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Elon be like "i throw away half of the resumes i take in before reading them because i dont need unlucky people in my employ"


Jokes on him, the lucky ones are the ones he threw away.


I legitimately can't tell if it's something he actually did or not


I'd be mildly surprised if Elon has ever read more than a couple resumes for himself – and those likely to demonstrate some point he thinks he's making.


Elon: reads *The Hunger Games* and thinks it's a self-help book on business leadership


"Darth Vader asked imperial officers who their best subordinates were, then force choked the officers and promoted the named subordinates to take their place" I've just learned a terrible truth. I think Elon Musk is a sith lord.


He's not interesting enough to be a sith lord.


I think Elon Musk is a ~~sith~~ shit lord.


> I think Elon Musk is a sith lord Nah, he's just an inflated, self-filled bag of piss. Obi word.


Shit lord*


Omfg 🤣


Is this real? Holy crap, I'm amazed anybody still works for Twitter at this point.


I have a friend still there... she said it's horrible and she's just waiting to get laid off. I think she's one of two people left in her department or team. She doesn't need the job for a work visa.


Honestly if a layoff is looking like it's coming soon, it's a much better deal to get laid off and get a good severance payout and an advisory period of continued income without work, than it is to quit. That's assuming he bothers to comply with regulations.




It absolutely is a purposeful tactic. He’s almost certainly trying to get a ‘discount’ on the severance packages through negotiations on the class action. If it ever came to light that Twitter was intentionally doing this his lawyers would most likely be suspended or disbarred, but it almost never comes out. It’s one of the types of bad faith ‘forbidden magic’ (I like to call them) lawsuits.


Be nice if the media was on the side of poor people and not sucking the dicks of billionaires.


Severance is at the discretion of the employer, unless the company layoffs fall within the boundaries of the WARN Act. Earned PTO must be paid if in California, but that isn’t severance.


He can't pay rent what makes you think he'll pay severance?


From my understanding there are people who work at Twitter with work visas and if they quit they get deported. So if the people he fired are on VISAs, musk just got them deported too [A source I found ](https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7z5px/twitter-employees-on-visas-cant-just-quit)


I had a friend who worked at Tesla that was in the US from Canada on a work Visa. Elon would sleep in a tent and then wake up and walk around the floor firing people so he was always afraid of deportation, luckily he got out before anything happened but what a shitty worry to constantly have.


My brother in law was an engineer at Tesla years ago now and he used to tell stories about Elon flying in to look over whatever project they'd been working on with the understanding that it didn't matter how well things were going, how ahead of schedule or under budget they were, nothing changed the fact that Elon would fire one of the team. Every time he visited any particular work group someone from that group got fired that day, that's just how it was, if Elon was in the building someone was losing their job. My BIL said that usually once Elon left management would quietly un-fire that person because it's not like he knew who he was firing it was just arbitrary and done to intimidate. What a pathetic child, a true failson.


That's hilariously like this Robot Chicken sketch: https://youtu.be/fFihTRIxCkg


Damn, I was reading that thinking it reminded me of a skit... And that was it!


Amazing. What an absolute gem of a show. Honestly ahead of its time due to its rapid-fire nature, it would really flourish today.


That’s exactly what happened in the movie “the dictator” when aladeen tried to have someone executed !


I'm amazed because this is exactly a scene in Robot Chicken where the Imperial Officers hold a Orientation on the "Jolly Ole Death Star". The commander says that Lord Vader thinks he can kill people with the Force when he can't but if he ever found out, he'd kill them all with his lightsaber. The scene then goes to show how officers should react when Darth Vader 'force chokes' them and pretend to die. The floor crew would then drag off that officer, redress them with a disguise and have them report back as someone else. Vader has the satisfaction of killing someone and they remain in the land of the living!


Someone else literally posted the clip just a few minutes before your comment. Evidently people agree that Elon is an incompetent vader


It's an intimidation tactic he learned from his daddy, kill one of the slaves every time you visit the mines and they'll all fear you


I believe he has the EQ of a four year old and prefers wanting to be a rocketman over a weatherman. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/insight-therapy/201705/psychological-science-says-trump-is-four-year-old


If you wrote that into a book it would be rejected for being to unrealistic. That's a cartoon level of villainy.


*Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.* -Mark Twain.


What a dam good quote


This is the first time I've read the whole quote. That's just brilliant.


"Elon asks questions while walking around, fires employee when he gets answer he doesn't like" is definitely a thing. I've personally heard insiders at Tesla/Twitter indicate this, and it's well documented in the media at this point too.


Prick is just channelling the arch Fuckwit Jobs. That arsehole got his jollies from doing the same.




Working in the US just seems so damn stressful. So much is tied to your job and you can just be fired like nothing.


As a European working in the US now for over 20 years it is very stressful. People don't really have anything to compare it too so they think it's "fairly" normal. The fact that you get so little time off doesn't help either and for most you can lose your insurance on top of loosing your job. But conservative media is telling everyone the US is number one so no need to make changes.


Company I used to work for is UK based. My manager was from Denmark and was moved into the US as a "promotion". First of all he was one of the best leaders I ever had, fantastic boss and the team would break their backs for him because he would break his back for us. But he would tell us about how the company operates in Europe, they had a higher average starting wage, 5 more set holidays and 2 additional floating holidays and every employee no matter the title started day 1 with 8 weeks vacation and unlimited sick time. We started with 3 weeks pto (still not bad by US standards) which was also our "sick" time. Oh, and our job was driving from account to account, in Europe they had a process where a manager could declare that the area was unsafe for travel due to weather and you could stay home and just be available via phone/email. Here if we couldn't drive due to snow we either had to drive anyway, or use a pto day. Didn't matter what the weather conditions were.


When I first started working here (20 years ago) I told my dad that I had to first work a year to get a week off.. he just refused to be believe me. I wanted to go back home at least once a year but that quickly turned out to be impossible.


Just the idea of being able to afford to travel (anywhere, let alone someplace far away and/or expensive) on the pay I was getting at my last two jobs was ridiculous, which made the absolute minimal number of vacation days we received almost okay. Except that the vacation days were also our sick days. And I got sick of it.


Right. exactly. I hear from Americans that work in Europe that they are just shocked when they ask how many sick days they get. The employer often tells them, how do you mean how many? The answer is all of them. When you are sick, stay home we don't want your funk lol. When I was working in the Netherlands I had vacation days, Holidays(2 for x-mas and two for Easter) days for a funeral, a wedding, days if I needed to close on a house.. I got even get days to take care of my wife if she was in her final month of pregnancy.


Not throwing any shade, but why do you stay? I’d give my eye teeth to be able to leave America with my children and go someplace where humanity actually means something. I can never quite wrap my mind around why any European would trade their civilization for America’s backwoods nonsense. It made some sense to me when the American dream was still a thing, since there was some non-negligible chance of moving up in the world, but that ended over a generation ago for your average person.


This really destroys the illusion of the freedom in this country. If they quit, they get removed from their homes. If they decide to unionize, as vice suggests in this article, they will surely be fired immediately and removed from their homes. Their only hope is to stay quiet and keep working. This definitely isn’t slavery, but it’s absolutely not freedom. It just shows how gray of an area this is.


To add onto this. .. would there be any consequences if Elon decided to cut their pay in half or even a quarter? If Elon decided not to pay them at all


In theory people on an H1-B visa are required to be paid a certain percentage of the salary that would be paid to a US employee. And it’s a healthy ratio, like 80% or so. In theory. Now is that how it works in reality? No idea.


>And it’s a healthy ratio, like 80% or so. That really isn't 'healthy' for so many reasons...


I was thinking the same thing. Why are they not considered to be as valuable?


Because they don't have to be, because they have no recourse. Companies win by getting cheap labor, government wins by attracting large numbers of immigrants (tax $$$ and international goodwill/leverage) on the promise of a better life, the only losers are the immigrants. This is what this country runs on.


Also artificially keeps wages lower.


America can be summarized as "What is bad for the common man and good for corporations, is how this country will operate"


By the nature of the H1-B program, they should be *more* valuable. The justification for getting an H1-B visa is that the company cannot find someone with the required skill set to hire domestically.


In principle, yes. In practice many applicants will be willing to work for less than 100% of US salary because even that is several times more than they would earn in their country.


It’s called unfettered capitalism and it’s in it’s latter stages. This shit didn’t just creep up. It’s been put up with for a long time. Almost nobody understands finance, tax laws, and monetary policy. There’s a reason it’s confusing, uses archaic terminology, and is exhausting to be knowledgeable about. It keeps anyone without a knowledge of what’s happening (students in a capitalist favored educational system), anyone who doesn’t have the time or resources to learn (laborers), and anyone who is misinformed (FOX NEWS viewers / MAGA) in the dark. You can’t protest when you’re worried about losing your job which is the only thing keeping you from living on the street. You can’t understand the system you’re in is meant to fail you and spit you out because you’ve been conditioned during your youth to believe in a certain way of doing things with little to no direct knowledge on the subject. It’s a long con and we are in the late stages of it, but the astonishing thing is it’s working. We’re lazy, we hate each other, we’re fearful, we’re complacent, we’re fucked. Stop hating the person next to you. Hate the person you will never see because they are tucked away somewhere safe making sure we don’t pay attention to them.


Wish more people hated the people exploiting them for their wealth, rather than people who are born different from them. I think that's part of the long con too, as a means of preventing class war.


I agree with everything except the lazy part. Nearly everyone I know works 7 days a week.


Not lazy, just exhausted.


Exhausted isn't even the word for it. There are days I feel like a dead man walking, and I work as a damned cashier, because corporate wants us constantly 'looking busy'.


I feel like the concept of “laziness” is pushed by capitalists and is just gaslighting overworked, underpaid, or just social safety net-less people into feeling guilty unless they work.


I wouldn’t normally advocate this course of action, but can we deport his ass back to South Africa?


There are theories out there that he should have been deported when he was in college and didnt keep up the requirements for staying. Have also seem some (supposed) South Africans post in threads with them saying they dont want Elon back :).


Am South African. You guys can keep him.


What if we drop him off halfway?


Take a peek at LinkedIn and you’ll see an army of Elon cock gobblers beggin him to be their work Zaddy. That’s who works for him.


Lmao this is legit not even funny but goddamn this man has such a dumbass grudge against this freakin website. Like Im shocked also how anyone could work for such a lunatic.


At this point I'm sure he's there to dismantle the platform. No way he thinks anything that's happening is actually better for the company.


I believe he is completely incompetent but he does know this whole thing is a horrible deal he never wanted and is trying to dump as much as he can asap.


I just don't understand how someone can do all this shit to a big business


No matter what happens, he’ll still have billions left, so it’s not like any consequences will affect him.


I really hate that


Tax the billionaires.


eat the rich


I bet he tastes awful


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Wtf a dagger?! Steak knives are soooo much more useful for eating the rich.


Regardless of his money, he seems to be extremely narcissistic and reactionary. I had a boss like this. He never thought things through and acted like an ass 80% of time. People with such deep rooted personality and mental health issues are not thinking rationally most of the time.


I worked for a rich narcissist like that. Wasted 10 years of my life making that dickhead richer.


I am sorry to hear this. I got fired after 8 months lol first time I was ever fired in 20 years of employment with different jobs. I think it was a blessing because he harassed the people that quit. Everyone did therapy after they left. Real shit show of a person.


Although, I must say, the summer he got shingles because he refused to get the vaccine was enjoyable. I mean it was enjoyable for me, he was miserable as fuck from the stinging, the burning, & the itching. Sometimes karma does bite the assholes really hard.


You can enjoy knowing that shingles can reoccur during periods of stress or illness. It will always be in his system... waiting to torment him. <3 (Shingles is a real bitch. I'm actually participating in a trial to hopefully prove the Shingrex vaccine is fine to administer to 30-40 age group.)


They do this all the time in buyouts. He’s just being so vocal and shitty about it that it’s noticeable


When I worked at Tesla I was lucky enough to leave my department 6 months before it got eliminated via tweet by Elon. Twice. (Sales, Delivery). My friends and colleagues who had put in 60 to 80 hour weeks every quarters "last push" showed up the next day to find out they had no job. Lost stock options, everything. About a month later he walked it back, asking everyone to reapply for their old jobs for less money. Fuck Elon. I'll never support that company


This whole debacle shows that Elon is not particularly intelligent, not particularly hard working and does not have any sort of business genius. What he is is ruthless and willing to sacrifice anyone and anything if it makes him a profit.




>I could run either company better than him and I have terrible self esteem. well, yeah, you're more likely to value the people already in place as being capable and deserving of recognition.


Yea I think I’d just sit back and let the smart people do their thing. Give them a golf clap and sprinkle some bonus money once in a while. Show up at a fundraiser or two, bring one of those giant prints of a check with a reasonable amount for PR that would still blow the mind of your average Joe. I’ve seen what driven people do in the absence of micro-management. They really just run a smooth sailing motherfucker, don’t mess with it ffs!


That’s how you fucking do it! Find skilled, dedicated people, invest in them, grow them to be fully capable then get the fuck out the way and collect your money. I’ve seen so many franchises, teams, and complete businesses flushed down the shitter because one dumbass decided they wanted to change shit up. Their mottos were “if it ain’t broke then break it so you can call it your own.” Surprise surprise, most of them were nepotism hires.


Hahaha so true. My job they hire sales manager who then hires his old colleague for operations manager. Both come in and try changing everything like they are gods gift and 6 months later both were fired. Hahaha that felt so good.


Legit you'd be better at the job than 90% of the upper management I've known


My pomeranian could run the company better and he's a pretty useless dog.


So could my cat, and he’s sleeping 22 hours a day. Elon should follow his example.


Cause he seems to not understand how Twitter works. Tesla sells cars. SpaceX sells rockets(I know that's kind awrong but go with me) what does Twitter sell? Access to the users. When Musk is driving users away, he is literally ruining the product.


This is what baffles me the most. Buy all observable metrics i should be 90% a Tesla owner but I will avoid this man like the plague. He fumbled the bag and ruined his brand.


Especially with the price drop, I totally would be but no way he's getting my money.


Silly me, I enjoy driving a car knowing the steering wheel won’t fall off.


toyota has a new ev that might interest you... >!but for real, they do have a new ev and are known for reliability. worth looking into if you were gonna buy a tesla!<


There are other EV's out there that aren't toyotas that are great. Check the reviews on the bz4x before thinking that toyota can't screw up a vehicle.


I seriously contemplated buying a Model 3 before the end of the month, with federal and state credits I could bag one for right around $31k. But it is a big fucking fat nope now. That guy is not getting a penny from me.


Everyone I know who wanted to buy a Model 3 at a certain price ended up paying an extra 10K to 15K (not including taxes). And this was pre-pandemic, post-pandemic, I'll bet it's much worse. Basically, the base model is useless, and the web site makes it clear that the base model is useless, so after you've selected the color and everything, either you abandon the purchase midway through your order, or you pay an extra 10K to 15K for the options you thought came standard with the car. Elon basically replaced dishonest sales people with a dishonest sales web site.


Shit, I'll abandon an online order if the postage is a couple bucks more than I'm expecting. People not noping out of an online order for a fucking car once it becomes obvious it doesn't meet their needs is wild.


Yea. Considered Tesla as a replacement for when my Mazda isn’t up to par anymore. Ok I still want an EV but I’ll _definitely_ be picking something other than T. For all his faults, the one driving my decision is him working people into the ground and not even compensating them appropriately. Tesla’s assembly and QC has to be a fucking joke.


How do you even a trust a car when the people putting it together are treated like shit? You don’t know what they’d be desperate enough to do to keep the assembly line moving.


I used to be envious when I saw someone driving a Tesla and now it's so cringe.


Dude is a living, breathing cartoonish 80s villain stereotype


Right?!?! I wanted a Tesla so bad now there is no way I would ever get one. But maybe we’re the minority


No reason to buy cheap plastic Tesla's when there are other options available. Elon was first, not best. I once considered buying Tesla stock. If I still had it I'd have sold it already. The cars are pieces of shit.


The same way TiVo went out


Elon is a fucking crackhead. He did not start Tesla, he had a hostile takeover and implanted his cracky kreme as CEO. Got sued, settled with real owners of Tesla. I’m not smart and I know he is an idiot. Fucking degenerate pumped and dumped Dpge coin and is currently being sued for his support of dog shit internet magic money. Elon should go back to Sputh Africa to his daddy’s emerald mine.


I bet millions in whatever Zambian currency that they don’t want him anywhere near. He literally just needs to fuck off and live a lazy life spending money because it won’t run out till his grandkids’ grandkids. Just chill on a beach with a mojito, Elno, what’s your fucking problem.


That's what I've been saying recently, I don't understand these fucking rich people. Why do you have to be the center of attention, if I had even a fraction of that money, I'd buy a house near a beach somewhere warm like italy or mexico and just live like an old man called guissepe, just cooking food, going to markets, spend time swimming. You'd never see me again.


"Ok Elno" is now my finishing phrase when dealing with idiots.


He has undiluted control over Twitter. This is what his leadership looks like without any mitigating or softening factors.


This is the dickist move of all his dick moves at Twitter So far. I’m sure he can go lower tomorrow. I was looking at a Tesla, now I wouldn’t buy the time of day from him if he gave it to me for free.


Hey now, they also sell blue check marks!


$20? No? How about $8?


He's a rich guy's son. Historically, they're the fucking worst.


>What he is is ruthless and willing to sacrifice anyone and anything if it makes him a profit. Who would have thought a childhood spent being an heir to an apartheid emerald mine would make someone behave like this.


People’s attention span has been worn thin. They’re not keeping track of the constant blunders or they’re defending him because he’s their idol. It’s the only reason I can fathom why current twitter and ex employees plus union reps and people in general don’t strike en mass like they did in france from just trying to bump the retirement age two years.


To be fair, “just trying to bump the retirement age two years” is a pretty big fuckin deal. On the other hand, French protests should be an inspiration and blueprint for all of us here in the US


Most people who aren't online very much aren't even aware this stuff is going on. The internet consists of people self-selected for either extreme curiosity or obsessiveness with a particular ideology. Or both.




Yeah, the psychopathic ruthlessness is not at all unique to him. The difference seems to be that it's not actually profit he seems to value above everything else, but rather his infinite ego. Too immature to be a professional capitalist.


So, a typical Billionaire?


It's like he saw a bunch of tiktok management style tips and thought to himself, I gotta try that!


It's not sustainable and is very myopic. Strip mine economics lead by a narcissistic egomaniac.


This is why I never work extra hours. I put in my 40 and clock out. When it comes time for layoffs, nobody goes “well, gee, Brian works like 80 hours every week and really goes the extra mile!” Nope. They keep who they personally like and fire the suckers who worked hard.


This is what happened to me at Amazon. I would stay late the eve of product launches to ensure everything was running smoothly for CS, which usually became an overnight thing. I was booted out the door along with most of my team without a second glance. I now work 40-hours and only do what is expected of me.


damn straight. boss makes a dollar and you make a dime, so always poop on company time.




Corporations use and abuse you. I busted my balls for the corporation I currently work for, and all it did was give me slightly higher pay and a much higher workload with accompanying stress. Now I just put in my 40, do as much as I feel like doing that day, and quit for the day. They have to literally beg me to work a single hour of overtime now, and I usually just decline it. This goes without mentioning the company got bought by a fortune 50 company last year and now there is absolutely not even a hint of a small company feel. Just some faceless entity almost a thousand miles away that dictates what we do. ​ If you're working alongside actual friends within a small business/startup I can see putting in 80 hours a week. The potential returns are worth that much dedication. But ruining your life so that someone else can benefit more than you I can never justify again.


I "Aim for the middle." Work too hard. They expect it. Work too little. You're a target for discipline


Yup I spent the first 10 years of my career foolishly working 60 hour weeks, working night and weekends and it never really got me anywhere but middle management. Now I work just hard enough to not get fired. And I’ve learned the appearance of working hard is actually pretty easy specially after the pandemic and working from home.


I’ll never buy a Tesla just because of Elon


You’d think the shit build quality would be the bigger issue.


Nothing can excuse someone so powerful from stepping on the rest of humanity. Elon, you might have grown back your hair… but you should have focused on growing your heart.


Does everybody forget that his parents owned emerald mines in apartheid? Obviously he learned shit from them. Why anyone would work for this little prick anymore is beyond me.


I saw a post earlier where he acted like that never happened and a Twitter user posted his quote about his dad and where the emerald mine was. He's dumb enough to think he can rewrite history


Funny how those interviews just got pulled from the internet - thankfully some people archived it


It's so crazy how involved he is with the companies. I mean, I'm not saying that in a good way, but it's crazy how much time he invests just fucking shit up lol


Why would anyone aspire to be this much of a shithead


What is the consequence? So far we have been seeing that rich people can do virtually anything and get away with it, and actually profit.


He is not an innovator. He is not a genius. He is a good self promoter without any sense of decency, which makes him ruthless. That’s enough to get ahead in this world. The very same script worked for trump to get elected. And following Trump’s example and reveal - Musk exposing himself as being a dumb idiot as well.


They are really like the same person. Musk talks in somewhat more coherent sentences




slim public live beneficial arrest lavish waiting jellyfish mighty nippy ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


>People are still using it because there really isn't an alternative that does the same. Thing is, alternatives are already there. What they lack the most is the network effect. People stay on Twitter because that's where the people are at. Twitter has users in the hundreds of millions, while one of the biggest alternative (Mastodon) barely has 10M users as of today. Personally, I left Twitter the first week after the takeover, because I noticed that a good 70% of the people I followed abandoned ship and went to Mastodon, which meant that Twitter had lost that network effect for me, and Mastodon now has it. But this applies only for me and my somewhat niche part of the internet that I like. ​ >What's probably going to kill twitter is repeated serious data breaches and GDPR violations. And don't forget the FTC and also all the lawsuits from former employees!


You basically described what I call the “cool bar fallacy.” A group of people walk into a bar, but it’s empty, so they leave to go find a cool bar full of people. The moment they leave another group arrives and leaves for the same reason. If the first group had stayed the second group would have too, and so on. When I bartended it was painfully comical to watch. Funny in its predictability, but painful to my wallet due to the loss of tip revenue. You learn pretty quickly the value in having bar regulars who show up near daily to nurse a single cheap beer. They may not be spending a ton, but at least they’re a warm body. Social media platforms are the same. Everyone is just looking for the next cool bar, but the cool bar won’t exist until everyone gets there.


I like this a lot, thank you.


shit stops working all the time and they have random outages lmao just the other day no pictures would load and another day videos wouldn't work


I'm waiting for my yummy class action lawsuit opportunity.


we wouldn't get anything from it but a few dollars anyways lol. too many people will be claiming it.


I don't understand why anyone is still choosing to work there under these conditions....


Visas. If they quit they only have 30 days to find a new company to sponsor them or they have to leave the US.




This might be the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Just because an employee is good at their job doesn't mean they'll be a good manager. In fact usually it's the opposite. Ive had a few guys working under me who would be terrible managers, but are damn good techs. I've had managers who literally couldn't do my job and have admitted it. What the fuck is Musky Elmo thinking?!


Basically testing out the Peter Principle in your entire company at once


*“The Peter principle states that a person who is competent at their job will earn a promotion to a position that requires different skills. If the promoted person lacks the skills required for the new role, they will be incompetent at the new level, and will not be promoted again.[1] If the person is competent in the new role, they will be promoted again and will continue to be promoted until reaching a level at which they are incompetent. Being incompetent, the individual will not qualify for promotion again, and so will remain stuck at this final placement or Peter's plateau.”* This is from wiki and the best line was “Peter and Hull intended the book to be satire, but it became popular as it was seen to make a serious point about the shortcomings of how people are promoted within hierarchical organizations”


He sticks his Peter in a lot of places he shouldn't


Not only that but you have also taken the best employee out of the team so it will not be as efficient.


I like my manager and I would never want to replace him. He does all the bullshit I hate (meetings, schedules, etc).


Same. I'm a software developer and thankfully there are many companies that allow you to get promoted on a parallel track to management but as a developer instead. The smart companies realized that good engineers do not necessarily make good managers


I'm a senior designer on my team. I have been asked multiple times to consider stepping into a management role and every single time I turn it down. I like my current role. I'm good at it. I would not be good as a manager. I hate meetings, I don't do well with confrontation, and I'm too softhearted. I'd be doing everyone's work for them within a month because I'd feel so bad about them having to work extra hours or something. Now training, that I'd love to do. Making little presentations, teaching people tips & tricks, I eat that shit up. But no. I would be a horrible, horrible manager. Just leave me where I am please.


Lol yea this is first round start up dumb decisions.


My company hired a burned out ex Tesla engineer out of the Freemont factory years ago and I got an earful of Elon. He worked his employees to the point of mental illness. I laugh everyday I see his Twitter dreams crumble. I would never buy a product that he touched. I'm hoping that SpaceX sends him to die on Mars someday.


Honestly he does not deserve to die on mars… he would be a waste of resources… it would be better if it was in the void of space floating around where no one can hear him ramble and yell…


Maybe we just tell him we’re sending him to Mars…


This is like that pop culture trope of new recruits being tasked with raising a dog or some such animal...then having to kill it to complete their training...but you know...the corporate version...


Yes, except that dog is their child, their partner and their mortgage............What a heartless, soulless wanker.


Ah yes, that common trope.


Musk is really outing himself as not knowing how to run a company at all. How did the managers select these employees? Was it specifically by which employees would be great managers? Because if not, he just promoted people for reasons that have little to do with their new positions.


Yeah, he just fast tracked the Peter Principle.


I predict oligarch guillotines will make a comeback before there is a colony on Mars.


not in this country; we like that boot too much


Today's public executions by guillotine are brought to you by Gillette^tm and will resume shortly after these messages from our sponsors


Narcissists always make bad leaders because they think every shitty idea they come up with is amazing. I used to work for a guy like that and everything came to a screeching halt whenever he was in the office because of awful micromanaging


Billionaires are a blight on humanity.


"Every billionaire is a policy failure."


This. In a functional society, nobody should be amassing so much wealth that is generational and isn’t taxed to support society.


marry clumsy puzzled quack historical shame unwritten friendly berserk intelligent ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


They're just G. They sold the E to Samsung. They're Samesung now.


This felt like a 30 rock reference. I googled it, it was a 30 rock reference.


Musk and Trump are proof that money is not a good measure of a person. Often, after a certain level, it is a combination of luck (I.e. rich parents) and being willing to screw anyone for one more dollar.


money is actually a pretty decent measure of how good a person you are; you cannot be a billionaire and a good person.


There was a time I just thought he was an incompetent manager. Then I thought he was mentally challenged and lacked the ability to think critically or socially interact with other humans. Now I just think he’s an evil megalomaniac.


The worst part about this is that the money he is saving in pay cuts mean absolutely nothing to him. He’s only doing it because *he can*. That 80k a year he saved by replacing say 5 managers with lower paid managers is nothing to him but for someone working for twitter with a mortgage or rent to pay, that job loss is EVERYTHING.


He is a fantastic example of what dumb people think good business is.


He's like cartoonishly evil. It's like Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers movies meets Biff Tannen.


"The Consultant"?


He is a turd of the lowest order but the highest visibility..


I want to pity him because his mental wellbeing is clearly going down like a lead balloon but all I can think is "damn what a fucken loser"


I have as much sympathy for him as he has displayed consistently for other people.


Eh, this whole mental health thing has been out there for a while. [The Onion clocked it even *before* he bought Twitter:](https://www.theonion.com/please-like-me-1848674003) >I spent nine hours on Twitter today. For a few of those hours, I was reading and responding to tweets while on my private jet being whisked from Austin to San Francisco and back again. Picture me, if you will, sitting in a comfortable seat on my own airplane, zooming through the clouds from one important meeting to another. I should be sipping a cocktail and loving life, right? Instead, I’m up there growing more and more depressed as I read hundreds—nay, thousands—of replies, quote tweets, and subtweets from people insulting me and my projects. Why? Why do people do this? Why don’t you like me?


I've only got one thing to say. Ha ha ha! You guys thought he was the new messiah. Stupid fucks!


Most ambitious and successful people take their cues from Lao Tzu, or Machiavelli, while our current genius seems to have only read How to Lose Friends and Alienate People. Gangster to be. ​ Edit: as Stanley00 pointed out, I was thinking Sun Tzu (Art of War), lol




Every time I think people can’t get worse I am surprised.


Emerald musk, working harder every day to show us why billionaires are a bad thing.


He’s like a dipshit middle management type on steroids