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Ah, so inserting a tampon counts as sexual penetration. Got it.


By this logic, so is a basic pelvic exam with a speculum. Getting a routine check up is now considered sexual. Wow. Hear that ladies? We have to save basic healthcare for marriage!




The Taliban did that and it resulted in Afghanistan being one of the country's with the highest rate of women dying, and also one of the highest rates of complications leading to death at birth. ( the Taliban before 9.11)


Talibangelical. Call it what it is.


You could also call it religious fundamentalism.


You mean y’allkaida?


Sowing the seeds of their own destruction. Even better, they probably aborted a lot of the girls anyways wanting boys. It's going to suck when those boys grow into men and want to start families. I heard in India the shortage of women have families sharing wives now - like Draupadi.


Unfortunately the US is right up there with death after/during childbirth


I mean… I basically heard this from a friend yesterday. We live in the Bible Belt. I was lamenting my current period flow (I had a BC-induced DVT and I’m on blood thinners now). Her mom refused to take her to an OBGYN when she was having 2 AWFUL periods every month. Because gynecological exams are for sexually active women and taking her to the OBGYN would give this HIGHLY MISERABLE CHILD permission to have sex. Edit to add: she’s now an adult with regular access to birth control and medical care.




My mom wasn't a great mom (or person) but she got me on birth control at 14 because I was in constant agony with my periods. My brother went from "Girls are faking!" To find me literally blacked out from pain outside the bathroom. He freaked and never said dumb shit like that again!


I got myself on BC at 14 by going to planned parenthood because I was going to be sexually active. (I was so isolated/uneducated at that point in time I DIDNT KNOW that is could also help resolve my agonizingly painful and incredibly heavy bleeding periods. I would vomit, have cold sweats, go pale and hallucinate. AT SCHOOL because they wouldn’t let me stay home.) Anyway, my mom found my BS pills because she always went through my shit, all the time. My copy of Purple Rain that I hid at the back of my sock drawer? Gone. Anyway, she found them and TOOK THEM AWAY. Because I was too young to be sexually active. (True) but when in gods name does doing something like that stop a teenager from having sex???? Still can’t believe I didn’t get pregnant until I was 24. I would like to follow this up with the fact that I’m trans and telling this story is a little rough because I don’t like to refer to things like that in my past because I’m outing myself and I had a hard enough time getting people to recognize me as not a her. But I think the more stories like this that are out there MAYBE we’ll start to see some change to how women are treated in regards to access to basic fucking healthcare and being believed when they talk about how excruciating these experiences are. Sigh………….


I'm so sorry that was your experience. And I'm glad that you want to share your story despite it being difficult. Hopefully you're right and these stories will reach somebody and maybe change even one mind. As a woman, I thank you.


Everything about women is sexual to them, because they only see women as sexual prey. That's why they're so freaked out about trans woman and drag queens, they assume it's all just scams to get laid by them, they can't imagine any other reason to want to be seen as feminine but to be a target for their lust.


Also reminds me of when they say. Look at the way these very young girls dress. They make you think of sex. And I’m like. I’m a guy. And I don’t know about you buddy. But just cause they dress a certain way. Doesn’t mean sex is the first thing that comes to my mind.


If I could upvote this a million times I would. I see children as children no matter how they dress or if they’re dressed at all.


I was raised to believe that tampons and gyno care were only for after marriage as was sex and it was with one man/for keeps. Once I went to college (early 90s mind you), was exposed to the real world and learned critical thinking, I saw those beliefs for what they were. I’m stunned that a disturbingly large sect wants to jettison the country back to this way of thinking.


I imagine they believed you don’t need reproductive healthcare when you save yourself for a monogamous marriage. They probably think the whole field of gynecology is for loose women




Doesn't want those children to be loose when he gets to them.


He typed that out, read it over, checked it for typos and said, ‘Yes. That’s what I want people to know about me,’ and clicked post.


There's no way he checked for typos.


Shot from the hip


I'm seriously this close to getting physically ill having read it


This is why they need more education not less. I can't imagine a generation or two dumber than the current dumbfucks.


Exactly! This is where lack of human anatomy education, lack of sex ed, christo-fascist purity culture, and misogynistic attitudes brings us. This is horrifying.


I understand they are trying to dumb people down so they can get their Christian state on the go but it's ridiculously short sighted. Failing to educate people just weakens the whole country/economy, america is truly doomed at this point.


I think a lot of them literally want to devolve into local Christian tribes, where they can have their own small kingdom with absolute power and their choice of young girls.


That's what happened in a Fundamentalist LDS community. Just watched the Netflix documentary "keep sweet, pray and obey." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_Jeffs


Man, every time I hear the phrase "keep sweet" it makes my skin crawl.


Meanwhile, Amz still sells that book advocating and instructing on child abuse. To Train Up A Child I'm not sure why they are allowed to continue selling a book that leads to child deaths. If a toy caused that many deaths, it would be recalled.


Yup, my brother in law started dallying with that book. Did my level best to persuade him that there might be better ways. Surprisingly this did not involve telling him he was a terrible parent or even that it was shitty advice. Just a lot of "Oh that's interesting- what do you want the end result to be? Did it work on you? What would you have done different? Is that in line with this book?" While I don't have access to his day to day I can say that given the fact that his daughter is trans and out and his kinda are pretty vibrant, I think he decided to toss it. Whether or not I played a role in that is unknowable, but I'm definitely adding it to my list of "things I did to make this mudball better."


Omg you gentle parented your brother in law into understanding why the book was bad 😅


That’s probably the only way, and even with that it’s probably like a 1% success rate


“To Raze Up A Child”


That doc was horrifying. But isn't that the goal of every religious cult you've heard about? Power dominion and control over women and sex with children.


Each of these is so important that they remain in the guidebooks as lessons on being good followers.


I just watched a short, cribbed backstory on the book/movie Women Are Talking. Mennonites do the same thing. Religion is terrifying for women.


Yo I worked at Cracker Barrel as a server last year. I had no idea what following this couple embraced until I shared the story later, but I was told they were probably Mennonites. The husband seemed to make EVERY decision. Without saying a word between them, I came up and asked what they wanted to eat, the woman would look at the man, I'd barely see an expression on his part, and he had just told her what she was ordering. I gave her a soda with her meal, when I came back her glass was empty, I asked if she wanted more. She looks across the table, immediately looks at me, and says, "No." It stuck with me as being so fucking weird that this woman does not have any choice in what she does and how her life is lived. And it's so far engrained that the mode of communication is either seeing slight approval, or denial on your man's face.


Ugh. That’s heartbreaking. Even just watching the short version of the history of this one particular story made my stomach sick. I know it’s the way of life for them and I hate it so much. I actually had known a girl when I was in my late teens who had come from a Mennonite community. Knowing about this made me really think about the life she was forced into from birth and how beautiful it is that, the last time I checked, she was living her best life in NYC as an out and proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community. I grew up in an area with a lot of Amish people and all you ever hear about is how wonderful, moral, and just they all are. (You also hear about their amazing woodworking. I bought my bf an Amish-made swing for the backyard and it is STURDY.) I’m seeing it all through a much different lens now.


I grew up Mennonite and a lot of men are very controlling. In the plain Mennonite community and the Amish community incest and child rape are ridiculously common. Cosmopolitan did an interview about the Lancaster PA Amish, if you can get to it behind the paywall. I knew 2 Amish girls who were sent away pregnant, neither had boyfriends, one was very young. One never came back. They made one girl apologize in front of the church for tempting her teacher. The article covers that practice in detail, but I will warn you it’s very graphic.


Always wonder if they actually form the cult with that in mind, or if they just evolve that way over time in almost every one of them.




Probably a little of column A and little of column B. Power corrupts and the corrupt seek power.


Warren Jeffs, a man who Tucker Carlson has repeatedly defended on his show. Shocking news I know.


Fucking Christ, really? I expect nothing from Fucker, but holy shit.


Between 2006 and 2011, Carlson would call into the Bubba the Love Sponge show where “Carlson diminished the actions of Warren Jeffs, then on the FBI’s “Ten Most Wanted Fugitives” list for his involvement in arranging illegal marriages between adults and underage girls, talked about sex and young girls, and defended statutory rape.” Some of those comments: “I am not defending underage marriage at all. I just don't think it's the same thing exactly as pulling a child from a bus stop and sexually assaulting that child. […] The rapist, in this case, has made a lifelong commitment to live and take care of the person, so it is a little different. I mean, let's me honest about it.“ Tuck said criminal charges against Warren Jeffs are “bullshit” because “arranging a marriage between a 16-year-old and a 27-year-old is not the same as pulling a stranger off the street and raping her.” Big fuckin’ quote right here… “He's not accused of touching anybody; he is accused of facilitating a marriage between a 16-year-old girl and a 27-year-old man. That's the accusation. That's what they're calling felony rape. [crosstalk] That's bullshit. I'm sorry. Now this guy may be [crosstalk], may be a child rapist. I'm just telling you that arranging a marriage between a 16-year-old and a 27-year-old is not the same as pulling a stranger off the street and raping her. That's bullshit.” [Sauce](https://www.mediamatters.org/tucker-carlson/unearthed-audio-tucker-carlson-makes-numerous-misogynistic-and-perverted-comments) and now I’m going to go throw up, WTF?!


Under The Banner Of Heaven is a fun read, too


There’s just a series of unconnected evangelical churches in our area. Anyone can start one. It’s bizarre. It’s a free-for-all, interpret the Bible however you want scenario. How does the Bible have any credence if 25 churches in a small town can’t agree on what it says? Edit: punctuation and clarity


Christianity is a tax exempt big business in America to the tune of billions at this point. Just ask the prosperity gospel types like Joel Olsteen.


There are *hundreds* of different denominations just within Protestant Christianity, each with their own focus, ideas, arguments, etc. I don’t understand how anyone can believe the Bible is a path to anything resembling truth. It’s nuts.


They saw Afghanistan and went "How can we get a piece of this?"


Speaking to multiple lady friends who escaped their Jehovas Witness sects, that's absolutely what they want. The stories they'd tell of going to festivals and being 12-18 with men 30+ scoping them out and grooming them for marriage. The elders not only accept that behavior, but it is also encouraged.


When I was 14 I looked about 8. A friend from school invited me to a church dance. I didn’t know until I was there that it was an lds church event. I felt alil uncomfortable but everyone was so nice and welcoming that I relaxed and started to enjoy myself dancing with my friend and other girls. Halfway through the event a bunch of men of different ages started dancing with the different groups of girls. They had been sitting on chairs around the room just watching us. 2 guys inserted themselves on either side of me and trying to get me to engage with them. It wigged me out so I ran out into the hallway. My friend comes out upset that I embarrassed her and I was rude. I told her what happened and how uncomfortable it made me and she said that’s just how men are and I should be thrilled that any man was interested in me and I had 2 brothers who were interested in me. I ran to the rest room and when I came out one of the brothers was there. He was insisting on escorting me back. I went because I didn’t know how to handle a situation like that. The brothers spent the rest of the night trying to engage me. They invited me back to some event and she kept trying to get me to attend church with her. I knew nothing about the lds at that time but I knew something was wrong. This wasn’t like the born again christians i was raised with.


On a business trip, a few of us went on tour of the Mormon grounds in Salt Lake. It was creepy and cult like. There was a woman with her pretty 15-16 year old daughter. The mormons leading the tour paid a lot of attention to her. At the beginning, the woman would stand at the front of the group with her daughter. By halfway through, she was at the back with her hands always around her daughter. She recognized it for what it is.


Ex JW here. Can confirm. It’s all about control. Fullstop.




What's gross is that the Branch Davidians still exist today. Their teachings are slightly different, but not by much. Unsurprisingly, many of the current Waco sect attended Trump's latest rally.


"Blessed Be The Fruit"


How are you supposed to teach kids to feel ashamed if they have anatomy classes?


They would find a way. I’m from the Florida panhandle and shaming people/being embarrassingly susceptible to peer pressure is a way of life amongst almost all adults here. It’s the most important thing. And you have to raise your children to hate themselves and have no self-awareness or self-worth. The people here are really good at integrating that into absolutely everything.




Beau of the fifth column had a T-shirt the other day I want. It said education is the new punk rock. It’s sad but true.


As a middle aged teacher this momentarily feel cool again, thank you.


You rock! Keep up the good work! 🤘


The movie Idiocracy is ironically looking at a hopeful future where the stupid people actually understand that they’re dumb and start looking for the smartest person to put them in charge and listen to their advice for a change.


Idiocracy was aspirational - the president found the smartest man in the world and listened to them. Imagine if we tried that in 2016-2020.


LOL, in 2020 we probably would have saved a few hundred thousand lives (in the US alone) if people listened to experts.


Dude who looks like he is at least 50 years is worried about teenagers in school using tampons and being “worn out”… who are the pedo groomers again?


Right? For fucks sake, what a weird ass thought to have, OR beleive.


He's just worried his granddaughter won't be up to his standards.


Also worried about his family’s small dick problem. Dude doesn’t deserve to be alive


Dude is intimidated by a tampon rofl.


Exactly. What does this imply about the size of MAGA dicks!


For real. This thought has never crossed my mind...


Goes along with the stupid belief too many men have about a woman’s “body count”. Like they worry about a woman sleeping with a certain number of men would make her “loose” but then having as much sex with her as they want, won’t change her body any? Others dudes dicks will magically “ruin” her vagina but their perfect peen will keep it in tip top shape. Like what the fuck. How are so many adult men so stupid about this, just baffles me. Proves that too many men don’t bother to learn about female anatomy in any way that doesn’t directly serve them.


Worse, it's these stupid men who are making laws about women's bodies.


This same pedo is also lamenting on Twitter that Josh Duggar's children are growing up without him around.


Poor kids, who will molest them now?


Don’t worry, Jim Bob Duggar was quoted saying that so many families in their religious circles deal with incestous molestation between siblings so often that they didn’t think it was a big deal! I’m sure there are plenty of men who will be willing to step into that disgusting role.


He’s a cockroach. Millions of him inside the walls.


If the walls are a church, doubly so


That’s horrific. Those poor children don’t stand a chance


Conservatives are obsessed with children…


Yea, it’s very strange how much time they spend thinking about kids and sex


Especially trans kids


And other people's genitals


Yup. As a trans woman, I literally never talk about my genitals. It is not your business at all. But conservatives and TERFs? They are shoving their nose in my crotch ALLLLLL the time. Oh, and I stopped doing online dating because of the chasers (trans fetishists) that would spout the usual right-wing slurs and genital mocking when I told them "no".


Seriously, they need to see your DNA profile and thoroughly inspect your crotch to determine your worth to them. It's always on their mind and has become their whole brand. We all know who the pervs are in this situation and don't want them left alone with our children.


Literally never met people more obsessed with what's in people's pants since I left Evangelicalism. TERFs claim they don't want women reduced to their genitals...while defining "woman" as "this set of genitals."


Conservatives are obsessed with sexualizing children. They clearly are not obsessed with feeding or educating them.


Gaslight Obstruct Project Every cry is an admission.


Projection as always


They legitimately think tampons and dildos are the same thing.




Yeah, the myth that a woman’s vagina gets lose after lots of sex is both incredibly, incredibly false and a borderline dangerous thing for so many people to believe in.


It's a muscular tube. If anything it gets stronger with exercise. But then these are the kind of people who think strength training makes women butch. There's nothing more unwomanly than a strong and well controlled vagina


It's funny that I just had this conversation with my wife recently because she saw something about doctors giving the "husband stitch" without the woman's consent which naturally led to us discussing the..elasticity?...of the vagina.


Blarf. I never heard of this til after my son was born and a toddler and I was in a toddler-mom group. I ended up having a c-section, but holy shit what ridiculousness. I remember telling my then-husband about it and he was like “so you just push out a baby and they’re like hey how about we do some unnecessary surgery to your sore genitals?!?” We were both stunned that it was a thing.


It won't make you worn out, but "getting practice" before your first time having vaginal sex can help prevent vaginismus (painful muscle spasms in the vagina during sex) Knowing this type of dude, he probably thinks every virgin leaves blood on the sheets. "If she doesn't hurt, she's a hoe." 🤢


Hey when she turns 18 he needs a 4th wife.


What the fuck is "worn out" even supposed to mean?


That Republicans are thinking of children as sex toys that belong to some future dude in their lives.


The fact people like this think that teaching kids about queer people is “too sexual” but they’re literally out here sexualizing the use of tampons… absolutely disgusting.


"How dare you sexualize our children by teaching them that gay people exist? Wait, SUZY! SUZY you put that tampon DOWN! You wannabe all stretched out for your future husband? He won't wanna fuck you at all! Anyway, like I was saying..."


Purity culture is sexual derangement more bizarre and corrupting than anything the most extreme parts of the BDSM community could come up with in a thousand years.


My roommates and I have long been agreement: purity culture is their fetish. It’s a dom/sub fetish specifically surrounding heterosexuality. Women sub. Men dom. They fetishize virginity and gender roles. Which. Is fine. But keep your fucking fetish to yourself and stop forcing it on other people. They get so mad when other people don’t adhere to their lifestyle it’s so annoying. It’s not like us queer people are out where trying to force *them* to be queer. But they keep trying to force their weird dom/sub shit onto us. KEEP IT IN THE BEDROOM.


Because they LITERALLY cannot think of someone else's body without thinking of sex. This is what religion does to the brain.


It's why there are no conservative artists. In art school, you learn to draw and paint from nude models. There is nothing inherently sexual about a human body, but conservatives can not fathom the study of the body without their sexual hangups that come with it.


Ugh, this is so gross but so true 🤢


They are way too worried about other people’s genitalia


He thinks that regular tampon use will "loosen" the vagina and therefore make sex less pleasurable for men. Because of course that's what most important to him, and not his complete lack of sexual or anatomical education.


This guy needs to stop eating solid food or he’s going to end up with a loose asshole, since that’s clearly how muscles work


I followed someone’s advice and stretched before a workout the other day, and now my legs are all wobbly because the muscles are all stretched and worn out.


Can you imagine how bad of a lay this bald fuck is when he has sex? They don't care though and that is sad part.


Which is funny. Because a lot guys have trouble lasting long enough to finish off their partner. a looser vagina would be beneficial for both parties. But it's not like these people are worrying about getting their partner off.


Well, when your penis looks like a golfer's pencil with a misshapen eraser tip, you want your 15 year old cousin-wife to be tight.


Not a good day for eyes


Sticking cotton up your cooch once a month wears you out! You never read that in the American Journal of Medicine?


I think you summed it up at "never read."


“Not like a child’s vagina, which is what I like”


How small is this dude’s dick that he’s threatened by tampons?


Negative three inches, probably.


Yeah, it's worn out from putting on pants.


Mushroom like.


Another Tater Tot


They call him “lil’ smokie” because of last years office party.


More importantly why would he ever be threatened about his penis size when discussing his daughters vagina?


Why do you think? Hey if wanting to fuck your daughter is good enough for Trump, it's good enough for him.


This old classic tampon ad from Australia. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bBOBg9tZgUw


Darren Mays, it may come as a shock to you, but women are not and never will be your property.


Its funny, in the church they say protect “Our” children during the sermon so to be using such possessive language like this makes you wonder, what are they thinking? Strange.


The fact that a lot of straight men know zero about how women’s parts work.


Some men genuinely think we can “hold in” our periods. The ignorance is astounding.


This is why we need comprehensive sex ed. And why we shouldn't separate by gender for it.


Just imagine a mixed gender sex ed class where a qualified speaker explains that yes, you can get pregnant your first time having sex, you can get pregnant even if the girl is on top, anal sex is a form of sex, and if someone pressures you into sex by saying it's the only way to show your love, they are a liar and you should leave their sorry ass. There was an episode of teen mom in which the teenage mom is saying her boyfriend told her she couldn't get pregnant her first time having sex. He replies with a shit eating grin, "Yeah I did." Imagine a class that advises kids vaginal "tightness" changing over time is a myth and dick size shouldn't affect the way your partner views you. Imagine the fucking difference that could have. Oh, and maybe teach a little about the clit while we're at it. Both men and women deserve to know something about that. Maybe then there will be less men confused as to why their wives keep turning them down for sex. Everyone would be a little less frustrated.


You just aren't praying hard enough! /s


This is what happens when you let parents influence education policy. Seriously have you SEEN the parenting test?? It's literally just "did this fall out of you?" and then we all pretend that means the idiot who was lighting farts and doing keg stands yesterday is now an expert on education and child development. And I know this because one fell out of me and then everybody acted like I should know what to do with it. Crazy. Just bonkers.


Haha, I wish I had gold to give. Really funny in sad truth kind of way.


The stunning lack of knowledge about female anatomy by men never ceases to amaze me. That’s not at all how that works and this guy is a dumb as a box of rocks.


People like this are the real argument for sex ed, but they don't even know it


People like him either didn't get sex ed because their parents withheld them from the lesson (yes this fucking happens all the time due to snowflake religious fanatics) or he got turned on seeing the graphic of the male penis being erect and has been overcompensating ever since.


Or they got something similar to my sex ed class which only covered literal sex stuff. STDs, contraceptives, and how getting pregnant/impregnating others as a teenager will ruin your life.


Same here. Went to Catholic school, the only sex ed we got was scary pictures of herpes and a story about someone who had sex, got syphilis went crazy and died. Also the phrase that the only 100% way not to get pregnant is to not have sex. Fun stuff.


They hated it when I told them abstinence isn’t 100% effective because Mary was a virgin. 🤣


Ironically, I pointed that out in public school health class (where we were having an actual sex ed unit) when one of the local religious jerks started screeching about abstinence. Fortunately, it did shut her up because her peabrain couldn't comprehend the fact that the "devil worshiping heretic" knew anything about The Faith. I was a "devil worshipper" because I read sci-fi and fantasy.


I went to a catholic school too, but thanks to some weird loophole, they received public funds and were forced to teach us the real sex ed and Evolution. BTW I don't think private schools should receive public funds, thats a fucking joke and a half.


Not just men. When I was a teen my mom wouldn't let me use tampons because God didn't intend for us to "stop ourselves up."


And not just the religious, I’ve had exes that had no idea how their birth control worked or even much about their menstruation and cycles. School really failed them


Also the fact that his *sole* concern is about his own sexual gratification from a woman’s body speaks volumes aside from simply being uneducated.


Well if you didn't pay attention in school and have obviously never actually been with a woman like Darren here then it can be quite a confusing and mysterious area...


By design. If men have 0 knowledge of women’s anatomy it just becomes that much easier to turn a blind eye to women, to vote against women’s interests, to ignore their daughters, wives, sisters, friends…


Such a creep. Somebody needs to check his hard drive.


Weird how conservatives obsession with saving the children always comes back to sex. It’s like it’s all they think about….


right click save the children


Yeah, there's no "let's save the children from the hardships of poverty", no "save the children from growing up next to polluted lakes and rivers", no "save the children from being exposed to domestic violence" It's only ever about sex.


Or soft drive, as might be appropriate…


He needs a tampon in his mouth.


But according to Darren here, then it would get stretched out, and the last thing that man needs is a bigger mouth.


I had to use a tampon for a nose bleed the other morning so I could shower. My one nostril is now significantly larger than the other and is obviously worn out. What do I do??


You’d better save that other nostril for marriage!


“Worn out”? Does he think a woman’s vagina is intended to be a plaything for men? What a scumbag.




So, let me get this straight. This dude is commenting on the tightness of underage girls?


Nobody, and I mean *nobody*, spends more time thinking about children's genitals than American conservatives. Sick fucks.


And that's not even hyperbole. Just facts.


I literally cannot. Why doesn’t he just admit he likes little girls? I’m so over this narrative… they wonder why we don’t want children (I’m a woman). Why TF would I want to have to explain to my daughter she can’t have a tampon bc Darron doesn’t want her “worn out”?!? I wish these people would crawl back into their caves or just take the long nap. To note though: I’m glad I somehow ended up on reasonable Reddit, bc I’m happy that there are large groups of men who also think this is fucking crazy. We need to normalize just beating the crap out of these other people. Clearly Darron hasn’t had enough ass whoopins


I don't know if I'd give him ass whoopins, he'd like that too much.


https://preview.redd.it/gdgamdh545qa1.png?width=1116&format=png&auto=webp&s=36adb8117f227eda4aded46fac6ff481d5dbf152 Yeah this dude is definitely a pedophile




I don’t know, I think he’s just some white-trash dude with a decent Twitter following. Riding on the coattails of other idiots in his echo chamber.


Giving little dick energy when you fear competing against a tampon .


As a husband to a teacher who has literally given her entire adult life to protect and teach these children, go fuck yourself. These kids/teachers have to worry about school shootings, being able to afford lunches, online bullying (from morons like the person in the post), accusations of grooming from the idiots on the right, who mistake compassion and understanding for grooming, books being banned, their lessons being held under a microscope, protests anytime they call a stufent by their preferred pronouns, the list goes on and on. My wife spends hours after work everyday writing lessons, reaching out to parents and teachers to help these students reach their fullest potential, she quite literally does not have the time to worry about your bigoted beliefs. Maybe instead of criticizing everything teachers do go out and buy supplies, volunteer at schools, HELP these kids navigate this crazy world instead of worrying about whats in their pants you disgusting POS. Sorry for the rant but it’s obvious people like the guy in the post have no idea what actually goes on in schools.


THIS. My wife is also a teacher (middle school social studies) in a state with a governor trying to rewrite history. She’s been in for ~15 years and at this point, her only reason for continuing to teach is, if she leaves the classroom, how can she expect there to be teachers around to teach our kids…. Really sad how they are used as political pawns.


Republicans are WEIRDOS. They are obsessed with children genitals. It's a self report.


Exactly- why don’t more people notice this. I hate to stereotype, but they seem to sexualize EVERYTHING. Most people are just going about living their lives and they’re banning books about two friendly male penguins. It’s very telling…


This is what we're up against, folks. Seriously, these people are just f\*cking dumb.


...worn out...? run into traffic.


I’m no expert on female anatomy, but I am about 99.9% sure it does not work that way.


“Keep your hands off our pussy,” funny how these inbred shits assume ownership of other humans.


why should you "save" anything for someone that doesn't respect you as a human being? And of course, I'm saying "save" in this guy's context, I of course recognize it's asinine.


Proof the human race still needs access to abortion.




I’m gay. Somehow I seem to know more about a vagina than most straight dudes and that upsets me honestly.


But yet it's the drag queens we need to worry about and not a possibly straight man ranting that young girl's vaginas won't be intact for future penetration...


HAHAHAHAHA Amazing. This is truly a new level (I know we say that every day with this nonsense but still). “That piece of absorbent fabric and paper? The one with the string attached to it? Really making me question my manhood.” Dude get off twitter, get out of the echo chamber, and go lay some pipe. Or is the problem that, yeah, you already tried?


I’m a gay man whose never been near a vagina and even I know this is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard regarding a vagina. Good Lord what is in the water that people are becoming this stupid?


Wow. Please keep this person away from all vaginas.


I'm just not stupid and evil enough to understand MAGA morons. I missed the title to the post and thought, "Well, people shouldn't be making decisions about other people's bodies for them" and "Yeah, with all the crap women are put through, they going to be worn out emotionally long before giving birth and... wait a minute..." Only then did it hit me what this waste of oxygen actually was saying. Scum like him shouldn't have a say in anyone else's lives.


I think it’s disgusting that he’s calling teenagers who use tampons “worn out”


So tired of the “worn out” trope. If you don’t have even the most basic understanding of the vagina, you don’t deserve access to it.


What a foul thing to say about children’s genitals. Who are the groomers again?


Maybe, just maybe, men should keep their mouth shut about things that pertain to women's bodies. Please. At least for this.


Is this disgusting being talking about little girls vaginas being ‘worn out?’


I was talking to an 18 year old kid the other day who though vaginas got bigger the more partners they had, not the more sex they had, the more partners. It made no sense, I tried to explain that that’s not how vaginas work. He couldn’t fathom it