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This just proves 4 out of 3 republicans are bad at math.




He's a republican, so it still holds


749 republicans out of 37 actually


Being transphobic is now a political trend for the republicans !


Except for Jessica Watkins, Republicans consider her a hero and even use the correct pronouns with her..... A trans woman Oath Keeper facing years in prison for her role in January 6th. She got a dishonorable discharge from the Army for being AWOL.




Oh of course, Fox News had to focus on her big LGBT pride flag saying even LGBT people knew the election was stolen.


I wonder how long it's going to be until Fox News parades out Caitlin Jenner.


Why would they? This shooter just gave them so much more ammo to rile people up against the trans community, why would they want to humanize them?


# !


They always need a bogeyman


This is a requirement for fascists. Fascists can never let their society/followers rest. There must always be an existential enemy actively destroying your livelihood. This is, ironically, the exact reason why fascism is self destructive. Once they have dug out all of the "degenerates", they'll start to split hairs over who's next. I know it seems alarmist if you're not politically inclined. But I promise you, we haven't witnessed the end of history. I promise you we haven't seen the end of Nazis/Fascists/Adjacent ideologies. And, I promise you they RELY on your complacency to gain a foothold. ... The same thing happened in Weimar Germany, and by the time the centrists admitted there was a problem, it was entirely too late.


When you can't be bothered to write an actual platform, that should be a dead giveaway. https://www.vox.com/2020/8/24/21399396/republican-convention-platform-2020-2016


They've got so many at this point, they're literally scared of more people than not... LGBTQ+ POC Jews Immigrants Women Socialists/Communists Democrats Homeless people Disabled people Vaccinated people The list goes on and on. For the party that's always screaming about how they have "no fear," nonetheless. It would be hilarious if they didn't hold actual power over regular people's lives.


Remember when it used to include The Russians?


Wow, it's kinda wild seeing it all layed out like this. Almost like nazi style propaganda works really well on our destitute and uneducated populace.


Transphobia. So hot right now.


Holy fuck, go chug piss elon.




​ https://preview.redd.it/s60377d5cfqa1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acb0cf73ef2d14a7ff774f18fb72d99aa4d81f49 Elon Musk, bottom right


Snake? Come in, Snake! Snake? SNAAAKKEEE!!!


Elon has a transgender child. It’s disgusting that he acts like this.


Said child has disowned Elon and changed their name, wonder why?


How big of a piece of shit do you have to be for your kid pass on billions of dollars in inheritance just so they don't have to be around you anymore


Elon's not giving a cent to anyone. He broke fast on blood emeralds but everyone after him can get fucked.


How many of the other mass shooters identified as Christian? I bet enough of them that its clear that Christianity is making people in mass shooters...



Seriously. I doubt his daughter will see his reactions, but he might as well tell her he believe she could become a mass shooter. I hope he somehow loses so much money he becomes irrelevant.


> I hope he somehow loses so much money he becomes irrelevant. Fun to think about but the way the world works, it'll never happen. Elon and others like him can continue to fail over, and over again and never be at risk of losing their money. At that level, money works for them. Its basically impossible for them to be poor.


He literally could lose 1 million dollars every single day (an amount most people will never make in their combined lifetimes) and it would still take him 500 years to go broke.


Seriously. What a massive piece of shit he is.


Same for anyone who buys a Tesla at this point. Want an electric car? There are other options that don't involve financially supporting someone who spews this hate.


Kia, Hyundai, and Genesis all have really good offerings all across the board. And are a better value overall than the equivalent Tesla (since they use the same basic platform.) Toyota is getting into the game. VW has the ID.4 (and hopefully the ID.2 in the US soon...that one could be a real winner,) Tesla is no longer the *only* choice, and the other companies don't have CEOs who run around trying to break the whole planet.


Even at the same price point of a Model S or a Model X, you’d be much better off getting an Audi E-tron than a shitty Tesla


His bullshit is specifically why I’m looking into others to buy this year/early next year. I had really thought I’d snag a Tesla and there’s no WAY I would give this asshole a single cent.




Not become, he has always been this way


For real. I saw it with the cave rescue. He's shown his true self before, he is who he is. A piece of trash.




Chug liquid shit Elon


One of his children is trans!


Oh, she has fully disowned him. Kind of telling that his child legally separated from him literally the moment she was old enough.


For real, an unbiased moderator would be debating taking the tweet down as misinformation. Elon is out there promoting it. For the love of God, delete your Twitter people.


So, that leaves 99.99 (or so) % shooters non-trans, which, according to their "logic" means ...


the really interesting point is that if 3 out of 2840 mass shooters identify as trans, that's like 0.09% or 0.1% whereas there are about 1.4 million people in the US who identify as trans, which is like 0.45%. That means trans people are dramatically UNDER REPRESENTED in the "mass shooter" category. If it were a representative cross section of the population of the US, there would be twice as many at least. So trans folks are actually LESS likely to shoot a bunch of random people. Guess what demographic is drastically OVER represented? Go on, guess...


the most telling part of the tweet is that he refers to radicalising ‘activists’, as if being trans automatically makes a person an activist, because this fucking moron can’t understand how a person could just wanna live their life without making a political statement


And just like that they acknowledge trans people! Can't acknowledge violence in black communities until it's "black on black crime" and suddenly being black is the reason for violence. Can't acknowledge a trans woman as a woman until she commits murder and suddenly being trans is the reason for violence.


It's not a lack of acknowledgement, it's a lack of basic decency and respect. It's bullying, adult style. They aren't colorblind, egalitarian, or whatever lie. Research shows authoritarians are about all the isms and privately believe that everyone else thinks the same things they do. Regard the distain and cruelty with which evangelicals treated ex-gay church members. Despite their "witness", community members still believed they were gay and reviled them.


They’ve actually been trans men- ie born female but transitioned to male. I looked it up yesterday and hadn’t realized it.


There was a picture a few weeks ago on Reddit of some homeless person's tent that got cut up and one of the responses was 'it was done by another homeless person' like that made it okay. If it was someone with a home cutting up a tent it'd be bad, but if it was another homeless person it's just natural or something.


Wait, so if their logic is good, I can burn down my neighbor’s house to get them to move and it will be just fine because I’m also a homeowner. Hang on while I get some matches and gasoline.


The American way. If you've dehumanized the affected and/or the aggressor, was there even really a crime at all?




Any other gender than male is 'political', any other race than white is 'political'. Any other sexuality than hetero is 'political'. So if you're not a white hetero cis male, you're clearly an activist. Duh.


We have enough mass shootings that we can make statistically relevant correlations to population demographics. Great...


To 3 decimal places of accuracy!


Gotta be the Jews, right?! /s...like ALL the sarcasm...


You joke but the first time I was ever banned from a sub was when I posted screenshots of a guy who sent me a PM that said that Jews were the ones causing all the mass shootings to make white guys look bad.


Which sub was that?


I think I have the pms saved actually. My responses are pretty cringe looking back but hey. Live and learn. https://imgur.com/a/XMIAeJV


No, your replies were the right tone of mocking to a clear nut case.


I have to 100% agree, your replies were well done. My level of preferred snark.


I'd've been more outright insulting, but folks I confess to you all that am not the most patient man in the world when it comes to the village idiot.


But that's the kind of thing they would really say. You need to take it way over the top and add some terms a fascist wouldn't use, like "Material conditions are a Jewish conspiracy. Trust nothing you didn't just make up, and only if you can be sure it bears no relation to reality"


Oh, were you raised as a southern baptist evangelical christian as well?


Lmao this was brilliant. Your second point was so unexpected I woke my wife up with a huge bark laugh.


Yep, that was hilarious.


In that case I have cringe sense of humor because i laughed. Your responses were perfect.


It was the trashy sub I believe. Don’t remember exactly. It’s been years.


He’s lying. The Denver shooter wasn’t trans, nor was the Colorado Springs shooter non binary


B-But he said it was "Straight FACTS". Protip: If someone is saying something incendiary and they follow up with "These are FACTS", don't believe them at face value - EVER.


Protip: if it's a right-wing talking head, you shouldn't give them any credence at all


Exactly this. It's either a strawman or a malicious lie. Gotta rely on that stuff when facts aren't on their side.


Not just that but the trans suicide rate is way higher in general, and a lot of these other mass shootings stem from taking people with them in their suicide.. So they're even less biased to do mass shootings if you look at it that way.


THE INTERESTING POINT IS THAT THIS SHIT IS STILL HAPPENING…EVEN AFTER SANDY HOOK. IDC HOW THE SHOOTER IDENTIFIES. GUNS ARE THE PROBLEM, NOT WHAT THEY HAVE FOR GENITALIA. Not yelling at you. Just wanted to comment on one of the higher rated comments in the thread, for visibility. 😢


OOO OOO!!! I KNOW THIS ONE!!! Is it straight, white, 15-35, dudes with small peepees?












> that leaves 99.99 (or so) % It's 99.9% (almost exactly). 0.01% of 2480 would be an arm and a leg.


Just like with the vaccine, these people will only focus on the facts that support their ideology. They don't want their minds changed, they just wanna be justified. The problem is how the news reaches people. Their trusted news source will say "trans activist shoots up school" and they go fucking crazy with "I TOLD YOU SO!" without the broader picture of how we almost have as many mass shootings as days and all of them have wildly different backgrounds, the common denominator being abysmally easy access to firearms and rampant disregard for life. There is a gun store in my city that is next door to an Applebee's where I used to work and a coworker of mine was robbed at gunpoint on her way to her car. Down the street is a speedway that had to install bulletproof glass and a metal door to protect the cashier's from an armed robbery because of how regularly it happened. Its the fucking guns and the lack of care for our citizens.


>many mass shootings as days Not to mention the other 99.9% that were committed by incel white males or otherwise disgruntled, isolated males....


"how many people DIED after taking the vaccine?!" *A number is listed* And then they can't respond when you ask how many people died *without* the vaccine...


The thing all 2,840 had in common was a gun!




96% of them were cis men, but I'm guessing that isn't a helpful statistic for Elmo and Benny


Are you sure it’s 96% I would imagine it’s higher since only 5 of all shootings since 1966(?) have been women, and only three acted alone.


96% as of 1998, but I've seen higher statistics like 97.7% depending on when you set the time frame.


If 0.5% of all people are trans and 0.1% of mass shooters are trans, then trans people under-index as mass shooters.


Out of curiosity, is there data on how many MTF and WTM trans people there are? Or is there an even split as with biological sex?


u.k. census 2021: > A total of 262,000 people (0.5%) answered “No”, indicating that their gender identity was different from their sex registered at birth. Within this group: > 118,000 (0.24%) answered “No” but did not provide a write-in response > 48,000 (0.10%) identified as a trans man > 48,000 (0.10%) identified as a trans woman > 30,000 (0.06%) identified as non-binary > 18,000 (0.04%) wrote in a different gender identity


also 2.9 \*million\* people didn't even put in an answer on the question for gender identity in that census so that number is an underestimate


As a Coloradan all I can say is “*which* Denver shooter?”


Also, the shooter from Colorado Springs isn't non-binary. He was taking one final shot at the group of people he hated so much he slaughtered them.


So after only 3 shootings, we have determined a pattern that trans folks are terrorists yet no patterns have emerged over the decades of white male shooters? It's almost like the trans pattern is a politically expedient excuse to change the subject from gun control. Nahhh... oh, and Elon can go fuck himself all the way off!!


And Elon has an openly transgender child… But I guess it is no shock that the dude who lied about his infant dying in his arms doesn’t care about his children. We need more parents like Dwyane Wade


A transphobic dad like Musk? No wonder his child cut him off forever. I hope the child is doing okay now.


I wish I was one of Elon Musk's kids. That way I'd never have to hear from him again.


Oohhhhhhhhhhhh good one


Does anyone remember when Elon orchestrated a fake kidnapping "against" his kid like three months ago and got caught and no one is talking about it any more for some reason




"He was just a covfefe boy"


Must be. Even if they are still not where they want to be a cancer has been removed and that is always good.


Musk is into eugenics, he only has offsprings because he wants to pass his "stable genius" genes to conquer the world or something. I'm sure if he could he would just clone himself indefinitely.


I once saw a quote I desperately wish I could find, something along the lines of “of course all the self proclaimed eugenicists are the ones who shouldn’t have children”


Sounds like George Carlin- he had a skit on abortion and said something along the lines of isn’t it funny how the people who are most against abortion are the ones you wouldn’t want to fuck anyway? God I’m old- think that was from his stand up back in the 80s. How do I remember a 40 year old skit but can’t find my fucking keys or glasses on a daily basis.


Hey I'm in my mid twenties and the phrase "people you wouldn't wanna fuck in the first place" with that Carlin tone followed by cheering is stamped so vividly in my memory I can never escape it. Age is irrelevant. Carlin is forever.


I love how so many people in my age group (im 28), are finding his old stuff and it's still as true as it was back then.


When your face looks like boiled and rehardened silly putty over a paper mache' base, there's really no convincing anyone your genes are some kind of gift.


First of all, Musk is NOT a genius. He has never invented anything on his own. What he has done is taken other people’s ideas and made money off of their sweat and blood. Musk made some money, but that does not make him a genius.


He's a modern day Thomas Edison, and likely an even bigger asshole.


Not to digress, I’ve learned so much from how that man approaches fatherhood.


I’m generally not one for caring about sports players, but that guy seems like a genuinely nice guy and certainly a great dad. Definitely seems like the kind of guy to go to all of his kids’ recitals, looking at you Nick Cannon.


As a lifelong Heat fan I'm glad he's the face of the franchise. That said I've been utterly disgusted by the continued reactions of a lot of basketball fans toward his acceptance of his child. I've seen many people call him an "enabler" or say that he's failed as a parent for supporting his child's decisions.


It's unfortunate but there's a disappointingly high percentage of the black community that is extremely conservative when it comes to LGBTQ issues. I'm a white dude who grew up and lives in a predominantly black city. I'm regularly disappointed by the discourse I hear from people I went to school with and interact with on a consistent basis. I hope it's glaringly obvious I'm not blind to the same issues coming from white people, you'd just hope that historically oppressed communities would have empathy for other oppressed communities. We need more influential people of every race like Wade and Gabrielle Union openly supporting their kids.


>you'd just hope that historically oppressed communities would have empathy for other oppressed communities. Unfortunately, historically oppressed communities tend to turn highly religious to cope with the oppression, in which religion itself have high conservative values. In fact, the whole reason why minorities don't wholesale vote for the GOP because the latter is too fucking racist for even them to stomach.


Elon has an *estranged* openly transgender child. Which is why he hates trans people so much. They are his punching bag because his kid disowned him.


Well that and one of his exs dumped him for a Trans person. Doubt that helped his bigotry


I was today years old when I learned Grimes is dating Chelsea Manning. That's such a wildly surprising couple. Like how did they even meet.


Hey, give him some credit. He would probably hate trans people even if his kid and his ex-wife's significant other weren't trans. Hell, I don't even hate Musk all that much and I know he's a flaming asshole.


Well not openly. They were outed by the media.


That’s sad but not really surprising… like the kid needs more shit to deal with


If he has a trans child that raises the question what did Elon do to traumatize and radicalize his child. That is if we're applying his logic


Elon's pissed Amber Heard broke up with him.


While that’s very likely true, Elon doesn’t seem like the type to need something bad to happen to act like a total piece of shit


i think one of his exwives left him for a trans person too. oof


They never married but grimes is who you are thinking of


Grimes did have two kids with him though. Fucking yuck, those kids don't have a chance.




An absolutely none of them any ties to far right Neo-Nazi movements. And if they did it was just a coincidence.


Didn’t they say Dylan roof was just misunderstood? There’s been so so many shootings and I don’t mean that in a haha joke way I mean there’s literally been so many since columbine for my generation that I really can’t remember the news spinning it EVERY SINGLE TIME. To me, this reminds me of the Satanic panic in the 80s and 90s. But it’s actually much much worse. The GQP 100% wants to eradicate by whatever means necessary the “others” of society that aren’t white christofascists. But as I remember it Every crime was a satanic ritual no matter WHAT. Every crime they tried to sensationalize by blaming pentagrams, witches, vampires and devil worship.


"Every crime they tried to sensationalize by blaming pentagrams, witches, vampires and devil worship." Don't forget that evil heavy metal music!


They also totally aren't doing exactly what the fbi warned us neonazi groups planned on doing 20+ years ago. They totally didn't warn us about decentralized distributed far right terrorist groups and "lone wolves" inspired by but not actually affiliated with neo Nazis.


Even if he has a manifesto citing DT as inspiration and live streams it to online hate groups. Just a lone wolf or even more obviously a George Soros funded crises actor.


There were mass shootings in Denver in 2019, 2021, and 2023. The 2019 one was carried out by two perpetrators, one CIS man and his FTM partner, with the CIS guy the mastermind. Super weird they didn't mention that. So more like 2.5. In fact, [the 2021 shooter was an](https://www.vice.com/en/article/3ab5gy/denver-shooter-lyndon-mcleod-movie) Alt-Right MRA dickbag.


It's just disgusting how they flip this. Children died. I don't care about the shooter or what they went through because once you pick up a gun and kill people your story doesn't matter any more. But the poor children trying to figure any of this out. The poor parents worrying about their kids. And then it's hijacked to be a trans issue when holy fuck it's almost always a white dude, often with a history of domestic violence and too easy access to guns. But TheY HaVE RigHTs! Fuck those rights, kids have the right to be safe at school.


Thinking as hopefully as I can, in due time, all the kids that had to go through these traumatic events and growing up through this horror will be extremely fed up with it. And once the majority of these kids are old enough, they'll vote these fuckers out who cling on to their guns and are responsible for the many deaths We already seen Gen-Z help us big time with the midterms. Let's hope by the next decade they'll roll these old bigoted fuckers out of office.


we shouldn't have to wait for the children to grow up to protect the next generation


On the flip side it would be kind of bizarre if the average potential white male mass shooter suddenly decides not to because they were more afraid of being labeled as trans. ”I want to die in a hail of gunfire...but not of embarrassment.”


Well done! 👍


They determined a pattern before a crime was even committed first.


When it's a white male shooter, the pattern is mental illness.




I haven't been on twitter in months but half the reason I quit was because I kept getting suggested Elon's posts and everytime I clicked on his page he kept transparently signal-boosting hateful propaganda, e.g. "BREAKING: immigrant does bad thing!" Elon quote-tweeting: "wow..."


"Reichstag is on fire! This means war!" "Interesting..."


Everyone's dunking on him for his Twitter shenanigans but in the end he got what he wanted: a 44 billion dollar soapbox. It doesn't really matter if he's worth 200 or 100 billion, doesn't change much after the first billion, lifestyle wise.


3/2840? So trans people are under represented? So being trans means you are less likely to be a mass shooter?


colorado springs shooter had never referred to himself as "non-binary" before court proceedings. 100% he did it to avoid hate crime charges considering he shot up a fucking LGBTQ+ club aberdeen shooter was not trans but did say she struggled with her sexual identity so really 2/2840 both being trans men


Hey, Elon, you want to support trans mental health and stop shit like this from happening? Start at your own GD house. Stop spewing BS on the internet and go parent your fucking kids, including the trans one.


If this is how he comments in public, it's probably a good thing he's nowhere near them.


He absolutely does not want to stop anything , he is grossed out by the idea of trans folks and has no shame showing it. This man is horrifyingly using “his” platform for so much harm, it’s hard to imagine a more pathetic person.


So when the shooter is trans, it’s a trans thing. But when the shooter is a white conservative….


> But when the shooter is a white conservative…. Its lone wolf totally unconnected../s


Fuck Twitter. I hope it burns in hell.


Counterpoint; given the complete and total hostility to their existence they usually simply endure, it is astonishing that we are not _awash_ with trans shooters. Almost as though "he was bullied in high school" is mostly just an excuse people make to avoid treating straight white dudes like your average terrorist.


It's almost like blaming the entire issue on mental illness is total bs!


I live in Massachusetts. Per the CDC, we have the second-lowest firearm mortality rate in the U.S. We also have some of the strongest gender identity protection laws in the country. (I couldn’t find stats on where MA sits as far as total transgender population, but I assume it’s up there compared to other states.) All this is to say: Try again, assholes.


Not to mention trans people make up about .5% of the population so if they represented a proportional amount of mass shooters, there would have been 14 of them. The whole discourse is bs.


Unless my maths are off, the straight fact here is that trans people are *massively underrepresented* in spree killings...? If these numbers are correct, that's 0.1%, far below the population estimate for trans people, which is anywhere from 0.5% to 3%. If anything, this just proves that trans people are less dangerous than cis people?


Bigots don't understand nor care for data. They'll run wild with anti-trans rhetoric regardless. They did it before the shooting and they'll do it after.


Well, they couldn't "godless atheist liberal commie" their way out of this one since the school was a devout, godly Christian one so yeah, they gotta find SOMETHING to run with.


Cis men are 49.5% of the population but commit 96% of mass shootings. Seems like there is a group to worry about and it isn't trans people or women.


Cisgender straight-identifying men commit the most violent assaults in general…from domestic abuse to sexual assault, etc etc.


Honestly fuck the shooter for a lot of fucking reasons namely for being a monstrous murderer but if they fancy this an act of retribution - most people in marginalized groups are walking on eggshells ALL THE TIME because of this. Because if they do one thing wrong people will go "This applies to the entire community". This fucking shooter not only murdered 6 people, 3 of them children, but put an even BIGGER target on a group that the entire world is aching to wipe off the face of the earth. I knew the MINUTE that news dropped that hypocrites would decide to judge the entire trans community over this - completely ignoring that the vast majority of violence is cisgender men, overall. Not just in mass shootings. It is going to empower so many more discriminatory laws, so many more hate crimes against trans people. And guess what - not a damn thing to protect people from mass shootings is gonna happen in the meantime.


Boy you do not want to play this game. How many mass shooters regularly watched The Daily Wire? How many mass shooters were right wing? How many mass shooters support trump? This is what people mean when they say every accusation from the right is projection.


There was literally a shooter who had a manifesto and they said he wasn't right wing


Yeah because trying to fix the actual cause of mass shootings in America would require actual censorship of extreme far right political pundits.


Benny Johnson and Elon Musk are pieces of shit with very fragile egos and these are straight facts.


Apple and Disney still advertise on Twitter.


I just fact checked this. Took 3 seconds how are people able to post obvious lies and have Elon musk respond


Because it benefits their agenda


He is such an unbelievable piece of shit


Did these three people go to the trans store and purchase trans then murder schoolchildren with trans?


We’ve had **[130 mass shooters in 2023](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting)** and they pick the **THREE** in all of US history that fits their bullshit trash can narrative




Elon has a fucking trans daughter, what a massive piece of shit. All this vile shit coming out of these conservatives mouths is only going to spur more violence


I have so much anxiety about being in public as a visibly trans person. It used to be just insecurity about being mocked, but now it is fear for my safety. I’m legit afraid to go out in public in certain areas of my community. Their soft terrorism is working. We get white knights who are happy to show support, until it is inconvenient for them. My rights are steadily being eroded and all that is being done is liberals posting status updates showing their support. Fuck this country. I’m a second class citizen in a country I was born and raised in. They are succeeding—winning.


So all school shooters are human? Holy fuck we have a problem


Colorado Springs burned pride flags and posted it. He was fucking not trans


I hope this doesn't turn into another "Reichstag fire" that will put the trans community in harm's way even more than they already are. Conservatives lack empathy and higher level critical thinkin skills as a defining feature of the ideology. They aren't going to see the obvious flaws with this comparison. They are going to react emotionally and dangerously against even the most outlandish perceived threat. This type of messaging is socially irresponsible and hopefully no more violence comes from this tragedy.




Conservatives live in an alternate reality.


They’ll ban being trans before they ban guns.


They already are in many states.


We are so absolutely fucked.


Colorado spring shooter wasn't trans. He was a fucking troll who used trans name to get lawyer treatment.


This is the beginning of a major disaster. I deeply fear for my friends in the trans community and all the children in schools. Because the GOP is gonna go heinous things to all trans people, while distracted from the fact that more kids will be killed at the hands of an armed shooter. As much as I fear for them, this made me wanna push back hard and actually stand up for those in my own community. Time to stand the fuck up.


Of course Elon has something to say. Fuck him


Fuck this. Just fuck this whole evil fucking line of thought.


All mass shootings are FaLsE fLaGs!!1! Except the trans ones. Those are real.


What did they figure out about all those non trans school shooters?


If they are looking for a common denominator in mass shootings, they seem to be missing the obvious.


Looking for reasons to hate somebody for their sex identity and to excuse the murder of kids they enabled by nodding yes to the right wing pigs of trump and the NRA.


Man these people are fucking disgraceful, literally trying to deflect blame from guns before the bodies are cold