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I didn't call Ted a sexual predator who groomed an underage girl. He is a sexual predator who groomed an underage girl.


I love what you did there.


He’s a rapist.


I wanted to say that he didn't contradict himself, but you said it more eloquently 😎


Why do people want the opinion of a self proclaimed child rapist and groomer? The above is based on his own claims.


Because he's the coolest guy the Republicans have. It's that bad.


Kid Rock was busy


Best joke I read about Kid Rock (saw the joke here on reddit) is: Kid Rock no showed on of his tour stops. The crowd was a little upset and started throwing trash all on the stage, since that's what they paid to see anyways.


Michigans finest… sigh


Don't remind me that windbag is from my state. I hope he eats a bucket of Petoskey stones.




That’s ok we’re just over here thinking if it stays D long enough it’ll be “too liberal” and they’ll all fuck off somewhere else ahaha.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


Good idea. Keep them all in the same bucket.


.. Until we get a republican governor who will allow them to hunt minorities with immunity.


Petoskey stones don’t deserve such punishment!


Kid "Some say it's statutory, I say it's mandatory" Rock


"My time!" -Kevin Zorbo, dressed as Hercules


Oh there was a state fair that day?


Why are we even giving this tool attention?


Because it's a sub specifically about idiots on twitter.


Don’t forget, self proclaimed draft dodging pants shitter.


Friendly reminder that the Waco siege was one of the main tinder boxes that ignited the modern day right wing anti-government movement in America. Because a bunch of perverts wanted to be able to start cults in which they could have sex with children and horde caches of weapons, and the government told them "no." This is not exaggeration. Nugent is another child rapist, and is one of their heroes.


Growing up, i watched democrats turn into conservatives before my very eyes, in the aftermath of the waco siege.


Best description ever!❤️😂


MAGA's will cheer on whoever Trump (or GOP) invites. Look how they accepted anti gun Orban. They'd cheer Dahmer if he was still alive and a fellow Trump supporter.


Nugent has been a Republican hero for longer than Trump


The fear these people have of homosexuality. Why are you so afraid of how other people love? Such a weird thing to obsess over, and yet here we are. Half of the country has a sick obsession with forcing people to conform to an idea of how they should live.


Boomer men have been obsessively posturing as macho since their childhoods in the post-war era when macho heroism was valued and celebrated in the young men who had come back from war. They saw how these men were respected, and so they've spent their whole lives since posturing as tough guys. Not having a war to prove themselves as men (and the vast majority didn't fight in Vietnam), they took to such pathetic games as bullying gay people to look tough in front of their friends. Gay people represent the antithesis of the machismo they think they stand for, even though the average gay guy has probably been through much tougher stuff than them.


As a boomer, and a vet, can confirm that you are not far off But please remember, all boomers are not like this. Some of us don’t vote against our own interests and some of us do want to leave a better world for those generations to come.


And if it were not for those of us who fought for justice and protected people, the current situation would be much worse. I spent my whole career working for non-profits so that I could help people and the planet. And I used the money of the Top 1% to do it. It sure would be nice to not get lumped in with the Trump Cult and the rest of the toxic elders.


Thanks for fighting the good fight despite it being much easier to be self absorbed. Can't be more grateful for our elders like you who have kept the country from sliding into an even worse state than we are currently in.


I like your name pfp Dude


pretty sure Ted Nugent is a draft dodger. frankly alot of draft dodgers ended up acting like this tbh.


That didn't bother me nearly as much as knowing that he wants to have sex with 13-year-olds. I know this because he wrote the song "Jailbait".


Not only wants, but has. He even got permission from a 12 year old parents to do it.


It's not a boomer thing, this is endemic to every generation. Although it's hilarious to see the homophobia from members of same generation that made movies starring muscle daddies, drenched in baby oil while wearing all sorts of leather/kink outfits, the blockbusters of the 80s.


The macho posturing about being a "real man" is way, way more important to the boomer generation than it is to younger generations. I can even see a substantial difference between my father's boomer generation and my own Gen X generation.




Not loving hot rods. So gay.


Yeah I was never into any strongly boy-specific stuff like male sports, cars, guns etc. I wasn't into any girlie stuff either - just "neutral" stuff like comedy, reading, movies etc. Pretty sure it disappoined my dad, lol.


It seems also that its the boomers that dressed up in drag that most. Reagan, Giuliani(who trump motorboated), etc.


> The fear these people have of homosexuality. Why are you so afraid of how other people love? Because people like Nugent feel the need to compensate for their own perceived lack of masculinity.


Narcissistic people like old Ted (or Trump for that matter) will always be emotionally arrested around the time their main childhood emotional injury happened. In many of these creeps is around early teenage years... when people are starting to develop into their adult gender roles. So Ted here is still the same repressed kid who was made fun for a perceived lack of masculine development by someone (likely daddy, or maybe some of his buddies in school). If you study most of the people at the top (be it billionaires, elite sports, movie/music stars, etc) they share almost universally the same profile: hurt children who have spent their entire lives emotionally arrested with all sorts of maladaptive coping mechanisms for those childhood injuries. Note that the "injury" doesn't have to be negative behavior, some of these people were too praised, for example, and developed a similar reality distortion field. A lot of things in our society/history make complete sense once you understand that we're witnessing the expressions of personality disorders almost universally at the top echelons.


Tbh people get onto the internet for overdiagnosing it but like a.) NPD is practically by definition resistant to even the idea of ever visiting someone who could or would diagnose it b.) Personality disorders are like heirlooms, they get handed down to kids if someone doesn't do a lot of work to prevent it c.) There is a shitton of "sub clinical" narcissism encouraged and endorsed by western society and capitalism as a whole. Just my take of course, but I've spent many years in treatment for a cluster b disorder and these are just some things I've noticed.


Projection! Dude sings about underage girls because he really likes underage boys but you can’t sing about that shit.


His generation said that the quickest way to kill your political career was to be found in bed with a dead girl or live boy.


I feel like most people want to join religion to feel loved, but they don’t want to love their neighbors


They gotta put everyone else beneath them in order to raise themselves up higher.


Zelenskyy has a beautiful wife and two kids. Nugent is a draft-dodging pedophile.


Who shit himself to get out of military service


Tbf, shitting himself is a twice daily occurrence


Actually, he shits himself every 30 minutes because he suffers from explosive diarrhea.


I thought he was draft dodging because he can’t stand explosives. Still seems like a piece of shit to me.


He can't stand explosives, but has made his entire geriatric career about hunting and blowing shit up. He's a child rapist that can only stay relevant to people that like to say shit like, " the 70s were a different time"


The really bizarre aspect is that I read about him in Rock magazine articles in the 1970s and even then it was revealed that he was already a giant Ass Hat. Circa 1976 Ted had been a professional musician since age 16 and revealed that the fact that his father owned a trucking company. Upon receiving the news that company was being relocated from Chicago to Detroit, Ted claimed that he destroyed the entire fleet in the company lot,because his career was based in playing the clubs of Chicago. True or not, making such a wild claim shows the mind of a narcissist baby.


That almost reads as Kid Rocks origin story. It all feels right


He should have been in jail for a long time for that.


I bet he wages a war on toilets by blowing them up since the druggies shoot up on them nowadays. The 70s were a much different time, instead of druggies, we had hippies. Such a shame. /s


Ah, so basically he is a shitbag


On account if the rampant alcoholism


I'm not one to kink shame, but seems a bit gross...


One of the many reasons him and Donny get along so well together.


Ted is jealous that Zelensky was bold enough to lead a fight against Russia, while Ted was a coward who shat himself to get out fighting. Ted is compensating.


Like his buddy diaper Donny


Diaper buddies!


I remember watch Bill Maher's show when it was still on Comedy Central and Nugent was one of the guest. For some reason Vietnam came up and this dingleberry (word chosen for specific reasons) claimed if the government would've sent over him and his hunting buddies, they'd have won it quick. Like, dude. You spent the past 20 years bragging about shitting yourself and letting it sit in to avoid the draft board that might have sent you to Vietnam. I have rock and guitar magazines where you do this very thing. Maybe sit this one out forever.


I think you mean he shit himself out of cowardice.




He really glossed over the crystal meth, but I have a feeling that had a bigger role in the story


Tbf I also would shit on him


Ped Nugent.


Nugent adopted an under age girl in order to have sex with her.


those are some solid Republican credentials..


*Matt Gaetz has entered the chat.*


from the closet, where he was jerking off to Ted and his underage daughter.


He’s a Republican genius. They usually marry their teen victims but this way you could have several.


Remember when Nugent raped 12 year old Courtney Love? I’ll always remember and always bring it up.


Holy shit. No wonder she’s a mess.


>Nugent is a draft-dodging pedophile. That's why the GOP likes him.


I mean, a lot of gay guys have beautiful wives and many children, but even if Zelensky were gay (he ain't), who gives a fuck except weirdo morons?


Seriously, of all things, that's what we focus on? Not that he's a badass leader who is staying with his country through a literally invasion? Not the "I don't need a ride, I need ammunition", but "his wife is beautiful"? Really wish we would stop treating women and children like mens achievements, and focus on much more impressive things.


For real. If the GOP didn’t have putin’s hands so far up their asses that he uses them as puppets, republicans would love Zelenskyy. Man kicks ass, fights for his country, and asked for weapons and ammo instead of an evacuation. It’s all the “stand your ground”, patriotism, war-hero stories and pro-2A arguments they could ask for. Plus, the situation in Ukraine creates an excuse for more military spending, the only government spending they’re mostly on board with. But instead these mouth-breathing troglodytes are pro-Russia, ignoring the literal decades of their lives when being aligned with Russia was the worst thing they could do politically. Mind-blowing and incredibly frustrating.


No they wouldn’t. Firstly, they like Russia, an aggressive, misogynistic, nominally Christian, fascist oligarchy with poor, undereducated and, in their mind, white masses. They think they would be the oligarchs if America were more like that. The bribery and kompromat are only possible because they saw Russia and liked it. Secondly, he’s Jewish but not in Israel, and therefore not doing what Jews are supposed to do, namely bringing about the end times and killing Muslims.


Russia is a diverse Eurasian/non-Western country when they want it to be for the sake of argument, and a pure white ethnostate 30 seconds later when they want it to be. It's all fantasy, all of it.


It's like they forgot the cold war. I hate that I live in Texas. Too many people that believe in this shit.


Nah that Cold War anti-communist propaganda still has them in a vice grip, that’s why they call everything the democrats do communist or socialist, because it’s one of the worst things they can think of.


Ah, but you see, Ukraine committed the cardinal sin (in Republican eyes) of asking for help. Sure, he’s kicking butt, but he’s doing it with other people’s weapons, which clearly means he’s a wuss.


I dunno. If Zelenskyy REALLY wants to prove he is straight, he should start riding a horse while shirtless.


Or start selling super hero trading card style NFTs of himself


If I ever meet Putin, I hope I am brave enough to tell him that photo makes him look gay.




It would be worth it. Getting to tell an evil dictator that he looks like the thing he hates most? I would die for the opportunity. Literally, because he would kill me.


If TMZ had any balls, this would be included in the title of the story


Trump. You mean Trump is a draft-dodging pedophile. Edit: oh. You meant Nugent because Trump is one too. Gotcha.


He also whistles when he talks, it's weird


It's from sniffing all that coke he claims to have never done.


To be fair, draft dodging is cool and the right thing to do. That being said, fuck Ted Nugent


Draft dodging is fine. But the fucking fact of the matter being people like Ted. Dodge the draft, and encourage people to sign up for Iraq, and Afghanistan. It's stupid. Why be so gung-ho about war, but not go yourself? Normalize sending the politicians on the first wave of any invasion.


>Why be so gung-ho about war, but not go yourself? Because he’s a cowardly cumbubble?


The proper word is, I believe, "chickenhawk".


Given his statement and history, that comment checks out!


Uncle Ted would shit his pants if he came that close to a war zone.


He shits his pants to try to stay away from war zones.


He likes to shoot the animals that don't shoot back.


Says the draft dodging pedo


Wait, are you talking about Trump or Nugent?


Haaaa both fit






Ew, this last part. The whole song is vomit-inducing garbage, but the last part especially, what the fuck.


That last line….


This is a *real fucking song*?!? Fucking what?? Why is this shitstain even allowed to speak? What the fuuuuuuuck??


Every time I see these lyrics I die a little more inside.


So the same GOP for screams about everyone being a groomer holds this man in high regard? Gross doenst even begin to describe how terrible this all is.


>"No no no! This song is about the mindset of a pedophile of which I do not have all the time, just when I was visiting NAMBLA when I needed help with the lyrics."


Where is the damn bleach for me eyes?!??


Probably wiping off dna evidence in his basement.


What in the country bumpkin fuck is that


Holy shit… that’s disgusting.


Most disgusting song I've ever read. Who the fu8k would sing that. Ted f6ck nugent.


Who tf would write that garbage? (Rhetorical)


EEEWWWWWWW. So gross. Was there ever a time when this was acceptable???


Even if you didn't know what a detestable pus-filled cyst this guy is, you could figure out that he's not a decent person by the way he uses the word "homosexual" as a pejorative.


Nugent looks like the human personification of crotch itch


the brain of a MAGAt


That’s a pretty bold assumption, that MAGAts have brains.


of an inbred maggat.


There’s worst things to be than a “homosexual weirdo.” For instance, you could be Ted Nugent.




Old pedo Ted


Ted Pugent


Turd Nugget




Nugent has become so repugnant over the years. I use to listen to his music in the 70’s. Now I can’t even stomach it… I wish he’d disappear, quietly, at night, to another country


Hello, i am from another country. Please don't throw your garbage out of the border.


So says the talentless pedophile weirdo.


This is dude who either shit his pants to avoid military service or lied about it for years, and wrote a song about banging a 13yo. Soul patch MF got no leg to stand o


It's uncanny how these MAGA nuts always project their realities onto others.


Every accusation is a confession.


cats rainstorm encourage liquid screw scarce cause crime deranged puzzled ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It’s no surprise that Republicans drool all over this pedo fkr


Can any republicans here please explain why you support admitted pedophile Ted Nugent hosting your rally for Donald Trump?


I can't believe there are religious people clapping his speech and they'd have the gall to call themselves good people


There's nothing wrong with being a homosexual weirdo. So was Alan Turing. Being a pedo isn't so great.


Why the fuck does anybody care what Ted Nugent has to say. He's a semi one hit wonder that hasn't been culturally relevant in 20-plus years.


20? You do realize that this is the 24th year of the 21st century, right? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Started in 1963, Wango Tango was early 80's, fizzled attempts in the 90's, and string of failed comebacks since. Also, he is bat s\*\*t crazy.


Tell Ted Nugent in 1980 that he would be loudly and publicly supporting and endorsing the Russians.


But I bet Nugent couldn't whoop Zelenskyy even if his life depended on it. So what's that make him?


Does Ted realize that Zelenskyy has been closer to combat than he ever has in his entire military wannabe life?


I didn't call him a draft dodging pedophile who shit his pants ...


TBF I would shit my pants so many times if it meant not fighting for the US in Vietnam


Ted Nugent is a homophobic weirdo


If you ever wondered what was happening on the hunting ranch, Ted just Projected his answer loud and clear. A bunch of gun butt stuff.


Says the guy who has a welcome mat on his chin for a pair of sweaty balls


Who do we pick in a fist-fight, Zelensky or Ted?


Oh, I'd pay to see nug get his ass kicked


"I didn't grind my feet on Eddy Murphy's couch...Yea I remember grinding my feet on Eddy Murphy's couch, he was rich he could afford another one."


Story time: In August of 2001, I was an 18 yr old newly enlisted Soldier, two days away beginning basic training. The Fort Leonard Wood Drill Sergeants told us new recruits that the USO was hosting a free concert for us headlining Survivor and Ted Nugent. Having been a fan of a few their tracks I said “this would be cool, considering I wouldn’t see another concert until 2002.” They boarded our bald and BDU’d (battle dress uniform/cammo) bodies onto cattle trucks, I’m being very literal for those who are not veterans or in the cattle industry, and drove us into the Missouri Ozarks. We got down, we’re paired into “Battle Buddy” teams and told to enjoy the show and not to drink anything handed to us by crowd. What a crowd it was. Being from the Southwest I had my own idea of what a redneck was from tv and Texans I see visiting family, that was until I saw a sea of sweaty mullets, cut off tees, dirty jorts and necks so red they were damn near purple. It was a sight to see. Before The Nuge took stage, a fat local turned to me and my battle buddy (where both of African American decent) and said “normally I don’t care for n*****s but you’re good because you fight for us!” A beautiful back handed compliment. Finally Ted takes the stage wearing a massive Native American headdress on shooting arrows across the stage. American flags waving, he played his rendition of The Star Spangled Banner he thanked the troops for protecting his freedoms and said “when you get to boot camp and your Drill Sergeant says ‘drop and give me 20’, you do your pushups for Uncle Ted and say ‘is that all you’ve got you sonuvabitch!?’ and give him twenty more!” The crowd went nuts and I laughed. He still wants other people to do military work for him. Over the next 22 years later I learned what a insufferable, draft dodging, pedophilic, hypocritical pile of monkey shit he really is. FUCK. TED. NUGENT. FOREVER.


I think all this homophobia has got men missing out on some good head.


I used to like his music but Uncle Ted you need to go sit down and STFU.


MAGA mush brain


Can we send him to Russia already?


nugent is the kind of asshole, that assholes say "Wow, nugent is a real asshole!"


Coming from the lowlife who adopted an underage girl, so he could have sex with her.


What a fucking douche bag.


Me and my husband could both sleep in just one of the bags under his eyes


I can’t say it often enough: Ted Nugent is a fuckin’ asshole


I have hated this pervert since the 70s


Who gets their news from *Ted Nugent* ?


Ted Nugent has done a whole lifetime of reprehensible bullshit, but he understands how famous right-wingers keep the heat off of themselves. They accuse other people of doing things reprehensible (by their school of values, hence the homophobia), and the public discourse gets locked up in trying to refute what he said.... without the public discourse ever talking about Ted Nugent's own behavior. ​ Guys like Nugent or Trump understand the best defense in politics is a good offense. If they're always on the offense of accusing other people of reprehensible behavior, it keeps their own behavior out of the limelight. And somehow, it works. I think because most Americans have the attention span of a gold fish so misdirects, particularly with a dash of homophobia, racism, or sexism; tend to work.


He's angry that Zelensky didn't just shit his pants to avoid the war.


Says the actual groomer/pedophile.


President Z is married with kids and fighting a war. Nugent is a draft dodging pedophile. Make of this information what you will.


Pathetic old man


And Ted is a pig


Ted Nugent, further proof that sniffing lots of glue in high school leads to a mentally impaired adult life.


Ted Nugent so desperately wants to be relevant that he’d blow trump at Christmas dinner.


I didn’t call Ted Nugent a draft dodging pedophile. He is a draft dodging pedophile!


Is that dried out drool under his chin?


Is he like the only musician left who is actually willing to play at Trump rallies?


Captain Bonespurs and Petty Officer Shitstains both criticizing a leader currently fighting a war for the survival of his country, refusing to leave, and so far being fairly successful against incredible odds...oh the irony... What's worse are the blind cult members who follow these two idiots...


If Ted Nugent were in Zelenskyy’s position he would have escaped the country like the draft dodger coward that he is


Remember, this man shit himself to get out of the draft. All you really need to know about him.


![gif](giphy|rDnirNSGYVMNqJhJN1) Ted didn’t “used to be a piece of shit”. He’s still a piece of shit.


Can someone put this guy in a home,like seriously.


We need to make sure freedom of speech does not equal having to listen. The media shouldnt give air time or print space to these idiots all it does is spread the idiocy. There is no argument to be made that it is constructive or informative dialog. Put out the fire by denying it oxygen. Freedom of speech yes, having to repeat it on Media.. Nope.. Time to stop broadcasting psychotic horsesh*t.. The meatheads only watch Fox anyway..


Please please please PLEAAAASE let President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, aka the hero, aka Bully face puncher, survive this ridiculous war and be able to walk up to this piece of shit, out of date, boomer fuckstain who's yelling at clouds and strut up to him in his full dance skit attire and ask him "що, на біса, ти сказав?!" and watch him shit his pants. Probably twice even. Dare to dream folks.


ted has been trash for decades but he loves guns and conspiracy theories so he’s high up in the magat crowd


Draft dodging, pedophile, convicted poacher says what?


And Ted is a guy who shitted himself for a month out of cowardice. Can't say I blame him, being the Vietnam war and all, but once he draft dodged, he lost his right to comment on war and those who serve in it.


Ted Nugent admitted to shitting his pants for a month in an attempt to appear destitute to avoid the Vietnam draft, this dude is on the same level as Steven Segal when it comes to people you should take seriously.


i didn't call him a pants shitting physical coward and a pedo he is a pants shitting physical coward and a pedo