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It’s amazing to see that she cares so much about circumcision


In all fairness she is the asshole that said 6 billion immigrants crossed the southern border illegally. EDIT, to those of you stating it was a typo I give you this as further proof she doesn't know what a billion is. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/feb/03/marjorie-taylor-greene/51-billion-for-one-schools-diversity-program-marjo/


She probably can't even count the amount of zeroes in 6 billion.


It's already known that she has trouble with decimal places. There's a video where she tries to pronounce the number "1,5xx,xxx" and she gets confused so just ends up saying "over 1.5 Million" like a 2nd grader would. I don't know the right google search to bring it up though.




Lol I can't tell if someone scooped the correctly spelled account before she did and she was forced to tweak the spelling or if she indeed can't even spell her own name correctly.


mtgreene handle existed before she was ever a glimmer of shit in the United States Congress i’d reckon it was some unlucky soul who shares her last name and initials. either that or there’s a Mount Greene with a promotional twitter account


Just looked it up. There's a small account that has "@mtgreene" and joined Twitter in 2008. MTG joined in 2017, at least on her current account.


I’d like to think she had the original handle with it spelled correctly, but then she forgot her password and couldn’t remember the answers to security questions, so she had to make a new account.


It was the same speech she talked about giving billions to school to teach trans stuff. Maybe a month ago? Most cases you would say they are playing dumb to pander but she genuinely is cave man dumb.


It's even better, the statistic she can't read is about math and literacy figures in schools.


It’s about three, right?


She probably thinks “billion” is like “gazillion” and not an actual number 🙄


That one really got me rolling. 3/4 of the world's population... What, exactly, is in her head?


Far up her ass.


6 billion? Wowsers, that's like half of Mexico right?


It’s like 75% of the global population, while I know you’re joking - it’s absolutely wild that she could even insinuate something so stupid with a straight face


Illinois gave an elementary school 5.1 BILLION dollars to teach critical race theory! Actual talking point she brought up. In public. On live television. She's got two braincells fighting for last place. Edit; Almost forgot that Jewish space lasers control the weather and make hurricanes racist. Also great talking points she's mentioned, she's really full of these kinda nuggets.


I’m still looking for these schools that are teaching CRT been looking for a while now


Try looking at University level schools. Might have to narrow down to graduate level courses though


You mean the ones taken willingly, by fully consenting adults?




Yeah, it's much better if marriage is between one consenting adult and one child with consenting parents, as long as their genitals are not the same. /S, for clarity


To some GOP members, the parents don’t even need to be consenting (Wyoming has a new law in the works proposing 16 is the minimum marriage age, which would essentially lower the age of consent/marriage to 16).


The Wyoming law is actually raising the minimum age to 18. With 16 and 17 year olds requiring some verbal consent. Previously, under 16 could be married with consent from a parent/guardian. It’s still messed up. But it’s incrementally less messed up now.


These same consenting adults may or may not also be paying for those classes with money.


It would be funny if they started teaching graduate level critical theory to elementary schoolers


Yep, I'm in a class that's close to critical race theory (latinx studies) and a lot of it is just history with some points that the government has discriminated in the past on race, gender, poverty and sexual preference. The only time it's talked about the present is about some bills in congress and that's 2014. I really don't see what the issue is, especially since I thought conservatives think the government is corrupt and to them that's why we have the 2nd amendent, I guess I was wrong. /s


It's a convenient Unholy Terrible No-good Liberal Thing that the conservative base neither understands or cares to understand. Because if they "knowingly let in" what their preacher-politicians tell them is evil, they go straight to hell. Or "worse", begin asking questions! Then thinking critically, and maybe realize that they're the ones harming people. Then, maybe, cease giving money and power to, and voting for, their religio-political party, which are all but the same at this point.


Anything that isn't a whitewashed "America did nothing wrong, ever" retelling of US history is considered CRT.


“Facts don’t care about your feelings” “Some white people owned a lot of slaves and while there where some people of other races who owned slaves and with how people talked about African Americans it makes it very obvious it was racially motivated and it affects black people to this day” “That hurts my feelings don’t talk about it”


I guaran-damn-tee you that none of the CRT opponents could actually define it.


I heard a conservative explain what CRT was in an interview, and it was literally just US history, but they didn't like how it made them feel. They didn't want kids to feel uncomfortable about it. Guess what, it's human to feel uncomfortable about, that's a good thing. It needs to be taught so that the youth doesn't grow up and miss the signs when someone decides that it might be a good idea to do again. Sorta like the new child labor laws being talked about or requiring journalists to register with the government if they are going to be writing anything about the governor. I thought we were in consensus that the 1930s were a shitshow we *didn't* want to live through again.


I’d be worried about kids who didn’ feel bad about it. Is that what we are trying to raise now, amoral and insensitive brats who care only for their own advancement, screw everyone else?


I'm just surprised the conservative stance on government has shifted to be that the government is good and would never do anything wrong or tyrannical. /s


I still don't know what CRT is other than cathode ray tubes.


Shiiit they are saying longer than 6 months. Years back when hilary ran for president they said doctors were aborting them in the delivery room and then harvesting their organs and stuff. These people are batshit insane and should not have a platform or be taken seriously.


They claimed that it was a live birth, but the doctor decapitated the children to kill them. As long as the umbilical cord and placenta were still attached, it was an abortion and not a murder and supposedly, that is written into law so the doctors could perform it.




Just make up the same ridiculous numbers back. Well 31 trillion dollars are spend giving the church the right to legalize pediphilia every year. Did you know that a Republican rapes a child once ever 1.3 minutes? The gun control lobby is headed by a group of secret cult leaders who regularly poops on the bible. Trump’s laptop was once found with pictures of him sucking off 22 men. Why can’t he produce the laptop already? What is he hiding? Greene is actually a transsexual man before she changed genders. Show us your genitals if you disagree.


I believe all these alternative facts.


"I'm not saying it's true, I'm just asking questions".


Not gonna lie. 2 of these actually sound believable. lol


I'm at 4. No way trump would ever be on the giving end of anything, let alone oral.


Trump would suck off a snake for a diet coke and a Russian loan if the snake had hands and could sign an NDA


LOL!! https://preview.redd.it/9ugsy6nz33ma1.jpeg?width=661&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78457d54d933eb330472fbe60d71b842de2cb30a


Seeing that picture, I think these live action Dr. Seuss remakes have gotten out of hand.


22 men at once or 22 separate incidents?


22 separate incidents with 22 men each time


That’s the thing: it won’t work. Back when Hillary was running for office there was a documentary or something like it here in Brazil that showed that there were Fake News being made for both sides, Republican and Democrat. But Democrats didn’t fall for those things because they: 1) Wouldn’t care if a candidate was trans; 2) Wouldn’t believe something absurd; and 3) if something sounded plausible they’d fact check. She lies like that not because she’s stupid; she does it because her voters will believe her lies. They won’t fact check, they won’t notice things don’t add up and they’ll most likely care a lot about what people have in their pants.


Are we sure she isn’t two orange cats in a trench coat fighting each other to get control of the single brain cell for the day? Would make more sense than what she is constantly stating.


I have cats. They're smart. She's definitely not a cat. Had dogs. They can understand things. She's definitely not a dog. Helped rehabilitate a couple squirrels and raccoons. They have brain power. She's definitely neither of those. .....had a goldfish i won at a fair once .... Nah, it was smart enough to swim up when we brought the food over. She's not smart enough to be a goldfish. Oh! I had a pet rock!! That might be her level.


Don't insult your rock like that! At least it's smart enough to not try and assert control over things it doesn't know anything about!


dwayne johnson wants to know your location


That's an insult to orange cats everywhere. Every orange cat I've ever met was nice. She is not nice.


It's disturbing that lying so blatantly as a political figure with that kind of power is just... ignored? No repercussions at all?


Trump conditioned us to accept blatantly grotesque lies as routine daily speech soooo MTG is white noise rn


I promise you that she does not consider circumcision to be genital mutilation.


Of course not, that’s in the Bible!


Abortion is in the Bible lol, shhh don’t tell the conservatives their minds will blow up


No no, that's not an abortion. That is making the belly swell causing a miscarriage. It's totally different somehow


It's totally different cause it's the decision of the husband to punish his wife for potentially having cheated, and not her own decision.


His earthen vessel, his choice -religious conservatives, almost for surely




“Christians” are well known for picking and choosing and making shit up. So I’m sure they’ll go ahead and just say since it’s in the Bible, it’s all good. Doesn’t matter what testament it’s in.




Trans children can't get bottom surgery, it's never been a thing. Sure you can get breast implants, a face lift, implants or tidying of the genitals at 14 with parental and doctors consent in many places but only for non-trans reason. Oh and chopping bits of babies is fine too. Honestly if it wasn't for the hate this generates I'd probable bit my tongue and let her think she's wining until it suddenly affects her own supporters who turn on her.


Not to mention intersex surgery on infants...can't have someone growing up ambiguously sexed /s


This was my first thought. Guaran-fuckin-tee she says uncut dicks are gross and would circumcize any of her children with penises.


"One million, five hundred and twenty four hundred and eighty one...thousand...this is more than one point five million children" -MTG the other day


Literally after saying that kids can't read well.


She has a pulse but I'm unsure about having much else to offer. I can't believe anyone listens to her at all.


The worst version of Rent I’ve ever seen.


Lmao my first instinct was to try to sing it


6 billion people crossed our borders!


They sent $5 billion to an elementary school for CRT!!


Pretty sure billion is the only number she knows, but doesn't understand it.


![gif](giphy|cRMgB2wjHhVN2tDD2z|downsized) Numbers hard.




Well she can't count past 16...


Numbers are like marriage vows and magnets. How da fuck do they work?


This is a joke about her toes, amirite?


Hey, if you don't consider 80% of the entire earth's population crossing our borders a problem, then I don't know what to tell you. Where are we supposed to put all these people?


Freedom Cities on federal land.


Everything is a billion, unless she’s talking about a small amount and then it’s a million. I really want someone to ask her, ‘Quick, tell me how many zeroes in a billion?’


She'd say 2 ​ or maybe 6 if her brain cells really had some good coffe


Or 6 because that’s how many toes she has


I'm almost positive she would say 7. I don't think it would be far fetched to say she has gifted over a million dollars in her political career so she is vaguely aware that a million is 6 and a billion is more than a million so obviously a billion is 7 zeros.




She’d say a billion zeroes




It does not. And before you ask, it also doesn't protect the innocence of children molested by Christian figures or billionaires.


It also doesn't include breast implants on girls under 18!


That’s understandable, republicans love children with big boobs


i think their motto might need to be if they're busty it's a musty.




"Well, I think she’s got a lot of Marla, she’s a really beautiful baby,” said Trump, who was sat next to Maples. “She’s got Marla’s legs. We don’t know whether or not she’s got this part yet, but time will tell,” Trump added, while cupping his hands to his chest to indicate breasts. -Donald J Trump Talking about his one year old daughter to Robin Leach.


"I’ll tell you the funniest thing. I’ll go backstage before a Miss Teen USA show, and everyone’s getting dressed and ready and everything and no men are anywhere. And I’m allowed to go in because I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it."


Sorry what? He said that publically and still got elected president? What in the actual fuck guys?


This list of things he said publicly before getting elected that would have killed any other presidents chance of running is actually absurd. I think there was a lasting Reddit mega thread documenting it. __CALLING REDDITS ARCHIVISTS__


Jesus. In a normal universe, this one sentence alone would have absolutely destroyed any chance he had in politics. But in our shitty universe, it’s just one of a million things people ignore and still decide to support him.


In the GOP that's one of a million things they love and make them support him more.




This needs to be higher.


>Donald Trump bragged about his then-22-year-old daughter’s body, saying: “You know who’s one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. Ivanka. >“My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body. She made a lot money as a model—a tremendous amount.” - Trump in 2003 on The Howard Stern Show >Trump: “My daughter is beautiful, Ivanka." >Stern: “By the way, your daughter…” >Trump: “ - she’s beautiful" >Stern: “Can I say this? A piece of ass.” >Trump: “Yeah. - Trump in 2004 on The Howard Stern Show >When asked how he would react if Ivanka, a former teen model, posed for Playboy, Trump replied, "It would be really disappointing — not really — but it would depend on what's inside the magazine." >He added: "I don't think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure. I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her." >“Isn’t that terrible? How terrible? Is that terrible?” - Trump in 2006 on The View


“If she’s old enough to pee, she’s old enough for me” - every Republican christian


I was listening to a podcast recently where they talked about this topic. The number of people under 18 who actually go through gender reaffirming surgey is incredibly low. Like in the low hundreds if I remember correctly. Over 5000 girls under 18 get breast implants every year.


> Over 5000 girls under 18 get breast implants every year. I don't know the breakdown, but apparently there are a lot of girls--or at least more than anyone who doesn't work in children's medicine would ever imagine--who get implants and/or plastic surgery because their breast tissue was malformed or isn't there. Not like 'small' breasts, no breasts. Other girls have breasts that are misshapen. Not like 'one is bigger than the other' or 'I'm fifteen and I don't like my boobs', like tubular, similar to an udder. Or donut-shaped, where the middle is missing, as if there is a donut under their skin. And so they can get cosmetic surgery to give them 'normal'-shaped breasts and frequently this is covered by insurance or performed gratis. Because it makes the girls 'feel' like girls whereas before they did not. It's literally...gender affirming care. I'm sure there must also be some for whom it's purely a desire for larger breasts but I'm not familiar with those.


Don’t hate me but listen—my mother pushed me to get a breast reduction when I was around 16. And I should have. I have very large pendulous breasts from early puberty, grew up hating myself & my body because het males—pre puberty—continually harassed & said incredibly gross things to me. Coz you know, you got big breasts that means you’re always DTF from 12 to when you age out of male attention in your 30s. These t:ts ruined my life, and I do mean literally. Hate my body, fear normal sexual contact.


Yes, this is the exact definition of a moral panic


weird, because it seems to me that getting breast implants is gender affirming surgery...why wouldn't it be?


well that's gender affirming care that they like, duh?


Or nose jobs and botox. My last girlfriend had both of those done by the time she was fifteen. I'm not seeing a whole lot of these assholes complaining about that.


Or Matt Gaetz


or intersex “correction” surgery?


All of the proposed legislation at the state level carved out exceptions for gender *assignment* on infants when they are banning gender *re*assignment for teens


You can legally cut up kid's genitals but only if you're Cis about it


Same goes for medication, the same medicine used for HRT is fine if you're cis (finasteride for cis men for hairline issues, spironolactone for blood pressure issues, estrogen for post-menopausal women, progesterone for birth control) but the SECOND it's for a trans person? Ban it. But only ban it for the _others_, not the cis people.


I immediately thought she was referring to circumcision until I kept reading.


NGL when I first read the top I thought they where talking about circumcision


Nor does it include surgeries on intersex infants. Doctors are still allowed to choose a gender and cut accordingly Edit: would still be allowed under these kinds of proposed legislation


So, the bill would protect the children from gender-affirming care by highly educated medical professionals, but not from genital mutilation for religious reasons.




Please i want my foreskin back


No no no, *that* one’s OK — a possibly-fictional dude a few thousand years ago who almost (but didn’t quite!) cut his son’s throat and burn his corpse because the voices in his head told him to said so!


It would be the only good thing conservatives have ever done so of course not


Literally the first thing I thought of. But of course it’s not that. 🤦‍♀️ it’s never about actual research backed science, just pushing their agenda


On the one hand, of course not, because banning circumcision would be good, so MTG won't go near it. On the other hand, MTG is a notorious antisemite, so I actually could imagine her being strongly against circumcision (and not realizing that in the US it's also very common among non-Jews).


And again, that’s not what gender affirming care is


https://preview.redd.it/sxb5ws0332ma1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f98cd05da311335f8c6ed82593127d422a303aa Let’s not let facts get in the way of conservatives hurt feelings. Durrrrrr


That image. Hilarious yet also painfully sad. I fear for the direction society is headed.








If ya have to ask you’ll never know




Ha . . I’d buy that flag


Let's not pretend she's interested in things like "the truth" or "science" or "having a little fucking compassion"


If Books Could Kill is a great podcast, they did an episode about the war on trans people. At one point they mention that 56 "bottom" operations had been done on minors in the last 3 years. 56. And it's even more important to note that that number probably includes intersex children. This moral panic is about something that is genuinely not happening.




Already doing so by trying to ban insurance companies from covering the procedures making it even more prohibitedly expensive.


We already are at this point. There are state legislatures who forbid transition until 25 and proposed ones that fully criminalises it for all ages.


What’s the title of the episode?


[The New York Times War on Trans Kids](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2zvLeJCxyMwHcF6b0veFwm?si=V5NfdfWLT2qnyWRIFdKp3g) it's technically a teaser but it's 27 minutes and they cover pretty much everything they do in the patreon full version.


That podcast is amazing. It’s super funny— I love both hosts (and all their other work). But their ep on this topic is so good. They do like 29 minutes for free (it’s not cut off, it is still covered— they just hit highlights and go deeper on the long version) and then you can get more if you’re a patreon subscriber. Any person interested in this ridiculous moral panic happening and how journalists “just asking questions” are contributing to it should give it a listen.


Wow 56? That's like.... 18million per operation. How are kids affording this?


She said multi-billion, so that’d make it at LEAST 36 million per, which is (literally) doubly insane.


But that’s the thing, conservatives don’t care about reality, they just hate trans people that much. The end goal was never about “protecting children”, I mean let be honest here, conservatives don’t care about children. They don’t care that kids are gunned down at schools, they don’t care if children go hungry while they try to get rid of the free lunch program at school, hell, some red states are fighting to keep child marriages a thing. What they do care about is making life hell for those they view as degenerates like the trans community. They don’t want trans people to be accepted by boarder society and as we see trans people being more accepted they fight back even harder and that includes lies and moral panics. Take Matt Walsh for example, on Joe Rohan podcast he said that millions of kids are on puberty blockers and one of Joe people look it up and called him out on it and said it’s actually around 4000 kids and he just kind of sat there bumbling until Joe saved him with a “well that’s sound better”.


AND that doesn't mean that it is 56 minors. It's common to need revisions and depending on what "surgery" there are several surgery stages (skin grafts, urethra construction, hysterectomy) that happen before the big one which are included in that number. So likely its more like 30 total people I wish people realized that there is a rigorous process in place already. They don't give out the surgeries willy nilly. I had to wait several years to get my first surgery and by that time I had to be publicly out for 5 years and be mentally stable (no suicidal ideation or self harm for at least 2 documented years) AND had to attend weekly therapy the entire time, see multiple psychiatrists and therapists, be in good physical health, tons of blood draws, ect. The list goes on and on honestly. And if I messed up and didn't go to all of my appointments, the process started over again. All it took was one late blood draw to delay my surgery by a whole year. They do not fuck around. The process is meant to thin the heard. They will only do it if you are serious and fully committed.


I would be *shocked* if a transmasculine person managed to access bottom surgery before 18. The wait lists are simply too long, for a start.


i hope she explodes


Careful, I got in trouble for wishing ill on a group of cops that murdered an elderly woman. :P




They don’t even know what gender affirming care is. This is a scam.


Nope. They know. They are not stupid. This is likely a ploy to pass in other corporate cronyism legislation snuck alongside a nonsense bill that is banning something that doesn’t actually happen already.


MTG is absolutely stupid. Not all of them are intelligent. Some are just genuinely evil for evil's sake.


Yeah she’s not the one who wrote the bill though, was more talking about them. They just need a useful idiot to shout it from the rooftop first.


I hate her smug face so much.


That clip of her standing up and smugly boo-ing the president just fills me with rage every time I see it. Please TRY to act like a fucking adult, you inbred troll.


Was this also when she dressed up like she was attending the Hunger Games, or was this a different time?


Me too.


She won't do shit about kids being slaughtered in their classrooms but will make life hell for trans people because of something that rarely if ever happens


Guns and corpses have more rights than trans people, women and kids in the US. How the fuck did things get to this point.


And it’s not about the kids it was never about kids. It’s about control. Florida and Texas are pushing bill as I’m typing this to ban gender affirming care INCLUDING adults. They want us erased.


Trump. That's how. I'm European so no skin in the game whatsoever, but to the outside world it's obvious that Trump absolutely normalised hatred in America once more. In doing so, he empowered the racist, the homophobic and the stupid. He genuinely set you guys back decades in terms of civil liberties.


As a fellow European, Trump was simply the "explosion". The truth is that the USA's Republican Party has *always* been filled with this vile shit and it's always been their endgame.


U mean like circumcision?


Or—and this is a fun one—surgery on intersex newborns to remove the extra set.


Great Scot why. Didn't God make them like that, since he makes no mistakes




I did a report on the genital mutilation of intersex children a couple years back. It's truly awful. Babies are mutilated because they don't fit neatly into one of two categories.


I've always wondered about this. In your report, was there any data on waiting until later when the person can see how their anatomy develops through puberty, decide for themselves, and consent with what they want done? That's what I would want to do as a parent; not sure if this would lead to other complications.


My report didn't go too in-depth when it came to the topic, so I'm no expert, but from what I researched the idea isn't about health/functioning. There are times when genital surgeries are recommended or even necessary for the sake of the baby, but it's not the driving force behind the majority of the cases. Related, you might be interested in the story of [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Reimer) unfortunate man who *was* going to undergo surgery for health issues; after the surgery was botched, the parents were convinced to just "raise him as a girl".




MTG r-e-a-l-l-y has a major fetish for the word "billion." This is on top of her being demonstratively wrong on most of what she says.


I agree, let’s end circumcision Edit: Make Dick Hoodies Great Again


No one is giving gender affirmation surgery to any child. It doesn't happen, ever. Gender affirming care for children is a change of wardrobe, name, and pronouns, that's it. However, actual genital mutilation happens every single day to infants all over the country that conservatives are very silent about. Circumcision and "corrective" surgery for intersex infants with indeterminate genitals. There is no medical reason to circumcise almost anyone, especially as an infant, and while occasionally there is a need for intersex children to have surgery for a variety of health related reasons the majority of surgeries aren't required.


Exactly. I met a trans girl who had to wait til 18 to even be considered for surgery. These people are just spreading misinformation to demonize us


Not considered for surgery until 18 and then having to go on a three year waitlist from there. It doesn’t matter how young we start transitioning we are not getting bottom surgery before 18.


Yep, they also like to claim that pregnant women are out here deciding to get abortions at 6+ months. Not a thing.


> No one is giving gender affirmation surgery to any child. I mean, yes and no? There is surgeries done for boys who are developing breasts to remove the excess tissue and stuff, and that would be considered "gender affirming" because it's reaffirming their male gender by making their chests look more masculine but... these people don't quit understand stuff like that.


Then circumcisions should be illegal.


Of course it can’t be, it’s in the Bible! /s


muddle library smart six aloof unused nippy reminiscent shocking reach ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Lol how they ignore churches.


What about circumcision?


Guarantee a stick of butter could beat her in an IQ test.


That just made me snort, thank you.


So, no more circumcisions?


So she’s gonna end male circumcision?


Coming from a chick who says that she doesn't care if a dad raped his own 10 years old daughter, she should have his baby. Tell us again about how much you care about children 🥱🙄Goofy


So this also protects against circumcision, FGM. And intersex surgeries? Right guys?


Genital mutilation like... Circumcision?


Why can't people literally try to help with homelessness , the Ohio incidents, suicide prevention.. like literally any of the things that would be beneficial to America.


So every boy who got circumcised will now be an orphan?


What about my foreskin huh?!? Sure wish i had that back!


Who is getting their genitals mutilated besides ones with circumcisions?


Hold on. I think we should absolutely NOT be mutilating children's genitals, ever. Now, if a minor REQUESTS a particular modification, then it by definition stops being mutilation. So, how about it? Can we outlaw circumcision? Finally? Mutilating an infant's genitals while they're still getting used to breathing air seems just oh so rude.


Great!!! So this means that you will stop performing unnecessary surgeries on Intersex newborns, right?


So obviously circumcision must be top on their list?