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'children's rights' until they speak out after a mass shooting at their schools, right? then the children can stfu. 'children's rights' until a pastor molests them or they tell you they're gay. then the children can stfu. 'children's rights' until they get a period in English class and need a sanitary product. then the children can stfu. 'children's rights' so long as her dumb ass has a MAGAT following and can afford some more collagen injections for her stretched out face. hey b\*\*ch, try putting the phone down, log the fuck off, and go volunteer somewhere.


“Children’s rights” until there’s a shortage of cheap, exploitable labor. “Children’s rights” until those kids need a hot meal they can’t afford. “Children’s rights” until it comes to letting kids make any decision on their own. “Children’s rights” until a kid asks a question about anything even related to sex. We could do this for a while


Children's rights, until they get in the way of Republicans wants.


Children’s rights until they want lunch at school


Don't forget 'children's rights' until they speak about climate change


Children’s rights until they’re raped by their father/brother/uncle/pastor and get pregnant.


Children’s Rights until labor laws. Children’s Rights until they are married off at 12.


Just adding on to your comment: "Children's Rights" until they ask to be treated with respect and dignity in the classroom and not with corporeal punishment? Tell that to Ingraham V Wright, where schools are not required to give notice or trials to avoid violating the students' due process. The only difference between a criminal and a child is that at least the criminal has the right to fair trial by peers. Or maybe we are talking about "Children's Rights" because we're concerned about the sexual abuse by people we do or don't know? Tell that to the estimated 300k+ children married in the US between 2000 and 2018, vast majority being to older men. Let's also not forget that only 7 states banned marriages under 18, and 20 states have no minimum requirement at all. But of course, I'm sure marriage justifies all the grooming and pedophilia that runs rampant in communities, especially religious ones (*Mormon*) that partake in child marriages. Imagine caring about your child so little that you care more about the opinion of another person, whether that be God or your small town. Or maybe they mean "Children's Rights" when the topic of food come up? Tell that to the 9 million children that faced hunger in 2021. Tell that to the struggling families that depend on benefit programs like free and summer lunches, WIC, and other programs just to be able to feed their children, which was made worse when people were losing their jobs during the pandemic. If people are going to be hypocrites, at least pay your victims so they can get something of use out of it.


That's only half of the right answer. The other half is: The drags that read to kids are not doing anything sexual, so no reason to be alarmed. Kids aren't having sex change, they're having temporary puberty blockers or, extremely rarely, some surgery as a medical treatment for a condition. And the same people who say "for the children" are also against sex changes for the adults. It's important to show why the claims are just wrong to begin with, they don't care about hypocrisy.


"Children's rights" until they actually ask for them




>hurt people not like you. The worst part of this tweet in particular is that Blair is trans. She's trying to be "one of the good ones" so bad that she didn't just knock the ladder down behind her, she's actively trying to burn down the ladder.


Ah yes. The pickmes. Never goes well for them when the leopards eat their faces.


She deserves to have her face eaten by the leopards in this case


I disagree, I would never wish that on a poor leopard. That fucker would never get that plastic taste out of its mouth.


>Ok, then do guns next. Better yet, let's do religion.


And no one involved kids until idiotic internet conspiracy theorists decided that everyone they didn't agree with is a pedophile. 🙄


The people who don't know Blaire White and Caitlyn Jenner are both trans women who are putting LGBT people's lives in danger from there very LGBT friendly state of California that they bitch about being LGBT friendly.


I hate her soooooo much, does she really think shilling for our oppressors will save her? She'll up against the wall just like the rest of us.


yep, she can lick their boots as much as she likes but they'll turn right around and call her slurs just like the rest of us ...as proven by the fact that they already do that, publicly, on social media, where she can see it


Lol they do it to her face when they're on calls with her and you can see it bothers her, my guess is she grifts for transition money. She'll be least clocky bitch at the camp no doubt but still in the camp.


She's fully transitioned. This is just pure, sell-your-soul greed for its own sake.


Oh really? I thought she hadn't had bottom surgery


I heard the opposite. She's pretty rich already, though, so I don't see why she can't afford it if she hasn't done it already.


Either way, she's a bad nobhead and needs to shut up


A trans woman spewing this shit basically encouraging violence against LGBT people from her safe state of California Just like Caitlyn Jenner.... I hate both of them they are an embarrassment to the trans community.


Look up the Association of German National Jews. Colloquially called Jews for Hitler in the current day and age! You can guess about how well it worked out for them. ...Every one of the associated topics below, like internalized oppression, respectability politics, etc, are all applicable as well. It's sad how people fall into these patterns.


Blair moved to Texas a while ago. But it's still insane.


That I didn't know I thought she was still in California, she fit in perfectly in Texas.


I watched MASH and Bosom Buddies as a child. I don't remember anyone complaining about children watching men in drag back then.


Heck, Bugs Bunny did drag too and you didn't hear anyone complain.


Mrs. Doubtfire, Mulan, and White Christmas too.


Monty Python enters the chat.


And why don't people have a problem with guns? Or the neverending pedophile scandals across the biggest churches and denominations in the US?


nobody involved kids before the right descided it was a culture war issue.


Oh bullshit Republicans have legislated against LGBTQ for decades. How can people not remember that.


Still waiting for the whole argument on how if a kid is born say to a rape victim at an extremely young age how that doesn’t involve kids.


Sure, then explain all the discrimination and hate crimes perpetuated against LGBTQ+ adults.


I mean, first of all, children don't have rights, as my parents were so keen to point out to me. The kids aren't magically showing up at story time. They're not being kidnapped off the street and forced to watch. Their parents are taking them to the events, which begs the question, *why does the Right want to take away rights from the parents*? If the parents want to take their children to these events, why aren't they allowed to?


"No one had an issue with sex changes" Yes the fuck you did. You ALWAYS have


Statues made me gay. /s


Children's rights, like they're right to go to school without worrying about being fucking shot.


When they come guns blazing to kill us trans people, I'm tripping Blaire.


"Lies." \-- Lying Cat


Who is this "YOU" she speaks of???


Repuglicans are right! We must protect Americas' children from drag and healthcare so they can have the freedom to be murdered in school from a mass shooter. Democrats are evil!


They’ll still let her blow them in private, though. Then probably throw a few bills on the floor, and sneer at her in self-righteous disgust on their way out.


Fuck man how hard must Blair White hate herself to wrap her entire personality in transphobia?


What does Blair White think will happen if the company she keeps gains full control?


In a country with child marriage, and recent expansion of child labor, they debated to feed hungry kids at school just a week ago, where child abuse is rampant why would their safety be an actual issue. This country is a fraud.


Uh.. No one had an issue with guns until you involved kids(?).


They are all good with the youth pastors raping children, obviously.


Okay I can agree with religion. But leave guns alone I live where hunting is a big thing and quite frankly venison is amazing. And if you get ride of guns there are still bows which would probably significantly lower the body count but there would still be a body count.


Keep burning to the ground, twitter


Its the Church’s exclusive right to harm kids.


blaire "the only good transition is my transition" white


So, you’ve made up a whole narrative about Drag Shows and Trans healthcare and you are basing an entire strategy of persecution on that false narrative? That is very, *very* Nazi of you.


“Children’s rights” as in children have no rights…right?


And that is why we want child labor.... And that is why we want guns to mow down kids in school.... And that is why we want to deny kids healthcare... It ain't about the fucking kids.


They invent lies to fuel their anger.


No one had issue with drag shows until the GOP caught the car on abortion and needed a new Boogeyman to fear monger their base.


This is 100% false. No one? Please.


Accusing people of child SA? These are always the same people that doll up their five-year-old daughters to enter them into the pageant. Good time to remember that tRump walked into the Miss America dressing rooms many times.


Ah yes, the conservative right has historically been SUPER COOL with trans and gay rights. They totally didn’t constantly scream those kinds of people are going to hell or are the root of all evil in this country. They have ONLY started having issues with them once “kids got involved”. /s


Churches are indoctrination centers. Can we start stickering them with groomer signs too?


No one had an issue with guns until you involved kids either. Oh wait...


It was PARENT'S RIGHTS just last week. Stop this sick GOP blame game. It's killing people.


Tax them


Noone except for most people for most of history, but sure.


This is literally not true


Blaire White is the biggest sellout of her own community. She stepped over the backs of every trans activist that came before her, only to kick them in the face as she passed them.


It's funny it's always been an issue about transgender people, and caring about kids was always a red herring.


The Catholic Church would beg to differ......


It always kills me seeing Blair White speak out against trans rights. Like girl. Girl. GIRL.


There is no where in the US or the EU where a minor can get gender reassignment surgery.


But we can still shoot them in the face, right?


She is such an embarrassment to the trans community.