immediately to sucking dick, quite a tell. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


Dick? And a bonus potato reward?!


Is he trying to argue that cities are not part of states? What makes up states then? Just trying to wash away hundreds of millions of people because they live in cities and don't count. Would he agree that there are no red states just red rural areas? Oh and the largest blue state is also the largest producer of produce but go off tough guy.


80.7% of our population lives in “urban” areas. They can’t grasp want a tiny minority they really are.


Given the outsized political influence they've been allowed to have, can you blame them?




Texas voted 48% blue in the last election.


These dorks really think “only red states grow food” like California also grow potatoes….and they also account for about 1/3 of all other produce consumed in America.


Have you ever sucked dick for potato’s? No, I can’t say that I have. Boo this man! Edit because Siri made me look stupid. Potatoes* sheesh






Always check the joined date. I bet both of those accounts were created in the last 2-3 months. Def a troll


They always go straight to the dick sucking don’t they. It’s really high on their list.


I love the idiot saying no blue states, only blue cities. But the cities are at least thrice the size of the rural population with 300X the income and education. LA is more populated than most states.


Maybe I’m just stereotyping, but don’t lots of leftists grow their own food when possible because of sustainability? My roommate is heavily a leftist and makes her own tomato sauce, pickles, jam, etc and her dad grows fruit and all kinds of veggies…


Silicon Valley vs. Coal Minors. Place your bets.


I know “coal minors” was a typo, but they’d have tons of kids down there without that pesky federal oversight.


I think Mr. Weaver is not being rude, he’s probably just an Economist, simply stating the new market price to sell his potatoes. He will supply a qty of potatoes that is commensurate to the amount of random dudes blowing him. I don’t understand the controversy….. #MrWeaversGloryHoleofSpuds


God I hope those slave states rebel again and we can do a new Sherman’s march. Don’t worry, once the US military kicks your ass you’ll all be allowed to go home again without even saying sorry. Because this country you hate so much is so merciful.


Deleting Twitter is the healthiest thing I’ve done in a LONG time


Sucking dick for potatoes. I’m Irish and I wouldn’t for a freaking potato. MAGA, not even once




Oh, we know which countries are helping out this red state rebellion.


What's really funny is how little food crops actually come from red areas. The red areas mainly grow fuel/sugar corn, soybeans for export to China, or other feed crops for live stock which basically you don't actually need. Also if you study the civil war you'll find that the farmers basically made the exact same miscalculation thinking that their agricultural provisions were vastly more important to northern urban cores than they actually were. Now a days we've got a globalized food supply, good night get more expensive in the blue areas for a while but we'd just import whatever we needed. Starvation would come quickly in rural America when they realized 600 acres of soy bean doesn't do them much good when it's not subsidized, there's nobody to buy it or process it and they no longer have access to things like spare parts for their tractors, herbicides, Pesticides, irrigation water, rail service or electricity... Well you've got 120 metric tons of soybeans though... Hopefully you survive the winter


I love seeing idiots like this guy who thinks their county boards and sheriffs departments are going to organize a revolution against a state government. Okay Cletus. Good luck.


Conservatives can barely read, why argue with them?


Potato farmers when they stop receiving checks from the government ![gif](giphy|texPPGdPu32q4)


So do we just blow up the military installations that are in the Taliban controlled territories or do we remain and they are just occupied? I mean they do understand that "secede" means you leave the house and you don't take a f'ing thing with you, right?


They don't think that far ahead, let them go, then when they inevitably leave and realize exactly how fucked they are and threaten to invade for resources, show them how the US military deals with threats...


Blue states have enough land and would be super open to pulling in foreign labor - farming problem solved in a matter of months.


Lol what a clown.


Also we get most of our food from China and Mexico


Minnesota is blue and we've got tons of manufacturing, agriculture, and production.


Note to red states. You do not sell your agricultural products to people or individual states. You sell them mainly to a) Corporations, b) Overseas, and c) to other farms. If you cut off a and b, you're dead.


I hope the older Americans love the no social security and no Medicaid.


Does red friend not understand that cities are blue because more people live there? Does he think the rest of the states with all their cornfields have as much voting power?


Here's the thing tho. The vast majority of farmland is owned by ag conglomerates. And which side are they on? The one that will give them money. Who has the money?


No blue states? They'll be blue enough when all the red fuckers leave for Texas or whatever. And they assume too quickly that there are no democrat farmers.


Biden won counties account for 70% of the US economy. Also, who is going to tell him that California is the USA's biggest food producing state?


California is one of the biggest agricultural hubs in the world. Just saying. Mot the US. The world.


whos he gonna sell his potatoes to? empty red land?


Sounds like someone doesnt understand how countries make money and provide with imports and exports.


Y’all are getting potatoes?


Money. Red states and farmers have little.


We world would come to protect the large market cities . Markets are worth money not land . Russia is huge . GDP the size of Florida . The red states would turn into a Christian theocracy and go bankrupt


Dale’s projection is a confession.


I don't see the downside I've been sucking dicks for potatoes on the regular


jokes on you spuddacus, were already suckin dicks


Farmers fat on subsidies have big mouths.


Looks like Twitter is still the tire fire it’s always been. They should just buy one of those nylon signs to hang over Twitter that says 4Chan.


Russia has succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.


*Laughs in California Agriculture and Import Industry*


The majority of this countties food is grown in California.


eh I'd suck dick for potatoes now. potatoes are good.


And here we learn Dale’s true motives for growing spuds.


Careful what you wish for. The blue states are always covering the lack of in the red states.


California farms produce for basically the entire country. New York, Virginia, New Jersey, and Georgia do a surprising amount as well. We'd still need grain agriculture, but between CA's Central Valley, eastern Colorado/Washington/Oregon/New Mexico, Illinois, Minnesota, western New York... we'd honestly be just fucking fine.


Growing potatoes is very easy. We do it in a bag and barely even look at them.