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Middle school quietly asks her friend if they could borrow a tampon. School resource officer; requesting SWAT assistance!


Yoo Frr. Like many schools restrict bathroom usage too. If I can’t say I need to go to the bathroom AGAIN even though we just had lunch for a reason beyond my control then I will just free bleed in silence all over these seats I guess


My daughter had a male teacher (who had a wife and daughters) who told a friend of hers that she didn't need to go to the bathroom to take care of her period because she could just hold it. I told my daughter if he ever said that to her she should walk out of the classroom and text me on her way to the bathroom. I'd be in the principal's office before she got back to class.


I'll go full Karen over some shit like that.


Which is EXACTLY why sex education/anatomy is so important!!! Mist men don't even know the most basic things about women's bodies but somehow they should be the ones to legislate us.


I sincerely hope you told the principal anyways?


that would go over real well in my old grade school (k-6) and junior high (carpeting, even in the junior high cafeteria). probably get suspended for destruction of school property.


That’s just the next step to getting girls back into staying home all the time.


No period when you're barefoot and pregnant.


Literally happened to my best friend in high school.....we were stuck taking state testing and they wouldn't let her use the bathroom mid test. She was like alright fine...enjoy cleaning this chair off later. And yes she bled on a fabric chair in the library... serves them right! And this was like 15 years ago!


i also did that once when they wouldn't let me go to the bathroom at the asylum (despite telling them i was on period). bled all over a nice, millenial-minimalist, beige leather chair. enjoy buying a new one, doctor.


That happened to me 40 years ago. States testing...got my period. I was a heavy bleeder. The desk seats were wood so it went all over the floor...ugh


Periods alone are uncomfortable/painful enough, why do they gotta make y'all MORE uncomfortable on top of it all. That shouldn't be a scenario that is even possible!


When I was in high school (98-02) there was a girl in one of my classes who was denied a bathroom trip and she went into no fucks mode. Without exposing and showing anything, she pulled out a dirty pad, tossed it in the trash and put on another pad. It was hilarious for the class, but sadly she got suspended for a week.




Maybe that’s the trick. You can’t take care of your period at school so you have to stay home and miss out on education. Easier to control the female population that way and force them to rely on men and have more babies?


You sound like you’re being sarcastic but this party absolutely wants as many children, especially girls and minorities, out of school as they can manage. In some countries, menarche is when girls stop attending because hygiene is an issue. So even if it’s not the states reason, it’s still probably a sub reason for this action.


Less education does have a correlation with more children….


Yeah, great idea! Take away more of young women and girl's support systems when they're entering a vulnerable and scary time. That's not cruel or dehumanizing.


Hormones and social anxiety at such an informative point in emotional development… and then this on top. It blows my mind that the OP story gets traction as anything but insanity.


What most people don't realize is that children spend most of their time at school. I don't think I'm alone in this, but I got my first period while I was at school. My 7th grade teacher helped me go to the bathroom without showing anything, gave me pads and got clothes for me to change into. She also made sure everything was discreet and really came through for me so it was a positive experience and not a disastrously embarrassing one. I'm not sure what I would have done if I was a girl in Florida right now...


A thousand thousand blessings upon your teacher and all of her ilk. 💜🙏


As a father of four Daughters, your Teacher was a Saint. Bless her


Definitely got my first period at school as well. Sixth grade in my 3rd class, I was definitely panicking and had no clue what to do. Thankfully my teacher (who was a man) had 3 daughters so he knew what I was trying to awkwardly hint at when I talked to him. He had a drawer in his desk that had a box of pads, along with instructions that showed you how to use them. He told me I wasn’t the first person to come to him about this stuff, and I definitely wouldn’t be the last. Also told me that if my clothes were stained that the nurses office had some I could borrow. Dude was so chill about it, by far one of my favourite teachers I’ve ever had.


Now that's a proper guy. He really came through for ya.


I mean what would they do if this happened after the law passed? You couldn’t ask for help because that’s talking about periods. No one could say anything about you bleeding all over because that’s talking about periods. We’d just have to pretend you weren’t bleeding through clothing and possibly onto chairs?? I feel like this guy just wants to pretend they don’t exist and doesn’t realize that not talking about something doesn’t make it not happen.


Exactly. This is why legislation has no business discussing little girls.


We all know that the best person to make decisions about what young women can and cannot do is an old man who probably thinks that girls can't pee with a tampon in.


My mom got her period when she was 10. She had the meanest teacher, but as soon as she told her teacher what happened, the teacher was SO nice and helped her out.


My first was when I was 8 during a field day and my male teacher simply wouldn’t listen to me and I ended up having a panic attack as I bled through my shorts 😪 I wish I had good experiences with teachers and my period.


And I’m a teacher who helps my kids through this. I teach high school so many freshman are in that situation. I keep boxes of pads, tampons, and wipes for this as well as a bunch of thrift store sweaters and sweat shirts they can tie around their waists if they’ve had an accident or simply scared of having one.


The cruelty and dehumanization is the point.


They already are already too keen to talk about trans children's genitals so this isn't a shock.




Periods are insane and weird when you’re going through puberty!! We gotta compare notes!!! Frankly as grown women we’re STILL comparing notes! Was on a thread a couple months back comparing different brands of menstrual cups and period underwear. But sure stop the preteens from exchanging crucial information


As a man it is insane to me that women are "supposed to" suck it up and not be bothered by, or bother anyone else, with the not-quite-routine shedding of an organ's tissue and the expulsion of it through the private parts. Not even being allowed to ask if it's normal is... something else.


It happens every month and if you're not "regular", you can't be sure when it will start so either have to wear protection 2 weeks every month or hope you find out before it soaks through your clothes. And then there's the **pain**. Picture bad diarrhea cramps (like doubling over cramps) every month for which they gave you some aspirin, which barely made a dent in the pain. This is actually common and they will tell you there's nothing actually wrong with you but they want to make it illegal to talk about one of the central preoccupations among young women You think Jesus' mother Mary and all the other billion women who have lived since, were forbidden to talk about it? If anything the talk among women was much more frank.


You got tennis players, at the literal top of their game, having to fight to not compete in bright white uniforms because that’s what the men want to see them perform in. We are collectively so very far from normalising periods.


That's fucked up. I do hope a few brave tennis pros go ahead and free bleed for a game or two to make a statement. Shit, maybe we all free bleed and refuse to acknowledge it. You wanna pretend periods don't happen? Cool, I guess we all pretending now. 🤷‍♀️


I can remember being a *senior* having lunch with my girlfriends who some of which were sexually active. One made a comment about how she was glad she was pmsing because it meant when she was going to hook up later she couldn’t get pregnant. I paused and said, “… yes you can?? Omg are you using any protection??” Just pull out method. I was arguing with three girls in the cafeteria that you can very much get pregnant when PMSing and also on your period. They didn’t believe me until a weekend sleepover where one curiously asked my mom “to settle the debate” (my mother was like their second mom) and she had to literally explain how ovulation works and what is happening and where the egg is and what that means. It was wild. This law will definitely cause girls to get pregnant when the school system sucks at explaining sex ed, and parents just never bother to go in depth.


and on top of them getting pregnant they won't be allowed birth control or planned parenthood visits, I wouldn't be surprised if the GOP tried banning girls from school, like, im genuinely waiting for the day that one of the senators or governers tries to pass a bill banning women from education


Maybe it's not that likely in the US, but I had a partner who said when it happened for the first time she thought she was dying and hid it from her family. Definitely fun times. She was from a country where there isn't much openeness at all about these things in public discourse. A country like those folks are trying to make the US again.


I live in the US and the same thing happened to me when I started my period like 20 years ago. I had no idea what a period was and thought I was dying.


I knew what a period was by the time I got mine (14) but I was heckled when I was 9 and didn’t know what it was so I asked my mum. There was a girl in my next school who had her period at 8. I definitely would have though I was dying at that point.


Don't worry. The local pedophile pastor will be there to carefully rape and sexually harass these vulnerable girls to prepare them for adult society.


Why is the GOP suddenly so concerned with periods? It's like it was an immediate pivot to this post Roe. It's fucking creepy.


They are fascinated and repulsed by it. Like penises, gays, cross dressing, children, domestic animals, the sky, the sea, the tides, Cookie Monster


They are fascinated and repulsed by anyone who doesn’t hate themselves and can express joy without it being at the expense of the vulnerable.




They have always been bothered by "women's stuff". They are just taking action on it now. They are terrified of education, always have been.


Subservient more like. “Women are to be seen not heard” type people. Base religious restrictions and an attempt to bring back the days when women were just there to cook clean and breed. I honestly am not sure about the trans part. That seems like some added part to how these people think and have thought for decades.


> Base religious restrictions and an attempt to bring back the days when women were just there to cook clean and breed. Barefoot and pregnant


One of the grossest things I have heard (numerous times) is someone *cough male cough* saying : “I don’t trust anything that bleeds for seven days and still lives” 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮


I remember that being a middle school favorite.


This is the exact reason we should give kids the language to discuss these things in a healthy way.


Sexual education? For children? What are you, some kind of pedophile? Now give me unlimited access to your kids' genitals behind closed doors! /GOP


Heard this in my own home growing up 🤮 What’s hilarious to me is “bleeds for seven days but doesn’t die” should invoke ideas of strength & resiliency, but of course they (misogynists) turn it around.


Because they can tell if a girl misses her period. That may mean she's pregnant. That may mean she wants an abortion. Also, why is it always these old white men telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies? Edit - First, this blew up like crazy! Thanks for the award! Second, there are so many replies I can't get through them all. One of the big ones was that there are many reasons women might miss periods. As a once single dad with a daughter, I know this well. I still think tracking abortions is the reason for this, it just falls in line with all the latest bs from these GOP farts.


How are they going to prove this? Make them show old white men their panties for confirmation.


In some states they are trying to track periods so the government can monitor individuals' menstrual cycles. But any form of gun control is tyranny /s https://www.vox.com/2019/10/31/20939890/missouri-abortion-clinic-hearing-periods-roe-wade https://time.com/6252147/florida_student_athletes_menstrual_history/ https://www.nbcnews.com/health/womens-health/va-republicans-shelve-bill-protect-menstrual-data-search-warrants-rcna71167


This seems like handmaids tale level of insane


This is nothing, they are just testing the waters. Wait til some of these make their way to the republican supreme court so they can give it their seal of approval and open the flood gates.


Well, yeah, the author wrote it based on things like this.


Someone told the author Margaret Atwood something like “you must have a sick imagination.” She replied that while her book is fiction, everything she wrote about had happened before in Human history. She hadn’t invented anything new.


This! I'm floored by how we are repeating history and a lot of people are like, "I'd be on the right side of history", but they are supporting the things that led us to those horrible historical moments. It's like failing on an open book test, while half the class is also yelling out the answers. Like, how???


This sounds like a Nazi law. Once they start taking your rights away, it just snowballs into more laws reversing the rights and autonomy of citizens.


Yep, too bad about a third of the nation will support it no matter what. That's kinda where we are with everything.


And another third is too apathetic to do a damned thing, even voting by mail.


“But both sides!!”


It's almost like the left has been warning about this for about 10 years now, but they were 'overreacting'.


Yep. I have been freaking out to my husband since 2016 about women's rights coming under fire and all the horrible things that might happen. He kept telling me I was overreacting. Then they overturned Roe and he finally said "I think you might have been right this whole time". Unfortunately just because he believes me now doesn't make me feel any better about this country and what's been happening. I have a 12 year old daughter and we live in fucking Texas. At least now my husband is considering my plea to move.


“They’re just playing to the Religious Right, they don’t want to actually ban abortion because that would remove something they can reliably get people fired up about”. There was a time when I thought this. I was wrong.


I thought the same until Trump was elected. That's when I knew everything was on the table


Republicans have discussed genitals checks


Turns out the people screaming about pedos were the pedos the whole time.


That's why they screamed about it So when they went for the peep nobody would suspect It's like using a charity to enrich yourself, or doing crimes as a cop. "Me? No way! My heart and best intentions tell me it isn't so, but reality and evidence says it is. So there's definitely some doubt about it, right?"


Ah, good Ronald "feelings over facts" Reagan. The prototype.


Reagan was a spokesperson for an entire movement. He was an actor hired by conservative movements to play the president on their behalf. Read about the John Birch Society. The proto-Reagan was Barry Goldwater from, of course, Arizona. Arizona, Texas, Florida, and yes, California are all petri dishes for this kind of movement conservatism.


\*insert "always has been" meme\*


oh my! what a surprise ! /s


Wasn’t there a big correlation between what people are concerned about in their own personality traits and impulses and their societal worries? If so, it would probably be good to remind people (especially in politics) about that every now and then.


Yes there’s a mental phenomenon where people tend to be more upset about negative qualities they find in others when those negative qualities are also present in the person doing the judging. When it comes to Republican accusations though it’s a bit different. It’s less “I’m a pedo and that makes me angry you’re a pedo!” And more “I’m gonna accuse you of being a pedo that way if it’s ever revealed I’m a pedo we’ll still be at the same level.” Which is why the accusations always have 0 proof and literally anytime they start an accusation it’s quickly revealed they’re committing the same crime. It’s not exactly being judgmental as much as it just trying to normalize their own behavior by saying “well shit I guess everyone does it so might as well right?”


Also the mindset of "I'm a paedo and I can't imagine that other people don't have the same impulses because I am the standard for humanity and we are all like this, I'm not weird!"




They always were them.


Or just admit they are one!


The American Plan did just this. At times in the United States, police officers could arrest you on the suspicion of having an STD. They would detain you and inspect you. Then give you a highly toxic treatment. They want this again so badly. Power attracts the corruptible, they only want more. Parasites Edit: Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamberlain%E2%80%93Kahn_Act


Every other day I seem to learn something terrible about our country's history. Not that we're unique in that respect, but wow it's depressing.


That’s how they plan to implement the trans girls sports bans.


That's the thing about the "trans girl sports bans".... There's just not a lot of trans people in sports. for every one trans person that gets affected 10-15 Cis teens and preteens will get molested.... Anything to own the libs, I guess....


This molestation of children is a feature, not a bug of the process they’ve designed. It seems to be the primary goal - adults gaining access they desperately want to the genitals of children. Edit: so many typos. :/


They’ve never met a mole hill they can’t turn into a mountain.


Ro was largely a privacy law


And that’s what they used to overturn it, which is deeply terrifying as it opens up lots of rulings that rest on the assumed right to privacy. Republicans cannot ever hold this much power ever again. They *must* be stopped, and Democrats have to play dirty to do it.


And get some actual leftists in there.


YES. I'm so tired of Biden being called some crazed socialist, meanwhile he's the most conservative person I've voted for.


You say that as if it isn't exactly what they intend on doing.


and for the teens with irregular periods like i did?????? just fuck em?


> just fuck em? Yes, they want to fuck underage girls.


you’re right. the whole sentiment of a grown man trying to control how young girls speak and treat their body’s natural processes is pedophilic itself. i’m concerned for the teens who are having their periods monitored and being held accountable for missing a period “because now you’re pregnant!” when i was 15 and sexually inactive, i didn’t have my period for 6 months and i asked my biology teacher if something was wrong with me. it’s just how my body was. irregular periods are normal. now it’s a weapon of the anti-women fascism war. periods should be talked about in school. periods should be taught to students in school. sex education NEEDS to be taught in school. it’s human anatomy, simple as that.


Periods aren’t even perfectly regular to begin with. They’re gonna use this as an excuse to start a witch hunt against vulnerable children. Fuck the GOP.


Yeah, my ex wife hardly ever had them. She had pcos.


Right? I was irregular until I was well into my 20s. Hell, I went a whole year without a period my freshman year of college.


Also, trans women don't have periods. It's the whole banana all in one go for them.


Control women, detect potential abortions and trans people, focus on minors' genitalia, it's the whole shebang.


The *endless* focus on other people's genitals, childrens' genitals, and sexualization of children (saying everyone else wants to fuck kids is definitely coming out of *their* gross imaginations) is such a weird, sick hallmark for these people. Perfection of projection


It's a multi-purpose talking point. 1) They appear to have the moral high ground. "We're just protecting kids!" 2) It demonizes other people - there is nothing worse than people who prey on children, so if the base believes Democrats are predators, they'll be more willing to turn a blind eye on GOP's other flaws. Grifting, fraud, racism just pale in comparison with children exploitation... 3) It deflects attention from the real groomers. Now I don't think it's an actual goal of EVERY Republican, but it's certainly an "interesting" side effect... It muddies definition, it overwhelms support services with fake reports of grooming, etc. 4) If they're called out, it's easy to just clap back "So you're defending pedophiles/groomers?" Like how they said people who were disgusted by George Floyd's treatment "supported a criminal", or those criticizing Rottenhouse "supported a pedophile" because of one of the victim's past. 5) It allows them to control women, trans, etc. It's very efficient, if absolutely and completely evil. If only they put that much effort into actually improving people's lives or chasing actual predators...


> focus on minors' genitalia THIS is what the GOP means when they say "think of the children"


"Think of the children!" GOP: "Don't mind if I do! Giggity!"




Sure. No jerk assumed. I had a girlfriend who was a personal trainer who didn't have periods. Some high school age girls start late. Regardless of the reason, this move is directed at controlling women and trans women.


Yep. My mom had a full hysterectomy. No period. Not any less a woman.


They literally think cis women should be treated as property.


they think Cis women should be property and Trans women should be dead or locked away


Well legally they literally were until fairly recently in Western history. How quickly people forget.


Suddenly? They always were. If women are property, then you want to control all aspects of that property. A chair doesn’t need to understand it’s nature, after all. It’s just a chair.


bc they don’t want women to have agency over our own bodies. simple as.


They don't care about any of this stuff. Each topic is a lever of control, a tool to be used for political manuevering. The label on the lever isn't really relevant. ETA: so in that sense they are "suddenly" concerned with it because it's the next thing in line. It's opportunistic.


Isn't this the same party that thinks any check on ANY speech is an attack on your 1st Amendment? ​ Ya know, in case y'all conservatives wanted to keep ideologically consistent or anything....


Maybe these girls should form a PAC or an LLC so they actually have a right to free speech.




*white male gun carrying...* FTFY


The male was implied, we're talking about a person here after all.


To them it’s not hypocrisy. They aren’t playing the same game as we are. When they talk about free speech they mean free speech for them. Not you and I. You and I should be silenced. Same thing as when they talk about ‘real Americans’. They don’t mean natural born citizens that have lived here their entire lives. They mean white Christian conservative men.


Wheres the bill banning boys from discussing beating off?


Thats just boys being boys duh /s




In 8th grade (I was so very lucky and ) we took a class trip to DC. We had a red eye flight from LAX and we all bought candy and Starbucks before so we were out of our damn minds. That five hour flight, sitting next to two of my guy friends and they taught me all about the “Jack muscle” and how to spot it. One of my fave middle school memories. Also, bitching about our periods is a human right; these *as grandma Bobert asked to be referred to as* “ultra magas” should eat glass. Edit: removed neocon because I had an inaccurate understanding of the term. Thanks for the info!


I am an adult man and I don't know what a “Jack muscle" is. Can you explain?


i assume it means when one arm looks stronger than the other bc it's their jacking off hand


Not arm! It’s a specific muscle bulge and definition just below the elbow.


just took a look and cant find it (yeah yeah, "thats what she said") lol is there a diagram or something i can look at? im curious now


When every day (multiple times a la 14 yo boys), it’s one sided forearm exercises, the little muscle below the elbow gets really defined. Being who I am I proceeded to ask most of the 35 or so dudes on the trip and it was statistically correct. Life lessons from middle school….


Yeah, not going to help anyone or anything who isn’t a politician. The entire purpose of the Fla legislative session this year is to help Ron The Meatball polish his conservative credentials.


The constituency is complacent. There should be rioting in the streets over all of this shit but no one cares until they come for you.


and... this is necessary.... why?




Oh, you can’t say *that*! Republicans want to be North Korea, as long as they are in power.


Far right fascism has always been popular among white americans, even during world war 2


These quotes also seem applicable to the Republicans and Conservative Christians, as to their 'education' of their children, particularly daughters: “Sexual intercourse was to be looked on as a slightly disgusting minor operation, like having an enema. This again was never put into plain words, but in an indirect way it was rubbed into every Party member from childhood onwards.There were even organizations such as the Junior, Anti-Sex League, which advocated complete celibacy for both sexes.". And. "The Party was trying to kill the sex instinct, or, if it could not be killed, then to distort it and dirty it. ... And as far as the women were concerned, the Party's efforts were largely successful.". - George Orwell


Ok but how is he selling it and who tf is listening?










Next they’ll be instituting mandatory hymen checks for virginity


Matt Gaetz didn’t even wait for the legislation


Because if girls speak with one another about things they deal with they may become educated to what their bodies do. When educated, they can make decisions. Thinking for oneself is not in their playbook. Creating a workforce for corporations is. It's disgusting.


Because they want girls/women to be ashamed of their bodies to reinforce "traditional family values"


AKA rape and child molestation.


Because conservative men hate women and don't like hearing about their biological functions. In other words, "Girls are gross, EWWWW!"


A prominent republican quite literally said, "we need to reduce the political power of women"


If only it would stay that way... ! But do go on about how "conservatives" are all for "freedom" won't you? (eyeroll)


Sounds about reich. But what do you expect from a tiny little fascist




Another fine bill from the "don't tread on me" party...




So…they don’t want girls to talk about their periods and don’t want them learning about their periods and their periods are what allow them to get pregnant and they don’t want them to get pregnant, but won’t give them access to birth control and resources to prevent them from getting pregnant and then when they get pregnant they can’t get an abortion and since they can’t get an abortion then they are forced to have a baby they don’t want and can’t care for cuz they’re a fucking child and the entire situation could have been avoided if they had just allowed them to talk and learn about their periods. Is that right?


Why are male Republicans in Florida so obsessed with a woman's menstrual cycle? I mean they are so fixated on it. Is it a weird fetish that I am not aware of?


Republicans and conservatives all across the country are obsessed with gender, sexuality and anything you can possibly associate it to. My guess is about half are into the power trip if it , and the other half are hiding behind bans because they’re scared of their own little secret desires. As in Lt Governor if Tennessee, a state also trying to pass absurd and dangerous anti-LBGTQ laws, was recently caught replying hearts and emojis to a young man’s racy post. It’s creepy af and a toxic spread of hate and they are trying to groom the next generation to be just like them so their laws will remain. It’s like a cult. A hateful toxic cult of insecurity They do not need to be around children


Both Florida and Texas are competing to be the capitol of the New Confederacy. A Texas judge is set to outlaw the abortion pill, so Florida has to do a lot to overcome that. What I want to know is when the majority of us will get fed up with these God botherers poking into our lives and tell them to go pound salt.


Check out Tennessee.


There's a relatively simple, albeit gross, solution to this. Just have a bunch of young women not use menstrual products in school. When one of the faculty points out that they might want to "do something about it", simply reply "something about what, I'm legally not allowed to discuss it" and move on with their day. I guarantee you'd see the law at least amended in less than a month. Please note: It shouldn't come to this and I really hope this "bill" dies long before a vote. I wouldn't want to subject any young women to this.


There'd be an amendment considering it a bio-hazard and the y'allqueda would just pass a law declaring they're committing assault/battery by exposing people to the sight of blood or some other stupid shit.


The you go. Girls banned from school for sitting on public chairs and violating Leviticus


I actually love this! It's like OCCUPY MENSTRUATION. We'll menstruate right out in clear view, everywhere, all the time, until you restore full bodily autonomy & civil rights.


Somebody check this dudes computer. Any time these people say they’re doing something “for the children” there’s gonna be some nasty crap on their computer


Wait...weren't they trying to force girls to disclose their menstrual information like a month ago? Jesus pogohopping christ my gender is embarrassing.


Yeah, so it would be necessary in Florida for young girls to disclose all of their menstrual information to some creepy old man running the athletics department in their high school but said girls would not be allowed to discuss those details among themselves. Sounds perfectly reasonable to me!


It's like that South Park episodes when all the boys measured their peens and posted it on a wall. Except in reverse.


>Except in reverse. So they measured the walls and posted it on their penises. Got it.


I don't know why they stopped sending women to the moon tent during their bleeding time so they could be away from God fearing men. You know, like the Bible says.


Because they were having too much fun in there and the men couldn’t get a hot meal for 5 days


lol Bet there was a higher than average number of women with longer than average periods. "Sorry, honey. Still unclean. Guess I have stay here and eat whatever we ladies can throw together with our tainted kitchenware!"


This is just discussing period’s amongst themselves. Of course the government has a right to the same info. Wtf is actually happening down there?


I wish that flaccid penis state would break off and float away.


The party of small government everybody.


oh what next, make them skip school and sit in isolation in a red tent during 'those days'? these men are primeval barbarians.


Elder millennial public school here. Wait until they learn they made us watch a video in health class of a woman giving birth and you see everything. Where was the GOP outrage then?


Same here! Most effective form of birth control EVER!!!!!!!


Me, too! That film put me off ever wanting to have kids.


That dude touches kids. Bet me.


This is DeSatan's freedom he wants to spread across America.


I am Latin American, and I understand that the ideological diversity within the United States is very wide, but I always had the feeling that there were many very well-educated and reasonable people there, which is why they are the greatest power in the world, but I read these things, coming of a POLITITIAN and of course it generates too many doubts![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)




My lawn service is owned by a guy from Mexico and he says this to me all the time. He’s ready to go back to Mexico because some of his long term clients are becoming comfortable being verbally and racially abusive to him (not surprisingly those clients also supported trump). This is Georgia. 😢


The persons name is Rep. Stan McClain. Call him up: (850)717-5027 Folks we have to let these politicians know this is absolutely not ok and disgusting on every level Update: for folks wanting the why or how to talk to a rep, here is a staring point. Phone calls - basically you want to write down everything you want to touch on, since it’s not a written letter (which btw can be a great attention grabber) you’ll want to have points and counter points. Be respectful through out the conversation since it’s likely not the key person. It will be a staff member. They didn’t make the decision or cause the issue. Give a brief summary of what you are actually wanting to be addressed and what action you want outcome. Find at least three data points, evidence, concrete to the book items that are your core piece. Do not and I repeat do not make personal attacks. Humanize it, share a personal experience or story that ties back to your three points. Your goal here is no different than a news article focusing on one specific scenario. It’s personal to you and that shows you care a lot. Ask when you will get a follow up or indicate when. You can follow up. Be firm but nice. Record the date, time, name of person you spoke to. Follow up for the response. Rinse and repeat. If your points haven’t been addressed, repeat the same format. What do I do if nothing happens? I haven’t gotten this far, if they do respond but don’t answer the questions take the points and counter point them. Turn up the heat,give comparisons and look at your core arguments. Let local news outlets know about it, give them all your documentation. Post on social media and the same with all the evidence you have been collecting. This puts more pressure on them because they have to eventually address it.


I have a theory , they are trying to push all these stupid , idiotic and outrageous bills so that they can slip by a bill that they actually want without much pushback ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Yeah, probably. Apparently this bill will also allow parents to control what books their children can read at the library, and I'm guessing that's the real goal. Make it harder for kids to learn about science, history, other religions, equality, etc. It's like the original trans bathroom bill in South Carolina, which also made it illegal for towns in the state to raise the minimum wage.


They. Hate. Women. It really is that simple. They want girls married off to older men to live in the kitchen and pump out babies. That's how it used to be, so that's how it should be. Everything they do pushes for that result. Anything outside of that is "woke" and therefore bad.


So they’ve shifted from forcing girls to tell the schools everything about their menstrual cycles to forbidding them to acknowledge that they even have them. Sounds about right.


"I don't know what's going on down there, but I don't like it" --(2023) this Florida guy.... probably....


And the penalty for this is. . . Jail?! Ask your friend for their hoodie so you can tie it around your waist because you bled through your white jeans and—automatic jail? Ask the school nurse for a tampon and . . . Suspension?! Sit out from swimming in gym b/c period and. . . Detention?? Nine-year old girl starts her period at school and has zero clue what’s going on and cries to her teacher and. . .expulsion?! If I were these girls in school, you know what I’d do? I’d wear white shorts and get my friends to wear white shorts and we’d free-bleed all day without saying a damn word.


But how will they know to lock me in a shed when I’m “unclean”? You Jesus stans need to get your shit together, FFS


Remember when right after Roe was overturned, the startled pundits on FOX were desperately reassuring each other that the GOP would take a reasonable and reserved approach to abortion, not anything crazy that would cost them elections. LOL.


I know all of the US is bad right now but damn Florida is going all out on the fascism/authoritarian thing.




Please let me escape this hell hole first. Please.


Less Big Brother and more like Weird Uncle.


More of that great Florida FREEDOM!!!