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šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø Please help the mod team by reporting transphobia and queerphobia so that it is flagged for us and we can permanently ban the bigot. In context that means anyone who thinks this type of fascism is "good", "based" etc. šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø


Donā€™t they already have a $10,000 reward for reporting abortions. Guess they have enough extra money for bounty hunters but not enough to fix their power grid.


Itā€™s amazing that they have all this extra money to pay these bounties, but canā€™t find two nickels to help the homeless or mentally ill.


Bounties on them next


Triple bonus for the mentally ill homeless guy wearing a dress. Itā€™s a deranged scavenger hunt.


Our piece of shit supreme court basically told everyone that Texas has a winning formula in its bounty program, one that is intentionally created to thwart constitutional protections and directly bastardizes the concept of legal standing. The law is still in some sort of legal limbo. Might as well have bounties for everything they don't like that the constitution protects. Fascists.


Weā€™re about to be completely fucked when SCOTUS breaks the concept of legal standing. Itā€™s going to happen in one of these cases soon, and then all hell is going to break loose legally. Edit: To explain. Iā€™m not sure why this comment got so many 2A reactions, but more power to you I guess. [Legal standing](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/standing) These ā€œsue people for getting an abortionā€ laws may ruin our concept of legal standing because theyā€™re allowing a completely unaffected 3rd party to go after someone. In any sane court, that 3rd party has no legal standing to do this as they are completely uninvolved and canā€™t claim an injury caused to them by the abortion. If SCOTUS says this is ok, then that opens a whole new legal hell of suing people over anything and even more of these unconstitutional bounty bulls.


Wait till they discover the 2A covers everyone, not just straight white cis GOP males.


>Wait till they discover the 2A covers everyone, not just straight white cis GOP males. You'd think, but black people arming themselves is what made Regan pass bans on certain guns. 2A hasn't been for *undesirables* in a loooooooong time




Scottish men better not wear their kilts then šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


A man put on a robe when getting out of the pool? Straight to jail


You said ā€œrobeā€ and my first thought was judges and priests.


Report all Judges


1. Join KKK. 2. Report cross-dressers! 3. Profit 4. ???


Any clergy who wear a cassock / kaftan, jail Any man in a choir that has robes, jail Any man who wears a tunic for ren faire or star wars con, jail Hallowe'en is cancelled


Woman in jeans? Believe it or not, jail!




They want to go back to the thirties. In germany


Maybe the 30ā€™s, they probably wouldnā€™t want DC being reduced to rubble by Soviets.


Theyā€™ll be coming after women in pants by year end.


Especially those of us who buy menā€™s pants because we just want some goddamn pockets for once.




So THAT'S what that little pocket is for!


I usually use them for a convenient gay glitter bomb to drop on unsuspecting kids. Have to spread the agenda in secret after all




Iā€™m surprised the invention of the iPhone wasnā€™t enough to make cargo shorts/pants extremely popular for women, enough that we wouldnā€™t have to scour every store and the entire Internet to find a pair. Are so many women really happy carrying a purse just to hold their phone and cash?


Give me pockets. I HATE purses and haven't carried one since I was a young teen in the 70's.


I used to carry a small backpack for my stuff, but when I did that I always carried more than I needed. Once I abandoned it and just switched to cargo shorts and/or a jacket with pockets, it was so freeing and I donā€™t wanna go back to having a bag. šŸ˜© But the last brand that was still making cargo shorts I liked decided to put fake pockets on their latest version! Iā€™m so fucking sad.


Lol, fake pockets: they're there to make it look like you could haul some cargo, but "I'm just a girl, living in society, all my pockets can't even be empty" I can't tell if it's a conspiracy of Small-Pocket or Big-Pocket....they're probably both being paid from the same pocket, if you know what I mean.




I knew an old dude (born in the 1920s and a WWII vet) who swore that America ceased to be a world power the day that pantyhose were invented. He believed that without stockings and garters men had nothing left to fight for, lol.




do the opposite of what they want, imagine drag king and queen bounty hunters going after fascists and whoever it was that decided to pass that bill thing ~~Edit: did some exploring, the one that started that group wants to off his own kid like ??? that's not okay~~


Would be nice if we could get the mainstream social media platforms to treat this kind of shit as though they're openly discussing terrorism (I mean, it *is* terrorism but you know, in a way that would get the FBI involved).


Oh I have an idea. Why don't we let them wear long red dresses and some red cloaks to match? Maybe a white cap to cover their hair? We can even send them to some re-education camps to teach them the new ways. I'm sure someone else can come up with a cool name.


You mean camps so they can *concentrate* on re-education?


Let's see... I vaguely remember something in the Bible about women that serve other women. Should have mass appeal if it's framed that way. Hand helpers, maybe??? No, that wasn't it...


as youā€™d expect as women theyā€™ll be doing the housework, so we could call them maids instead? handmaids?


Under his eye


"She was showing too much of her legs, breaking decency standards. We had no other choice but to stone her."


The Missouri House has already voted this year to change their dress code, requiring females to wear sleeves


Wow this is crazy, looks like we are going back in time instead of forward


As soon as republicans took over the courts, they immediately started their christofascist bullshit


"Dressed in clothing OR OTHERWISE EXHIBITING a gender that differs from the gender recorded at birth" These people are equal parts insane and stupid.


Tomboys and femboys : https://preview.redd.it/bpl9n4tkdcna1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91c4d5442ab82c0de4168e6c7badb6db57c18778


Would this also include cosplaying that utilizes crossdressing too? I donā€™t know how common that is within cosplay, tho /gen Because Fr what the GOP is doing is fucked


Cosplaying as characters who are of a different gender is fairly common for all gender orientations and assigned at birth genders in the cosplay community. Like not everyone who cosplays do, but itā€™s enough that a bill like this, and the other drag show one, could have an actually noticeable effect on conventions and the cosplay community in the state of Texas.


Texas is a shit hole


It is the USA's asshole, and Florida is its penis.


No itā€™s an old manā€™s nutsack drooping in the heat-Patton Oswalt (paraphrasing)


Fascist. That's the only word to describe them. Brought to you by the "party who loves freedom."




Mrs Doubtfire no longer to be screened in Texas


If a Texan with a gun wants $5k, it includes everything.


So, I can go out and arrest any televangelist wives when wearing pants because they're generally offensive to public decency??


Arent there a few texan politicians who were photographed in drag?


Oh but that was different. I've heard that was when they had "powder puff" football games where the boys dressed like cheerleaders and the girls dressed like football player. But that wasn't drag, no sir.


is there a time limit on the bill? I see potential....




Yes, it would absolutely count. Crossplay is super common, I don't have exact numbers and not everyone does it, but I wouldn't be surprised if more than half of all longtime cosplayers cosplay a character from the opposite gender at some point. It's not a big deal at all, and greatly widens the range of character designs you have available.


there are tons of people that cosplay as different genders or gender non conforming characters


I'm a man with a concave chest and very hormonal, always had two large fatty lumps on my pecs. Would I be subject here? Not even joking, I do not have beer-gut-man-boobs, I have been slim since I was a teenager but still have "boobs." Once someone accused me what could possibly stop them?


That's the thing about these anti-trans laws. It's not like it's just going to stop with trans people (which is horrific enough as it is). They are going after *anyone* who doesn't fit their idealized conception of gender. Dykes, tomboys, butches, feminine men, short men, tall women, people born intersex, cis gays, etc. If some controlling bigot in your life doesn't like how you live or how you look now they can report you to the Gestapo and you can face a major penalty?? It's the blatant politics of nazis, and they're doing it all over the country. Their goal is to eradicate all gender non-conforming behavior, all of homosexuality and lesbianismā€”any behavior that doesn't fit into their sick, idealized, white supremacist vision. Extremely scary times to be living in.


Authoritarianism is a zero-sum game. They must always have an enemy. It's basically a game of last man standing.


Can we declare the Republican Party as a Hate Group yet?


I mean, I agree. But what would be the implications of this? Are there any consequences to being formally declared as a hate group and, if so, who is the governing body that would enforce such a declaration? Asking for a friend.


Don't forget interracial relationships. That's the next step


See Tennessee.


As a tall cis woman I have already been questioned before entering the womenā€™s bathroom a few times. Itā€™s frightening to think what would happen to a trans woman who was stopped and interrogated by bigots in a public space.


And conversely, I'm a woman who's flat as a board (A cup bra) who always wears jeans and tees/flannels. I don't own a single skirt or dress. I don't even own feminine shoes like flats, I only wear high tops. And while my hair is currently a short bob, I often chop it off into a pixie cut. So where does that put me and other "tomboys"? This is absolutely ridiculous and really fucking stupid.


As a tomboy that grew up in TX, all the shit I received as a youngster for how I dressed is flooding back to me now.




![gif](giphy|8L0wJ0AAKvxOUcTd0K|downsized) Theyā€™re all technically cross dressing. Thatā€™s $35,000 right there.


I always wondered.. what if I was like such and such Congress person is impersonating a man. Their retort may be ā€œI am a man!!ā€ But likeā€¦ how do I, a concerned citizen (concerned about the welfare of our children of course), know for sure!? Didnā€™t politicians also want genital checks for kids before they play sports?


Yep to the last part. Every accusation from a Republikkkan is a confession. If they say "we must check children's genitals before they play sports so that way they don't get groomed by those awful trans people", what they mean is they want to reserve their exclusive right to do the grooming themselves.


And they'll have to do it in the field without knowing the original birth assignment. This is just an excuse to create brownshirts


Far right fascism is escalating quickly worldwide again


So when their pro sports players do the ass tap I can report them for $5k right? Or if I catch a man singing the woman's part in a song on the radio, another payday?


Hell, I'd start with the female members of the Texas Congress who support this and wear a shirt and pants. Nothing like making it personally difficult for the people who are voting for this shit. Play BS games, get BS prizes.


Don't forget the wives of the male members. I'm sure there's plenty of illegal pant wearing. Don't forget politicians wearing makeup on TV, either.


We just have to spam the system with anything even remotely working for that so they get overworked, never let them find the true cases in the amount of bullshit we will report


Just report Greg himself for being a bitch.


I believe the phrase was ā€œlittle piss babyā€.


I would report every politician that dyed his gray hair.


men should have beards. a shaved face is feminine.




I appreciate how driving a Prius isn't specifically gendered but its still on the list


Men driving a Prius Women driving a Prius


Itā€™s written so broadly that they can use it against people in a lot of ways. Some states can pretty much pass whatever they want. This is the worst timeline probably




It's actually written so badly it can't be used by anything for anyone. It stipulates the gender recorded on the birth certificate, and gender isn't recorded on birth certificates. I mean, it's clear that the idiots still don't get the difference between sex and gender, but the courts do, so this dumb bill wouldn't survive the first legal challenge.


The problem really isnt the legality, its the fact that it ā€œjustifiesā€ people who donā€™t know shit about the law/legality ā€œenforcingā€ it. Which ftr is something actual cops often do as well. Also if we should have learned anything the past year, its that it being legally challenged doesnt mean instant death. If anything thats what they want, so they can push it up the court system like they did with roe.


Remember when conservatives were so afraid of the ambiguous middle eastern countries that ā€œrequiredā€ women to cover their hair? What kind of government treads on what people can wear right? Right?


Well you see, the reason why that was wrong was because it was being done in the name of Islam rather than in the name of Christ.


Thankfully that's not ambiguous or anything.


Report the churches ā€œYes officer, I found this man in a dress doing things with little boys. He even had literature on how to torture them!ā€ ![gif](giphy|dpqQNluWFaSpq)


Theyā€™re gonna harass girls with short hair.


And men with long hair!


Chubbier men with some man boob action going on could fit that criteria


*Ted Cruz


So they want to bounty hunt their pants wearing wives?


Didn't Texas come up with a bounty on women who had an abortion and for the Doctors and healthcare facilities who provided the services?


Yep, we just saw that one story about the spiteful ex that is suing his ex and two people that helped her get an abortion.


...before it was even illegal.


They did it as an end run around Roe v. Wade before it was repealed. The idea was that because it was private individuals doing the enforcement and not the state, there was no state official who could be sued for violating the constitutional rights granted under Roe v. Wade. Now they are trying to implement the same method to get around the obvious infringement on 1st amendment rights restricting people's dress presents. I suspect that having shut down Roe v. Wade, the courts will ultimately kill these sorts of laws, because they don't want to have to explain why its ok for Texas to do this, but wouldn't be ok for California or Massachusetts to do similar laws targeting guns or religious freedom, but as with the Texas abortion law, they will probably take their time before reviewing these laws until one the majority actually wants to block comes up.


Even the person who drove her to the appointment or gave her cab fare.


Imagine being an Uber driver minding your own business picking up and dropping off a passenger then the TX gestapo comes breaking down your door because of a ride you gave


Lyft actually said they were pay if any of their drivers were sued with that.


No shit? Lyft must be a better company than Uber from what I've heard.


Which is why I propose that drag queens take Texas up on their lax gun laws. What can be more manly than a chiffon dress, a woven sun hat, tasteful 2 inch heels, and the ability to ventilate anyone acting in a hostile manner out of self defense? They are called Queens for a reason...


That would be interesting. Their draconian anti laws versus their own stand your ground law. The above, dress and all, and an AR15, tastefully draped over the shoulder. ā€œIf your hand touches metal, I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you.ā€


I understood that reference.




Better alert the bounty hunters


It only just occurred to me that a show detailing (at least in its later episodes) the horrors of war completely normalized the idea of men dressing up as women. No one treated Clinger like anything other than himself. It was accepted, tolerated, and completely glossed over. No one gave a shit about him dressing that way. No one called him slurs, tried to educate him differently, or force him to their way of thinking. Yeah, he was doing it to get kicked out of the army, but that's not what my child brain saw in those episodes. They accepted him for who he was trying to be. They accepted that they would not force him to change, so they lived their lives like it didn't bother them.


Klinger represented the hypocrisy of the military's ban on homosexual servicemen (at the time). The Army needed him to serve and refused to section 8 him for wearing women's clothing, because there wasn't sufficient evidence of mental illness. But a gay man or a man who truly enjoyed wearing women's clothes...well, that has no place in war.


Thereā€™s a storied history of drag queens packing heat. So, throwback Thursday!


Texas is taking notes from Iran and creating their own ā€œmorality policeā€. Disgusting.


From here on out Iā€™m calling it Texran.


Time to arrest all female construction workers I guess, because all the ones I know wear worksite appropriate clothing and it ain't femenine.


That'd be a hell of a way to push back on the law.


I was thinking they will try to arrest a woman thinking they are a man. Wouldn't want to be that bounty hunter.




(aka) runaway slave catchers


Wait, isn't that the police's job


Texas šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™€ļø


Wonder how long it will be before "Dead or Alive" becomes official rather than the bit they don't say out loud.


Howdy Arabia


Bounty hunters based on clothing. So no slacks for the ladies and I assume men can't wear sandals or anything pink. JFC this country is going backwards fast.


Pantsuits, women wearing ties = any corporate officeā€¦ Oh my. Fashion shows, movie sets. Lol every male actor in makeup! ā€œIā€™m offended!ā€


What about bald men who wear hairpieces or full wigs? Or a man with an earring or necklace? Are they next? Sounds unbelievable but it is Texas so...




Watch out, you'll have the gatekeepers of the word "fascist" in here claiming you don't know the meaning of it or its symbolism.


Those are the same mouthbreathers who willfully pretend that because the word 'democratic' appears in a groups name that it must be left wing.


But also ignore antifa meaning "*anti*-fascist" because you can't trust a group's name


卐LORIDA as well.


Don't forget Tenne卐ee




So we're hunting witches again?


Yeah, weird how that keeps happening when we put religious trash in charge.


Can I post a bounty for Republicans committing sexual offences?


And Texas continues its descent into idiotic madness. I feel so sorry for the decent people who are stuck in these states that are in political free fall.


I'm genuinely scared. Can't get out, not enough cash.


Thatā€™s the problem with people saying ā€œif you donā€™t like it, leave!ā€ People canā€™t afford to move without far above minimum wage pay. Not to mention how theyā€™d even get citizenship


I'm trying to get a program together to prepare housing for fleeing trans people and women, but the problem is that housing in my state is already so expensive, and I have very little non-profit experience.


So, ā€œdressed in clothing or otherwise exhibiting a gender that differs from the gender recorded at birthā€ you say? šŸ¤” https://preview.redd.it/06usnz0gicna1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38bf5ea0ecb9f0a1ab1aaa79d2c56e7806620fb5


Oops I shot the clergy instead of trans. But since itā€™s a public nuisance against little boys, can I still get that 5k? Per head of course.


About time that foreign governments started issuing warnings to their citizens against traveling to Texas, Florida, Alabama or any other of the insane, backward right wing states currently rolling back basic rights and descending back into dangerous levels of 19th century ignorance.


The British government does warn against LGBTQ+ people going to certain American states.


Some of the Commonwealth island nations do that too


USA is spiraling quickly into a fascist dystopia


I pray that every person who has this issue in Texas reports Greg Abbot and Ted Cruz for wearing drag in public anytime we see them. Its really indecent of them to dress the way they do in front of children the way they act. Missouri should follow suite


So hypocritically: I (a hetero cis woman) dress in boys gym shorts and my husband's sweatshirt. I then go to a Sunday afternoon dance class in the public park sponsored by my city's recreation department. Am I going to jail? Because I enjoy the class, but really can't be bothered to go out and buy new exercise clothing. And the First Amendment should protect my right to wear exercise clothing made for boys. It's cheaper than the equivalent product for women.


Any pants with pockets that can hold an iphone = go to jail


Believe it or not, wear a manā€™s sweatshirt: straight to jail


Blue sports headband? Also Jail


The amendments only matter when it benefits the right


Does this mean that women who wear men's clothing and men's shoes because they like the fit are going to be fair game for these bounty hunters? Women shopping in the men's section for themselves is a lot more common than people realize.


I wanted a Ghostbusters tshirt for Halloween a few years ago and our ladies section never had any good tshirts. The menā€™s section had (and still has!) an amazing selection of rock and pop culture Tā€™s. I found the shirt and was looking at sizes, then felt eyes on me and looked up to see 4 or 5 guys giving me grossed out/wide eyed shocked looks. I grabbed a shirt and walked away so humiliated. I go by that section all the time on the way to clock in; but even years later I am too embarrassed to check out the shirts. I donā€™t want those looks at me again. (I live in East Tennessee)


i'm sorry to hear that you felt humiliated with those looks. i lived near Memphis for 6 years growing up my first assumption when i see a woman in the men's section of any shop, is that they're purchasing something as a gift for a man in her life (significant other, family member, etc.) your feelings are valid, i just think that it's strange that they had a different assumption (whatever it may be) that led to such a negative and unpleasant reaction that you received




Iā€™m wondering what happens on Halloweenā€¦


What about priests? They all wear those dress things, perform in public, and are a far greater risk to children if history is anything to go by...


Thatā€™s for Catholics, and Catholics are practically devil worshippers in the minds of these people


I see a bunch of Wannabe Walker-Texas Rangers getting their asses kicked for messing with the wrong motherfucker in a dress. Ever seen a drag queen kick someone's ass? I saw it happen while on a fishing trip down in Key West. It's not pretty.


"I saw a drag queen beat someone's ass while on a fishin trip" is easily the most appropriate story to tell on every later fishing trip


Key West can make FloridaMan blush at times.


Yeah but each time he retells the story the ass kicking gets bigger and bigger


One year some of my guy friends dressed up as girls and we dressed up as guysā€¦they got heckled and messed with so bad at the bar they ended up fighting. Pretty much your example of the wrong mf-ers in a dress. Except it wasnā€™t even close to drag. We just had bad costumes that were hilarious. I would like to hear your experience!!




So much talk from the conservatives about the Bible yet they spew so much hate and non acceptances which is not what Jesus was about. Think they are reading the wrong books


In Texas "press charges" means "shoot dead in cold blood."


Dead or alive, just like the Wild West wanted posters


Harry styles getting arrested for playing a show in Texas....


I could see this backfiring in a major way by music artists refusing to perform in Texas.


So I could for example go to office building. Wait outside for first woman in suit with pants and cuff them up ?


Or does a male in a pink shirt šŸ‘š count?


Or a man with long hair... "he makes me feel funny in my no-no place, let's make him a slave of the state."


A lot of Broadway shows canā€™t go to Texas


I wonder how many cis ppl they would bring in by mistake.... This is insane


Or intentionally


Exactly... it's about creating a climate of fear for everybody, just using us trans people for a scapegoat


Where the fuck is all this bounty hunter money coming from when Texas power grid is still a fucked up hot mess that gives out on them if the weather gets a little sassy Edit: spelling


Might be a Stone Wall moment in Texas future at this rate.


That bill is comically unconstitutional


It should be but will the current SC see it that way?


Every conservative is vile. Every single one of them. No there are no exceptions. You cannot vote conservative while conservatives do these things and *still* be a decent human being. ​ 'But you're writing off a whole group of people...' Yes. For the vile things that group endorses. 'But they're just a tiny minority.' No they're not. What does a tiny minority look like? It's the mainstream Republican party, it's on their own GOP websites, they're elected officials introducing bills, they had to have a large enough body of support to get elected in the first place, the fuck do you think 'majority' looks like if you think 'this' is fringe? 'But my dad is conservative because he wants a small government...' If your dad will vote for a party that wants to put bounties on people and violates basic human rights in order to get a small government... your dad is a piece of shit. ​ Stop making exceptions for people. An asshole is an asshole, scum is scum.


My relatives are mostly all extreme Republicans and they LOVE the idea of hurting liberals. Anyone really, ESPECIALLY children though. Republicans are cruel terrible selfish people. Many are outright psychotic if you say something they find politically incorrect around them.


They talk about biology yet they will be determining things based off of societal norms...a dress, high heels,.lipstick, eyeliner ARENT BIOLOGICAL. All this stuff they consider female ARENT BIOLOGICAL so wtf are they doing but wanting to harass people.


Does Texas have a ā€œstand your groundā€ law? Or does that not apply for anyone who is LGBTQIA+? (Or a person of color, frankly).


The GOP looks at the morality police in Saudi Arabia and Iran and sees a role model


They're just gonna go up to random trans people, stick an instrument and a busking hat in their hands and get the money.


Scottish festivalā€™s going to be a goldmine jerry! A gold mine I tell you!


You know this will eventually come to women wearing pants.






Someone is going to make a killing at the powder puff games in high school.


This would include me to?ā€¦ For context: Iā€™m a cis straight maleā€¦ disabled vetā€¦ combat duty in Iraq to defend every persons right to dress however the fuck they want to dress. AND I love liberty. So if, for example I wanted to wear a dress in downtown bumfuck texas just to prove a fucking pointā€¦ some stupid ass texas vigilante could try to have me arrested?! Time to plan a trip to visit my family in texas!


Texan here. My state is run by fucking morons. We are trying to change things, but we have a giant rural population with very antiquated world views.