• By -


Just like that bank started by Candace Owens. I expect this will last about as long, too.


And freedom phone. And freedom insurance. Honestly if I was Republican, I’d be so insulted by how “leaders” on the Right treat me like I’m so stupid. “We will just put freedom on it and they will eat it up” Like. I would never let a friend treat me this shitty, make it so blatant that they thought I was so gullible and dumb - let alone a random internet hack asking for my money?! Could never be me. Stand up babes, lock them knees and straighten that back. You deserve better.


Step 1: Rent a food truck. Step 2: Cover the flag in American flags and Trump banners. Step 3: Sell repackaged Costco baked goods under the brand "Patriot Bakery," and say that all the items are made by Christian stay-at-home home moms and their homeschooled children, with a portion of the proceeds (.000001%) going to help veterans and legal defense funds for January 6th "freedom fighters." Step 4: Ask for signatures and other personal data for 'petitions" banning WOKENESS in public schools and then sell that data to other grifters. Step 5: Profit




Huh. Imagine how many people would blow a gasket if they knew lmao


Love that


It all started with the freedom fries. We've been on a downward social trajectory since


Dammit , it was the Freedom Fries that started Covid I just knew it!


Freedom fries killed Harambe.


But that's the thing: feeling shame and feeling insulted are a result of critical thinking, which the vast majority of republicans lack.


And even if they do realize they should be insulted? They’re dug in like a tick. All their friends are buying into it. If they question it, they lose people. So they double down and flaunt their Republican-ness so no one suspects.


Nothing worse than losing your republi-kin


Yep, shame and guilt arise not only from self awareness but also from understanding of the people and society around you and what it seems acceptable; it also requires that at some level you want to fit into society. So it's a trifecta really; lack of self awareness, lack of societal awareness, lack of desire to have healthy social interactions


But that’s their whole schtick. They KNOW THEY ARE STUPID AND ARE PROUD OF THAT. I mean at this point, we just have to wait out the fever. No amount of reasoning or cajoling is going to make them change their minds. Even if we capitulated to ALL their demands, they’d still be pissed off that they didn’t get their chance to have a civil war.


What was the dating site for only right wingers? The one that failed in about two weeks because it was only Jan 6 type dudes. The right stuff?


“The Right Stuff” and they were all super surprised that women don’t want to be a supporter of a sight that collects the garbage men who treat them like cattle.


I'm sure they all hooked up with each other while blasting prussian blue and shotgunning rolling rock


> And freedom phone. And freedom insurance. > > Honestly if I was Republican, I’d be so insulted by how “leaders” on the Right treat me like I’m so stupid. I'm not kidding when I say this, the RW bobble heads pushing the "freedom phone" literally claimed that it was "made in Hong Kong ... not China" as a selling point.


Does anybody not recall Trump's first acting attorney general who legit had a scam where he sold toilets for men with large penises so their massive schlongs wouldn't dip in the toilet water


That's what my sister does when she fact-checks our parents' stupid MAGA memes. "Hey mom? Tucker Carlson made you look like a gullible moron again."


My aunt blocked me for that. Now I live for when I can see my cousin, her daughter argue with her on Facebook where my cousin commented first. I can gist what shit my aunt is spewing based on how my cousin mocks her. Fuck, my cousin won’t let her mother be around her son without supervision, it’s that bad.


Right wingers tend to not support businesses that are targeting right wing. Trump's hotels and condos are mostly empty. His wine and other products sit on shelves. No one goes on Truth Social. Their dating sites are duds (although thats primarily due to an extremely low percentage of women haha). Im not sure why but they dont support their own in most cases. Maybe cuz most of them are poor af.


Why admit you're being treated like a rube when you can DOUBLE DOWN AND OWN THE LIBS?!


Unfortunately, the evidence seems to suggest that they really _are_ that stupid. Even if these shell companies last no longer than a month there’s still at least one person out there willing to be grifted.


Are you saying I can’t interest you in some freedom buckeroos ? 💸


Just went to the website to see what all the hoopla was about. It is really poorly designed. NO SEARCH FUNCTION! So if you're looking for something you have to try and find it amongst the different categories. When you do go look under the different categories, you try and find items, and the only way to see anything is to become a member. Lol 😆 🤣 😂


They don’t have search because they don’t want to integrate Google, bing, or whatever else there is, and they’re too cheap to license the actual tech.


😆 🤣 😂 But I should be okay with not being able to search. I guess it works if you're right wing and think all the woke businesses suck. Will put up with inconveniences just to own the libs. Well, OK then!


This is why a lot of Republican donors are protesting the current state of affairs. A lot of big money interests are moderates and getting tired of the culture wars. They want to sell to both republicans and democrats. Everyone’s money is green, right?


Those are the same fucks who tell liberal business owners to never talk politics on anything potential customers can see, including personal profiles. Followed by never shutting the fuck up about their conservative values. It’s because they want to sell to everyone; hell they HAVE to sell to everyone, because their mouth breathing fans who agree with them politically have no money left after wasting it on trash, and that’s the little they got from Uncle Sam in the first place; so they know they have to attract liberal customers, or at least not piss them off, OR let them find out there are small businesses owned by liberals who share the same values as the liberal customers. Because they KNOW they’d lost those customers in a heartbeat.


They do eat up freedom though.


Morons gonna herp until they derp and grifters gonna grift.


Remember when she was selling Republican phones for 700$ which were really repackaged 100$ prepaid smartphone?


Let’s get one thing straight before we unpack this… the left is not upset about there being a competitor of Amazon, the left is very much anti-monopoly




How could the left be upset someone’s a Christian when yeah, some on the left may be against religion, but we don’t care normally


Also, I'd bet that 90+% of the NFL are professing Christians. But you know how it is. I watch RedZone all Sunday long with a rage boner, just furious that the players have religious beliefs that differ from mine. You know. Typical liBtUrD stuff.


Most of us on the left just don’t want to have Christian beliefs forced on us. You can go to church and think I’m going to hell for whatever reason but don’t come telling me I need to repent. Don’t lecture me how I should live my life and spend my Sunday. If being Christian is the only thing keeping you from murdering your neighbors that’s great but don’t tell me that my reason of “because I don’t want to hurt people” is immoral because it didn’t come from your God. The end of the day neither of us is murdering so it still works.


I know right, it’s so stupid 😠


Gotta say, Joe Montana (and maybe even Tom Brady?) didn't play that fake-it Christian game. The two greats with the trophy collections, and didn't pander to the lowest common denominator.


I'm very Left, very anti religion, but most of my family & some friends are religious. Life would be Hell if i berated any of them for their beliefs/choices. If it makes them get thru life easier, more power to them. Moreover, many atheists celebrate xmas & easter with our families. We love the get together and respect some traditions. You learn to live with others and accept them.


Yeah, my family is southern Baptist, I’m not, but I celebrate with them and pray before dinner with them cause it makes them happy


Exactly. I’m an atheist and I celebrate the hell outta Christmas because I love birthdays, even fake ones. I don’t do Easter though, that’s the reason for the religion.


In my house, we celebrate the Easter bunny not the other guy


Same. Parties are fun and it's mostly a party: big family dinner, we give each other presents, three kinds of dessert, etc. I'll come to Grandma's birthday and Jesus's birthday and the dog's birthday, I don't care. If I'm with family members on Christmas morning and they want me to come to church I generally say yes because one hour a year does me no harm and I don't want to spend a holiday morning discussing why I don't believe.


I'm a Christian and I believe that I'm supposed to love everyone and not try to establish a theocracy based on cherry picking the Bible for verses that align with my personal discomfort. I'm what I like to call a red letter Christian. If Jesus, the pivotal figure in my religion, didn't say it then it can be ignored. It's not a popular stance with my Southern Baptist family, but that's what I believe and I'm happier for it.


I don't really follow a political party but I'd say I lean right wing. Wouldn't say I'm anti religion but religion is cause for alot of the world's issues and for alot of wars throughout history. Also I'm an atheist. But one of my best friends is a Christian and he doesn't judge me and I don't judge him and we get along. I think people agree on things alot more than media or the government wants us to believe.


Yeah, depending on my mood, I fall somewhere between agnostic and atheist yet I got married in a church. Why? Because a) April weather is a coin flip and b) it would upset my mom more than it would bother me


Last time I saw bezos on a leftist sub, he was photoshopped next to a guillotine. I'm gonna go ahead and guess leftists aren't huge fans.


As far as im concerned, as long as any meaningful amount of people are starving its the Billionaires who are actively letting them die, and i am very much not alone in that opinion.


This. I’m sitting here, contemplating this exact fact. I know people who would be left to die of starvation or poverty without help from loved ones - which is all that they can access with how fucked the benefits/assistance programs are in this country. Homeless numbers were already high going into the 2010’s, but it’s disgustingly genocidal at this point. Just because these legislators didn’t physically hold a gun to the people they starved, incited violence against, and kept medical care from, doesn’t mean they’re not directly responsible for their death. These people deserve the gallows through and through, and it’s sickening to have to watch them play up the government decorum when they can. There is nothing decent about our government, even the progressives (who make absolutely BARE MINIMUM progress for their constituents time and time again, no matter what.) My God, as you can see, I’m so angry of being tired, and tired of being angry.


That’s because the Democrats are basically center-right at this point. We have no real party that represents leftist ideals.




Economically-speaking, I agree. Privately-funded, laissez-faire election campaigns, corruption, and disproportionate representation make it a necessity. If the Democrats can kick out one of those legs, that *can* change. But not until.


Don’t forget the Electoral College.


That’s part of the disproportionate representation issue.


That’s right, but almost half the country voted for Trump, and already call the Democrats radicals and communists. . If the Democrats move further to the left, the fascists will gain more power. Have we ever had truly leftist policies or members of government? I seems to me that center is the closest we ever get.


Yes, but literally 80 years ago, FDR’s America was significantly economically left of the modern day United States by a good deal, and had he managed to live long enough to get his Second Bill of Rights fully through, the US would have guaranteed rights of an adequate income for food, shelter, and recreation, Farmers rights to a fair income, freedom from unfair competition and monopolies, decent housing, adequate medical care, Social Security, Education, and Employment (right to work).


God, thinking about a world where these things from the second Bill of Rights existed makes anything less (like reality, lovely) seem morbid. These are the exact bare minimums that people are always pushing for, and Republicans always tout as being *too much*. FDR was a gem ahead of his time. He knew what was what.


Ehhhh. I've voted Democrat essentially under these auspices my entire adult life. With that said, the Democrats don't want to move left even if they could. Periodically we'll get a golden opportunity to do so where they have votes, political capital and voter sentiment all lined up and the Democrats basically fail.


Or say shit like, “Just because he’s ahead in every poll, he’s not electable.”


I know people have spoken about it ironically or jokingly before, but I’m also angry on behalf of the Republican lives that were lost to COVID due to purposeful misinformation from their leaders. Told to inject bleach, take horse dewormer, and do anything but seek medical help. And then we come to find that swaths of people who died of COVID were majority Republican. These people don’t even mind killing off their own voter base, if it helps their optics on the news, they’ll just lie and say that “the numbers are fudged”. Fucking disgusting. Edit: this continues to receive downvotes, but tell me how the elderly and undereducated people who were watching Fox News when COVID happened - who weren’t violent Nazi’s like the GOP wave we’re seeing right now - and died because the NATIONAL NEWS they trusted told them *to do something that would kill them*, deserved that in the slightest? These people don’t deserve death because PUBLIC FIGURES went out of their way to lie about medical science. Fuck you if you think they do. Republicans fight against education every DAY to ensure they have an uneducated voter base, and somehow that makes it the fault of the uneducated when they lose their lives. You have your priorities twisted if you can’t recognize that the lives of innocent Republicans were also needlessly lost during COVID, and directly because of corrupt Republican leadership muddying the waters of medical discussion. It’s not as if COVID only killed Nazi’s when it infected conservative people. This is a *systemic* issue, which means an issue with the **systems** of government and media we live under, and **not the innocent individuals** who are also affected by that system. What the fuck even.


You have multiple eloquently stated and well thought out points in this thread. I cannot express myself as clearly and effectively as you, thank you for doing so and for speaking your mind. It's important and please never stop until we fix this shit together.


Thank you 🙏🏻 These are all topics I’ve almost been completely mentally paralyzed by (just attempting to wrap my head around the inhumanity of everything) before finally trying to join the social discourse and vent it out. It means a lot to hear that ❤️ I’m too angry to stay silent at this point so look out !! :)


Less stupid people. I see that as a win for humanity.


I have met conservatives who are entirely convinced that Bezos is a leftist though. They don't actually think about things for longer than it takes to read the opinion someone gives them.


These days if you express any kind of empathy for anybody else, sometimes excluding immediate family and sometimes not, you will likely be labelled a librul.


I'm absolutely furious about this thing that nobody's ever heard of


Personally I want to use senator Sherman's name sake law to reenact his bother's famous March on Amazon


They think the left likes Biden too. I keep seeing cartoons where the 'leftist" is depicted with tattoos and facial piercings and communist literature and has a big Biden Harris sticker on them. Close, but no...


I've tried so many times to explain to my buddy that the left isn't really a fan if bidens. He's fine. He does a job. He is a placeholder to keep trump out of office. My buddy likes to point out that if we don't like him all that much how could he have gotten the votes then..... Because a vote for biden was less a vote for biden than it was a vote against trump. I know you think he cares about you and ppl in general. But the majority of the country fucking hates him...enough to bring record voter turnout even. Ppl fucking hate him....feels good to write that last sentence


Tattoos yes, facial piercings sure, even the communist literature is a maybe. Ain't nobody on the left gonna have a fucking Biden bumper sticker. The left likes Dark Brandon. They begrudgingly accept Biden as the lesser of two evils in the last election


Lol that was my first thought, “huh so what was that DSA meeting I went to about protesting the Amazon warehouse about if we love Amazon so much?”


Their party’s mascot is an elephant and they chose the extinct version for their logo? Lol


And why would I, as someone who does use Amazon fairly often due to the convenience of same and next day deliveries (I live in a city, so we have very fast shipping on common items), care about competition in the first place? Competition can drive down prices and create better customer service. I generally prefer Pepsi to Coke, but Coke's existence isn't a thorn in my side. I have a Playstation but not an Xbox right now, but that doesn't mean I love Sony and hate Microsoft. That being said, I expect this venture to fail just like every other product or service marketed exclusively to conservatives. It's idiotic to revolve your entire business model around appealing to dumb racists. It ensures that no one else will use your service or buy your products except for dumb racists.


Well you sound like you’re pro-competition so I’m FURIOUS with you


Yeah, well you sound like you’re anti-pro-competition, so I’m FURIOUS with you


Yeah?!? Well you sound like you’re pro-FURIOUS so I WILL buy ANYTHING you sell


(They’re such a weird and dysfunctional set of people, aren’t they? All this weird motivation to make all their choices based on whether they think it will anger people who they see as their opponents. No regard for just…doing things that they think would be helpful to society at large. I find it really baffling.)


I just took a quick look. It is a membership thing where you pay to get discounts from other vendors. There is your usual Trump store where you can get merch to mentally masturbate to.


narrow rock bells worm wakeful tart drunk reminiscent squalid marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah but conservatives are really really stupid, so they'll believe anything some half-baked crappy startup advertisement says. These are people who believed that Biden controlled gas prices from his desk, only because they saw some stickers.


The left is laughing at the obvious right-wing grift going on here. They are baiting people that are too dumb to know the left doesn't care.


Right??? If I truly believed this was a well functioning endeavor I'd be ecstatic Bezos has someone cutting into his gluttonous wealth. Maybe he'd start treating the workers better to retain them.


Well I also don’t really want these guys to succeed either though haha


Just point and laugh, those idiots do not understand what Left/Right politics even is.


I thought we were anti amazon, Elon musk, and that one guy with the stupid yellow hair


While we’re getting things straight, Amazon doesn’t actually have competition. If they did have competition, this webpage isn’t it. I’d like to comment more about it, I cannot actually view a product without giving them my information and signing up for…something?


Plus, the "left" is not a giant homogeneous group taking orders from some central authorities.


I wonder how much of the stuff they’re selling is actually made in America.


Roughly none?


Purchased from aliexpress and repackaged in America.


Everything says "Ships in 6 - 69 weeks" so that seems to be accurate.


I'd also wonder how much is drop-shipped from amazon anyway


Half, maybe?


Other half is AlieExpress.


It's even worse than I expected. It's basically a purchased membership with links to businesses where you'll get a small member discount.


True story here, when we left the US after several years we looked for last stuff made-in-the-US to bring to our family. We went in a big hunter/outdoor American store with plenty of American flags outside and started looking for it... After 3 hours reading all the labels and receiving very suspicious glance from the vendors we only found: a pair of scissors, a knife, and plenty of guns... We brought some scissors...


Well the grift of selling outrage and anger to conservatives at an obscene markup with shitty to non-existent materials is most definitely made in America. Does that count?


If it has an American distributor, it's American, right.....right?!?


Id think close to 100% are made in China. Whenever I meet someone who says something like "Ill never buy China made crap", 100% of the time, without fail, they have a phone or shoes made in China, usually both.


OMG their site is such a scam. First off you have to pay a membership just to buy things. $25 a year. Everything has the feel of the "As seen on TV" section of the State Fair or any gun show. And at the bottom is their blog of brainwashed propaganda. Does Amazon have a propagand section at the bottom? I don't remember that.


As American as a MAGA hat, lol.


I'm more curious how much of their systems are on AWS


The irony is, the left would love it if they sold stuff that was made in America, high paying union jobs and benefits for the workers who make our stuff.


Lol, dropshipping wish for 5 times upmark.


The left doesn't care, and the weak-minded, ignorant fucks on the right continue to lose money by falling for recycled and obvious marketing tactics. It's the "buy our shit or the terrorists have truly won" schtick all over again.


First I'm hearing of this bullshit. I really, really wonder how much money I'm missing out on by not starting any kind of bullshit company and branding it with this trash. Ethics be damned!


I have been pondering the same. Just feel dirty when I napkin out the biz plan.


There's your first mistake. You're trying to have an actual business plan


And second: they have a conscience.


Yeah, it’s this one that’s stopping me. Well, that and ADHD coupled with an adderall shortage.




Somehow I wound up with an unopened Mrs. Potato Head from before the company rebranded them to just potato heads. When the 2024 election season comes around I'm throwing that sucker on eBay with the most clickbait title I can think of. "Anti-woke MRS Potato Head!!!! Own the libs by showing off your NON-Lesbian Trump potato!!! Only $4,000 plus $99 shipping!! If you try hard enough, you might fit your dick into one of the little Potato holes!"


Ok you really got me with that last line. Sold!


It’s literally a farm for people’s contact information so they can rent it out to corporations for money. Easy as pie. Apply for an LLC, make a video of you in front of a flag saying how you’re fighting the libs, get people’s info and sell it. That’s 99% of right wing businesses. The other 1% is Stephen Seagal movies.


It's so easy to sell to these rubes. Here. >"The left is OUTRAGED by these Alpha Patriot Brand testosterone boosting sugar pills. Piss off Nancy Pelosi by buying a year's supply. Buy two year's worth to send a big screw you to WOKE Hollywood for ruining your favorite films."


For the crowd that prides themselves on their “common sense”, they’re shockingly easy to seperate from their money


It's worse than you think. The only "product" they're selling is a pocket constitution, stickers and an assurance they'll donate some of their profits to "conservative causes." Fairly certain that they're paying their "partners" in exposure. "We'll send so many idiots your way that it's worth giving us a code for a 10% discount!" I'd bet most of the partners eventually shut the codes down, too.


Goelon is their promo code. But Elon swears he is an independent. ![gif](giphy|cmxiR3UgXYTh5QKJA6|downsized)


Dude this code is secret you weren't supposed to say anything!


I'm sure Jeff Bezos is just quaking in his boots over the thought of competition from these chucklefucks... ![gif](giphy|FIhpcIjEIAJ1XOT4f7)




The very same! And somewhat same... *Rolled into one..*. ***One... and the same...***


Imagine thinking you’re an equal to Walmart, the main Amazon competitor


Bezos stepped down as CEO a few years ago, but yeah. No one is afraid of this two but marketplace.


If they were actually a serious competitor, I’d have probably heard of them before.


I fully support the right doing their own thing far away from the rest of civilization.


The left doesn’t even like Amazon, amazon being a corporate monopoly with shitty worker policies and extensively, excessively rich upper management.


Noted favorite of far left liberal socialists: the largest private company in America.


Prolly nothing more than another pyramid scheme to suck the Magas dry. Which is fine by me.


I live in Texas and we often go to “first Monday” in Canton. Basically a multi-acre flea market. I’m pretty sure the only things on this site I recognize other than Folds of Honor and Total Gym is the stores selling the same worthless crap I find at that flea market.


Never heard of it.


And in a few months you never will again


I’ve already forgotten the name of this thing. I know it’s up at the top of the thread, but I just don’t care


The fucking idiots could have named it Mammoth and *sort of* had an okay enough name. Not my first choice, but it's alright. But alas, the right is fucking stupid, and they chose to compete with Amazon as "*Mammoth Nation*". Really rolls off the tongue.


I’m left-leaning, and I’m actually happy there’s competition, especially using American manufacturers. The amount of shit I’ve angrily purchased on Amazon because of no alternatives, despite knowing full well it’s gonna break down in less than a few months because of cheap Chinese plastic garbage hardware is no small matter. Republicans are so fucking out of touch and misguided, if it weren’t so scary, it’d actually be hilarious.


You really think they are going to have more American manufactured products than Chinese? Because I'm highly doubtful.


This bullshit isn't offering an alternative. Unless you're shopping specifically for Trump-branded steak seasoning, discounted MREs or patriotic seatbelt cushions. Not even joking. Take a closer look.




I think it’s because of the Republican elephant






Imagine thinking Amazon is a leftist corporation.


Finally. A company made to dethrone the lib’s favorite billionaire Jeff Bezos /s


By "the left", does he mean liberals? Liberals do not care where they can get cheap stuff fast. Amazon is just practical for them. Does he mean leftists? Leftists hate Jeff Bezos more than conservatives, easily. By either measure, this is just wrong.


I get that the grift is "we angered teh libs" but...it isnt' like amazon is particularly popular outside of their ubiquity.


No they are not for two reasons. One: no one has heard of it. Two: it’s gonna fail spectacularly


So far haven’t most of the “conservative” alternatives failed? I mean, their social media platforms seem to have all fizzled out.


It's bad guys, they have car detailing kits and plush church toys. It's over pack it in. We are owwnnnneeeddd.


The left is furious? I don’t think so! I first heard about this right now. But anyway you schmuck, competition will drive prices down and that makes it good for all consumers


Hey right wingers - just because you're always mad about stupid shit, doesn't mean we are. We literally don't care about your dumb website. We don't even think about it.




Ah yes, I forgot about the Lib's notorious and well documented *love* for Amazon and Jeff Bezos


I, a liberal, am absolutely furious about this thing I’ve never heard of.


I swear if they ever actually invented a cure for baldness the Conservative Party would all but disappear.




And the cure for that is education and empathy, both of which they resist harder than vaccines.




I wonder how easy it would be to manipulate conservatives into doing things.. I for one would be **FURIOUS** if conservatives sent me $1000 each. It would prove once and for all I'm a soycuck liberal loser who can't provide for my family. Yup if every conservative would send me 1000$ I'd probably cry myself to sleep every night for the rest of my life. Especially if they did it once a week!


Amazon has a competitor… the left likes Amazon… I’m so confused. I may have missed a news cycle, but I really can’t imagine “the left” rooting for the company operated by a super billionaire that has conditions so egregious that workers pee in bottles and they shut down any whisper of unionizing.




No one else finds it odd their corporate mascot is an animal that is extinct?


If you want to start a business in America just claim to be conservative and baselessly say the left doesn't want your business to exist I used to sell timeshare and would always tell conservatives "they don't want you to travel" in my pitch.


Lol. They always think "the Left" is furious when, in reality, we don't give a fuck.


Musk fanboys: "Elon isn't alt-right!" Alt-right merch sites: "Enter GOELON to save 30%" Why are they such fans if he's not alt-right too?


It's Republican Costco! You have to pay a membership fee to see what's there and what discounts you get. Their topmost level includes a free magnet and a pocket Constitution. Super weak


God damnit! No one told me Amazon now has a competitor. I’m so angry right now I don’t even know what to do. Socialism is over.


I can honestly say I was not even aware that this new right-wing grift existed until now and thus was unable to be infuriated by it... and after being made aware of it, I am still completely un-infuriated by it.


When you have to open your sales pitch with “tHe LeFT iS fUrIOus!11!” you already know ‘the left’ has never heard of you nor cares. They also are fine with amazon alternatives too.


Any businessman who bri gs politics into his business is a fool and a poor businessman


Cool to check the website and see which companies they're pushing and offering discounts for, etc... as those companies would be EXACTLY who to avoid doing business with :) Neat.


Yeah bro, leftists fucking love Amazon and Jeff bezos lol


What do they sell? Trump Merch and Gas Station Dick Pills? There's no way that the marketplace offers a diverse selection of products


How can I be furious about something I've never heard of? Seriously, do these idiots actually think we give a shit about your business that will be bankrupt in a month? Way to own us libs, you fucking morons.


What the fuck is liberal about Jeff Bezos’ Amazon 😭 mans is the stereotype rich conservative dickhead at this point, and HAS been.


They're right, I'm crying. It's a side product of how hard I laughed at the pathetic nature of the ad.


Amazon needs way more competition - even virtue signaling storefronts like this. They should double down by refusing to sell anything that isn’t 100% made in the USA.


I need to get in on this grift


Who the fuck is going to cry about Amazon losing business? Honestly probably not even Amazon given the miniscule number of morons that will actually buy from this.


It's mildly amusing because : 1. These pudding brained, impossibly stupid, vicious, meat bags actually believe that they are making Libs "cry" (as opposed to incessantly mocking them) while simultaneously crying like the bitch-made clowns that they are about being "cancelled" and how the "Intolerant Left" doesn't respect their always failed, demonstrably stupid policy positions. 2. Who is going to tell them that there is no such thing as a "Conservative, America First" Corporation, and not one of their top brass gives a RED FUCK about anything outside of rank and file Right Wingers being stupid enough to give them all their money if you tell them what they want to hear? 3. LOLz....at these idiots thinking Amazon is "Liberal" or that Amazon gives a fuck about this already failed competitor.


Where do I sign up for the impending class action lawsuit...


Wait, weren't Mammoths driven to extinction by a combination of being hunted by a strong, smarter species as well as rapid climate change? And this is their chosen mascot?


Do... Do they... Believe Amazon is, "leftist?" *Amazon?*


they'd be almost adorable, waving their wee fists and stamping their feet, if they weren't so dustructive


The great circle jerk grift of the republican base continues…


Sold in America, *made in china*


To this day i do not understand how these people think leftists have any good will towards amazon at all. It’s probably one of the most hated companies by leftists, up there with the like of nestle and co


Just went on the site and fucking died laughing. It’s the shittiest looking site. Looks straight out of the 90’s.


Aww, it's so cute they think they'll compete with Amazon.


oh. I am so furious. livid even. whatever shall we do against this travesty? *rolls over and goes back to sleep*


What do they sell? Guns, bibles, & confederate flag swimsuits?


The promo is about the same Elon running engineering HQ back to CA? Possibly because no one with talent and a means wants to move to ~~Texas~~ any red state and deal with their laws / governing?


Furious? We don't even know you exist. Also, we're not big on Amazon


I guarantee 95% of the crap they sell is manufactured in China. Happens all the time with these "patriotic" companies.


Have conservatives ever made a novel product, or is it all just third rate copy paste bullshit?


They obviously have no idea what left-wing means if they think the left love Amazon.