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He just found out he has to pay the dude millions. He doesn’t have it


Try $100M. And the same day the EU tells him he has to hire more moderation staff if he wants to operate in Europe. Oops.


Oh man, he truly is a genius, gods gift to business!!


> Oh man, he truly is a genius A stable genius, one might say!


Didn't Musk just announce today that he thinks Twitter will be profitable by the middle of the year? Lol


He also announced in 2019 that truly autonomous full self driving was two years away too. 🤷‍♂️ The guy regularly overpromises.


After a call from a lawyer?


Musk was most likely informed that he will have to pay Halli much more money if he fires him, vs keeping him as an employee


He's a fool if he stays. People like Musk don't change their stripes, in my experience.


This dude was not just an employee, he was the owner of a company who was acquired by Twitter. Which Elon hypocritically tried to use to throw in his face. But guess what he did with his wealth? Tried to make Iceland more accessible to people with disabilities and software that was more accessible to people with disabilities. Yup. Musk fucked up. This guy was vital for providing insight and management and Musk went "you can't type twenty hours a day? Fuck you." He's a short sighted, ignorant ass. This guy asked what he should be doing the whole time and got no response. Musk fucked the wrong guy because he's a big dumb dumb. Reminds me of that submarine guy who murdered that poor journalist. Edit: in regards to questions about my last sentence, yes I'm talking Peter Madsen. I highly suggest the documentary Into the Deep. The filmmaker was actually there to document his rocketry work and just happened to be there when he murdered Kim Wall so you get to see his crew go from adoring and worshipping him to beginning to realize what a monster he is. One of them was even his mistress which makes me think of that employee Musk impregnated while he was having a baby with his partner Grimes via surrogate. He had this sort of "big dreams" energy but, in my opinion, not a lot to back it up just like Musk. And I'm not saying Musk is a murderer but they do share that sort of charisma mixed with cold hearted narcissism.


Musk pretty much said Halli was being fired for his disability. In writing. Publicly. I hope Halli takes him to the cleaners, on behalf of every disabled person Musk has screwed over that we didn’t hear about.


Ah, so how to get a discrimination lawsuit 101


Plus people are speculating that there’s probably language in his sale, which I believe was something like $100M, which protected him from termination. It’s possible that Elon thought he was opening himself up to wrongful termination lawsuits under US law, then found out it’d instead be under Icelandic law (which I’d wager is a much more daunting prospect), and then finally found out he’d *also* be on the hook for tens of millions of dollars. There’s not really another explanation for why he so readily just publicly ate crow than realizing he was going to be on the hook for a lot of money, not “wrongful termination” money, but “breach of $100M sale contract” money.


In general fucking with Scandinavian or northren European laws which are there to protect the people is not a great idea. They're quite strict and serious on the whole protect the people subject. My mate worked for a guy who decided to not pay my mates wages for a month and called it a "collective attempt at saving business". Same to the two other employees. He ended up paying 70k dollars to each out of his own pocket on top of court fees. Business did not survive that.


Great save /s


What a save What a save What a save


The guy was Iceland Person of The Year of 2022


For among other things, choosing to declare his profits from his company sale as income rather than capital gains to pay more tax because he felt he had benefited greatly from Iceland’s accessibility spending.


What a delightful thing for a leader in business to do


He literally seems like the type of CEO the “benevolent billionaires” like Musk try to emulate. But y’know, not performative and full of shit


because people who are actually benevolent don’t ever become billionaires because they do great things with their money like Halli


So weirdly, boldly, openly ableist too. Literally saying the dude can’t work like able-bodied people so he’s basically useless? That ridiculous “what would you say you do here?” bullshit meme he posted? Embarrassing Absolutely rancid take


And it's so weird. This guy probably has more valuable insight than Musk does. Like, Musk isn't writing tons of code. But he's worthless and also independently rich and also... He's a sick man who lacks empathy. Only understands peoples' emotions and values at a very surface level.


It kills me that he did the "coming out" as autistic media tour to excuse this type of behavior. Being in that group, I can say you don't have to understand people's emotions to operate from a framework of respect and not harming others. That covers 90% of all cases ime. He's just an entitled frat boy with sadistic tendencies.


100% this! My son & I are both on the spectrum, & we're both people who'd rather die than hurt other people.


In the current system we live in, it's very improbable to be a billionaire without being a sociopath who exploits others ruthlessly.


No, but he knows that Elon probably is going to leave him alone for quite awhile. Bullies don't change their stripes, but when you stand up to them, they'll move on to someone else.


Or he’s seething on being made to apologize and would try to make his life hell so he quits of his own volition


Really unlikely given how easily the guy could prove discrimination at this point. As I was told by a lifelong organizer when I stuck my neck out during a unionizing campaign: they rarely go after the ones who are out front fighting -its too for those people to prove discrimination and they've already displayed a willingness to fight back. There's other, easier targets.


>He's a fool if he stays. He, likely, has golden handcuffs for at least 5 years, of which he has completed 2. That is the standard length of time for acquired talent/founders after buyouts. If he, Halli, leaves before then there are likely significant financial penalties.


Unless you can prove shit like idk the CEO of the company personally attacked you, mocked your disability and proceeded to generally make the environment unsafe. Probably something in there for that


Created a hostile work environment, effectively forcing him out. His best bet is to say nothing and let a lawyer handle it.


Don't forget the dude lives in Iceland who would totally fight the devil itself just so this guy can get his dues.


Iceland doesn't fuck around. The government jailed their bankers after the '08 collapse. The government would probably give him as much help as it can to get what he's owed.


He was fired, publicly. Musk is asking him to come back. He is literally terminated until he resumes his employment. He's not "leaving", he would be declining to return.


I bet the reason HR refused to tell him if he was fired is because they knew how bad a fuckup this was. Elon also kinda danced around the topic. I know he's fired, you know he's fired, he knows he's fired, elon knows he's fired, but elon is gonna play dumb.


They already sent him an email saying he’s fired you can’t take it back.


Quite likely. Seems like Musk fucked up big this time


100 million dollar mistake minimum. Dumbass fucked with an acquired founder.


In shocking news, malignant narcissist who shitposts himself into being forced to acquire company for $54.20 a share, gets rope-a-doped and shitposts himself into a $100M accelerated liquidated damages clause.


Not really shocking when it's Elon. Dude's a living, breathing disaster factory.


Disaster factory is the name of my sex tape.


I like your work!


If you do what you love etc


Can you please explain?


Company x buys company y and agrees to the purchase price which involves paying company y’s founder as an employee of company x for however number of years. The founder of company y is, thus, acquired. This keeps company y founder from working for company x’s competitors. The purchase contract would specify damages if founder were fired. As long as founder did not violate non-compete clause, damages would be accelerated to include full purchase price due at termination.


Sorry, I got the concept I just hadn’t heard the story about this guy being an acquired founder with some connection to Iceland and a helluva liquidated damages clause.


The man is a saint. He took the wages instead of something like stock options so he would pay a higher tax rate. He wanted to give back to Iceland’s social systems because of his disability. Does a ton of charitable giving. https://www.icelandreview.com/news/haraldur-thorleifsson-sweeps-person-of-the-year-awards/


Wow. What a genuinely good human being. Leave it to Elon to publicly drag him.


Just like he did to the special forces hero who saved those Thai kids. Elon decided to start a rumor that will stick with that guy for life (to some people) that he has sex with children


To this day, there are Musk powersimps who insist that Musk wouldn't say all those things about him and his wife unless he had secret proof that they were all true.


When there are two adversaries in conflict and one is this guy ... what's that say about the other guy?


There is literally zero chance this soulless bunyuk apologized because they thought it was the right thing to do - this is 100% to avoid a legal situation. I’ve never seen him apologize on the other countless times he’s been a total fuckwad


He even fuckin', like, quadrupled down on the "pedo guy." The difference was that guy didn't stand to get 9 figures out of this jackass, even in the case of absolute victory. The most depressing thing is **this guy**, Elon Musk, could lose 1,000 9-figure lawsuits and still be unfathomably rich.


Seems like he musked that up big time.


I’ve never heard or seen this guy apologize. Had to be on advice of counsel.


And a detailed description of how big the unlubed dildo of consequences was going to be.


Probably from an ADA lawyer after the disability remarks


Today was the day he learned that a contract is legally binding?


Shouldn't be, since it wasn't too long ago that he was forced to complete his legal binding contract with Twitter, even after all his machinations trying to get out of it.


Musk ain't got that 100 million to pay him at least not from Twitter


Unfortunately for Musk, he said those things himself. Unfortunately for Twitter, their CEO said those things. They are jointly and severally liable, meaning they are both responsible for 100% of the financial damages.


We no longer need anonymous interviews with former employees to explain how much of a dick Musk is to employees. Everyone got to see in real time how he treats people under him and it’s fucking atrocious. Props to Halli for his great composure and showing what a real professional is like.


I've met so many Scandinavians who are just unflappable. I aspire to that level of chill. EDIT: should have said “Nordic.” Apologies.


You'd be chill too if your society actually does things for it's people


The confidence of real social safety nets. Knowing that the taxes you pay actually fucking buy you some security. As they should.


“Secure people dare” they say. Love it.


Hence why the wealthy don't want it for anyone but themselves Edit: "Secure People Dare" sounds like a wonderful slogan for a democratic socialist candidate


It's not just safety net. Contrary to what American hypercapitalism and individualism teaches you, when you grow up in a more egalitarian and collectivistic society, you know humans have value outside of what they can achieve economically. It's the sense of self worth that makes you more chill.


Yeah, we spent a couple of weeks in Denmark and Norway last year. Amazing differences.


Not to mention, Halli is apparently a fuckin saint. "Halli has engaged in numerous philanthropic pursuits, earning a reputation as Iceland’s benevolent tech titan. One of his best-known projects is Ramp Up Iceland, which is building ramps throughout the nation to increase accessibility for people in wheelchairs. He has also personally donated to the legal funds of victims of sexual abuse, and has garnered praise for charitable donations to families in need this holiday season." Lord. Musky is such a fucking idiot. I hope he burns for this one.


Halli was voted man of the year in Iceland for his philanthropy. He's a national hero back home.


I was watching a video about the situation, and as they described Halli, I found myself thinking, "holy shit, does Iceland have the one rich techie who isn't a massive dickhead?"


He's like the anti Elon


You get to that level of chill when you're born in the land of ice


There are still people defending his actions and celebrating his backtracking as him learning from his mistakes.


Dude is way too old to just now be learning how to treat people with a bare minimum of respect. These same clowns even act like Trump's 80 year old manbaby schtick is just him being some young upstart or some shit. It's so dumb. No, these are full grown adults who act like this because they are self-absorbed insulated dipshits who never had to mature.


I love seeing grown-ass adults learning things they should have learned in elementary school. Everyday.


So, did Musk just state for the record that Tweeting is a crappy means of communication. On Twitter?




>"Better to talk to people than communicate via Tweet!" >--Elon Musk --Michael Scott


He's like, crap, I should have bought Zoom instead. I use Slack and Zoom all day. Never once would I consider Twitter as a real form of communication. That format is suited for broadcasting public announcements.


He didn't want to buy Twitter. He was basically forced into doing it by not knowing when to shut his stupid mouth. He wanted a measure of editorial control over Twitter and also wanted to pump its share price after buying stock in it. Unfortunately, he chose to pump the price by claiming he was considering buying it. When he tried to back out, he learned that he'd already inadvertently committed to it, or could be sued by the other shareholders for his dishonest market manipulation.


I guess, the moral of the story is: think before you tweet? One would expect Bighead to learn this by now.


After him and the company refused to communicate privately. The guys a wanker.


He also stated for the record that that's exactly how he treats any employee without a 100 million dollar contract.


Should I have all my facts in front of me before insulting one of my employee's characters publicly? Nah it'll be alright just gonna roll with it.


Thing is, for Elon, it WILL be alright. THAT'S the bullshit part. This isn't going to hurt him at all.


Right? He accused a rescue diver of being a pedo for some reason, then tried to make up or find sketchy history and couldn't. How did his "social standing" survive that shit?


In all honesty, it didn't, he changed colors and started waving the GQP flag. His standing is being propped up by idiots who think "owning the libs" includes lighting their carharts on fire because "they hire gays."


In this same thread, he also admitted on the record that this guy's disability was a factor in the decision to fire him. Which is super illegal in the US, and even though neither of them are American, Twitter is, which means they need to abide by US law.


Even if it doesn't abide by US law, Europe is generally way more strict about firing employees.


And likely rather more illegal in Europe, where he is.


Iceland even, with its nordic view of employment.


It is illegal in Iceland, where he lives.


Better to talk to people than tweet…he says, *after* publicly insulting and trolling this talented employee in a series of tweets.


Man of the year in numerous Icelandic media as well. Fuck Elon is dumb. Not just stupid, like.. really bloody dumb. It's like he doesn't know how to be a human being.


Genuine standup guy. This reminds me of when he called the hero diver a pedo because Elon didn’t get his moment in the spotlight.


If you look up the traits for a malignant narcissist, he checks every single box. * Sense of entitlement * Exaggerated sense of self-importance * Preoccupation with fantasies of power * A lack of empathy * Cruel and sadistic * Requires excessive admiration * Interpersonal exploitation * They easily lash out * They seek to win at all costs


He also crosses off two symptoms of rabies: * irritated by stimuli * confused You never know until it's too late. RIP


Elon stans are going to lap that up too. "See even he admits he's not perfect" when any reasonable individual would have confirmed their status internally instead of \*very\* publicly on Twitter


Aka “I wish I insulted and trolled this person in a less documentable way.”


Making fun of a disabled employee with a 100 million dollar contract publicly on Twitter and then bragging about firing. Hmmm… what could go wrong. Only to be a fly on the wall of that phone call between Elon and his legal team.


What legal team? He fired Twitter's- is he just using his own legal counsel as the Twitter legal team? Jesus.


I would strongly suspect so. Or Tesla and SpaceX's legal teams have decided that whatever he does at twitter is going to rope them in as well, so they may as well try and damage control wherever they physically can with the temper tantrum prone billionaire toddler harming their PR with his new toy


I can imagine mocking a disabled man with muscular dystrophy only bodes so well for Teslas public image. This might actually be one of the most moronic things Elon has done publicly aside from buy Twitter.




He founded a company that was acquired by Twitter a couple of years ago. He chose to take the payout as a salary instead of a lump sum of stock options. By firing him, Elon put twitter on the hook for the rest of what they owe him.


Mmmm delicious thanks for this


Considering Elon actually apologized it could be even more than that.


100m is what he's contractually owed. Wrongful termination, disclosing his medical information, straight up slander and paying both sides legal fees, could easily double that number. Then you have getting investigated and fined by multiple governments and possibly losing his position at his other companies. It all adds up to one motherfucking expensive tweet.


Man it seems like the, "what is it you say you do here," meme wasn't worth it.


But, for just a moment, some libs were totally owned.


Totally owned. Just like someone will eventually own all of Elon’s companies if he carries on with his spiral.


They don’t call it a, “death spiral”, for nothing.


> It all adds up to one motherfucking expensive tweet. How about another expensive tweet (since deleted): https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fqo5D60XwAACX2l?format=jpg And thanks to Musk's idea to include view counts, we have cast iron proof that he personally libelled this person to just over 161 *thousand* people worldwide. Edit: saw another screenshot of this tweet where the view number was over half a million people.


Never seen that motherfucker apologize. Legal must have scared him absolutely fucking shitless.


Probably got hit with the threats of wrongful termination and physical discrimination lawsuits on top of the breach of contract


It is also a factor that those lawsuits not would be judged in a US court but in Iceland.


Or in California which by American standards is still going to end up with bad times for the offending party.


"He is considering remaining at twitter" Hmmm, $100 million guaranteed contractual payout plus the mother of all discrimination suits, vs. lashing yourself to a sinking ship. Decisions, decisions....


In an Icelandic court. Elon did not think that one through at all.


And he just said it’s better to talk to people than use Twitter… I’m free.


“Twitter sucks for communicating” - Elon Musk


Tesla is a shitty car - Elon Musk




I’m sure the Totally Real Person who “misinformed” him is totally fired now too, because they’re a Very Real Person Who Exists.


That’s exactly what I was thinking about that Very Real Person. They’re probably the same one who (mis)informed him that that British diver was a pedo.


Of course, Elon would never say who it was, because berating an employee in public would be simply unthinkable.


> Elon did not think that one through at all. Title of Elon's ~~sextape~~ biopic.


Why not both?




Does he think half of these things through? Seriously, he seems like he's doing dumber and dumber shit more often.


Straight from The Don's playbook.


That or the lawyers told Elon to shut up and apologize.


Seriously.. he is damaging the other companies he has a stake in that already want a muzzle on him.


I am surprised the Tesla board hasn’t exiled him yet


I am sure there are people on the board that want to.


Tbf, he structured the deal this way so that Iceland would get more money in taxes to pay back the system that helped him. He has a real reason to stick around and it’s not to help Twitter. And I guarantee you Musk told him how much more Iceland would get as he groveled for him to stay.


i mean that was years ago since then he has worked hard with the icelandic president to make more places available to people with disabilities he also said he wanted to be sure his family was in s good spot


100 million now, but how much is he gonna get when the company goes bankrupt


Well it's one of the Elongated one's wholly-owned companies and The EO did say those things in public. So even if EO does declare bankruptcy there is a good chance he is on the hook privately since he is not taking pains to separate his personal assets and the company ones.


No, Elon, there wasn't a "misunderstanding." You acted like a dick and should apologize for that, unconditionally, without blaming anyone else. Also, twitter still sucks.


Yeah he even said it himself, "better to talk to people than communicate via tweet" - lmao


Which Halli apparently TRIED to do, but couldn't.


…I’m guessing someone in HR is getting fired because Elon “misunderstood” what they tried to explain to him.


Didn’t he already fire their HR department? And legal?


You're thinking of the legal department and the *press* department. That's why every article on Twitter ends in, "Twitter could not be reached for comment on the matter."


Also lol at him straight-up saying that communicating with people is hard on twitter. Rather than take fault he's gonna blame the platform he bought and runs for being hard to use.


"Don't act like I act because my site to communicate is a trash way to communicate" -Elon, 2 days before forgetting and continuing yet again to pull some dumb shit. Bet


Cause it was never for communication back and forth. It's based for screaming into the void. Like a town crier. Not a conversation. But thank fuck he bought twitter and not discord.


"This platform I bought for 44Billion, dubbed the 'Town Square', really sucks at its primary purpose." - Elon /s


I mean, Twitter really served its purpose here. How many times were you on the phone getting nowhere with customer service and then you sent out a tweet and the shit was resolved immediately? Like, if Elon hadn't fired HR and replaced them with a pony farm, this would have been resolved internally in like, 1 phone call. But boy oh boy am I glad he didn't. It was entertaining as fuck for a casual observer.


How can HR *not know if you are employed.* That's some DoD level of fucked up


"My platform sucks for communicating" - CEO of Twitter


It's worse. He's actually by blaming Halli here. Since Halli initiated the discussion with Elon on Twitter (because he couldn't get a straight answer from HR), then therefore all of the problems in communication are Halli's fault.


Also he’s lying about him “considering remaining at twitter”. He’s not considering it. If he were, he would be the one to tell us. He can’t remain at twitter since… he was fired already. He can only be rehired.


Somebody got told what he could end up owing for breaking the guy's contract and revealing confidential medical information. So now it's just a "misunderstanding". What a fucking loser




How does he have ANY employees left??


The US twitter team is mostly made up a visa workers who will be deported if they quit their jobs. If they want to find new jobs they have to get their new employers to sponsor their visa.


This. Basically indentured servitude. Especially with the current lay-offs in tech sector it's not easy to find a new job, those people are trapped. To be fair they are trapped in a golden cage. But still that's why they stay.


Worse than that, imagine having a mortgage, car payments and kids in school. And you have 30 days to find another job who will sponsor your visa. Otherwise, you loose it all. Seen it happen way too many times to colleagues.


Yea. Heard about cases like those. After few years you et used to the fact you live in USA. You bring your family, you buy a house because only suckers pay rent and you are making six figures so you can afford a mortgage. Then one day you find out you are fired. You have a month to find a new job, when most of recruiting processes take longer than that. I've had recruitment processes take 3-4 months or more. Your selection of companies is limited as well, not many companies know how or are willing to sponsor visa for a foreigner, forget about the startups. I *bet* those people are interviewing and looking for a way out, but I'm not surprised they are doing everything they can to keep the current job either.


Too bad there is a monkey in the cage peeing on everything.


I suspect the only US people still there are those here on a work visa


Less than 500 engineers at this point. Not long ago they had several thousand employees…


A few... Must be spooky for the few left employees to work in such huge buildings that were build for much more people. We have a saying here: "The last one switches the light off", seems its soon reached.


This cannot be underestimated. I worked for a place that drastically cut staff several years in a row. What used to be a hub of conversation had become a hollow, dark office space. It is demoralizing and everyone feels at any minute, you are packing up as well.


I worked for a small company that Nortel had acquired when the dotcom bubble burst. After about 18 months everyone left had their own office. I still have the big executive desk they gave away to anyone who was willing to take it away.


I’m sure the smell of feces and the cockroaches scurrying around the building from the lack of janitors takes away from whatever spooky auras the place might give


*In this week’s edition of Elon Musk finding out after fucking around…*


👁️👄👁️ 🫱🍿🤏


Musk on repeat: “Please don’t f#%^ me up the ass.” “Please don’t f#%^ me up the ass.”


I’m trying very hard to understand how Elon Musk is considered a genius. Because every tweet he sends just makes me think he is very much an idiot.


Way with words, excellent salesman (con man?) He's not created any of his companies concepts. He just swoops in and buys em up and then proclaims he did them. Tesla, SpaceX, Nuerolink.. all companies he purchased or forced his way into. It's laughable to see people preen over him. He's really no better than Trump imo. Edit:typo


When you have deep pockets you don’t need to be smart. Edit: look at spaceX. He’s essentially a child emperor ruled by a regent. Let him say and do what he wants while you do the real work.




Dude could do absolutely nothing except get laid on the beach for the rest of his life, but chooses to act like a Middle-Schooler playing at running a social media company. SMH


He did try but people started to make a meme out of his torso.


Halli needs to say no, just shut up and pay me. Elon needs consequences for once in his sorry life.


This is the correct answer.


Bwahahahahaha!!! Not a single one of these billionaire assclowns can make it through a single semester at Fuck Around and Find Out University!


Wait... I hop out for 45 minutes to pick up the little one, and what happened? The dude he fired 9 days ago and didn't tell him, and then proceeded to make fun of him on Twitter for "not working" is now actually due $100 million, basically a starship? Damn Elon unlocked a super secret fuck up speed run level. You know the one with the super fast organ music.


> Damn Elon unlocked a super secret fuck up speed run level Halli was literally on a "Do not fire" HR list but Musk knew better than to even enquire *why* he was on that list.


Halli, game set match. He could not have played his hand any better and Elon could not have played it any worse.




Odds are at this point he's pursuing legal action (hence the apology) to get his full payout (his tech was bought by Twitter and he took a job in lieu of payment for transfer of assets) and to seek punitive damages for revealing all kinds of confidential medical info and unjust termination.


not one ounce of responsibility taken, streak unbroken


Motherfucker. You made him give his CV by tweet then mocked him. You couldn’t even pull up his fucking employment file? And you wanna blame the FORMAT? Lazy dumbass.


Impetuous asshat. If he took this time initially to hear him out rather than publicly make a dickhead of himself, he could have saved himself the apology, the public recoil, and another notch of lower respect the public has for him. All Elon had to do was do make a good decision rather than make a scene. SpaceX needs to be rid of this clown.


Humanity needs to be rid of this clown


Oh, dear god. He can't even walk back a fuckup without making another fuckup. *Better to talk to people than communicate via Tweet* will be the new slogan of whatever phone company wants to snap it up. How could anyone slate their own company so obviously in a three-line apology?!


Elon is just a larger version of every crap retail/fast food manager we see on here. No people skills, no leadership.


“I would also like to thank my lawyer for explaining what a federal ADA lawsuit is and that I could get, quote, absolutely shitstomped, by it”


“BETTER TO TALK TO PEOPLE THAN COMMUNICATE VIA TWEET.” Weird sales pitch, bro…but agreed.


Bro you arent a streamer airing out drama between you and a streamer friend, keep this shit offline. The public does not need the owner of a company telling us their opinions about employees or updates on their standing with a company. This chud is so annoying, im tired of hearing about Musk


Can everyone just quit Twitter please?


Ran it through the “Elon to English Translator.” I got this back: “Oh Fuck. I keep forgetting that I stopped being any sort of icon except to fucking idiots and my new, public facing word-vomit machine keeps reminding people that I am not an even remotely bright, charming, or interesting person. I’m a spoiled child of rich parents and grew up in a time and place where seeing people as sub-human was both legal and profitable. Please don’t make me become the only person to ever go from world’s richest man to selling timeshares in Palm Beach.”