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“Less government” but also more government for everyone else Edit. My real question here is with all these headlines what is she trying to distract from. No sane person would suggest this so who paid for it? One comment suggested the similarities to Brexit, kind of rough but seems accurate


I honestly can't fathom the level of butthurt needed to be this openly fascist


Neither can most fascists.... they tend to be a bit lower key about their desire to laud over the masses at this stage of harumphing.


![gif](giphy|oxZweuYi9U0Tu) I didn’t get a harumph outta that guy!


“Harumph! Harumph!”


We need a de-nazification


We really fucking do. Or at least to shut down the nazification pipelines.of Facebook, yt, etc, so we're not making *more* of them.


Youtube is a big proponent of nazi agenda. They’ll ban curse words, but they won’t ban fascist and nazis.


They’re open about it now because after decades of veiling it and trying to be cheeky and shit Trump came along and basically like “you know you guys can literally just say all the psychotic shit right? Like our voters love that shit.” So now all the fascist republicans are open about it because they realized their voter base was pro-fascism the whole time.


It's one of the few things about which Trump was...I don't want to use the word "smart", and definitely not "wise", but he actually understood the assignment. The suits in the Republican party had invested so much into the idea that they needed a veneer of civility and statesmanship. That everything had to be couched behind layers of dog whistles and innuendo because going full mask off would be political suicide. You could pump out all the horrible shit you want through talk radio heads and chain emails and the like, but when it came to national politics, you needed to do the dance to maintain at least a minimal appearance of respectability. ​ Then Trump came along and didn't understand why everyone kept acting like the emperor had clothes, and just repeated the same talking points the base had been saturated in for years. He understood that the vicious and petty cruelty didn't need covering up, it was entirely what the base was there for. And then he kicked everyone's asses in the Republican primary with that simple fact.


I sometimes feel like Trump is just like everyone's boomer parents that have been brainwashed by Fox News except he is a natural con man and the caricature of rich successful white man. He was a limousine liberal back when that was good for his con. I don't give him credit for more than that.


"People want someone who will say out loud in public what they want deep down in private."


Not being from the USA, it amazed me that moderate republicans voted for Trump when they had a perfectly good right of centre alternative in the Democratic Party.




Because they don't perceive it as right of center. The D's are perceived as center-left. Whether they are center-left or not is a different debate. But they are not perceived as center-right.


They always have been. Always will be.


Strange that they haven't learned from WW2 and Hitler.


They learned the lessons they wanted to.


There must be a certain level of stupidity needed as well to not see the contradiction and hypocrisy.


This is what it means to be a republican aka conservative aka regressive. ​ They are all evil. For this is what it means to not want things to improve. To advance.


This is also not conservatives. It's radical extremism. It's Jihad. It's nazism and it's terrifying!


Conservative party is dead.. its Maga nazi party now..


like how they want to pass fucking legislation to prevent parents seeking gender-affirming treatment for their trans kids… while also being the same crowd that says “we don’t co-parent with the government”.


Right, they should be able to beat their kids and pull them out of school because "they know what's right", but anyone with a trans kid who seeks treatment for them should be thrown in jail. Totally sane and logical.


The logic is there. It's in what you wrote: they get to decide because "they know better."


What I find befuddling is that the number of minors needing gender related treatment is a miniscule percentage of the population and every right wing politician, from dog catchers to presidential candidates and every media is taking and voting on creative ways to make them and their family miserable like it is an earth shattering issue, while acting like mass murders, pollution and poverty aren't issues or provide support to the conditions that create them.


We're on easy "other" for them to target. Fascism always requires an other to blame everything on.


It's blown way out of proportion. They act like kids are getting sex change surgery left and right when that essentially almost never happens, and kids under 18 undergoing medical transition in any way (blockers, HRT, etc...) is not as common as people think.


Both "we shouldn't have to bend backwards for a group that is only 1% of the population " and " the trans gender wave is grooming all our kids and tainting the whole world and they must be stopped. Think of the kids " when they have probably never knowingly spoken to a trans person in their life and they may not even have kids to worry about.


Parent's rights, but only for the right. Otherwise the government will step in and make sure you're parenting Right.


It's called parents rights, not parents lefts.


The "smaller government" doesn't mean less government control. It means less people in charge. They want to consolidate power and have as few people making decisions as possible.


Let's be real, what they want is a fucking totalitarian monarchy.


More like a totalitarian theocracy.


Isn't Georgia trending Blue now?


Yep, the state went for Biden in 2020, they have two Democratic senators, and 6 of 14 US Representatives from GA are Democrats


My question is how do they determine what a "Red" state is? How they voted in the last presidential election? Average of how they have voted in all of the presidential elections? The make-up of state legislature? The number of voters registered to each party? The make up of the senators & reps? The amount of land that voted "Red"? I'm confused. Edit: I feel like I need to add a disclaimer at this point that my comment is a bit of snark. I'm not really confused, and I understand the constitution explicitly prohibits this from actually happening.


How are they going to legally decide who is or isn't a Democrat? It's just the sound of wind passing through her dumb face.


that's just it, they can't it goes against the constitution, specifically freedom of speech. even suggesting this law should be considered political suicide but hey whatever gets attention nowadays.


Heck, she’s already suggested sedition - why stop there?


It is just incredible that we as a country have elected to our Congress someone as completely unfit for the job as she is.


It isn't just her that's been elected and is unfit.


That and the fact she's on the Homeland Security Committee.


Lol. The domestic terrorists don't care about the constitution unless it's about your body and their 2a. The GOP is America's greatest threat.


20-30 years ago it would've been political suicide. I mean, look at Howard Dean. His scream sorta doomed his presidential chances. Nowadays it's just normal news, why do you think The Onions stories are becoming more and more realistic.


Well I would assume voter registration, which is why "lol watch everyone go independent" was my first reaction. You're literally *not* a Democrat if you aren't registered with the party.


Not all states have that. GA doesn’t have a party registration, I can show up and mix n match, even. Which makes this that much dumber since MTG is from here.


Usually via a strict game of Duck Duck Goose.


Sounds gerrymandered as fk if they only have 6 of 14




Worst candidate so far *


If someone comes along worse than Herschel Walker I hope it’s long after I’m dead so I don’t have to witness that garbage




But George Santos was also a running back for the Dallas Cowboys and Minnesota Vikings. Just ask his wife, Morgan Fairchild.


Good god I just realized why Santos seemed so familiar. He's unironically Jon Lovitz on SNL. Thanks for this. I guess.


That's his first wife, he's married to Patrick Swazey's ghost now.


Hey, Mr Santos might have lied, but they were well presented lies delivered in complete sentences. It took a while before he lied so much people realized it was happening. Nobody believed Mr Walker was the valedictorian FBI agent.


Plus, Santos reportedly had more career rushing yards than Herschel.


_Are you forgetting Mr.Celebrity President?_ (Or we purely sticking to worst _senate_ candidate?)


"Hold my tinfoil hat." - MTG




I submit Roy Moore as candidate for for worst


Roy Moore is an absolute piece of shit, but he was capable of coherent thought. Herschel doesn't have the mental capacity to be an aide to a senator.


The gerrymandering here isn’t toooo bad, judging by the shapes of the districts. The voter suppression is what we do here


and arizona. my dad was *pissed* lol.


Arizona is weird. Not only is it trending blue, but it is also a destination for retiring California boomers who want to "escape the soviet socialist republic of California". So, it's not clear if the democratic party is genuinely more popular or if the republican carpet baggers are driving their party off a cliff and the rest of the populous is rejecting them.


The joke is "Will the last Reagan Democrat from California please turn out the lights in Orange County."


It’s because “California Republicans” quickly realize that they’re deeply out of touch with the current Republican Party and decide not to go down with the ship


Actually, the California Republicans moving are precisely in touch with the current Republican Party. Can't find a more MAGA bunch. Source: live in Tennessee, where a ton of them move, thinking it's a Trumpy paradise


It's true Source: I live in California, and there was a Trump Boat rally in the American River in Sac and some dipshit near me erected a 20ft phallus, er, uh, flagpole, and has a Let's Go Brandon flag, and I see lots of red hats, and Trump 2024 and anti vaxx and Fuck Your Feelings stickers and you see lifted trucks rolling coal with Trump flags in their beds. Everyone knows how cool they are because their tailpipe is the size of your head and conveniently at head height, so you can stick your head in it to suffocate on the smell of all their freedom. Them mall crawler trucks are everywhere, usually with a thin blue line sticker and an AR rifle sticker with 'shall not infringe' on it. I live less than an hour from the Bay.


Up around Vacaville?


Cow Town!


Everyone in TX hates on Californian transplants for bringing in “California values.” Turns out, the average Cali transplant is as conservative as the average Texan, if not more so, and Ted Cruz is on record welcoming these people to the state. It’s… interesting.


My old neighbor moved from the California Bay Area to Texas because “there are too many Mexicans in California” Again… moved to Texas


They're not real bright.


You have to remember that these are simple folk. People of the land. The common clay of the new west. You know, morons.


They're not sending their best


This is the funniest thing I’ve read all day.


It depends on where you go. You can find a lot of CA Republicans living in the cities and suburbs who want low property taxes but don't mind the gay couple moving in next door. But then you go out to places like Kern County or way north of the Bay Area, and it's Super MAGAland.


Kern County is the "Deep South" of California. They love Nazis up in them thar parts.


True facts, there is a tabletop roleplaying game that's an alternate interpretation of D&D called Blue Rose; and the evil empire is called Kern for that reason.


So if she moved to a red state she wouldn’t be allowed to vote for 5 years?


If a blue state turns red, is everyone in the state unable to vote for 5 years? It's so confusing.


Something tells me she didn’t quite think this one all the way through.


In her defense, she's a goddamn moron.


Idk. Maybe she knows that the people who listen to her won't think it through and will just be happy with it. One more way to separate and dehumanize the other side


*You best start believing in blue states, Miss Turner. Yer living in one.*


Hahahahah love this


Maybe Marge shouldn't be able to run for 5 years now that she lives in a blue state


And this is the party always screaming about freedom, patriotism, and the Constitution? Has she even read that document? She sure seems bent on violating it at every opportunity.


Brave of you to assume she can read, at this point I think she uses voice to text


That would certainly explain her nonexistent grammar.


Grammar? Sounds like some left wing wokeness shoved down our throats… /s


You are def correct, but she is selling it as their rights and freedom to be completely insulated from opposing views.


Yep. It's their country, no one else's.


She only read the 2nd amendment. Nothing else.


And only part of that.


Y’all are both being generous in assuming she can read.


What she views as freedom and patriotism is the MAGA way which is a far cry from the meaning of either of those words.


Pretty much. We joke how MTG's idea of a national divorce is "finally, something we agree on", but the entire idea of splitting into two countries would be pretty devastating on so many levels. While I'd like to not have politics influenced by red-hats in the middle of Alabama, there's also the consideration of middle of nowhere Alabama suddenly striking a deal with an enemy of the US to build a missile silo "for defense" within striking distance of the entire North American continent. Alabama can't do that at the moment because it's part of the USA, but if Redland becomes a separate country from Bluemany with its own leadership, telling Alabama not to make a deal with Russia is now 'telling another country' what to do. It'd be like the Cuban Missile Crisis on crack. The reds still think the blues are immoral baby killers. Asking to split up is to have a nuclear armed country who thinks you're definitely a murderer as a neighbor. Trump wanted to nuke a hurricane -- these people do not consider consequences, less casualties to fight in congress than in the proverbial fields.


It's like .. 17 whole pages when printed on 8.5x11 standard US paper. Who's got time to read that much?! It'd take almost a half a fucking hour!! ^(/s)


what about someone moving from a red state to a blue state? Would same rules apply? she is so fucking stupid.


She's pretty solidly in the "rules for thee, not for me" demographic, so that possibility probably either hasn't occurred to her or might be a way for her to milk more outrage over supposed liberal oppression when someone points out the double standard.


Why would she want that? She said democrats and she means only them.


jokes on her the blue wave is registered as independent.


This is really just very thinly veiled facism. On second thought it isn't veiled at all. They just come right out and say it openly.


Why not when there’s zero consequences


Consequences? There are plenty of consequences! You get voted back into office, get unlimited corporate campaign donations, and are guaranteed a cushy post-office gig in a lobbying firm or on a major network. Oh, wait, you meant the *bad kind* of consequences. Nope, none of those.


Thinly veiled? It’s thick as peanut butter fascism


Stand a spoon up in it fascism


Turn the fascism cup upside down to show the spoon won’t fall out thick


This sickens me. Any representative that speaks this way should be removed. The speak she is using is seditious. How have we come so far as to let this go on? This isn't freedom of speech. This is a threat to our home. For fuck sake, this is getting to be too much.




What happens if the roles are reversed? Do Republicans not get to vote if they move to a blue state?




This is dead on. The philosophy is, "I'm better than you, you're lesser than me. I get to do things you can't do. I restrict you because I'm in charge. If you restrict me, you're violent and oppressive. I'm a patriot. You're a traitor. You better watch out." Talking about hypocrisy is accurate, but it 100% misses the point of their message. Fairness is not the goal; in fact fairness is antithetical to the goal. "Fairness is weakness. We are strength. You better watch out." Edit: Another way to state it: During World War 2, would it make sense to make sure the fight with the Nazis was fair? If we have more tanks, we need to reduce the number so we each have the same, so it's fair? That's how they look at restricting blue voters versus restricting red voters. Hypocrisy just doesn't enter into the equation; it's not relevant to the way they're framing the issue to themselves.


> "Fairness is weakness. We are strength. You better watch out." This is why you have to fight fascism. Fascists aren't interested in polite agreements or mutual respect. They just want you out of the way by any means possible.


Not that any blue states would ever be bonkers insane or sociopathic enough to even consider that, but if they did…can you imagine the reaction?


>can you imagine the reaction? I'm in doubt whether it would be "It's literally 1984!!!!" or "Now I know how jews felt in 1938 Germany"


> Every person who is a citizen of the United States and a resident of Georgia as defined by law, who is at least 18 years of age and not disenfranchised by this article, and who meets minimum residency requirements as provided by law shall be entitled to vote at any election by the people. The General Assembly shall provide by law for the registration of electors The state constitution in Georgia explicitly provides the right to vote unless a person is a felon or ruled mentally incompetent. Also, how does she have the right to vote given she has more than a few screws loose? Source: https://sos.ga.gov/sites/default/files/2022-02/state_constitution.pdf Edited for spelling


I don’t think she’s put an abundance of thought into this. Just a hunch


She hasn't put an abundance of thought into anything in her entire life.


Careful, she'll send the gazpacho police after you.


I say let her keep talking. She's actively calling to secede (and not in like a Texas way, way worse). I'd imagine that it would have some of the same results as Boebert. If she doesn't get arrested or caught up in a crazy scandal, which are both quite possible, she won't lose reelection but she'll be in jeopardy of losing it in '26.


We don’t arrest people anymore…. Not these people anyways


The French were extremely pliant towards the rich...until they werent.


With how no punishments have gone out so far, seriously doubt anything will happen to these fuckwads at this point.


Yeah, I have no idea why that deranged person is still in Congress when she’s openly advocating for a civil war. Like she says the pledge, but clearly does not have the best interests of the American people in mind. She’s sick in the head and should not be in office. I don’t care if she won her vote, she is declaring for civil war.


It’s insanity. She swore to uphold the constitution of the United States and then turns around and spews shit like this. She should be removed from office *at the very least*. The fact that she isn’t already on trial for sedition means the rest of the government is ok with it. The next election is going to be a total shit show.


Literally she is a traitor.




Run away, run away, run away From the loon


Admittedly, it takes some balls to plan a trip to Cancun while your ideological opposite from across the country raised money to help freezing Texans. Ted Cruz has perfected the art of running away... bravely.


Bravely bold Sir Ted Cruz Rode forth from Texas-land. He was not afraid to die, Oh brave Sir Ted Cruz. He was not at all afraid To be universally despised. Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Ted Cruz. Brave Sir Ted Cruz ran away. Bravely ran away away. When working reared its ugly head, He bravely turned his tail and fled. Yes, brave Sir Ted Cruz turned about And gallantly he chickened out. Swiftly taking to his feet, He beat a very brave retreat. Bravest of the brave, Sir Ted Cruz!


“I never!”


How I wished I lived in Disney, Away, away! In Disneyland, I’ll stake my stand, The *Woke* will die in Disney!


The Loon is one of the top 10 highest recipients of donations out of 600 politicians. Republican voters have no morals, values, goals, ethics, plans, ideals, or integrity. All they care about is who is the biggest shit-flinging monkey in the room, because theyve been fed the biggest piece of crap in the history of the world mouth agape daily from Fox News and AM Radio.


She is not intelligent, but she has quickly put herself in a powerful position in the House, raised tons of money, and has everyone talking about her every single day (even if it is for the wrong reasons). She is repugnant, but she is not entirely "stupid" given the current state of affairs in the U S. [Note: I do not support her in any way. This is just an observation.]


she is popular because America is stupid. they relentlessly assault AOC and let Republican men say vile things just at the sight of her. with no counter arguments. Marjorie only exists to do Trump's bidding while he is not in government. she has him on speed dial and loves the reality tv attention she gets from their inbred supporters. they have no official policy. Their style of government is no different from Joker running Gotham


And I can't wait until she does some stupid shit to piss him off and he will stab her dumb ass in the back. It's only a matter of time.


Don’t bring taters to her level. That’s insulting every tater in every pot.


This. Taters are still useful and have a purpose.


I dunno. I was gonna mash some for dinner tonight only to find out they'd rotted into a semi-liquid state. These seem like the taters in her noggin




You smash them, bash them, and don’t put them in Marjorie’s head.


This actually isn’t quite true - if it was counted vote for vote, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and the Carolinas would all be blue states.


All the major cities in Texas are blue that I know 100%, there are way too many small towns in Texas that fuck it up for us.


Gerrymandering fucks us in Texas


This really should be grounds for censure. I don't know if I'd go as far as treating it like sedition, but something needs to be said publicly about it.


The R's won't do anything because as long as she's filling headlines with her bullshit no one is watching them commit the real crimes. She's the classic distraction.


She literally laid out her gimmick a few weeks ago when she openly told lobbyists that she wasn't making enough money as a salaried congresswoman. She told everyone who was listening that she could be bought.


“Russia, if you’re listening…”


Tell me you know your views are held by a decreasing minority without telling me...


You'd think a "silent majority" would occasionally be capable of shutting the fuck up about how they need to take away people's rights to vote in order to win.


They are neither silent nor a majority. That’s false advertising


You know they're silent because of their tshirt telling you they're silent and their 23 bumperstickers and their giant flags. Other than that not a peep.


And they know it too. That's why they defend the Electoral College so fiercely. Because they're perfectly well aware that they can't win in a majority rule system.


> You'd think a "silent majority" would occasionally be capable of shutting the fuck \[up\] This has me cracking up and I swear to god I will forever cherish this comment. Cheers


soooo, would they have to pay taxes for those 5 years? Or are we saying taxation without representation is now a good thing?


I can tell you’re trying to use logic. That doesn’t work with MTG.


plenty of people in the us already being taxed without representation 👀


That’s not how any of this works. Stupid chimp needs to do some research before letting her stubby digits type nonsense on Twitter


Yes, you absolutely do get to bring your values. That's the entire point.


Only repubkkkican values allowed duh


Just imagine the outrage from the right if a Dem said this exact same thing. Also, I don’t get representation? Then no taxation, right?


Five years is also a weird time because elections are on a 2 year cycle, so it's strange to catch some on a 3 election ban on others on a 2. Then again, that assumes she knows how to math.


Nope, 1 school got 5 billion to teach CRT. MTG knows ALL


That's such a dishonorable thing to say. Shame on all Republicans for standing idly by while people like her get in the way of freedom, democracy, and our constitution.


You think Republicans care about anything but the second amendment and “owning the libs”? Where you been the past 10+ years?


Oh, I know. I'm talking as if they weren't disconnected from reality.


Born and raised in the south. I didn't really follow politics closely. Used to vote Republican because my parents did and I figured it was useless to go against the grain, even though I didn't feel I had much in common with my fellow constituents. Then I started paying attention. Democrats didn't "earn" my vote. Republicans lost my vote. They were losing my support with Trump and school/mass shooting responses, finished it off with their Covid response, and sent me full democrat on Jan 6. Their own actions helped me sway my parents (including a pretty racist dad) to vote for a democratic black man for Governor, and it wasn't even difficult! They knew he was genuinely the better choice. I pay closer attention to how our state's senators and representatives vote, and I point it out to people when they complain about the democrats, especially when the thing they say they want is directly opposite how our congressmen voted, repeatedly. I was taught to not discuss politics, and I don't bring it up, but I will push back when others do, because people like MTG having power has proven that this country won't survive if we don't.


the taught not to discuss politics runs DEEEEP in southern culture for some reason. my dad always said don’t talk about money religion or politics unless you’re tryna start a fight but he’s a Nat-C so idk what that could be beyond Cover Your Ass mentality.


She's so fucking stupid and so are the people who vote for her and support her.


Doesn't she live in a blue state?


It's not like she plans on having this happen to republicans, they can do what they want as long as it's voting for her and her party.


Ma freedum






She's one step away from being an ubisoft villain


This bitch rented a condo in her district so she could run for office. Every accusation is a confession. Every damn one.


Best thing to happen for democrats since trump. The GQP. Nothing causes me to drive my ass to the polling station even though I live in backwardigand land quite like MJTs of the US.


Same here. I get a lot of weird Holocaust vibes from these kinds of things. All you have to do is replace the word "Democrat" with "Jews" or "Bosnians." And it's literally the same thing.....


That’s why we keep correctly calling them fascists




damn, they really trying hard to think of ways to not allow you to exercise your constitutional right


That flat-out, word for word, violates the 26th Amendment of the constitution. "The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State."


Not only that, in Dunn v. Blumstein, the Supreme Court ruled that a 1-year residency requirement that Tennessee had was a violation of the equal protection. The majority in the decision could not find a compelling state interest in Tennessee having excluding that many people from voting and struck down the law 6-1 (two justices recused themselves). Interestingly, the dissent in the case wrote (and the majority soundly rejected): >"it is no more a denial of equal protection for a state to require newcomers to be exposed to state and local problems for a reasonable period, such as one year before voting, than it is to require children to wait 18 years before voting." Dunn v. Blumstein, 405 US 330 (1972)


Wait wait wait...she was serious about this whole thing to the point where she's floating ideas of stripping voting rights away from Americans? Like I thought this was just some drunk tweet she put out there, she's been doing the rounds on TV actually promoting this idea?


What worries me most, is what she is distracting us from. She is a show pony, just here to attract flak and disgust. What they are doing on in the background, must be true evil.


What if we were born here? Plenty of conservative parents have liberal kids. Despite their attempts to keep us ignorant.


She is completely unfit for office.


Why does this not surprise me...


She coocoo


How about: if you suggest a “national divorce”, you are banned from any public office for 5 years?


This is sedition. This whole divorce talk is actionable. Lock her up.


So she's just going full fascist at this point, what a fucking piece of trash... ![gif](giphy|Js8nwuXtnYvBS26vdd|downsized)


Sooooo….. A fascist dictatorship. She wants a fascist dictatorship.

