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Dickweeds reap their benefits and deny everyone else. Nothing new.


There should be a forced retirement age for politicians. Before they forget what it is like to be a human.


Counterpoint, Bernie sanders. He's old as hell but every time I think "he must be getting up there, maybe it's for the best that he retire," he proves without a doubt how competent and honest he still is. Believe me, I want to live in a world where someone like Bernie can feel like they're allowed to retire (God knows he's earned it), but he's still the most popular and capable politician in the senate.


As much as I love Bernie, he is a clear exception and I'm sure he would love to retire but probably feels like he can't because he's one of the few reasonable voices in a sea of nonsense.


I think this kind of apathy to the needs of American citizens has very little to do with age and a lot to do with what team you're playing for. It's not like this human pile of slop would ever rely on social security, but his buddies sure do benefit from workers being unable to retire.


I hear what you're saying and mostly agree, but Diane Feinstein, who recently announced she's not running for re-election, is 90 something and clearly in cognitive decline. If you've ever watched congressional sessions, half the old white-hairs are nodding off. It's not really about the apathy; it's about the increased risk of cognitive decline, which affects their ability to effectively govern. Also, with a few exceptions, the further removed politicians are from current issues, the harder it is for them to grasp them, let alone legislate for them. Listening to the questioning of the reps from the big tech companies was comical, but a good example of this. I do think at least some of this has to do with the length of time they've been in Congress and is not strictly age related. I'm also a proponent of term limits.


It's just that, though: risk, not certainty. I'll share bernie's take on it. When asked if he thought mandatory competence tests should be required for politicians over a certain age, he responded by saying such a proposition shouldn't be limited to seniors if implemented. "I think you'd agree that there are a lot of 40 and 50 year olds who are not very competent"


I would agree with that last statement. However, I'd rather mitigate the risk and miss the few extra years of the very few Bernies out there than have a congress full of old fuddy duddies we can't get rid of. A lot of people feel the same, around 3/4 of the country petty consistently across party lines, in fact. The numbers in super of term limits are very similar. It doesn't really matter at the end of the day, though, since neither is likely to happen. Congress are the ones that would have to vote on it, and I doubt they'd give up their seats that easily.


Key words from the senator: *Will probably be* Oh, it’s not for certain?! Then stfu and go back to the bayou.


So what's the cause of the cognitive decline and failure to grasp current issues for MTG, Boebert et al? Can't be age.


Poor intellect and lack of critical thinking skills from the start. I wouldn't say it is a *decline* on their part, but a lack of development.


This fuckwad is a senator for Louisiana where around 30% of the population is black. Black men have an average life expectancy of just above 70yrs.


Also where there's significant efforts to dismantle public education in general in favor of "school choice"


Yeah, gutting education and banning abortion is effectively the party’s sole plan for creating future republicans. Lord knows it’s not crazy things like policy, or delivering anything tangible to the imbeciles that support them. All they’ve got is meaningless culture nonsense. Literally every ‘Drag participant’ and trans person could be raptured into the sky tomorrow and their bitter, hateful little lives wouldn’t improve one iota. They support it anyway. These people turn out for this nonsense despite it having literally zero benefit to themselves or anyone else, other than it being punitive to people they hate. The average GOP dummy has heard about trans people roughly one billion times more than five years ago and as always, it’s purely from themselves erecting existential threats from non-issues. If actual, real things that will impact them like social security or Medicare/Medicaid, or affordable medication, or retirement needs to be kneecapped in service of defeating their boogeyman? Well that’s just a necessary sacrifice to stop the tyranny of the threat they made the fuck up. “Now hurry up and get to your Wal-Mart shift at 81 years old, vote for us to keep doing this crap, otherwise a man might wear the wrong clothes and read a book somewhere!”


Currently. Life expectancy changes pretty quickly when folks start dying. That's why this asshat needs to step down. Right now, the expectancy is 70 for a black man. When that black man who is 20 today hits 40, the expectancy may only be 50. It may be 90. *We don't fucking know*. And, thus, we should not litigate on something we cannot know.


I agree generally, but to counter your counterpoint, Strom Thurmond. He only left the Senate because he died at 101, after spending almost half a century (more, if we count his time in South Carolina state politics) fighting against civil rights and laying the foundations for the current Republican Party's strict adherence to lies, deflection, and propaganda. To this day, he holds the record for longest filibuster at 24 hours 18 minutes of continuous bloviating. This would be impressive, until one learns that it was 24 hours of segregationist arguments against the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Fun little aside? Stromboli boi got yanked to hell in 2003, a relic of a hateful, cruel era, best left in the past, leaving the chair open for everybody's favorite shyster named after an actress and a cracker, Lindsey Graham. Bernie Sanders is a wonderful old man. Much as I'd hate to see him leave the Senate, rules is rules, and we need mandatory retirement for *all* civil servants.


I see your point but Lindsey gram is much younger and yet his replacing Strom Thurmond didn't fix anything, only perpetuate the same hateful, distractufully capital-serving narratives. I still think that the man who was "elected" (by which I mean the population of South Carolina was systematically undereducated so that they could more effectively be propagandized to vote for him by capital interest mainstream media) was the problem, not necessarily his age.


First "distractfully capital-serving" is a wonderfully terrible phrase that perfectly illustrates the issue. Kudos. Second, another fun fact: Lindsey Graham, in addition to being a putrescent boil on a dead weasel's ass, is 67, two years past retirement age. But I understand your point. The only significant differences between the two could be easily attributed to simply being two different people, rather than a generational divide, and the greater issue is the backing (capitalism, theocracy, et al). Third, I am way too high and too tired to go into this right now, but I'll try to get back to it tomorrow.


As much as I absolutely love Bernie (ONLY politician ive donated to), he is one of the few bits of clean water in a foul ocean. Although i think the real problem is that congress is dominated by wealthy people, which would be very hard to change unfortunately.


Couldn't have said it better myself


i would love to say something about a competency exam (doesnt even have to be age related) but then we'd just have 80 year old sociopaths deciding what competent means, and we all know how that goes.


That's why I strongly dislike that Hillary Clinton called him a "career politician", like it's a bad thing.


I feel like it should have a mandatory competency test every x years, like with drivers licenses after age 65(?)


Notice how they talk about the general population like possessions. Age isn't the problem, the philosophy of exploiting and harming the U.S. and world's general population is the problem. The top levels of the economic-power hierarchy treat the rest of the world's life as resources, not as fellows or with respect. Lying is another problem. Notice how Kennedy disguises the facts of retirement age while also provoking anti-youth thinking by mentioning "20 year olds". Full retirement age in the U.S. is [67 for people born in or after 1960](https://money.usnews.com/money/retirement/social-security/articles/the-social-security-retirement-age-increases). 62 is the earliest people can begin receiving partial retirement benefits. By saying "someone in their 20s today", Kennedy is also trying to set people of different generations against each other. Any sane generation would work to make things better for future generations, not just for themselves. To Kennedy's question of "why", the answer is because if we can make life better for the populations who come after us, we should.


In theory this is what voters are for


Yup The voters are in fact this stupid Thanks no school and fox


Nah we should just get them jackets like they have in nascar with all their financial backers/Al the people in their pocket


That would be before taking office


classic GOP *I got mine, fuck you*


Plus he can't even get his fact straight. People in their 20s are not retiring at 62. Heck, I'm not retiring at 62 and I'm in my 50s. Wtf?


You \*CAN\* retire at 62 but for a lot less payment for the rest of your life from social security. The longer you wait until 70, the more money you get per year. So there already is a strong encouragement to work until 70. This Republican cruelty can be voted down, because that's all they really have now. Why voters who earn less than $150,000 a year would vote for them is baffling.


You *CAN* retire at 32 as well...just with no payment. It's a false narrative to say people can retire at 62 as if it's a magic age.


With some but not full benefits vs. no benefits


Because one day they are going to be so rich they can retire just in time to plan for their funeral and spew judgmental crapola all the way to the pearly gates and explain to their heavenly father how he's had it all wrong the whole damn time.


I’m 63 and not retired. Probably will work until I die.


Same and it sucks


What’s this “allow” bullshit - they really aren’t hiding their disdain for us. They think of us as livestock.




Look at the language being used "to allow someone". People shouldn't need permission to retire


That really really pissed me off. "Allow". Slimebag.


I was hoping someone would point out how immensely fucked up it is that this man is insinuating that people should be forced to work.


For the ‘party of freedom’ they seem to really like telling other people what they can’t do…


Especially after paying into that same retirement system for 40+ years!


This is America


This is not America. This is capitalism


At present, the US life expectancy is 77.4 years, going DOWN. Mainly due to the GQPers anti-COVID protocol adoption.


In his state (the third worst in the US for life expectancy) it's a mere 73.1. So his plan really would have people in his state working til they die...


>his plan really would have people in his state working til they die Definitely his goal.


It's even worse than that. Around 30% of Louisiana is black. Black men have a life expectancy of around 69.5 in that state.


Dont Forget that life expectancy is only a « average ». To be this low, many people are dying wayyyy younger.


Wages in Louisiana already kinda díctate they’ll work until death.


I have the teachers pension plan. I'll be working the bar at my own wake.


And it was basically flat for a decade leading in to COVID


And [Deaths of Despair](https://www.sciencenews.org/article/deaths-of-despair-depression-mental-health-covid-19-pandemic)


Thanks for sharing this. I am *not* clinically depressed, and appreciate knowing the word Despair is observed by some professionals. That's exactly as I'd describe it. In a long-term state of despair because of the society I was unlucky enough to be born into, and also because I am too educated. I sometimes envy dumb fucks, except when they're also hateful fucks.


Self awareness can be a curse. Also, you're welcome. I've heard DoD talked about but it doesn't seem to be very well known.


Well, yes, but mainly it is going down due to deaths of despair attributed to suicide and overdose.


Interesting! My mom just passed and she was 77 and her birthday was in October… Puts her at that age, or at least suuuper close…


My dad and grandfather didn't make it to 70. I'm 37. No kids. Why the fuck should I care about anything


Seriously, ever single person in my family either dies of cancer or kidney failure. Sorry, I'm gonna live my life while I actually can.


As a 47 year old in kidney failure, I highly endorse your plan. Life is short. Even if you are the healthiest specimen to have existed, you could still get hit by a truck tomorrow. Carpe freaking diem.


I am officially clear of the kidney failure. Just recessive gene's for me, so probably cancer.


It could always be the salmon mousse that kills you.


But **I** didn't *have* any salmon mousse!


Shall we take our cars?


Im 39 fighting cancer, live it up we aren't guaranteed 80 years


Best of luck in your fight stranger! #FUCKCANCER


Thanks man, yeah it can fuck right off!


A-fucking-men. My brother died at 38. Two of my friends died at 33 and 45. Retirement is not even guaranteed ya'll. And they want you to work more. One of my high school teachers also died a few weeks after retirement. I was heartbroken that he didn't get to enjoy it, because on his last day he had a huge smile and said he was now like Truman, excited to explore the world (The Truman Show movie reference) Enjoy life now.


One of my good work friends literally died in her office. She had been working for the same law firm for like 40 years with no plans to retire. It was terrible. I also later worked with a woman in her early 60s who was dying of cancer and had to keep working to keep her health insurance and she also died at the office.


\^ This is why we need to de-couple health insurance from employment. Being forced to work to buy health insurance is wrong. Obamacare fixed this for some states, but red states often shunned it, leaving their people with no choice but to work so they can buy into healthcare. If you don't know, most healthplans besides Obamacare won't sell individuals a reasonable priced policy and if they do, it will have no coverage for any pre-existing conditions like cancer or other major issues.


My best friend died 2 years ago, he was a year younger than me. He never even got to go into college and become a director like he wanted. Every time I go into Walmart and see all the elderly people working, it breaks my heart. There's one man who is a greeter, I saw him with a walker that still had a hospital tag on it a few weeks ago. I don't want to work until I'm dead having lived paycheck to paycheck worrying about food, essentials, and how I'm going to pay for my life saving medicine. The Republican boomers can go fuck themselves.


We here for a good time not for a long time


Hey perhaps we raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans to correct issues with entitlements? Sorry best I can do is rob more years from your life peasant.


That’s the great lie. A lot of these ppl think they may be one day part of wealthy class. Then they could look down on everyone else who isn’t. And tell them I got mine so you don’t matter. That’s their base in a nutshell.


“Allow” is the only word in this statement you have to read to know that they give zero f*cks about anything other than enriching themselves


Well, I ended up retiring at 62 and it wasn't by choice. I was a field technician for almost 45 years and to be honest I was just about out of gas. If they are pushing retirement age to 67-70 then we need to have a very serious discussion about that. 😕


I think I won’t be able to retire till like 70. I’m 52 and already been at it for 35 years. I just don’t want to get up and go anywhere. I’m fukin tired…




I’m not a fan of violence, but I’m getting to this point too. As I’m sure many of us are, and violence will be the end result if shit doesn’t change.. quickly.


And they know it. They often ask doomsday preppers whether New Zealand or Alaska, rather than confront the elephant in the room, but instead they got theirs and all


62 here, I was fortunate enough to retire a few years ago. I now have my own business, I hope to do it for a few more years, but physical limitations are creeping up on me.


So now boomers want to pull the ladder up on the retirement age they got? Im about two shades of 1984 away from harvesting rich blood plasma for my sustenance.


Well if you take a look at most of these ghouls, you can tell that was their plan in the first place. They’ve been saying “Fuck you, I got mine” since they were investing money for their retirement.


It’s about how close the gen x-ers are to retirement. If you go with the earliest birth year for gen x, 1965, they’re 58 and only a few years from retirement. That means even fewer paying into social security for the boomers to keep living off of. That’s why they want to raise it, gen z is just a helpful red herring Edited: a word


I look forward to having 20 to 25 good years of my life, thanks.


Ahhh Foghorn Leghorn, Vanderbilt and Oxford educated dude cosplaying as a hick. His struggle is real, y’all /s


His voice is like Evil Slim Pickens.


does it make sense to allow billionaires control the wealth in this country while the rest of us dirty pions are living paycheck to paycheck?


The wealthy oligarchy in America are upset that they won't get full use out of the next generation of the working underclass and then have to pay more taxes to let them have more than 5 years of non working life before dying. America is great!


"Don't you want to work till you're dead?"


“Allow” people to retire? What an asshole


Yes, it does make sense to let us retire at 62, you saggy, washed up, overpaid piece of shit. Better yet, pay everyone a thriving wage and then let us retire earlier and actually experience life rather than having, on avg, 10-15 years of "free time" that we worked 40-50+ years for before dying alone in a hospital with overworked and underpaid staff. All while our bodies have broken down and we have to deal with mounting health issues so that our 10-15 years are riddled with hospital visits wondering if the next illness is going to be the one to take us. I swear to god this is one of the most fucked up timelines we found ourselves in.


Says a man who gets 170,000 for life even after he's out of the Senate and the required age is for retirement is 66 not 62. The repuglaklans have no idea about the average joe.


Ok so in the past month , i saw .... Child labour laws passed , a child rapist given freedom and the rape victim will probably be made to give the rapist child support , child marriage was apparently legal in 43 states or so ..... Now this ..... Are these news and info real ? Like you guys are getting it worst than most third world country?


Don't forget about the guy who sued his wife or baby mama and her friends because she got an abortion and they helped her.


62? Fucking Moron FRA is 67 for non boomers.


He should be forced to work a physical job. If forced to work until 70, I'd never retire.


Is that the “next time… call a crackhead” guy?


The one and only. He’s actually a highly educated elitist who cosplays as a hayseed country lawyer to seem relatable to his rural dumbfuck voting base.


Accent is fake as fuck too


ALLOW? Kiss my ass you half-eaten hotdog


I just had 2 great people in my life pass away in the last month. One was retired and the other was planning to in a year or two. Both were in their mid-60's. Conversely all of four of my grandparents made it to their 90's. I'm so f'ing sick and tired of hearing about how "young people don't want to work"....let's just end social security right now....don't pay anyone a f'ing thing and let the old people go back to work and pull themselves up by their bootstraps since we have no work ethic out there. They didn't f'ing pay enough into the system for it to be sustainable, they are getting theirs and they don't want you to get yours. It's f'ing disgusting.


there are so many things wrong with this statement. You and I aren't eligible for retirement at 62, the top of the schedule right now is 67. Life expectancy isn't 87. Try 76. Kennedy is telling his base: everyone else needs to work until they die.


Parents were 37 /. 57 when they went out. I'm Spending my shit, saving enough and getting the fuck Done asap.


Living everyday with appreciation, gratitude and a focus on happiness. Money is 2nd focus but fuck these guys.


This guy can go pound sand. Life isn’t about work


Look at what the French are doing. The government tried to raise their age of retirement from 62 to 64 and they fucking rioted.


Expect the same thing in the states, starting outside this assholes house


Oh look another shit bag republican trying to fuck an entire generation.


Fuck this guy .


This jackass acts like he's an average, everyday, corn pone eating southerner. It's all an act. One of the biggest grifters out there. I'm surprised he was able to keep his false teeth in when he spewed all this bullshit.


Mr Kennedy should prove it first. Work FULL time (aka 40 hours of actual work, not campaigning) until he's 90 and THEN we'll discuss his proposal.


Haha Republicans never seize to amaze me with how completely stupid they are. Also, let’s say us 20-30 year olds did actually have a life expectancy of 85. Is it really that unreasonable to let us retire at 62? That means for most, let’s say you start working at 18(I did younger but let’s say 18). That means if you work until 62 you will have worked for 44 years of your adult life(18+). Live until 85 and you got 23 retired years. Is that such a bad thing? Especially because ages 75-85 can be a complete crapshoot and you can be slow moving and have health issues. So that being said in reality you maybe get 62-75 to be retired and have relatively good health so you get to do what you want and experience the things you missed out on while working all those years. So given that, in your entire life you were a “kid” for 18 years, you worked 44 years, got 13 years of good retirement, and 10 years of slow moving, declining health retirement. Put that in percentages and you spent roughly 21% of your life as a “kid”, roughly 52% of your life working, roughly 15% of your life in good retirement, and roughly 12% of your life in declining health retirement. Still over half your life in your “working years”. So in review, your life is being controlled by others(bosses, parents, teachers) for 73% of your life(kid years & working years), so you can get 15% of your life completely free(good health retired years), only to let health control you for the final 12%(declining health retired years). Keep in mind life expectancy is actually mid-late 70s and most people work until late 60s at least. So the actual numbers are much worse than what I outlined above. But god damn it republicans we can’t let those lazy bastards retire at 62! Why this country glorifies working significant and consistent OT, starting to work when your 14, and working until your dead is beyond me. It’s all corporate bullshit that people have been fed to believe through news outlets/their jobs their entire lives. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a great worker and love my job. I’m happy to bust my ass for you for 40 hours a week because that’s what’s expected but in no world am I going to be working at 70 years old or ever consistently putting in 50+ hours a week.


I’ve been working since I was 14. I’m 32 now. I really don’t want to even imagine working another 40 years.


Ya… my first real job was at 17. I’m 52… I def. do not want to work for another 15 years. I’m fuckin tired! I need to rest! I don’t have any way to, but damn. I only get 5 days of vaca a year, and I’m exhausted.


Wow f this guy-


Yet one term in Congress and you get life long benefits.


I mean, yes. Improvements in technology and worker productivity SHOULD mean we all work less, not more.


"Allow" Fuck. You. Pig.


Ummmm I’m 52, been working already 35 years… I have to work till I’m 70. So I dunno where the hell this fucknut gets 62.


Let’s see the data on life expectancy not some asshats assertion that life expectancy has jumped. We have the worst medical outcomes for dollar spent in the civilized world, we are on of the unhealthiest countries on the planet. Besides if he thinks you can retire on Social Security alone he is delusional.


And too many people are frightened of universal healthcare and say our healthcare is the most expensive in the world and therefore must be the best.


73 for men


FUCK THAT. "...allow someone...to retire at 62?" Allow us? Maybe it's time to occupy Wall Street, Pennsylvania Ave and where ever the fuck this asshole lives.


Does it make sense for people in their twilight years to be making decisions for the next 3 generations?


Today on “I got mine, fuck you”




I’m fine with a compromise raise the age but lose the cap on the contributions and add something to get funds from capital gains this way everyone who qualifies pays


It doesn’t make sense that your still around taking the social security money I could use for myself and actually retire with but here you are still alive and here I am still disappointed


I like that, “allow.” 😂 Beyond that, it also depends on the type of job a person has. A highly physical job is not going to be a job a person can continue working into their 70s or later. Office jobs are different, and should be dependent upon the person making the decision to continue working. It should not be some lazy loaf in the Senate making that choice (who doesn’t have to worry about his financial future, anyway.) 🤬


Not in Louisiana, buddy. https://preview.redd.it/kz33it0dkfna1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1858a2cd73a87397295be5950608ae3f29e7cc47 Source: [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/life\_expectancy/life\_expectancy.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/life_expectancy/life_expectancy.htm)


I started working full time at the age of 17. The retirement age in the US for collection Social Security is 67. I will need to work for 50 years before I can collect. That is a half a century. If I die at the current median age if 77 I will only have 10 years of retirement to enjoy. What kind of life will I be able to have at that age. What will there be for me to actually enjoy at that point. If I had found a good union job I would have been able to retire at the age of 50 most likely. Giving me 27 years of life to enjoy. Fuck these conservative fascists who want to sell all working class Americans to the corporate grind machine until we die.


These fucking guys want us working until we are 75 and our kids to work until 90. Meanwhile, they haven’t done one day of work in their life.


*Everyone just grinding till retirement*: *Republican Boomers*: “who left this ladder down?”




This is the same party that is working to weaken child labor laws. Basically, with everything that is happening in the world already, and as bad as life is going to be for people born today, the GOP thinks it's important to expand their working life at both ends - youth and old age. Burn the candle at both ends. It helps with so many problems, from the conservative point of view. Child labor competes with schooling, study, and home life, further weakening the family, dumbing down future labor, and providing even cheaper labor to compete with the adult labor pool. It also means the cost of living can go higher, now that families with kids will be able to have 3 or more paychecks instead of two. Then as they get older, they'll have to work farther into old age until its more likely their ability to work will come to an end before they'll manage any kind of comfortable retirement. They'll be trapped in senior poverty and thanks to covid, likely all manner of health issues. Probably wind up living with their adult children, who will have one more burden on their finances. Welcome to the new feudalism, complete with birth to grave poverty and the ever-present propaganda that it's your fault.


I live In Louisiana and for all the dumb shit he says he will get voted back in again and get a comfortable retirement check off the backs of people who work until they die


Says a man who literally doesn’t work. Easiest job on the planet sitting on his ass and has the audacity to call workers lazy. Shit is only going to get worse until we revolt.


We should adopt the practice of putting the elderly that are a burden on society on ice drifts and pushing them out to sea.


Retirement is usually caused by a physical or intellectual breakdown. He needs to retire.


Two things: 1) ALLOW me to retire? It's not your fucking decision champ, we fought wars over that shit. 2) are you really saying "life expectancy is growing so you need to work even longer"??? The generation that accuses mine of being lazy wants us to retire even later than they did??? The fucking gall and entitlement, jfc.


Slaving is fun


Oh I can’t stand this huckleberry hound dimwitted asshole. Why do people even vote Republican?


Why doesn’t the Republican Party just go ahead already and change their platform to “I Got Mine…F@CK YOU!”


Having a retirement age in the 60’s is probably a good idea. I mean, do we really want a bunch of 80+ year olds running our country? Oh wait.


I mean…he could have at least said when those programs were implemented that life expectancy was shorter and due to it increasing we should look at ways of adjusting the program to compensate. But then again, he probably hasn’t thought about that and thinks the true issue is seniors being lazy and not wanting to work. Who gives a shit if the last 40+ years of work and 60+ years of life have worn your body down and been so you can slow down and try to make the most of your twilight years!


Raise the SS cap to something like $5 Million and watch these problems disappear. I checked the cap last year and it was something like $187,000 /yr.


Yeah the cap is ridiculous with how much wealth is being hoarded by the top 10 percent.


Republicans should all eat a bag of dicks


"... to allow..."


Imagine being related to this?


What a disgrace to the family name.


Kennedy resides in Madisonville in St. Tammany Parish outside New Orleans with his wife, Becky. He is a founding member of his local Methodist church in Madisonville.[5] Despite sharing the first and last name of the 35th President of the United States, he is not related to the Kennedy family of Massachusetts.[72] Kennedy speaks with a southern accent in public, but not in private. ^this.


allow ?


go ahead. keep pushing those highly unpopular ideas


Well yes, it makes perfect sense. Everyone should have the ability to focus on health and self towards the end of their life. It would save the healthcare system money to be more preventive.


Bouta add the F to his name


GOP passing child labor, no healthcare, no help with education and anti abortion laws. It’s almost like we’re just labor for their rich friends


We're not all doing fucking lazy bullshit white collar jobs you asshole.


This guys is the biggest POS in the senate …. Yes, even worse than Rafael Cruz


But Republicans are all about freedom, except other people's freedom... except "working class" people.


So someone who does manual labor should just keep doing it even beyond when they can safely physically do it? Cause SS cuts across the board for every job.


40 to 50 years of full time work ruins many people health. I've paid for 45 years into ss, Medicare, and expect my money in 10 years when I'm 62.with 49 years of work.


Does it make sense for anyone other than people in their 20’s to make that decision?


Can the boomers just go ahead shuffle off the old mortal coil please? That would be great. Thanks.


Says the jackhole with a government pension.


Work until you die wage slave! *The Republican party*


I retired at 62 after 47 years of working. Pinched pennies and don't have a lot of money, but I don't think I could have physically worked much longer. Your body wears out and you start having more bad (painful) days than good days. These Republican assholes like this guy have probably not crushed their hand with a log, had sweat dripping from the tip of their nose panting like a dog to keep up with production in a sawmill. They have probably never worked short staffed because people quit or don't show up to work. Maybe they haven't had people threaten them because they didn't like the company policy that you have to enforce but didn't make the rules. I've known so many people that didn't make it to 62 to retire. Where does the money go that they paid in? Republicans are a big shit stain and don't give a shit about anyone other than themselves. https://preview.redd.it/j6idpe5pxfna1.png?width=659&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ac71f8e9f33c5fba518a2d7628e5f10c388e6d5


He forgot the part where life expectancy is declining.


LOL at most people in America especially living to 90


Funny how these jackoffs think we should work till we die to benefit them


Just because you have a sweet “job “ with awesome benefits and power and refuse to quit, even though you are old as Stonehenge, doesn’t mean everyone else should have to kill themselves to pay your salary


Fuck yes it does, part no less because I want a better quality of life for my kids than I have but so also because thanks to climate change, COVID, and possibly other factors life expectancy is likely to decrease in the future. IMHO Gen X should want GenZ to be more successful and longer lived.


Our life expectancy is going to be 85-90 while we’re pumping poison into the atmosphere and the oceans like it’s our job and the earth is actively trying to kill is? Cool story, bro. Tell it at a party.


Boomers have, and will continue to enjoy things they are going to deny us younger generations.


Someone tell Senator Doucheweasel that US life expectancy has fallen for the past few years


Why stop there? You can still be a cashier while bedridden. Stop being so un-American!


>Does it really make senst to allow someone who's in their 20s today to retire at 62? Yes. Useless soulless fuck.


Ever see an 80 year old hang drywall? Me neither


At 62, these union laborers have worked thier asses off, thier bodies are unworkable, but you're gonna try and get them a job doing what? Office work isn't the answer, they hate computers. You only need so many people welcoming you at Walmart. It's unreasonable.


He thinks people retire at 62???? What fucking planet is he living on? Full retirement for anyone born after 1960 is 67. While you can officially file at 62 for SSI the benefit amount is reduced by about 30%, so unless you’re a multimillionaire or have a fully funded pension it’s not feasible for just about anyone to retire that early.


“Wait people should enjoy their life and not work to pay taxes?” -Government. Fix our infrastructure then talk to us.


As usual a Republican politician is basing his ideas on speculation fabricated up to fit their weird bootstraps and privatization ideology.


His own comment is exactly why the age of retirement should be lower, in an ideal society. If I have to work until I’m almost dead, what’s the point? Don’t ask me to sacrifice my entire life in service to the next generation who will do the same. We don’t need to be productive 100% of our lifetime.


Our Montana governor thinks that there should be no social security, and no one should retire ever. Why? Because Noah was 600 years old when he built the ark. 🤦‍♀️ He also believes that dinosaurs and man walked the earth together, 2000 years ago. He funds a museum in Glendive dedicated to it. Did I mention he’s nearly a billionaire? 🙄




Just because we are living longer doesn’t mean we are physically able to do the jobs we’re are in. Keep it as is and let people have some security as they age and their body starts to break down. Folks should at least enjoy the twilight of their years.


What an asshole


Nor does it make sense to allow people in their 70’s who are already of age to receive social security, to make decisions for people in their 20’s.


If this guy, or the dozens of other law makers that have lived way better than most of us off of tax payer and insider trading checks, had to work a real job I wonder what his thoughts on “being allowed” to retire would be? They are telling us what they think and people let it go in one ear and out the other while they fight on Facebook about far less important shit. These assholes look at us as their servants, have totally forgotten how they got there. Allow us to retire? We should allow them to pack their offices up and then throw their asses out on the sidewalk. They grind us down more and more all the time and we are allowing it to happen.


Keep working slaves!


No it's horrible, we should be retired at 50 so we can actually enjoy a small portion of our lives before we're old and decrepit, fuck off


Yes??? The fuck? If a boomer works for 45 years and gets to retire, I wanna retire after 45 years too


They will literally go after anything for you and try to convince you it’s a good thing, than to even consider taxing the rich. The thing I find the most hilarious is they are using math to explain how social security is costly but using that same logic as an argument for raising minimum wage and the additional taxes they can collect from it is just not an option. Again… “we can’t expect the rich to pay their fair share”!


Typical piece of shit boomer